Of the one by the way i dont even know if the white house. So. I dont think. About that and then i recall. That. Oh man. Oh man one of. The 6. Greetings and sell you take shims here in the United States the air is thick my friends it is thick with the anticipation as we wait for the final counts to come in and we finally get a new president crowned but while that American Idol section of the u. S. Version of democracy is yet to be concluded that wasnt the only big decision made by u. S. Citizens on tuesday night that will affect the future of lives across this great country some 32 states as well as the district of columbia am puerto rico had 124 Ballot Initiatives spread out amongst them this year according to the folks at the National Conference of state legislatures. These Ballot Initiatives initiatives included california as that involves oberon lifts multimillion dollar fight to keep their drivers labeled as independent contractors rather than employees because you know hey i mean who wants to provide benefits and protections to thousands upon thousands of drivers when youve got Company Shareholders to appease and Bank Accounts to fill colorado and louisiana voters weigh in on the controversy surrounding abortion laws and a womans right to choose as we discussed on our election fallout show just a few days ago you also had a slew of voters in states across the nation including washington d. C. Vote to decriminalize various Illegal Drugs like marijuana magic mushrooms you even had voters in mississippi deciding on giving the Southern State a brand new flag which was i think long overdue given that their original state flag up until tuesday night featured the confederate battle cross of civil war era fame. But while the initiatives across the country covered a wide range of important subject it was 20 twentieths most notorious Party Crasher colbert 19 who kept many important issues off of the ballots in this years elections the New York Times reported that if ever there was a doubt about the coronaviruses impact on american democracy look no further than the sharp decline on sort of the mission it was this year there are 38. 00 such measures slated across the country around half the level in the last president ial election when you saw about 32 or 72 so today my friends lets dive into an exam and some of the vital issues of our time that us voters finally got to weigh in on as we start watching. Whats going on a cd. You want to. See see this is this joyce state. Great city this least systemic dissent says show which. Brings us. All right welcome one and all are watching the hard world and im of these. Ballot initiatives when they come up every every Election Year because those are the those are the initiatives the people in various states across the country really get to exercise democracy on and say we love this side b. Or we reject this idea and you can only hold the people of the state accountable for the for the rejection or the whim of the idea rather than a politician or a Lobbyist Group or whatever absolutely i think that in 2020 these Ballot Initiatives take on a whole nother type of meaning just because of the sheer amount of people weve seen come out to vote typically Ballot Initiatives even if theyre good dont always pass because you have such low voter turnout in awful lection years that are outside of the president ial election now weve had hundreds of millions of people show up so i think that spread across the board to really feel what people in they want you know what they. Policy to replace a really good point i mean well start with the i want to get your your opinion on this will start with the big win by the lift another ride sharing apps. Essential against employee protections i mean in voting against proposition 22 california voters essential e gave goober and lift the blank check and they prevented the state from and forcing these companies to provide the basic employments to their driver such as Health Insurance minimum wage overtime and reimbursement for expenses 58 percent of voters rejected prop 22. 00 and that keeps the lift drivers as independent contractors see this almost brush rating and confusing at the same time because a lot of even outside of a lot of californians workforce is contract until a lot of americas workforce is contract so we would assume that you know fighting for the protections specifically around health care around you know paid holiday think day things like that would be something that people would want but the thing here that is really important is the amount of money that was put in a Different Campaign as well as the the funding from some of the Lobbyist Groups that really helped to take this you know i think that you know that people more fully informed about what this meant for drivers what this war you know when would be huge would have been huge for the entire industry and you know right now that just looks like it with another opportunity lost 200000000. 00 according to lift and other like based writer hailing Delivery Services to get people to vote against this 200000000 but one interesting thing that also came out when you look at the ballot measures across the country was florida now florida went red like they normally do theyre very republican about but they did something thats much more in the Bernie SandersProgressive Left wheel house they voted in approved a Ballot Initiative to raise the minimum wage in florida the 15. 00 an hour from 56. 00 an hour 8 dollars 0. 56 they jumped it up to 15 so now its new york washington d. C. And florida have. I asked minimum wages in the country does that surprise you it surprises me but its also interesting because i want to see how the governor responded and i say this because the last time a Ballot Initiative nobody thought what path in florida did it was to provide Voting Rights and access to those who have been previously incarcerated that passed overwhelmingly in florida and the governor and the state legislature bought it tooth and nail and developed propositions to make sure that it never thought the light of day so im interested in seeing the devils in the implementation and how that minimum wage is actually going to come to light in florida and if it ever will speaking of the devil in implementation this is to me. More than 62 percent of louisiana voters voted support an amendment to the state constitution that would limit abortion protections the amendment prevents state lawmakers from declaring that abortion restrictions are unconstitutional should the Supreme Court ever decide over turn roe v wade. Reads quote to protect human life and nothing in this constitution shall be constructed to secure a protected right to abortion or require the funding of abortion no converse of the colorado voters and citizens there struck down proposition 115 which was a measure that sought to ban abortions 22. 