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And we lead the program with another record day for new cases of covert 1000 in the United States. The nation reported more than 153000 new cases. Thursday, as the u. S. Has now eclipsed more than 10500000. 00 total cases. Since the pandemic hit its shores, california on thursday joined texas as the only states to have surpassed 1000000. 00 cases of the coronavirus at this point. So lets go ahead and we go time and check in on the trends and spread of the virus globally with our chief correspondent cya tab. And where are we friday . Brian . , youre exactly right. It hasnt just been the u. S. , but the world as a whole has suffered the worst day of the pandemic. So far, almost 12000 people died and more than 666000, new cases were reported just in the last 24 hours. And then the u. S. , like you mentioned, once again bro, another record for new cases, more than 160000 new cases. And for the 10th, straight day in a row, more than 100000, new cases have been alex every single day and new cases are trending upward in every single state. In fact, no state right now is seen cases decline. And heres a list. The few Illinois River had more than 75000 cases just last week, and 32 states from alaska, and idaho in the west to connecticut and New Hampshire in the east. I did more cases this week than any other time of the pandemic now in nebraska, vermont, utah and kansas, at least 10 states with a single day case records on thursday. But the situation is even worse in the great lakes region. Wisconsin, pennsylvania, indiana, minnesota. They all exceeded their previous single day records on thursday by more than 1000 cases. While in ohio, there hospitalizations have soared to record levels. Now taken a look at which are also on the rise with more than 1000. On average, every single day and hospitalizations are also set a record on thursday to over 67000. So were up 39 percent in hospitalizations, double of what we were just 5 weeks ago. And then theres even bad, more bad news because the new model just been released by the university of Washington School of medicine predicts, in total of 439000. 00 total deaths in the u. S. By march 1st, which would mount to 1766. 00 deaths per day in the coming days. So now thats almost 800. 00 more deaths per day, and brand, this is exactly what dr. Anthony found to the top Infectious Disease expert in the u. S. Warned us about the about this few months ago. Take a listen. When i testified before the congress, 4 months ago, i said if we did not get control of this, that we could reach 100000 infections a day. And people thought i was being hyperbolic and now look whats happening. And of course, this is not just happening here in the u. S. By taking a global blog. A handful of other nations also just record of the worst daily infection rates. Right now in france, one in 4 deaths are due to over 19, italy. They have registered more than 40000, new infections, and 550 new deaths in the last 24 hours. Germany on their hand, their report of their largest daily case loads on record. In moscow they confirmed over 21000. 00 cases just in the last 24 hours, while iran, they have all set another record on deaths and cases. So this is exactly the opposite of the direction we need to be going globally. But of course, well keep covering this and giving our viewers the latest numbers as we get them. , brant, r. T. , correspondent, side savage. We thank you for keeping us up to date. And amid this latest surge, in cases within the United States, new structures are raising concerns that the nation may face another round of walked out to limit the spread of the virus archies trinity. Chobits has more on the story. Now this new surge is not happening in just one place. Its happening across the country, trending upward more quickly. Right now than at any other point during the pandemic. But as concern grows over another lockdown experts are worried about the impact it could have on Mental Health. Patients showing up with look like symptoms as a number of new krona virus cases shatter records states across the country. Imposing new codes in 1000 restrictions, while others are halting, reopening plans are going to be possible. And also to ensure that were taking measures to keep people safe. Governors in new jersey, new york, maryland, minnesota, iowa, utah and other states have imposed new measures such as limiting social gatherings, adding states to travel cornton list, mandating facemasks and encouraging residents to stay home. As many did in the spring chicago, mary lawrie light that announcing a 10 person limit on social gatherings, employee chicagoans to cancel their things, getting plans to curb the more we can reopen our businesses and get our lives back to some sense of normalcy. But as a 2nd lockdown looms for many states, a new poll shows that less than half of americans say they would stay home for another lockdown, so called coded fatigue. People tired of following restrictions may be setting in. I am more worried about right now than i have been at any point since march. But amid the