A news now for 30 years to languages all over the world. Here in the United States, interviewed for president s, worked at the 4 major Us Television networks. I believe the news should be honest, direct, and impactful, and this is direct impact. The i want to start with this studies of indicated as by the way weve mentioned on this show in the past. But most of us here in america, in the United States have given a map of the world, could not find most countries including ukraine. In fact, is the found that only 11. 00. 0 no. Out of every 6 americans actually even know where you crane is. The rest placed it as far away with the little pin thing. You know, they placed it as far away as portugal or confused it with even more nearby countries like cars like stop. And then again, the same thing as happened while the u. S. Was engaged in other places like ive got to stand a study which surveyed 510. 00 Young Americans found that almost 90 percent of them could not find afghanistan on a map of asia. By the way, dont take my word for it. There are countless examples of this type of thing on, on, on the youtube thing, or on the googles on social media, and even just even regular, you know, legacy tv below island right here somewhere here. Um, im not exactly sure cuz its like over here somewhere. Like theres thats what im like, okay, you can choose whether its right here. Right here. And thats not all. I got some more stuff for you thats going to entry, get more than 2 thirds of americans say, we really dont mean to know anything about those countries in the news. Thats what they said when they were asked. Heres an o and for you, for 10 percent of americans think that speaking another language besides english not necessary. Why . Maybe thats why theres a study as well. That is found that 75 percent of americans, 75 percent of americans, clear majority, right . They believe english is the most widely spoken language in the world. Its not india, 47 percent of the people in this country cant find that. Im up in the israel. 75 percent. Cant find it. It is kind of small, but it also is kind of important bunch of inc, a factor you credit, and the whole ukraine thing. And what we dont know about that. Heres perhaps the most interesting stat when it comes to all of this stuff. Remember how i mentioned at the outset. Some americans can find ukraine on a map, but most cant get this. Those according fine ukraine on a map were far more likely than those who could to be in favor of us intervention in ukraine. In fact, the farther away from ukraine that each person placed their pin on the map, the more app they were to be in favor of having their money. Or maybe even their sons and daughters blood spilled their huh. Makes you wonder . Now the question that does that make ignorance bliss useful or dangerous . Joining us out to talk about this is dan kamala, dan, is a professor labour and human rights lawyer and activists. Thanks for joining us, dan. What do you think of that last thing . I got a stat i found where the farther away you are and being able to find in this case ukraine, which is the latest, you know, situation where in the more app you are to be ok with whatever the, how your government wants to do there. Wow. Right now its, yeah, its quite, quite troubling because even within ukraine these, you know, theres not one ukraine in the sense that the people in the west have very different views and the people in the east right back in like 1957 to see i did a report on ukraine and they divided it up into 12 different areas which had very different views on whether they were pro russian or pro european. The point is, or, you know, these issues take some sophistication and they take a knowledge of history, which again, most americans, i mean, the vast, vast majority do just dont have. So lets go to the question i asked at the, the, the reason for this is it useful . What by useful heres, heres, heres what im postulating here for you there. So maybe thats the way they want us to be. Because if, if its true, what i just said, right, if its true, what i just said, that the less, you know, the more ap you are to agree with them, then hey, lets get them to not know, right. You get my drift . Yes, no, i think we are kept in the door. I. I do think its not an accident, i think as uh, you know, the powers that be, are happy that were completely ignorant about the world, about us history, about world history. Because you say, the more you know about history, the more you would be very critical of us for boss stuff. So if you knew about the nature of the wars weve been involved it right in vietnam in korea, its, you know, over and over, you would be very skeptical. Right . And those of us who do know are very skeptical. So no, they dont, they want you to know things in broad brushes in generalities. And thats how the manufacturer consent. History is context. History is context. Wait, if you are worth yourself as an anchor at, which is what i have done for a large part of my life as a journalist, right . Were in graduated university, Minnesota School journalism because i, i know context is important and history is context. How can you do any story about any us and gauge meant today without talking about the one that came last year or the year before that . How can we talk about ukraine without reminding people from time to time that we lied to get into a war and, and in iraq is relevant. You cant believe it out, but i never hear the people on the Television Networks or for that matter of the big newspapers. Add that into the story to them that context. You know, as you know, its right. In fact, after the uh, you know, russian intervention in february, the media went silent on a few things that they had at least covered a little, not a lot, but they covered a little. The fact that there had been a war going on. And ukraine since 2014 right between the government and their own people in the dawn bass and it, which is in the eastern part of view quite, thatd been covered. Then they pretended that never happened. Right . Cuz its set up remote or so when i had thought about that. And then when brush was saying, hey, were by the neo nazis, a new credit. All of a sudden the price was, oh, theres