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One of the things compounding the humanitarian disaster. Here youve got a book, is this year ruggedness of the month with us. Refugees return home to new corner carabao, because russian peacekeepers secure the only routes linking the region to armenia. Antti takes the trip down, tests its safety. On the un warns of a humanitarian catastrophe in ethiopia as tens of thousands flee, brutal fighting in the north. I was severely beaten and tortured. But if i were detained for 3 days, old son, pregnant women are being sheltered, thrown into the streets, and bitter was a very good morning to you, which 10 am here in moscow. And youre watching Aussie International with aaron one death due to covert it every minute the us is setting ever more pulling right chords with a new 6 month peak of corona virus victims reached this week. That makes even tough. I look down restrictions increasingly likely. New york city is closing all Public Schools from thursday. More than a 1000000 students will move to distance learning, but not all parents agree. It causes a lot of strength and the 3rd year as we really dont have to close down just yet. It kind of fun. Please dont do this to, i believe keep the schools open for a little sad to close by. Thats what passes for the cancer. Its super unfortunate that these kids are going to be denied an education, but we can go eat dinner inside a restaurant. And yes, it makes no sense to me out absolutely. On fears of strictly lockdowns of people scrambling to stock up supermarket chains struggling to keep up with demand has put limits on the number of items shoppers can buy. More pain reports on a growing u. S. Crisis over the pandemic. The number of covert cases across america now stands at roughly 11000000. In addition to that, 250000 people have died. We now have bloomy predictions coming from scientists, saying that that number could double in the coming months with the virus giving no sign of abetting. Many hospitals around the country have been pushed to the brink. One nurse in texas told the horrors of overcrowded morgues. d we never says its ok for us to be exposed, but you have doctors, you do not even come in here. You cant get exposed, but we can hear ya make, you know, on a monday. In fact, it has gotten so bad that in el paso, texas, its Prison Inmates who been given the job of transporting bodies in north dakota. The governor has signed an order saying that medical workers who test pas 2 for coded 19 should still show up for work as long as theyre not showing symptoms. Nurses are furious. Union leaders say this is putting workers in mortal danger. We really feel like it has a mission that patients be interesting as well. Do you really worry about a nurse or now . Nurses are exhausted across the street and Everybody Knows that there has to be. And i think it started. We have asked people to really answer granting of their contact and im positive and were going to turn around. Im going to work with that. We are totally counting on the empower our respect and the credibility that we dont believe our communities are not. For politicians, though, the Public Health crisis is an opportunity to point fingers and blame each other. Joe biden blames the coronavirus deaths that have been forecasted for the next few months on donald trump and his refusal to concede the election. Furthermore, joe biden is saying that donald trump is the reason that Many Americans are suspicious of the vaccine. What do you see as the biggest threat to your transition right now, given president trumps unprecedented attempt to obstruct and delay a smooth transfer of power. More people may die. The only reason people question now is because of the. Now polls are showing that only about 58 percent of the American Public is willing to get vaccinated, and that is not going to change depending on whether or not donald trump is willing to concede the election results. If i took it in, some people might die again with the my down no vaccine and some people might die in the future, like in 10 years. So even if it got tested that it was positive and it had no ill effect, i still wouldnt want to take it. I want to see what the actual effect of the doses are going to be administered. Is that a single dose of the dose . Like what the gap between doses, so just more information in terms of what the actual role of the covert 19 pandemic has devastated the country both in terms of Public Health and the economy. There is not much optimism right now, and there is not much hope that, a new administration in the white house is going to turn things around r. T. , new york. And staying with the subjects of the pandemic, countries discuss nonliterary vaccination as the solution to rising numbers of covert victims. Well debate the issue with guests later in the program. What should we do . That vaccination should be obliged people to have the vaccination, but we should only use functionary sheets were necessary for most people who are actually delivering new dimension and thousands call outs. A new german law to beef up locked down. Power is unconstitutional with protests turning violent and a group of refugees has returned home to the disputed region of nickell, no care about kind of the truce reached between armenia and azerbaijan. Last week were russian. Peacekeepers have secured the key road, connecting the area with allowing dozens of buses and cars to post through archies margos to have tested the route himself and brings us this report. One of the things compounding the humanitarian disaster here is the shia ruggedness of these mountainous country for the 10s of thousands of people who fled the fighting for them to return home. They need a safe road, but because of the fighting various segments of the routes to get about under the control of different sides. What the Russian Peacekeeping mission has been able to do is to make the achaeans key, corridor safe for all these refugees to return. So we went for a very literal test drive to see if its true. It fresh and peacekeepers really had convinced that said by john to let me and refugees written it turned out to be a very cautious drive. The other problem, of course, is the weather. These late in the year in november, december, it gets increasingly cold, increasingly wet, and the visibility is down to what . 