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Coronavirus restrictions sparked protests in many countries prompting a warning from Global Health officials. Were very concerned about the. Region because we feel it could be called balls to a resurgence in 2 arrives in transmission. Whether this is a Global Reaction 247 im calling brain moscow with the world news this hour up 1st a cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan has taken a fax in the although both sides of already accused each other of violating the terms of the negotiations ran for a marathon 10 hours behind closed doors with the Russian Foreign minister there is mediating. As. For humanitarian purposes to Exchange Prisoners of war and other detained persons and the bodies of the killed in line with the red cross principles the specific parameters of the ceasefire will be agreed later on last nights agreement is seen as a starting point in peace talks between us. It paves the way for further talks which will be mediated by russia france and the United States. Conflicts has been simmering for more than 3 decades and this latest flare up started 2 weeks ago with relentless shell fire leaving a trail of destruction. From the enclaves capitol. The city of step on the kurds is a sorry sight i cant say it has been razed to the ground but it has been battered by so many bombs of so many calibers sizes and types this street got the full wrath of a Cluster Munition all the hallmarks i hear burn down because shattered glass and if you look closely at the walls and windows here along this whole street they have pierced with tiny tiny holes this is the deadly power of a cluster bomb and other aspects of using one is that when a rocket shoots dozens of little bombs of little grenades many of them dont explode so we were being told not to go down that street because thats where locals gathered those grenades that didnt explode and theyre detonating them on purpose theyre doing so because each unexploded grenade like this poses a grave threat to especially to children because they look harmlessly look innocent so a kid picks up such a such a bomb starts playing with it and it explodes in their hands now its been just hours into this tentative cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan but everyone who ive been talking to nobody really believes it will hold they certainly do hope it will but they arent counting on it coarsely. Since midday no truth has been observed the war continues there is absolutely no change you can. Do through the sounds frightens and after silence there is usually a bombardment i do not know what will happen whether they will strike again people here certainly do enjoy the low in the fighting the peace the quiet no raid sirens so far after the cease fire but the life is still vanished from the streets done of reporting from step on a see. The conflict been spilling beyond the disputed territory into a day before the ceasefire people in nearby villages took refuge in a School Building which has been transformed. Into a temporary shelter several dozen families are living in classrooms while waiting to return to their homes but despite the severe dangerous many azerbaijanis believe the country should continue the war. With gods help everything will be fine because i believe in our victory we will achieve victory either in a peaceful or military way we believe in our Supreme Commander in chief. We need to go further we should press on with the war and take back our territories. We dont want a cease fire they must leave our lands you must leave and let our people leave there in normal conditions only want we have nothing to do with them they should stay away from us. World powers have welcomed the poles in fighting with more next on the International Reaction here is what i guess they have in istanbul. Weve had reports from armenia about Azerbaijan Forces attempting to carry out offensive operations in the south of calabar weve also heard from the as a rajani side which is accuse the armenians. Artillery strikes so there are mixed reports coming from both sides but i must say i have never seen a ceasefire take hold at the appointed me this appointed hour nevertheless we have positive messages from from the armenian endears their budget inside regarding this ceasefire the latest has been from their budget president live who is said that the time for military escalation the military part of this conflict needs latest escalation is now over now is the time for negotiations armenia are also saying that it is hopeful that these negotiations will of last lead to a to a breakthrough weve also heard from one of the key players in this crisis though not a belligerent itself turkey which had been which is on the side of george very firmly had been accused of egging is it about john all by frogs saying that its turkeys war like rhetoric was only pushing is it about john to seek a military solution to this crisis as a by john gave i mean its last chance to withdraw from the territories occupied to cease fire is an important 1st step but will not replace a permanent solution as turkey has always said it will support any decision that has by john makes we continue to stand by as furthermore there has been reaction pouring in from around the world weve heard from georgia for example iran have come out of neighboring states saying that theyre there theyre happy that this is. Happening now is the time to add this latest. Austria has come out and said that they approve this latest the ceasefire deal and also hope that it it leads to a war lasting more permanent solution to this crisis and all the spread that was levied on both sides either didnt come just from governments from heads of states there were protests protests as far away as hollywood and los angeles all the way to paris with pro armenian protesters taking to the sheets demanding more action in response to what they what they saw as as it of a johnny