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Remote work is saving, commuting, lunch breaks, and over france, fishermen threatened to sink a planned offshore wind farm, claiming that it poses a risk to sea life and livelihoods. Very good morning if youre wondering where you are, this is r. T. International. Ok, lets start this hour in the United States where the outcome of the 2028 president ial election is deepening divisions as counting and recounting drag on in a number of states navy 2 weeks on from the vote. Trouble ministration is still confident. The president will secure a 2nd term my own view or looking at this election that we, we have what appears in some sense to be an immaculate deception. Were moving forward here at the white house. Knew something that there will be a 2nd term Media Outlets have called the election for joe biden, but donald trump has yet to concede victory, and hes making claims that the elections were fraudulent. His team is launched. Legal challenges in several states and abounded, recounts. One is in front underway already thats in georgia where the race is too close to call though some republicans are raising concerns saying that is not being independently verified and tally in the 2020 president ial race in georgia 159 counties is under way the largest manual retaliate in the countrys history and hand count stems from an audit required by state law. According to the law, one race must be audited by hand to ensure voting. Machines are counting ballots accurately. It began at 9 am friday and is expected to be complete by 11, 59 pm, wednesday. Officials in nevada working to finish counting votes in clark county. Although we still have work to do, the staff will be fully engaged friday, saturday, and sunday with reconciling all of the records that we have in place for all the votes that were cast in clark county. And now the Republican Party there result has filed a lawsuit looking for a recount of votes in Maricopa County in a separate lawsuit. The arizona g. O. P. Came together with the Republican National committee and the trump campaign. Litigation is looking to block certification of the States Election until affected ballots can be looked over by hand from supporters. Continuing their stop, the still rallies. Thursday, demonstrators gathering in richmond, virginia. There was an even hour. I know that for all voters are quiet, but that he was there for the president to lead the world outdoors or michigan were about to overturn wisconsin. Were about to overturn. Thats over, you know, theyre going to find out real where your very 1st go, pounding in short, youre in arizona in nevada because probably still in what we the u. S. Postal Service Whistleblower who shared information about backdating ballots in pennsylvania with project there are toss was questioned by u. S. P. S. Investigators, Richard Hopkins says he stands by his initial claims that i did not reach my state. After tweeting about the dominion voting machines, deleting votes, President Trump tweeting friday morning that 2020 was a rigged election where 14 for the news with rick sanchez and fascist suite are state officials and independent observers. Also, there is no indication of wrongdoing in election in the letter to the trump administration. U. S. Election officials called the 2020 vote the most secure in american history. But recent poll indicates widespread concern among voters that mail in voting could lead to fraud. Our panel of guests discuss the issue. Every agent or every employee also put their name and their position on their letter. This is definitely a slap in the face to the trumpet ministration. They were directly talking to President Donald Trump in this letter and look for heads to roll. Obviously, after that, you know, some Bureaucratic Agency saying they think it was the most secure election ever. Thats fine, but we, the people have a right and a campaign has to get to the bottom of this. And if we get to the bottom of the process, the rule of law, the constitution this, that our founders knew how to set this up. Weve had other elections where there either was allegations of fraud or enough questions of fraud that they changed the election. So lets get to the bottom of it. Lets see what happens. Georgia has a republican governor, a republican cheap elections officer, 2 republican, great senators, republican senate, governor. Its all republicans involved in this vote count. So youre telling me that republicans coronated it was fired against the president of the United States to create this, this loss that obviously is attributed now to going to truck in some state dept president obama is lecturing the American People on concession when Hillary Clinton and the democrats in congress, never conceded to present trump, they never stop digging into him. But look out, all im saying is dont accept the results until we get to the bottom of it. Then we should. The question is whether democrats would accept the results if we get to the point where we find big fraud. Republican supporting trumps fraud allegations are putting democracy on a dangerous path thats according to former u. S. President barack obama. For the u. S. Election system has been questioned for decades to who can sense a closer look at the history of fraud in u. S. Elections. Theres a common theme in the media when it comes to the possibility of irregularities in the u. S. President ial election. Its a ludicrous claim that there chris, every vote counts, but when someone gets enough votes to win, the loser concedes that is what happens in this country. Described as unfounded ludicrous and baseless allegations made by President Trump and his Campaign Team remain just that allegations until proven otherwise in courts of law. But such control the season, nothing new. All School President , barack obama. I come from chicago. So i want to be honest. Its not as if its just republicans who monkeyed around with elections in the past. Sometimes democrats have to and heres jerry, not another democrats on the current chairman of the house judiciary committee. In my experience in new york paper ballots are extremely susceptible to freud. Your