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Nobody objects nobody challenges los suns the quote fabricated accusations against journalists the 2 russia affiliated news websites charged with violating a use thanks to. A very good morning to you from our team here in moscow youre watching r. T. International with me karen. U. S. President elect joe bidens invited donald trump to his inauguration claiming it will give a positive sign that the postelection chaos that is ending but isnt clear whether the millions who still think victory was stolen from trump think this move will heal the divisions. You know. Some supporters are still coming out chanting stop the steele and citing multiple irregularities that despite officials in swing states georgia saying a 2nd recount should confirm biden as the winner arties dont cause a looks at how the reputation of u. S. Elections as a whole may be starting to get a little tarnished. Was only about a month left until the big transition of power in the white house and yet it looks like the battle for the presidency is not yet over this may be the most important speech ive ever made i want to provide an update on our own going efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud and irregularities which took place during the ridiculous lee long nov 3rd elections if we are right about the fraud. Joe biden cant be President Trump is sticking to his guns still insisting he was cheated out of the election and calling on the Supreme Court to overturn the results his lawyers though have yet to prove their case and the Justice Department says the Current Administration is full of baloney so what is it that the Trump Administration is making such a fuss about while in new york one u. S. P. S. Driver claimed a trailer with thousands of ballots disappeared into thin air a newer with return addresses filled out thousands of them while in wisconsin an ex postal worker even claimed his coworkers were ordered to backdate the ballots u. S. P. S. Employees were ordered to backdate ballots that were received too late to be lawfully counted ballots in liveries in the middle of the night people filling in the blank ballots for by misplacing duplicate souther wisconsin poll workers claim similar violations as well as the widely shared testimony from this michigan election contractor who claimed she blew the lid off some dodgy dealings in detroit there was. Actually the ballots being ran through that had been waiting machines numerous times being counted 8 to 10 times her testimony has already been put through the wringer of Public Opinion and the Justice Departments also made up its mind about these claims we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election. The thing is though the d. O. J. Wont say why which is raise the eyebrows of conservative officials all were asking for is own where there is evidence of improper impropriety that you examine and we want the transparency we want to understand is investigation going on. What kind of investigation what are you looking for for years americans have been told evil russian meddling is undermining democracy and now that biden seems to have won the election theres not so much as a whisper on that front that the russians really just decide to sit out this very important election or perhaps the very system itself is at fault here its clear that these elections are corrupt through and through but not for the reasons that donald trump highlights the corrupt through and through because theres an Electoral College that does not recognize the popular vote theres already a complete lack of trust people do not respect the Electoral College most americans cant even explain the Electoral College or provide any type of justification or logic for which there is none Many Americans dont even participate in president ial elections because they understand that its. A choice between 2 oppresses for the next 4 years between Tweedle Dee Tweedle dum trump is just expose the system from the right in created these fissures that have long existed a. Profound thing and im biased against donald trump want a u. S. Conservative groups courting leaked tapes at the News Networks Conference Calls and one clip released by a project various half a c. N. N. Special correspondent had describing how she is being advised by lawmakers to avoid giving trump too much at a time. I can hear in between. Who have who are who grand jury. To. Know who are the democrats. That we have to be you know. Hearing here for. Not being. Formed. For control or forward the leaks also appeared to show c. N. N. Chief jeff zucker ordering employees not to normalize trumps claims on the election the Communications Manager for project various have told my colleague saskia tale of the significance of the tapes. Youll hear the outgoing president of c. N. N. Jeff zucker dictating to his hosts Reporters Editors and producers what the news will be not based on whether it is true not based on whether its important but whether or not it fits jeff zuckers world view and personal political agenda theres no diversity of opinion nobody objects nobody challenges c. N. N. Did react very quickly on twitter that said that is going to get you in full swing involved my question is are you ready and do you think the door is on your side i dont believe for a minute that the police are to come knocking on our door everything that project veritas does is legal we have a very well trained and very well paid legal staff and im highly confident that everything we did was within the legal guard rails no one no one has called us from from Law Enforcement thats just something they said that tweet came from cnns p. R. Staff and i think you can call that a p. R. Stunt and i want to ask you one of the tables what todd and on your private discussions with that is his work space would you support