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The man. Is playing with fire escapes us things. That are sets in science are to be flagging the one of our us election reports as potentially misleading right after their platform itself is accused of anti conservative by. Both your headlines for more on those stories going to our t. V. Dot com and meantime stay with us for more Great Program right here. During this pandemic weve been wary of the symptoms but now a side effect has emerged in its victims dont even have the virus white collar professionals are lapsing and relapse saying into addiction many are losing work who isnt lately ditto the isolation we all feel quarantined so why are lawyers and salespeople in Investment Bankers and the. Health care workers were counting on a lot snow why are they particularly susceptible lets s. The coauthor of the tobacco dependence treatment handbook a guide to best practices psychologist a New York University professor dr ram and i are a professor of about tobacco i never smoked but i have seen the agony of friends who do trying to quit repeatedly ive got to think that claustrophobia with the 4 walls closing in during the shutdown has caused a lot who thought they had quit to relapse havent they. Thats actually true we dont have a lot of good information yet but its the stuff that were saying is suggesting exactly what you said which is that. You know people who have successfully quit smoking are going back to smoking. Tobacco Company Stocks are doing very very well during this unlike other. Wow thats a pic i wish i spotted before the fact smoking cannabis is now widespread with it being fully illegal now and only a handful of states and everybody has booze at home is it possible that absent the day in day out scrutiny of the workplace as a. Briony success factor that a lot of people are lapsing that way as well. I think so you know the pandemic has or its most of us to restructure our lives and you know professional people d are you know spending most of their time doing you know video meeting looming youve heard of probably of zoom brain which is you know to too much video meeting and but i think that lack of structure is something that people are not used to and you know they are having a hard time figuring out how to structure their time and not being in an xterm a place a work place just makes it a whole lot easier to do things. That you would normally you know do at home you know so you know drinking smoking marijuana. But add to that i think is just the overall stress the stress levels are high you know people are just into this new way of for king and you know i dont think everyones really figured that quite out yet. And you dont you dont get the you know the personal interaction and feedback that you might get on a daily basis you know at the workplace and i think thats contributing to a lot of the behavior that were saying. In the land of zoom you only have to be presentable from the waist up its not like walking into the office of phrase drug addict conjures up a certain caricature that is different than the attorneys and the Investment Bankers and others are now at risk but the disturbing account in the guardian notes that employment in a wide range of white collar professions including finance law insurance media tech sales and advertising has plunged according to the bureau of labor statistics business and professional services alone lost one and a half 1000000 jobs since february leisure and hospitality have lost over 4000000 education and health over a 1000000 admittedly thats just a slice of the employment pie chart that is punishing workers of all sorts but sales reps cant sell when nobody is buying and that even in normal times the lawyers work in a very stressful depression and anxiety prone occupation theyre prone to alcoholism what is your advice for anyone working in any walk of life who is feeling triggered by todays adverse circumstances. Well its important to know. And has you know has no nobody is truly a new and much less you know the president of the class. You know everybody everyone is at risk so i think if people you know have had a problem have a problem or developing a problem they really need to you know reach out maybe to friends and family 1st but also potentially to. Professional services which by the way are now you know much more Available Online themselves its much easier to schedule a meeting with with your doctor or Health Care Providers mental Health Care Providers who are who are really there to you know to serve your needs so you really you know people really need to reach out. If they want to get a handle on. You know whats happening with drug use i was going to ask you about that because were all zoomed up at work no matter where we work and lately its home and Services Like Alcoholics Anonymous and other support services have gone on line even though it may lose something in the translation compared to the a experience sitting in a circle in person gulping the crankcase coffee in the Church Basement but its still worth a try its got to help right doc. Yeah i would think so i mean this is an experiment for everyone and a a is a good example you point out that you know doing it by izumi is not the same thing but its got to be better than trying to go it alone. And you know the the the one advantage that you know platforms like zoom have is that you can you can schedule pretty easily and you dont actually have to go to a place physically and you know i see this is sort of a grid because you know eventually we will be able to you know gather and. Groups like will resume there in person meetings. But who knows maybe this is the beginning of a new kind of hybrid or