pandemic, experts are concerned about Mental Health. According to newly released data, the number of people reporting anxiety and depression nationwide since the start of the pandemic has hit an all time high from january to september this year, over 315000, people took an anxiety screening. Thats a 93 percent increase over 2019. Well, more than 534000, people took a depression screening, which is a 62 percent increase compared to 2019. This well over 178000, people have reported frequent suicidal ideation. And 37 percent of people reported having thoughts of suicide more than half or nearly every day in september. Children also feeling the effects as states lock down to prevent the spread of the, virus and schools turn to remote learning. According to the c. D. C. , the number of hospital visits for Mental Health reasons. Rose 31 percent among children ages 12 to 17 from march through october compared to the same time last year. Now experts say they are even more concerned about Mental Health during this time, especially as the winter months and holidays approach reporting for boom bust trinity child as our take and amid surges of code 19 cases worldwide, this week has actually been filled with some positive act sooner related news on monday, pfizer biotech and i was there a vaccine candidate was more than 90 percent effective in preventing the corona virus. Patients who had not had a prior infection, while the russian candidate known as v. , showed a 92 percent efficacy at preventing the virus based on interim trial results at a Virtual Event held in washington d. C. United states top Infectious Disease specialist, dr. Anthony fauci spoke about the unbelievable progress made in vaccine development. If this with 1520 years ago, it would have taken a few years to get to where we are now. The idea that you went from a recognition of the virus on july 9th with the sequence to a phase one trial, literally 60 some odd days later to a phase 3 trial, a few months later to a vaccine that would be going to be giving to people next month is extraordinary, but we are fortunate because the 1st one out of the gate is more than 90 percent, probably close to 95 percent effect. And for more on all of this, lets bring in a real expert in the field. Dr. William schaffner, a vaccine specialist at the Vanderbilt University medical center, dr. Schaffner, its always a pleasure to bring you on, and i know we bring you on to talk about vaccines. But if i could get you to give me a minute, quick to tell us, why are we seeing such a big spike right now . It seems like, especially in the United States every day is worse than the day before when it comes to cope 19. Brant, were talking about coded since he lot of people are taking off their masks, going out to group gatherings. Not being observant, took some szell distancing. And thats a circumstance where which permits the virus to spread. They go to the group gatherings, share the virus, then go home and it spreads in the families. Its something were seeing time and time again. Its the same thing thats happening in europe and here where no doctor schefter on the vaccine for a very is the parents. Success of this fires are biotech trials. How important is it to see that number at 90 percent efficacy . What are we talking about there . Brant, i was blown away. I would have been overjoyed at 70 percent, but 90 percent or even more stunning. We wait to see the actual results. Rick just got in the overall picture. But were very optimistic. Which like a little light at the end of the tunnel, well have a vaccine. Our next set of challenges will be deliberate there maxine in the United States population. And thats going to be very difficult challenge for any number of reasons why and thats where it i want to go. Next is number one, when we talk about delivering it to the population. When we talk about actually producing a vaccine, what are we looking at there . What is the timeline that were seeing on production and then delivering it to the population . Well fortunately, the production part i think, is going to be easier. Well get the vaccine and well get shipments along the way that will be plentiful. This is an easy vaccine to make actually, however, the 1st couple of x. Insert come out pfizer and behind it, but down are they have definite shipping in handling constraints. Pfizer in particular, vaccine has to be kept very cold minus 94 degrees fahrenheit. And then all the trying to people can get it because you have to be trained in specially handling this vaccine. So this is not a reckoning. We get in every pharmacist and doctors office. People have to come to special locations to get this vaccine. And of course, backs inane, 330000000 people cant be done in a week and a half, or will take a long time. And some people are very reluctant to get the vaccine, including minority members of our communities. Where theres a great deal of skepticism and concern will have to be very reassuring to make sure they all have the information they need to make good decisions. And then there is actually a lot to be said about this and what youre saying by those who