I am max keiser this is the kaiser report we are discussing a new school of economics alien economics this israeli brought about by negative Interest Rates means contact with the think a lack of federation lets lets check in with stacey and get more on this yes well 1st of all i must point out the kaiser report had the World Exclusive on this Galactic Federation and what did we do we used it as an opportunity for comedy instead of from oding as like it World Exclusive its come to my attention that a you know was recently spotted flying past the kaiser report window. And cut to nearly 8 years later max and heres the head by former Israeli Space security chief has revealed that elian is from a Galactic Federation have been in contact with the u. S. In israel for years but humanity isnt ready to know this or so he claims and thats important or so he claims because memory 2020 is the year that were told over and over that the experts must be in charge the experts are the only ones who have the truth for us the experts are the ones who get the blue tick on twitter and theyre the ones that are arbiters of truth so heres an expert who is the head of the Israeli Space program for over 20 years and hes telling us that theres some contract between these aliens who by the name of the Galactic Federation and the United States rather spend contact and i think thats pretty clear d. L. Eons intelligence is surrounding us you know ive said before were bathing in this alien intelligence and they are reluctant to reveal themselves because it would be overwhelming to the senses overwhelming to our to our minds but negative Interest Rates that weve seen developing over the past few years and the current state of negative Interest Rates never in the history have there been more bonds trading now in this negative Interest Rate territory than ever before in history so Interest Rates are at a 300 something year low and britain threat a 240 year low in america never of Interest Rates been this low ever in American History british history World History and what that shows us that the global consciousness made up the sum of all humans thinking in parallel has hit the new nadir a new low is one way to look at it but that vacuum of intelligence thats now prevalent all over the world has sucked in the allianz who are now making themselves more present in prepping us for the big reveal bitcoin obviously. That is a big part of that once people jump down the bitcoin rabbit hole theyre prepping for a contact with the alien intelligence because you know a lot of people you hear when they embrace because they have the cosmic consciousness that weve been documenting on this show since 2011 and so now the big reveal is coming in 2021 i have my little space invader assemble here just in case they do come here and that they now are friend or foe and that i am their leader. Just before i get on to this next headline because im thinking actually that these aliens if theyre fleeing their own galaxy or wherever they come from that they could be the equivalent of our smug because there are you know the smug and the restless moving across the United States but 1st i want to you know just show you that chart that max is talking about the negative 11 bonds market value global negative yielding debt jumps more than 500000000000. 00 today which is earlier this week to a record 17. 00 trillion maybe its were sending out some sort of smoke signal. Then they might have be coming to rescue no this is what attracts the aliens over 17 trillion dollars in negative Interest Rate paper as deftly attracted the aliens the total g. D. P. Of planet earth is less than 100 trillion so almost 20 percent of global g. D. P. For planet earth is now negative yielding debt and that is like sending out a huge signal to go the galactic forces or as the Israeli Space agency calls it the Galactic Federation of collective federation and i used to be a member and then i they kicked me out a number of years ago but thats a whole nother story but now they are definitely impressed and theyre looking for planet earth to go more than 50 to 60 percent negative Interest Rate of all sovereign debt thats when the big reveal will come so weve got another 25. 00 to 30. 00 trillion in negative Interest Rate bonds yet before the big reveal and i you know 2021 looks good. You know this guy from the Israeli Space agency. He says that these aliens are amongst us so i you know what i think theyre really amongst us like lots of them because the one the episode in which an u. F. O. Flew past the window was our most watched ever went viral so maybe they were all like hey look we made it were on television so you know thats one thing but im also thinking maybe they fled their own galaxy because as i said the smug and the restless because there are 2 remarkable stories that happened in the past week that. Are showing a trend within the states of a backlash of the liberals against themselves essentially 1st we have Hewlett Packard the company that literally started Silicon Valley is moving to texas Hewlett Packard traces its origins to 1938 when bill hewlett and David Packard rented a garage and Palo Alto California now h. P. Enterprises a descendant of the Pioneering Company is moving to texas Silicon Valley is what it is because of Hewlett Packard but we all know what Silicon Valley is now is that theres human feces all over the sidewalks because of these ultra social Justice Warrior sort of programs that are party to there and its you know its its really horrible to go there if youve ever been you have to see it to believe it so theyre fleeing for low tax texas right the smoke and the restless of the smog are leaving and the restless are leaving in the. Coastal areas of smugness and the border is being rearranged all the pieces on the board Silicon Valley is being broken up wall streets being broken up all the old Power Centers are being rearranged the fracturing rearranging so its on one hand its very healthy because the only thing missing is a total collapse of the dollar which is coming and then we get the restart you know reboot from scratch but im not too surprised and you know somebody else is fleeing high tax social justice for a. Air nanny state new york city manhattan were all of those condescending people who are telling you to trust the experts and the experts are now telling you