Contribution to say regarding the territorial integrity of indonesian, the sixtys, the about point of provinces. But sometimes i ask young indonesians whether theyre weird. The the biggest statue in jakarta was billed by our country and they are not for of that one of the biggest hospitals in jakarta. The friendship hospital was also billed by a country and a friendship actually means friendship between the new nation. The soviet union, of course were trying, i mean, the embassy, were trying to do a lot to revise this memories. For instance, in the near future were planning and we are organizing a soccer matches and deliverable, cardinal, and we hope that we can install it, come on the way to black on this building so that people leaving the cart that would know that it was due by the soviet union, but its not enough. We can do much more. And of course we need to make our people closer and our friendship stronger. Im. Im absolutely confident that we can do that. You have been the russian investments indonesia for more than 5 years in your opinion, what achievement the 2 countries in terms of bilateral relations by electro cooperation should be specially product the. Oh, well our relations have been on the rise the for the less to 20 year, especially after president will be the media. I mean go what just inquiring to who is the daughter of present so comfortable visited moscow in 2003 and met with president putting us in then. So we have a sous beds and we helping, developing our cooperation in different areas are tre, turn over, has been growing. We have some doing projects. Again, its still enough of course safe where you can see there are enjoying population. No more. There. 400000000. We can do much more, but unfortunately, coffee and put everything on stand by. So for 2 years it was a pause. I would say uh, but since then again, the pace has been growing. Weve been enjoying an active political dialogue between our 2 leaders. As you know, a person joke where we dont go, visited most co last year. Uh. Our president s has spoken on the phone several times or the minutes till 4 and the fear is a rush of 50 level because it is a jakarta uh 4 times in the last 2 years. Uh, on bilateral uh, visit, also for International Meeting and the for the, the indonesia was hosting. We have very good cooperation in the international. How old is it . Any organization including the un . Because our views on what is happening in the world are quite similar or, or close. Uh, we have the a, a good, a cooperation in torres. Weve seen an increase so, especially after the close of course, increase over tourist arrivals to indonesia, from russia. We have cooperation in decay Educational Area right now around 800. 00 in the lesion. Students are studying in different cities of russia and they will all become were, are the boxes are oh, for russia to indonesia because they all keep very good memories of the times. They spent in russian over the russian friends, somebody when have brought whites or husbands . No, thats also humanitarian context for you. So oh, nice ties. It was. And what about the business . What areas us specifically attractive for russian indonesian interpreters . Actually uh, since the change of do a political situation, weve seen an increase of interest from russian businesses towards the indonesian and there are few Success Stories for those. Uh, uh, one of the the, the biggest uh, companies that provides uh, online tech c services. Uh, actually they are from russia. So yeah, lets say in this younger. No. No, it stopped. Yeah, thats similar. Its maxime vaccine work seems so in 7 to see these in indonesia, you can see that see maxine, when maxime is the name of the founder its its a success story. But of course there are many areas i t. First of all, the Russian Companies working here uh, energy including nuclear image, course of indonesian government has not taken yet the political decision to include Nuclear Facilities in their system. But its a matter of time because indonesia use developing the very speedy pace, more than 5 parts per cent girl. So g d p per year. And of course that requires a lot of energy. So Nuclear Energy would be one of the options. And we hope that whenever indonesian government will be ready to impute the new care option, they will, uh, they will actually, uh, it does a chance to do that. A little soft them is in contact with the relevant indonesian or forward twos. Uh, especially uh, you know, the plans of indonesian government to transfer the capital to calling on them. And again, they will need a lot of energy there because they are also trying to plan it as the green seat is a smart city. So you can are g office would be one of the option to goes into sense its, its a green energy, especially calling on the time being the only area in indonesia that theres not prone to us quakes, which is very important. Of course, um your crowns building. Um infrastructure uh pharmaceuticals. So the, the, theres a lot of those area and agriculture products next month. Were expecting a Business Mission from russia, and that will come with the not only with foot products that we can explore to indonesia, but also technologies. And the indonesians side is very interested in technologies of course. So thats what we can provide. Thats what we can share and we hope there will be even more interaction and coming back to human ties. Indonesia is because on and today it moves in country. And there is a significant Muslim Community in russia as well. How close a do the followers of islam in indonesia and russia interact with each other, doesnt they . They always interaction between um, the eastland communities in russia and indonesia, indonesian a person is a member of the um, group. Uh uh, east lum rush, a substitute division, and he attends regularly the meetings of this group. He is one of the prominent members of the biggest, one of the biggest muslim organizations in indonesia and for he says he attended because on form last year and the celebrations of the new vers through 101 1100. 