00 weeks after pregnancy so you could see the states are still divided about how they want to play out the prochoice controversy in the bush and controversial absolutely and louisiana is trying its level best to be mississippi made a phone pressure rating to watch this happen because what we know is that on both sides of the aisle when it comes to women specifically women who are still of reproductive years they want to see abortion rights activists open and we also have to think about the fact that in the majority of cases most women do not find out that they are pregnant until theyre already at least 12 weeks along so i think that there is some confusion or just again this information when it comes to republicans who are trying to push these lawless irrespective to what they think may or may not happen at the Supreme Court level schoolboy and but you know its nice to know i do love to see the these states voting on issues like these its not. Just lift up to elected officials actually never know what youre going to do with them especially with lobbyist bull exactly happens. Though the us president ial election continues to dominate headlines a very disturbing story from the New York Times dropped just 5 days prior to election day the article titled arrested tortured imprisoned the u. S. Contractors abandoned to wait took a deep dive into the torture abuse and trumped up criminal charges black contractors are facing abroad in one case Nicodemus Acosta a black navy veteran explained how his experience in kuwait doesnt jibe with President Trump the narrative of love and protection of u. S. Troops a cough that recently spent over a year imprisoned in kuwait for a crime he didnt commit but regardless of his military service and the lack of consequential evidence in the kuwait case against him the u. S. Government left the casa to fend for himself. But like a customer a total of 28. 00 americans have served time for drug offenses over the last 5 years with little to no help from the state department at all and their cases are eerily similar all 28 are private contractors supporting u. S. Military operations in the middle east and all worth sensually victims to know not raid in the dead of night where they were arrested by the way the police. Many of these contractors were forced into both confessions through torture methods and extreme brutality kuwaits all the files often support this and the state department is well aware in fact the state department has been aware way to torture of americans for years yet theyve done nothing. Now generally the treatment of American Service members abroad is a matter of National Security and theyre considered a protected class but over the past 2 decades the us military has expanded its labor force dramatically due to outsourcing to the private sector this created a new class of citizens serving military interests that arent currently listed and dont have the protections of enlisted members and that brings us back to the issue of kuwait under the tree. Administration the basic responsibilities of protection of u. S. Citizens abroad just havent been enforced in particular in cases like a cost is the reason seems to be obvious a customer is black the majority of arrested tortured and abused are as well but what will the American Government do to protect those serving its interests in kuwait who find themselves at the crossroads of prejudice and torture if history tells us anything these contractors theyre on their own. And they are on their own because they are contractors they are mercenaries that is what the whole idea and remember this started way way back you know during the Bush Administration and dick cheney and Donald Rumsfeld who said they would rather than you know spend money on our own u. S. Military we can make deals with the military Defense Industry corporations and start having contractors do all the work mercenaries and youre absolutely correct and these contractors do a variety of things for the military some of them are Data Intelligence some of them are analysts some argue no working in tech and influencing social media and things like that others are involved in some of the higher level operations and some of the most dangerous zones across the middle east and other areas and mind you many of these people over 80 percent are folks who have served in military you know have had long and steady careers in the military and now theyre serving in this element but they have no the protections they did while they were enlisted members know and this is one of those sad moments that you see where you see guys be of left out to dry i mean its one thing when you see you know mercenaries and contractors involved like the square shooting where you know theyre being charged with major crimes because theyre shooting up the place to the committing crime like committing very heinous crimes against humanity but theres a situations where the crimes are not these they are evil these are trumped up charges and low level trumped up charges so were talking small possession of wheat were talking things that honestly in america you would not really thin time you know in prison for specially you know were so wet recently. Exactly so its one of those things where especially in a cough this case what ended up happening was he was convicted of basically having a quantity of marijuana that was over the limit and the reason why is because they arrested him based on some Text Messages they found between him and a friend of his who was also in the military. 