Thing enough when we want it. Sorry very sorry 6. Welcome to self ego visionaries me so if you shevardnadze i went through the human body with technology has long ceased to be satisfied but now its merging computers with the most sophisticated machine of our own be human brain is a crazy fantasy of some enthusiastic are not so distant future while i ask the worlds 1st cyborg professor of cybernetics at common tree and reading universities Kevin Warwick. Kevin warwick professor of saturn attics and comment tray or reading universities and the wealth 1st cyber a kevin so great to have you with us. So many things have been coming up in the news lately so the technology of implanting alex rhodes into the brain cortex is at least 20 years old and the electrodes in the brain have already been used to control at electric sites in people yet mosques near a link project is presented as a giant leap forward why. Well i think you know musk. Thats what its the center but it is good in some ways but the moment he just been experimented on with pigs as i understand so theres no human joy i was here not only is it or. But only the type of electrodes theyre using the not rigid the electrodes that i have implanted in my nervous system were. Like like a hairbrush. And the potential there is that i can break off and of course firing them into the brain on a system would be quite dangerous a 100 spikes in my nervous system so i think if were looking at very. You know you can move them around the top of electrodes the they dont mess hes talking about that and thats much better because they can move with all the nervous system but the issue i have is how do you implant them in a human because with the implant or have just how Mary Jane Berry quick very swift with the type of electrodes must refers to i cant say how not forcible so i have a Big Questions yet how it will work as far as humans are concerned doesnt post to just the pigs that is dr phil lets lets. Speculate a bit because if i get it right they idea of hero link is to trends translate our thoughts directly to the computer without the need of any middleman technology and at a much higher speed right how is it supposed to work exactly like well i have to say what i want inside my head for a computer to deliver on that what do you make of it well timidly we dont know how well its going to work whats being done so far is more motor so you can always make any movement and those normal signals can be sent out sorry to a robot dumb to cause it to move so you can move Technology Remotely but also in terms of sensory information you can feed back into the brain so its months or in sensory thats whats been done so far but the big advantages of course is when you what youre referring to the possibility of sending all sorts of crimes signals from the brian to the not just through a computer but the tension into another prime or into a machine an Artificial Intelligence so that the whole possibility of communicating by thought can for all not for me is a tremendously exciting but we dont rudiments a bit like telegraphic communication from nervous system to nervous system but i think a wrong muskies is for example if were you why im doing an experiment sending signals from brian to brian which i think would be one of the big advantages theres lots of other advantages for our brains are flexible and theyre constantly changing according to what we do with them does that imply that its chip implant would have to be app created and updated all the time just as well like i dont know by leppla cations. I dont think so i think what were looking at rather than a chip implant its a bit like a pull out i dont know if people are aware of the film to my trip yet. Raves howto a lot of sockets in the back of the taping weve growing its a bit like that its opening up a port into the brook and those are your heroes then i will defend brain signals by the connection down to where ever and signals back into the bing so the chip itself is not really doing anything in the right so i dont think you need to upgrade the technology with the beautiful thing is that the human brain cells what i do what it right and so does is really communicate i do from brain cell to bright sello from the outside well into the writing and so on in the brain cells like to communicate and i really fail here that once you get this port in the brighton theyre growing so as well adopt the day out flexible they can make new connections even when youre older they still like new connections and hence i think i will accept an implant quite readily no problems about the materials thats not an issue but i really except what they can do and when the brain cells can communicate in a whole new way they will go for it they brain cells will hey yeah we want to do this effectively and so we will have quite as well have quite a switch its not just a case of putting the implant in and it will do what it can do i think over a period of time though your brain will adapt to the new possibilities. Well i know you get excited about the prospect of communicating with each other without words in the future with the help of that looked rhodes implanted in our neural system but im thinking like the beauty of the thought is sometimes in fact that its private when i choose not to broadcast it i just shut up so if we all communicate by thought someday right what happens if we dont want some of our thoughts to be transmitted. Well i i have to disagree with you that because i think with technology what weve seen what weve actually seen with facebook and all sorts of different made twitter and so on is the when humans can communicate in a whole new way they really go for it thats whats whether youre a child with your own