it as well that. Who who is objecting c. N. N. I mean they ran secretly recorded tapes of 1st lady malani a trump just weeks ago they were in the access hollywood tapes they ran tapes secretly recorded of mitt romney when he was the 2012 republican candidate for president the idea that c. N. N. Is suddenly upset. About somebody were chris secretly recording a meeting or a Conference Call and put em putting out to the public thats absolutely absurd the network sais project very tough may have broken the law by snooping on it stuff legal and media analysts leinil told us he believes that news outlets would shout the most about the impartiality usually show the least. So the question is what role did okeefe play because if he if he just got the number himself and somebody lets say just gave it to him and he dialed in himself never being a part of us i think you may have legal problems but this is weird because now we have zune cause and now we have new areas of conversation in conference its not a one on one conversation and dont forget lines law the law always lags behind technology if we had done the same thing lets say to. Or in. A way in or something how bad you we would maybe hear something maybe not as blatant as that but certainly a journalistic bias and there are other people who say this is the brand the idea of you tuning in to c. N. N. You want to hear a liberal anti trump stuff im sorry but thats a fact so being true to the bad brand to the shareholders they have to produce but heres the thing which is amazing when you look at people who go out of their way to see we are the news we are unbiased fair and balanced is this in essence a form of trademark law is this perjury do they enjoy any kind of liability for misleading the consumer if i tell you something is 100 calories but its 200 youve got to believe i may get a lawsuit well im lying about the content why shouldnt it apply otherwise watch this being addressed in the courts coming up. Coming up later in the program well look at one legacy trump mainly if tobias and the Trump Administration does everything it can to make the transition as difficult as possible it would just be topping off his democratic process of. Law is opened criminal proceedings against employees of the russian affiliated boat news but nick latvia News Agencies for alleged violation of e. U. Sanctions you can go live now to rome on kozyrev in the studio with me remonde thank you for coming in very good morning to you what exactly are they being accused of well the accused at the moment theyre certainly outraged they feel that they are being persecuted just for the fact that they are called parading with Russian Media outlets and this is exactly what what they are being indicted for like you said employees of make and use that police come over to their homes they were searched some people were interrogated for as long as 8 hours they had their equipment confiscated so certainly a very difficult 24 hours for them there in the allowed but lets listen to what official news from us putting cant say the law and citizens are accused of violating the sanctions regime because of their work for the receipt civil or the news agency because its a lot of you know lithuania and estonia the agency subject to the personal sanctions of the imposed on the agencys general director joins ricky sort of in 24 scene and of course this caused outrage and not only among journalists but Russian Foreign ministry also had something to say about that and before we get to Everything Else lets hear what foreign minister ministry had to say. It is a completely punitive action which leaves no doubt to ball the roof of 4 big subtext of the fabricated accusations well the statement from the Russian Foreign ministry he went on further to say that the reference to the violation by this scene is categorically unacceptable and these restrictions from the e. U. All the sanctions were off a personal nature against the general director of make. It off and it cannot apply to everybody as it was in this case and right now we have a bunch of russian speaking journalists. Who are not certain what is going to happen next but with us we can see how that plays out thanks for bringing us up to date who among cars are. One of 3 Small Businesses have called time in some us states and one of the most disturbing effects of the pound demick but americas mega 1000000000 as lawmaking unprecedented cash as the rest of the country suffers unheard of levels hes capable pain takes a closer look. American politicians love to sing the praises of Small Businesses however with a pandemic going on weve got Small Businesses disappearing very fast at this point one 3rd of Small Businesses in both new york and new jersey have gone under with more expected to disappear soon its really bad and without federal dollars coming into new jersey the monsters tool is not the establishment going to make it through the winter while Small Businesses are falling on hard times other folks have been raking in the benjamins. Things are going great for amazon with people stuck at home and shopping online the Corporate Giant has been on a hiring been with 427300 new employees in just 10 months it appears theyre not afraid to kick the little guys even when theyre down Many Small Companies have told us during this year long investigation that they were mistreated abused and tossed aside by amazon. Shoes and amazon is only interested in exploiting its monopoly power over the ecommerce marketplace now on the surface of it looks like this is just simply a pandemic its a case of bigger boat staying afloat during a storm however if you look a little bit deeper it seems like things have been rigged. Could be radical lefty if youd like but i refuse to accept a system that enables jeff bezos to grow his wealth by 66000000000. 