9 and they had small of the weed nothing that they would even nothing worthy of a criminal charge even there but when they found them they put them in a jar and they measured the weight of the jar and found it and that is the weight of the actual marijuana and from picture evidence and all of the conversations. This should have been ruled out he never should have spent over a year in a cell and should not be our state department now kind of fighting for that saying like hey look we understand this man may or may not have broken one of your laws we respect the laws you know examine youre in a foreign country you have to respect the laws of that country you know if youre there as an american citizen or even if youre working there in respect to you know youre paid to be there by by American Corporation or america itself but isnt the state departments job to kind of say step in and say hey lets pull pressure on lets get these guys let out or lets at least see that theyre taken care of while theyre serving the sentence that theyve been charged with the beginning but you are absolutely correct and in cases where those charges are caucasian individuals we think of the state Department Step in that is the bigger issue kuwait has a longstanding history just like america of not being necessarily primly or respect or providing any type of humanitarian here to africanamericans or those of african descent in general and the state department in the u. S. Government has not stepped in even though they know that these cases are extremely heinous and they have evidence the thing about this case and several others is the state department has filed on these issues and they still have not moved and just the people havent understand how much our military is now the president these contractors as of the 2001000 Congressional ResearchService Report estimate of the contractors are comforted to percent or more of the total Defense Department presence in both afghanistan and iraq just chew on that number for a minute. All right everybody as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on demand through the brand new portable t. V. App which is available on all platforms definitely pick it up if you havent already coming up author and editor Margaret Kimberly joins us to shed some light on the future of black america in the wake of these now from their 2020 election so stay tuned. Well the demick no certainly no borders and is blind to nationalities. Has emerged we dont talk with you we dont have the facts in the whole world beats to take the. Chief. Judge of. Comedy crisis sleaze this time to time so we can do better we should. Everyone is contributing each in our own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenge is great the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. Sputnik 5 has the world. Just like its namesake the original. The 1st draft of a to leave the. Orbit world. Many questions remain unanswered about russias new vaccine the authorities are confident enough to go forward with mass production. Puzzles for. What the Assembly States please when you speak of the city life in the because no one from the. Real radio received. Interest early in their requests. Billions those of us from fiction. Writers this is happening. We go on the reaction has been exactly the same as it was way by. Journalists not. The world reaction is made of green cheese. Where you should be before you. Go. To. The election dissections and postmortems continue journalists pundits twitter selfappointed political gurus and everyone in between has something to say on the heels of what now appears to be a Biden Victory in official call still outstanding in the words of sam cooke a change is gonna come but what kind of change we know that the black vote continues to be the strong. Hold of the Democratic Party and also the vote that provides the strongest support for joe biden but what will black people get for the overwhelming loyalty and historic turnout in this election cycle in article titled freedom rider black people lose in 2020 presents a grim reality for the black policy agenda and her opening Margaret Kimberly doesnt mince words saying quote black people will get nothing from a job i did ministration except fiscal austerity and the precarity that comes with it. Yet. In her piece kimberly argues that america is equally racist and the make America Great again maga mentality clearly resonates for millions of people across the country she calls out the Democratic Party for its starched neo liberalism and questions James Kleiber the kingmaker of the Congressional Black Caucus and the place that laid the groundwork for biden South Carolina primary win the win that eventually led to him winning the democratic nomination lot paki are joining us now is mark kelly author of president ial black america and the president s black agenda reporter editor and senior columnist what the market. Did to be back. While your piece is great no chaser view of what black america can expect moving forward in your view neo liberalism is a problem for the Democratic Party that continues to win even when progressive cant its like Bernie Sanders rise up with that being said though we just saw a record turnout for an election in america hundreds of millions of voters many of them 1st time voters Younger Voters and the boat margins were 18 to 29 year old heavily favored by is this evidence that neo liberalism isnt dead even among young voters. But they were voting for the new group candidate the Democratic Party made clear that they were going to be. Left to. Their art and so there was a conservative group im just going to call it propaganda against Bernie Sanders and against d supporters. To make sure that he could be sure that he was not going to use the nominees. And look at who supports the Democratic Party they are already the corporate interests as much as the republicans not armed. And there are more loyal to their donor class not more to the people who vote for them if the people had their way even looks like we just talked about florida and staying. For trump but where people voted to raise their minimum wage significantly thats what people want but the democrats are determined not to give back to them so in enduring the penick we had joe biden time and time again committing himself not to medicare which is what the people in your new not to do the things that people want not to talk much about the people whove been dead devastated by the demick not just by behind but by the unemployment nomic devastation and he hasnt mentioned that at all so we he was always one of the. Most conservative democrats anyway as a senator thats why i was chosen as obamas running mate back in 2000 me so we know when he tells you openly what it is hes going to do and people want to get rid of strong and now the system where were