are skeptical of actually thats something doctor about you actually spoke about as well. I want to take a listen to this. So what were hoping is that those who have vaccine hesitancy, who are skeptical about a vaccine, will see that the efficacy of this is so high that they may change their mind about wanting to get vaccinated. And if there are people who are vaccine skeptics does that, there are a whole wrench into this, or are we looking at a certain percentage of the population who would need to be vaccinated for us to get to an immunity situation throughout the country . What are we seeing there . Well, 1st of all, in order to get to that sort of herd immunity, we do have to vaccinate a theory, large proportion of the population because this is such a transmissible risk. And i hope tony is right, that the effectiveness will be very impressive, but what most people express their concerns is their word. And i think over time, as we use more and more of this vaccine, were going to monitor the safety very seriously. And as those results come in, i hope people find that reassuring, and we can welcome them on to the line, rolling up their sleeves to get the vaccine. And i want to go to one last point before we leave here. What are we seeing . You know, we hear from these big pharma companies, but what about this news that were getting out of russia with the sputnik of a vaccine and theyre saying a 92 percent efficacy. What are you seeing there . Do you know anything about this vaccine . Well, ive just seen the same News Releases that you have and as we like to say, god, we trust. But everybody else has to provide data. Im sure those data will be coming along pretty soon. I hope for the best that would be really exciting. There are a number of vaccines that are being developed around the world. We need all the help we can yet, we have global population to vaccinate, not just us here at ome in the United States. Dr. William schaffner, as far as im concerned, your americas top vaccine specialists at the Vanderbilt University medical center. Thank you so much for joining us and giving us that excellent insight. My pleasure. Thanks. Its time now for a quick break, but hang here because when we were churned, the trumpet, ministration is leveling even more actions against china on its way out. The door, as the u. S. Has now slapped a ban on investment in certain chinese firms. As we go to break, are the numbers of the close what does the Election Results to date tell us about the state of american politics . There was no blue wave. Instead, there was a red ripple instead of calls for reconciliation. There are those looking to punish trump supporters. One step forward 2 steps back in germany, babies like saying entrenched babies would say run is so those that actually follow the rhythmic pattern of you know, reeses mound so you know, so where did they get that . And it turns out she looked into it 1st, what was happening was that the babies could actually hear their mothers speech in the room. The impossible soup will push through the oceans. Sure. But a truth to w. Lovable was she who is sure to keep i. Q. On board. It doesnt actually matter. Vegetable would have been murdered by hugo. That when us goes, all of those are going to use that word because those told in the game we will see in the movie it is with it would seem the most serious, but it is the most severe. Some of it is in your speech, come off, and it is the of the 20th century was thing, era of revolution, the Great Depression and world wars, the 21st is the century of mental illness. Those arent my words. Thats what therapists and psychiatrists tell us. The only question is, should we accept it as a fact . Yes or no. And Global Markets are mixed on the week after a big rally earlier in the week was expected to carry us through. So lets go ahead and see where things ended up starting in russia. The mo x. Is in the green. Earlier this week, russias 2nd largest bank, d. T. B. Slashed its 2020 forecast as net income income decreased 66 percent in q 3. Now on thursday, the ruble saw its one week low, weighed down by covert 1000 fears, but steadied on friday. Now, despite this negative news, that positive vaccine news in russia and abroad helped to push things up for the week. Moving to asian markets, this shanghai composite, it just barely squeaked out a red arrow. The index tanked on friday after the Trump Administration signed an executive order banning u. S. Investment firms linked to the Chinese Military. Something were actually going to go over in detail in just a few minutes banking shares that lead the decline on friday as c. S. I. Of 300. 00 banks were down 1. 9 per cent. In hong kong about how . Well, its just about flat for the week, concerns over rising koeppen, 1000. 00 cases tempered vaccine optimism. 0. 10 the Technology Giant there should their shares bucked the trend, surging 4. 