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A very warm welcome. This is all the international with the late to as well as i think its very good to happy with us. Our top story needs that does not want to become another libya by say, coming to out slide into fair. Were in spend a potential economic crisis, pass a message coming from the west african countries new to impose the military government following a visit to neighboring, but kinda foster during our exchanges, we spoke precisely about this situation because we would not like niger to become a new libya in coordination with our brothers in burkina faso, we have decided to undertake a number of activities to secure our populations and secure our 2 countries. This was a high level delegation of, of immediately conducted by the cards. And thats how you would he be the tier 2 leader of the cool in the chair. So they decided to visit the allies waiting from by my quote to work. I do so and by my code been made, please assume youre going to talk about the situation in the country and the same topic that were discussed later in what had to go with the top 10. You bring salary and according to looks like youre a salad for more deep, but hes got to get boxes restitution going on in new jersey, which to choose from is comp and other component of color to him. And he also uh, made a comment on what because hes trying to do about having a military action against them. And he said betsys really cause some and doesnt want me shed to become like libya. So this is what is going on this morning. I know that people in the army are ready to go out for the most ration against the decision of magic cutoff electricity in the i mean, so its become used to come mix and keep looking for keen, not particularly money, or as you put the specific parts but if you dont or the country to go be for the share and remember that its day before tuesday. Ok, not fossil and must be made a statement, saying that the best not let it go. Ive had minutes. We inject, if it was decided to fly to the new genta and then theyre gonna have facebook, you know, and money is going to be a kind of deflection of war against the 2 countries. A molly, but kind of foster and skinny on long based support is of these as new leadership all have been have now being suspended from echo of the west african viewed the and has introduced sanctions against these as well as including severe. Its all make and travel restrictions. Both number, all nights area has also console the electric supply to the republic leading to blackouts in major cities, locals have house court. The system for echo was and its functions echo was lead us on puppets. So the french president s as young and who are the sounds of the nation we condemned and regret the eco, was sanctions against the country. So all in these eerie and people spends up to say no to echo was and fronds and specifically to the president of nigeria. Proof of god that hes yeah, hes abroad. The country will tell of the sanctions which tend to show that we will continue until were free and independent free from colonialism. Echo was, is a do full pocket of france because all that we see happened is from michael was france guides echo wise, which puts the french will in force. So we say it kowalski is not independent, but is there to serve france . Oh, that is happening in echo was our measures from france. The echo watched implements even if its illegal because isnt instrumental bronze . Why . Because several years ago people were killed. Soldiers were killed but equal was didnt say anything. But today we decide to handle our own destiny because makes declarations and impose a sanction. So im not sure we people of knowledge are a say no, not hers for next year and, and we are free to do what we want equal us reacted because the interest upfront, so threatens well, its no closer to the president s. All the applicant, freedom is the tooth and wiser. Franklin and nancy, mary, thanks for joining us on. The program is very good to see you this evening and ill be at the watch blog because i have slept functions on these at over the 2 in the country. Well also, so i think the taking military action, unless the deposed president is reinstated. What see what reactions with us . A thank you, michael. Yes. So hes very clear a cause of so 1st of luck of wisdom. In that the cost chunk. There is no disposition giving the right to because to our grace or any member so because military and small 40 to kind of reason is the cost is chopped. The main principal talk about the whole. So dw d, no, i go steve relationships between the account. So because hes out it is monday out of the top and the decision saw, i usually go and legitimate and very, very dangerous to do it. What do you think echo was, was expecting or hoping to achieve by taking such a hard line approach to the issue because its directed by your girlfriends of head of the dates. And those head of the dates are in the majority of non electric people. They are dictators in the countries. They have been responsible of many top seed bin quoted or military equity in the account before becoming president. And then being members of the counselors of the head of states, of course. So those people are not working for African People, theyre working for, for anything priced in pretty at least now, colored near the interest and the organization whos permanently following the decisions off um spanish 4 digit code. But