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A reason that we didnt get to see her today and hopefully that stuff has are going to feed her again this weekend that they are not. Even pope francis putting her case. Against him down or was it hard. Or final words were broadcast on t. V. And on the radio. Hosts why. Should you. Just choose. To. Go. Unnoticed so shes going to. Go on september 30th 2015 at 12 21 am kelly gets in that or was executed she was 47 years old. In the United States out of the 2008. 143 inmates on death row 54 are women they are incarcerated in 16 different states across the country. And were granted permission to interview 3 of them. Have been on death row for over 15 years. In the county shawna forde and melissa looser have been charged with the most unspeakable crimes violent acts that resulted in. The claimed the life of a young girl and her father. Black white or hispanic they all have a troubled past and a common mix with drugs sexual abuse and extreme violence these 3 prisoners are considered among the most dangerous in the country they live in solitary confinement. Contact with their fellow prisoners for better and. Their families denounce these terrible conditions. Lawyers fight day and night to delay their executions and the this is from this is the police are convinced of their innocence. That shot up. Was not. Botched chiles Court Appointed lawyers and scripture judges and prosecutors the families believe that the deck was stacked against that anybody that kept that trial at my sisters trial is a circus and thats just awful even when theyre proven and it sends the nightmare continues. That. This is the unknown world of men on death row. Used in texas the city was the scene of a strange and atrocious crime. That child kidnapping and homicide that led to the arrest of. This 1. 3 year old woman lived in a poor neighborhood known for Drug Trafficking her neighbors joanna. And her mom. Had just moved to the United States from mexico. They just had a baby 2 days earlier. Linda carter is believed to have devised a plot to steal their baby. On may 16th 2001 and the middle of the night the couples home was stormed by 3 armed men the young parents were gagged and beat and. The men searched the house from top to bottom. Linda carter had made them believe that a large amount of drugs were in the couples home. In exchange they had to deliver the mother and the newborn. 40 hours later. Was found dead in the trunk of a car the infants was safe and sound. The car belongs linda carter. In her hotel room baby items were found. She had even made her neighbors believe she was pregnant she denied everything to the police. And if you told him. If you told anyone. Tell you about him getting the baby and they you havent told anybody. No i said i have been having a baby i didnt say im a baby in life by in a baby i feel im a baby thats not what i thought and involved i can have a baby if i want to have a baby that im going to cry big new. I dont even got me a favor from adam now im getting fat all everybody is trying to put the model im a big. I was in my car. With a guy the guy youre deaf and i got you. The evidence was overwhelming. For a kidnapping and murder. In texas. Would have been executed if this lawyer had not been fighting for years to get her a new trial. For the. United states for 16 years. They spent more than 4000000. 00 trying to prove she did not. Hold. So this would have been the original police. Became one of the biggest pieces of evidence we had when the truth. Because this was the police report. The video the key one who did it all being interviewed by the police when he was 1st and telling the story completely different than what he told and so this. Is trying to prove that prosecutors tempered with evidence and. As a. District attorneys that handled this case they withheld evidence the witnesses reported. Bullied into saying certain things and not saying certain things and then we started hearing this independently the witnesses independently with the same story. It all came into focus the jury was misled by the district attorneys and there was no fair trial why was the prosecution. In seeking the Death Penalty when considering the evidence in the car he would have certainly been sentenced to life in texas especially. To win elections you have to be seen as being someone strong someone strong on crime is important and so if you have a judge that lets criminals loose or criminals when the opponents will come in and say this judge is weak on crime and they lose. That card. In the border for the prosecutors to win election. No no the ones that admitted doing this the ones that had mid putting your in the truck the ones today admitted leaving her in the trunk for 8 hours in the texas heat. They all struck deals. That the d. A. s went to them and told them you either testify this way or youll get the Death Penalty. The men got sentences ranging from 15 to 45 years in prison. Continues to deny any involvement her only hope is to get a new trial but all of her appeals have been systematically rejected. For 16 years she has been on death row in gainesville a city lost in the countryside surrounded by 6 prisons for women. Nearly 7700 detainees are locked up here among them 6. We were granted permission to meet lynda carter with a strict agreement with her lawyer not to speak about her case. I was 16 minute interview with a woman considered to be one of the most dangerous in the United States. So. I let her in here. Thank you for accepting. This script to be home hows your life your. Moments up and down. And it depends on the status of your appeal. Because you could be quite euphoric at some times and then all of a sudden youre caught in that valley. You know whenever a case is denied every time i talk about that i want to cry because its