Election philadelphia is rocked by widespread rioting in response to the Fatal Police Shooting of a black man that has the city prepares to go into curfew. Those are world News Headlines for this hour for more details make sure to check out our website r. T. Dot com and follow us on twitter on behalf of the International Team thank you very much for watching and hope you have a great day. Hello and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered im putin about normally speaking the role of the media is to inform the public this mission is now on hold large parts of the media landscape particularly big tent actively intervene to determine what the public can know and from whom has controlled speech replaced freedom of speach. Discuss the media and more im joined by my guest in Los Angeles Kim iverson she is the host of the kim iverson show and in nashville we cross to roger simon hes an Award Winning novelist and Academy Award nominated screenwriter who is now the senior political analyst for the big times all right cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate the oh ok lets go to los angeles they always go to the guess they got a earliest for this recording that youd be sheeted can you know something ive noticed and thats happening over a number of years but equally well since the advent of the Trump Presidency were a fax going in journalism they seem to have got the operated or maybe im missing something here because if we dont have fact based journalism i understand the difference between back based journalism in opinion journalism and both are acceptable but fact based journalism seems to been suspended lets put it that way go ahead yeah i mean its really difficult to figure out where we can find the actual fact based journalism these days and you know its really interesting to me that so much of the journalists that are out there right now are the news organizations or in the Entertainment News organizations are so against and so obviously biased again for byte and you know one of the interesting things about that is that they make so much money off of the trump and ministration being in the white house and so its interesting that they blatantly they overlook facts or they dont even they dont report on them they dont give the full story and its all its just head scratching to me that they would be this way when it seems beneficial for them actually that trump is in the white house yet you know roger is going to be something called the trump hangover in media if he loses on the 3rd because theyre going to just they will miss him dearly theyre going to miss him for his spot for their bottom line do you think i mean people that have tuned in to find out what joe biden had to say go ahead ron. I think youre actually right to be a financier. The fact is kind of funny to think about it because if theyre fools they should now suddenly back up by you know 8 days before the election and try to get trouble likely to get through their own benefit of course theyll never do it but if. We think youve got youre in trouble who is actually and so to be is im someone who woke up one morning and had 15000 twitter followers deducted from my actual. I dont know could i complain i do you know i thought about it for about a minute and a half and i said. The source of all if you like idiot oh gee last of all these 2 new followers as if theyre already shit works the as if it is real you can play to twitter. In a little bit. But thats the point here you know kim why should a woman what universe are we living in were facebook and twitter to determine what newsweek can consume and where we can consume it here i dont know i mean im not a shareholder in these companies i i dont know if anybody elected them were they elected to anything except maybe boards from the shareholders i mean this is an unconscionable situation an unprecedented one why should these private individuals be able to determine the the media landscape and and were basically as citizens we we were told were given the right to determine our political destiny but were not were being interrupted were being punished go ahead jim yeah i mean these are these media giants these tech giants are social media they are controlling the narrative and one thing that we really need to Pay Attention to is that yes they are private and yes they have the right to do it i suppose because they are private companies and people always point that out but they are being pressured by congress we have to remember that since 2016 and since russia gate and the democrats just blaming everything on russia russia russia that they went after the social Media Companies and saying you are to blame for russia and so they went after them they pressured them and a lot of this censorship thats going on with the big Media Companies social Media Companies is actually directly coming from congress and that is something that i think people shouldnt overlook that where does that fall when it comes to infringing on our freedoms and frank you know infringing on that 1st amendment with that government pressure it seems to me that that is an absolute infringement you know because roger the way things are going the people you know the powers that be you know the the professional manager real class that looks down on everyone here theyre on their own hes complaining about conspiracy theories but the way they they manipulate the media what do you get is result you get people thinking conspiratorial like why is this happening why. Cant we understand no ok think the whole that the whole scandal or a leg scandal im always careful with my language surrounding the biden family you know i mean there i have been presented in something by some news outlets facts what they determine to be facts ok and fine let them go where they were when russia game was just allegations and and leaks and Anonymous Sources that were never proven ever but when you have a case you know theres a hard drive there are witnesses there or there are wire orders for money that these are real things that you know that we have a right to consider ok and particularly if they act accusation of political malfeasance is in play go ahead roger well you know