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The treaty a defeat for their country. Donald trump claims that news about a potentially breakthrough u. S. Covert vaccine was deliberately held back until after the election. By casting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our to international and sean thomas certainly glad with. A peace deal has been struck between armenia and azerbaijan to end fighting in the disputed not go to know kind of region the truce was brokered by moscow with Vladimir Putin expressing hope of a lasting settlement between the sides. State a place where you should care about you what is happening in karabakh is a truly great tragedy i want to note with great satisfaction the outlines of compromise and the agreements reached on ending the bloodshed i hope that all the steps we have taken recently will lead to the establishment of a long term peace for the benefit of us both as a by john and armenia. Earlier my colleagues broke down the Current Situation in the disputed region and the renewed hopes for a lasting peace. Well the place to brokered by most has 9 points the 1st and the most important one is of course about ceasefire for 6 weeks the region has been seen to bloody deadly fighting with bombardments habit to refire and of course casualties including among civilian population we have been receiving dramatic pictures like these for this whole month and now the size decided to stop it the russian peacekeepers are going to the region to secure the agreement we know that 3 military airplanes have already lend attain the city of yet another mania this is these are the pictures provided by Russian Defense ministry. Airplanes broad person now equipment transportation special week old. Russian peacekeepers are going to be stationed mostly along what is known as the corridor it is a 5 kilometer wide road connecting the army a tuna gordon week and it is expected that theyre going to stay there for at least 5 years and it could be extended what is the agreement say about specific districts well they do says that the army is stop there where they are now meaning as it is by john will keep the areas that managed to seize during the fight including a very important town of. Different size called it differently it is a strategic location because it is on the high heel and you can see the whole stip on the cat which is the capital of the go from there and military generals say if you have this shushi then you have the whole of the courtney and now azerbaijan will have it heard as a leader call and it. Is very important for both as it is by john that i mean him not only strategically but culturally and religiously as well well now as the debate john will have the control over this town and also the agreement says that the media will have to return to 3 disputed regions a defacto following the conflict in 1901. The. Luncheon regions so as you understand this agreement is basically everything that who wanted for many decades and it is a defeat for the armenian side these are both leaders speaking about it so differently the text of the statement is unspeakably painful for me personally and for our people i have made this decision as a result of an indepth analysis of the military situation this is not a victory but there will be a defeat unless you recognize yourself as a loser we will never recognize all services losers and this should. And revival. For my part i would like to see the very grand jury weve sealed the deal to settle a years long conflict between armenia and azerbaijan the occupation of vision land well obviously the agreement sparked different reaction among people from both sides with celebrations in azerbaijan and violent protests in armenia with so many people calling the leader of the country a traitor what about the people who have been forced to flee their homes during the fighting have they been taken into account yes of course and i think this is one of the brightest points of the sick room and we know that tens of thousands of people were forced to flee nagornokarabakh have now according to this deal they will be able to return safely back to their homes in the garden this will be morning told by u. N. Personnel u. N. Staff and also we hear that the sides agreed to Exchange Prisoners of war and the dead bodies of their soldiers and their civilians in army of the deal is largely being seen by the public as a humiliating defeat prompting protesters to storm government buildings in the capital. He cocked. Thanks thanks thanks. Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks. Thanks god. Said my companion the Public Square in the morning on. The still signed by. European foreign minister and if she sang gets closer im here to see purchases are made things like this. She can rest between the 2 comedians of the nation hear how tiring the last played out in the last 24 hours. Last summer supporting the pushing out believing it states what was necessary. To make leinster agreement. Making the trades especially. Into the scientists less people there than the last night there were some purchases like were made and ive been you know much of the sort of sensual stitching. All of it stand somewhere to speak of. Washing and the Prime Minister said. I see im missing a special im going to remember the nonlife threatening injuries. Of the purchased earlier that year and where. I was a sign of all this attention your attitude in the. Early. Parts and just looks like its going to another november experience and ive. Lost my. Place presents for everyones benefit. The government building is a bit of a lesson like leaves with the same. Token i was. The red cross spokesperson in nagano