how do you can communicate in a new way that is exciting for you because thats what your brain cell want to do its not that youre going against what your body will see is what your brain cells want to do and so the privilege is not an issue we dont worry about credit cards and having information on us all the time by Code Companies and shops because the advantages we get by being able to do that to use the technology and with communication we dont worry too much its all about the previously issues if we go on social media because of the advantages we get in the new ability to communicate and hence i think that is going to be the critical factor we will want to do it we will want to communicate directly writing to run even though it opens up possibilities of people literally hacking into our brains lining what some of our innermost thoughts its the interface essentially between the hook human brain and technology thats the problem and once we integrate that to much more i believe maybe we wont worry about our innermost thoughts because we gaining some much hold or we build up a new way of approaching that we have you know most thoughts because your brain is not just one organ its look so different organs effectively that there are Different Things and so maybe within parts of your brain you can have the source yes this person is silly or i dont like them whatever but you dont want them to know that in my. Being communicated to him even brought into grime you are able to filter the moment we dont know because we simply cannot and the sort of thing lets not so i dont do it because of the loss of river city we need to do the experiments now to our and our and if there are issues that youre citing right be we pull back from it to show you i suspect that one should but ok its one thing to implant out of trades to read signals saying why are 2 brain regions but our thoughts are the product of billie and neural connections how can an eloquent device connected cells to every single neuron made task same was improbable. I dont i dont think were connecting to every single neuron no its not the idea at all but even with a long musket a lot must be talking or perhaps thousands of connections all i have so far and the experiments are done is a 100 in action in the body when you are communicating now you dont use all of you to communicate using the small relatively small number so i think it is this this pool that youre still looking might be thousands maybe it might be millions of connections in the end but relative to the 100000000000 neurons that youve got its still a relatively small number so i dont think youre looking here you age growing so to an electrode thats not what were looking to do by any means but a small number. Number is fairly large because you dont lots of possibilities but there are questions which neurons in the writing do you just connect them over to the new rules that you connect with the sensory your arms and song all the years spread it around much more so where the electrodes are position is something we will need to learn which is the best positions and so on carol had to take a sharp break right now while im back well continue talking about whats going to happen when when virus technology with our brains talking to Kevin Warwick professor of cybernetics of commentry and reading here never say send the 1st seiberg ever stay with us. And were back with Kevin Warwick professor of cybernetics at calling tree and Reading University also the worlds 1st cyborg were talking about whats going to happen to us when technology and brains merge havent you seen one of your interviews that we humans are pretty limited in what we can do particularly mentally and we just have a bunch of brain cells and surprising because it seems to me that especially mentally we still dont know our limits i mean we keep on studying our brains and keep on being amazed at how complex and powerful they are why do you feel that humans are limited. Well were we have a finite number of primes out was and certainly i agree with you that we could do more with the brine so if we go out and maybe this link will allow us to learn what the possibilities are but at the same time we can see when you look at Computer Technology particularly Artificial Intelligence some of the news that it can do just the speed and complexity of the way it can make calculations communication and communicate better computer the computer communication is much better than human communication so we did does a lot of things better than we do so the possibility not just there being restricted with the brains weve got with a finite number of brain so but even to even just combining to zoom and bribes together. I mean that to me has a lot of advantages not just because of the communication but because of the the addition and its thinking in terms of not communicating not sending just signals as we do now but in terms of emotions failing the ideas concepts the whole thing the whole gamut of whats going on you know rhymes we have the possibility of communicating in a much better why so linking just to bring together we can trying to sort of transfer ideas from person to person i would believe in a much better why are. So ill mass claims marilyn has a huge there are a paddock potential of being able one day to help paralysis out same or parkinsons disease can your lymph glands bring back the actual ability to hear to see. Well i think the therapeutic side of things is with one of the things that will drive it forward yes already parkinson there implants depression and so on but a lot of other. Neurological problem schizophrenia i think is one of those things at the moment is not being tackled electrically as we have to remember the