told only thing you can do are specially black or that only thing you have the power to do is keep a republican out of office theres anything else you want it just to bed. I dont be a spoiler or your only choice is to vote and its especially appealing when the republican is someone like donald trump that means new even if something now will get a new group of black faces in high places but the people will be no better off. You know its interesting ive got to agree with what youre saying at least from my perspective because it makes a lot of sense i want to also jump. Of the other side so the moderate dr and you know make America Great in the code of language held with the map took hold in a big way across this country you know it was originally attributed to you know political rednecks with the all writing overly overtly racist people but in your article you know how wrong that singular view is considering how tight this election has ben despite all of trumps failures with covert and all of the more you know more people believe or accept the mark of doctrine that i think democrats assume or liberals assume why do you think they were so wrong in underestimating the numbers of a moderate has in this country. Well be if they faced that big would have to change their policies they always hope to win by just noodling around and not doing in being different not promoting what people want to hope being that we do in the end but look at what we got more this year then he did in 2016 this is that after 2 something biden with nominee not going to bat after 200000 who think thats after the. Catastrophe. They did even better than they did before because they dont offer anything so you can get a lot of rogues running against someone but have to stand for something but that would mean we we dont your class doesnt want and they were hoping that this nanny elderly has some sort of cognitive been herrmann. Was never very bright to be hidden with its own is very conservative hoping that he would bring enough people out but people have strong opinions to millions of people and in order to fight against them youve got to bring your people and talk about the things that people need like we need from student. And increasing the minimum wage and helping the millions of people who are now unemployed i think should have taught by needs anything but people who a stimulus bill that is unprecedented in scope something that harkens back to the new deal but he didnt talk about that because hes bathrooms for austerity they want to have people moving desperate mother because if they are big will not bornstein they will not buy with their rights and that is the most important thing for the democrats they hope to revive the needle and when they dont do. That well margaret you cant touch on this a bit in your last answer but what does a policy that benefits black america look like weve heard from celebrities from the like the 5 coupon a west d. D. And charlemagne the got all attacked democrats for what they thought was an a black agenda what is and how can democrats incorporate it in their policies. But some very simple look things some of the things i just mention things that show workers things that raise peoples income and eat things that give people their suman rights nobody is still talking about prince and half the u. S. The biggest prison population in the world and have for a while the president s here are black. That is something that could respect biden said i am committed to reducing the prison population especially since he is one of the people who was responsible for increasing it in the earths plates so this is the sneakiness that brings out the rappers in the celebrities who dont know what theyre talking about they have a little grain of truth justice yes thats true and democrats do take the black vote for granted but the lack of a real agenda is not going to help people allows them to attention what theyre talking about doesnt mean its a matter of truly was. Thing as i look at this election is that you had a lot of opportunities not just to kind of do battle you know rein fire on donald trump but you had a lot of opportunities to really talk about a vision for a future and where we can build here in america and what how we can take care of americans across all the divisive lines and you just didnt see that very much but im happy to have it always brings me joy to see people like yourself and others out there fighting to really get good messages out there and fighting to to really let people get people to start thinking about what is truly right for them and what they deserve of citizens and what a government can do for them as well as what they can do for government thank you so much Margaret Conley for all your hard work out there and your writing and your work always a pleasure having you on educating our audience. Always powerful. Amazing im like oh well people have heard this before they went voting on election day i just was really more candidates need more candidates and just want to win and i think wed see a lot more of these ideas out there right now being taken seriously you know being taken seriously but all right everybody that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told that we. Tell you all i love you. Keep on watching and have a great day and night everybody. If you can save someones life if you have a small and direct means same thing that you can then save you know thousands of other lives well my response is that the way we should think about that is just is that just as theres a child in a store experiment right there in front of you in this burning building you can say well also just thousands of children around the world take millions of children around the world you could potentially state a way its lightweight in this situation of being facing a burning building just all the time. It was supposed to be a. Way a lot. And while we. May still lose this. Plane. For an abberation state. America the democrats put one foot in the door of the white house. U. S. President. In the edge closer to announcing their results. If you count the legal votes easily when the account is truly shiny reversion i will be declared the winner. It could still be a bumpy road ahead listening to that as both candidates clash over ballot results in the republican camp claiming the kind has been fraudulent. To announcing the president does raise questions about