called about believe the truce will be crucial for the thousands of people who have fled the area the impact of this skill a shot once a life the stick you have put her asian across the region have been devastated and tense life so you dont think about 90000 people who had to leave their homes and search for safety in or outside number in a car or bus maybe moving toward me you know. People are you meet for who cherish. Mental Health Support psychological support it could also support medical assistance and you are ready tipene where. President approach 30 directories to step in. If you spent by providing medical homes would d do that then. He said trump. Always tender ag to support over those who are affected. By face a situation history professor peter cause niggas shared his views on the complex roles of foreign powers in the disputed region. So weve got a very complicated situation here with a lot of different interests involved youve got the turks. Supporting the azerbaijan position and then youve got russia to some extent and iran supporting the armenian position so had russia wanted to intervene more aggressively they could have changed the balance of forces but they have tried theyve got friendly relations to some extent with both sides i think is very significant on the one hand gets the armenian troops out of that region. And allows russia to play an even bigger role a turkey and iran are also going to be involved and the country that all 3 of those countries border this region so its still a very tense situation. Where everybody is hoping that this cease fire will hold and that Russian Peacekeeping troops will be able to do so. The u. S. Has now clocked up to 10000000 coronavirus cases but there is a ray of hope of pharma giant pfizer has announced its covert vaccine has been 90 percent effective in trials President Trump though is suspicious about the timing of that announcement made some 48 hours after Media Outlets called the election for joe biden as i have long said pfizer and the others would only announce a vaccine after the election because he didnt have the courage to do it before likewise the f. D. A. Should have announced it earlier not for political purposes but for saving lives the companys c. E. O. However has rebuffed that claim saying the announcement had nothing to do with politics vaccine is being developed together with german drugmaker bio and tack and should be widely available to the public next year ahead of the election of the prospect of a job was used to score political points. We will massless tribute in the backseat in just a few short weeks it will quickly eradicate the virus and wipe out the child to play once and for all if the doctors tell us that we should take it ill be the 1st in line to take it absolutely but if Donald Trump Tells us i said to him that weve taken on not taking our director of the Washington Pain Center dr John Dombrowski fears the political games are taking focus away from saving lives the covert 1000 pandemic at least in the United States is been a political football a thing to her donald trump the economy they will play up and the other side is this is the same way so i think its very scary that were here which were seeing this tremendous and tragic intersection between politics and science which is not the way to move forward we cant make at least in the United States 330000000 vaccines right now we just impossible so we as physicians always do treat ush take care of the sickest patients 1st and worry about others so people who are sick elderly multiple medical problems they should get the vaccination 1st and we need to educate people weve done now is politicized and we need to take down the temperature and explain people dislike a flu vaccine is healthy for you to people who are younger and healthy so people get flu vaccines and they do just fine because were finding out if you catch the corona virus they do kind of they do well so we should protect the weakest and sickest among our population 1st. Russia is also racing ahead with its own covert vaccine the most promising candidate is sputnik vive developed by the Research Center here in moscow despite facing some skepticism from the west amid claims that corners were cut to russia into production it is currently undergoing advanced stage 3 trials involving participants from around the world. The president of the italian and Russian Chamber of commerce is among the volunteers he believes politics shouldnt stand in the way of countries receiving the fact. That sounded has been 3 days since i took the vaccine i feel perfectly fine ive been feeling perfectly well since the very 1st day i took it and theres a psychological difference i feel calmer when you read the press and see how big a problem the pandemic is and you see how much harm it has brought to the health of people to businesses only then do you realize how vital sciences and how important it is to look for Solutions Together in italy were still using methods from 1916 like lock down and there arent any other options thats fine but id like to think that in the last 100 years new methods have emerged vaccines for instance can save many lives and politics shouldnt prevent the spread of medicine politics shouldnt prevent Human Development and shouldnt create obstacles to the health of people including those in italy now who dont have the opportunity to choose whether to vaccinate or not. And still to come the while i mean many u. S. T. V. Networks rubbed their hands with glee over joe bidens election victory trump said fall from power could see their bumper ratings heading in the same direction well explain why a short break this is our 2 international. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics Small Business im show business ill see if that. Lets compare biden he comes into office potentially and this means that i believe were going to see a repeat of 2008 remember Obama Took Office and because obama was a pretty young guy at the time and didnt come through financing it was. A law student then very good with constitutional law but he didnt know anything about wall street he kind of threw the keys of wall street over Larry Summers and all these other folks and they went ahead and they created the Global Financial crisis. After a fact that seemed to benefit the can in a remarkable way remember that billionaires and after the 2008 crisis drupal or more their wealth while the vast swathes of American Population went bankrupt and lost their house im pretty sure going to see a repeat of that by. International now a top u. S. Justice Department Official has quit over President Trumps legal challenge to the Election Results this is after the attorney general authorized a probe into Election Fraud the trumpet ministration also applied for an emergency injunction to prevent joe bidens victory being certified in the state of pennsylvania. Biden is currently projected to win at least 290. 00 Electoral College votes more than enough to get him into the white house but donald trump has cast doubt on the results with allegations of vote fraud meanwhile much of the u. S. Media has been celebrating bidens win although they could be the 1st to lose out when Trump Leaves Office is on to celia patrik oh comments. Tears on air over the end of Donald Trumps presidency its been a Long Time Coming not about my mom and my grandmother this morning they didnt have it right. So that if you just look at this t. V. Colleague of mine emotions as strong as after the end of the war or winning an olympic gold medal character matters it matters tell me the truth matters in a good person matters. And this is a golden tie probably put on by another journalist when he realized trump was defeated he said for 4 years hed only been wearing black ones i can probably show you hours of air time recordings proving how frenzied the liberal media are this time around but just let me ask them the past 4 years of what you called one big white house reality show where theyve really trauma and black tie grief for your careers voters turned out in record numbers to turn the page replacing a reality t. V. Star raised in wealth he saw the presidency as the worlds greatest reality t. V. Show he was the executive producer the chief promoter and the star of the trump show if it wasnt for this reality show would ratings for cable news look so good throughout mr trumps 1st term an entire new standards dream team can be put together our of reporters who if you think of it probably all the president a big one for a true career boost the star and a means of trump on the campaign trail you called yourself a nationalist some people saw that as emboldening White Nationalist not such a racist question. In america and its people like this that cause division one of the statements that you made in the ceiling of the campaign do we go that honestly i think you should let me run the country you run c. N. N. And if you did it well your ratings i mean im not going to give you a question you are straight do. Turning the loading of President Trump in all shapes and forms into a perfect top story came to the rescue of cable news amid the rise of online media what will be left for them to go on about once the maggot man is out whos on healthy burgers and cans of coke are they going to count will there be someone else as important to be caught for cheating in golf for splashing the cash on moscow prostitutes. Yes it will have to be Something Else than the russia collusion story to land the Pulitzer Prizes cry or not cry stateroom for the new era gone is russian collusion nobody talks about russian collusion anymore or chinese collusion or any kind of no collusion vote was 100 percent legit him when Hillary Clinton lost there was russian cold but not this time Mainstream Media need this more than you can imagine Mainstream Media are sitting back to be on the side silent the president is going to be citizen trump it appears he will be able to inject is opinion into anything in still maintain maybe even more of a powerful position because of the unfettered edited expurgated on. A plug in hell be able to see and indeed watch so. If they think theyre going to forget donald trump. If they think hes going to be just something from the past he cant be because their very existence their employment their revenue their their reason for being there exists a point donald trump he gave them life he gave them careers he gave them something he created the Democratic Party because they became the anti trump and without trump is nothing. As the legal battle over the election gathers pace there is a growing push particularly from democrats to reform americas Electoral College system and true president s based on the majority vote the system currently in place is aimed at giving all parts of the country and largely equal voice colorado has become the latest state to support such a change. The National Popular vote is very straightforward concepts one person should always equal one vote and the president ial candidate who gets the most votes should win the election an initiative known as the National Popular vote compact is one such plan it is designed to ensure the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide is elected president although it does stop short of calling for a complete elimination of the Electoral College to be enacted the agreement needs