paper with no machines, i can show you, i can show you experience which would make your head spin was and followed. The 2004 election saw concerns raised about multiple aspects of the voting process. On key swing states, ohio saw democrat candidate john kerry question whether the outcome represented the will of the voters. And the d. N. C. Chairman agreed. Im not confident that the election in ohio was fairly decided. We know that there was substantial Voter Suppression and the machines were not reliable. It should not be a surprise that the republicans were willing to do things that an ethical to manipulate elections. Thats what we suspect has happened, and wed like to safeguard our elections so that democracy can still be counted on to work. Former u. S. President jimmy carter cochair, the federal election reform commission, which states that in 2005, that mail in voting is fraught with the risk of ford and coercion. Hes since backtracked on that plane, but remains scathing about elections in the United States. The american political system wouldnt measure up to any sort of International Standards for several reasons. Lack of Central Election Commission capable of issuing uniform rules, lack of equal access to the media for all viable candidates. And the inability to conduct recounts the election process in america has of course, come a long way. In the 19th century voting was controlled by gangs who would broadly bore, coerce voters. It looked Something Like this. Im all for it, my boy to form an alliance with you against bill cutting and is slated later this candidates and some people, every irish vote you sent them a nice way in the coming elections. Things became less violent and more nuanced in the 20th century. Lyndon johnson ended up winning a primary. He was losing in texas by just 87 votes. All thanks to the last minute appearance of a ballot box full of votes for johnson. This pave the way to his rise in politics and later presidency. It was scandal at the time, but a mission took years to emerge. James, and did not win that election. It was students for him. And i know exactly how it was done. The 2000 bush gore election controversy has been cited by some as a comparison to 2020. Results in the deciding state will close with the Supremes Court giving bush the nod. But the result could have been a very different thousands of voters in florida were labeled felons, preventing them from voting. Bushs brother also happened to be the states governor. No Major Law Firm in florida worked for al gore, even democratic, even democratic oriented law firms. Because everyone was afraid of the bush family and the governor and losing important state business in this election cycle could perhaps be summed up best by joe biden. Himself, we have put together. I think the most extensive and Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization in the history of american politics. Of course, this was just an ironic slip of the tongue biden was really talking about the democrats Voter Protection program. For many though, the issue with the president ial election 2020 may not be the result itself. Or even if trumps claims are all true or not. Against the backdrop of election controversies spanning decades, its the total dismissal and reluctance to even investigate the allegations that will continue to polarize voters for years to come. A former special adviser to barack obama discussed wall buds foreign policy. Like this was on the latest edition of aunties going underground. Do you think its a mistake to see trump is some kind of bolt from the blue, as someone who broke in a fundamental way with american traditions. Because trumps isolationism is unilateralism, his protectionism, his racism, all of those actually buttes have very strong roots in american history. Going back to the founders, going back to the late 17 hundreds. And in some ways, i think trump has demonstrated himself to be a very acute politician, because hes been able to tap in to that different narrative that different version of american, except exceptionalism, america, as the city on the hill that stands aloof from the world, not a country that goes out to change the world. And so right now i think has biden prepares to take office. We do see the country going through a searching debate about the nature of its role moving forward. And my own view is its time for the country to find the middle ground between where it was in the pre pearl harbor era, which was doing too little and running away from the world where it has been more recently, which is drawing, trying to do too much particularly in the middle east, to find that, that stable middle ground to step back, but not to step away from president elect biden, meanwhile, is wasting no time. Hes busy putting together a transition table some of his way some pics of cool surprise. For example, rick stengel will lead the United States agency, the global media overseeing the Governments International broadcast, as he previously defended the use of propaganda and some curbs on free speech. Our 1st amendment doesnt just protect the good guys. Our foremost liberty also protects any bad actors on the internet. Truth is not optimized. Its not enough to battle full sword with truth. The truth doesnt always win. Thank you. Has a packed c. V. He was chief exec for the National Constitution center, also managing editor of Time Magazine and the barber administration. He served in the state department and he was a prominent political analyst for m. S. N b c. Explode with all editor of grazer. News says that bidens pick should cause concern Richard Stengel taking over the Us Government entity that oversees all of these foreign broadcast operations. Who has described himself as the chief propagandist and he is openly talking about what kind of Information Access the u. S. Domestic public should and shouldnt have. So its very clear that these laws and these restrictions which and to protect the American Public from u. S. Government propaganda have been thrown in the wastebasket. Stengel in many ways is not going to just be what he described himself as a council on Foreign Relations event. In 2018, the chief