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Concerns over censorship. She chief flags and documentary on u. S. Song groups. Despite the content without warnings, we hear from the films producer. We have to fold the notification system in place for this particular document that is worth this is something ive heard of. I think the capital of amin is best this period over a piece there with us by john shows no sign of abating. Well, as refugees flooded in from the war zone, into the spoken with woman about her ordeal, i didnt want to leave my home, but another siren. My daughter said, mom, theyre coming pretty sake of my children. I left running at that very good morning to you. This is international. The problem and kremlin critic could have been targeted with a nerve agent after leaving russia. Thats the claim coming from russias foreign minister, sergey lavrov. Speaking at a Video Conference with journalists, the diplomat stressed the valley had tested negative for toxins. While in the country where for national reports, it seems russia has had enough after months of what most go. So as groundless accusations, foreign minister Sergei Lavrov says in a volley could have been poisoned after he left hospital in russia. Lucy is just the one you have every reason to believe that what happened to him in terms of Chemical Warfare agents getting into his body could have happened in germany were on the plane. And when she was flown to the charity hospitals. Exactly. How else can the sudden appearance of toxic materials in the bali samples be explained . He stressed the results were clear when he was in arms. Thats according to russian doctors who initially treated him and several russian laboratories. Its only often a volley was taken to a lien that we heard about traces of navi chalk from germany 1st, then france and sweden. Despite there being no solid evidence proven it, russia was very quickly accused of using a banned nerve agent and punished with these sanctions. Pick them up. There was very clearly an assault and an assassination attempt that was made on russian soil against a russian opponent, with a chemical agent on the business related in russia. And therefore, it is on russia to give indispensable clarification that we will have to draw from the information that russia provides the consequences all its refusal to provide tariff occasion i call on russia to do more to investigate this case, such as this must have consequences. The e. U. Therefore, reserves the right to impose sanctions. Russias accusing, now its western partners have been unreliable and is now ready to respond with mirror sanctions. It is difficult for me to understand the motives of our german partners. I already told this to her, and i can repeat that. Its not a secret that we see how germany took the role of a leader in the new escalation of relations with the russian federation. There will of course be a response to sanctions. And since germany was the driving force behind these e. U. Sanctions over the nerve on the case. And since these sanctions directly affects high ranking staffers of the russian president S Administration over, we will respond in kind all russian requests for proof or any lead date or were politely denied, so immersed is not how i would like to reiterate that we do not expect the bearer of bad news, mainly us to be critical, and if it will be better deal with the news itself, we havent formed an organization of, of the russian side can approach to ask further questions. Ironically, one, addressing the o. P. C. W. , russia was told to go back and ask germany, which made moscow doubt the organizations motives. I will be blunt. The o. P. C. W. s technical secretary at is increasingly turning into a tool in the west and which is being used to exert informational and political pressure on countries that fail to toe the line. This conclusion is backed by the watchdogs involvement in and russian campaigns early it with the script case. And now with the alleged poisoning of alexina vone and now russia. 8 says it may consider leaving the o. P. C. W. So the ball is in europes court. In the valley 1st fairlawn, an internal flight in russia. In august the aircraft he was on made an Emergency Landing in the city of homs. He was then taken to hospital and put in an induced coma. His samples were sent to several russian labs. None of them found traces of any talk says. The valley was then or lifted to germany, where he was treated at a specialist clinic in berlin. And i guess discuss the role of tit for tat sanctions in the affair. I think patience is part of the search, the breaking point more school as i see, sanctions are will on average people inside russia. It sounds as though germany, russia, there are very coarse economic links, and it would not be the interest of either country to get into a situation lose or use a damaged germany or allies very much gas supplies from russia. And i think both countries will want to be seen because Economic Cooperation there who play and the whole plot on of army is shaming. Germany is doing a lot of accusations against russia, but is not delivering evidence. So im very critical to what the handling of that case bided to him and Political Class by the government. And im fully with the russian authorities on strong evidence. We are in the, in a spiral of sanctions. And i dont thi, where this might lead to on the one hand we have to enter russian sanctions, which are seen widely as ridiculous and unfair even in the german public, not in the Political Class. But among the majority of the people, there is no support for those sanctions. And now russian is doubling. Doing take fortec. I understand that russia is sick of accusations which are most ridiculous. But if there druid lead to 2 new countermeasures against russia, it would be to your purpose of what we want. So its a dangerous game. My suspicion and indeed hope is that the sanctions and the noise about the o. P. C. W. Is a cover for the fact that the pipeline will go ahead. Thats my feeling right now. We havent got to the point where the construction of the pipeline has been definitively abandoned. It hasnt been completed, but it hasnt been definitively abandoned. And so i suspect that the german Political Class is finding a way to save face. In other words, to put symbolic