20 reasons. At this point, the roads are treacherous. If youre a refugee, though, it isnt the fault, youre afraid of, die the result, the bad routes, the end exploded munitions or the bodies of the dead. Its the leaving, the scale you just over a week ago. This was a fiercely contested front glide. It still is a frontline in the room no longer contest that the next 19 kilometers off to the sun. Held by is headed by judd, through russian mediation. The sides have agreed to let all traffic through unmolested. Meenie and its headed by johnny military vehicles, civilians, or refugees at 1st few willing to trust the other side. We heard that there were, as are by johnnies about ambushes here, and i didnt know if it was true or not, but now i know everything is fine here and when i am, i afraid, of course, im not about branches. What is there to fear when youre driving under a russian flag . The situation is that booth son who were at war just over a week ago have to share the same stretch of road. And its up to russian peacekeepers who patrol the road and who is stationed at various points to prevent the 2 sides from taking revenge on civilians or harassing them. It took a lot of work, but russian peacekeepers were successful. New weapons are allowed, not even for troops. Everyone searched every vehicle inspected every weapon confiscated. Here we filmed a small the military convoy pass immediately after cars carrying armenian refugees, which by itself was unimaginable 2 weeks ago. 15 days. Thank you, everything is fine. But everything changes, if you would have believed russian peacekeepers and outposts would be situated meters apart or that the troops would be barbecuing food and setting the table as armenian refugees return to the city. We have had no difficulty bringing out very good relations if they need something we need something everyones playing by the rules. The ceasefire stands and thousands of people are returning to their homes, their previous lives. Yes, im not, im happy. The rusher is with me. I have nothing to add, ive always respected russia, and ive nothing to lose. I feel happy and proud that we have friends like this that tell us, and dont leave us in trouble. Ah, under the peace deal, armenia and azerbaijan will hold on to their current military positions that gives the media control of the disputed regions. Largest city step as a biogen gets the 2nd biggest city shushi, which it took just before fighting ended. Armenia will also have to hand over 3 other districts in the region. The Un Refugee Agency is warning of a full scale humanitarian catastrophe in ethiopia. Well then 27000. 00, people have fled to neighboring countries from fighting in the north. If europeans government is battling the Peoples Liberation front, after accusing it of attacking a military base or authorities that launched a military offensive calling the alleged assault, an act of treason, itll be 3 days when most of us, how many . Yes, i get left. Everything can look little, not just our clothes, but this year i was really beaten and tortured, and we were detained for 3 days. We near death from hunger and thirst before they released us, should renounce all sense. Pregnant women have been shot and thrown into the streets and bitter was sticks. After they took control of, they stole all homes. The humanitarian situation on the border between ethiopia and sudan is quickly evolving and is extremely urgent. In the matter of a week, the un h. C. R. Has already recorded more than 30000 refugees who have crossed from ethiopia into sudan. Better have we lost everything our belongings, our livestock, everything. I do not know anything about my children. Because the world not see us now. Where when we go, where we just die, we barely escaped with our lives. Granted away the whoever did not flee will die. While hes there was Political Science professor, call income fell face, the situation could deteriorate further. It does not appear that an end of the conflict is imminent. The fears that the Prime Minister videographers 20 doing is determined to rule out the degree in opposition. The root cause of this particular carnival or a different vision for the development of the old. We could exacerbate that refugee crisis, especially if the European Union and the united nations, the United States, and other major powers, russia, china, etc. Act to seek to quell this disruption that is going on in ethiopia. However, we have not seen much assistance. Theres yeah, blood lust and competition, killing may have provoked Australian Special forces tonight, a dozens of afghans and inquiry has found. The countrys defense force, chief admitted squadrons, could have what he called a worry, a culture issue through port finds that some Specialist Service richmond commanders in australia fostered within the s. A. s. What justice, birch, in terms of a self centered warrior culture . A misplaced focus on prestige, status and power, turning away from or from the ridge ments carry, teach, of military excellence fused with the quiet humility of service. The Australian