were supposed to put you on 4 digit goes by, was supposed emoticon 40 to come forward. The decisions of met so well, many African People course as normal re presenting up. We can, people are truly, it is a 40 organization. If that is the case and how do you say this also, nathan playing i was i to was says its given nisha until august. The 6th to reinstate, be ousted president ial face military action. Whats your assessment of the prospects of a regional conflict . In fact, theres teachers only, its very clear it costs a good many tardies in nigeria and a new job terry tree. It is a determination of war against nature, but it is also now a declination of war against mandy, booking a fast or end, but instead of it because those 3 last countries ive just named us clearly say that they exist the representation of what happens. It gets libya in 2000. They live. If you remember in 1000 to live the net, to directed by the United States of america, a brita brita, and not terribly friends. I stuck libya seems cut off from n date of kaiser in the east lubbock state. We would still be stuck or the science and regional in december like h a l and frontier today to be nigel sole or African People in on. Ill pretend to find them pretty. Can these leaders . It is unbelievable. Thats the cost involved. Its set in a new act up and made. Those are used by raise a day as the optic i need to rest and just because of capitalistic or legal or can i be head of the nature has a lot of intention of keeping his hand on the one to for me not to drug associates of the kind spaced out of the region of the lift, oklahoma. We choose between may lea booking alfonso in niger. There are reports that says send a go, has agreed to send his troops to intermediaries posts of an echo. While since invention is such a decision is made by the blog which all the countries could potentially put boots on the ground, the. And in fact the echo axis divides into main blocks. Now, whats that kind of say, i call it the 1st middle colonial, at least. Look weve said theyve got a good div. Well, been in the, in the 2nd way to go and the rates you both nigel and so on and the next week on this bill weve made the book enough of so you know, starts on the way. Yeah. And those 2 men broke. So it cools. Probably will face one in the face of the order in night or east. There is an aggression on it guys night just so we are no, i did. I did. Oh oh file. Can i say it was a free kind of will maybe to the 2nd. Ill click on water. Well, ill stop in the wall or file, the greed licks oh, from east africa in the president. Tickets. So this do shows you, but it is very typical. And we believe that there is a room for negotiation for majors, for peace and consensus. And that to this teachers dont really know top. We know that some countries in africa have certain supports for the new to impose a government in asia, which other countries do you think might be points to way in with a military action to help me share against an eco us intervention. Aside from between affonso and molly book and at 1st, so in money, you have also made the order a large not only in a free copy out of africa, is it just clear that they are involved in their beauty port all what construction and have you ive seen they are they aware of the best russian friends of the conversion friends in the are you sitting somebody to operate that between us . We kind of rush out in input just book and most so for sure. There is a job for these because i made sure of the situation. Theres many, many years man joe, 40 to kyla, i lies, give me photoshop in china and i ride and spend so or 2 days. And thats many do seem roads getting a war. Who do you find major or sure this will be leads through. This relates quote to a new situation. Where did you uh, could you, uh, was on that need to look into us. Weve tried to tend to have both america, but the 10 brands and so, so thats simply, they want to explore a wardwall in africa between finally the 2 main blocks off the old, a put a wall of the signal, essentially. And we dont need that to normally go pick up with color for the risk picked up. So what any t and we are involved in building the meal to port world where we can countries and possibly configuration will be somebody and for spells for each population. If this is going to become a large scale conflicts between those who support the emergence of a multi pony welding. 3rd, who supports the hedge a monic structure of the world, just how far do you think a regional conflicts could potentially escalate . And do you think any countries on outside africa could consider getting involved they fucked. The citrus of these terrible because some of the of the we points that i used all of and uh, distributed in, uh, the you crime. Yeah, no, it, ocean conflict. Some of those refunds on now in west a free time every week and many oh, head of state. So i have just saved during the original click on photo that uh, some of those reports. I know i asked the guy, so we are in a dangerous situation for the furnace. We deduct this, we dont use, nick, was it . It was use the if we dont see consensus if we dont respect international or low for the power for countries in the less power off with contracts we are going to get caught up so on our you might need. So i hope that wed be a lot of energy stuff. These may, the whole project of the cost to a duct major come into the United States, which has military base is inside