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A very interesting discussion thank you all for sharing your thoughts on the Program Professor Dominic Wilkinson rest of medical ethics at Oxford University dr mohammad minear for all of just that lung Cancer University and also dr robert gucci a sociologist also from lancaster thank you all very much. Or you know for a deeper dive into all our stories this hour a fine place to start is r. T. Dot com i will keep the updates coming in 32 hope youll join me then. Seems wrong but. Just dont call. Me. Yet to stamp out just the answer. And indeed. The trail. Once on find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. A dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. Dozens of women sells their bodies on the street many of them underage. Los Angeles Police reveal a taste of their daily challenge you know if youre going to exploit our child here in los angeles there were going to. See officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the early 6 trades 3. Mr president good afternoon thank you for welcoming us in these difficult times but as we all know difficult times require talking and awareness and thats what were here for. So just to begin with could you please go through the latest of what you know about whats going on in the conflict zone and answer a straightforward question is the ceasefire working. Well 1st of all i would like to thank our t. V. And the litter ship and you for this. For this interview as you said its difficult times and difficult times are also the times when you have to talk and special to talk to friends and i consider our tears as a friend the agency and impartial independent until some television station that can provide people with the right information which is truthful we appreciate that and the tools straightforward to ask your question the answer is unfortunately not the ceasefire is not kept fully and its not only my words its the recognition by a lot of international monitors and from our media side as well and it was just to recognize the couple of hours ago by foreign minister of Russian Federation mr lover or and i would say again that its unfortunate because. Violating the cease fire means also bombing shelling killings and more human lives are most was the both on the front line between not born a cut above and other by john but those who are d more and more civilians are losing their innocent lives in this conflict so are there violations on the part of armenia and if there are why is it happening this is probably not the time or the platform for you and me to start discussing about. How the cease fire is not kept. Violations or says fire are not definite there are violations and as far as i understand if one violets and the other one ass or so violations are there there are fortunate and i think all parties have to put a lot of efforts in order to stop it and of course its very very important to have make an american is more verification of who is breaking the cease fire i mean these are many ways of doing that internationally using technology but that should be put in place his until the says fire is not established fully the humanitarian side of this cease fire will not be. Neither of sides will be able to use that and of Course International red cross is asked in order to to be a part of this humanitarian act will not be able to work there so says fire. Basically monitoring the cease fire making sure that the the work is absolute necessity well you are saying that this is a matter of responding to the fire is there a possibility of some kind of disagreements or different opinions in the armenian or poor me and military possibly a more radical lobby or approach or people that were against a ceasefire and who is to blame for the latest damage in victims in azerbaijan away from the epicenter of the conflict for example the reports of shelling in ganja came in after the cease fire was announced well the answer i will try to answer you make a couple of points paul point number one in the case of. The bombing or shelling. John joined us or budge on clear information from my government from ministry of defense and for foreign minister and foreign minister outspoken about that already and in his 2 interviews to even knowledge is iran that its definitely not not army now that has filled it thats number one number 2 when you are speaking about breaking the cease fire into it was unfortunately immediately after the cease fire was announced 126 log step on ike at the capital of c. T. O. Of. The republic was shelled and im speaking about see 1000000000 shellings as world 3rd we should not. Forget. In this account the real fact who started this stage of war and it was the us there is a side clearly not. People of nagornokarabakh a republic of art and the way it started for until there was not shelling as bombings or fighting on the on the ground on the frontline but it started with the being the bombing of of capital of kabul step on i hear syrian syrian. Civilians and civilian objects because there are no military objects in said stepan i cared so bombing civilians. Like civilians in the villages or civilians in the cities including the capital city a market that other cities is an act of brutal power violation of human rights but can we go back to my earlier question could there be any discord within the the Armenian Military could there be a different view on how to fight this war if you are speaking about armenia and the ministry of defense im pretty sure there is only one opinion and it which not all miller not only one opinion but the one behavior which comes from the government from the Prime Ministers Office from the ministry of defense and so on and so forth for from the general start for a simple reason is the Prime Minister is in charge of. The Top Executive officer in the government to run all of these activities well i if i had any information like that i would be the 1st one to pick up the phone and speak to to my minister of defense and to the Prime Minister but i dont have any information at all like that that you were referring to well mr president just again to make it clear when you were saying that you were unaware of any shelling or bombing of ganja from the armenian side would you say that this is a staged provocation in that case this war is continuing more than 2 weeks already partially now with a says fire on and before you know of full scale and going to did details it was this a provocation or not is a detail what the big picture is that 27th of september was a budge on this side that there are no longer interested in going ahead with the garage asians around the table of the sea miss group and basically for this or that reason they decided that they go back to around 30 years back when the 1st thought about war started and try it again to