propagandist, he will also be a kind of censorship czar in combating online media that the u. S. Government does not like. Who share stengel mentality will define alternative media independent media or twitter users from officially targeted countries like venezuela or iran, as dissin from asian actors and simply ban them from the internet or pressure social media platforms to ban them. Again, weve seen this happen in real time. And so what i expect to witness during abide administration is an intensification of these sense sorriest suppression efforts. One of the biggest global changes brought about by the pandemic is a must shift to working from home. Millions of people will, by just staying away from the office of research, is a germanys biggest bank saying those people should be taxed for the privilege. Working from home movie, part of the new normal went off to the pandemic. His post suggests the amounts raised could Fund Material income subsidies for low income earners who are unable to work remotely, and thus assumed old economy and health risks. No, do it. Your brain team is suggesting an additional 5 percent levy for remote staff. They argue its roughly equivalent to what people are saving on, transportation, and food. I think the money could be redistributed to those who cannot work online, many of whom are Blue Collar Workers on the lower incomes. The researchers estimate such a scheme would raise around 48000000000. 00 in tax revenue if im plugged in the United States. 9000000000. 00 in the United Kingdom and 19000000000 in germany. Now, most over surveys that were carried out this year have shown positive attitudes to working from home. A poll in the United States found a heavy, 72 percent of socalled knowledge. Workers want a combination of remote and office duties. Only 12 percent would prefer to work only from the office. Journalists, charlie boyle, and geo political analyst run the road, gave their views on the idea of a new work from home tax. The major cost for people is really nice and i was getting to work. And that is the next 5 to get something every year. And a lot of cases that automatically renew the year, you know, significant costs associated with getting to an office job. I think this needs to be proven 1st. The people who are working from home at the long run will save money. You need a fully equipped, equipped office, you need hardware, you need more space, which you need to rent or to buy. If people stay at home, work from home, the turnover is reduced for many other businesses and this hurts the overall economy. And this is not going to be resolved in the next couple months because the super slow downs over everyones getting crunched, going back to work, you dont. Western governments have really increased their deaths quite considerably. So if this tax, if this extra tax for people who can work for from home is supposed to be Something Like a compensation for these losses. And for these steps, i think its a totally misconceived strategy. No time to even implement, even its political well. And i say yes, ok and secure the 1st 3 months of next year once it actually gets rolled out and well have the conversation for 3 and a couple years time. But what we need is to foster Economic Growth and activity. And this can never be done through a tax. So even in france are warning jobs will go, a marine life will be irreparably damaged if plans to build a new windfall in britain near allowed to go ahead. That story. Just join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics. Im showbusiness, ill see you then. Welcome back. French fishermen are opposing plans to build an offshore wind farm in brittany, claiming it will endanger sea life and their livelihoods, as it has long been pushing for Renewable Energy projects. Picks up the story. Fishing is a way of life. Pay off the coast of brittany every morning, fishermen head off to sea in the hope of catching their breath. But theyre now not alone. A Renewable Energy company is also trying to get it hooks into this areas natural resources. The strong winds and tights here make the coast around the area which is near song creek perfect for an offshore wind farm. 62. 00 turbines are planned with the site expected to be operational in the next 3 years, but fishermen are determined to sink the project. Our leaders have been clear if they dont get answers to their questions, they say cannot be a wind farm. That is a certainty. And it is resident, he says, who would rather die standing in the fisherman cannot be developed. The wind farm is important politically french president not growing, has attempted to patrol himself as being an environmental champion. Now he hopes that wind power could generate almost a 5th of frances electricity by 2028, partly from offshore turbines. Yet one Campaign Group says the construction of the wind farms is an environmental disaster. When you install a wind farm in a protected zone, the environmental damage is close. It will destroy the reach the life and small scale fishing will disappear. The government has tried to offer comfort station, but it cant compensate damage to the sea. There is no compensation for loss of sea life goals. We also have the biggest natural reserve in britain because we are in a migration corridor for birds. And there is no compensation for the destruction of the women from project is said to be exacerbating of tensions to just the other side of where it supplants its the isle of jersey where fishing is also an important economy. Its no exaggeration to say that jersey fishermen are unable to access large areas of their own waters because it is simply covered in french, french nets, french gear. He says, thats because french fishermen have been pushed off their own waters because of the wind farm. Those vessels which are now turning up and increasing if it too are in jerseys waters to an extent that our system and can no longer access huge areas of our own sea of our own waters. So that it is causing just on the set of all levels of hardships, a jersey fisherman, its got, its creating conflict between jersey, fishermen and french fisherman. And it certainly creating unsustainable what