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Massive Mainstream Media bias against the tapes of c. N. N. Briefings leaked. Ive been on these calls theres no diversity of opinion nobody objects nobody challenges. Oh good afternoon just gone for moscow you watching International Employees of russia affiliated news agencies. Have been released from interrogations on condition that they will not leave latvia that after the journalists were charged with violating the sanctions. That the. All we know at the moment is that theyve been accused of violating personal European Union sanctions against the c. E. O. Of russias a receipt a seaboard a news agency be tricky still for now the Russian Foreign ministry they have already reacted to whats happening in riga and they said that latvias crackdown on russian speaking journalists under the pretext of the violation of a huge sanctions is absolutely unacceptable the Foreign Ministry also said that the e. U. Restrictions are all of a personal nature against mr kissel off and they cannot apply to just about everyone who cooperates with the news outlets that are on there his managements and they consider the aggressive actions of this Security Service a blatant example of violating the foundations for Democratic Society which is freedom of media and expression it is a completely punitive action which leaves no doubt about the use of phobic subtext of the fabricated accusations you would think a crackdown on dissent violation of the fundamental principles of freedom of speech with total incompatible with the status of an enlightened european state but thats the case and that the complaint before so dissenting media is gaining momentum now the accused journalists and their colleagues certainly. Outraged and mind you this is a criminal indictment against journalists and theyre being persecuted for coal parading with russian news outlets now the crackdown on the russian speaking latvian journalist. Well it had all of the intimidating attributes and features and they were there were searches in the homes and places of work there was confessed cations of personal property and equipment they were interrogated which lasted for hours one person was interviewed for 8 hours. After all of that was done the journalists were released but they were asked to. In latvia enough to leave the country and of course sign a nondisclosure agreement sputnik had a statement about this as well the law turned citizens are accused of violating the sanctions regime because of their work for the receipt of civil and news agency according to a lot of money and dystonia the agency subject to the personal sanctions of the imposed on the agencys general director joins ricky sort of intuitive foreseen now Russian Mission and the sea they also expressed their concern they tweeted out saying this is another flagrant violation by rigo of the always see commitments on freedom of speech and access to information persecution of russian speaking journalists in the baltic countries is not something new for example just the end of last year going into this year. There journalists were forced to break their contracts with sputnik because this tony and police were threatening them with jail terms of up to 5 years so basically they were forced to resign and the police also cited these 2014 you sanctions person begins to mr he said however the outlets that weve been talking about today none of them have ever if we are on the sanctions list so thats what we have for now. Well some people have been taking a stand against these charges and weve also heard from journalists state affiliated media. Are all over in the United States in israel in many other places what is the army radio in israel what is the b. B. C. What is the voice of america if one starts a treating journalists as d other then Media Persons just because their livelihood depends on the state or or. Our reach person who owns the network that is unfair and journalists the world over should rise up against the question was question is why have they done this no and of course the the wider question is is it legitimate to use sanctions as a means of preventing the alternative use that you dont like and of course at the most extreme we saw that in the news for you slowed with the bombing of the Serbian National t. V. Station or the missiles that were used to take a 0 offices in kabul during the the afghan war. Now as we enter a new phase in the fight against the coronavirus we are again faced with uncertainty because the c. E. O. Of fines of the Company Behind the vaccine about to be rolled out in the u. K. Next week admits that they dont know whether those with the jab can still transmit coded 19 to others. I think this is something that needs to be examined we are not certain about that right now. Ok lets get the latest now from shadid which dasti he joins us from the u. K. Still even more uncertainty than about this latest. Poll put it this way 2 days ago it was the news weve all been waiting for it was described as a historic moment but today the approval of the vaccination of the cave at 19 vaccination has pretty much been proved to be too good to be true just today as i say off the celebrating being world leading in this vaccination its been proved to be little more than just the United Kingdom being the guinea pig in science of all of this and thats because pfizer has an admitted that all the while the job is 95 percent effective against 19 there is by no means no guarantee that it can prevent carrying and transmitting the disease as well now the e. U. Regulator at the time said the United Kingdom was simply jumping the gun and said that the e. U. Would not be approving this vaccine to the at least after christmas if not january 2021 and they said they need more stringent process and needs a longer approval process to make sure that the vaccination is completely safe and effective as well also the us is Top Health Official has pretty much come to the same conclusion and said the u. K. Has simply sped through this process. We put the data through a very very stringent process of literally point by point analysed the data the u. K. Has decided to do a little bit differently theyve gone over it very quickly and i can see this is not a