33 percent on news. Its quarterly profit rose by more than 80 percent from last here. Now in japan, the nikkei it is up this week on wednesday, the index reached its highest level since june of 1901, real estate, mining and insurance lead those gains on friday. The benchmark did shed about a half a percent at close. Lets move to india where the sensex it ended up for the 2nd straight week. Now the index saw some losses mid week ending 8 days of a bull run, but did regained some losses on friday. Pharma financials and Realty Stocks all led those gains. The a. S. X. In australia, it is also up for the week with the some gains early in the week on positive coping. 1000. 00 vaccine news. The next also gain in their tech stocks rising on wall street, but slipped by friday after initial excitement over that vaccine had subsided. In south africa, they all share. Its also in the green this week. This despite the countrys record high Unemployment Rate of 30. 8 percent in the 3rd quarter of this year, the rand remained mostly flat on the week. Now lets go ahead and head over to europe and the americas and see where western markets, how they shook out in london, the footsie. It is up this week after seeing its highest level since june on positive news. Index slipped on friday, overcoat, 19 infections. Energy and bank stocks saw the biggest declines to close out the week. The german dax and french cac. Well, theyre just following similar trends in the green, but did slightly on friday. The pan european stock 600 closed flat on friday, but was actually up nearly 3. 5 percent for the week. In brazil, were going to see another green arrow for that. On friday, a central bank survey showed positive Economic Activity in september for a 5th straight month pointing to a solid economic recovery in the 3rd quarter. Moving to mexico, the b. M. V. Its also up on the week after seeing record highs. It hadnt seen since march at the onset of the pandemic on thursday. The index shed one point 3 percent. And then that winning streak on coburn 1000. 00 concerns and still no us stimulus package. And moving here to the us, the dow and s. And p. Well, they actually finished just about after an up and down week, the tech heavy. Nasdaq, which is just arrived at the pandemic, has a red arrow losing 1. 6 percent this week. The dow saw some gains earlier in the week on pfizers vaccine news, despite investor concerns. That the worst is yet to come when it comes to cope with 19 investors. Technology shares, which have held up during the pandemic as we just mentioned finally, and canada the t. S. A. It is just slightly up this week. Optimism over that vaccine faded over concerns on its rollout. On friday, the index did see gains due to stronger gold prices up point to 8 percent heading into next week. Were going to have to continue to keep an eye on coronavirus news and whether political turmoil in the u. S. Will ease and open the door for another stimulus package. And that is your Global Market walk. And another day, another executive order from President Trump regarding china. This time the president signed it order that would prevent any americans from investing in a group of Chinese Companies that use the u. S. Says supply and otherwise support chinas military intelligence and security services. Once again, Chinas Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pushing back the u. S. Government maliciously slander chinas military civilian integration, Development Policy out of political motives and abuse. National power to unreasonably suppress Chinese Companies severely violating Market Competition principles and International Economic and trade rules and grossly obstructing normal economic trade and Investment Cooperation between china and the United States. This move will not only seriously damaged illegitimate rights and interests of Chinese Companies, but will also damage the interests of investors from all countries, including the u. S. And joining us out to discuss is boom, bust cohost christine christine, thanks so much for being here. As always, it all, there were about 31 companies on this list. Some of the names we know really well, like wall way technologies. But others were not as familiar with, such as china, nuclear, engineering and construction corporation, China Electronics corporation or China Railway construction corporation. Are these all companies that directly support the Chinese Military, or is this a lot of crossover here . Now . Absolutely not. These are not companies that directly support the Chinese Military at all. For the most part, theyre mostly state owned companies and but, and theyre not actually dont want any exchange or writing. So this was largely a symbolic move by the trumpet administration and justified it by claiming these military ties. He claimed that china was exploiting us capital and resources to enable the development of military and Intelligence Technology and basically aggression and everything is justifiable and name of National Security. So it doesnt even really make sense. I mean, look at the names on this list now is china mobile, china, telecom vision, China Railway, china, unicom, khloe, china communications, constructions, do all of them have definitive ties to the military . Like the only thing that they all have in common is that they are largely state