no not sees there. Of course you can find older, main street cross stories, not tons, but saw at least that work that i had been saying, yeah, there are knobs easier, right . So they dont want you to know these things as you say, because that context, just those 2 things ive mentioned would certainly give you pause as to how you feel about this for a new grant. Who is the day . Is it the politicians, its the media is it is. So lets you, cnn, or fox, you know, pick your flavor, pick your poison, i dont care who isnt there. How does it get to the mouth of the anchor . Any one of those networks to keep you dumb, where does it come from . How does it manipulate down . Do you think . Uh damn. Yeah, well, theres a few ways. Any one you do have a Major Corporate donors to keep those networks going. Who tend to be obviously in support of u. S. Foreign policy, because in many ways they may be even helping direct born us Foreign Policy because our government, im sorry, is governed by money and covered by the corporation. So you have that because you have that wedding, that marriage of corporations in the government. And because corporations dominate the median, in fact, you only have a few conglomerates that run all the media. They dominate the narrative, right . So you have that. And then some of it too, so some of it is money driven. Some of it also, frankly, is laziness. You know, its the fact that its easier to just get the state department. Yeah. Those line off the fax machine and read it. Then it is to send reporters to a place like the don bass and ukraine to act. You see whats happening and to get the other side of the story. So theres a, you know, those events conspire to, to, to manufacture a certain narrative. You know is chomsky and edward hiring pointed out in the book manufacturing and said, well people need to understand is the news is not the product to being sold. Whats being sold is the pop public. The public are being sold to the advertisers, right . That. And so the result therefore, is the news that is very much, you know, in line with what the corporations want. And i guess i have to find the right people. Ill tell you the story. I want to share with you right now back when i worked at cnn. I was once and working on a story, and i want to include in the story context of the history of what, you know, i love the United States. I love my country. I want it to be better, but i think to love it properly. You have to point out its false. And i wanted to point out in the story, maybe because im a hispanic and i know these stories. What the United States had done historically the c i a and the dollars brothers in places like guatemala and columbia and something to mean go, cuz its a fact it happened. And what i wanted to talk about those things to learn about how we can be better with our Foreign Policy. Man, you would have thought that i had warns coming out of my head, i had these ombudsman and cnn, like this dude named rick davis. Come after me, i mean with guns blazing. What the hell do you think youre doing . We dont do that here. We dont talked about that kind of stuff. And i remember always asking myself why not . Its true, right . Its history, but youll never get that. And of course they fired me, but the guys they have now theyll, i dont think theyd ever do that. Maybe because they dont know. Maybe theyre not hispanic, they dont know anything about guatemala, but how i do them that yeah, well, and of course its important to know these things because how do you know anything about us Foreign Relations and how do you assess it all at all . If you dont understand what the us is done to these countries, and therefore youre able to see it from their perspective. I mean thats the base is not good and bad. Hes good, bad. And the 3rd step, oh yeah, yeah. And also when we talk about why do we have all these people coming into the border . Well, we should talk about what is the us going to undermine these countries economy. Political situations, you know, thats irrelevant. Its, its, you know, getting like, people just dont show up for no reason. Yeah. And, and, and when you look at the reasons then you think, oh, well, maybe the us to change his policy towards these countries and then maybe theyd be happy to be of their own good. You know, you find like i do, boy ill tell you, ive been gob smacked by this. Whatever ive traveled. And as a reporter ive traveled a lot. Uh you told me you just came back from crimea. Right. So i find when i travel, i am impressed most of the time by cab drivers by people, and not just average people and what they know not only about their country and their history, which they probably will tell you about. But then theyll start asking you about your country and your president them and Everything Else about they know more many times about what is going on in our country, or as much as they do about their own country. And i think to myself, i hardly know any Common People in my country who are as impressive as that. We just dont like others do that is true and thats been my experience everywhere around the world. Thats true, the that, that your average person in other countries is just better and for more aware of whats happening in the world. And certainly in europe, including russia. Most people speak at least 2 or 3 languages. Yeah. And many, or even met low have some facility in english. Right. And so, you know, theyre just more, uh, you know, connected to the world than we are. And they, we, we really think the world begins and ends, you know, at the atlantic coast, in the Pacific Coast of continental United States, you know, and the rest of the world doesnt see the world that way they understand theyre part of the bigger organic whole, you know, and thats just that difference is just huge. Well, thats what gets to the question of democracy, right . Because were always saying how much and we all appreciate a democracy, which means we all should have a say in whats going on. The question is, given the way things are setup right now, and given what youre talking about right now, that the government is making decisions because they make those decisions for monetary reasons or for whatever other interests are out