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Support of the sub protests in syria grew pushing the country further into an economic crisis. Already rock by a decade of western sanctions on more for us sanctions this time against around im, its called the sport industry. But despite the hit surrounds economy, keeps on growing, officially demonstrated by as late as look a lot of the one minute past 6 in the evening. Here in law school, youre welcome to then use our lets get into workshop story. This thursday, the Prime Minister of canada is firmly in the spotlight following a nazi collaborator being applauded and also is parliament. Justin crudo has apologized on essentially everybodys behalf. But himself, even filling in a system with ukraine, comment in response to the airport. But the opposition arent buying it. I take personal responsibility for this shame and personally apologize on behalf of himself. All of us in this house on friday, finally take personal responsibility. The outgoing speaker took responsibility and resigned. As was the right thing to do when will he start taking ownership for his failures and apologize for them . All. Physician concentrates on personal attacks on me. I will stay focused on building more affordable housing, delivering things like the grocery benefits on delivering child care at 10. 00 a day under this Prime Minister. A nazi was honored in this place in question, is this who speaks for canada . And if its not this Prime Minister, isnt it time for canadians to have one who will . But i think theyre also interested in seeing whos trying to make part as an hey, i was trying to look for games out of what was obviously a terrible, terrible mistake. But moscow has expressed its a still measurement with mr. Crudo making an apology to the victims of the holocaust while at the same time continuing to support ukraine, which has incorporated neo nazi regiments into its military. The Russian Ambassador to canada. As also said, most schools could seek an extradition request against the figure in question. The oldest love who kept the other that while canada would dearly loved to put the scandal behind it. Also a needs to take responsibility for the offense power to run the world. The so called apology delivered by Prime Minister to low and the house of commons is not an apology at all. And these words are not enough. I believe that despite the deep controversies between moscow in auto, amid the current geo political situation, the government and parliament of canada are obliged to find the courage and apologize to all russians into the Russian Community of canada. For the shameful incident that the whole world witnessed on september 22nd to. Well, lets retail the astonishing event this past friday in the Canadian Parliament in front of a packed house of commons chamber. You gotta stop and get the 98 year old ethnic you creating whos served in inventory as unit of the watson ss was hailed as a ukrainian on canadian hero who had fought against quote, the russians in world war 2. That was in reference to the red army which incidentally had bustled a 3rd reich with canada. And its, its a lie aside from russia, poland is also considering an extradition play for the symmetric for souls Administrative Education Center request to investigate whether mr. Hun guys wanted for crimes committed against polish nationals. Meanwhile, the canadian immigration minister says its time to come to terms with the country shudder. We passed where the doors were open for those who terrorized europe. While the victims were refused, protect canada has a really talk. You through with not cease in canada, there was a point to now history when it was easier to get in as a nazi then it was as a jewish person. I think thats a history we have to reconcile. I mean, it doesnt appear a lot has changed through time. Fucking 2020 in the canadian city of oakville, police opened up an investigation. And after the words nazi war monument were written on this stone landmark commemorating those who served with think a lets see a s s division, particularly bar bar. Its not c unit based in ukraine comprising of the printing collaborators, such as governors, lab, who members have been accused of killing over a 1000000 polish women and children. Andrews during the 2nd one inforcement classified the instant as a hate crime, raising yet more questions by canada. As priorities well, do i just say we can cross live on the program to editor in chief of the greystone news arts at mux bloom and tell to hear his thoughts on whats been a quite a stone a showing a few days marks. Im sure you agree. Can i touch up on justin . Crudo . Is political faith, freshly. Do you think he will be held accountable or has he successfully put it under the rug or its christy freeland, who really needs to be held accountable for this. She received an through z, asked equally clapping, the deputy Prime Minister, overcome with joy as this waffen s. As galicia veteran was fed and celebrated in parliament. And its christie, a freeland, who should know exactly who this person. Yes, love whom go was what the wife and s s did. Because her own grandfather michael, chummy x served as one of hitlers top propagandist top you creating and propagandist in occupied for time. Poland and came over on the right line with thousands of wife and ss veterans and nazi collaborators from ukraine in the Baltic States in the 1950s. And so she knows this history, she knew as soon as youre a slide from go, was announced to he was and she clap the most enthusiastically and she is unable now to provide details