sanctions on russia to up the ante on the diplomatic level, but probably my guess is to complete the pipeline. Arties entendres sat down with the kremlin spokesperson to reach bischoff, their wide ranging discussion, touched upon the on the case. They say this interview will be airing in full throughout the day. Heres a preview. We are interested in the investigation of all the circumstances of what happened if we want to know the truth. So we said, please help us if you have information that we do not have, please share it with us. But no one wanted to cooperate. Sometimes it seems that the patient does not want that truth to be at himself. The world or anybody, sometimes it seems the patient is not that sick. There are a lot of questions about his illness too. And if he is ill, we need to know how bad and whether his disease can fade and come back. Well, you have to agree with there are questions and answers as the world waits for a viable covert vaccine finding a job isnt the only challenge the other is making it accessible rich countries where they can afford to stockpile drugs, but poor ones can lack the specialist storage equipment thats needed. R. T. , charlotte dubiously picks up the story within hours of pharmaceutical giant pfizer and by own tech announcing that couvade 900. 00 vaccine was 90 percent effective. But you swooped in and signed on the dotted line. And europe wasnt alone. Massive, deals have also been struck with the u. S. The u. K. , egypt, pan, canada, and new zealand, leading some n. G. O. S to question whether this is just a vaccine for rich nations. Its worrying that phase of bio and tech has already struck deals with rich countries. For more than a 1000000000 doses of its vaccine, leaving less than a quarter of its projected supply for the rest of the world, big pharma profits must not be prioritized over the health of billions. Now the European Commission has been clear, Member States can decide what to do with their vaccine doses, and that includes the option of to meeting them to lower and middle income, countries. The u. , its unlikely to help a lot because it is in deep trouble itself. In many poor. Busy countries are not going to be able to be all the support expensive coaching infrastructure and storage on time to deliver the missing. This vaccine needs to be stored at minus 70 degrees celsius, requiring a special freezer of the type that isnt widely available even in europe and america. Meaning countries will have to build deep freeze storage and Transportation Networks from scratch to keep the vaccine from becoming useless. Its production is costly, its component is unstable. It also requires called chain transportation and has a short shelf life. The requirement for extremely cold temperatures is likely to cause spoilage a lot of vaccine. The price tag in building these and the difficulties in administrating the required 2. 00 shots within a month, may be too much of a burden for my nations, leaving them essentially frozen out. Some engineers have called on following on tech, to clarify how the vaccine will be made accessible outside high income countries. And they want the firms to make that Vaccine Technology available via a w h o scheme. So billions of doses can be produced as quickly. And this cheaply as possible. Now thats unlikely because when the scheme was launched, pfizer made its feelings clear, i think is nonsense. And at this point of time, its also dangerous. Theres a giant effort right now happening to find solutions. The risks were taking represent billions of dollars and the chances of developing something is still not very good. And adding insult to injury the day. The vaccine was announced, the c. E. O. Of fine, so many 5600000. 00 worth of company stock. Now pfizer says that this was a scheduled transaction once the stock hit a certain value, but for many this was a cold shower. Of a reminder, the big pharma is also big money. So a vaccine for coke at 19 may be closer, which of course is good news. Well, for those who can at least afford it, i say centralized profit seeking the period with market in some because last country to be called, it really determines when the pandemic its going to be one who pay for it getting worse. I mean, we complain much, but the point is really if it is eventually optimal for them to leave all these poor countries untreated because they could eventually travel back to the bric countries at the same time. Profit incentive shouldnt be in the mind. The worlds greatest invention and treatment by a lot by products. A new medical study has added to the urgency of finding a vaccine. It found that catching can correlate with developing mental disorders. The study in question was run by the university of oxford. It found that one in 5 patients go on to develop Mental Health issues within 3 months of testing positive or another says was based on 69000000 us medical records, more than 62000 of them had coronavirus. The majority of the disorders are turning, covert are characterized by feelings of worry or fear in some cases Strong Enough to make every day life seem simply unbearable and they include adjustment disorder, posttraumatic, stress disorder, panic attacks, insomnia, or even dementia. We talked to max tack a coauthor of the study. The short answer is that we dont know yet, and we have to do more research to find out, you know, we can start to speculate about what might be the reasons. And i think there might be 2 main reasons. One is psychological, the other one is biological. The psychological one is quite intuitive. People suffer with the 19 which is quite scary in itself and the fear of having a potentially life limiting in this might cause things like anxiety and depression. And then theres also a possible biological explanation, which is that it is possible that sounds good to say the very virus that causes 19 my get into the brain. We know that some british do we dont know yet as far as i know where the source of 2 does, but its possible that it does. And in that way, it might, it might be affecting the brain and damaging the brain if you will, within the biological explanation is also an inflammatory explanation. So we know that as a virus causes an information throughout the body that can be, can expand well beyond the lungs. And it may be that inflammatory