there. Having very little to do with what the people want and its because the people dont know, then, do we really have a flourishing democracy in this country . Is it really working the way our forefathers maybe set that up to be . And thats what i want to take up with you in just a bit. Stay right there. Were going to come back with them. Come all like ok to talk more about this as we ask ourselves, why is it that we dont know what we talk . No, by the way i have a broadcast where i as a journalist, as a latino, as an entrepreneur, tell my story, share my story with you about what ive learned and talking about some of the things right here. Its called the rick sanchez podcast. I invite you to check it out when we come back. So how do you fix stupid . Can we ever leave this bubble of ignorance or are we just found to repeat the same mistakes over and over and over again . That allows money to interest. As dan pointed out to dictates things like our Foreign Policy dont go away, gonna be right back of the europe, young nations ultimately experienced that transformation with the exception that is, was kind of defeats as by the hard realities, right . Or at least confronted with them in a, in a very significant way. And you know, the space of more or less a more or less the only exception to the general tendency. That of course, has to do with the fact that the jet radical situation of the United States is the one that is out of an iowa. That is the size of the continents. The november 22nd 2022 found raised Orthodox Christians, confronted Ukrainian Security service offices, looking entrances and exits the keys, oldest one the street. We are looking for. I like russian spies among the monks. We may in zillow seeming as it goes there. Why not only reason for the brutal crack down one churches parishioner sits on a song about the throne being reason enough to condemn any Orthodox Christian attacks in prison and even killed them rush so that i knew i shot my answer because how many miles store you when you started slide it, i knew your store of thought, i see the used to use the same. You know, its the same. We will send you both. Are used to miss dawn. This saves you need, need the i started reading about this last night before this conversation. Im having now with the with dan. Welcome back everybody. Im rick sanchez and i found a couple of things i like this. So theres a dude named stephen ledler. He is a Pulitzer Prize winning finalist who, who writes for time magazine, and he recently wrote something about our own, well, our stupidity for lack of a better term. And heres a, heres how he describes that. He says that the stupidity is a kind of intellectual stubbornness. A stupid person has access to all the information that is necessary. He writes to make an appropriate judgement to come up with a set of reasonable and justified beliefs and yet fails to do so. He goes on to say the evidence is staring them right in the face, but it makes no difference whatsoever. They believe what they want to believe, because they are not acting in a rational manner. Easy right . Now thats interesting then because i think to a certain extent and one of the things that you and i have not spoken about that i think has some causality. Here is the fact that we. Busy are living in bubbles today more than we ever have been. And once we find that little bubble, that little box is i like to call it and we wont leave. And anything that doesnt fit, we throw it out and anything that we think fits, we exaggerate it. Thats a problem. Yeah, in fact we know to the social or the social media companies, there algorithms work in a way that continues to feed you essentially the narrative that you seem interested in right by your click. So if you are, you know, again, oppose the warranty. Ukraine, youre going to attend to and you click on stories like that. Theyre going to keep beating you that you support the war and what do you cry . And theyre going to keep the new that. And so you say people just end up in their own bubbles because theyre just going to see that one narrative. Yeah. And thats the definition of dumb, because that means yes that, that, that not only means i dont know, it means i dont want to know. Right in right, yeah, youre not encouraged to know. Right. And so, and i think thats how youd be, for example, as a book on this. So again, the social media and the news to they really encourage this incredible polarization and us politics where the population, you know, theyre in these different camps. And again they, they dont even get uh, any information or news from the other camp. And so we just continue down these parallel pads. And how does that allow for any sort of political discussion or debate . It does. Its impossible to have debate in thats in that atmosphere. So, and once again we go back to the question as to whether or not we live in a world where thats another thing that maybe they want us to be. And maybe they want us to be at each others throats, you know, divide and conquer, right . Maybe that neutrality of, of, of, of, of ideologies, you know, fox crowd, the cnn crowd, whatever crowd that theres crowd, it keeps everybody in this country so separate that then they can do all kinds of stuff to us. Because that in and of itself, that, that, that separation makes us stupid. Yeah. Cuz were separated from people that should be our allies inviting for issues of common concert. I mean, it is not in the interest of any of us regular people to spend the trillion dollars a year on these military ventures that dont secures that dont help us. And then meanwhile, moneys are going to education, healthcare towards infrastructure, etc. Right. I mean, it doesnt benefit any of us, but we dont unite around those issues because were always fighting. And were usually fighting over social issues which are important. But were like to believe theyre the only things. Right. And so yeah, i do think that type of division works to the benefit of the ruling class. They continue to be able to do what they want and the rest of us again or fighting over secondary and tertiary issues. And they keep us divided because there are 2 general guiding ideologies in this country, which seems nonsensical to me. I dont want to be either a republican or a democrat. I think the idea that you have to choose one or the other to be an american. Again, to use an over used word is stupid. We should have lots of ideas, lots of ideologies and find the best among them. But thats not what we do. You know, want to get in the system. The system is rig so that you only have those 2 parties. 