to the press, one asked about how many thousands of off and assess veterans were allowed in because it would require excavating once again the history of her family, which she explicitly lied about when she became foreign minister. And it 1st came to the surface. Now theyre trying to sweep the whole thing under the rug again. The canadian federal government refuses to release over 600 pages of records about the naturalization of nazis in the 1950s in here. But the truth is going to come out and i think it will. Okay. Alternately devour this entire government. I think its worth rate reminding ourselves as well. Another aspect of all this by crudo was liberal Party Members to completely raise the event from official records in parliament. I put that to you. Thats a great idea. Just say it never happened, then youre good in the history books. Yeah, well, what theyve done in the past, for example, after Christie Freeland became foreign minister and properly used that position as opposed for ins. Instigating conflict with russia which shes spent her entire career doing as a trained ukrainian nationalist cod youre and defacto intelligence agents of the ukranian nationalist soviet era under ground. She was exposed for having been the grand daughter of one of hitlers top propagandists. And actually having worked under former nazi propaganda as while she was nurturing her journalistic career and she simply lied and got away with it. And then with justin schrupo and his administration did was blamed the entire affair on russian. This information, now we see richard o returning to that playbook. Oh yes, love whom god nazi says the veteran was invited because of russian this information. So hes basically telling the canadian press, if you report this, youre helping put and then youre spreading this information. And this time, theyre not having it, he doesnt have a plan b, he is told his age and close colleagues to not talk about this, assuming that it would go away. But its not going away. And now the conversation about canada, sponsoring and training contemporary nazis in ukraine is going to have to begin as well. Well just expanding on the point. How do you assess the outage you towards nazi id ology in canada . It just appears that you can, you can defend, cease as long as youre going after russians, even if that means the red army, which canada fought against in world war 2. There seems to be locked of, of knowledge about what their own country was involved in. Historically, but, but the not see a element of all this is starting to bubble and come to the 4 marks. Well, its, theres of, we finally seen a red line established in which main stream canadian culture is deciding once again, that nazi isnt was wrong. And its going to have to excavate this ugly history and bring out the 1986 files about how the canadian liberal governments of the 1950s gave favorable treatment to men who would show the ss tattoos on their arms because they saw them as anti communist shock troops, and we will have to learn about how Pierre Trudeau justins father refused to ring that truth out because he was afraid of stroking ethnic tensions between Canadian Jews and canadian Eastern Europeans. But were also going to have to revisit the history of kinetic candidates embassy and keith in 2014 giving shelter to the neo nazi see 14 gang after it ransacked key of city hall and festooned the walls with swastikas confederate flags and white power insignia. Were going to have to paul general wayne, i are out. Who is the chief commander of the Canadian Forces who has explicitly refused to apologize for applauding this neo nazi veteran and learn about canadas leading role in training. The neo nazi as of battalion at the grays. And we have documented at least 2 training sessions between canadian top level officers and leadership of the as a battalion, including its, its current, defacto liter dentist, pro co panko. This took place in 2017, in 2018 and it probably continues to this day. The friends of the signing wheezing call center in canada has asked for records about canadas training of this neo nazi battalion and canadas. Military has refused to abide. So the pressure needs to continue. As long as we are going to say that nazi isnt, is immoral and wrong, it should not be supported today. We in speaking too much, but them and tell editor in chief of the grace own news, i click next time says all list for your time. I to thank you so much now despite present and so and see being among those who applauded generous love, who okay, the printing liter himself has received apology over the incident. Well, its not the 1st time the ukranian president has been in broiling similar controversy during a trip to the heart of the region in september last year. So and it was pictured with a soldier wearing and nazi inspired insignia at who appear to be guarding the ukrainian president directly. When the photograph provoked i for agents social media, the premiums leaders official accounts was quietly at removes while the western media has come to. To lensky defense jew too, as jewish roots, but american actors and comedian, whos on the bar, has a different perspective on all the state prison. The self is jewish, so obviously he is de facto know enough i know, but a is not a good one just as a guys i do. It doesnt mean he likes jews or that hes doing anything good for the jews. Just test our standard fall belt. Mean, there can fault, you know, what i mean . The last is drews price is a crown argument of him not being able to support the analyses. But weve seen numerous slee came on the front