nisha which have been used in the past as long as it gains terrorists in the region. At least thats according to washington. Just how effective do feel the feel the american troops have been so far in that goal and what are they actually achieving that renewal . If you in fact, the pressure on these, after more than 10 years of American Military politic presidencies aside, what are the results . That is the reason defeated or not. In fact, dental reason has to be increased and not decreased. So for many applicants, the net, those maybe 30 presents is up in africa. You said flux to off discovery lies ish, and not effect of deposition. So in the 2 months of the most important majority of africans today, the nettles groups must be missed from a pretty good 33 like the price and theyll put on your tubes and it may or that proof that the African People have not so wearing in decimal very says so, but this is invited to the, our company in our country. So there is no computers that those will destroy the lead cut off in the network or at least a city of lead fighting against dealers. We operate, we have cdls and swing back in those territories about lead fuel news for imperialism and soul of the gym when you the network on a frequent speaking of the, of the how the tensions and the situation in nature could have an a ripple effects across the world we understand the future of the transit, so har and gas pipeline to an Extensive Energy project which would bring the commodity straight to the u. E. U brother, across these is not one clear following the sanctions from echo us and the west. So whats your take on the spot . So when it comes to the j a political situation in the region to yes, the question is very clearly we benefits of that project when uh the got a free time guys has to go out of office. The 1st question for africans is to know if our applicants, how a distribution of guys or product pipeline. The fact is that there are 2 possible roads for that project. And that project to use a program between to know the african powers, namely a jody. I modeled model to has and not a shimmer of that of that to it. Trust that heavy on desktop. Right. And julia has been on the duty on the shim uh, goes from now. Yeah. Directly click coordinator and in dustin, i did and then it cool. Reese, your and the model come a vision of december. The project is that uh, the tests that hold on just populated with go to west africa and then in more than enough, somebody done got into a model for linda enough to model going to you. All those plans have no deep consideration of African People such so how do you end up we can before you put the the 1st question, heres a fleet. Imagine because you know that these are for us present photos and this pipeline for. 4 the emergency kind of a ton of, of your but youre not sure now that weve had that, whats going on because energy and what the or tunnel mean of applicant image. And that is the problem for us. Its also a curious decision. Uh so you are a p as well, which is already struggling with an energy crisis. Is it twice to cutting rusher out of a picture . So do you expect the wisdom functions on these are to be listed at some point because they clearly endangering europes own Energy Interests to as you know, probably those sanctions have a good it is that they want to discovery like the new coming a 30 to use and to filter nails clear and then the 30 to stop at the place. Missed the bus. Was a good. Ill be present. 13th of miracle. Yeah. Least, i mean pretty at least natos interest in the night. So hes, uh, this uh, the end of his power is, uh, is it big . I pulled them up inside the printer on sites in the neighbor because they dont know how we did. We continued on your guys and so on. So the main question is uh, itll read you to understand that they could be gold and for commission of religion. Weve passed the way they hop. You didnt dick with hob guys, but i do a good price. It probably is catching up. We got to develop it sets. The question is open. No, it is a fleet importing the, you know, to port out what it is because we need to operate equity in a couldnt because relations. And the problem for us to become people today is that of the guys the reach of continental, the wards and African People of the bodies people of the world. These contradictions must be and indeed, and find any one more question for you before i let you go, a new days, a Ratings Agency as one of the following, the sanctions needs i could default on his debt. Whats your take on that scenario and see the consequences for nisha . In fact, this is um, one of the proof that the with 10 youll get organizations use what i call collect what he did always a more distressing agencies. And so on. All those agencies, they use the wisdom criteria to evaluate a free kind of going on because they dont use every country do they dont respect, definitely tends to sit down with the values to define what is important even when i mean what is not. So a no monday, monday, which is a western agency. It has no power. What do i place you if shoot you . Well, i think i just because of the is not through using in particular the phrase product before up like, you know, using its on the cutting see that they are controlled with the phrase back to the your, to the control from the outside of the office. It is very important for us enough to bring money to tell you. So what i need to do these African People are the possibility