Moscow while in america counting house resumed in key states to decide the next u. S. President. Now 2 days on from the election america still doesnt know who will be handed the keys to the white house and everything hangs on the key swing states that are yet to declare so at the moment things are looking for good Democrat Joe Biden lets take a look he has 264 lacked is if you include arizona which many say is too early to call if it is his though it means he needs just 6 more to reach that magic number of 270 now donald trump by comparison lets take a look hes only got 214 well lets look at the cost ways to power for the candidates from now joe biden security the majority right here in nevada would hand him 6 electors which is enough to put him in the white house. For 4 more years of donald trump the president would have to win 5 states where the result isnt clear these are the gray ones now trump is currently at head in 4 of them excluding nevada however in georgia the current margin is only point 3 percent so although nothing is sought to be olds all stacked in bidens favor well lets just focus a bit more because as you can see it is incredibly tight with the percentage point from 48. 00 with just 24 percent of the vote still to be counted that is being done right now on it appears it might still take a while. The bulk of our ballots were hoping will be read by saturday or sunday this week. And again we wont complete until november 12th with all of those other ballots that here are these exceptions. While the tense atmosphere surrounding the counting of the votes has been playing out on the streets to thousands have been venting their anger around the country of violence even erupted some protests with demonstrators facing off with police. Well lets look at actually live pictures from for the dow here right there on your screen now close to 60 state votes as from both sides have been protesting out the continued confusion over the election and why no final results are being given yet now just to remind defend itself is in pennsylvania thats one of those areas that still not being called carney trump is leaving that one of the absentee votes are still to be counted but theres no such in time as to when battle happened but with legal action being taken and the threats and even if the when that is declared today it seems many people long going to accept the results for some time with more not his inquest on. All these people that weve just looked at who are asking a very legitimate question as to why the wrong no results they come from both sides they come both joe bidens campaign from the terms count. Well they could be in for a bit of a wait because this is even one who are states in all ballots when all of them are accounted for when the states are cooled this might be just the beginning over and then so to speak because really this whole election is migrating and go into lead. Donald trump has already said that all of the states that have been recently claimed by joe biden will be legally challenged and he hasnt specified which states exactly but this could mean wisconsin michigan philadelphia arizona nevada and the list will grow there could expand. There are already legal suits coming from trumps team for instance in michigan and some supreme judges and some judges they dont bring any rush to take them seriously because for instance in michigan just recently judge has literally scoffed at this who should say essentially calling it just hearsay is the way the way he put it it was like oh so you had somebody said something bring me the real facts thats im not quoting it but this is very very close to whats been said so and this is just one of the examples and there surely will be more because trump seems to be very adamant about taking this to court for instance trump has been demanding that his team and his team members would be allowed in philadelphia by the way to witness the counting of the votes now there were reports that even after the Court Allowed them to be present and to watch the counting they still arent being led in a lot of theres a flurry of information flying around and a flurry of reports which have to be very fired so theres that but members of trumps team they have explained as to why they are doing this about why they are potentially for tracking and already reeling from election season have a list they continue to count illegal votes that is unacceptable and its given legal people. A sense that the system is corrupt. We have to have a system where legal votes are cast but the harry reid machine has done is the row out recklessly ballots. And now they dont want us to check those ballots and we are seen discrepancies all over so theres that joe biden has already responded saying that he has a team of lawyers on standby to potentially if i dont trump in court over the recounting of the votes but while both biden and trump duking it out legally juking out duking it out in front of the judge their supporters again weve already seen them taking to the streets the Election Night has already seeing scuffles and violence as protesters clash between each other not anything significant but again this could be just a very very smooth ignition which could grow into a full on wild fire all across the United States this is certainly the concern that is being well reiterated and echoing all across the social media and so on and so forth for instance just to show you a little bit more of these protests and these demonstrations coming from both sides here they are right. Now its easy to understand where that all this discontent is coming from because people on both sides expected waves they expected tsunamis just of different colors people in joe bidens camp expected a blue wave and in trumps camp they spend they expected a red tsunami. Neither of that happened and do the elections are really really close theyre heavily contested so people they are ready growing tired they are already tired of not knowing. Whos going to be in the oval office for the next 4 years and the thing that this whole election could be protracted for even longer because mind back in 2000 when it was bush v gore election when they had only one contested state that was florida here trump is threatening to legally challenge a number of states so and back in 2000 when it was just florida the whole election they protracted for the whole of the month here again were looking