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Youre watching the weekly here on our team a recap of the biggest stories from the past 7 days so im donald quarter thanks for joining us. Now peru has decided not to buy doses of a potential Coronavirus Vaccine being developed by the british firm astra zeneca lima cited a lack of data from the company after the death of a trial volunteer reports claim a 20 year old male doctor in brazil died while taking part in advanced stage 3 trials run by and astra zeneca and Oxford University its not known whether he received the actual drug or a placebo meanwhile the us has now permitted trials to resume after they were temporarily halted and other countries have also restarted them in recent weeks more of gaza has more on the race for a cure. There is always the risk with any vaccine any Clinical Trial that statistical improbability that point not one percent risk that someone dies at someone reportedly was a brazilian doctor he was part of an Oxford University Vaccine Trial Group and is believed to have suffered fatal complications but theyre sure its safe to keep going following careful assessment of the skis in brazil there have been new concerns about safety of the Clinical Trial and the independent review in addition to the brazilian regulator have recommended that the trial should continue there is a race on a race for v vaccine that works that saves millions of lives and brings in billions of dollars and visits in Clinical Trial things go wrong they have astra zeneca whos vaccine it is has already suspended trials last month after another patient developed a strange illness but the trials must go on clients are waiting brazil for example whose president has said he wants the british vaccine in contrast to his own Health Ministry which wanted 46000000 doses of the chinese vaccine from my government any vaccine before being made available to the population must be scientifically proven by the Health Ministry and certified by the National Health Surveillance Agency the brazilian people will not be guinea pigs for anyone there is no justification for a billionaire financial contribution to a drug that is not even parses testing phase given the above my decision is not to purchase the vaccine but it is remarkable to people look at the same vaccine and see 2 Different Things one sees a lot of votes Political Capital the other person sees a panacea medicine for millions it isnt only orgy it isnt politics and it isnt the electoral process. That saves it is the vaccine we dont want a new government will go to congress and to cool to ensure that the population has access to all vaccines that are efficient and safe health is a big arrested an ideological troll disputes brazil is in an awful situation 150000 coronavirus dead 2nd only to the United States things on pretty that careers and lives the economy and the election all hinge on that vaccine no wonder trump has been flooding pharmaceutical jobs 7 with billions urging them to go fast and faster we have a vaccine thats coming its ready its going to be announced within weeks and its going to be delivered we have operation work speed which is the military is going to distribute the vaccine and just as it brazil theres a divide a chasm in opinion people want need a vaccine but they want one that works not one that makes the most money not 1. 00 that stumbled and struggled through trials and especially not one made to save the president s korea this is the same fellow told you this is going to end by easter last time is the same fellow who told you that dont worry were going to end this by the summer were about to go into a dark winter. I think its going to be a very skeptical American Public about taking a back seat and it should be if the doctors tell us that we should take it ill be the 1st in line to take it absolutely but if Donald Trump Tells us i said to him that weve taken im not taking it it was clear from the get go that there would be a race for a vaccine what we didnt consider was how dirty it would be a simple thing a jab to save millions of lives would turn into a bit of a free for all over all region in money name and preach the advantage and reelection lets just hope that efficiency and Public Health also get a little consideration despite the rush to develop a successful vaccine polls show americans are now less willing to take one than ever before a new survey shows that this month only 58 percent are ready to receive the shot and thats a drop of more than 10 percent since the Previous Survey back in august vice chairman for the Us Libertarian Party National Committee arvin vora says vaccinations should neither be compulsory nor political motivated. When you politicize medicine generally the results are bad and thats one of the reasons that many libertarians have advocated for getting the f. D. A. Entirely out of medicine to get the government tiredly out of medicine abolish the f. D. A. And cut our taxes accordingly see the thing is each person has to calculate their own risk their own situation right now the American People are being given a different question which is why would you take a vaccine that hasnt really gone through any kind of long term testing where you could not possibly know what the long term effects are so obviously people can have a little bit colder feet when theyre dealing with something that is a lot less well known and then other vaccines that have decades of of of dated Research Behind them so when you now have some thats already kind of an incendiary as issue and you add to it the biggest event in the world in the last decade easily then of course is going to be a politically important but a politically important issue and people are going to look very closely at how the candidates treat it do they treat it as a government issue an individual choice issue