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Being counted 8 to 10 times i know or sold ballots with a return address filled cells and since no. Im from spawns a further angered by accusations of massive Mainstream Media bias as take 50 and briefings are leaked to a conservative group. Ive been on these calls theres no diversity of opinion nobody objects nobody challenges. Very well well continue watching the weekly here on r. T. International printing you all the latest along with our roundup of the stories that shaped the week its great to have you with us. Now 1st to france where demonstrators tore through the streets for a 2nd consecutive weekend facing fines of vehicles and flushing shops and banks its over a security bill to stop the public from filming Police Officers responded with tear gas more than 60 protesters were arrested nationwide and several Police Injured National Defense he reports. Well you can probably see behind me its already getting pretty clear in paris was burning and you can hear the tear gas thats being left all 4 were in the middle of it at the moment and. Streaming the weve already seen clashes between the police and the protesters at the very start of this protest police being pelted with the room next with glass portals with pink paint. Them responding with the tear gas. By a fight as a trying to extinguish a number of fires that have been set these the fires of cause all along this street there are at least 3 or 4 vehicles that have been completely tool watched so you just have to move because the feelings are from the can a little bit too close for comfort but this protest still going on this is one of the right protests in france and against the Global Security law a law thats been much criticized not just by journalists and citizens and n. G. O. S but also by the European Union and by the un many including a specialty move independent investigative the u. N. Saying this is incompatible with International Human rights law and theyve called the whole law. To be rewritten we know at the moment that only one part of that law is going to be written that is article 24. 00 but protesters say that thats not enough. So i would just get him in court and tear gas here just to have a look its just been released by the Police Officers as theyre trying to control the situation so the firefighters can do their job have you know many of the people who are against article 24 and the Global Security will say the problem we think is that there has been this is semi issues in terms of violence within the police force and if succes cant say for example that filling Police Officers will be no evil to Show Police Brutality and not be problematic just outside the bank that was completely smashed up by some of the demonstrators you can see that a scooter or a motorcycle outside was there the bank itself was smashed people went inside they took the furniture from inside the bank brought it out and then they set these fires up outside the bank you see completely and utterly have trashed this particular bank that there have been other businesses that have been trashed like this on this street here in paris and weve also seen a number of causes as well there has been huge violence from the protesters towards the police to know that there is anger in the police generally that they feel that they reason enough protection for them they say they face this incredible threat to protest like this but generally in their job they face huge of months of threats and violence against them and they would actually like to see the laws strengthened more so so theres a real divide between what police want and what many public groups in lists and n. G. O. S are calling full. Well i shall mention that the french governments agreed to rewrite part of the controversial deal we discussed with guests why the pledge hasnt come to the situation. This is not about taking pictures all video footage of demonstrations it is about showing the faces of the police after airing these they should you know blur the pictures that the face of the policeman thats normal that should be expected because now with the with the social networks you have so many threats against policemen because they do their job and against the families something should be found its a pity that article 24. 00 that was so badly written in the law that was badly prepared by the government of stakes because not to see what happens in paris and of. Everybody the world that is terrible for president my prostrate. They have to be seen as they have had very recent example of violence in the present and. Its blackfin it goes badly beaten by the police and that was on the placebo because they did it was thats how we know about. It so they didnt have to be feeding the idea of good the public again the police arresting build the separately but you know this government is supposedly but in fact is very very a place you never seen such cheapish in the months creation. Thats on the. List. 10. 