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Sean thomas certainly glad to have the facts and not less then 10. 00 for covert immunity thats the price for russias put the vaccine internationally as it was presented to the Un General Assembly on wednesday moscow wants the job to be available to the whole world and has already agreed on deliveries to Foreign Countries we will be producing. Those this was a week seeing already just starting from february in for jogging in brazil china korea and argentina will radiate reach supply agreement and production agreements with those countries. More than 40 countries have expressed an interest in buying sputnik v. However many western critics have already written off the russian vaccine arties dan hawkins looks at why. The media today is full of big headlines pfizers covert 19 vaccine is officially the 1st to be approved in a western country with the United Kingdom leading the way theres a sense of excitement that lives can be saved on the 1st steps towards codewords final defeat have been taken i would like to tribute to him to who made this possible it is the protection. That were ultimately allow us to recruit our lives and get our recall of the movie again this is a victory but the real winner in the race for a covert job has been vaccine protectionism to many in western media and establishment only western produced vaccines can even be considered as part of a Global Solution to the pandemic and other a break through from the last event is that field shares are seneca higher as pfizer makes a final push Drug Company Pfizer says it is a great day for science c. E. O. Of pfizer tweeting out his congratulations. This is really a historic day we have pfizer we have or take you up while the European Medicines Agency has confirmed its in contact with the developers of sport nick v. The e. U. Has also been clear it doesnt recommend any e. U. State makes up its own mind about importing the vaccine even if they wanted to the reason strong lobby against vaccines that are being developed outside the European Union but thats life were already used to it and it in hungary is interest to get us a vaccine as quickly as possible hungary isnt alone this has been global since the sputnik ves existence was 1st announced back then media and members of the Scientific Community were quick to criticize russia for failing to provide public data on the vaccine safety and even when phase one and 2 Clinical Trial data up was later published in the lancet skepticism mistrust and suspicion of were still rife at any mention of sport mcvie moscow has been accused of cutting corners using. The steal western Research Russia rushed to register it as a world 1st raising eyebrows in the Scientific Community putin this might be his personal back through plenty even here still need persuading that sputnik is a reliable choice theres always room for healthy skepticism and Critical Thinking as with any new vaccine but it seems some require slightly more scrutiny than others take my den or the company has requested emergency approval from the american and european regulators for its vaccine 10 days before that pfizer and biotech sought the same clearance for their job yet Neither Company has publicly released full data from late stage Clinical Trials for peer review in any medical journal and its not just about peer review moscows been clear its open to International Corporation on covert vaccination to save lives and win the battle against corona virus we are ready to cooperate with others in terms of vaccination particularly on the council of europe platform the cruellest pandemic has made it clear that europeans need to know it in the feast of common threats these offers appear to fall on their fears whether its a deep mistrust or the belief that sport mcvie is just the way for putin to gain political approval truly joint efforts to find a vaccine never materialized this is probably of little concern to develop states most will really have brought up the majority of vaccine surprise produced by their own companies while the rest of the world is unlikely to get access to the vaccines for years to come vaccine protectionism has truly try out with only western produce the vaccines touted as world saving despite being unavailable to most and then alternatives trashed and dismissed from the outset the world never really stood a chance at making a united stand against coronavirus this isnt a competition between ourselves is its about doing the best for our world for the global population and that we must all work together. To get vaccines distributed i think there was a very good paper that was published in the peer review journal about the russian vaccine a long sit the general issue about the rush to produce vaccines has been that many of the vaccines have been presented in press releases rather than in Peer Reviewed papers its important that we have doing Clinical Trials that these are reported properly i know that the sputnik vaccine is being trialled in india now as well and thats a great thing its about sharing the responsibility we all have to ensure all vaccines are safe effective and that we share them particularly in parts of the wall going to struggle like developing countries where we need to be helping with large populations. In an interview with the head of a Pharmaceutical Company responsible for the mass rollout of this put v. Says western skepticism is groundless. As up in this place an expert say that russians are russian was a back seat. To the tried and tested playground a long period of time and that with done everything so fast. When a western counterparts make statements we need to look very closely at who is saying it and exactly what they are saying for example they frequently complain that the gamma institute hasnt published enough data and so on the same time we should realize that just a Research Institute is not a pharmaceutical giant like astra zeneca or pfizer a lot of p. R. Specialists who are usually presenting the data selectively and in a favorable light so once again you shouldnt compare the data published by the Government Institute with the data published by western companies on the other hand if you still want to make a comparison thats compared to the Oxford Research group when it hadnt yet signed an