or Something Else entirely. Now on to europe france has recalled its ambassador to turkey after the turkish president questioned questioned the Mental Health of his counterpart emanuel came after macron pledged to defend france a secular values and fight islamic radicalism following the brutal killing of a teacher no one else and we will not give up caricature or drawings even if others retreat. Zias said of the needs of Mental Health treatment what else can be said to a head of state who does not understand freedom of belief and who behaves in this way to millions of People Living in his country who are members of a different faith 1st of all a mental examination. France has announced a crackdown on islamic extremism following the beheading of samuel paddy who had shown controversial caricature of the Prophet Muhammad to his students the killer an 18 year old refugee of chechen origin was later shot dead by police he had moved to france with his family 12 years ago and moscow says his russian citizenship was revoked after he was granted asylum in france. I know one of our competitors was murdered because he taught our compassion and was the victim of an islamist terror attack. And this is the concern person of russian nationality and of chechen origin benefited from a Refugee Status and lived in the year that he was not known to the Intelligence Services on a judicial level hes never to be convicted the last node for cases of damaging public property and Gang Violence while still a minor. He asked Muslim Children to raise their hands and leave the classroom he did it my son told me he didnt do it to discriminate or to hurt he did it to preserve the children to not shield them he explains id prefer if you left because im going to show a cartoon of the prophet of islam i dont want to shock you. Im even more shocked that this college is one i opened when i was the town mayor working there was nice and it was located in a neighborhood without any problems of violence by i dont think that this act of terror is a crazy mans to put a premeditated act. Fallout from the killing has seen one mosque apologizing for sharing a video denouncing samuel paddy prior to his death the government though still ordered its closure with the Prime Minister. Announcing more lawsuits would be shut down as well the French Interior ministry has launched numerous audits of muslim n. G. O. S and dozens of raids have been carried out against suspected islamicists but law abiding muslims now fear they will suffer human rights activist yasser loudy and counterterrorism specialist Chris Phillips shared their views on the front in the french governments response. To me asking me whether i was raided or not so we have wished for him to everybody is scared that they would be related to 5 or 6 oclock in the morning i fear that you know i would have to maybe be careful of what i post of and my freedom of speech as a human rights of activists is literally on the balance going to be so widespread. Because literally thousands of people who would be deemed to be in some way. To terrorist groups in the u. K. In paris in france and in belgium and other countries said theres just an enormous number of people on the free speaking out want to. Be from the extreme and that will do some good but this is a problem an assault thats going to go on for a long time to be at least a generation. That want to the us elections donald trump and joe biden clashed again in the final president ial debate this week however a former business associate of bidens son stole the spotlight in an interview he gave just 90 minutes before the 2 candidates took the stage his words appeared to back allegations of corruption currently haunting the biden family joe biden say that is never discussed business with hunter. That is false d i have 1st hand knowledge about this because i directly dealt with the biden family the emails so horrible even ills of the kind of money that you were raking in you and your family and show you a Vice President when some of this was happening and i think you owe an explanation to the American People if i did my job is complete i carried out u. S. Policy not one single solitary thing was out of line not a single thing there are 50 former National Intelligence folks who said that what this hes accusing me of is a russian plan you mean to the laptop is now another russia russia russia hoax and you got exactly what does this tell you exactly why this is where hes going right up is russia yes i mean i should i want to stay on the issue of radio has to be kidding here we go again with the russia emails the trump referenced had been published earlier by the New York Post after reportedly being found on an old laptop of hunter biden they claim joe biden was well aware of his sons dealings abroad and he had personally met with some of hunters foreign Business Partners all while holding the office of u. S. Vice president although joe biden as we did hear denies any corruption meanwhile the russian president has commented on allegations while speaking to Russian Media a lot of here putin said he wasnt aware of anything criminal bidens son had been involved in while doing business in ukraine including you when you would use in the. Indeed boyden hands and maybe has a business in ukraine i dont know about that but it does not concern us that soul and it concerns americans and ukrainians only well yes one jim boulden is known to have at least one company which he actually hated and apparently good money with but i dont see any crime here at least we dont know anything about it. Meanwhile social media giants twitter and facebook took down links to that New York Post article citing concerns over the origins of the source material in response republicans are now demanding that heads of both firms testify before congress and spoke with analysts