the support of enough states that collectively represent at least 270 Electoral College votes that is the same as the threshold for winning the president ial election at president present if it has 196 votes earlier my colleague you know neil put the issue up for debate. We know republicans always win texas just like democrats always win california and what i tell voters here to try and get them to vote libertarian as i say your vote will have no impact on the outcome of the election so go ahead and vote for a 3rd party like libertarians if you want. That example demonstrates how the Electoral College does make a lot of voters preferences not very influential i would love to see a much smaller less powerful government so that we really didnt care so much who won the election theres no real identification of fraud in the us Voting System we have a secure system what you have is a level of mistrust between both sides of this 2 party system who always believes the other side is cheating even though i think its more of an american thing where we dont trust this moment more like our sport we believe the other side is deflating the outgoing president we know that he tends to have more tangent than normal that has no relation to the Electorial College and we are technologically advanced enough to simply count the votes i think we need to even move beyond the compact and have a a system of course in representation we have a long history in United States of 3rd 4th and 5th parties trying to break into the political system and they cant because 1st of all we have this because these before theres even discussion of the contract we have this this richard 2 party system that is based on that its a call so that contact again is a 1st step in the right direction but its still not enough. Take a swing around the globe to look at some stories that are making headlines around the world this hour in peru thousands have rallied against the impeachment of the president down now and saying it as a coup the head of state was removed from office by congress on monday and the speaker has been sworn in as interim leader president sarra stands accused of corruption and failure to tackle the crime of. Pandemic also. The french governments handling of the corona virus has also been called into question students and parents faced off with police and tried to block the entrance to high school they were angered by a decision to keep schools open despite a nationwide lockdown. And in georgia hundreds of people have gathered outside parliament rejecting the results of the recent election in the former soviet state the ruling party retained its parliamentary majority in last months a vote but the opposition claims the ballot was rigged. It was your headlines this hour be back in months say 35 minutes with another form fresh news this is our international. Leg. Length. Leg. Lets compare biden he comes into office potentially and this means that i believe that if 2008 remember Obama Took Office because obama was a pretty young guy at the time and didnt come through finance. Law student then very good with constitutional law but he didnt know anything about wall street he kind of threw the keys of wall street over Larry Summers and all these other folks and they went ahead and they created the Global Financial crisis. After a fact that seemed to benefit the heirs in a remarkable way remember the billionaires after the 2008 crisis on. Our more of their wealth while the vast swathes of American Population went bankrupt or lost their house so im pretty sure going to see a repeat of the. Media claim joe biden to be president elect group thats not how it works. Hes made that determination and we arent very close the election. What is the possibility of the country played the election. The impulse will swoop will bush will be. Put. Into w. Lovable will she do i sure can who keep what i can. To put a gun. To new. Media and we will see in the movie confused with c b s news for those emotions you get some of what is in your speech come home and use the im. The 20th century was. The Great Depression and world war the 21st century of mental illness. My words thats what surfaced some psychologists tell us the only question. Is a fact. This is a story of women women with troubled histories and complex court cases you know some of us. Who lives out there and were not. The person that theres a cheesiness and the they are considered the most dangerous of criminals shes innocent of. All the law 23 hours of the day tell me that its not enough punishment it will do for women on death row. During the vietnam war u. S. Forces to neighboring laos it was a secret war. And for years the American People did not know. How much it is officially catherine bond country per capita. Human history millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this Small Agricultural country so i mean we dont think its happening. Even today kids in laos full victims of bombs dropped decades ago is the u. S. Making amends for that tragedy and. Help to the people need in the too little land of mines. And this is boom bust for the one business show you cant support them it boring watching coming up the developments in the field of covert 920 continue to roll with the f. D. A. Has approved a major anybody treatment thats straight ahead plus markets are still on the move following positive vaccine news coming up we analyzed the wave of stock stories and where this rally. Could lead and later amazon is facing the hot seat in europe as the block has moved to open a new investigation into the ecommerce behemoth with a packed show today so lets dive right in

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