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Ballots. Meanwhile, it biden does get to the white house. What will his Foreign Policy look like . We get the thoughts of a former special adviser to barack obama. Right now, i think parents, we do see the country going through a searching debate and being taxed to simply working from home german economists push the idea, is millions, ditch the office, and go remote during the pandemic flu, that welcomes just gone for an afternoon here in moscow are you watching r t international. The russian peacekeepers have established observation post in the corner, cutting back as part of a new truce between armenia and as the police units will ensure the safety of the disputed region. Civilian population patrol. The recently active front line officials in the region to say to the Russian Mission has brought calm and that their presence will continue to guarantee pace. So lets get the latest now with our correspondent against it is based in europe and the armenian capital. Good afternoon to you again would add just tell us what the situation its like in the mine until now when i thought about following these latest developments. Well, its been very calm throughout the day and very busy as well. The latest footage showing voss convoys of russian peacekeepers of armored personnel. Carriers of fuel trucks of communications, gear supply vehicles all snaking their way across the rugged and mountainous terrain. That is the breakaway republic of thousands and thousands of peacekeepers. An enormous operation to make sure that the headquarters in the capital step id like yet to set up that all these observation and monitoring Ceasefire Monitoring posts, i set up across the periphery of the go to cut off across the conflict light to make sure that the the that the deal, the cease fire deal with the side. It can be implemented and monitored as quickly and as efficiently as possible. And this is something that russia has done very quickly. This operation has been somewhat abreast, identity in size, and in scoop and so far they have been successful, not a single short has been fired. Today, according to the head of the Russian Peacekeeping force. Some of the most difficult, most importantly, all kinds of operations have ceased income tax arms around the territory. We no longer his shots being fired and the situation is gradually stabilizing. And there have been repeated attempts throughout the course of this 6 week conflict to, to, to implement a cease fire to, to get the belligerence to deescalate, to stop shooting, stop firing, still pull the military operation. Theres a russian cease fire attempt on then an american one, donald trump, himself promising to end this war. Nothing seemed to work enormous diplomatic pressure and booth sides stuck at it, stuck to the yes to this conflict of this war. There were dramatic changes in territorial control and on the 10th of november, finally with the russian president , himself, mediating the president of us, headed by john, the Prime Minister of armenia. They signed a cease fire deal, which so far is holding much, much longer than any previous ceasefire deal, you know, held and stayed in effect. Nevertheless, there are many people who are upset who are unhappy and even angry at this ceasefire deal. They see it as unfair, especially people here in yerevan, in armenia, who see it as a capitulation, a surrender of betrayal by their government of armenians and pro Armenian Forces in calabar. Nevertheless, the Prime Minister of armenia insists that what they signed was necessary that they faced military collapse and catastrophe. This is not victory, but there will be a defeat unless he recognizes offers a loser. We will never recognize also says losers. And this should usher in o. E. Roof National Unification and revival. There is have a lot of the uncertainty, a lot of worry about the future of the thousands and thousands of refugees, especially. 3 purple predominantly armenians who have been forced out of their villages out of the towns out of that their homes, many of which have been destroyed and feel forced to relocate to refugee camps or centers will relatives in armenia. And many of them have few prospects of returning. Many of them would have to return to villages and towns that have either been seized buzz about john or that are going to be handed over to us. He had a budget, indeed weve seen footage and stories of people, but in their shops, their places of business there whoms, in order for them not to fall into the hands of those headed by johnny. So this is something that the Russian Peacekeeping mission has, has accepted that there is, you know, a lot of concern about the future of these, these immigrants of these refugees, the, is a bunch on the side, however, sees this very differently for them. Theyve, they say theyve liberated territories off to so many decades that are as it about johnny and those lands have returned to the home. Some of the gazans of things in the hands of the east are lucky because a lot of them on the. 6 judging by the statements from the Russian Peacekeeping mission that the force, the peacekeeping force has been brought up the almost full strength that theyre monitoring this. Hes Fund Observation posts are active that they didnt register a single shot today. You know, it inspires cool cautious optimism. We also saw an exchange of the rim manes. Bodies of soldiers killed, killed throughout this conflict yesterday, both by john exchanging the remains of fallen soldiers. Nevertheless, the situation is still precarious. It is being calm, so perhaps we could be optimistic, but which way then, how events will unfold, remains to be seen if they have reporting from the capitol yet about now lets turn to the United States where the 2020 president ial election is still far from. Because counting and recounting continues in a number of states nearly 2 weeks after the vote and the trumpet, ministration remains adamant. The president will secure a 2nd term my own view. Working at this election. We have what appears in some sense