about social medias role in the upcoming election. Facebook google and twitter previously vowed to prevent election to fair and through their platforms to what extent do you think theyve managed to fulfill that promise i dont really know what twitter or facebook could have done what they have instead done is made a horrifying promise that they can regulate truth that is hard enough to do in a world that isnt politics where does information is part of the game they showed a significant bias in going after the hunter biden disclosures and ive read the hunter biden emails may strike me as perfectly valid perfectly plausible so i believe the story and i think that that that twitter and facebook are are deliberately trying to withhold information from the public in a clear effort to swing the election well we know that in contrast to what happened with honor biden story we didnt think about the christopher seal does which exploded across the world we get so used to get creams despite having been utterly discredited so far on if we are so relieved to be Crystal Clear that whoever is these are pretty sober events and our Previous Companies heavily say were says our Mainstream Media the less than generous and this is pushing down back aggressively right now in ways that i think we may very well suppress results and say the 2020 election in this country do you think many ways to be legal changes to restrict the power of Online Platforms to decide what we can accommodate quite frankly we are moving at a startling pace in terms of all these platforms and we dont have the laws that really apply to them theyve made promises they cant keep and they are trying to please their user base is based soley on the the outrage of the moment the important point is that the censorship is being imposed on facebook and twitter by the government the government is afraid of these platforms. Liberals and democrats are both pushing for for increased government regulation and i think its an assault on free speech so i think of the there she has much free speech as possible and that means there will be bad speech but the only remedy for bad speech is good speech. Fighting shows no sign of letting up between armenia and azerbaijan and the disputed nagornokarabakh region well have reports from there and also from a neighboring azerbaijani region state to. Shifting alliances washingtons other religion policy assault against russia and china is already owns or the world order what remains to be see is how most going to be she will pull together to confront us the list also will america ever being normal again. Welcome back to the weekly now our mania and as a by john have agreed to a new ceasefire starting 8 am local time on monday a joint statement was released between the 2 opposing sides and the Us Government the new humanitarian truce is actually the 3rd in just one month the 1st 2 were repeatedly marred by accusations of violations by both sides armenia and azerbaijan have been fighting over nagornokarabakh for about a month now and reports of shelling have continued in parts of the disputed region once again this week because dawn of sent this report from near the front line. Right now we head into the north to the Northern Front line which is one of the 2 remaining major hotspots in the corner care about our drivers brother is serving there so hes bringing food and warm clothes as were going our driver keeps glancing to the right theres only a couple kilometers between our car and theres eerie artillery the road is being heavily shelled. The homely smell of freshly baked bread filling the car seems out of place as were approaching the frontline town so this is where we had to get out the city of that kept essentially they couldnt take us to the front line and in fact they didnt go either not only because its too dangerous but because the Commanding Officer of that particular platoon didnt want us filming there so that we dont give out their positions but the city of mark that gets it has no rest this is just one of hundreds of craters left all around the city just this tuesday the Armenian Forces managed to repel a 700 strong attack here now that the as every command knows how students the resistance is theyve cranked up the bombardments by an order of magnitude. Live on our driver has to unload his cargo here he knows that there will be no shortage of Good Samaritans willing to pass it on to those in the trenches when theres a break in the fighting of course meanwhile live on and his friends can do more good collecting a new batch of supplies. Or friends from russia sent us what we need or we buy supplies ourselves and bring them to those who needed a megaton of reporting from the Northern Front line in the going to karabakh odyssey. Earlier donald trump pledged to sort out the conflict calling it an easy case but tensions over nagornokarabakh populated mainly by ethnic armenians. Back more than 3 decades fighting continues not just across the disputed region but beyond its borders as well officials in azerbaijan claim the city of tartar and neighboring areas came under armenian shelling over the weekend but it shows an unexploded shell near a resident residential buildings there and local journalist out near a move as a day was caught up in shelling you all reporting from an outs from outside and are azerbaijani factory. Lets listen to what you did notice about isnt this you i mean you get over notification because she you know ive said it with me there goes that capacity of this evidence would be to double q did you know that that. Was not to do it could do it but there are steps that led to this new admins that passed. The. Move. Has been washingtons a day or. So exploded so often and so loudly that we could heard it from the neighboring city which is so cool with this fall from the front line as it only morning