Dont know what is your call. Based in taiwan so Worlds Largest economic. Manufacturer with factories in several countries making products like i phones which means i bet if they wanted to they could make an i phone that still has a problem jack rather than bacon may pay for the. Adapter i bet they have i bet they have all the earphone jack you can imagine just bags of them as far as the eyes and theyre not even using them theyre just the workers just just giggle and just giggle and. You know im right anyway fox conns largest factories are in china where they employ a 1000000 people and they pay them so little and work them so hard that in 2010 if they put of suicide nets to try to stop so many workers from killing themselves off the tops of the buildings anyway foxconn made a big grand announcement back in 2016 you might remember that they were building a massive new all American Factory they could be seen from space or some so even allianz would see what we are and they were going to build is mega factory in the most exotic of all the cal and wisconsin. And as ive mentioned before when i 1st heard about this i thought oh those. Dont know i didnt know about america have you seen the size of your average wisconsinite but ive been to tears right through those suicide ned so they have to double bag there some. Anyway this factory was announced with much fanfare by donald trump Governor Scott Walker Foxconn c. E. O. Terry and all the other con artists involves involved you see when you get a bunch of con artists standing around its not just a circle of jerks its. There all pull in each others chains and im not sure of pulling my chain originated from gravity but in this case its one in the same in order for wisconsin to get. To come to their fine cheese laden state they had to entice them with what normal human beings call bribes but what they call tax subsidies all to Belay Scott Walker they sniffling rat governor of wisconsin who lost his throne back in 29. 00 team agreed to give foxconn 3000000000. 00 in bribes if they would employ 13000. 00 people and still you might think well 13000. 00 is a lot of people maybe that was a good deal for wisconsin now. In a best Case Scenario the legislative Fiscal Bureau found the state wouldnt break even in till 2043 depending on how many people foxconn hired each job would cost taxpayers somewhere between 200000. 00 and more than a 1000000. 00 this day wouldnt even break even and killed 2043 that didnt save their 13 years after the world is slated to end why would you ever schedule events that far in the future ive stopped telling my Bowling League albeit matches. More than 3 weeks out because i figure the fire grizzlies will of even us by then but against even worse apparently royal dips scott walker didnt even require foxconn to keep employing these people in order to get their tax subsidies so fox can hire a certain number of people for the final 2 months of the year the 1st deadline they were heading and then fire them all the following january just so the company could qualify for their bribes it destroyed workers lives who thought they had just gotten a great job you see in late stage capitalism well in all capital no one at the top can just. About you you are like a bucket of mocks to the hierarchs if they have somewhere to use you then no do it if they dont have somewhere they need malts then theyll toss you out with the garbage there is not even the beginning of the thought about you as a human being your life your career your wants your needs whether you gave up a another job or join them whether you have 200 kids a wife 3 mistresses one dog 2 turtle dogs a butler and a no parent a tree all of them are all lying when you bring on the bacon and the company dont care and if any of you are obsessed i use the traditional family with a man bring it on the bank and feel free to change it in your mind a female 8 year old going to work at the factory to feed her parents and her drug habit or whatever you want to do point being no one that runs the business caters about your life except when they put up suicide nets but even that was because they were worried that if too many workers splatted on the sidewalk then they would be too slippery for the others to get to work. And after all this foxconn still to this day has it manufactured. They stole some land from people who lived in mt pleasant wisconsin yes thats the name to clear the way for their factory they then constructed a few gigantic buildings like this one but thats where it ends they basically realize that its not profitable to produce l. C. D. Screens in wisconsin because guess what they can get chinese or indian workers to make them for like 0. 10 an hour plus a coupon for some chicken broth you see anyone who even vaguely understands the Global Market economy which foxconn should know is that Multinational Companies always go where the labor is cheap they dont care about the humans remember that lesson from earlier take notes if you need to take notes get the pad to the pens over there and they dont care about the human buckets of malt they dont care about the countries because countries are made up of those humans they dont care about and therefore they will go wherever the people can be exploited the most and as much as the right wing which i include the democrats what i say that has gutted Worker Rights and Workers Compensation in america we still get paid more than the near slaves in places like bangladesh or china so why did foxconn ever agree to make a gigantic factory in a