00 anniversary of islam coming to a russia last year we also had the visit by, uh, one of, uh, uh, the move to move to come done. Uh, who is uh, the leader of one of the biggest, um, some organizations in russia. So uh, this connection has been established and i can tell you people in indonesia follow closely what is happening uh, in russia. Uh, there is a big interest. How um, the slum, uh, and the muslims leaf. Uh, i think here we, we share a similar to familiarity with the indonesia because uh, both washing the means you have this tradition of, uh, harmonically existence of people from different religions. Uh so uh, also one of the places that the indonesian tourists liked to visit is the best of course. Uh it ive, ive also had, ive heard news that even there was uh, some couples that i wanted to get married there. So um, yes, do. There is this, the connection and you know, people know for is those then when present twitching was integrating. The cathedral most pin uh moscow. He said that a russia in the sense is a Muslim Country and this is very well known and indonesia nice to invest. So that you just mentioned is specific to political situation that we have right now in the world due to russia, ukraine conflict. And there was a server recently conducted by an analyst from a local indonesian company. And they found out that many indonesians expressed their support actually for russias special news, reparation in ukraine, and at the same time, site and negative approach to nato. And in general, to the western narrative and western approach and understanding of the conflict. Did these discoveries surprise you . Well, that is to uh uh, in the sense yes, when the conflicts start to, when are especial mil to appraise has taught to. Of course, we were wondering how people will react when you about the official reaction or decline martha, which was not very pro russian to put it mildly vague. Costs what cost pulse or the General Assembly a resolution which was very uh, the custom to condemn the russians in question. And so that the reaction of the people was quite different. Uh, there is a trend which continues up to now in the social media when people say or are in support of russia. They say what i put in or just what i, when, even when they see the car of the message or with the russian slides a quite what i in the streets. And the reason for that, i think beer. Uh several, several reasons for that. Uh, 1st of all, as we mentioned, the traditions of corporation and friendship that exist between our 2 countries, the memories of how our country supported indonesia. And its quite to gays, to colonialism and how we help to ensure their territorial integrity. Thats one thing. No. The other thing that is personal popularity of present 14 strong leader, very popular. Uh then you saw mc factor. When people here i was, i mentioned that they follow what, what is happening, how much students leave in russia when they see on social media, the muslims in russia support the policy of president 14 its, its very important for them at another reason, of course, is the end to american and, and to colonial feelings that people have here. So strong. Uh, they are still existent. I will say, because theres 2 people, a live who with those with their own eyes. What happened here . Forrest is 9045. 1949. When the dutch uh, try to get a new neisha back and when they killed hundreds of 1000 people here. Also the policies, n t, a mostly men east. Lemme Public Policies of the United States. Thats also that, that gives this negative feeling to indonesian people. So this, this combination of a reset, well, and of course the work of them but its, its slower. I know. I know im not claiming the best main reasons, but you do it. Well, i can tell you that since the beginning of the uh, special mil to oppression, i gave 100. 00 interviews because there is a demand here to know our, our position. And what i say its, its, its broadcast. Its, its, its not, uh, you know, hidden somewhere or forbidden or, or whatever. So a and p and, and we, we noticed the people are listening to the other. Were watching at you and you know, sometimes industry they say, oh investor, weve seen your on home t and were like what your say and that is very important because though i dont speak baja, so unfortunately the house intermediates domains the language, but still the message gets to because people are willing to listen, what do they like, particularly from the well, the, probably the explanation, you know, what was the cause of the conflict about the its sold about a crane. Basically ukraine is the victim and the situation and that loved the victim. Whole prussian in question, but the victim of western policies that use ukraine is an instrumental against against russia. So, uh and it, it rings a bell. You know, its this and 2 colonial feelings that people, indonesia is to have. They make them understand, jo, it because of russia, ukraine conflict. Unfortunately, you said that you were as far but still we see attends in europe to cancel the russian culture by banning works of arts and demolishing monuments. Have you ever had a chance to speak to your indonesian colleagues about that . What is the situation with the russian culture here . Do they condemn these actions back in europe or the, or not to worry about them . Theyre not, theyre much aware of uh, uh, an example that is closer to to indonesian realities. You know, when the operations taught to the european investors here or the they stopped to ignore me, complete a matching of, you know, pretending they dont know me the, or even walking out of the room where i and then actually its such, it was such a show of disrespect not to but to indonesian us for us. So there is an event organized by indonesians, the cultural event. And the messrs are invited, of course, they come and then like, people are running off from the room and the indonesian friends are saying what, whats that . And when im explaining why it happens, what theyre in boxes, theres, theres supposed to be diplomatic. Truth is a book, at least talk the so the, the reaction no to help you or its, its the, its, its, this is the, you know, nation is a totally different story. People here of one to have a chance to the get samples of russian culture. Unfortunately, uh, 1st because of coffee now, because of other problems, we dont have much possibilities to uh, organize concerts or tours, but still we have movies that we can show with the embassy. Were also trying to organize concerts, etc, etc. So uh, id love to have 4 is russian valley here because so many indonesians told me that they would love to see russian valley. I can tell you that here they are a couple or even more, a very, very good and very professional orchestra. They play russian news, they play to cost to they play it off money in of, of so the russian culture is not council to the here. Its appreciated. And a, 2 years ago for us, those we know youre a to the, the monument for you to go got in. And one of the public parks and live indonesia. Nice. And what was the indonesian reaction to this behavior of the european investors . And they were amazed, big older than outraged, i would say, because of course they could understand, you know, indonesians are people who are very polite and very nice. So this kind of