response also involves the brain. And if thats the case, that in my view that the inflammation to be the immune response of the body mount against infection might be because of the cyclic event. Given that theres going to be more people suffering with Mental Illness as a result of team. We need to make sure that there is service is provided for those people in therapy provided for the people. We know the things that he depression, for instance, for example, is all treatable, diseases. Most people that we receive treatment for anxiety, depression do get better. And so its very important that those treatments are available to all that need them during the pandemic. So that 2 flags in our 3 documentary on the activists in the u. S. Is potentially inappropriate, though is quite happy to host similar content with such warnings. The reaction from the Film Producer after the break in germany, babies are mixing entrenched babies, which a run is. So those are the rhythmic pattern verses. So you know, the learning to get that turns out she looked into it 1st, what was happening was that the babies could actually hear their mothers speech in the room seemed wrong. Why dont we all just dont all get to shape out just as a kid. And indeed from an equals betrayal. When something find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. Welcome back. Watching on t. V. Documentaries can be an upsetting experience. If you choose, warnings are to be believed. All latest film, ananda activists in america, from both the political, extreme, left and right has been flying. This potentially offensive is a preview. The biggest political events of the last 4 years is happening amid the coronavirus arrests of the level of civil unrest sparked by the death George Floyds end of the radical groups on both sides of the political spectrum. You hear words only. You know whats about if you want a war, let it begin with us. Were going to meet these groups and their leaders to find out how far theyre ready to go, to fight for what they believe the state for this country. With a different versions of the warning for the documentary, they depend on your language settings. Russian speakers are told, the material could frighten all shocks. Amuses, for english. Speaking of you is branded, quote, offensive, all inappropriate to some audiences to watch it. You have to sign in to prove your age, spoke with the creator of the work. Of course, its not exactly the kids content. It is about american radical groups and people who are having to involved in the protest movement is on the rise, especially in this days and months before the election. But i think in that, in this documentary, there is nothing that is overkill or over the top. And for me, it is really weird and strange why it was flagged and especially the way it was flagged. So we have to fold the notification system in place for this particular documentary, and that is word. This is something unheard of. I think when those youre mentioning there, you actually have to log in. So for me personally, you know, i tried to just open up you tube, google it, and open it up and look at it. And it said you have to sign in. I dont have a youtube account, which means that certain people are not going to be able to access this movie. Whereas i looked at what i just searched in youtube for one of the groups that you said was in the film, the boogaloo boys. Theres plenty of documentaries of news stories about this group where theyre talking about their doctrine where theyre standing there with guns. 5 and you think it would be about the same thing . Is that the sort of content thats in the movie, its these men talking about their beliefs . Pretty much so. So yeah, we spoke to the members of blue movement. These are heavily r. And guys who are not afraid to come out to protest, although none of them are criminals of flaws in, in that any possible way. So its not that we were talking with, you know, bad people or criminals know they are just regular citizens, but they are having to involved in protests, but its not against the law. Right. In the u. S. Would you say that anything they spoke about would have been considered radical . I wouldnt say so. Some of the things that they were managed are quite disturbing if you think about it, because they were talking about the looming civil conflict in the us about the deep division and polarization that is taking place in the country about the probable outcome, the revolution, whatever that means but its not that they were you know, getting into any kind of specifics and we have, we have a special waiver before the film saying that just watch out, guys 3 might be some disturbing content. So we already announced that to your audience. Well, we have asked you to explain why the documentary was labelled as potentially offensive. Were still waiting for their reply. But it isnt the 1st example of r. T. Material being flagged online before the us election to its amount. One of our reports is misleading, meaning that it couldnt be shared with the house rules against manipulating or interfering in elections. But in fact, that video was an account of ballot fraud allegations that have been made by the Trump Campaign and that were being widely reported elsewhere. Independent journalist gave us his view on the way videos are being censored on major platforms. Just as crazy as come last too far before as you say, i mean if you put a blur or nudity on facebook or a trickster at the office, it was stopped immediately. Fine, no problem. But now they venture into the political world. There are other things, that you can say and those that you cant express, or if it comes from our t. V. , it comes from russia. Everybody knows that trump every american mess. So an Assault Rifle and a submachine gun indicated that out too many weapons in america. And when you have hot heads on the left or on the right in the streets, ready to fight each other, its really dangerous for that moxie. And this must be shown so that the people reliance how far the american is going to jump. Guys are certainly very young who are doing the job of selecting what is good or bad. I dont know really about all this relatively new to politics, to the all time politics or maybe they dont really know what they do. Its just the beginning of censorship own being