brain is able trove of chemical electrical probably chemical where i was most medicine is chemical and they would also its are side effects if you you have a headache you try springs and yet how side effects and he probably still doesnt so you go there is we could potentially track will saying is like electrically so theres all sorts of therapeutic possibilities but i think when we look to the future in maybe some of the things that we do at the moment chiefly in terms of communication we wonder in the future we will move on we will evolve with the technology and so this way of communicating. Well dont have to because we dont need to communicate about why when we think so each other we can communicate in a much richer form a much better much better why we will find it quite people leak the numbers that evolved from us well look back in psycho how did they communicate in such a limited wife all those years back in 20 trying to. Help theres an example of a color blind man having an m 10 add that last he sends the colors so i read you talk about things that lead one fail ultrasound are getting for a vision what else is like a real possibility for you in terms of the healings what can you see as an actual doable thing in the nearest future versus theoretical possibilities. You know what one of the things i feel is how we understand the world around us. We turn to the human brain operates in 3 dimensions spidey sense and texture and so on as a 3 gun ungentle saying which are go spices not 3 dont mention of spices fives and you can put as many dog mentions as the understanding of it which of course with Machine Technology you with Artificial Intelligence. Your machines can understand the world around us in hundreds or thousands of dollars mentions which is much more complex and i really fail it realistic it is in the years ahead we will understand the universe in many more dark mentions that we do with the moment and that i hope will change spice trouble for example in the moment because we think in 3 dimensions so it takes us a long time just to get to the moon which is almost nowhere in the universe they want to go to not as we go its just there its never going to type several years to get that were thinking in 3 dimensions when we start to sing this joint human machine thinking in terms of trying to dodge mentions or 30 got mentioned then we all know we can do this or we can we can just do that through the dark mentions or i sincerely hope that its going to be a possibility i dont like to think of us just being stuck in this one part of the universe can the Technology Actually improve my brain function at least theoretically i mean can i implanted sheep and be finally able to learn languages solve complex math problems or be able to play flawlessly without 20 years of practice and experience. That good question im not. Going to find out about things that i would love to do and i know better who my Musical Instruments are absolutely terrible on languages my wife is jack still im not very good thing the checked language so if there was some how on that how its going to job i mean with things will change with languages i dont know that we will need languages where were going i sincerely hope that when we can communicate just part of thinking to each other theres a lot of things we we think about it and you. Sitting in a chair im sitting in a chair. We can sync of those things and the ideas of those things but then we use language just to describe it to someone else if were not using speech intentionally we dont need language those things will change dramatically i never feel loss of us i really think in line with joy i honestly dont relate we do sing specifically in some language construct i think we put languages on it but its something that will charting dramatically and. Maybe abilities mopes a billet is the ability to play golf and song which again im not particularly good at but if i can download i think thats got to be some short term possibility download a number of movements into my body which will cause me to play golf a little bit better i probably still wont be as good as the professional golfers off but i can see why those particular type of movements it is a robotic way be done like it into my prime so i perform some actions but my body is not a professional golf buddies are still probably wouldnt be as good but it would be a lot better than i was before. So if the brain in a more distant future will be connected to a network be a cheap of some kind and that network will be run by Artificial Intelligence therefore Artificial Intelligence will be able to map all processes that go on inside a brain if it will if it will know and be able to set a left at the process inside a brain or will it lead to theoretically having consciousness what i want to say is that the desire to enhance humans lead to a very enhanced Artificial Intelligence instead. Yes it could be out mark my word is if we dont do this then not could be a dying tourists in our. Good how about a visual intelligence in a with a form of consciousness there potentially is very different to human consciousness or is it what alan turing said many machines by comedy punchers well those they can be but its probably different human punches but when we look at something that is an amount in my ssion then i i would be quite happy i would love to have a mixed form of consciousness not just the human target that weve got but also a machine element of that consciousness because it would give me all sorts of abilities and abilities to think in a much deeper way so i think there are lots of advantages to but there are also potential dangers that youre alluding to and im not something were going to have to be very careful of