agreement with astra zeneca no one knew them and no one saw the results until big pharma got involved and. Just how realistic is it to prove that the vaccine is safe. At this point weve seen convincing dates of the proof is safe it was proven during preclinical animal testing please consider that im talking about safety not effectiveness then it was proven during Clinical Trials on Healthy Volunteers weve done all that statistics to show that the vaccine is safe. Getting a good vaccine out there could see us all getting out and enjoying ourselves again after a year in the dark for the performing arts we catch up with a russian a prima ballerina to talk about staying in former during the blackout and how theatres are preparing for her once more a little later in the program. The most unexpected of places at once to take holy orders to get round of the law down to kill bar in Central England has applied for a church license and a tongue in cheek bid to highlight what it calls the absurdity of selective restrictions as places of worship can stay open but restaurants and bars cat. Under the new to this is that we wouldnt be allowed to i. Could be months and months as we dont have a substantial future for a kitchen says know who she needs to do that and so we look to other ways all the other businesses in the news that i can under all that is a place of worship was one of them so weve reached the branch to define you as a or send off cation to register the venue as a place of worship. As the church of the 400. Main reason is to sort of point out that the contradictory nature of the rules our everything from jim. Church is in massage parlors every shot weve got a Christmas Market happening in knots an hour outside of it all for us to go ahead while we have a show. It just makes Hospitality Business is like ours completely viable and we need more government support. To get us through so the wise. As weve seen in the news the last couple of days the high street is already with arcadia in devon and. Its been decimated and hospitality next to step up. 4 people have been converted to dead after a large explosion in the west of england the incident happened at a waste Water Treatment facility outside bristol are reports from the site. Well around 1120 this morning local time Emergency Services or to the small to Treatment Facility here just outside bristol in the southwest or england than in the explosion of a Chemical Plant the the sides want to run the government off our sorry weve had a press conference being held by the local chief of police and the local head of the fire service the fire service lead the rescue operation but sadly despite the best efforts of all those involved we can confirm that before they kind of seize the scene fully 3 employees that were 6 water and one contractor a 5th person was also injured but their injuries are not believed to be life threatening. But the investigation will be carried out into what happened today involving a number of agencies and the health safe effective in 2 pools police have confirmed that they have now and this the no longer looking for that missing people dont expect that to be any more casualties in terms of deaths or injuries one thing that was interesting that came out from the press Conference Held not to long ago was a plea by the police not for people to give them or to jump to conclusions not to listen to any rumors or anything that theyve had on social media this is more being treated as an act of terrorism he said but of course those investigations as to be exact cause of that explosion will be going on over the next coming days and weeks and the Majesty Services do remain on the scene for that express purpose. We managed to speak with a nearby Office Worker who described what he saw. First of all we just heard you know the sound wasnt too loud it was like bone sound to us to like few minutes like. More. We i so the silly cops are just coming here to the accident place and they have the police horn just as well and just and the same area. Just when theyre out of i was there alone the police was. There. As well was there. So i just i was fond of the workers there. A told me. This is explosion. With you know with. 11 tank just was exploded so you know because its an Industrial Area theres no houses they its all Industrial Area and the house is some how far from this explosion i dont know if they fall down mark but we see that in our office who did it so we just now waiting for information of the ship of force to tell us what happened and whats going on. To conservative group in the u. S. Has lead to tapes of Staff Meetings and c. N. N. Project veritas claim that they prove the networks bias against of the president in one clip c. N. N. Special correspondent james gangle is heard saying how news organizations that should be wary of giving trump too much air time. I just keep hearing the same thing from republicans who have not been there to congratulate biden. But also to you know what happened to democrats and that is we have to be you know news organizations have to be very careful and responsible. Not keeping track too much of a platform. Thing because the trolls useful to move forward. The networks has project veritas may have broken the law by snooping on its staff and it defended the language used in the recording saying diversity of personal opinion is what makes c. N. N. Strong we heard from the Communications Manager for project very tough who was involved in releasing the recordings. You hear the outgoing president of c. N. N. Jeff zucker dictating to his hosts Reporters Editors and producers what the news will be not based on whether it is true not based on whether its important but whether or not it fits jeff zuckers world view and personal political agenda theres no diversity of opinion nobody objects nobody challenges c. N. N. Did react very quickly on twitter that said that is going to get your enforcement involved my question is are you ready and do you think the door is on your side i dont believe for a minute that the police are to come knocking on our door everything that project veritas does is legal we have a very well trained and very well paid legal staff and im highly confident that everything we did was within the legal guard rails you know and no one has called us from from Law Enforcement thats just something they said that tweet came from cnns p. R. Staff and i think you can call that a p. R. Stunt and i want to ask you one of the tables what todd and youll private discussions with that is his workspace to do you support it as while that. Who who is objecting c. N. N. I mean they ran secretly recorded tapes of 1st lady malani a trump just weeks ago they were in the access hollywood tapes they ran tapes secretly recorded of mitt romney when he was the 2012 republican candidate for president the idea that c. N. N. Is suddenly upset. About somebody were chris secretly recording the meeting or a Conference Call and put and putting out to the public thats absolutely absurd. Still ahead this hour over 70 mosques in france are facing closure has a government crackdown on radical islam thats very much more after a short break. This art international. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. Something seemed wrong all along just dont call. Me. Yet to shape out just they become agitated and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Continuity for change this is what is being asked when considering a potential fine Foreign Policy trip made a point to undo obamas legacy when fighting do the same to trumps like this or is this all only rhetorical continuity drives Foreign Policy not the occupant in the. Back this is our 2 international a president has urged the Supreme Court to intervene in the u. S. Election and overturn the results in multiple states in a 46 minute speech posted online he repeated his claim that the vote was stolen. This may be the most important speech ive ever made i want to provide an update on our own going efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud and irregularities which took place during the ridiculous lee long nov 3rd elections i am determined to protect our election system which is now under coordinated assault and see if we are right about the fraud joe biden cant be President Trump pointed to what he claims are irregularities in the Voting System including millions of illegal quote unquote votes of dead people casting ballots he accused democrat run areas of voter corruption and changing the results trump added he had he would accept any outcome as long as its accurate but his attorney general has already undercut some of those claims we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have a think to a different outcome in the election meanwhile president elect joe biden and his team are dismissing the allegations of voter fraud calling the election result fair professor of latin american studies believes that the fraud claims are a distraction from the real problems underlying the u. S. Voting system. That these elections are corrupt through and through but not for the reasons that donald trump highlights the corrupt are going through because theres an Electoral College that does not recognize the popular vote theres already a complete lack of trust people do not respect the Electoral College most americans cant even explain the Electoral College or provide any type of justification or logic for which there is none Many Americans dont even participate in president ial elections because they understand that its. A choice between 2 oppresses for the next 4 years between Tweedle Dee Tweedle dum trump is just expose the system from the right created these issues that have long existed. France is threatening to shut huge numbers of mosques after announcing massive and unprecedented raids on more than 70 islamic places of worship the stated goal is to fight fight quote separatism and liberate french islam from foreign influences arties travel differently explained well this fight against separatism is something weve covered many times here but now it seems that 76. 00 more mosques same fronts are going to be caught in the crossfire of that the interior minister has confirmed the reports in french newspapers that those mosques are now in the next few days going to see what he described as being unprecedented action. In accordance with my instructions the Student Services will launch massive precedented action against bridges and 76 mosques suspected of supporters must be checked in the coming days and those that have to be closed will be where the mosques that are due to be targeted are said to have clandestine rooms or have more in moms who are on alert for the prevention of terrorist radicalization these are some of the reasons why these mosques are said to be targeted now muslims have already been saying that they fear of reprisals and there have been allegations of attacks taking place on muslims because of their faith most recent emerged on wednesday of this week this took place at a mosque just in the south of paris and as you can see from the images it said that the car deliberately drove into the front of the mosque smashing those windows of the doors now the tensions have come at a time when the council of ministers is in the next few days due to look at this north to promote Republican Values it was previously called the separatism or prevent separatism law here in france its a Long Time Coming present my confers talked about it earlier on this year but the law itself the draft law was released in the weeks following the brutal beheading of teachers patti who had been targeted for showing controversial images of the muslim prophet during a civics class back in october now following his brutal assassination there was a clamp down on muslim associations here in france and the closure of a mosque in punk we went to that mosque and spoke to the congregation there who said that they felt that they had been unfairly targeted on are crucial to man we have a very kind of man who speaks to us in erratic and french and doesnt tell people what to do it never gathered us together to tell us to do anything bad. That was written for George Orwell i dont know if i told people you should go on by. A weapon and then they go and buy weapons and kill someone im not responsible for that. Im not happy about the mosques closure i mean just what happened to the teacher i condemn it i do not agree with those who committed the crime but for the mosque its a shame. While these clampdowns here in france are provoked huge reaction elsewhere particularly in some muslim majority countries where