place that wont work for their Business Model of using suicidal slaves to make i phones. The answer is that they do a lot of business with america and they want to america like them so carnival barker kerry go met up with carnival Barker Donald trump and says i will build you a glorious factory that will make wisconsin love you and wisconsin a battleground state so youll win reelection and donald trump and scott walker said great heres your bribe foxconn quickly realize this factory was insane but they wanted to impress trump so they started trying to come up with other businesses that could fill that factory space according to the verge foxconn search for a viable business lending to consider everything from fish farming to exploiting dairy to renting Storage Space almost every idea collapsed in corporate infighting and a reluctance to spend money man the only thing that could make this story any better would be if in the midst of this multibillion dollar disaster foxconn c. E. O. Terry go met a sea goddess who told him to run for president oh wait that really didnt address terry go says a c. Goddess appeared to him and told him to run for president of taiwan so he stepped down for foxconn ran for president and lost in the primaries im certain that what happened in that scenario was that after meeting with donald trump go thought to himself if someone this bizarre navia that could win in the us that i could easily win in taiwan but no mr grow in this country here in the us we have a far less refined palate when it comes to strongman leaders will each call it high and chocolat all day long. Point being this foxconn story which is ongoing is one of the deepest darkest lage stage crap an alist boondoggles ive ever heard of you see at the end of the day the reason capitalism is so dangerous is because it requires a complete denial of reality in order to truly believe in it you must think that infinite growth on a finite planet is physically possible which is not as reality starts collapsing down around the systems the Mainstream Media wont even bring up the dirty c. Word capitalism but writers at the verge did say that this steadfast projection of reality is where the foxconn debacle stands apart from other Development Projects that fall short of their hype the companys desperate quest to maintain appearances caused it to fail repeatedly in more ways in ways more destructive than mere ordinary of failure would have been the steadfast rejection of reality as da just and stock just donald trump its the basis of our Economic System and no one is punished for this chaos either thats a difference between the ruling elite and the average people if you broke a contract or stole from a state or hired people under false pretenses or stole someones land youd be surveyed time right now but not for the ruling elite they just walk off into the sunset with their sea goddess. Come to you from washington d. C. The belly the bases redacted i. Welcome only cameos take the news from behind very exciting wink very exciting i just want to take a moment to celebrate the latest lifetime appointment of an elected oligarchy approved judge to the highest court where they and tore interpret the countrys laws which were almost entirely written by rich white men. We spare no expense in this new judge believes in a cult called evangelical christianity were to big guy in the sky is going to save us from the climate based destruction of the planet. So heres the open big guy and this guy big guy this guy big guy this guy big guy this guy wait dont they also believe he created the climate based storage of the planet do you know that guy this guy. Were talking about his later in other news there has been yet another horrific murder of a young black man Walter Wallace by police that has been captured on video this time it has caused huge protests across the adelphia im surprised this happened because youll recall the following the killing of george floyd the country completely revamped the Police System too. Not to. Well maybe not on that one but after the era garner a killing we forbid cough from ever again. See her. And following the death of bring on a tailor there was widespread change to systemic. Systemic sis plus lies lies lies lies. That are blind and forget but after the killing of Michael Brown police were no longer allowed to use Excessive Force in cases of. Were still working on that one but after the murder of tamir rice youve got to admit that we did that there there was there was a big change in the thing where we were with the with the with the with this stuff the did not gag but all the time were like an addict every time our police kill a black person on camera for no reason the country goes im going to stop im you know what i really am i i can stop anytime i want and this this was a big wake up call so thank you di needed this thank you i am not going to kill any any more black people until tomorrow at least tomorrow. Moving on a new investigation of trumps tax records has revealed that not only has he paid almost 0 taxes in several years we already knew that but also he has had more than 270000000. 