at potentially number of states a number of states or. Could it go all the way through the winter so whats going to happen wow joe biden will respond to that how the super bowl respond to that there are a lot of questions and i dont think there is anybody right now in this whole world who know a solid and reliable answer to that so well just have to see this unfold. Well lets go live now to a press conference thats happening in one of those battleground States George lets listen in. Actions are for the 797 because they had thought they had uploaded them and they looked and realized they had not. Taylor had a unique issue they did their absentee ballot printing and house. Something on the way made the ballots not the appropriate size so if you have a ballot that is based on coordinates which a hand on her ballot is and it is not the right size it cannot be scanned so there you go in the process of duplicating each of those ballots on the ballot marking devices and then what they have to do is have to take the original ballot and the duplicate ballot so they can tie them together had to be marked that each one matched to the other one to keep a paper trail a lot of the original artifact of the voter they will take those ballots and its 456. 00 of them and then run them to their scanner they are a little over halfway through that process right now as you can imagine its a arduous process you want to be precise and make sure you get the ballot reflecting exactly what the intended vote of the voter was so again it gets to a total of 47277 on another note following up another question that it was asked earlier today we have that this is included in the counts we have right now there are 17529. 00 you aqaba which their military overseas ballots have been accepted in the counties and as i noted earlier under the federal laws be you a cop a balance that are postmarked by tuesday can be accepted up to tomorrow friday so of the pool of those there are 8899 that doesnt mean any of them will arrive means that all that arrive we have no way of knowing that number so it will make that clear its not theres 8900 ballots to be counted those are ones that could arrive to be counted in any subset thereof so with that i will answer any questions you may have the secretary. They are. Well lets see 1st of all not the secretary. Of state would go to such an implication and if you. If this is the end of the yeah. I will meet you. Again as weve been since stating for weeks and months that with the advent of paper its going to take time we anticipate having the count quote unquote done when the legal deadline for certification is which is going to be 10 days after the election thats when were done because there are ballots that are still coming in their ballots to be cured there are ballots that provisionals that are to be verified so we can know how long the process will take we dont have clarity on the outcomes of these elections as soon as possible however when you have so many important election in the state being so close done its a very relative term at this point were trying to get all the legal votes counted accurately so we can get the right results and make sure that everybodys vote is reflected properly do you feel you know yes sir which other messages to people around the state or country to Green Mountain on st georges some sort of effort just you want to watch. The effort here is to make sure that everybodys vote legal vote is counted properly and that the actual results are reflective of the voters intent the issue we have in georgia is going to say its a close vote there are other states that have more votes to count that we do but its a wide margin so nobody cares so this is the 1st time we used paper ballots in this state in 20 years so as we said you know 2 weeks ago 3 of the secretary of state were outstanding and said this is going to take a little more time these close elections require us to be diligent and make sure we do everything right if i were to serve for. You know. What we understand from a georgia official georgia is of course one of the states that everyone is waiting for unfortunately looks like were going to have to wait a little longer he was talking about some of the issues that theyve had with pockets including being the wrong size many 1000 still need to be counted and he said really it might even take up to 10 days. That is that the margins are so tiny that they really need to make extra safe that it is all correctly counted so really richard its what we had out here. In nevada which is that we might not get any concrete results for still a few days yet were going to be paid to patient apparently well despite the legal action being taken several election commissions in america insist that every valid ballot was counted not cure and we reported International Observers have also said the vote did go according to the rule and have slammed President Trumps allegations of fraud saying it damages public trust in democratic democratic institutions. We put the issues surrounding on occasions also voter fraud up for debate. We need to remember that the media does not call elections the process involves Electoral College vote where the different states have to certify that their results were accurate if they cant do that we go through a process so we can this is a very unusual in modern times situation but the way i look at it when you look state by state what you see in the evidence is that states that donald trump in theory lost which he may have won in 2016 happen to be states in which down ticket republican ballots have done very well if this is a democracy the votes need to be counted they need to be in certain states postmarked by a certain date and we have been received by a certain day i so you know we dont know anything right now we know where states have called the winner forget the media we know states have called the winner and have counted 100 percent of the vote or theyve counted enough that the absentee ballots are not going to make a difference even if one candidate gets 100 percent of those votes so those states have called and theyve certified that and there are states that have it now its interesting that you know there is fraud you know that trump comes out in the sense as a legal team there to go there are specific and credible allegations of an internal person in the Postoffice Department of triggered an Inspector General