to be an immaculate deception. Were moving forward here at the white house that there will be a 2nd term. Well, Media Outlets have called feel action for joe biden. However, donald trump has yet to concede, claiming that the election was fraudulent. His team have launched legal challenges in several states and demanded recount someone is already underway in ga, ga, our thought process going on. I think i was off for state officials and independent observers to do was say that there is no indication at the moment of wrongdoing. In the election, in a letter to the trumpet, ministration, u. S. Election officials called the 2020 vote the most secure in american history. But a recent poll to suggest widespread public concern about mail in voting and the potential for wrong doing our Panel Discuss the issue. Some Bureaucratic Agency saying they think it was the most secure election ever. Thats fine, but we, the people have a right and a campaign has to get to the bottom of this. And if we get to the bottom of the process, the rule of law, the constitution, this, the, our founders knew how to set this up. Weve had other elections where there either was allegations of fraud or enough questions of fraud that they changed the election. So lets get to the bottom of it. Lets see what happens. Georgia has a republican governor, a republican cheap elections officer, 2 republican president s, republican lieutenant governor. Its all republicans involved in this vote count. So youre telling me that republicans coronated it was fired against the president of the United States to create this, this loss that obviously is attributed now to donald trump in some states. Dont present obama as lecturing the American People on concession when Hillary Clinton and the democrats in Congress Never conceded the present. Trump, they never stop digging into him. But look out, all im saying is dont accept the results until we get to the bottom of it. Then we should, the question is whether democrats would accept the results if we get to the point where we find big fraud. Bottom line is it doesnt matter whos counting, it doesnt matter what litigation you have by law, by statute you cannot do is beyond december 8th, zimmer, 14 is a day will be Electoral College has to be and so those are 2 days im looking for. If anyone tries to violate those dates, now youre in a constitutional crisis, and now you are impacting the transfer of power. That is constitutionally mandated by january. While republicans supporting trumps fraud allegations of putting democracy on a dangerous path thats according to the former u. S. President barack obama. However, these on the 1st allegations of wrongdoing during an american election. The son who can see reports, theres a common theme in the media when it comes to the possibility of irregularities in the u. S. President ial election. Its a ludicrous claim that here chris, every vote counts, but when someone gets enough votes to win, the loser, concedes that is what happens in this country. Destroyed unfounded ludicrous, and baseless allegations made by President Trump and his Campaign Team remain just that allegations until proven otherwise. In courts of law, but such controversies are nothing new. All School President , barack obama. I come from chicago. So i want to be honest. Its not as if its just republicans who monkeyed around with elections in the past. Sometimes democrats have to, and his jerry, not another democrats on the current chairman of the house judiciary committee. In my experience in new york paper ballots are extremely susceptible to freud. Your paper with no machines, i can show you, i can show you experience, which with your head spin, wasnt alone the 2004 election saw concerns raised about multiple aspects of the voting process. On key swing state, ohio saw democrat candidate john kerry question whether the outcome represented the will of the voters. And the d. N. C. Chairman agreed. Im not confident that the election in ohio was fairly decided. We know that there was substantial Voter Suppression and the machines were not reliable. It should not be a surprise that the republicans are willing to do things that are unethical to manipulate elections. Thats what we suspect has happened. And wed like to safeguard our elections so that democracy can still be counted on to work. Former u. S. President jimmy carter cochair, the federal election reform commission, which states that in 2005, that mail in voting is fraught with the risk of ford and coercion. Hes since backtracked on that plane, but remains scathing about elections in the United States. The american political system wouldnt measure up to any sort of International Standards for several reasons. Lack of Central Election Commission capable of issuing uniform rules, lack of equal access to the media for all viable candidates. And the inability to conduct recounts the election process in america has of course come a long way. In the 19th century voting was controlled by gangs who would broadly bore, coerce voters. It looked Something Like this. Im all for it, my boy to form an alliance with you against bill cutting and is slated later. This candidates are no go. She ate a handsome people every vote you sent them and his way in the coming elections, things became less violent and more nuanced. In the 20th century, Lyndon Johnson ended up winning a primary. He was losing in texas by just 87 votes. All thanks to the last minute appearing a ballot box full of votes for johnson. This pave the way to his rise in politics and later presidency. There was scandal at the time, but a mission it took years to emerge. James, and did not win that election. It was students for him and i know exactly how it was done. The 2000 bush gore election controversy has been cited by some as a comparison to 2020. Results in the deciding state will close with the Supremes Court giving bush the nod. But the result could have been a very different thousands of voters in florida were labeled felons, preventing them from voting. Bushs brother also happens to be the states governor. No