on diplomatic behavior for them its, its something that shouldnt happen this. Yeah, its actually rude. Absolutely. Would that. Yeah, and i know its a, in some countries, they were cases off the west and bassett is going to Foreign Ministry of the country. They were in and convincing them to cut the relations with russia to all or to problems we condemn them. Or if there is a visit all the russians, that migration not to take picture with them. Was there anything like this happened over year or so, of course especially someone in the media was sharing things 20 all of what you mentioned happened here, but in donation partners didnt give in and we really appreciate their position that just went to shouldnt be a place to have this political bottles, its a place to resolve a well the economic financial problems that are numerous and they didnt give in to this pressure and they manage to come out with the joint declaration. And its in the big extend, thanks to indonesian diplomacy, our, our president has sent to control, congratulate to a message to president of jacoby, due to the success of the indonesian presidency in g 20. And also the chairmanship of indonesian us young uh, was quite successful. But so we see there are many attempts from the so called collective west to put many countries included in the news to include in india that were just saying, i do 20 that was held in new delhi. Those countries up with, between a rock and a hard place. I mean, what do you think about it and what your indonesian colleagues think about it . I mean, they managed, they just like resisted but it takes so much time and effort and energy. I mean, and you said they were not, they were not happy with the situation of course, and they opened the state to do. There was a lot of pressure from uh, western countries on, on many issues. And uh, yes, they were uh uh, visits to the ministry of Foreign Affairs and 2 other uh, indonesian officials to prevent any contacts with the russian delegations. No photo who with the russian delegations, not, no photo. Would me also hold on doing the events . Uh and of course, the indonesian partners are not happy with this situation, but they are trying to do a balance balancing act the at and of course is quite understandable because of the trade tour and over or investment from United States or European Union is, is quite considerable, so for uh, economy and economy, its quite important to keep uh, working relations with uh, with this countries. But we feel that there uh the, the stronger indonesia gets, the more you retreat to indonesians are barred bisnel colonial pressure for instance. Now the European Union is putting pressure in indonesia to export pearl nickel which they, they, they fund the exports overall nickel because what they want to do, they want to process it here in the new nation and then sell a more expensive the process product to other countries, theres so much pressure in indonesia not to do so. Just to export cheap roll. Nicole, and of course its, its, its a now clause elizabeth. And now they are saying it openly that they are games, bisnel, colonial practices. Both russia and indonesia have a long history of fights and terrorists and what is the level off end to terrys cooperation between moscow in jakarta . Does this is one of the areas of cooperation that we havent. We have contacts between no or, or relevant agency. We also have this mechanism, old regular consultations between our Security Council and the coordinating ministry for political and Security Affairs of indonesia. On the regular basis of general popular should meet with the minister of my food in they discuss all the issues pertaining to security including terrorism, of course. So that is one know the important um forms to discuss this. Um, you should also, we uh share a similar views on, uh, uh, International Organizations on the terrorism and we support each other so. So yes, there was interaction going on between like 2 kinase. Very important, of course, because tourism cannot be eliminate, its just to buy it for so one country its, its joined different, dim bassett, or i guess that in current turbulence, do political situation the role of brushing them. This is everywhere in the world. Included indonesia, in building bridges or keeping bridges between the sides. Its crucial, so i wish you good luck and success and your mission. Thank you so much. Thank you. Its the mostly the equation. The last it said banks call on equity for you to most of you have to bill for the accident. Pizza would also try your school to bus more. You have to go over, you know 15 you sell the code for getting them. Yes. Still not going to just leave them. What does that mean . Its close to enough color, the heaviest people moaning the stucco soonest. Probably part of the need to mall. Im sure. Do you want us to national . Does anybody know . Yes that that will turn out because alex yeah. Bush. Thats good unless we the dentist is a lot a 42 point miles away from the other side of us. Thats a lot of bodies bullying. New basel, but id be calling them just lama for a buick. Nobody a be here to do own pretty a t. Thats what but it was plain punk, she on suddenly like shut about 2 hours that seemed pretty into it till evident continental the a. When i went to the wrong, just dont you have to shave house and engagement equals the trail. When so many find themselves will support. We choose to look for common ground, the executive. And im here to plan with you whatever you do. Do not watch my new shelves seriously. Why watch something thats so different. Little opinions that he wont get anywhere else. Welcome to planes or do they have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000. 00 corporations. Choose your fax for you. Go ahead. I changed and whatever you do, dont marshall state main street because im probably going to make you uncomfortable. My show is called stretching time, but again, you probably dont wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the, the french troops on power some boxes are leaving. No, i to president mack, chrome does a show you ton on his previous decision to ignore the request of the west african nations and military government. The canadian need of faith outrage on condemnation all to the country to hold parliament, including the pm, paid a standing ovation. When a tory, if not to collaborate, was presented instead of the world to saturate the complex will never recognize cost of eyes independents. Forget about that at the top and present. It was the cost of us trying to drag this country in to a potential with nato just how is off the full

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