has created unsustainable levels of fishing, if it, in the water. Thats the Company Responsible for the construction of the wind farm says it continues to study the impact it has on the environment and for the french government. This project is one key to france and moving toward 3 nubile energy sources. But locals here are determined to do everything they can to scupper that. , charlotte deal ski r. T. , brittany Minneapolis City Council has approved additional funding for the citys Police Department. The city is grappling with a wave of disturbances the started nearly 6 months ago. After the death of an unarmed black man in the hands of police. There, the killing of george floyd sparked riots across the country. Put pressure on local authorities to pursue police reforms. Homicides in minneapolis have doubled since last year with nearly 75 killings reported this year. The number of shootings also reached a decade high and 500 people shot this year. Also Violent Crime is hitting record highs more than 4600 incidents reported to authorities. The citys police chief has decried the situation. Our resources are hemorrhaging, our city is bleeding at this moment. Im trying to do all i can to stop their bleeding. And im sorry being that youre having the funds to, to launch a citywide joining force, minty minish. If we can try to try to stop the bleeding here in our city, months of unrest in the city have seen more than 100 officers. Leave the force leading to critical critical Staff Shortages for the new budget to both Law Enforcement has come as a shock to some given months after the citys Council Voting to defund and dismantle the Police Department are committing is to end our citys relationship. Police departments policing as we know it, we actually are but see smith spokesperson for the u. S. National Police Association says defunding or enforcement would leave citizens, unprotected crime, started to skyrocket. Violent crime is out of control in certain parts of the city of minneapolis. And so this, this notion of defunding, the Police Actually hurt not just the police, but its actually harming the citizens. What were also seeing is the more resources you take away from Police Officers, the Less Community policing there are. And the more Police Officers get hurt. People are not dying quickly of covert 19 in the city of minneapolis. Yes, people are getting sick from cope with 19. Most people in the United States recover quickly for us from cope with 19. You dont recover from being murdered in order to keep the citizen safe. Theyre going to have to learn how to live with Police Officers. The minneapolis Police Department is one of the most progressive Police Departments in the United States. Youre watching on t. V. Today actually. Thanks. So much for your company this morning will return with more and often. Oh, cool. The or tactics that can be used to get innocent people to confess to crimes. They didnt commit. I dont even think people in the us really get that the police are allowed to lie to the person who falsely from the past actually came to believe the lie that they were told about their own behavior. One supposed confession, the stake in the case is closed. And nobody really can tell the difference between a good confession and one that isnt he has a hoot which will give those will soup will sure. Wish to leave your wu lovable was if you are sure to keep the i. Q. On board, it doesnt actually matter. Vegetable would have been murdered by you to go there when youre because all of these are going to use that word because those stories could mean game we will see in the movie it is with the weve seen it all seen it all these years, but it is the most severe, some of it is in your speech, come off it, and it is the of the 20th century was thing in a revolution. The Great Depression and world wars, the 21st is the century of mental illness. Those arent my words. Thats what surfaced some psychiatry to tell us. The only question is, should we accept it as a fact or no on election night, you may know whether the margin for the winner is so large that it is impossible for the defeated candidate to catch up. So there may still be 10000 votes to count, but the margin is 80000 votes and it doesnt matter if all 10000 votes went for the defeated candidate, they cannot possibly can chop. And thats where we are today. Joe bidens margin is so large in all of the states that are being contested, that even though some other states have not finished county, they still know who won. And joe biden won a majority of the Electoral College votes. This is boom, bust the one business show you cant afford to miss. Im friendship or in washington coming up. The United States has shattered yet another daily covert 1000 case record straight ahead or take a look at the state of the pandemic, and the full scope of its toll. And also the trumpet. Ministration is drawing to a close. They seem to be ramping up tensions even further with china. Later on, were going to bring you up to speed on the latest. And we have a packed show today. So lets dive right it. We lead the program with another record day for new cases of coping 1000 in the United States. The nation reported more than 153000 new cases. Thursday, as the u. S. Has now eclipsed more than 10500000. 00 total cases since the pandemic at its shores. California on thursday joined texas as the only states to have surpassed 1000000. 00 cases of the coronavirus at this point. So lets go ahead and waste no time and check in on the trends and spread of the virus globally with our t. Correspondent, cya tablature science, where we try to bring youre exactly right. It hasnt just been the u. S. , but the world as a whole has suffered the worst day of the pandemic. So far, almost 12000 people died and more than 666000, new cases were reported just in the last 24 hours. And then the u. S. , like you mentioned, once again broke another record for new cases, more than 160000 new cases. And for the 10th, straight day in a row, more than 100000, new cases have been announced every single day and new cases are trending upward in every single state

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