Military report describes the phenomenon of socalled blooding, where commanders make junior soldiers shoot a prisoner to get their 1st kill. The murders are covered up as a legitimate act of self defense with guns alternates place by the victims body. International Affairs Professor sophism, a. Clinton says its clear, foreign troops are simply dont care about afghan lives. The war in afghanistan was always brained and a 2 pronged way while on the one hand accountability for the attacks of 911 arguments that afghanistan had been used as a breeding ground for terrorists. And on the other hand, an attack against the taliban. A humanitarian intervention to save the Afghan People from a brutal regime. The reality is their knowledge of the behavior that we have witnessed in these reports shows any serious care for the Afghan People. At no time do we get the sense that theres any concern for the future of the nation. And for the complexities of rebuilding a country thats been ripped apart by war since 979. 00. And in fact, in the, the afghanistan papers that were released are only just about a year ago. We found out that the u. S. Government was uneven really taking seriously counting civilian casualties. They didnt count the bodies of dead afghans because the afghan lives did not count in the war. And so i think we see, you know, a consistent pattern here where theres no accountability and no concern at all for the people. Europeans come out against plans to make the covert vaccine obligatory more on that after a short break. Greater transferred to st. Simpson, exacerbating an alarming everyone to mindlessly. Actually what that means is we end up making solutions that cost a lot, but actually do very little. Its just a kind of feel good change instead of the Actual Solutions that were tricks global warming. Welcome back. To tackle the growing trade crisis, countries are gauging Public Opinion on making vaccinations. Mandatory. A British Government says they found almost half the population, supports that, but despite significant opposition to an obligatory job of seanie and pay ses those who refuse should be banned from public places. If vaccination works, and if were confident its safe and all indications so far are good, then i can certainly see the day when business is a look. Youve got to return to the office and if youre not vaccinated, youre not coming in. According to the Ruling Party Lawmaker only vaccinated passengers should be allowed to use public transport, but that sparked a massive online backlash. Many still question the safety of an anti covert vaccine, while others know to a mandatory job could only make things worse. And meanwhile, in denmark, a draft epidemic could lead police force the vaccine on parts of the population, but it may backtrack on the plans following mass protests where talk of the idea of mandatory vaccinations to a pile of experts. Im sorry, north against vaccinations. 101 city. My son was partly the situation since we should hold these parts. Nations were necessary as fuck, since cheney is still human, heart should be improved yet. So this law is being fast. Facts are also great. Bizzare are the insuring people channel sued them and weve actually gotten to School Anything which happens. Hes as a result of this foxy, i think that were in a real emergency situation and its not like, you know, 56 years ago when you make a choice of the river or not. You have actually in rio faced a major threat make a Public Health threat by the and their frightening government is not really right. In speeding things up. People are worried that this essentially is kind of straying into the area of true cousin and nor a bit of health or a terry intends to at. I want to respond to that to people who add to that. And lets assume for one moment we have the facts, a nation which is safe. What should we do without vaccination . Should be obliged people to have the vaccination. Well, there is no law in the u. K. That the government could use at the moment to make you know, bigotry. In fact, the 984 act which comes closest to it actually prevents the government requiring people to undergo medical treatment or vaccination. So there isnt a more, a lot of people are mistrust who are going back in because, you know, people are saying, well, theres all these big crawling through companies coming in there making loads of money on it. Who knows whats really behind them. So now actually there is, there is sufficient and i would be right if they were christians dont believe my view. I think there and, and hes waiting there and creating an issue where those that were like myself, really wanted to go ahead. The rocks in that are getting deck bigger and bigger. America needs rotten mean crime. You can rent the operation because the worst thing that you can do is use chords that were simply confirm. People who destroyed the work to create, call them or call them in the long run. And then you can read a little bit. Basically, its the same discourse actually should, because if you cant secure, were taught in public transport, going to russia or towards if you thought about actually wish most people going to meet we or totally totally and state if we got a hold on treatment rather than vaccination. And we kept doing what were all trying to do, wear masks, why gloves, social distance . Is that not enough to be really need to stray into as people are saying, this realm of to konya north stepping and a stepping on the toes of peoples liberties. Well, i think that if we continue the way we are already being on people who are really i would rather not wear him out. Now we were not so sure of this and clearest in my life. I would rather have actually done so with millions of people