rich winner gets away with it suppressing a lot of us because theres something called section 2 services no legislation which is now under review actively in the national homare no to the senator and friend Marsha Blackburn whos in the forefront of your sort of revised where section 230 does free listening. Is it sort of gives the tweet or facebook etc a fire wall gets to be sued for shorts material or suppressing a serial which of course they do it causes it to its reach them is as if they were not publishers well of course they are publishers in fact in the country new york recently publishes so. If youre getting away with murder and in fact theres there are smarter publishers new little published it is new years is a release from those years so. In that way it i think that people should support this revising of 230 because thats really going to hopefully help but i think its going to go much further than that. I mean you are the product upcoming these are private companies because when i think that all of us were under. We seem to understand censorship as the state censoring people hear it and i think thats kind of a more pure and traditional definition you know but we dont live in that world anymore of day spoken twitter arse essentially utilities now they function is utilities right now and so i think the censorship the willows we have about censorship should be applied to them because they act like utilities and they dont act like monopolies they are virtual monopolies so these last shouldnt apply to them as well so we have to amend then to 30 isnt going to be enough ok were going to have to do more because if we dont do it pretty soon that we wont know what were losing we wont know what we dont know him yeah absolutely these social Media Companies are in fact utilities we are not you know if theyre publishers the way that theyre sort of behaving at this point then every single one of us thats using the platform is essentially what some kind of contract or of their Publishing Service where were where theyre editorializing us and are we being hired i mean it becomes this kind of interesting where do they really fall and they havent been able to to really define their Business Model and for the user its obvious what the Business Model is were using it to connect in the same way we use telephones to connect the same way we use or any other sort of service to connect with other people and theyre saying well no but you might be able to to blast out your opinions and your fake news conspiracy theories to thousands of people well those thousands of people had to actively choose to follow you they had to actively choose to friend you or watch you or subscribe to or whatever it is d the platform so really the definition for these companies does need to be nailed down and then after it is completely defined what they are then they do need to be regulated in a way that is appropriate for their Business Model but in my opinion theyre absolutely utilities and they should not be getting in the way of my communication with you. You know kim brings up such an excellent point because all 3 of us we create content what about what about our rights ok as creators of content here because you know roger the same thing happened to me on process i mean you know you i notice that you know the number of hits for a program is gone down steadily but the number of comments remain the same its really quite remarkable i wonder i wish they could explain that to me and of course other programs and then just for our you tube page subscriptions and wobble up and down and theres no rhyme or reason to it and when we ask theres never an answer go ahead right there in syria they control the algorithms for that reason you and i asked him are all too seriously at their prey or whatever we write say on t. V. Are all letter is is under their control and we have no idea where the real. And they changed and all the time us so we see who are saying i think this is dead googles more dangerous even then she replaced nokia so. I mean going back to a can was saying were trying to curry entirely the the fact that we have fact that these companies are global. Usually infamous is nothing if history has even remotely. I mean these are sort of did ish there you know i did in the country where you cant even see them like you know rand or someplace they havent worked out or lead any. New never beyond is there to be a control with Global Information global this is really scary actually i mean it can but it makes it more scary is that theres no accountability i mean if you look at how we have a politician you can you know you know bring out your broom and you know just say you know sweep them away and the next Election Year theres no accountability i mean you know for example the way theyre treating the that the story surrounding hunter buy up i dont mean they dont give us any explanation why youre doing what youre doing when you went after the president of the United States for almost 4 years. Without any facts that were discernible and provable but in this case theres a lot of interesting things but there is one so its one sided its hypocritical but they still dont say you think they might i know that theyre being told in front of congress to explain themselves i will eagerly listen to what they have to say because there is no explanation reasonable honest explanation for what theyre doing. Yeah there really isnt i mean they it it and it is interesting its kind of what you said earlier where this theyre controlling the narrative leads us all into feeling even more conspiratorial i mean they say oh we got to stop the fake news of the conspiracy theories but then the rest of us sit back away and we see them doing as we see them controlling the narrative censoring information choosing what we can and cannot say i mean even rips of doctors researchers politicians journalists everybody gets censored on their platform it doesnt seem to be just tear your basement dwelling conspiracy theorist it seems to be anybody and everybody that they just dont agree with or a narrative that they dont like to hear and it is something that it is very scary that that its a formal. Mind control i mean