to chose the fox news and sort those depths will die. Because in fact, ive done slavery of africa. And ive gotta go to an additional new or domestic because ive never put a laser on the, on the tragedy they have been made made by we had any real reason for that. So those depth nothing. If we take into account do it for recent stuff. The wisdom, uh uh, the live powers, the wisdom the was and theyll put, or do you have to pay in keep tie us up for us. What is not the problem . The problem is these optic i so what, i need the prosperity to fall off because, and we are the weakest continent in the world. And we are the forest people into work now because we, i dont mean that we would fit into that mean nation and dead. All those dips wed be not, its been a great pleasure speaking to you today. Many thanks for your time. President s of African Freedom Institute on twice and franklin. Yeah, im say thank you. I was so busy and so its the new one is our dressing. Ac Georgia Council session on Global Funding and conflict induced food and security. So lets listen in life. You resend of global agricultural trade issues, the settings and then some good. We have nothing in the fiscal year. 2022 cars, all alone increase sales by 23 percent. To a 165000000000. 00 people posting a record 5000000000. 00 net income for the credit gets paid the way to your colleagues. And now let us ask ourselves why. As the western Agro Industrial complex is rigging in super profits, the pride of famine is hitting, developing countries with growing populations the most. Why are their economy is unable to cope with it . The answer is very simple. Is that the person in the past was western colonial is deliberately tailored them to extract maximum profits for their empires and not so that they would be able to feed their populations. You will. And i goes and then one of the, this is monica cultural, agricultural specialization was forced upon them with the result is that their exports now often consist of one or 2 types of goods, is computed from luminous economic structure and makes them streamline. When you too sensitive to Price Fluctuations and global food more moves things thatd be used in the current stability in those markets up. Its due to the fact that during the cold and 19 pandemic are 1st western states rush to save their own economy is not caring one bit about how their rush actions and the financial, economic, and energy, as well as other sectors. We would hit more vulnerable actors in the global economy. Very good and the colleagues one year ago in response to the appeals of the un, we put aside our doubts and agreed to green deal like a is up with me from it is decent with. But here to western countries have managed to turn everything in their favor. Just use one of the 2 parts of the deal, the blacks. The initiatives are typically turn from us military and one into a commercial ones. Use this problem. As a result, only 3 percent of the export in green went to countries. And meanwhile, the lions share ended up in western countries. We have with them with the go with. Is this what we agreed to a duty to unless inclusive, theyll be duplicity of our former western partners was even more clear in their arrogant unwillingness to fulfill the 2nd part of the deal, the rush or you on memorandum on the supply, russian food and fertilizers to world market results to the one of those, and this is despite the fact that russias share of the global read market is 20 percent, while ukraines is less than 5 percent receivable. This means that russia makes a significant contribution to mobile Food Security level and is a solid responsible International Supplier of agricultural product. Would this be somebody not to mention . The exceptional role played by russian fertilizers include securing damage to contribute what they would seem like given these are be as far as western countries need to focus on, ensuring the russian green and fertilizers can get to countries in need without hindrance. Im not gonna let me yeah, to supplement political think this is not part of our western colleagues plans. This was unambiguously confirmed by you the day before yesterday, man and president school, but the new one. So how can we talk about any kind of desire and your countries part 2, addresses, international Food Security issues along with these with, with all the drives you is the desire to punish russia us when you lose his name is steve and your pipe dreams of dealing is a strategic defeat. I mean, to be assisted on global you know, you because you did not care the slightest bit about the interest of the countries of the global south. But we do that is therefore i repeat, once again, that is all the problems that have been publicly raised by us, including in this chamber regarding the implementation of the rescue and memorandum are eliminated. We will be ready to once again took part in the box. The initiative was a metallic supplement, your colleagues with you before. And the super western delegations today poured forth the numbers detailing the humanitarian aid rendered by them to of developing countries associated with mutual new or the crime is, is whether this is enough to compensate for the damage caused by centuries of quote, cruel colonial policies of plundering Natural Resources and exporting populations, its not for us to judge removing it from a very rather for those states that have suffered from in the western countries help them logic or you specifically for the for a little im not as low as means. Its not flights account, other peoples money, but its hard not to notice that the amount of assistance provided by the us and the sellers to the countries of the global south cannot be compared to what the west has spent on weapons in less than 2 years. For its proxy world with russia to the last 2 premiums, the bus routes, according to the most conservative estimates, the ssl is, is a 280000000000 euros. While the total amount of funds allocated to ukraine is a 165000000. 