investigation of back dated ballots being mailed after november 3rd. With the with the wrong date on them so instances like that have to be investigated fully were not talking about 2 ballots here were talking about thousands tens of thousands of ballots the difference they think its its worth explaining something there are 3 kinds of built in american election. Express on election day. Vote that is expressed in person before it actually and buries them neatly in a lot which is to sent by mail before elect. And when the deadline for receiving that and how you count them depends on state to state but these are all very safe ballots because that is also in the past and the proof of who sent to them and they compare senior sure and so on it for right so there is no space for for out. Now in some states these ballots needs to be needs to arrive by election day in some states then they can theyre right later which is why theyre being counted later theres nothing constitutional that this is actually respect in the low itself claiming as a 1st guess said that that the votes should be there though its only the ballots at that ride by election they should be counted as is wrong and by the way if we win races. Counting biden would have won by a large margin and in fact trans people in one state are saying stop the counting the other one are saying keep counting politicians around the while theyve also expressed that the stray shown over the on sesame surrounding us election while iran is supremely to mock to the process european politicians also sad that. Got us once about is also clear to us that we in the European Union have every reason to insist that europe should develop its own strengths particularly in view of the development of the United States in International Politics what a spectacle one says this is the most fraudulent election in u. S. History who says that the president who is currently in office is a rival says trump intends to rig the election this is how u. S. Elections and u. S. Democracy are but the polarization of america should be a warning for europe we are successful because were bridge differences between countries and peoples so we benefit together if we lose the ability to compromise our democracies are in danger. Callings that also if to turn a lot of the spanish had the chance to talk with eva moralez the bolivian president who was ousted by his military last year amid claims of a rigged boat ride as get his take on the election in the u. S. And the apparent double standard play when compared to about in his own country. When the right wing is lose they make accusations of electoral fraud now i hear in the media the trump is talking about fraudulent elections in the United States so why then does he not turn to luis magro the head of the organization of american states after all the oas know like no one else how to organize coups the oas is always watching everything that happens in latin america but what are Luis Al Magro and the oas doing if theyre not watching the us elections americans go to elections and vote but unfortunately the country is ruled by neither the people nor the president selected by them no matter what party in fact everything is ruled by Transnational Companies capitalism entrepreneurs this is a huge difference from the change that is taking place in bolivia in the us perhaps more radical fascist racist or right forces will win over more moderate right forces thats the whole difference. What does your mind to securing a majority in a state even by the narrowest of margins mean the candidate has had every one of the electors under the Electoral College system lets see how that actually. Well one of the most valuable states was 20 Electoral College votes is pennsylvania counted still on the ways and it could prove to show as of now trump is ahead that he also won the state in 2016 were passing along a run of democrat when our team is trying to chop us has more on why the state swings between the 2 parties. Pennsylvania with nearly 13000000 residents is arguably the single most important state of the 2020 alexian but in many ways the keystone state mirrors the country well its rust belt is dotted with the shuttered factories and rundown chimneys its also a place of affluent liberal suburbs and conservative countryside reflecting a divided america i mean the devices in this sense going on in this country right now its ridiculous and i dont care what anybody says that man is a race i am very lucky that somebody like donald trump is. My president and i can vote for him again while the northeast and the southwest corners of pennsylvania residents come from a long line of Blue Collar Workers like old coal mines and Steel Industries the States Eastern and western borders hold the biggest Population Centers and a lot of industry and heartland in between and although pennsylvania is considered a blue wall state as it has a history of voting democratic that changed in 2016 when donald trump won the state over democratic contender Hillary Clinton by point 7 percent congratulations mr president but now 4 years later contra. Herschel Pipeline Projects have helped make fracking a political flashpoint in the debate over energy the Climate Crisis and the influence of big business these 2 parties are radically different and that what i think is that each party is controlled much more by its what would be the strong i guess its extreme wing youre right. Both candidates focusing on pennsylvania President Trump folding several rallies theyre trying to woo the region with promises of coal and steel jobs while insisting that joe biden what a limb in a frock it out for a bargain is a virtue or for your job for our cue to deliver economic ruin to pennsylvania and you families but youve got to be pretty weird biden who grew up in pennsylvania says he isnt calling for the immediate end to the oil industry but is pushing for ending federal subsidies for fossil fuel companies and ending new permits on public land for fracking president tropics far different what happened to president. The people president gets have their chance if you havent or she doesnt stand a chance as pennsylvania is the 2nd largest producer of natural gas in the United States and the 3rd largest net supplier of energy the American Petroleum institute estimates its Natural Gas Industry contributes nearly 35000000000. 00 to the state and combined with its oil industry it supports about 340000. 