that theres aliens amongst us one of the big names in manhattan of course is Goldman Sachs and theyve been there for well over 100 years Goldman Sachs plots florida base for Asset Management in a blow to new york the banks success in operating remotely during the pandemic has persuaded members of the Leadership Team that they can move more rolls out of new york area to save money remember this. This guy from the Israeli Space force talking about the Galactic Federation says theyre here performing experiments so this pen demick could be an economic experiment on how to save money and reorganize this economy well because it is an experiment the creators anonymous i mean thats from me in the collecting federation obviously encoding 1000 is a biological experiment see how that goes in the smog in the restless and Silicon Valley are busting up and moving to other states primarily texas wall streets busting up moving to other states like miami and this is the great rearrangement of the truckers border the just border the go border the gameboard of the monopoly board its all being broken up and reconstructed newry constituted and the ideas are still there the american idea is an idea that remains an idea for here to eternity and thats another thing that attracts the aliens because theyve always governance problems in these parallel universes and they like the whole constitution a bill of rights and the other surprise not how bad its breaking down in the 21st century but theyre nevertheless here the advance team arrived on our show back in 2013 they showed themselves to us because were friendly with them and now its the big reveal in 2021 but these people themselves elian could be the smug in the restless of their own civilization and they ruined it there and they have leaving so here we have the founders of Silicon Valley manhattan wall street or its all a creating a disaster of their own social policies. Theyre and high taxes and theyre fleeing for safety zones created by liberty love inflated away with these aliens arriving on a blue checks from a parallel universe they could have been saving monitor earth to be smug this is dont hurt me if. My whole theory goes down the drain not as one where we dont know we havent really spoken to them you did say you are back i feel their presence i havent had a conversation as such you see the underlying cause of what Goldman Sachs whats driving them out of manhattan is if they dont go to miami theyre going to consider dallas south again you know its a definite sort weve heard over the past year 2620 how horrible florida is their red state they vote for trump they dont care about us but those are deplorable people we hear that from the manhattanites and yet here Goldman Sachs is like ok i like their fleeing so you know they could have the same situation back in their own galaxy right you become what you fear yes you become what you hate yes i think a 21 were going to see alec baldwin is going to become like stephen baldwin. Right well you know what we also use the fear of course remember that whole notion of where were all turning japanese we off japan was eating the world and that was the economy that was huge but that was the 1st one to go full on leverage right they leveraged up their economy so extreme and we then we copied them once a collapse and then they went into quantitative easing and printing all the money well the bank of japan has taken over as the biggest owner of the nations stocks with the total value of its holdings climbing well above 400000000000 spectra feudalism i mean japan has a feudal past and they came out of that feudal past and to maturity some time ago but like other countries they are is coming back to what weve called neo futile ism and it makes sense to japan to be the 1st into the ne a feudal istic future because theyre the 1st into all the quantitative easing and the abuses at the bank of japan buying one. Its a billions of dollars of their own stock its takes debt monetization to a new Banana Republic extreme that only people in japan could normalize and so this is where were at in the 21st century is the tension between the male feudalism in countries like japan and the individual sovereignty as expressed with bitcoin and as ive said recently in a podcast bitcoin is the 21st century version of the guillotine this is an alien concept that alien concepts that weve seen of the past few years could be this experiments being performed on our Economic System a Monetary System negative Interest Rates the Central Banks owning all of the stock quantitative easing all of these things are alien concepts to the history of of Human Society for thousands of years of free trade and capitalism that weve you know we didnt come to call it capitalism until the last 500 or 200 years but you know its always been around and these are new alien concepts and theyre experiments just like the dollar is about to enter its 50th year that was an experiment all these experiments are alien concepts to how humans generally organize themselves well if you want to know what it sounds like in the alien parallel universe i have a recommendation listen to the loaning us money clearly an alien any laid it all out it has tracks well were going to take a break and when we come back lots more coming your way here from new. Human history has always seen continuous war over thought but in recent years it seems to have become more intense the platforming is no common practice and public scrutiny a permanent feature where do we all stand on the battlefield of belief. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to bitcoin educator all around nice guy jimmy song author of a new book thank god for big oil and the creation corruption and redemption of money jimmy song welcome back thanks for having me again max its always a pleasure now no matter their religion or whether or not they even have any religious beliefs of all the viewers of this program should get this book why jamie because it is the moral case for bear coin and this is something that i dont think weve really explored too much in the space and you and i have been around in the space for quite a while theres the Investment Case for decor and theres the you know allocation hedge against you know government collapse and all sorts of things like that but the real reason for me that gets me going is that theres a moral reason and this one does come from a christian perspective and theres a lot of biblical verses in there and its aimed at christians and so on but it is a moral case for because this is something bad a lot of other writers have done before me gary north with honest money your guido holzman with that fix of money production and so on but none of them really touched on decline and thats what this covers is why big quinn is a more moral money than the Current System that currently exists you know we often hear in the reports coming out of the Central Banks and wall street that the use of the term moral hazard which is the acceptance that when dealing with finance and markets that we accept a certain degree of immorality greenspan famously pointed this when talking about how Market Makers make markets he said quote wiggle room and when they are front running or grabbing share and that this is acceptable its part of the moral hazard i think jamie dye. And its a p. Morgan would claim that they get them a lot of fines but they are somehow doing something good at the end of the day and they accept the moral hazard so is it possible is because it isnt exempt from moral hazard because if if it in fact is the most perfect money weve ever seen ever then they could be the highest degree of more ality that weve seen them in can you just ruminate on that notion for a bit picky trying to pick when has that Central Banks dont have any other form of money doesnt really have is the centralization once you have essential zation you have people in charge of the money and when you have somebody thats in charge of the money then bacon dip their hand in the cookie jar and do all sorts of nefarious things with it and thats you know sort of attacks that we as savers pay in order to have something that would that we can use for money big corps and takes that away because its decentralized and instead of having central bankers or people in authority that are sort of taking care of the money for us we have computer code thats transparent and you know transparent to everybody and they are able to figure out for themselves that this is actually legit and that nobody is doing anything weird with it and thats the real strength a big point and what gives it a a moral goodness that the other currencies do not i love this concept you know whenever i speak publicly about bitcoin its usually in a style of an evangelist you know i wear a white suit and i talk about you know the redemption and the rapture and i use a lot of these terms to apply typically and i see a huge connection there and so this is a fascinating topic so lets go through the 3 steps of money you lay out in the title start with the creation of money big coin had in immaculate consumption but the money that most people know today fear that currency is issued by a Government Authority why is the creation the origin myth important. Touched on it already found money is centralized but can you go a little deeper it wasnt always money and thats what we cover in the book is that it really started as metal or you know in other places it might have been rice stones or glass beads or whatever but generally it was something that was decentralized to begin with and only gradually did it become more and more centralized through its history so for example when the 1st banks came around all the gold was sort of held there and instead of training but theres a goal people would trade bank notes which were could be redeemed for back oh then eventually because all the gold was in one place the government could come in and take it usually in the form of wow well leave these ious and its place and spend it however we want and what big point does it is it really is kind of a redemption in that sense where were able to go back to a decentralized money one that isnt helped by a 3rd party where you dont have to trust somebody in order to you know not not have it inflated away from you not have it stolen away from you and really thats what it is when authorities inflate money they are really stealing your savings and thats something that we point out again and again in this book lets to get a little bit this concept of a Immaculate Conception now it is part of the. Origin of jesus christ in the Christian Canon of of the stories that we know with big coin we have said Toshi Nakamoto who is and the anonymous creator and so there is some you could say similarities there but you know how does that play in terms of i guess from from my observation is that the Big Community like all communities can get quite toxic but because the toshi not tomatoes anonymous an unknown hes unassailable and the same thing i suppose with the christian origin myths as therell be more to it than just a coincidence or is there something deeper there jimmy main parallel that i would draw between christianity and to coin here is that there is a redemption right and redemption is a monetary term its its when you pay off debts for somebody else and and i bet its what christ did for humanity with is that on the cross thats thats thats the christian story with with big point what youre getting is the redemption of money its something bad that brings money back to its or original purpose which is storing value which is you know something thats fungible that you can trade with that allows humanity and civilization to grow and thrive and and in those ways out both are very very good things and and thats in me is the big parallel i why we put the word redemption and the subtitle of jesus through the money changers out of the temple and its a rare moment in his story where he actually expressed great great anger and so what lessons does this cleansing of the temple have to do its fee out money today and the corruption of money that story in particular is very interesting because it was more aba out you know where the money changers where they were inside the temple and according to jewish law you were you. They had very strict laws against idolatry and the thing about the money changers the coins that they used were rooming coins and the roman coins had a picture of hyperion caesar at the time on them so that was completely prohibited so when jesus went in employer over the money changers tables he was you know making a comment about corrupting the house of the lord and you know corrupting all that is there by putting this