clear when. From the way the war this sujan has became an Atheist Center of thanks from armenian side. Now on to sports news with a record setting 29 fights on world mixed martial arts lightweight champion how bieber has announced his retirement from the sport the russian revealed he had promised his mother that his latest clash would be his last on saturday night he beat his american rival in the 2nd round knockout in their u. F. C. Title bout in abo dobby was the 1st fight since his father who was also his coach had passed away fans celebrated his win. Was. The. Emotions of running high voices even straining i think that was one of the most difficult for her. Despite all the difficulties with the death of his father had been displayed all strong russian spirit through glad that he won and ended his m. M. A. Career in such a way. He demonstrated to the whole world he is the worst of it but. Now italys Prime Minister announced a number of new covert measures all gyms cinemas and swimming pools have to close starting from monday while bars and restaurants cant open past 6 am public anger had already boiled over and roma early on sunday. Colors of the italian flag at least 7 arrests were made and 2 officers were injured. While italy is currently clocking up almost 20000 new infections a day one local gov has seized the opportunity to use the pandemic to fight back against creeping foreign influences hes effectively banned hollowing by ordering a curfew on october 31st. Is this immense idiocy this immense stupid american extravagance that we have imported into our country thats is how do we need the monuments to imbecility well since we have to face the reality and since i feel that people are already getting ready to have everything would be closed on halloween from 10 oclock and then would be a curfew. Without reactions from italians themselves about the new restrictions. And in my opinion its stupid to think that closing all the nightclubs will stop people from gathering because we can regroup in another place. I agree to is deluca even before covert in my view its a pretty silly holiday where catholics you know this america sort of ration is not appropriate to me and so you know she has by god i think its a mistake halloween has become a good holiday here in italy and it helps the economy its a good thing for the city for young people that want to have fun and for everyone. I think that we can avoid these holidays because of the coronavirus these are useless holidays a group that honestly im not sorry for it we can stay home during this phase maybe next year we can go out and enjoy this holiday if there is a vaccine. In our last weekly story and whats become something of a weekend tradition since the disputed election back in august demonstrators have once again flooded the streets of the belorussian capital. It. Comes on the last day of an ultimatum set by the opposition for the embattled leader Alexander Lukashenko to resign police use stun grenades to disperse the demonstrators who had been peacefully marching through the streets near the president ial residence in minsk a number of arrests were made although no casualties were reported. Thats our breakdown of just some of the biggest headlines from the past week for more on those stories and the latest news make sure to follow us on twitter or facebook and check out our website r. T. Dot com thanks for watching and i hope you have a good day. Secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived weve been busy rows on the work to view houses were allowed to leave prison was located only people had access to the story for investigators l. Z. Uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. You great ignore. P. C. Maybe a sore knee for. Crying for justice. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. According to u. N. Estimates by 2019 the flow of migrants out of africa hood reached 36000000. Around one 3rd of whom displaced africans make their way north to to europe. Got the news bought a few briefly got to you. Sir many people determined to reach europe risking their lives to do certain things are going to profit from their perilous journey. What if we didnt see. One. Among them in bangladesh. Im out of a 1000000 worth of. Buying that the body of own that wasnt even trying to show that you know me less that activate this in but i am out of many that. There were some additional ladies from the us but i want our barbershop the dialect out there from perth filmy a month it will search for the past but go on hammock of our day and into this a long one but on i am not it but on am i come back and need this and that and out but on emma x. Up the whatever lid off late. Poverty brutal regimes and endless war have forced many migrants to flee their home countries in search of better lives for many intermediaries thats become a lucrative business. This. Is all it said on his own and now. You. Live with that have. This thing that they. Know where they can make me have to get the. Why libya because civil war has raged there for years no one pays any attention to migrants who buy a place on an inflatable boat is just 250 nautical miles to italy but not everyone makes it there when i mean live yet theyre still around they get a lot of. Room and. Are kind of what i want that they ship on course if i want it gets higher vienna. Where can i want a good price for no dinner card for back a man as his her bangladeshi. I want to connect offsetting goats on a modern course there. Is a perfect arc of this is if i met a girl maitreyas they can take a bite of water corn or systemin me that birds open on my part of. The market i mean that is a sea sick and i want to nearly always here. Often need to member countries toppled the gadhafi government and 2011 civil war broke out in libya

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