it sounds conspiratorial right but its not its a form of mind control its a form of brainwashing the public into believing one narrative and one narrative only and they arent held accountable they got away on hard braking thats not hard for discussion and media and journalism and. Seems wrong. Just dont all. Get to see how to stay. Active. And engaged because the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Welcome back to cross talk were all things we considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you what conking about the media. Ok rogers go back to you in nashville i mean one of the things thats very curious for me and maybe you both of you have a different experience but you know because i do watch the media and i do try to watch a wide array of media even though i really its really cringe the most of the time for me i dont really have a very difficult time understanding what theyve been penned demick is all about and what you should do because its been so intensely politicized and its very very confusing and i wonder sometimes if thats just being done intentional just used the word mind control which of course i think would be much more controlling peoples behaviors ok and im not asking you to take a side on this debate about the pandemic but i think its very damaging for the public when you get such conflicting because everybody seems to own science and except for one scientists are censored ok i mean that really scares me ok i dont have any background in this kind of stuff i dont understand i look to authorities of legitimate authority is but then they say well hes a legitimate doctor hes not hes a doctor but hes not legitimate hes political and they start pointing fingers at each other i think that thats a really huge disservice that we have right now and and and facebook and other platforms they weigh in on it you know i get this all the time on facebook about coping in coverage and news and fake news and its as if i find it really bewildering and it really damages the confidence the public has in the authorities. Well you know were a show here and everybody seems to be agree because i get to we agree with you. Notice shit is my fault or was a radiologist and they. Are the Manhattan Project so you know. What it is a she taught me. Well theres no such thing as settled science. And. It was right. And when you weigh and weigh your apply forces all these people are telling you what settles hence it is and every meeting facebook at particularly is very comparable of that and. We have things like the Great Barrington statement that just came out from his doctors in rome why the exact example national are of blue to lety etc and these are real serious people that and skip you know conspiracies it is serious people in their basements smoking crack never really in the real deal you later although i dont know you do we dont know were not given the opportunity you think for ourselves but a potential victim thats exactly whats going on here they dont want people to think for themselves and they want to look not to look to these people for guidance but the problem with that is that i have a fundamental ideological difference with most of their the way they see the world ok and i refuse to submit i have my own views i will make up my own mind and i will go to people that i think are authoritative thats our role i believe our right to do but i think if im always you know like when i could have a a video in the know in the end do you monetize why is it demonic times ok and then you know you have to write to them and a good number of times i think they said oh ok fine but sometimes they never do and they never give you an answer or cant or its just like you know me and my day and rogers agent you know its a xerox copy of something and that its been xerox so many times its built into the side and its all faded you know its like they dont care about you they dont care what you thinking ok i mean that that the see i dont think people understand how ideologically driven these people are kim yeah i mean its really a salmon regarding thats the pandemic the governments role. All really should be to give us information and as much information as there as and then we should be left to do what we want with that information and they should tell us look there spikes going on in your area this is where the spikes are occurring or this is what were finding with mask or this is what were you thinking with this or that just giving us the information and that is the thats the tool that we the people would use to make up our own minds and that goes for our previous discussion about social media and the censorship we need the information we need as much information as we can get from a variety of sources with a variety of opinions and then we the people get to make up our minds based on all of that information now they say well we like it also information but thats up to us and Snake Oil Salesmen have been there is all this time we need to determine what we think is truth and what we think is false and to the consumer to you know has the ultimate sovereignty here and they and they forget. You know roger you know when i look at what she was really trying to change the media environment because its really been quite dramatic and i dont i dont think you have to be a really keen follower of politics is that the media has kneejerk response to be against everything he says and does and sometimes he actually has some good ideas and he actually does some good things here but when you have just kind of a blanket thing against him if you end up being irrational you end up being against good ideas and follow ups and things like that because i dont know how the media recovers from this because they dont condition themselves to be so ideologically driven ideologically correct i mean its going to its hard for me to fathom how theyre going to react to it by new era if he comes that becomes president ok i think it just you know like they did with barack obama never criticized him here well if that happens id like to remind all of these media people and greta. Why do you think donald trump got elected in 2016 ok if youre just going to fall on over the idea