00 for covert and needed say thats the prize for russia but make the vaccine internationally as it was presented to the u. N. General assembly on wednesday moscow was the job to be available to the whole wealth and has already agreed deliveries abroad. We will be producing millions of dollars as always are we seeing already just starting from. The job in brazil china korea and argentina we all read your reach supply agreement and production agreement was those countries more than 40 countries are looking to buy sputnik v. Yet so many western critics have already written off the russian vaccine Daniel Faulkner thank examines why. The media today is full of big headlines pfizers covert 19 vaccine is officially the 1st to be approved in a western country with the United Kingdom leading the way theres a sense of excitement that lives can be saved on the 1st steps towards codewords final defeat have been taken i would like to pay tribute to him to who made this possible it is the protection of vaccines that were ultimately allow us to reclaim our lives and get our economy moving again this is a victory but the real winner in the race for a covert job has been vaccine protectionism to many in western media under stablish meant only western produced vaccines can even be considered as part of a Global Solution to the pandemic and now theyre a break from the advantages that seemed as a seneca high as pfizer makes a final push Drug Company Pfizer says it is a great day for science c. E. O. Of pfizer tweeting out his congratulations to you this is really a historic day we have pfizer we are take you up while the European Medicines Agency has confirmed its in contact with the developers of sport mcvie the e. U. Has also been clear it doesnt recommend any e. U. State makes up its own mind about importing the vaccine even if they wanted to the reason strong lobby against vaccines that are being developed outside the European Union but thats life were already used to it and its in hungry as interest to get a say vaccine as quickly as possible. Hungary isnt alone this has been global since the sputnik viz existence was 1st announced back then media and members of the Scientific Community were quick to criticize russia for failing to provide public data on the vaccine safety and even when phase one and 2 Clinical Trial data it was later published in the lancet skepticism mistrust and suspicion of were still rife at any mention of sport mcvie moscow has been accused of cutting corners using spies to steal western Research Russia rushed to register it as a world 1st raising eyebrows in the Scientific Community putin this might be his personal back through plenty even here still need persuading that sputnik v. Is a reliable choice theres always room for healthy skepticism and Critical Thinking as with any new vaccine but it seems some require slightly more scrutiny than others take my den or the company has requested emergency approval from the american and european regulators for its vaccine 10 days before that pfizer and biotech sought the same clearance for their job yet Neither Company has publicly released full data from late stage Clinical Trials for peer review in any medical journal and its not just about peer review moscows been clear its open to International Cooperation on covert vaccination to save lives and to win the battle against corona virus we are ready to cooperate with others in terms of vaccination particularly on the council of europe platform the cruellest pandemic has made it clear that europeans need to unit in the face of common threats these offers appear to fall on their fears whether its a deep mistrust or the belief that sport nick views just the way for putin to gain political approval truly joint efforts to find a vaccine never materialized this is probably of little concern to develop states most will really have brought up the majority of votes in surprise produced by their own companies while the rest of the world is unlikely to go. Access to the vaccines for years to come vaccine protectionism has truly try out with only western produced vaccines touted as world saving despite being unavailable to most and many alternatives trashed and dismissed from the outset the world never really stood a chance at making the united stand against coronavirus this isnt a competition between ourselves its about doing the best for our world for the global population and that we must all Work Together to get vaccines distributed i think there was a very good paper that was published in the peer review journal about the russian vaccine along sit for the general issue about the rush to produce vaccines has been that many of the vaccines have been presented in press releases rather than in Peer Reviewed papers its important that when youre doing Clinical Trials that these are reported properly i know that the sputnik vaccine is being trialled in india now as well and thats a great thing its about sharing the responsibility we all have to ensure all vaccines are safe effective and that we share them particularly in parts of the world that are going to struggle like developing countries where we need to be helping with large populations in an interview he had of a Pharmaceutical Company responsible for the mouth rollout of told us that western skepticism is groundless. Boy triangle as up in this place and experts say that russians are rushing with a vaccine since any back seem to be tried and tested by a fairly long period of time and that weve done everything so fast. Company going on with incomes boss makes statements we need to look very closely at who is saying it and exactly what they are saying for example they frequently complain that the gamma layer institute hasnt published enough data and so all of the same time we should realize that is just a Research Institute is not a pharmaceutical giant like astra zeneca or pfizer a lot of p. R. Specialists who are usually presenting the data selectively and in a favorable light of sort of just how realistic is it to prove that the vaccine is safe. At this point weve seen convincing data the proof is safe it was proven during preclinical animal testing please consider that im talking about safety mail not effectiveness then it was proven during Clinical Trials on Healthy Volunteers weve done all that and statistics do show that the vaccine is safe. And new York Attorney general has disclosed several Police Body Camera videos detailing the deaths of 2 black men after their encounters with Law Enforcement an effort to increase transparency please be aware that what were about to show you some