secular thing and what that points to me for me is that it really is sort of like a state control of money back that is sort of like a weird form of idolatry its it shouldnt really exist it should be decentralized its not supposed to be in control by the state and we know what happened with the roman government is that they they started diluting the basing their coins and that eventually led to the collapse of the roman empire in a sense thats what he was alluding to with the flipping of the money changing paper should change your tables and showing bad you know like following something that is corrupt like the roman government at the time is not something that will lead to life it will actually lead to that as you mentioned we have been in this bequest space for a number of years and weve seen a lot of things come and go and you know ive noticed in a last year or so that there spend this huge push for the philosophical and the spiritual and because this kind of new to the space people like Michael Saylor waxing poetic about the cyber hornets and the met the metaphysical aspects of because Robert Breedlove writing brilliantly and compassionately about some of the big picture of human humanity changing aspects of because im and in the course your book now thank god for pickle and i mean this laid on the line here youre not mincing any words youre making a direct connection god and because i am for those who are listening to this. When i can understand how this is a very intuitive leap to make in a big quiet space but those who are lets say quite strict in their in their beliefs religious beliefs may sense that this is a side a bit on the trivialization of their faith so how do you square that circle bring those people over to your way of thinking jimmy by the way Robert Prevnar of is one of my coauthors for this book so hes very much into this but i would say that in a sense if you if you are a christian if you if youre religious in any way if you know about that there is a tendency to sort of trivialize money and i dont blame them because fiat money has corrupted money to such a degree where it is very easy to dismiss and trivialize but if you look in scripture if you look at you know what money is meant to be its a bad thats not its role at all and one of the one of the 1st lines in the book is money is deeply spiritual because it is what relates people it is what relates you know different families its so its what relates workers to their employers its what relates you know other people through trade and so on it it is what connects us and at a very practical level and thats not something bad you can just sort of trivialize as i mentioned before you know that the christian story of salvation is mostly told in the language of money theres debt theres payment theres retention barriers south you know like that that whole soho story of salvation is it is told in those terms so to say that you know money is just to be no or to its to you know worldly to to talk about it you dont think god the bible agrees with you and i i think its very appropriate to approach the subject of money from a spiritual perspective because its metaphysical because its philosophical and because its something bad is. Abstract that takes us to an other realm besides the physical because it is about relationships its about how we relate to one another and so on another big trend in the last year or so weve seen now big institutional money coming into becoming blackrock the biggest money manager in the world fidelity huge trillion dollar operation which has found like halted or johns and you know these guys typically operate as financial mercenaries right they do you know really i consider great moral standards. But theyve got a lot of money now how is this going to impact because if at all to me institutional money coming in is is to be expected because i think theyre seeing even theyre seeing that the dollar is just crashing like crazy and theyre basically burning money by holding it and they need another asset and this is pretty much one of the few places that you can go that thats not stocks or real estate i mean i guess you can go to gold as well but we know how fractionally reserved lended that is and so on so. The fact that theyre getting in is not a surprise and it is predictable just using incentives and game theory i mean there somebody is going to have to get in 1st and once they are at their end then other people are incentivized to go in before before even more people get in because the price keeps going up because of the thick supply and so on and as far as how this affects you know the big question itself i dont think it changes very much of it and thats part of the its wonderful quality is that it doesnt change according to the whims of those that own it and thats one of the beautiful things about it unlike a central bank where if you have somebody in power you know theyre going to be able to influence the policy to some degree with bitcoin you dont have that you have a fixed Monetary Policy that goes on for the next 100 years ok the book is called thank god for big coin the creation corruption and weve done. Money jimmy song thanks for coming back on the kaiser report thanks for having me max all right well thats going to do it for this edition report with me max kaiser and stacey here would like to thank our guests jimmy song and so much time by yo. A early with a different bed earlier is gone another week there are traces of. The barrel. Weapon of Mass Communication is spreading in global areas and found that way to marinate the day when the end of m. T. V. As if it was an immobile devices more than 12000000000 contaminated a country if you really dont need to worry about taking your money america against alternative vision. Youll start to question a regulator excelled. In a marriage made in a career to media narrative a under cover and im going to destabilize iraq. And you will get exposed on t. V. I can play dickens i mean if youre lying low self your audience is as brave as everything to. Track down. Where mary. Mary. So you can defend yourself and your revolution from the weapons of Mass Communications. Thanks for the teen girls give the enemy a thing gave you an air. Strip. Going. Out of. Done while going to worlds apart my guest today likes to say

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