resolve the show with military force. Not only as a president of the republic but as someone that it was following this whole process for many years i can assure you that. Its not only that i dont believe it and the lead to kill or what i think about it. Logically there is no military solution to this fighting for your home is not about mathematics its not about numbers its not about how many bombs and shells what sort of technology you have maybe that helps you out there for early stage that 1st day the 1st wave the 2nd week but then it becomes much more about what are you fighting for and in the case of the gorn a car of 4 people of arts or there are fighting for their home and for their homeland and that home and that is not an abstract one is the home that then their grandparents and their grandparents of their grandparents and so on and so for thousands of years have lips and lives of that they lived and created a special culture which is armenia because they were there armenians but. Believed in a specific region very proud very people that know how to fight for the for themselves they have shown down during the whole history starting they have seen invaders starting from changes on the great timor persian empire and so on and so forth. They were probably a part of russian empire as well but they were never a part of us that are by john i mean other by german soviet socialist republic goat not born at heart a book. With with great. As a great here a gift from congress starlin. For 65 years what the what happened then even that is still 65 years now gordon a couple had no tony and absolute majority of armenians living there but there it comes to the to the main question how on earth after 65 years that doesnt budge and how that being in a sort of a in charge of not gordon a cut above because everybody was a part of the greater country or Empire Soviet Union and under the watch of the soviet leadership the other by the other but john has managed to basically not not gain the trust of people of not Gordon Carter but i mean this word is very important trust. This is one of the reasons why in 1901 armenians in nagano people of no go and who are decided that the breakdown of soviet union that theyre ready to vote in organized according to all the rules of referendum and vote for independence why because one word one important word was missing trust they didnt trust azerbaijan as a country that they could leave together because well because even under soviet rule was a budget was doing everything to push armenians out of nagornokarabakh. I mean the schools were closed a lot of us armenians from the go to call of all of their 1st language for many years was russian and for a simple reason except speaking at home armenian they were going to russian schools because they didnt want to go to as there is schools they were going to 2 russian schools. 3. L. Look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. I robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the 1st law show your times of the day should be very careful about Artificial Intelligence and the point of view screen is to trace trusts ever the shia. Muslims who take on various jobs and with Artificial Intelligence will summon the demon. The robot must protect its own existences connection. With. The world is driven by shaped by one person or those. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. 3 how on earth anybody things that people are not born to cut a book on trust has a budget and now after the 1st war after the 2nd where after losses of so many lives to trust them or to live under no tanami under d. Budget i think its quite impossible let me put it this way whats more important for the armenian government under the current given circumstances human lives the status of car bach or care about borders while you can never say that you can never simplify. Complex politics you can never simplify Human Behavior i think bringing to us a simple formula what is for me more important everything is important because they are interconnected i think that human lives are priority number one in any world if you ask me personally for me human life is the most important thing and if were thinking about resolving cut above issue or any conflict i think what you have to put as an access to 2 of these risks solution or a process is the human life and it doesnt matter the age the race the color yoyo scheme or your religion what is the absolute value is the human of human life so human life but how do you protect that human life to protect that human life to a specific institutions or specific guarantees which in this case would be your status or your state or the soldier that is standing on the border so they are all interconnected and there is no way that you can say this is more important that the other one the most important at the end of the day is the human life but at the same time low. And i was talking to my colleagues that are actually working there that they were tommy it felt like hell and talents were being bombed and in that sense some people were saying that it seemed that the republic was not prepared at all although we do understand with the republic the republicans are going to cut about. For what for this kind of situation when towns are being destroyed so historically these people have always been fighting well of course theres always criticism is criticism to every government. Well have you seen any government which is not criticize even with the biggest victories theres always the thing that you regret ah i have a 2nd thought i should have done this before but one thing that we all have to regret here is that the start of the new war. And that decision was not made by the people of the gornergrat about by the leadership of the golden color buck or by their leadership of armenia the decision was made by azerbaijan and they started 2 weeks ago this war and they are going to bear with sort of moral responsibility for that its not hard about that started this war but that doesnt mean that you couldnt have seen it coming well it basically yes of course it is i think the war never stopped think about even with the cease fire in 94 i think i would say that the if we all hold. Didnt succeed to put it diplomatically to keep on the track of negotiations and a dialogue here in the case of not going to cut up our if you think and you ask them what do you think is victory for you or the victory for them is is just protecting their homeland nothing more no more us every territory no more of this or that just protecting their homeland and homes and their families while you know when you have guys there is if i am going to judge by the remarks than by how serious side this is about not going to cut a book without armenians while in modern world there is a. Word for that which is called ethnic cleansing