00 in debt forgiven since 2010 of 3 failed to repay his lenders for a chicago Skyscraper Development now heres the thing that story would normally be shocking but we all know trump is a world record setting con man he makes al capone look like a leech of keys for. I dont know much about alicia keys but i feel like shes a really good person. Because i feel so so this story is not that shocking except its shocking because of what it says about our awful Economic System and how our oligarchy maneuver in this society and the major media despite jumping all over the trump dead story wont get near the larger picture the deeper understanding of our reality will get near it they treat it like its that one aunt at thanksgiving dinner who always agita rubber feet to help with their arthritis wont get near it yes a story says something about trump but it also says a lot about the rich and powerful who could get hundreds of millions of dollars of debt forgiven just for a given well you and i cant just with but we cant get debt just thrown out because we asked. If you are a few months behind on your mortgage the bank will steal your ass house theyll leave you standing industry with your grandma in your arms and 4 kids crying they dont give a. If you dont owe a few dollars to a guy who runs a strip club theyll break your hell break your legs and still tell you to pay the debt. 270000000. 00 is more money than almost anyone on this planet will ever say with the exception of a tiny number of her riff acumen beings and with trump even before he was president do it your bank forgave the loan because they were afraid of him and his power i guess they were afraid to tweet bad things about them i dont know as has been said many times in many different ways in late stage capitalism we actually have socialism for the rich and cutthroat individual ism for everyone else we have to go to a short break but if youre watching it on you to go get our full have portable dot t v also ive been doing a ton of web across videos you can find out about all of them by subscribing to the free email list just text redacted the word acted 233777 or go to leave camp dot com ill be right back a lot more. The maternity town the slums go in and you may never get out some sort of. My teenage gang rules here. Dont want to do to move the venue let the mind of those who were. But. Navy will. Come out. Minus. The spirit of. The band now it was in for the yeah when on the news that as soon as me and melanie when i wouldnt. You know monkey in. Communes all i see. Is youll media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation full community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Direct. What is truth what is faith. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. For a mate in the shallows. What a wonderful trip this is ben. Big point at a dollar 2011 breaker tries to report we told you the 5 it was going to compete with gold to take over the world it was in fact perfect money and still is and gold for ever more be. Welcome back im still only camp its not just a president ial election coming up this week there are also a lot of other candidates and Ballot Initiatives across the country one of the most important ones involves a hard hard fought battle going on right now in california our very own intelligence failure and as les dug a little deeper he filed this report. American dream in the 2020s will be to have a house a car 2 kids and assure them all with strangers on air b. N. B. And task rabbit task rabbit for the kids its going to be legal in some states were now getting a sneak preview of this economy in california where business is booming with surges in big tech zoom interview talk shows and fitness based kale colts golden state voters are now being asked to approve proposition 22. 00 a referendum that would give give workers the freedom to never ever become employees of the companies they contract with. Its a measure opposed by basically every Progressive Group and politician in california but it would be perfect for the states california dream chasing economic expeditionary good workers who dont want to be tied down by the trappings of regular employment like a guaranteed minimum wage Workers Compensation Unemployment Insurance Sexual Harassment protections overtime pay and paid leave what do they need all those protections for thats like a condom for your job the market likes to raw dog and so do Companies Like goober and lift who have so far refused to follow the rules set forward by californias gig economy legislation signed into law by governor newsome in 29000 after months of Ride Share Companies throwing every corporate lawyer west of carson city at the law a California Court was chillax to enough to grant the companys an extension until november 4th. November 4th i feel like i have something coming up around that time and i cant put my finger on what is it that apple picking alwynne reunion rolling around in the leaf pile while im listening to the last of the mohicans soundtrack. Oh right the election that will decide if the laws are in lift or already not following will be scrapped entirely how incredible is that you can just make up a lot to get yourself out of a deadline actually California High School students found out about this and then they created proposition 420 that will make it so homework can be handed in 15 years late over the past few months ride share and delivery apps have been spending big on the yes on 22 campaign and theyre not just buying print t. V. Ads insta car has been giving customers yes on 22 stickers jordache is giving restaurants free yes on 22 carry out back home again soon well see yes on 221 zs fuzzy dice hula hoops Scented Candles maybe even a yes on 22 city and animal crossing the message is all over the place these days in california you cant request an without seeing this. Not only that goobers even getting their drivers to pledge their support for