a blend where people are going to get services you know in part online but also in our in person. I am sticking close to home during the shutdown here in europe Stomping Ground rhode island our studio is just off the Brown University campus the prettiest time of year but its an eerie feeling to drive the streets of the east side on that beautiful campus and see them so abandon your teaching at n. Y. U. How are your students making out during this disruption. Well im happy to say that n. Y. U. Has been pretty good in terms of. You know following safety protocols and so forth and so there have been you know very few students you know who got infected but its been an adjustment for everyone you know faculty students. And you know were doing online teaching and so far were so pretty well but one thing ive found as a teacher is that we actually have to invest more time because contact is in or its not physical contact its its you know talking to people more frequently than usual reaching out to people. You know making sure that they feel you know connected listen to that there is some some sense of the community and i think thats thats really the important thing you know ingredient you know the protege doesnt always understand how much the relationship means to the mentor and for all the ingenuity you put into Distance Learning its got to frustrate should not to be in person with the kids doesnt oh absolutely you know its something that you do miss and thats why you know were trying to take extra 5 outside of our you know schedule class time to talk to smaller groups of students and you know just engage in kind of check ins and how you do in conversations. You know because that really is necessary dr remini araa author and New York University professor and psychologist once again for stepping into the big picture. While air travel demand remains anemic supply could soon serve American Airlines is putting the boeing 737 max back in its flight schedule beginning in late december even though its not yet recertified to fly why lead time in a statement the airline explained that to ensure american is ready to fly the 737 max once the aircraft is certified our crew members must be able to bid their schedules for this line of flying we remain in contact with the f. A. A. And boeing in the certification process and we will continue to update our plans based on when the aircraft is certified following crashes in 20182019 the federal Aviation Administration grounded max. This plane will not fly in commercial service until i am completely assured that it is safe to do so f. A. A. Is following no timeline in returning the aircraft to Service Rather we are going where the facts lead us and diligently ensuring that all technology and training is present and correct before the plane returns to Passenger Service after one of those crashes it came out that the Ethiopian Airlines crew was insufficiently experience so he has veteran pilot an f. A. A. Certified Flight Instructor john jordan if the pilots on the domestic u. S. A carriers were up to speed. In the United States we are still very much the Gold Standard of Aviation Training most of the pilots flying every arab airliners in the United States a lot of them are x. Military even the 1st officers and the hours requirements of the training requirements are very very stringent in this country now when you get to some other countries to some lower Budget Airlines that arent subjected to the u. S. Regulatory scheme and to the u. S. Legal requirement remember these companies have to be insured in their fear of lawyers and all that which even heightens the standards in this country sometimes you can get like what happened in ethiopian indonesia you know pilots with only a few 100 hours where in this country that would just be unthinkable even to be a copilot on a small corporate jet. Coming up here come the holidays tips for making merry under the circumstances our next this is the big picture on our t. America. Computer communication better than humans and their communication 30 does a lot of things better than we do so the possibility not just being restricted with their brains we go with a fine art known group drawing stuff but even today even just combining true human brought him studio. To me has a low the advantages. An entire village in alaska has had to move if another country threaten to wipe out an american town. We do everything in our power to protect. Wanted a escaping Climate Change poses the same threat right now alaska has seen some of the fuss just coastal erosion in the world lost about 35 feet. 35 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. Is fast paced the river is 35 closer to the house than was 4 i think were a part of america 1st from america. Were. Here come the holidays and after a less than school tackler halloween were looking forward. With thanksgiving and a hanukkah and christmas that will be very different this year as youre making Holiday Plans these guidelines from the centers for Disease Control are pretty common sense stuff outdoor gatherings are safer than indoors but in much of the usa its too cold outdoors so these other factors are all the more important the less time spent together the less we can infect each other and this year more isnt merrier dr felt she and others are asking that we dont travel because cove it could be hitchhiking or waiting at your destination and various states require extended quarantine for visitors unless you get a negative test before hand so check and masks social distancing and hand washing never take a holiday if youve tested positive or youre in some kind of a Higher Risk Group or if you have flu like symptoms sit tight and face time your friends