aggression the reason now a breakthrough which just a few days ago was unthinkable book progresses is certainly been marketed and there ease a lot of optimism that now there is a way forward diplomatically. And we heard from the director of the Crisis Research institute in the u. K. Who thinks that the 2 sides will be unable to make Real Progress without broad public support. Partly because they are all bound in research on both sides not just between so dysfunctional both sides Public Opinion and for instance we must be afraid that was a risk that already had but the some dissenting voices saying why are we stopping the war when we as a result we winning so theres a danger that governments who made the improvement could be pressed for Public Opinion to new that will particularly only is or is not the other problem is that the agreement is essentially a very short one it says that its to enable the new to be recovered and also christians to be exchanged and those felt the top story she found a way of mechanism for bringing about a longer term ceasefire in peace well i think russia is the key player because it enjoys a considerable degree of trust and a little contact with those of the german omonia and its next door. And so it has its own interests in a peaceful solution to the problems perhaps other players further away. Interests that they dont have any risks rushnell the state stands to lose it was in its backyard. Trump has held his 1st public event since falling sick with coronavirus he addressed supporters from the white house balcony us president said he was feeling great and repeated his promise that a vaccine will be soon available the crowd of supporters gathered on the south knoll chanting their support has been just over a week since the troubles hospitalized with covert 90 and his doctors said that its now safe for the president to attend Public Events although the raw doubts of a weapon the president still has the virus. I have been retested and i die havent even found out numbers or anything yet but ive been retested and i know im at either the bottom of the scale or free the same. Can do u. S. President ial debate was supposed to be happening this coming thursday but its been officially counsel for the trump and Biden Campaign teams failed to agree on a new format the democrats on the Debate Commission suggested that the matchup should be conducted remotely but donald trump ruled out that option some doctors have reportedly spoken out in favor of in person debates the New York Post claims 175. 00 positions written to the Debate Commission saying that the event will be safe as long as precautions are taken meanwhile the democrats have to have the spotlight on Trumps Health saying that it could provide grounds to remove the president and its trumps a long time congressional thorn in his side whos leading the charge is kind of open explained nancy pelosi is known to be one of Donald Trumps biggest and most loyal fans trees on record telling us just how much she loves him and god. Knows shes so concerned now about donald Trumps Health that shes introducing legislation if a president suffers a crippling theres a culture mental problem and its an end of a man match an able to discharge the powers and duties of his office and transfers his powers the 25th amendment of the u. S. Constitution and abels the president to be kicked out of office if hes rendered to be mentally or physically incapable in order for that to happen the Vice President and most of the cabinet needs to meet and declare the president to be unfit to lead the democrats are now looking to set up a mechanism where as congress would have more of a say when it comes to the president s health nancy pelosi maintains this is not about this is not about president. He will face the judgment of the voters but he who shows the need for us to create a process for future president s the president s allies say that this is yet another attempt by the democrats to push trump out of office. I wouldnt put a post Speaker Pelosi to stage a coup shes already weaponized impeachment was to keep her from weaponized in the 25th amendment who can forget last years failed impeachment proceedings im announcing the house of representatives moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry and directing our 6 committees to proceed with their investigations under that umbrella of impeachment inquiry the president must be held accountable no one is above the law now nancy pelosi failed to remove donald trump in 29 teen but apparently she has another plan up her sleeve she was sitting on it until just the right moment some of mention the possibility if they try to push through a nominee in a lame duck session the jew in this the house could move to impeach were not ruling anything out of protecting our democracy requires us to use every arrow in our quest for nancy pelosi makes no bones about the fact that shes been trying to remove donald trump from office all along shes been looking for any potential opening all i hear from the press is that im moving so swiftly like a blur going by it has been a couple of years 2 and a half cynthia and michelle investigation no matter what he says or whatever headline he wants to carry around here impeached ever so with the election in less than a month weve got democrats possibly using constitutional maneuvers to try and remove trump from office just in case he wins at the polls that does not sound like a position of confidence but then again with so much fear about contested results this november nothing in american politics seems normal these days what she proposes is a new legislation to set up a permanent 17 urson commission judge to try to evaluate whether or not. Will this is something that they are made up. Of representatives before the election but it certainly is not going to pass in the senate and go away. Is president trouble going to sign this bill into law as theyve tried Everything Else think they