lot of the person that you are i have some kind of ideological affinity with thats how the media has abandoned the good up with the for the good of the people ok people made up their own mind in 2016 and that was the peoples biggest mistake and theyre going to be have been punished for it and i think theyre going to be punished even more even if joe wins next weve got him roger well i drew that theres a bright side next the right side of it is a. Big cesspool swoons and there are ways media they have the wake of the public to be suspicious and we need to meet it which is a good thing because this truth about media as always is always been biased. And is written by humans ad and yet that unbiased you maybe you have. Put it. But theres no im biased humans watching this program i didnt see that closely circulated area lot of us stock but either way things. Really. Deaths include this. So the quote is that if you saw the whole of media maybe horrible in the reviews or jurors of media are smarter than that thats just thats and we have truth to that a bit yeah you know kim. Russia game never seems to die if this is this amazing organism its like this intergalactic biarritz that it can survive under any circumstances ok and it can be employed i mean if youre it but if youre angry with the weather it must be russians fault ok or you know if you if you miss a meal its because the russians made you do it ok i mean whats being you know adam shipped you know i mean when he dines he. Needs to go to some medical institute where they examine his grain because what happened to his brain how can every thing go back to one thing ok its extraordinary how this this ridiculous hoax has a life of its own and it seems its going to be quite convenient in the future oh and by the way the modest of dealing with the bind family have to do with china so i guess the russians did that true amazing go ahead well if it aint broke dont fix that the democratic strategy so they know that this works this gets people riled up this gets people to hate trump even more and to be more suspicious of him and so lets just keep going and thats been the strategy all along and it really is unfortunate that. You know even with this latest look at his taxes and where oh gosh he only paid 750. 00 what was interesting about that was where was russia remember they wanted to see his taxes so that they could figure out his connection to russia and they never found that instead it was a different scandal that they made up but they continue to harp on this russia narrative this russia conspiracy even without continually without gaining any evidence of it except they bought some ads on facebook. Ok kim. That may have been saying something for a of a few years now and you still free to use it as much as you want in russia again there are there are there are there isnt much russia and there are Many Russians in russia. But we have learned here ok you know roger you know how was it you know it it seems one of the things they dont get out of everything is been debunked ok but theres no reckoning no one in the media says yeah we got it wrong and i think theyre going to pay very very dearly for that ok because you know we so much airtime so much ink and so much has been wasted on this year and and it shows it unfortunately for me also my pessimism here it shows that a grand Conspiracy Theory can work to your advantage if you get enough people on board. Well you know i always like to think of a show make a comment when somebody says its not about that but is. And you know if this is for example so much money has be made out of shape. That it had to complain about russia or some people who look at china. But he. Goes to the media too like c. N. N. If they didnt complain about russia even if you were people in washington. D. C. And it is not to be popular left i think its a better place to m. S. N. B. C. Even more i mean its amazing i mean Rachel Maddow is made an entire career out of it so she shes the media person adam schiff is a political person here and theres no downside for being wrong there see that the the power we have as individuals and as citizens is the shame these people thats the power that we have and i constantly do it and i dont do it in a cruel way but i. Use their own words and their own suppositions against them ok and thats how you win these arguments with these people but were going to full circle last 30 seconds goes the kim if we dont know what we dont know that is the greatest danger moving forward 30 seconds but it you know we absolutely need to have freedom of information that is the most important thing and when these big Media Companies and when our congressional leaders are pressuring the Media Companies to censor information theyre not just censoring a persons ability to speak theyre censoring my ability to hear it and that to me is even more of horror and that theyre censoring me from receiving any information or that theyre forcing me to receive only certain information and that is something that we the people need to really be guarding against and saying its not just about somebodys ability to say whatever they want its my ability and my right to hear it so that then i can assess whether or not i want to believe it or what direction i want to go with that but all in all you know we really need to be fighting back as the people we really need to be rising up and saying we will not tolerate this perfect way to end the program youre one of the my guest in los angeles and national and i want to thank our viewers for watching us here argue cx i remember. The maternity town the slums go in and you may never get out some sort of the most of. My teenage gang rules here. Are one of you to move then none of the mind. But. Maybe will. Come out. Minus a murder. And now its looking for the yeah. And melanie might not be in. The mccain group police all i see. Is youll media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led to. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. Back geysers financial survival guide. Housing bubble. Oh you mean theres a downside to artificial mortgage truth dont get carried away

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