line, or elsewhere, making a photos with the, with the ukranian soldiers. Weiner had half patches of the escalation of the unit where, uh, when i was serving in world war 2. And this unit is being raised over to front, its being raised in ukraine. This should worry not only your canadians, but i would say everybody who is supporting this side since it is. And you know, you all agree on extermination of the, of the whole peoples, the propaganda machinery in the west will continue to do high because the last keys on the image as it has done, it will do that for, for a certain period of time in the future for sure, and they will just trying to ignore the connections between the last he and, and the on autism on the, on the front. Not only on the front. I mean, theyre already in oxygen, in any training in parliament, germany to have the rest, the distance itself from the full load and also for a living sage, its an bastard to canada, to his presence in the colored house of autumn. At the time the spectrum was under a new idea of who he was with just following the broad r t dot com or the head of the nikoto caught it by region, has a nice the by january 1st, next year the territories name will cease to exist as also by john takes full control the statements of stuff, the process of dissolving local institutions has already become in connection with the complicated military political situation. Proceeding from the priority of ensuring the physical security and vital interest of the people of arch soft in accordance with the agreement, reached through the mediation of the command of the russian peacekeeping. Contingent with representatives of the republic adviser by john a decision has been made. One to dissolve all state institutions and organizations under their departmental subordination before january 1st 2024, and the republic of new gore. No, kara back arch sock ceases to exist in Pacific Region bordering the curve of its the 28th of september. And itd be when the government of itself is officially declared. The name of the republic will no longer exist for bucks, so frequent fall has been dwindling. Over the regions weve been original conflicts for decades, but after the painful loss in 2020, and the i mean in the governments acknowledgement, the bill itself is a part of a set by john. Its simply hard. No way out. It isnt all just the deal for me to uninstall just from the chromebook and according to yours. On more than 65000 people have already fled to media number greater than the cost of the original population of our Regional Government does its best to deal with the influx. So for instance, you just put their futures still unclear to speaking over the numbers. 120000 people fleeing from the curb up is almost done. Percent meaningful police dont. I mean, at the moment, of course, the center of the same equation is now flawed with refugees. I mean, an Emergency Services and International Organizations representative already or r t corresponding donald corporate talk to us through the background to the united spend and how theyve been sitting there going to cut our bank escalated so rapidly a bullet for many i just didnt have enough reasons to want their president nicole bush and yon out of power before they definitely do. With this statement from the head of nicole in a car box, essentially declaring full capitulation to azerbaijan with azerbaijan. Its a so called Anti Terrorist operation, taking full control of that region. And just one day, last week were, weve seen over 65000. 00 refugees fleeing to armenia, and thats well over half of no go in the car box total population. On top of that. Weve seen that the former head of the gordon, a car, bach. Ruben barton young is facing 14 years in prison and as are by john after he was detained on wednesday after trying to flee into armenia and all the while pushing on his essentially done nothing serious to stand in the way of all this. Instead of taking responsibility for these colossal political failures or trying to change the situation in some way. Hes basically saying that posit by john is not only responsible for this actually this, but its also committing ethnic cleansing. Lets take a listen. 7 out of the exodus of armenians from new garner car boss as a result, adviser about johns ethnic cleansing, policy continues. So now, now as, as of the situation shows me that in the coming days there will be no armenians left in regarding a car of this is an act of ethnic cleansing and probably didnt as well. It looks like no sort of appealing to the European Union for help or having us military drills really did any good for pushing young. But its interesting to consider if he ever really was willing to put up a serious fight for an a go or in a car box. Either considering the fact that several times in the past, he said essentially that the governor part of a car box is part of officer by johns territorial integrity. The most recent time he said Something Like this was in may of this year, this like which one with us about johns 86600 square kilometers, also include new garner car. But it should also be noted that we say that the issue of the rights and security of the new guard car about armenians should be discussed box and stuff on a card form as. So if you had another massive political failure on pushing youngs hands and the ensuing political unrest, weve seen as a result of it, who knows how much longer were going to be calling passion, yon Prime Minister of the country, dolo quarter, when we spoke with a member of the National Assembly of our media, who sees that not only is mr pushing