very wary of anyone i think whether Artificial Intelligence is separate to humans but chiefly in the military to mind how much are we going to allow it to do the Financial Sector and so on without humans being in control of whats going on as opposed to this mixed or home im willing human brines with machine brands in the possibility of having this ben holmes mixed consciousness are. Human. So you put out the close connection between technology and the human prain will affect a share of autonomy of human beings and ill ask quite frank right. Once our brains are connected to computers will this be the end of us as fully autonomy as beings because i mean machines will be able to make us think certain things and modify our behaviors accordingly. You know i think youre quite right i mean even now all we really would tell him beings the possibility of living just yourself one person in the world that we live in now is its a straight maybe some people who i dont think i could im not sure that my body would take the different foods that i have to wait whether i would be able to survive in a world where i was the only person effectively so i think we need our network we need to the people we need technology now to live in the world were in and then this is just taking it out bit further. In terms of understanding what is going on in the human brain i think with therapeutic methods now one of the projects im working on for parkinsons disease with electrodes in the bronx to take the brian how to behave in a way that overcomes the problems of parkinsons disease with those electrodes and using ira what we do basically learn how to go to the different brian parts of the brian behaving particularly those that are affected in parkinsons is a so its modeling the brine in an Artificial Intelligence system and you can get for example 11. 00 puppy for the the typical traumas the results you know if you were parkinson theres a fall or stop the Artificial Intelligence system to know several seconds ahead that they are going to stop so the person themselves doesnt know theyre going to have the trauma starting with the computer does so i think we can give the advantage of understanding the human brian much more through Computer Technology which we can use for therapy which helps people thats going to be a good thing but also we can enhance the why were thinking you know the computer knows what were going to think before we think if you all know how ryrie voice an opinion. That augmentin yourself with tact will be a thing of rich people mostly i mean of course like in the beginning. Like it was with the automobile as our cell phones it certainly will be but this time were not talking cell phones were talking evolutionary level change will at whole layer of people be excluded from having new abilities will chick youd like to create split to humanity into 2 tires are wealthy enough to be cyborgs and the rest but strike the common folks well i dont know it would look to be oh yes now everythings going to be all right but if we look realistically with technology as youve said. With some farms we want to move some people have them some people have more of them and some people dont how many of them until i think what that does is it stretches society in terms of societys abilities so it goes with the technology can communicate the most sorts of wise and interact and can benefit from it and those without any of this is starting to really have very limited capabilities in comparison so were stretching society a bit larken elastic i think this will do is further stretch it so yes does that the money and i was the one to experiment a bit get in that 1st well have abilities and those that dont tout implants in the right will not have anything like those abilities but the key thing is i think it will stretch it a bit like an elastic but most likely not bound it is going to bright so that we end up with those that are having plans that will connect control munich just by thinking to each other and so on will have abilities why beyond those that dont so i think it could easily create stress the bouncer would just split the vote into those with a moments notice without. Right karen its been such a pleasure talking to you good luck with everything were talking to Kevin Warwick professor of cybernetics. And Reading University the worlds 1st. Even after russia gate was debunked as a hoax this Conspiracy Theory lives on in fact it appears to become far parcel of our political discourse if you will post someone or an idea all you have to do is play in russia no facts necessary slurs in fact was claims for now suffice. In the 1920 s. And thirtys several 100 African Americans moved to the soviet union and many of their descendants still live in russia. Again at the risk of no no rush but i thought it was tough yes it. Was one thing. Back home black american suffered from racism and a complete lack of prospects. Of the real. One by else a store. So they decided to leave everything behind and start a new life in a country about which they knew almost nothing at all some of the american reared who were through during the night. Found great crowds. Moulay a golf you know going to call you and now almost a 100 years later the history is repeating itself my great grandfather george time went to russia. Probable worst time to go anywhere why not me. When i come here. The French Interior minister tells the country to brace for more attacks after a night but rampages through. Leaving 3. Francis it was clear when the enemy from within and from within we are not sit well with any religion we are with islamist ideology. Muslim countries over. And. Under the pretext of democracy

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