can do to try to remove this seems to Say Something to it you put it at a news site ok ive tried it last weekend this to me isnt dormice waste of Time Resources and energy so most of the stuff is being carried out at a time when the speaker refuses to engage in real negotiations about stimulus which is critically important to all of our. Demonstration has descended into chaos in the South African town of santa call after thousands of predominantly white farmers surrounded the local courthouse they wanted to 2 suspects handed over to them in this case was about to be heard in court the 2 black men stand accused of brutally murdering a white farmer the crowd tried to force their way into the courthouse as police tried to hold the back the clashes or a police van overturned and set on fire and a few stun grenades thrown the protesters accused the government of inaction on farm murders in south africa. I think people are moving together and trying to make a statement to government to show that we will not take this anymore i think weve reached the point of no return and if government doesnt come to the party you know we wont take this anymore you feel alone you feel isolated you feel that you might be the next door to you feel that its nobody its not just about the pharmacist we all oil shifted by this it creates a scenario we violence becomes the norm of the day. Well it all came to a head following the grisly murder of 21 year old farm manager Brendan Horner last friday to cattle thieves have been detained in connection with the case theyre suspected of torturing and then stopping the young man to death and its just the latest in a string of similar attacks but the South African Justice Minister has condemned the unrest saying that however strong many communities may feel about the issue we simply cannot allow individuals to take the north into their own hands Land Ownership has been a contentious issue in south africa for decades official data shows that 72 percent of private farmland is owned by white people who make up just 9 percent of the population a member of a farmers activist group told us that the governments been turning a blind eye to the violence against the white minority. The problem is the pharmacist beneath north for so long that nothing is done with all complaints nobody cares about us el president e denies that fall murders exist that its a problem its not just a murder its a god thats been tortured people being raped weve got a more nearly say weekly stocks they couldnt see us and its a huge problem for us and it does not get investigate that properly weve got a huge problem on the rural areas we dont have the police close to us we are vulnerable from where we are living ill just diesel system a stokely to slow in dealing with the problems people thats all cases going back to see years doesnt get resolved those people get out and buy oil quickly and they perpetrate the same crimes over and over again foremost want the message to go out we cant be ignored any longer put pressure on our government that the our plot can be all over the world footbridge in our government to look after all of its citizens. You without say from moscow still ahead well governments across the globe introduce tough new containment measures after a spike in covert 19 cases people take their anger to the streets to denounce the move take a closer look at the public response after the break. Seemed wrong. Well just dont call. Me. Yet to stamp out this thing become educated and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. The world is driven by a dream shaped by. The dares thinks. We dare to ask. A number of countries are bringing in new restrictions after surging covert cases they include britain france sweden is really on the United States israels now going back to a full nationwide lockdown while the parts of europe new measures are being imposed on bars gyms and restaurants strict limits are in place on large gatherings and companies are being told to send many of their employees to work from. People across europe who are pushing back against the d. M. Measures rallies have been held in several cities throughout saturday compulsory mask wearing has become a key source of anger in recent weeks in some cases leading to mass brawls just people in there are scenes of graphic violence coming up. Think there is nothing. Wrong. Here you. Got me and with so much focus on coverage some Crucial Services have been sidelined according to the World Health Organization almost all countries have cut back on Mental Health care regional director of the w. H. O. Explained why thats such a concern. People as they grow. As they become fatigued or tired or weary they also under the measures that have been implemented by many Member States by many countries they become isolated so they become alienates and they feel lonely in many situations so in that situation theyre more likely to feel a very high cost of the measures that theyre being asked to perform some not saying that family members for example not going to social gatherings do not have the usual behavior becomes a very high cost for them and so then less likely to actually go and wear a mask to practice safe. Physical distance and were very concerned about that see here the w. H. R. European region because we feel it could be called tributes and of course a resurgence in 2 arrives in transmission of 19. Mans best friend joining the ranks against the Global Pandemic and russia tried as a working with a special crossbreed which is learning to sniff out cases leaving the virus with no way to hide. The seizures Pretty Simple there are 2 samples of noninfected and infected volunteers and the dogs are learning to identify called the infections by smell. They have an outstanding sense of smell its not only very keen but they also possess an ability to speech from small concentration. Its to be clients and vice versa which is very difficult for many other docs besides