prop 22 before they accept a rock this is actually an idea theyre developing for when jeff bezos runs for president in 12 years rather than go out and campaign hes just going to remind the 75 percent of the country that will work for amazon by that point to make sure to vote for him if they want to get paid on time at the beginning of october residents in Southern California were inundated with yes on 22 mailers that appeared to have been prepared by some surprisingly left wing sounding groups with names like progressive voter guide council of concerned women and feel the burn i think i know what feel the burn means but council of concerned women that sounds like a group founded to rehabilitate the name karen according to an investigation done by s. F. Gate all of these organizations just like the benefits they claim workers will reap with prop 22 are totally fake despite all the fanciful promises and wacky distortions these Companies Make proposition 22 is really about something quite simple making sure good workers dont become full employees who are paid regular wages receive benefits and nondenominational daily forbid join unions according to the polls this will be a close race but while the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on marketing has given prop 22 supporters a leg up its opponents may have a hidden advantage the ads are annoying the shit out of every one. From california i mean averagely was redacted and now to bring us some stories we didnt get to but now we are im joined by naomi joni thanks for having me lynn you know i left. I realized this is one of the futures of so you can study without vomit mixed with it yeah it seems like a very slight amount of confetti he really didnt want to over do it well for amy so to bear. All right what you got so the department of Homeland Security sent out a memo to their employees saying to rat out anybody who is leaking information confidential information and basically telling people to stop leaking government information because theres been a number of leaks then that memo was leaked to the press immediately they were threatening their employees illegally so later it came out that this memo was in fact illegal and they say because whistleblowers have specific protections that the government allows them so so you cant be threatening your employees to not leak information was where its like in the pentagon theres been Something Like 93000 whistleblower complaint points over the last several years and almost none of them are even investigated so its like these people are fired because thats a legal well just ignore you yeah i think a lot of things are like solved internally theres there was an f. C. C. Case where whistleblower you know a lot of things are opaque to us and we dont really know about them but i would say that in general probably a lot of complaints are investigated and are sometimes ignored or sometimes those people have to flee to another country and i mean the 1st rule if i call this dull talk exactly it looks like theyre going to have to rescind that threat since it is never my. Im going visor leaking thank god. Im pretty dont know if im friday. So walmart is preemptively suing the u. S. Government because of all these o. P. O. It epidemic losses so you may have heard heard form around the Sackler Family johnson and johnson they have to pay billions of dollars for all the people they killed and now walmart is out on ironically talking about your last story producer probably wont have because theyre bankrupt end up owing almost nothing oh yeah they can declare big but i mean they didnt they didnt go to school you know theyre fine so good so walmart is suing the u. S. Government saying they the u. S. Government had a responsibility and the Opioid Crisis saying it wasnt even though they were filling thousands of prescriptions and they had a relationship with the dea. The pharmacists were like registered with were supposed to flag specific questions that were ready and they didnt do that so as far as like what in the town of 5000 people were giving out 800000 open her new prescriptions i dont know it was a party. People were celebrating the small town what are you going to do you have confetti. Instead of confetti we showered opioids on the people i was really there you dont see them thank you thats our show botching grab my new book bullet point and punch lines thats at least camp book dot com if youre the region type and you can check out my new free podcast called government secrets wherever you get your podcast until next time goodnight and keep fighting. An entire village in alaska. If another country trying to wipe out an american town. We do everything in our power to protect. Wanted a escaping Climate Change is the same threat right now alaska seems some of the fastest coastal erosion in the world we lost about 30 feet. 35 feet of growth in just about 3 months while we were measuring. It is fast paced the river is 30 closers the power. Was 4 i think were part of america 1st from. Were. Left fighting for his life a priest to show outside sign an Orthodox Church in the french city of police so far have not confirmed at the suspect the hub in custody is responsible. Because that comes just 2 days after a terrorist brutally murdered 3 people out of fetal in nice investigation. Zeroing in on the. Group is probably. My son does not do such things he cant even hama cheek and i want the truth we are enormously shocked people stand against terrorism

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