criticism but theyve done it in a way that is much less deep then has been done it is being done by the f. D. A. In the United States. Well regardless 40000000 doses have now been preordered by the United Kingdom around 800000 or so. To be rolled out as soon as next week meaning immunization could happen in the next few weeks also top of the list of the vulnerable categories those are the over the ages of 80 people working in the care homes residents and staff and also of course those on the front lines but lets just at least speaking there are many hurdles that need to be stepped over for the United Kingdoms in terms of the distribution of it as well of course this vaccination needs to be stored in minus 70 degrees and so that those people that are handling this vaccine assume that they havent really been given much instructions on how to do so but theres also a political narrative that is really a cause for concern here in the United Kingdom of course 2020 has been doused with all the government failures when it comes to dealing with the private 19 pandemic many would argue that the government has selfimposed deadline set them and also missed them and so there is this political narrative that really is this more talk than action coming from the United Kingdom and yet again the u. K. Is being criticized for that very fact considering of course the fact that the u. K. Is coming out with such rhetoric even just today. I just reckon weve got the very best people in this country and weve got the best bet is much better than the french better than the belgians have much better than the americans and that doesnt surprise me as well because we are much better country than every single one of. Using will in. The number of deaths in the u. K. Must prove that we are in march worse come true than france and belgium not the u. S. Obviously what the facile boast that sort of thing you hear in the playground not from an m. P. On National Radio well beaching jingoism brits got it 1st because of how badly theyre doing in controlling covered 19 so exactly the opposite of what theyre claiming. So there are new williamson saying that the u. K. Is a much better nation than any other but what the public isnt quite sure. Ok thank you shadi there was stastny there with the latest on the Pfizer Vaccine reporting from london thank you. The u. S. President elect joe biden has invited trump to his inauguration and claims to it will give a positive sign that the postelection chaos is actually ending but it is unclear whether the millions who still think the victory was stolen from believe this move will heal the divisions. From supporters to still coming as you can see chanting stop the steal and citing multiple irregularities that is to spider officials in a swing state georgia saying a 2nd recount should confirm that biden was the winner dont cotton thats not how the reputation of u. S. Elections as a whole maybe starting to get a little time. Is only about a month left until the big transition of power in the white house and yet it looks like the battle for the presidency is not yet over this may be the most important speech ive ever made i want to provide an update on our own growing efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud and irregularities which took place during the ridiculous leave along nov 3rd elections if we are right about the fraud. Joe biden cant be President Trump is sticking to his guns still insisting he was cheated out of the election and calling on the Supreme Court to overturn the results his lawyers though have yet to prove their case and the Justice Department says the Current Administration is full of baloney so what is it that the Trump Administration is making such a fuss about while in new york one u. S. P. S. Driver claimed a trailer with thousands of ballots disappeared into thin air i knew it with return addresses filled out thousands of them while in wisconsin an x. Postal worker even claimed his coworkers were ordered to backdate the ballots u. S. P. S. Employees were ordered to backdate ballots that were received too late to be lawfully counted ballots in liveries in the middle of the night people filling in the blank ballots for by misplacing duplicate souther wisconsin poll workers claim similar violations as well as the widely shared testimony from this michigan election contractor who claimed she blew the lid off some dodgy dealings in detroit there was. Batches the ballots being ran through that had been waiting machines numerous times being counted 8 to 10 times her testimony has already been put through the wringer of Public Opinion and the Justice Departments also made up its mind about these claims we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election. The thing is though the d. O. J. Wont say why what does raise the eyebrows of conservative officials all were asking for is own where there is evidence of improper impropriety that you examine and we want the transparency we want to understand is investigation going on. What kind of investigation what are you looking for for years americans have been told evil russian meddling is undermining democracy and now that biden seems to have won the election theres not so much as a whisper on that front that the russians really just decide to sit out this very important election or perhaps the very system itself is at fault here its clear that these elections are corrupt through and through but not for the reasons that donald trump highlights the corrupt are going through because theres an Electoral College that does not recognize the popular vote theres already a complete lack of trust people do not respect the Electoral College most americans cant even explain the Electoral College provide any type of justification or logic for which there is none Many Americans dont even participate in president ial elections because they understand that its. A choice between 2 oppresses for the next 4 years between tweedle dee in tweedledum. Trump is just expose the system from the right in created these fissures that have long existed. Watching r. T. Lets just give you an update then on a developing story this hour because turkey has claimed that 2 russian journalists have been detained over a lack of accreditation to