so that you can see them next year and if your home is the holiday destination whats host to do lets ask the author of Beverly Hills manners golden rules from the worlds most glamorous zip code and etiquette adviser to the stars lisa ghosh a welcome back to the big picture good to have you. Thank you for having me and great to see you your website Beverly Hills manners dot com offers that your clients can master the art of putting others at ease and your blog post this thanksgiving its not the food you make its how you make others feel caught my eye share with us the 6 tips you offer there. Yes i really believe that its so true that sentiment and so i heard what you said in what the c. D. C. Has laid down for essence guidelines but if you have an opportunity to actually host an occasion where youre having some just a few friends or family over one of the 1st things that i say is just always important to set the tone with how you present yourself so just getting dressed for the occasion when so many of us have been living in our sweats and our our comfy shoes ready to to actually put on a nice house that really shows that you are setting a different tone for the evening and i think encourage your gas to do the same you know make everyone feel like it is truly a special occasion so number one is look the part and then everyone will actually grow into and feel this special occasion that is thanksgiving which isnt and occasionally all up and secondly when you arrive if youre a guest its always lovely to bring some type of a gift for your host so what i always recommend is not necessarily something that would have to send them into doing more kind of busy work but a gift that is kind of an all purpose so for example not just flowers in a bouquet but flowers in a box that they can use to over and over again or maybe some hand baked goods or home baked goods and then you bring that and serve it on a lovely platter that then they can keep or future use so any type of post gift of back kind is truly appreciated because thats your way of saying thank you for inviting me and then if youre a guest you really want to think about bringing your best self to the party you know just because youre family and youre still invited. And honestly an invitation means that you were specifically selected for the occasion and so you want to we have you know your humor and your light hearted south weve behind any of the gossip or the complaining or any of that kind of a negative energy and lord knows theres enough of that out there so we want to put back you know tied up in a nice little bow at home and then when you go to the party you have just that ray of sunshine that youre bringing for everyone else there and then of course when the food is laid out for us and perhaps this year it Means Nothing of a might be played at service but before we began you must remember to toast your host and this is really were acknowledgment of letting them know that you have appreciate all ripping of time and the slaving over the stove the slang sing and dicing and really want to acknowledge them for that so be the brave soul who steps and finally when being thanksgiving near has ended dont forget to say thank you and i dont just mean a verbal thank you which you will obviously give but im talking about an actual handwritten note because there really is no substitution for pretty and to paper and having received something in the mail that you can actually pull for years and years to look at. Thanksgiving has always been a manners minefield and were always just one Rush Limbaugh quote away from a crazy uncle or a tipsy on disrupting things particularly this year is a ghost to stipulate no politics. You know i think that politics surface so much on our mind right now and will have already learned i guess what happens after the election although we dont know hopeful have an actual president that we know is taking and taking the office in 2021 yet i and i would say you have to preface it with with you know not bringing up politics because then that just almost encourages people i will say however that if you go down that road and the subject is it comes out that you can just you know be civil there is a way to actually communicate in a civil manner and then if somebody seems to go down a road of destruction all you have to do is just you know deflect and distract so move them away from the table into the kitchen ask for some help or bring up you know some kind of random topic about a movie thats come out and online or a Favorite Book that youre reading and then the subject hopefully just evolved into something new very tactile were speaking with lisa gosh Beverly Hills manners dot com and like everyone else is sad routine has been disrupted lisa you have written that its the message that matters and you dont have to spend a lot to look like you did your a gift giving guidance for a very different holiday season. Yes there are still people that are shopping i mean ive been out in the stores so we know that people are still finding little trinkets in camps and ways to get themselves or gift others so one of the things that i always do is advise to keep a little gift closet so if youre doing that when youre out and about in happened to find that perfect item that might be for that special someone you can just collect those items and keep them for the ready because you never know when youll need that last minute or last minute kept for someone for the holiday but regarding personal guest we want to thank the recipient always in mind and its funny because a lot of times people think well i like it so therefore the person whos receiving it must love it too and that isnt necessarily in sellers who want to treat