in selling i to his own people. Hes also trying to destabilize relations with neighboring rash. Lenses to be this is, i mean, we are witnessing the sale of National Interest on the part of pushing on which is most likely coordinated with the us or by johnny turkish and American British parties about the transfer of a new garner kind of box to the power of us, of a john in 2018 as a result of a qu, data source, protege, pushing the on was brought to power. Even then there was a lot of evidence that he was brought to power with one goal. So that the, in the garden of car boss republic would cease to exist and due to popular anger under any pretexts, subsequently withdraw the 100 and the 2nd russian face from the republic of our missionaries pushing me on a cheap this falls thanks to c. I a and i, my 6 us and you, i was brought to power with one single goal to discredit the Strategic Alliance of russian armenia. But this fails, thanks to the decisive actions of the Russian Federation the enemy over enemy is there a friend that appears to be the renewed message of washington is sending in a social media post stating that the us supports. Im think government protesters currently rolling in syria. Deputy assistant secretary of state ethan gold rich spoke with through spiritual liter reiterating our support for syrians, freedom of expression included peaceful protest and so wide a Blood Pressure holiness. Again, save a short Assad Government typing under way since last month supported sunset. Fuel by the west, demonstrators are unhappy with the plan by damascus to eliminate fuels subsidies. In the midst of an economic crisis. Situation has been compounded by the regions 12 years, conflict sustained decade, long western sanctions against those sanctions. One of the main capital. This of the current prices were imposed on syria in 2011 after 7 more or less the states and its people. In a dire humanitarian condition, the western decrees forbid any political activity or investment in the region. Same funds will help bring the Assad Government. Don, syria is one of several nations like venice, where they run in cuba that are being subjected to western sanctions as well as statements like we support protesters which contributed to chronic economic instability. Meanwhile, us by curtis, that groups of impose the curfew and parts of eastern surrey after at new classes, are opted with rival art militiamen know for media, say the Syrian Democratic forces oppositions with implemented the measure. The Oil Rich Region is home to some of service, largest, all the fields of also being us troops stationed there for at least 8 years with enforcement and extracting oil from the area. But political on financial analyst, angelo juliano, is of the few. Washington is solely to blame for the dire situation in syria, owing to the quote fest of the concrete Natural Resources and in possession of function. And i think at this point uh is it is a vase more by no, he did these actually. I guess i saw the most of the read any news, the combatants actually a lot of danger as it used to be. So i think its a tiny minority. Its probably not the real danger. I think a syria is probably heading towards the right direction. What is michigan right now for syria is the income from or, and which is stored by the us. A large part of c res occupied is actually public that which is part of syria with there. Theres boy. So you was each tv that boy. And if celia had, thats all, it would be a completely different game. And this is why you still have a fight troops on, on syrians, sorry. Its just to see the own and club city. Clearly, we up there to steal the oh, even if they had those resources, we did the faith different game. Meanwhile, washington continues to try and de real toyota on this time. Literally, the Us Treasury Department has a nice new sanctions against around taking aim at a network of companies. And individuals that facilitate from the sports in the country are to use use of to allow the reports known hard run. This currently leading the trucks are worked around the rail sector has recently become the full performance otherwise, efforts to boost disconnect if any of the west attempts to do rail the countries for a trade. Now some of the big names in well engineering and Rolling Stock firms, i pretend that it was International Rail exhibits to highlight the latest trends and develop the countries Rail Transport system. The International Rail exhibition is one of the biggest events. So the way this rate in the middle east companies from russia, china, serbia, and turkey, among others, have attended at the expo to network and showcase the latest Achievement Center technology in the way of sector. What about the we have been working in iran for a long time, more than 15 years since we already have good transport partners. We came here to strengthen our ties, introduced russian partners to rent and trust with combination product and theyre active and brand new fracturing all different types of freight, rankins asset into the cortez different types of political motifs. And also really paid different types of rolling and starts in math, no company. And in my company, we are responsible for the cross direction, operate the entire city rate of a. And it could, if you cation, after a, is a and the mitchell projects, as with many other industries nearby, on their way away sectors, suffers for its sanctions imposed by the wes. This has led to a sharp fall in for an investment and the resulting wear and tear of the countrys railway fleets. However, the bass, ive had their own civil line