that i go back around, you know, are actually very happy to go there actually in the world are about to go back to a normal real life instead of the present circumstance. Which because i literally go with it. So most people are reacting is that liberating intervention. And i think its very still really to say that we dont need iraq, but politicians on the public are up in arms against germanys news knocked down a little with riot Police Injured and hundreds of arrests as rallies turned violent. With the i was, with 1003 bill provides the Legal Framework for restrictions such as state, stay home, orders, social distancing and masks. The amendment passed parliament, but sparks heated debate in a dip in a building, as opponents also rallied outside merkels drive. It includes that the right, no alternatives, typical markel wish. But the reason alternative for germany, what we just saw was a drowning Political Force clutching at straws. They are drowning as a party because they have no topics. You are not capable of creating, all you can do is be against your radical friends outside have been calling to block the entrance to the parliament. And you just like them. Want to block the way of lawmaking. You want to hold the whole institution of parliament through the mud because you hate it. Youve got no alternative. All you want is turmoil. Here and we heard from politicians of different parties who warn opposition to the law is far reaching. Its not only our prophet, its not only the members of the parliament. There are also many, many people on the streets and also all experts, law experts and University Teach us. You cannot suspect a basic, your rights, such as freedom of assembly or the right to privacy. Does this very serious violation of the chairman constitution, the way this law or the wrath through the journalists is just completely in exactly normal. You would have, it is national, this may be the society is obscene. Wish madrasah caught it and have the scientists and politicians on one table. But here it is just the government, not even including the opposition parties and its actions. And wrapping this law through that one, as i would love to hear your thoughts on this story and Everything Else i do get in touch by following us on social media. Were back at the top of the hour. Because free up money is something from the 20th century, the 19th century of the 18th century. And its being just intermediated or disrupted by bitcoin, which offers perfect price discovery. The price of big is perfect. Its it mimics nature and that weighs like a photosynthesis of money. Its a perfect price discovery, the perfect market maker between risk and reward between consciousness and humanity. Its absolutely perfect and thats why people are running to it. Now in the shilling family, new gold rush is underway, and garner. Thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the goldfields, hoping to strike it. Rich is a good. As children are torn between gold, my family was very poor. I thought i was doing my best to get back to school, which side will have the strongest appeal. Welcome to the alex savage with president trumps legal challenges falling like 9 pins. It seems that the new team of joe biden come, the hardest can say to by measuring the curtains in the oval office. However, the rival top must stay on top must go to him and stations of the last few days, reflect the polarization of the american political system. The results of the president ial poll raises fresh questions for america. Will the new administration bind up the winds of the nation or will deadlock in the senate reflect more bitter divisions to come . Is president right now for the democrats and do all the duels be hitting the fairways or the campaign trail for 2024 . We ask, he expects from the left, i rate of american politics, you are, whether an america and then one of the worlds most famous anthropologist. Davis explains the changes in American Society which dictate the political future of the worlds most powerful country. But 1st, just emails. Last week show on photographer extraordinary heidi benson eggs. They took great interest shot and said, had the privilege of meeting him many years ago when i was curating a football exhibition. He was a good friend of another well known press photographer, who kindly gave permission to some of his fantastic images and brought him along to meet me. I had no idea then just how significant he was in the media world. So dying to earth, both of them, a treasured memory. Evelyn says whatever 1000000000 photographer and a fascinating man, kay says what an interesting guy i leave the house says, how does seems like an absolutely sound well done to him . Amazing career. And finally, for a dolls head there says i heard of him before and saw his 2 foot to grass and i seen him speaking and shading his memories of the past. Great one indeed still. Now over to alex with professor of howard university, i met martin, president of the Phyllis Schlafly equal society uncool, author of the conservative case for trial. Can i come to you, professor, you must be pretty pleased by the uncommon, the hottest looking pretty president ial in the, in the podium there. Think theyre holding. They think theyre going to, going to go against at ministration. Come january, are you celebrating that . And how do you know best i have to admit i am, i dont know how to express to you what it feels like to have a bad president of the United States somehow university, the great black woman, the 1st woman of asian descent, and then that very historically black College Graduate being the Vice President , me the tremendous all of a minute

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