others the way of being a would like to be treated and find Something Special that they would appreciate so as long as youre sticking with something right now i think that is sensitive to where we all are as a country maybe like a cozy blanket something to snuggle up with at home or even a picnic basket for some people who may be dining outside even in the chilly weather those are some ideas for personal gifts if we are thinking about office gas especially in a time where none of us are really in office this may not seem and as necessary however there are still ways to acknowledge your colleagues you can send a card and perhaps in gift a gift card as well enclose in your hand or in the card that will allow them to purchase something for themselves on line and you can even send that with a little gift basket that has some color in airy items which i always think is a lovely gift i mean everybody has or needs a little oil and vinegar in their house in their kitchen and so things of that meter that will be easy for them to just. Just for themselves but i do saying no dont disregard those at the office we still want to make sure to acknowledge our coworkers and our colleagues and as we mentioned before if you are attending some kind of in person engaged meant then a host gift is absolutely a mast in your host me suggest that you bring an actual food item which you obviously do but definitely make sure to couple that with a gift for the hosts themselves and at holiday time Everybody Loves a really lovely Scented Candle and i have to preface that with with one of the nicer candles sometimes one of the less expensive candles dont smell so good so you want to maybe spend a few extra dollars to have that just or just you know you dont pine smell or that when youre full fall smell of the wood burning fire its worth that and finally dont forget the children and the pets so if youre hitting a child honestly since parents have been home and kids have been home i think the best guest at holiday time or something that involved an activity or a craft that will really take up a good deal of time and that the children will enjoy the parents will be happy that theyre doing something constructive and always flux i mean there is never enough encouragement to get the kids off their technology and have them reading so those are my 2 go to camps for children but of course dont forget the pats me have a dog and if somebody arrives at our house with a new riddle of something you know a little pet bad or. Love that. As well tails away then you have given me an idea about the folks at work because we havent been together so i think that gesture while were at distance working would mean all the more down to about a minute so we dont have time to read the entire helpful chart you have put at Beverly Hills manners dot com. Its about Holiday Tipping which is tricky this year because we have had less routine exposure to the folks that we usually do spiff this time a year so i would encourage anybody to go to Beverly Hills manners dot com and lisa has a very detailed chart with suggested percentages but lisa. A minute or less beneath those numbers what are the thoughts that count with the holiday gratuity. I think no matter what you really dont want to skip the tip this year despite the fact that we are all feeling the pinch. Of 19 however we do know all of those that have served us on here long for those that still are able to have cherokee adverse or have gone out for various services you know signing with my hair and and all of the people that care. So we really want to find a way to acknowledge them and attempt that they deserve and whether that be a cash stamp you can send or give them something that might be a little bit smaller and let them know that youll catch up in the new year absolutely make sure to write a handwritten notes that they know the thought of very nourishing to you since yeah right very nice still and theyre sure theyre sure they need it more than ever you bet as i say Beverly Hills manners dot com i always love having you here because you force me to be on my best behavior happy holidays and come again and thank you for coming here and coming back next week same time and we will put a t. V. In your pocket to make it all the more convenient when you download our portable t. V. App it is free in the app store or a google play and if you see us somewhere else and its more convenient you can find our to america live and direct t. V. Channel 321 and dish 2 and to 0 and youtube dot com slash r t america im holocaustic im close to home here in rhode island hope your stay and safe to question more. Even after russia gate was debunked as a hoax this Conspiracy Theory lives on in fact it appears to be. Political discourse if you will post someone or an idea all you have to do is play in russia no facts necessary in fact those claims. Will welcome to. A man to the human body with technology has long. But now its merging computer with the most sophisticated machine. Be human brain is a crazy fantasy of some enthusiastic are not so distant future while i ask the worlds professor of cybernetics at commentry and reading universities kevin warwick. Kevin warwick professor of cybernetics and Reading University and the worlds 1st cyborg kevin so great to have you with us. So many things have been coming up in the news lately so the technology of implanting alex roads into the brain cortex is at least 20 years old and the electrodes in the brain have already been used to control electric people yet must project is presented as a giant leap forward why. Well. Thats what its done to. It is good in some way but the moment he just

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