they are small size which is convenient because they can we still easily have an inherent search ability. U. S. Government serving one of the countrys top universities for alleged Racial Discrimination the Justice Department claims the gale is limiting the number of white and asian students in violation of federal law in the last few decades yales oversized standardless intentional use of race has subjected domestic non transfer applicants to yale college to discrimination the ground of race yales race discrimination includes imposing undue and unlawful penalties on racially disfavored applicants including in particular most asian and white applicants in a long running probe the Justice Department looked at applicants with similar grade scores and it found that a white or asian candidate is up to 10 times less likely that a black candidate be accepted into the Ivy League University yales actions are allegedly a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 similar allegations have been made at elite u. S. Colleges for years since the introduction of affirmative action laws there aimed at supporting disadvantaged groups but have often raised concerns over reverse discrimination he has defended its admissions policies against the new law suit. I want to be clear does not discriminate against applicants of any race or ethnicity admissions practices are completely fair and lawful yields admissions policies will not change as a result of the filing of this baseless lawsuit the case against yale comes less than a month before the u. S. Election drawing some contrasting views from our guests on the political backdrop and also the long standing concerns over affirmative action. Who are brought this suit including trumps department of justice is indeed trying to set a precedents a baseless precedent that i might add because this same Justice Department has no problems with the fact that harvard you know up to 33 percent of their acceptance is come from socalled legacy students whose parents and grandparents went to that school as a matter of fact weve had president s including george w. Bush who didnt have the greatest grades who was still accepted into Yale University as a c. Student even john f. Kennedy who didnt have great grades it is said was accepted to Harvard University because his grandfather attended the school and what i would. Recommend for the troubled ministration to look at is that in fact the people who have benefited the most from affirmative action programs are in fact white women followed closely behind by asian people so trump may actually be helping people who he would be looking to to continue his presidency coming up in the upcoming election idea that academia has been discriminating against white and asian students has been an open secret since i was in college which is longer ago than i care to admit dont get me wrong i believe that if that systemic discrimination is happening it is wrong but the answer to the problem is not further discrimination and frankly i think it is insulting to black students and to a spandex didnt imply that they need to be given a leg up because of their race that theyre not for some reason able to gain admittance just through the merit of their marks we are so used to the culture of Political Correctness weve almost become numb to the fact that this is just blatant Racial Discrimination i mean under the Current System it would be totally possible for for example Barack Obamas daughters even though they have grown up with a huge amount of privilege to gain preference in admission policy over either a white or an asian student who grew up in food stamps just because of their race and if people are still defending a system like that then i dont know what to tell them at this point. Max and stacey are up next with your weekend to kaiser of course after which ill have the next r. T. World news c. N. N. Its wrong with us as american citizen that he didnt want to talk thats fine. For an attack on the other. Guy and i think. I would vote for a republican over trump i would vote for anyone who is not you and has half a brain. Dump truck. To feed. My 2nd wife. She can handle. She and i divorce because our trouble is elected president and i floated for him and she cant stand. That when the most important election. In our history is mr the months to go before the next president ial election how is the atmosphere in the us now. Want of the highest priority problems how will they vote should they do next not. Just some of the questions we put to the american. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics Small Business im show business ill see you then. Come. Out the window sill i just love that the get a list of all the. Im not the one that got away why did why hes not. Out of the. But there are also france or the us are still sore but the still beautiful thing to do something to see. Which. Should. Have a lot of them was a koala lock themselves are going to bomb was a boy with a look that could overlook what happened. Max kaiser this is the kaiser really poured it all about bean counters that soon matters in this economy now stacey yeah because when you look at different economies its who who is counted and who doesnt count because if workers for example or the bottom 99 percent dont count then they dont get counted and so were going to look at 2 different headlines and so what it means the difference between those who are counted and those who are not counted in the europe lets look there 1st because this is a topic that is dear to my heart and that is toilet paper who pays for the toilet paper at the Big Questions of the work from home era as the world compulsives in crisis and tens of millions of us dig in for the long haul of working from home one question looms large who pays for the t. V. And toilet paper the answer according to the dutch is your bosses and how much about 2 year 0 or 2. 40

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