00 in 5 months during a pandemic the slip full 2000000. 00 americans on the brink of eviction american politicians have been talking about imposing restrictions and regulations and raising taxes on the rich however it all seems to just be talk those rich corporations are getting richer while the american middle class is dying off Small Businesses have to be competitive they dont have the money to buy the politicians they dont have the money to get the laws written for them think of it this way we have to capitalism we have one capitalism for the Big Companies the jews heard about tesla. Or amazon or easels those youve heard about and then we have another capitalism much more competitive much more relying on each business man or woman to try to find a way to divide us as a completely different system has different rules as different limits to itself and we live in a system in which these 2 coexist but with much bitterness between them and the irony is very dangerous for the United States is that in a sector this is why eaten too deeply the inequality the rich have gotten much much richer and the mechanics of people have gotten to the United States often likes to hate all the accoutrements of the free market and free competition however it seems like when certain people rise to the top they often like to change the rules in order to make sure they stay there caleb oppen r. T. New york. People have been confirmed dead after a large explosion in the west of england the incident happened at a walk Wastewater Treatment facility outside Bristol County these are live reports from the site. Well around 1120 this morning local time Emergency Services called to this water Treatment Facility here just outside bristol in the southwest of england been an explosion at a Chemical Plant at the at the site and not too long ago in the last hour or so weve had a press conference being held by the local chief of police and the local head of the fire service the fire service lead the rescue operation but sadly despite the best efforts of all those involved we can confirm that the full face of the seas the sea fleet 3 employees that were 6 water and one contractor a 5th person was also injured but their injuries are not believed to be life threatening. But the investigation will be carried out into what happened today involving a number of agencies and the health safe effective into pools police have confirmed that they. Are no longer looking for missing people dont expect there to be any more casualties in terms of death or injury one thing that was interesting that came out from the press Conference Held not to long ago was a plea by the police not for people to give them more to jump to conclusions not to listen to any of rumors or anything that theyve had on social media this is not being treated as an act of terrorism he said but of course those investigations as to be exact cause of that explosion will be going on over the next coming days and weeks and the Majesty Services do remain on the scene for that express purpose. And low to come off success thats how u. S. General has assessed american achievements after 19 years in afghanistan. We believe that now after 20 years 2 decades of consistent effort there we have achieved a modicum of success i would also argue that over the last 5 to 7 years as a minimum we have been in a condition of strategic stalemate. Excess appears to be replacing progress as the buzzword for the water torn country making progress right now on a very very sort of critical to our combined success with afghanistan the progress is real and importantly that progress is sustainable make no mistake the progress there i think is very rose myself and mistake and its very substantial 2016 has been a significant year for afghanistan and progress has been made we are making progress towards our common goal that is to ensure that we and our allies never again face terrorist attacks from afghanistan comes out of the taliban and the Afghan Government signaled a breakthrough in talks with agreement on a negotiation mechanism the countrys struggling amid leaks revelations about the Us Government of mismanagement and corruption by successive white house that ministrations in afghanistan top u. S. Officials privately admitted the war was unwinnable but had any such the justin from the public schooled writes a former marine corps Intelligence Officers say is that havent been any american achievements in afghanistan its whole. You know some issues are so dire that they they they cant be resolved you know amicably between the warring parties and the reality is weve accomplished nothing in afghanistan except to destroy the country further to thousands of american dead and tens of thousands of afghanis dead the only future for afghanistan will be if one power can take control there will be no negotiated settlement between the taliban and the Afghan Government these are incompatible they jps of afghanistan eventually one side will win the only way the Afghan Government can win is if the United States doubles down or send hundreds of thousands of troops and seeks to rebuild a nation there just simply isnt stomach for that in america nor in the world america will have to withdraw and the taliban are going to win that is the ultimate outcome we can choose to drag this out as long as we want joe biden will be loathe to admit defeat and be the president the last afghanistan so we could see american troops in afghanistan for another 4 years and then the president after that will have to make a decision do they want to go for another 4 years or do they want to withdraw but eventually american troops will have to leave act aniston. The u. S. Government regulators filed a complaint against google a case in the tech giant and violating employment regulations according to the National Labor Relations Board google unlawfully monitored stuff