film in the country the Staff Members from russias n. T. V. Channel have not been heard of since thursday night and that was when one sent a message to say that they were still being held and thats the latest we have in the story of course well stay across it for you now still to come this project very task a conservative group in the u. S. Is linked takes that they claim prove c. N. N. Is biased against well have more just after the break. Join me every thursday on the alex im im sure ill be speaking to us on the world of politics or business im sure ill see you. When things become more extreme which leads to right when this is like breaking norms not necessarily in a good way maybe. The. Right isnt as you strain is what the reality is. Continuity for change this is what is being asked when considering a potential by Foreign Policy trump made a point to undo obamas legacy when biden did the same to trumps like this or is this all only rhetorical continuity drives Foreign Policy not the occupant in the building. Welcome back here with us he and i prefer c. N. N. Bias against donald trump the u. S. Conservative group is called leak types of Conference Calls held by the news network and one clip project or a tacit c. N. N. Special correspondent is describing how shes been advised by lawmakers to avoid giving trump too much time. I just keep hearing the same thing folks from republicans who have not been there to congratulate me. But also to you know what happened to democrats and that is that we have to be you know news organizations have to be. Responsible. Not keeping track too much of a platform. To heating. The trolls additional to move forward with a correspondent the self hasnt commented yet on the released tapes whether the Networks Communications team has tweeted that project their attacks may have broken the rule by snooping on its stuff and have referred the case to norm for smith the Communications Manager for project very task a eve my colleagues ask a tale of his views on the types and whether he actually faces legal action. You hear the outgoing president of c. N. N. Jeff zucker dictating to his hosts Reporters Editors and producers what the news will be not based on whether it is true not based on whether its important but whether or not it fits jeff zuckers world view and personal political agenda theres no diversity of opinion nobody objects nobody challenges c. N. N. Did react very quickly on twitter no doubt said that is going to get your enforcement involved my question is are you ready and t. Think the door is on your side i dont believe for a minute that the police are to come knocking on our door everything that project veritas does is legal we have a very well trained and very well paid legal staff and im highly confident that everything we did was within the legal guard rails you know and no one has called us from from Law Enforcement thats just something they said that tweet came from cnns p. R. Staff and i think you can call that a p. R. Stunt and i want to ask you one of the tables what todd and youll private discussions with that is his workspace would you support it as wild and. Who who is objecting c. N. N. I mean they ran secretly recorded tapes of 1st lady malani a trump just weeks ago they were in the access hollywood tapes they ran tapes secretly recorded of mitt romney when he was the 2012 republican candidate for president the idea that c. N. N. Is suddenly upset. About somebody were chris secretly recording the meeting or a Conference Call and put and putting out to the public thats absolutely absurd. Well the leaks they were also appeared to show c. N. N. Chief jeff zucker ordering employees not to normalize trumps claims on the election legal media analysts line all told us he believes that news outlets wish to shout the most about their impartiality usually show the least so the question is what role did okeefe play because if he if he just got the number himself somebody lets it just gave it to him and he dialed in himself never being a part of us i think you may have legal problems but this is weird because now we have zoom cause and now we have new areas of conversation and conference its not a one on one conversation and dont forget lionels law the law always lags behind technology if we had done the same thing lets say to our clocks or newsmax or something how bad you we would maybe hear something maybe not as blatant as that but certainly a journalistic bias and there are other people who say this is the brand the idea of you tuning in to c. N. N. You want to hear a liberal anti trump stuff im sorry but thats a fact so being true to the bad brand to the shareholders they have to produce but heres the thing which is amazing when you look at people who go out of their way to see we are the news we are unbiased fair and balanced is this in essence a form of trademark law is this perjury do they enjoy any kind of liability for misleading the consumer if i tell you something is 100 calories but its 200 you Better Believe i may get a lawsuit well if im lying about the content why shouldnt it apply otherwise watch this being addressed in the courts coming up. 2 brothers have sustained horrific injuries after Israeli Soldiers apparently detonated an explosive device at their home one of the men who stayed in hospital shared his story. But. The army came at around 6 am while me and my family were asleep the soldiers placed an explosive device at the door and blew it up i woke up from the pain in my legs and found out that my brother was injured as well thats what i remember i was injured and then arrested while i was on the stretcher i was in a coma for 18 days i had surgery 9 times they even wanted to amputate my leg a month and a half later my father visited me and i didnt even recognize him at 1st and then i slowly started to improve but its now been 3 months when mom his brother has been detained with that trial according to his family the father described to us the shock the shock of seeing his injured sons and questions why it happened where the burb him goes theres and from both my sons droning in their blood their legs shredded with pieces of flesh on the wounds in the soldiers didnt i couldnt handle seeing my children it is brutal and inhuman