as they have time to do, want to think of and digitizing a significant portion of industry from with way, fleets to freight cars and even locomotives manufacturers. Heres a good one. He had made wagons are now rolling to countries like cuba, syria, and some of them will soon be exported to other places, including africa and the right. Its a photo all the positive development that we have witnessed recently is to deepen the indigenous ation of the real sector. Any ron once we used to be dependent on in ports. But today we have been able to provide our own signaling services in our real way network. We can produce wagon breaks and looking motives. We can also develop real tracks, which is currently really needed. This sector has made remarkable progress in recent years. But its not enough that one has a 15000 kilometer long railway networks. Its mainly connects us northern provinces to its southern parts. The country has over the past year, has been trying to expand its rail system through compass its border areas and connect them to its neighbors. The measure comes as part of efforts to complete the International North south transport corridor, which is an emerging trade draft that connects washer and Eastern Europe all the way to india. A South East Asia has recently been investing significantly the development of its rail sector to facilitate cargo transports to the north south quarter. In may, yvonne and russia assigned to 1600000000. 00 contract to complete the rushed austin, of our railroad in north of iran, which will link the existing railways of the 2 countries as well as that of us are by john. The country is also finalizing a key search here and ill be on university sees right away. And its Southwestern Seas phone number, which is non province, which will connect the swim lines to india that it and give it to you to cheve the set trends that are good between iran, russian, india. Weve had to also have agreements with other beneficiaries. I just like your menace down and because externally thats why it was signed the quadrille, la total agreement. Last year between iran, russia minnes dont and conflicts done based on the wage with offer discounts on the parental terrace. Were car gloves that come from india. It started with us and was for now the royal sector accounts for 10 percent of the runs the total cargo transit. This of the country has sort of targets of 30 percent by 2024. So it will, it seems to be significantly behind the schedule for the 30 sir said theyre seizing any chance, including salt to exhibit, shuns to attract the needed investment as upgrade your loans, rail slate, as they believe. Railway transportation holds the key to our sanctions for foreign trade. Use of general, these are 2 to one. No one will be spared. That was the response of indian chief minister, byron sing in reference to the killing of 2 units in money per box in july. But the speed of the subsequent probe has been criticized coming us to cities rock by a wave afresh. One, a Security Forces fired bullets or anything least, the government will not tolerated. And disciplinary action will be taken against them. In cases of major injuries, investigations will be carried out to bring them justice. If our children get on justified treatment, even from our own forces, disciplinary action will be taken. For our to correspond origin sharma picks up the story from there into the lift stage, from the Northeastern State of money for off till 5 months. And as soon as the bank was lifted, well we saw was big. Chill was 2 minus 217 year old students that went wider old or the internet. They will 1st give not. And then cues truly hawk became chose that led to an agent out trying to save money for we saw student bodies, young. So speaking of wileys for testing against the state government, im the central government. And while the authorities to dispose of the clouds, they resorted to tea. A gas shelley, which loves to most students being injured. Now its been nearly 5 months more than 150 people enjoyed over 50000 people displeased. Yet money port is still born in, which is why when the chief meant a sort of money for, sees that nobody will be bad. Many are starting to believe that these are false assurances and its just me. So is because despite 5 months gone, everything is not well a month for a while and is adopting every all the students youngsters. Now theyve picked up simply because they dont trust the government to do its job, which is to protect them all the money for a while. And remember its decades ordered to to community. The majority might be community in the Minority Community fighting each other, but its also so they saw the money goes home to 1. 00 along this tony insurgencies in south asia. So yes, lots of complexities bought many feel that your food has been done. And despite this decades long wireless, the fresh sheet on the wall and said, weve seen this here in 2023 has put big to learn even why you some out of particularly have go out of control. Money poor has now become a plastic example for you state the. I dont want to bring you this finely Russian Aviation on our toner. We have repelled half a dozen attacks by Ukraines Armed forces against the net stop coming from mosque was ministry of at defense. This thursday, while the military operation continues r t correspondence div sweeney sent us this report, and how Russian Troops are preparing for the front lines. Here with this Training Center in an undisclosed location in the dont yet for public. So just all preparing to return to the

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