during a crackdown on activism last year the report concluded that employees were fired for protesting against Company Policies and attempting to unionize. A google layoffs in 29000 sparks a staff walkout across the u. S. Cities but former workers have accused the company of unethical conduct. We spoke up when we saw google making unethical Business Decisions that create a workplace that is harmful to us and our colleagues google didnt respond by honoring its values or abiding by the law it responded like a Large Corporation more interested in Revenue Growth than in ensuring Worker Rights and ethical conduct after the labor board complained to google responded by saying its confident and its legal position and that the 5 employees had violated Company Policies Political Part cast host Justin Robert de young told us one of the company acts the way it does. If they are saying this wasnt trying anymore then any company that has access to what you are doing online on Company Systems is spying but it is tricky when you are dealing with the government protected right to unionize and thats really where this becomes a larger issue is whether or not google overstepped their bounds in trying to quash a unionization or google is a really the lead dog in a lot of trends in Silicon Valley realistically theyve driven staff salaries in this entire industry they lead the perk revolution the idea that you would come to google not only get paid more but also have free lunch and childcare and gyms and stuff like that they were the job to be evil company that used to be their slogan and as they go on and the reality of business becomes the reality of business and they realize theyre at the cornerstone of the American Economy theyve had to make decisions that i think for folks who came into the fold believing that google was just this plucky little upstart that was organizing the worlds data it might not be the same thing. As critics say i dont know charm does make the transition to power as tough as possible to find and he would only be copying previous administrations not least findings on policy. Expand. Transition of power those weeks between the election in november and the new president s inauguration in january is a delicate process in theory it requires a good working relationship between the incumbent and the newly elected president whos headed for the white house. The reality is very different look at donald trump for example hes blacklisting Chinese Companies in the u. S. Before a trial friendly by he didnt even takes office. And hes presided over a d. O. J. Rule change which will effectively bring back firing squads and electric chair for the states that cant get hold of the drugs a political injections and yet hes against emotions unborn children have never had a stronger defender of the word plus the fact that trump has convinced heart of america that the election was stolen from him means that when i want to see any. Photos just like leave when barack obama had to break his teeth and welcomed trump into the white house in 2960 bucks says all could transition and then as bill clinton i am i am bills team is the lack of a large share shall we call it when i am going over the reins to george w. Bush after a brief and tested legal fight over the election in 2001 has become the stuff of legend clinton. With the help of his brother and his brothers in law pardoned 140 people on his last day in office. Including world wide bridge cocaine trafficking killing 10. And as i am rather broad but even after that the clinton team did not leave gracefully. To me much of the soul. Of soul calibur to be clinton staffers reportedly ripped phones from the walls cut president ial seals out of the carpet and left anti bush graffiti in the mens toilet stalls but best of all they removed the letter w 62 of the white houses computer lets build their job for you the clinton team designed many of these claims but the General Accounting Office reported that the white house had suffered some 15000. 00 worth of damage is a 3rd of that was spent on replacing keyboards im sure there wont be any pettiness this time around. Thanks for joining us here on r. T. International were back in just over 30 minutes with the latest headlines. Things become more extreme then which leads to right when this is like breaking norms not really in a good way. As the. Right is an extremist but the reality is. The elite media do the same. I think theyre going to be cheap busted and then through and through all the countries but the idea is really their right to go to his country he said 50 give them everything slipped into. The. League discounts. This is what we dont understand how we are in such a contract. Let us until the ones at the same time. Notice a nongovernmental. Similar. Jolly good 11 legged bible as proof if the minutes of own were not that god can we believe again in the world with the phone about the computer with the plane. Would come up to the police story if you have to see. It at the end of the best to keep you moving to. Boom boom boom boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Hello and welcome to cross up where all things are considered on people about continuity or change this is whats being asked when considering a potential by Foreign Policy trump made it a point to undo obamas legacy when biden do the same to trumps like this or is this all only rhetorical continuity drives Foreign Policy not the occupant in the oval office. To discuss this and more im joined by my guest peter who is making those that hes professor of history and director of the Nuclear Studies institute at American University as well as coauthor with all over stone the untold history of the United States in kingston we have it like petro he is a professor of Political Science at the university

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