3rd parties really have no chance of gaining any traction the way the system works most or for the, for filter sex or some of the river. Neither bad or not. And i mean, you know, right, its exactly like in parliamentary systems, its much easier in a place like italy, you have like 20 parties or Something Like that. Here you cant, you dont even have alternative voices within part is the name of her example right now. I saw a pole that Robert F Kennedy is like one percentage point behind bite in the democratic polls, which is, it is amazing because shes been being completely ignored by the mainstream press. Right. They completely ignore and block out alternative voices. And so in the end, the choice you have is so limited, it ends up being the choice between 2 people. But yeah, disagree on some things, but again, really dont disagree on this be essential issue. So what is you say, what kind of democracy of that it is that its not much of a democracy at all. You mentioned a while ago that one of the biggest problems we have is that there is this technology that keeps sending us through algorithms. The same things we believe in over and over again. And just that, which means thats a product, a big tech right now with the advances that were seeing on a i, and some of the stories that weve all been doing on chat, gpc, etc. One cant help but wonder whether there will be even more tools in their arsenal for them to do this and that, that, that combination here. Heres your what my, heres what im going to, heres my question. When government and big tech come together and use these tools, maam its, its hard not to think that were kind of screwed as well. Yeah. And we know, we know that facebook and twitter and other social Media Outlets have overtly sense or particular points of views. And continue to do that, continue to throw people off their platforms because they take a different line because people take a different lot on cobra or on you train or other issues. So now weve, weve been in this toby a bit, the Science Fiction writers predicted, you know, we are living in, you know, a brave new world like al just huxley wrote about or to some extent, 1984, like George Orwell wrote about where you were convinced it think to believe that 2 plus 2 equals 5 and we accept that. And where language doesnt mean anything, you know what wars piece and piece is war. And yeah, i think that what youre describing is that disturbing reality that were facing right now and i do think, or its likely to get worse. Yes. Is there anything we can do or is there anything you see on the horizon where we can guys like you and me . I think by the way of thinking of guys like you and me, i bet the average person out there be the american or anywhere else thinks more like you and me than they do any of those extreme bubbles that we were just describing. I think. And you were to bring most americans together, they would agree, hey, that sounds crazy. Why would we be in a war for 20 years and spend a trillion dollars or whatever the heck it was an easy billions of dollars us. Why would we go and spend 75000000000. 00 in our country . The none of us could even find on a map. What are we doing . Why are we doing this . And so i did, a lot of this stuff is just common sense to us. But we cant come together. Why cant we come together . Is, is, is it good . Do you see a way we can . Well, yes, of course we can. And again i, i see, you know, when you look at it again, just as an example, im not pushing his fantasy. But if you look at what Robert Kennedy saying, hes saying some of those things that you just said, right . And people seem to be responding. The point is, as you say, i do think mirror americans are hungry for another narrative. And actually the poles of american show that they do tend to agree with people like you and be on these issues. You know, they, they are interested in the other ideas and i guess its up to people like you would need to keep promoting them and be willing to speak to people dont agree with us to speak to people in the other parties. And then were members of not to see people is the portables because they disagree with us. Yeah. And we need to, you know, encourage education. I think the biggest thing is so much that, i mean its one thing bad. Yeah. That people arent educated but also theyre not even encouraged to value knowledge then your, your delight can talk to thanks for taking thanks, taking the time to take us through this. Okay. My pleasure. Thank you. Bank of all like thank so much. Well, thank you for joining us today. And before we go, i want to remind you of our mission here. Its simple, really kind of want to do silo the world. Thats what dan and i were talking about, right . Stop living a little box is just dont live in boxes too. So everywhere im actually interest. Ill be looking for you again right here. But ill provide you with a direct impact by golly, the the, the russian states never, ive side as im one of the most sense, gave me the best most ill send, send up the send the 65. Lets do the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. For what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the dont ask for a to University Goes up in flames as ukraine sales residential areas on the russian city. Of course, one of the ports from this being a village, it cost simple name. The 1st 2 or 3 of those brawl sounded like a booty artillery shuddering. But this was followed by a savings of explosions very, very close together, which is characteristic of the cost of munitions. My only appeal to you is that you should not stay at home is im not doing the struggle for myself. Im doing it for my nation, for you, for the future of your children. If you dont write up for your rights, you will leave the life of slaves and wrong carla and his, his support has to protest as a pockets on