put in place in america, especially for russian news to armenia now, where the countrys Prime Minister is fighting for political survival after signing a peace deal with azerbaijan. Now meaning capital yet of on is being gripped by days of unrest with protesters, calling for the p. M. s head to roll crowds last, outside government buildings on thursday. Amid a heavy police presence, multiple arrests were made them in straight as are furious about the terms of the peace deal, according to which azerbaijan hold on to its military gains. Plus armine is obliged to hand over 3 districts by the end of the month, something that many armenian see as a humiliating loss. Local reporter, joe nasr, sent us this report from the heart of the protest. Police trying to approach her is wrong approach. Behind me around 2000 protesters were here yesterday, 3000, similar probably a bit smaller crowd yesterday, but theres also reports of protests across the city outside the s. S. , the National State security offices, and outside parliament itself. The protest is largely organized by opposition parties. Although only 2 of them are in power, the 17, its who is called on the protests and called for the Prime Minister, nicole passion and to resign. Since his deal was made on monday would either by john, which has been seen as trichuris by these protesters. Well, around 90000, Ethnic Albanians have fled the recent hostilities in the disputed and going to karabakh region. Many of those who left left in the wake of the deal when it became clear that their homes and villages would be handed over to back makeshift centers where volunteers and aid workers have been created to help accommodate them. But some of those fleeing have actually found shelter in homes of total strangers in armenia. Just on of reports, we built our dreams. We wanted our dreams to come true, but after 30 years war again, again, everything is destroyed. There are many places in the world where peace spells torment, but nagornokarabakh is one of them. The truce between armenia and azerbaijan hasnt brought any relief for those who fled the war, but none are didnt want to run, not at the beginning, at least, but did for the sake of her children. Yet as with the 1st bombing, i walked the children and we went to our neighbors basements in an area where there are no bomb shelters. I didnt want to leave my home, but another siren. My daughter said, mom, theyre coming for the sake of my children. I left the primary care. None are to care of the kids. Well, while shes holding back tears, her little daughter runs around as if war has never been a feature of the young life finding home in armenia has never been a challenge. People werent just welcoming. They were actively searching for refugees to give them shelter him from other bomb what i thought something needs to be done. And i started looking for family to help. And they found me, they found me and i found them. And they have been living with me since october 1st, as none are, was following the war from afar. At 1st, everything seemed bright, just as if victory was around the corner. But then troubling news from her husband on the frontline was the 1st sign that all was not well in her homeland. The scars of a storm that has been said that the is their version of his world getting outside the city to attack. And that night, a drone attack, the car in which he and other military personnel were, he reached zusha and his relatives took him to the hospital. But he wanted to go back and fight. And now hes in stepanek at the peace deal, which for many looks too much like surrender it karabakh refugees, like a hammer blow by journeys will never give them a chance at coexisting. My outstanding, my relatives lived in 100. It was very scary. They were in the basements until mid october, but they were lucky enough to leave there and escape. My other friend lived. She lost her home and her husband, and she has no idea how to continue living. As well aware of what happened and how much of new going to karabakh they have to give up and she finds it impossible to accept, but it looks like she and tens of thousands of other refugees will have no choice but to get used to it. And my girls done of reporting from what ive read about it today. Dont forget to cover many more new stories, which we squeeze in on our website head over there. Check that out at r. T. Dot com. There are tactics that can be used to get innocent. People to confess to crimes, they didnt commit. I dont even think people in the us really get that the police are allowed to lie to you. The person who falsely fast actually came to believe the lie that they were told about their own behavior. Once a false confession is taken, the case is closed and nobody really can tell the difference between a good confession and one that is a what does the Election Results to date was about the state of american politics . There was no need. Instead, there was a red instead of conciliation. There are those looking to punish supporters. One step forward 2 steps. This is a story of women. Women with troubled histories and complex court cases. You know, some really believe in the person that they are considered the most dangerous of criminals. All the off 23 hours of the day. Tell me the world of women on death row language. What makes us human unique. So was behind incredible inventions. And how is it changing with Technology Engineering at mit . Robert berwick professor off computational linguistics, Computer Science and engineering at mit. Its really great to have you with us today professor. Well, going great, great to be here. Ok. So, i mean, look at us, were like 7000000000 people and we speak 7000. 00 languages. We need language for communication, but is language in that sense, kind of preventing communication rather the facilitating it. I mean, since every language cost some sort of a private club, thats more or less so outsiders. Right. Right. Thats always been one conception of languages that collectively the people that speak a language, even a very its a little bit from person to person. You can think of as a kind of cultural artifact that you created by the people that all speak that way. Of course, the way we want to study language might differ from that because slang

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