ok even if you manage with it the cleansing that war human the war will not be over ever. I think i mean maybe you will there will be no physical war maybe you will control the land but there will be a human moral moral sort of a fight that will continue and then the example of that is the Armenian Genocide that happened hundreds and 5 years ago one and have 1000000 people perished was it over no one its not over just so many countries that have recognized the Armenian Genocide there are so many of us including the Russian Federation there are so many countries that are blaming turkey there are so many countries when they look at whats happening in our garden and including also armenians that leave millions and millions of friends that live in that square their interpretation of what is happening in and around the nagornokarabakh now where the specially with the involvement of turkey is another attempt over genocide another term to of the cleansing basically. Thing when we speak about anybody claiming territory you know gordon a cut above from armenians and one who can claim that people have been living there for thousands of years would you agree that the air Defense System was a complete failure because again the republic is destroyed i understand that youre not the minister of defense but still so thats one question give me another one i would like to have one with another one would be perhaps what is the ultimate goal for the armenian government hopefully when this particular escalation is over as you mentioned yourself im not the defense minister not involved in detail in this or that Defense Systems ok. But i will take you the answer to toward somewhere else in order a new military world. Not going to cut about republic had the whatever their head. Ok in our new world. A lot of military Equipment Technology and weapons are very closely connected to finance its money ok lets look at that issue from a different perspective which is has has been sort of a used quite often in recent the wrists and. 2 months especially by turkey when turkey entered the disco whole conflict of they were always there advising helping planning and all of that stuff but this time it was quite openly and quiet sort of. Bullying and just getting in there and you can get that from the political announcements or from the wording of the president foreign minister and a very aggressive move over the top to the presence of the military military personnel starting from genocide to lethal and this is words you know i mean one doesnt have to even prove that in and of course turkey is the one that brought. Islamic militants and terrorists in to azerbaijan and i dont have to prove that either because these are International Recognized by many including Russian Federation and the special departments of Russian Federation. But of course as as you were usual turkey was doing the you are you need an excuse why on earth you are doing that one of the excuses why there is our ethnic brothers well doesnt work in the new world because your ethnic rather is go up to central asia mongolia to the north of china are you are you are you ready to enter if you are any problem that your i think rogers will get there may be yes he is if i look at the border in turkey i mean 360 degrees to the turkey has problems it had problems d in egypt it has evolved in libya well is it ethnic brothers or Something Else its a different story turkey speaks about territorial integrity of other budget but in the meantime crossed the borders with iraq they are speaking about territorial integrity of ours about shut up cross the border to syria they are trying to be very very present in lebanon in the gulf while they have their big issues now in the in the Eastern Mediterranean and now they are in focus 360 degrees thats one second they were speaking about p. K. K. Fire is absolute nonsense 31 there were speaking about the pipelines that are running from bugaboo to to tbilisi challenge as an oil pipeline swamp said he referring to this because the motivation was that armenians world will hit them and we are here to protect them im sorry where is the logic if armenians had to hit that pipeline they should have hit that 20 years ago 20 years ago that when they were starting to build up by a plant up purple a couple of shellings would stop the pipelines being built i mean didnt do that and they didnt do that more than 20 years no shelling and no one bullet was fired army is allowed armenians allowed as a bludgeon to be. The pipelines to sell their oil and gas to not only theirs but from caspian and also from from the central asia make billions of dollars and use that billions of dollars and buying billions of dollars of worth of armament and then use that against the gordon a cut above and that brings 2 to a conclusion billions of dollars so thats money in turkish support Bonnie Hunter support has created and with money and character support you can come over any more duraid air Defense System that doug warner cut off so when are you saying oh how on earth because im going to get a pilot house and have oh how on earth he was armenians where proper citizens of this planet there were not shelling the pipeline stopping there is making money and what about the ultimate goals for your government the government or me the world ill to my glorious to stop the war d to return back to the table of negotiations and finally go to the right direction and debate is only one the right direction to which is there is no alternative to the final status or resolution of the can the government of. Saddam cut up the final status except normal human negotiations the process of negotiations is not only about the formula and final status it is also very very important that during the negotiations people are gradually with difficulty sometimes with on happiness are creating trust. 3 is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being lead somewhere. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. A dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. Dozens of women sells their bodies on the streets many of them underage. Los Angeles Police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if youre going to exploit our child here in los angeles there were going to come out to see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the 6 trade. This hours headlines stories are from true speed tween armenia and azerbaijan the edges towards a 5th day with both sides accusing each other of violating the cease fire. Meanwhile armenia launches a criminal probe into the alleged use of syrian militants. Fighting alongside azerbaijan and we hear from senior figures from both sides of the conflict. Is the one the. Islamic. Terrorists. We dont need any more to release. Because we have stronger. With

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