Major Law Firm in florida worked for al gore, even democratic, even democratic oriented law firms. Because everyone was afraid of the bush family and the governor and losing important state business in this election cycle could perhaps be summed up best by joe biden. Himself, we have put together. I think the most extensive and Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization in the history of american politics. Of course, this was just an ironic slip of the tongue biden was really talking about the democrats Voter Protection program. For many though, the issue with the president ial election 2020 may not be the result itself or even of trumps claims are all true or not. Against the backdrop of election controversies spanning decades, its the total dismissal and reluctance to even investigate the allegations that will continue to polarize voters for years to come. And hawkins there with many expecting to see joe biden in the white house. We have been assessing his Foreign Policy, the latest edition of our hes going underground, spoke with a former special adviser to barack obama. Do you think exam mistake to see trump is some kind of bolt from the blue. As someone who broke enough fundamental way with american traditions, because trumps isolationism, his unilateralism, his protectionism, his racism, all of those after abuse have very strong roots in american history. Going back to the founders, going back to the late 17 hundreds. And in some ways, i think trump has demonstrated himself to be a very acute politician, because hes been able to tap in to that different narrative that different version of american, except exceptionalism, america, and the city on the hill that stands aloof from the world. Not a country that goes out to change the world. And so right now, i think, as biden prepares to take office, we do see the country going through a searching debate about the nature of its role moving forward. And my own view is its time for the country to find the middle ground between where it was in the pre pearl harbor era, which was doing too little and running away from the world where it has been more recently, which is drawing, trying to do too much particularly in the middle east, to find that stable middle ground to step back, but not to step away. But there are still ahead here this hour fishermen from suborning that jobs will go in the ring. The life, the wind damage deal with all if the plans of the building wind with which they get the go ahead well have the details in a couple of so what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have. Its crazy for him to let it be an arms race is all off and spearing dramatic development. Only mostly im going to resist. I dont see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time to sit down and talk. Well again you with are saying now after a big spike in crime, the us city of minneapolis is approved a cash injection for its police department. The force will get an extra half a 1000000. 00 and this will be used to recruit more officers. However, it does follow an earlier pledge by the city council to dismantle the police force in the wake of the killing of a black man at the hands of local offices. The death of george floyd sparked months of nationwide protests. While homicides in minneapolis have doubled since last year with nearly 75 killings reported in 2020, shootings have also reached the deck a decade high with 500 people shot this year and Violent Crime is also up with over 4 and a half 1000 incidents reported. I think matters worse is a Staffing Shortage with around 100. 00 officers leaving the minneapolis force since the start of the year. Our resources are hemorrhaging. Our city is bleeding at this moment. Im trying to do all i can to stop that bleeding. And im so doing that through having the funds to, to launch a citywide joining force me to even issue of we can try to try to stop the bleeding here in our city smith, the Spokes Person for the us National Police Association Says that the funding who are in force, wind would leave citizens, im protected crime started to skyrocket. Violent crime is out of control in certain parts of the city of minneapolis. And so this, this notion of defunding, the Police Actually hurt not just the police, but its actually harming the citizens. What were also seeing is the more resources you take away from Police Officers, the Less Community policing there are and the more Police Officers get hurt. People are not dying quickly of covert 19 in the city of minneapolis. Yes, people are getting sick from cope with 19. Most people in the United States recover quickly from, from covert. You dont recover from being murdered in order to keep the citizen safe, theyre going to die. One of the biggest changes to our lives during the pandemic has been the used to working from home. The research is that germanys biggest bank night believe that those people should be taxed for the privilege. Working from home will be part of the new normal when off to the pen demick his post. We argue that Remote Workers should pay a tax for the privilege our calculations suggest the amounts raised could Fund Material income subsidies for low income earners who are unable to work remotely. And this is you more old economy and health risks. Torch bank team, theyre suggesting an additional 5 percent there. They are the remote staff and they argue that its roughly equivalent to what people save on transport and 3rd, adding that the money could be given to those who cant work online, many of whom are Blue Collar Workers and on wages. And its thought that such a scheme would raise around 48000000000. 00 in tax revenue in the United States about 9000000000. 00 in the united kingdom. And 19000000000. 