of that video which is distressing to watch. Jeff thank you. God 11 videos were released showing the deaths of daniel proved untrue or hardship both men were in custody and died of asphyxiation as officers attempted to subdue them autopsies later found drugs had also played a role in deaths and whats become a familiar with spawns protests emerged over both the deaths on the wider issue of heavy handed policing since the spring communities across america under brutal theyve seen a similar scene spurred by the black lives Mountain Movement some of which have turned violent so i. Was told he was like im thankful it was thanks. Community advocates and former new York Police Officer corey pagel believes that technological advances are a game changer for transparency. Transparency was the key to success you have to understand prior to this technology of cell phones and called cameras all over the place police were able to control the narrative that we would hear didnt come out and say such and such 345 on board to try to fight us we ended up you know use of an hour weapon to kill him and it would be justified because we couldnt even question it but now he listed various of technology that now a new fresh change and even still with Technology Police unions and Police Departments around america still trying to convince people going to police are right in these instances in that these 2 particular incident and its own incidents yes drugs played a part but as food. Is not a drug. Companies coming out after celebrating. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race off and spearing Dramatic Development only loosely im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person or those. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. For. Welcome back as a rally for republican senators in the state of georgia Donald Trumps double down on claims the election was rigged and that he can still win. Ah since the protests have been Holding Still the still protests throughout the week can Farias States trying to throw 20 would have won if state democratic governors were on his side only if theres more people have come forward claiming. R. T. Is done of course looks at how the reputation of the us elections as a whole is being tarnished. Is only about a month left until the big transition of power in the white house and yet it looks like the battle for the presidency is not yet over this may be the most important speech ive ever made i want to provide an update on our own going efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud and irregularities which took place during the ridiculous lee low nov 3rd elections if we are right about the fraud. Joe biden cant be President Trump is sticking to his guns still insisting he was cheated out of the election and calling on the Supreme Court to overturn the results his lawyers though have yet to prove their case and the Justice Department says the Current Administration is full of baloney so what is it that the trumpet ministration is making such a fuss about while in new york one u. S. P. S. Driver claimed a trailer with thousands of ballots disappeared into thin air i know its sold with return addresses filled out thousands of them all in wisconsin an x. Postal worker even claimed his coworkers were ordered to backdate the ballots u. S. P. S. Employees were ordered to back date ballots that were received too late to be lawfully counted ballots in liveries in the middle of the night people filling in the blank ballots for by misplacing duplicate souther wisconsin poll workers claim similar violations as well as the widely shared testimony from this michigan election contractor who claimed she blew the lid off some dodgy dealings in detroit there was. Back as the ballots being ran through that. Lading machines numerous times being counted 8 to 10 times her testimony has already been put through the wringer of Public Opinion and the Justice Departments also made up its mind about these claims we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election the thing is though the d. O. J. Wont say why what does raise the eyebrows of conservative officials all were asking for is own where there is evidence of improper impropriety that you examine and we want the transparency we want to understand is investigation going on. What kind of investigation what are you looking for for years americans have been told evil russian meddling is undermining democracy and now that biden seems to have won the election theres not so much as a whisper on that front that the russians really just decide to sit out this very important election or perhaps the very system itself is at fault here its clear that these elections are corrupt through and through but not for the reasons that donald trump highlights the corrupt are going through because theres an Electoral College that does not recognize the popular vote theres already a complete lack of trust people do not respect the Electoral College most americans cant even explain the Electoral College provide any type of justification or logic for which there is none Many Americans dont even participate in president ial elections because they understand that its. A choice between 2 oppresses for the next 4 years between tweedle dee in tweedledum. Trump is just expose the system from the right in created these fissures that have long existed. Proof of c. N. N. Bias against donald trump thats what a us conservative group has called leaked tapes of Conference Calls held by the news network and one clip released by project veritas a c. N. N. Special correspondent is describing how shes been advised by lawmakers to avoid giving too much time. The i just keep your interest in. Who have not learned who. By. But. You know who have been the democrats and. There may have to