00 heroes. And lets see if we make that up to and this is given that the ones that price, whichever requested, 55200000000. 00. Are you some money from donors, from all of its humanitarian operations for 2023 and only 24. 8 percent. Of this amount has been funded today, can you imagine how much good you could be done in the world or e . So using the us and its allies, students were as willing to spend money on Development Assistance as they are on sponsoring fours around the world. Because it shows you a picture but a tuesday morning, a little boy. But now i want to draw attention to Something Else despite all of their benevolence slogans on the discoveries. Donor assistance from western states is not selfless. And always comes with political precondition. Yes, the queer example of this is the situation with the cross border shipment from the terry and mechanism for syria and were western states are essentially openly block mailing the syrian people. They are seeking a change of power, so they provide or either another example is the threats were hearing now from Georgia Bureau as well as the leadership of the u. K. Friends and the us to stop helping me share. Did people suddenly stop starving there after the croup associated move . Go see, i think its obvious, in other words, that all of this humanitarian aid is being used by the west, solely as a tool of control over states that are forced to resort to it. But it isnt the issue, so im assuming youre pretty open, moving to the needs of the population, are not taking into account, and thats why success, but on your colleagues to be developing countries, we make no mistakes. The habits and methods of form or colonizers have not changed. Only the packaging has the cards. We put that actually, for every dollar. So what i need allegedly spends on a, they will do, man that you pay with your sovereignty and political independence look, you know, if it goes because of the many african statements on the governments. If you have already experienced this firsthand for them and dont want to put off with such an approach. Yep, a book was that we started sports, and this is 1st piece of something that makes mr. Morales lose his sleep. In his garden, he suddenly decided say that youre selling your green at low prices. Brushes somehow, making inspires dependents. Who will continue to do is i wont comment on the perverted logic of the head of you diplomacy. I will simply say that facts are not in his favor and you know, some russia has never considered africa asia or latin america as a space for expect, extracting prostate. Whats the future in Human Society . So usually, despite all of the obstacles put in place by the us and its allies, we have health or health thing and well continue to help those in need around the world, free of charge. We have sales and well continue building factories and schools, hospitals, and universities, so that you can use your Natural Resources to create goods with added value instead of exporting Raw Materials so that your young people can stay home rather than leaving the country on mass. You mind quickly as much union, we understand the importance of the unintended supply before the african countries. This is important for Socio Economic development. Informing tanning political stability engineering must will be with me more and that is why were particularly focused on shipments of weeds. Barley, moore and, and other greens to our african friends, including through the u. N. Food world food program. Recently, the brothers thing is the last year trade and Agricultural Products between russia and the african countries. As you up with me, there grew by 10 percent and amount at a certain point, 7000000000. 00, where as in the 1st 6 months of this year, it has increased by another record. 60 percent russia ex reported against its 11500000 tons of green tougher can 2022. And just in the 1st 6 months of this year, we have already exported nearly 10000000 to put you. And i want to stress that from what you say is because of all take in place. This is by just the series of the largest uh, illegals, unilateral sanctions imposed in our exports which seriously m. P, the supply of russian food and complicated transportation, logistics, insurance and bank paint, what itll look like. We love your name, and then you w 4 over as a nouns at the recent brush africa summit, we use it as well. Be able to provide one for keener process and barbara. Mollys somali of the Central African african republican eritrea with 25 to 50000 tons of greens. Well for the free of charge in the coming months. And we will ensure the free delivery and not as of business as well as well as i also recall, and our readiness to donate mineral fertilizers to the poorest countries in need of the 262000 tons of these fertilizers that are currently blocked. And european ports was only 2

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