00 local jobs were afraid that if they buy a ticket wins that the gas oil thing is going to be shut down in spite of what they say. The wrangling over the president ial election is almost obscured and not the race going on in the country both parties are still bracketing grappling rather to seats in congress in the days ahead of the vote democrats hoped prayed and spent large sums on campaigning to paint both the house and the senate who knew while that close did not happen the house is expected to stay in the hands of the democrats although the. Are also still trickling in 20800 seats right here you can see are needed to win a majority so far you can see the democrats have only got 199 the republicans a little bit behind 188. 00 some experts count the blue majority will be thin of this year so far they are down at least 6 incumbents well that could add to the democrats disappointment as it looks like they will be wrestling control of the senate for now its a tie we can see 47. 00 food 7 deadlock but many republicans ended up keeping their seats and the party is predicted to hold on to the majority its enjoyed for the last 6 years that would be bad news for biden who if tourists could find himself a socalled lame duck president unable to get any of his more left leaning policies through right leaning house. Now lets go live to integrity activist and independent journalist nico house nico welcome to the program and now our i want to ask you 1st of all you know the u. S. Often says its a bastion of democracy and of liberty and at the moment the democratic process in the u. S. Is struggling a little bit you know some claims of voter fraud others say its just not we need to keep counting others i want to recount do you think in any way this is damaging the u. S. Is image as the beacon. I dont know if it damages it further up to get it just is a revelation that many people should have seen coming long before this election if you look at what happened with the bush election with george w. Bush if we look at whats been taking place with democrats harming their own democrats throughout the democratic primary process i was one of the cofounders of the d. N. C. For a lawsuit where they said they argued in a court of law that they could reveal lection determine in choose who they want to represent them and we couldnt do anything about that so this is been something that i think should have been exposed in scene a long time ago its just that now because its involving 2 very polarizing candidates in a very poor polarized time in our politics now people are finally paying attention talking about polarization that i mean the fight is pretty much split down the middle but does that mean that enough to me who have a weapons off of america is not going to support. Of course i absolutely believe that i think that that was that stage was set unfortunately prior to the general election because well the candies that i thought could be trumped which would include. Bernie sanders and i would even argue and youre getting those arent the ones who are allowed to go up against trump in the moment that they selected the one of the mill democrat in joe biden whos basically been by our standards a republican who is pro fact fracking just like trump who can be a little bit more hawkish on Foreign Policy than trump then you are setting the stage for walk a fine will go well well have to vote in support base off the party lines because thats seemingly where at least the democrats are demanding we vote on and by that expire extension you want to have republicans of course staying loyal in most cases to donald trump so we have a lot of Energy Around the election you know the red side was saying thats going to be a tsunami but that was a lot of focus on how this was going to be the year that that was going to be a new wave but we didnt really see that why do you think that didnt happen. Well i dont actually i cant really explain it to you i mean you have to really you have to really look at the. This Election Integrity issue i guess which were finding out now because i mean theyre already claiming that joe biden beat obamas record by 4000000 votes thats what theyre claiming and in counting by the way because the election isnt over. For many of us to believe that i would also have to believe that joe biden was anywhere near as popular as broke obama who is by every measure metric the most popular president in history of this country and yet you cant hold on to most a lot of your seats in the house and you couldnt even get the senate back when we saw the situation in the 22008 barack obama won with the ridiculous margin almost 90 percent of the black vote took back a super majority in the house had a filibuster proof senate into the back the executive office in the head may or may or all races in one go. Around the country and were not seeing that phenomena take place here so of course people havent a reason to be skeptical of these numbers because the book based off of history if we you know if we accept that history is true theres nothing adding up in that and that should be indisputable by democrat or republican regardless of who you support what im saying that you know and florida i think everyone loves florida at the moment for the fact that they got that results when they thought it was neat to house elections integrity activists and independent thank you so much. For having me. Well just a quick reminder if we go up whos got what so fod joe biden currently has 20764 electors whether or not which hasnt been called by everyone quite yet donald trump has 214 fausta to 70 claims the prize now winning just one more state like nevada victory to bite and while it all to a ton to tie would have to take all the remaining battleground states some like will carolina pennsylvania on to class time. And. If you can save someones view by the small and direct save the painting that you can then say there are thousands of other lives well my response is that the way we should think about what is just is that just as theres a child in this to experiment full of you in this burning building you can say hello also just thousands of children around the world and take millions of children around the world you could potentially state it with its light within the situation being facing a burning building just all the time

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