why did they have to use this huge explosive device even our neighbors from 2 kilometers away heard the explosion i was allowed to visit my sons in the hospital a week later they were in a serious condition and then they arrested one of them without charge or trial he was sent to prison when i visited him he was walking on crutches he had platinum in his legs replacing the bones because he shouted when israel does say it was carrying out an anti terror raid seizing hand military operatives weapons and also ammunition a statement describes the brothers as activists adding will be held in administrative detention until march dr ruben when Israel Defense forces reserve officer says that israel has to protect its citizens. I can tell you and testify form the field that the army do not wake up in the morning look for what looking for what door to break into they have intelligence they do they do beautifully went to death house precisely and you know that a policy to deliberately hide beyond metal doors or human shields like women and children how common is it for the innocent palestinians to be injured by israel i didnt make any research about how common but i can tell you for sure that its very common to any jihad islamic activist to hurt deliberately innocent people in israel and the job of these early army is not to count innocent palestinian terrorists is only to take care of our citizens and prevent only attempt to kill them deliberately to kill innocent citizens in this world this is the mission of our idea of were not looking to hurt innocent people were not waking up in the morning and say oh its a long time we havent been in geneva its time to break it go in janine its Intelligence Police sites intelligence we went. To find this special theyve always we to break to bring them into prison that what we did and well proceed to do so. One of the brothers to the army has actually not acknowledged that the raid was a mistake that doesnt want science is to why matt is in jail. Well its a model for they treat everybody through and so we went to court because of the way the soldiers burst in as for ahmed they said his case is classified and accused him of being a member of the Islamic Jihad Movement Even though there was nothing against him. He got 6 months in prison and. The israeli army told me that i was injured by mistake a mistake made by one of the soldiers who thought there was someone inside the house so they decided to burst into the house in a brutal way which none of us expected but after we were injured the soldiers started arguing with each other about why it happened but when i reached hospital they paid for everything and when the lawyer arrived he also said that the army had knowledge is that its there for. Me and my brother were both hit because of a mistake but he was arrested because hed been arrested before. Now the russian president has given a speech calling to transform the country in digital and Artificial Intelligence. In the coming decade we are to pursue the Digital Transformation of our entire country we are seeing universally implemented technologies and big Data Analysis and realizing our goals we must rely on a sovereign 2nd logical groundwork a 1000000000 rubles will be earmarked to pursue Digital Transformation of the Public Administration and showed Public Services to a digital format many of which will be provided automatically to my teachers well president putin has always been very clear on the portraits of developing Digital Technology particularly emphasizing the domestic tech Sector Telecommunications and Artificial Intelligence and this was of course a key part of his speech today as well in which the president highlighted the need for the countrys laws and legislative systems with regards to ai and in particular the segments of the economy that use it now with regards to this of course the safety and protection of personal data has been paramount its good for concerns that Many Russians as the country increasingly moves towards a Digital Economy and the president was clear that the balance needed to be struck between making that digital progress and protecting peoples data protecting peoples information in particular to do with data leaks. I ask the government to promptly present a bill allowing the creation of draft laws for using ai across economy sectors and also present the strategy of how to use e. I. In practice so that it helps for example doctors at the same time all risks of personal data leaks should be prevented human rights should unconditionally be observed. Now those proposals that the president mention is that they could come as early as next year early 2021 while he will put forward proposals to grant Ai Developers access to Government Data something that will of course need to be carefully monitored and controlled you also mentioned about the challenges posed to many workers and government officials why this is utilization. Processed by the moving of many aspects of life from offline to online and he said that while these pose difficulties and challenges for many people it also posed opportunities for people to prove themselves and show that of us at all qualities so it does seem that despite all the difficulties about 2020 has posed the need to adopt so be called to me very quickly its also speeding up this process of digitalisation in the country ive also speeding up the evolution of all. The tech sector i dont believe that the legislation goes well too much at the rate at which that is progressing. That hawkins reports now russians plans to move to adapt in an official intelligence thats how the news is looking just coming up to 430 in the afternoon in moscow back again at the top of the. Was a pandemic no certainly no borders and just blocking 2 nationalities. You. Know so much the brits are really we dont look like seem. To be. Judging the. Commentary crisis we just listened to the moment. We can do better we should be. Everyone is contributing each of our own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges create the response has been so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that were in it together. Were segregated. By social class Law School Class people

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