there have been protests with tens of thousands of people turning up effigies of president and a call for a boycott on french products being sold in their countries many muslims are concerned they are living in an element of fear at the moment and they feel that they are being targeted by this law and for many this announcement that 76 more mosques will be either closed or subject to new restrictions that will make them feel that even more so france is becoming an unfriendly place to live. In france staff French Mountain resorts are up in arms over the governments decision to keep ski facilities closed over the Festive Season unrest broke out after the government announced that covert 1000 restrictions will remain in place for christmas and new year hundreds of people rallied at a major alpine resort on wednesday they say that they have already taken far reaching measures to comply with Health Regulations and keep visitors safe and that a season long shutdown could ruin their livelihoods. Everything in place so we can welcome to our representatives met with authorities to discuss procedures the ski resorts we were ready we were told to wait for a decision but nothing has come out of that. Hole to open the cable cars as soon as the whole city improves obviously the goal is not to create a cluster in our valley but we have to think about all those workers at the resorts and their economic survival. We are very concerned we are doing everything we can to complete our season but we hear the many french people will be going abroad to ski if feels like having the rug pulled from under us were willing to make sacrifices but not to be taken for fools if people want to go on holiday let them come to our mountains theyre going to be safe. The french government is standing by its decision which follows a nationwide spike in crime of iris infections and Prime Minister john it casts has urged people not to go skiing abroad saying random border checks will be imposed we spoke with the mayor of a resort village he thinks the measures make no sense. This is absurd we do not deny the risks but its ridiculous to think that Outdoor Activities of very risky be aware that the ski resorts that close now but people will still come in from a security standpoint receiving these gifts is a very big challenge mr juncker sticks these words are frivolous here underestimates these contradictions we face today ill give you an example that might make you smile the only answer allowed in live on new years holidays is to go to the cinema this is how decisions made above are affecting territory that falls under so many restrictions. Just about every industry has suffered during the coveted crisis and the performing arts no exception uncertainty and lock downs have left them starved of audiences with the curtains down for much of 2020 for stay at home performers that meant extra challenges to stay in tip top condition ready for when the audiences return we spoke to russian prima ballerina headliner from the bolshoi ballet about how moscows premier stage has been weathering the pandemic. So its out of most of the theaters across the world are closed we keep working however the circumstances are unusual well have to perform with 25 percent auditorium capacity so the middle of january and i hope it will not last longer have you already performed under such circumstances no not yet so much over him when they went through crazy times called it safe to measures all that has become a hard challenge it may have been very difficult to get fit not what has been keeping you through that. And if the 1st month of the quarantine was like a nightmare we were in the complete dark with regard to the future the lack of awareness was making me nervous shiver do you know what the hardest thing was we all realised that it could have been over at any moment and we would have to get back to training being in good shape of course we all trained at home in the early days of the quarantine there were gags on the internet about belly dances not just only russian but for a guy who were the 1st to have been put on lockdown there was shown Training Holding on to the sink to the stove in the kitchen or literally in the corner at 1st it seemed to be funny but later on with every new extension it had been getting increasingly tense but the pandemic has proved to be a challenge to seize and dancers what about young dancers who are right at the start of their careers such a disruption at a time when the foundations of been laid how consequential is it which it is a very challenging time for the graduates who have to train at home as well which is private of all that they had aspired to they missed the graduation concert exams hard times for them and their mentors what would you wish yourself what else do you need to achieve when it comes to your career im happy to be here our Government Supports us it doesnt matter that the auditorium capacity has been limited to just 25 percent of course such ballets as small lake spartacus all of bias there are difficult. Without the same applause and screams of bravo to which the bolshoi theater stage is used to do each im used to but still the friends try to support us with their full i think called we continue to work and have the opportunity to go on stage and done them with us to you from the control room and me here we were glad to have had you with us thanks this is our 2 international. Ellwood forward to talking to you all. That technology should work for people. I robot must obey the orders given to human beings except where such orders that conflict with the 1st law show your identification we should be very careful about Artificial Intelligence and the point all of us me is to trust our government here. Like serious charges and with Artificial Intelligence will some of the. Most protect its own existence which exist. Welcome to the alec salmon shoe in the future of many tragedies perhaps the passing of joining him did not get the prominence it deserved john hume is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in the recent political history of ireland as one of the architects of the Northern Ireland Peace Process and he to the day he was a finding member of the social democratic and labor party yes g. O. P. Im so

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