known and specialized in high tech and communications. So sure, you can argue that i get communications and all that can be used for parts of the military. But that actually applies to pretty much everything in the tech space right now from drones that were the hottest childrens Christmas Present 3 years ago to the g. P. S. That is literally on everybodys smartphones these days. So these are our last technologies and widely accessible to consumers. But they all have military purposes that applications. So i get this go back to the tech cold war between china and the us, and it tends to slow down chinas advances, especially in communications. So this isnt about National Security and isnt about national defense. Its about the u. S. Losing the tech war and no longer being the innovation and technology because of the world. So its almost kind of like trump drawing a temper tantrum and attempting to basically go over the entire chess Board Meeting by and pick up the pieces that Outgoing Administration is purposely created. Chaos that would be completely difficult for the Biden Administration to then reverse. But you know, kristie that this sort of could be a little bit confusing because, as you just mentioned, you cant directly invest in a lot of these companies because theyre not listed on stock exchanges specially by americans. But could be a big part of mutual funds. Believe thats how its works, right . Correct. So most of these companies are not tradeable are approaching us for 80 hours, which means that they are not accessible to the average. Joe and restor, any brotherhood. Theyre only accessible to mutual funds. Foreign direct investment funds, pension funds, hedge funds, basically any Institutional Investor who has access to an opportunity to invest internationally. And i should add that they have made a chilling on these names in the past couple of decades. So while the trial was claiming that china is taking advantage of us capital, but we can actually flipped out and say that the u. S. Investors have actually be taking advantage of chinas growth for the past decade. And response have been earning monster double digits that turn on the china centric place. So with this executive order, there are some near term risk that the funds might have to liquidate these positions. So as of now, it is still unclear how investors will react as this or and transactions which are defined as purchases here. So investors could technically be able to hold on to their current investments. But if things do escalate, there will be a rush to exit. So even when the styling is over though, investors will be allies of the fundamentals of these companies. They are not going to be hurt just a matter of wendy and boom, bust cohost christi. I thank you so much for breaking down this complicated situation for us. In india, and thats it for this time hour because you can get to bust out a bit of the brand new portable t. V. App, which is available on smartphones and tablets through google. And the Apple App Store by searching portable t. V. Or t. V. Can also be downloaded a new model, Samsung Smart t. V. s, and will be devices. Or talk about a portable about t. V. Well see you next time on election night, you may know whether the margin for the winner is so large that it is impossible for the defeated candidate to catch up. So there may still be 10000 votes to count, but the margin is 80000 votes and it doesnt matter if all 10000 votes went for the defeated candidate, they cannot possibly catch up and thats where we are today. Joe bidens margin is so large in all of the states that are being contested, that even though some of the states have not finished county, they still know who won. And joe biden won a majority of the Electoral College votes during the vietnam war. U. S. Forces also bombs neighboring laos. There was a secret war. And for years the American People did not know how much the mouth carry back country per capita, human history, millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this Small Agricultural country. So i mean, we have things going to continue to happen even today, kids in los full victim, to bombs drops decades ago, is the u. S. Making amends for that tragedy. And what help to the people need in that little land of mines and babies saying, entrenched babysits, a man is so those that actually follow the rhythmic pattern. So you know, show where to get that turns out she looked into it 1st, what was happening was that the babies could actually hear their mother speech in the little president , putin says, fighting has stopped in the disputed, not go to regional where russian peacekeepers are now enforcing a cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan, we hear from refugees who fled the conflict. I didnt want to leave my home, but another siren. My daughter said mom, theyre coming for the sake of my children. I left the new music. Pfizers new covert vaccine could soon be ready for release has got rich countries scrambling to get their hands on the job even poorer nations out the back of the

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