be you know racial. Youre incurable and. Of. Not being too much of a life form. What are you thinking. Will you go forward the correspondent has not commented on the tapes however the Networks Communications team has tweeted that project veritas may have broken the law by snooping on stuff and i referred the case to Law Enforcement the Communications Manager for project very task of my colleagues ask his views on the tapes and whether he fears legal action. Youll hear the outgoing president of c. N. N. Jeff zucker dictating to his hosts Reporters Editors and producers what the news will be not based on whether it is true not based on whether its important but whether or not it fits jeff zuckers world view and personal political agenda theres no diversity of opinion nobody objects nobody challenges c. N. N. Did react very quickly on twitter that said that is going to get your enforcement involved my question is are you ready and t. Think the door is on your side i dont believe for a minute that the police are to come knocking on our door everything that project veritas does is legal we have a very well trained and very well paid legal staff and im highly confident that everything we did was within the legal guard rails you know and no one has called us from from Law Enforcement thats just something they said that tweet came from cnns p. R. Staff and i think you can call that a p. R. Stunt and i want to ask you one of the tables what todd and and youll private discussions with that is his workspace would you support it as well don. Who who is objecting c. N. N. I mean they ran secretly recorded tapes of 1st lady malani a trump just weeks ago they were in the access hollywood tapes they ran tapes secretly recorded of mitt romney when he was the 2012 republican candidate for president the idea that c. N. N. Is suddenly upset. About somebody were chris secretly recording a meeting or a Conference Call and put and putting out to the public thats absolutely absurd. The lakes that also appeared to show c. N. N. Chief jeff zucker during employees not to normalize chunks claims on the election legal and media analysts leinil told us he believes that news outlets which shout the most about the impartiality usually show the least. So the question is what role did okeefe play because if he if he just got the number himself somebody lets it just gave it to him and he dialed in himself never being a part of us i think you may have legal problems but this is weird because now we have zoomed cause and now we have new areas of conversation and conference its not a one on one conversation and dont forget lionels law the law always lags behind technology if we had done the same thing lets say 2. Stocks or an actor or a n or something how bad you we would maybe hear something maybe not as blatant as that but certainly a journalistic bias and there are other people who say this is the brand the idea of you tuning in to c. N. N. You want to hear a liberal anti trump stuff im sorry but thats a fact so be true to the bank brand to the shareholders they have to produce but heres the thing which is amazing when you look at people who go out of their way to see were in the news were unbiased fair and balanced is this in essence a form of trademark law is this perjury to say enjoy any kind of liability for misleading the consumer if i tell you something is 100 calories but its 200 youve got to believe i may get a lawsuit well if im lying about the content why shouldnt it apply otherwise watch this being addressed in the courts coming up. The true thing r. T. International we hope youre having a great day wherever you are well be back in 30 minutes with more. Yes there is a saying. I think theyre on the cheap bus and then we went through all that country stuff but ideas werent there right to scold us company he said if we give them everything slip to the past. We discount. This is what we dont understand how we are in such a country. Let us into the month of the same time. Youre saying im going to. Assume to run up a little similar symbol. Because if you feel if the minutes of kong were not that god can we believe again with the phone about the computer with the plane. Would come up to the 3 story you have to see. At least in the best. Move. The law the sherman didnt is guilty no maam. What we see on t. V. Shows is not reality our Justice System isnt what you think it is Rolling Stone magazine considers wayne kramer of the m c 51 of the top 100 greatest guitarists of all time he battled drug addiction in 1975 went to prison for 2 years for selling cocaine hes since provided guitars and taught music 10 minutes at over 50 correctional institutions throughout the United States people think that you know you have a right to a trial and everybody goes to trial and theres the good prosecutor and the defense attorney and they battle it out that is the way it works the way it works is the prosecutors stack up the charges and you have forced you to plead guilty to a lesser charge to keep from doing life or double life or triple life people dont get trials what they get is a deal people suggest that anywhere between you know 3 year 10 and 15 percent of people behind bars could be innocent of the crimes for which they were charged Michelle Alexander is a civil rights lawyer stanford law professor and the author of the new jim crow one of the most highly acclaimed studies americas criminal Justice System the reality is that thousands of people. Every year and i had states wind up pleading guilty to crimes they may not have committed because theyre either or railroaded by Police Officers who give them false information or horrors confessions or because theyre afraid of facing you know harsh mandatory minimum sentences and

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