difficult shouldering its for me in particular if i had done the crime i would have accepted my fate. But because i know that im not guilty its hard its hard dealing with it and i try i try to put it on the back by not think about it because i dont want to be another statistic for the mental health. Department. And i need to be able to stay strong so that in the process of having my investigators and my attorneys on my daughter and my friends helping me to clear my name that i wont become a burden for anyone. For the rest of my life. Look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. Must obey the orders given by human beings except where such conflict with the 1st law. Should be very careful about official intelligence and the point of use the. Ever of the shia. On various shots and with Artificial Intelligence will summon the demon. Must protect its own existence and. Join me every thursday on the elec so im unsure when ill be speaking to get off of the world of politics or im sure ill see you. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. Is youll be a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Tyson nation will community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is truly lost his faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Aura maybe in the shallowness. Of the times where you cant eat it anymore. I have a daughter that i went to where the law i truly love. Its this place is enough of a bad. Song for me to try to commit suicide or to give up or anything. I feel as though i would fail my child shes had kids she has 2 boys i have to weigh if you have met one you know because were not allowed to have visits with all kids because the state says that if you have a. Crime against a child that you are not allowed to have the visits with even your old sadly. Family members who are kids so no i dont get to see them other than picture. Talking to them on the fall every 90 days like all women on death row linda carter who has no physical contact with her family visits are always behind the bulletproof glass. These special inmates are separated from the rest of the prison population. They are in total isolation locked in tiny cells. Theyre not allowed to have personal belongings or photos on the wall. Awakened every morning at 3 am their lives revolve around meals and inspections every 2 hours. Alone 24 hours a day they are waiting to be executed. These imprisonment conditions are deemed inhumane by the prisoners families a mental and emotional torture that also affects their children and grandchildren. Juval carty when this daughter tries her best to maintain family ties with her mom whose life is on hold. Its a challenge to make her exist spiritually to her children to maintain a semblance of normality. This isnt their 1st christmas but this is one for her smith and of course my mom gets copies of all of these photos and we try to send as many as possible the boys try to send as many cards. They write letters. Trying to keep in contact. David on whats going on family gossip and if you dont. Who have never seen the grandmother that they hear about all the time and who will one day learn the truth about her. I usually have my mom with the newest announcement here anything thats new its cool everything like that picture will be the one that got the News Announcement next to it. But. Yes. Shes always included and the kids ask you all the time. All the time mothers day was always pretty difficult but our. One of the questions what kind of questions were is the normal questions you know house they are doing was last time we talked to nana are we when are we going to be able to go see them and you know. How come we cant go. And the best we can do is to just explain it to them. These are the rules that they have set up and we cant change their. Juval only has one picture of her mother taken by a guard from the other side of the visiting room with a jacket to hide her prisoners clothes shes always alone contact with other death row prisoners is not allowed. Shes in a cell. All day off 23 hours a day. Nonstop. And the one hour that she gets to come out of this hole were she is all by herself she still doesnt get to have interaction with everyone else. She still by herself tell me that its not punishment. Tell me that its not enough punishment. Im worried about you know is she going to be saved. Because how long can you maintain being by yourself. For year after year after year with no one to talk to where does your sanity go. Not surprisingly many who are condemned to death. Long before being executed. A place in the middle of the desert close to the mexican border. Communities 30000 people is a mixture of newcomers. And vigilante groups trying to prevent migrants crossing the border. Was responsible for the biggest slaughter in the region. Led by 42 year old. Now sentenced to death for executing a mexican family suspected of trafficking drugs. Her friend lane wallace has also educated her life to stop Illegal Immigrants and the United States. If youre going to go to a place where theres a lot of trafficking and stuff going on youre probably going to take set like in a 47 or a r 15 you really shouldnt go out to places where theres drug smugglers to not carry along. You made something. Seana for his organization was a nationalist militia which claim to fight cartels at the border. Shawna forde was an early activists a regular on the media and television. She liked to praise the merits of her militant actions and she knew are of like the back of her hand and. Theres an extremely dangerous area a matter of fact so dangerous that im revealing to bring the mourners. But i dont have a number i have one gun on me and. Were not getting people trying to pin lawyers and doctors here ok were getting the floor of the floor we know what we need to do to