00 in germany itself. Face this year have shown positive attitudes towards working from home and a poll in the United States did find too that a hefty 17 percent of socalled knowledge workers do want a combination of working remotely. And also in the office while only 12 percent would prefer to be solely office based journalist Charlie Boyle and geo political analysts, rain or office, gave their views on the new tax is needs to be proven 1st. The people who are working from home, the long run will save money because if this is the new normal that is supposed to be. But that would also mean that you need a fully equipped, equipped office. You cannot work for the next years from your kitchen desk. Actually truly, im just speaking specifically about you. Which switched from our to quite fast chancellery. A monster after telling people to get not too worked or dont fire pretty much shuts the absence of mass, which i think we have to have a wider conversation about working from a long track. If people stay at home, work from home, the turnover is reduced. For many other businesses like hotel or draw me, like all the Transportation Business loses tat turnover. If people work from home. And this hurts, the overall economy makes people is really necessary, is getting to where and that is internet 5 figure sums are 3 year and a lot of cases. So that automatically removes the you know, significant costs associated with get into an office job. The way the governments are in europe at least are handling now the penn demick crisis is in a fact suffocating economy. We have a great loss in g. D. P. This year. Well have it next year. So i think it can never be compensated just by a simple tax. Its no time to even implement this in its critical, well, and i say yes organ, but after the 1st 3 months of next year, once it actually gets rolled out and well have the conversation for free and clear, its time for the governments should try to open up the economy as soon as possible to allow people to go back to their workplaces as soon as possible that really our economy can pick up speed again. We need that as soon as possible and no tax can really correct this Current Situation that we are having now. Now the fishing industry is opposing plans to build an offshore wind farm in western france plane. It will in dangerous a life and or save their livelihoods as in the manual that combo is long. Been pushing for her new plenty, jane. With more on the story. Charlotte in School Fishing is a way of life. Pay off the coast of brittany every morning. Fishermen head off to sea in the hope of catching their breath. But theyre now not alone. A Renewable Energy company is also trying to get it hooks into this areas natural resources. The strong winds and tights here make the coast around the area which is near sawn creek perfect for an offshore wind farm. 62. 00 turbines are planned with the site expected to be operational in the next 3 years, but fishermen are determined to sink the project. Our leaders have been clear if they dont get answers to their questions, they say cannot be a wind farm. That is a certainty committed as president. He says who would rather die standing and find this project than whether to have the fisherman cannot be developed. The wind farm is important politically french president not growing, has attempted to patrol himself as being an environmental champion. Now he hopes that wind power could generate almost a 5th of frances electricity by 2028, partly from offshore turbines. Yet one Campaign Group says the construction of the wind farms is an environmental disaster. But one long when you install a wind farm in a protected zone, the environmental damage is close. It will destroy the reach sea life and small scale fishing will disappear. The government has tried to offer compensation, but you cant compensate damage to the sea. There is no compensation for loss of sea life. We also have the biggest natural reserve in brittany because we are in the migration corridor for birds. And there is no compensation for the destruction of birds. The wind from project is said to be exacerbating of tensions to just the other side of where it supplants its the isle of jersey. Where fishing is also an important economy. Its no exaggeration to say that jersey fishermen, im not able to access large areas of their own waters because it is simply covered in french, french nets, french gear. He says thats because the french fishermen have been pushed all that water is because of the wind farm who and those vessels which are now turning up and increasing. Yes. It to it in jerseys waters to an extent that our system and can no longer access huge areas of our own sea of air and waters so that it is causing just on a set of levels of hardship such as the fisherman. Its got, its creating conflict between the fishermen and french fisherman. And it certainly creating unsustainable board has created unsustainable levels of fishing, if it, in that water. Thats the Company Responsible for the construction of the wind. Farm says it continues to study the impact it has on the environment and for the french government. This project is one key difference and moving toward 3 nubile energy sources. But locals, hay are determined to do everything they can to scupper that shell. It didnt ski aussie brittany and that brings you up to date. Well be back, boost with more stories for you at the top of the air on election night, you may know whether the margin for the winner is so large that it is impossible for the defeated candidate to catch up. So there may still be 10000 votes to count, but the margin is 80000 votes. It doesnt matter if all 10000 votes went for the defeated candidate, they cannot possibly catch up and thats where we are today. Joe bidens margin is so large in all of the states that are being contested, that even though some of the states have not finished county, they still dont know who won. And joe biden won a majority of the Electoral College votes. You know, those will sleep going to push will be sure to go, but he is clever bush. If you are short and beat it clear, it doesnt capture of a message that would have been measured by did you think of that when he was all of these to do just about because those could be game we will see in the low to think of these with who would seem the most senior members and he was but i was even less

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