secure these borders we know what we need to do to secure the sovereignty of this nation and thats what were going to do and we will win this war theres a shot of for a minute an american defense. Lane wallace like other militia members doesnt believe shawna forde is a murderer. She thinks she was settling scores between opposing cartels and that she was the scapegoats for the murders. This is the house where the air of arkham massacre happened at about 12 45 am on a friday night. Several intruders burst into that house they were supposedly pretending to be Border Patrol and were dressed as Border Patrol and they shot the husband they shot the wife and they shot the 9 year old daughter the wife survived she was not shot in the head like the daughter and the husband were. Shannon ford was never positively identified by the surviving with this so there were definitely 2 men there and one woman and there were additional parties as well shes didnt know if there was she said there might have been 4 or 5 people there but she couldnt describe them. Resign your fluoresce line and her father role florence died on the spot with a bullet in the head only survivor of the massacre Gina Gonzales mother shot in the leg she pretended to be dead during the shooting before calling for help. I dont know where you think. They shot them the way to where they shot him in the head in the head theyre the people who are there that shot him. The cover back there. On the phone salems who heard her came back inside the house to eliminate the only survivor. To defend herself. Picked up her husbands weapon and started firing a man who was injured in the leg. You can clearly hear the voice of the woman on the recording a voice that could belong to shawna forde. How many people were there i dont know. Like males are talking but there were the male and the. Woman. Ok the woman but it he looked like me. Making these just coming in to join us for newsroom 3 people have been arrested in connection with a deadly home invasion. After a highly publicized trial. He was sentenced to death for the double homicide despite the fact that Gina Gonzales the only survivor was never able to formally identify her nor to say exactly how many killers were in the house. Chris accurately sana fords lawyer believes there is no evidence that his client was present at the scene of the kind. Which he claims prove shauna for its innocence. We see a mysterious woman carrying a weapon similar to the one found at the scene of the kind. This womans identity is still unknown today. In the 1st place gina gershon so as she was uncertain if it was one woman in her house or 2 with because the woman who was initially there went outside and a few minutes later a woman came in who was dressed completely differently and had her hair done completely different way and she identified her is. A heavyset short one with blondish brown hair now we can prove. That these photographs were taken the night before the flores homicides occurred the jury never saw those photographs looks to me like a short heavy set woman with blondish brown hair that is not shown up for we dont know who it is there is a shotgun there and 357. 00 caliber revolver. Now 20 minutes after the homicides occurred this weapon. Was found in the forest front yard this is also. 357 handgun with a finger and intuitions i believe that shawna forde was not present when these homicides occurred she was. Shes simply was. This is. Has been claiming since she was arrested we requested an interview with death row inmates are not allowed interviews in arizona. After months of waiting we were finally granted permission to talk to her on the phone. Interview yes. Ok thank you. Seem wrong. And in. The trail. Tactics that can be used to get innocent people to confess to crimes they didnt commit i dont even think people in the us really get that the police are allowed to lie to you the person who falsely fast actually came to believe the lie that they were told about their own behavior once a false confession is taken the case is closed nobody really can tell the difference between a confession that is a. Media claim joe biden to be president elect come on group thats not how it works fine although crowleys made that determination and we arent there yet was the election free and fair and what is the possibility have the country played the election was still. Will soup will sure wish to be sure but. The truth to w. Clubbable was you sure. I can board it doesnt actually matter the age to put have been murdered by. All of those who knew those stories could be game we will see in the movie it is with it would seem the most serious but is the most severe some of it is in your speech come on and use the im. The 20th century was doing in a revolution the Great Depression and world war the 21st century of mental illness. Those arent my words thats what surfaced some psychiatry to tell us the only question is should we accept it as a fact. Yes or no. During the vietnam war u. S. Forces also neighboring laos there was a secret war. And for years the American People did not know. How much it is officially a mouse country per capita. Human history millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this Small Agricultural country jordyn wieber. Even today kids in laos full victim to bombs dropped decades ago is the us making amends for the tragedy and. Help to the people need in that little. I hope that the steps we have taken recently will lead to the establishment of a long term peace for the benefits of both azerbaijan and armenia. Russian peacekeepers head to the nagornokarabakh conflict zone after a peace deal is signed by armenia and azerbaijan but the new agreement doesnt go down well. Ah. Protesters stormed the parliament and government goes

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