Russian and the west commentators sought to present it as sad as is my dumb moment with all the theories and host a bad hashtag but youve been arguing that that being answered alrosa arent nothing like weve seen before what made them stand out for you. Its in many ways a unique revolution the tendency to think its in my down because again as the people on the street mass demonstrations it looks very similar superficially is obvious and the western coverage International Coverage i mean obviously the edits is going to reach for those kinds of parallels because the amount of Information Knowledge that you can assume in your readers is actually quite limited its again when covering the sneer of it at night that well its not in the news every day and so. It was in the u. K. Or the u. S. Would recognize this oh its another color of a. Here of the masses of people on the street and so theres a natural tendency to frame the story in terms that your readers recognize but what were trying to in is to the monuments story and surveillance of it and again the informed as watching this its very different or have that one of the big chains one the biggest difference is ukraine is a very divided country between the rest of us in the east and the nationalists in the west and in belarus it seems to be a universal across the society as well i mean from the middle since actuals immense through to the factories and university rejects its shank and the peacefulness of the process the votes just as the organizers took them off sky air and several made it absolutely clear they want to have a peaceful process and also the lack of to politics if you remember john mccain the u. S. Senate was on my down making speeches about freedom we are with the people which was to say that we reject the democrats key elected president on a cove a show that everyone hates him and he was a terrible president. And appeal to the crowds there where is the protest is in better russia have made it clear that this is not you this fight while i dream of you that probably has grass roots promise in our largely void of geopolitics im not trying to you can. Really come across this way and they can stay this way because that clearly a lot of adjure is quite trying to use those products to advise their to political interests going on because the problem is better answer is getting dragged in slowly to the chip lets stand off between russia and the west i mean you can assess just being in brussels you just met with my crohns shes just about to meet with merkel and my problem is you know they they have agendas too that they have problems with russia but you know its highly. Methyl was i mean see i think just this morning and she was saying that we stand with this other parents with the people and at the same time we believe look the same because knowledge is present president but at the same time we do know want to get involved as you know look politically in this. First english language address to the e. U. Said we want you know sort it out see it please respect the sufferance of the russia in other words this is a fight between the people and there is and then this is a tricky question because when at when you recognize be it tainted in nature or even to try to project land the nature of the boat. You know when you question the legitimacy of the incumbent election can this case its one thing but when you are all annoying to 2nd status and legitimacy to his competitor without actually having an accurate tally of the vote is Something Else entirely. That this is a dispute a question i mean and you probably saw i had a long argument and so its it was when i see it its exactly this point. I say the beginning that we dont know what the actual result however there is some evidence in so much as there were 20 rebel owning stations set released what they claim is the real results of those shows that. Won by an overwhelming majority. Who did that could be that would serve as a proof that the day that the vote or the elections were a free and fair you cant take that as a measure or as a pro of you know another person and as it is my my problem is that at its core its ultimately substituting internal election german legitimacy with. An outside recognition and its at its core to tell to me deciding for the people thats exactly what the question is doing here is deciding for the people isnt the e. U. With as much criticism of him as it provides isnt actually doing the. I think just siding for the dollar russian people that the issue here is to what extent are we comforted that he lost he claims he won 80 percent of the official result was 81. 00 he has not behaved as a president who won 80 percent of the. No gration the rebel polling stations we have numbers and those numbers in order those stations so a landslide they say and also there was this just to be on that based on the official results also says 70 percent and finally when the progovernment demonstrations have been organized no one sends up if he just met the and really. Cant be the name of the recent tracking to the question of what the look of shock is legitimate im not im not having that argument i think there are lots of additives that these these elections werent free and fair and that hes legitimacy as a leader is that very very questionable my question is a friend again should meet a c. M. That he had lost at that is a legitimate representative of the belarusian people that she had this status you need call shape last say aid package as she did on behalf of the belorussian people and the reason im asking these is not because im trying to put you know a look of shock and the e. U. On the sax a moral footing because the means that it is it used to procedure and and in this particular example it is not it is made to be serving assumptions that the problem is that i just miss a as president you know the levins as i say of putting up president names is that the central Lesson Committee its all of that so theres no possibility of a recount and theres no possibility to check which means there has to be another election if we question that this is a this is something that the e. U. May well cross for but its not doing that it is saying that we recognize directly or indirectly by accepting it and also get at that behind us level in brussels. That she is the leader and that if youre reading into it that the only people who actually recognized. What they said and if you had seen as careful about this they have not recognized that dissent is the gist missy but only the latvians have said that shes actually president better dont you respect them in the economy and we can become very legalistic here and both look at shankar and the russian government has a long tradition of being legalistic that if you accept somebody of the highest level and enough good has been accepted by it but it hasnt all european institutions hes negotiating a package for democrats want to get all this thing that annoys her with the status even without you know putting it formal press release out i mean its also about symbols is it not yeah but you know i mean negotiating is a loaded term i mean shes gone suppressors and shes talking to them by except to ask who exactly as who and that i mean as the a member of the coordination house which is a self appointed buddy in order to negotiate but you know in that sense we see she normally won the elections or at least the likes of falsified im not sure but then they set up as a party to have a negotiation and then its working about Transitional Government and a new election so this is being the position. And in that as the semi official head of the Opposition Movement is why shes being received in brussels but i wouldnt say shes negotiating in so much as theres no legal force to any of these scuffs its having to listen to these cow autocrats and being posing champions over democracy abroad altima to play into each others hands because they provide for these and national and all geopolitics and grassroots democratic initiatives because look at how they can now go and say yes see they recognize her without even counting their ballots and you know that and they days out to get me you will be 1st on the oh. Mentally reinforcing each having narratives and. You know making them so much difficulty much more difficult will all actors from grassroots movements you crash for Democratic Change without being accused or without being branded as a for an actor and i agree like i said in the beginning of this comments that you know its getting dragged into this chip political game and at the same time sick enough. Said in her comments that she has been a bit more demanding of the e. U. In so much that she thinks more pressure needs to be put on and so she is acting more president ial by taking that like shes made that decision on their own and shes shes not like its anything at this point. But she she remains the face and europe remains convinced that not only were the elections totally legitimate she probably won the gold down the line everybody is saying that no ones going to make a president. That there has to be new elections and with those been ballots there has to be because you need a definitive number on how many votes she wants and thats simply not available and we have to take a very short break now we will be back in just a few moments stay tuned. For back door to. Door behind 40 percent. Of our group. Everything that you. Just said it is a political bit. But it. Would. I managed to finish it oh my gosh. They are has been. A godsend. In a manner that any other men dont hate. The skin or. Any. Kind of system definition in. Illness or the news. My name is stuck. On the old social media system jackson wanted on teacher. To put it on there was a. Point when you know weve got to get it out. To cause you need to move. You know. These kids and i used to make it very very easy i had no food to leave school and drug use to people. Who. You know. Who people who comes to clubs do really hes trying to feed. Music but. I see jobs because he makes me company i love he does because he beats me and copy playing with him. And when you go to. Bed. Because its backed up my ass. Loves you down. I doubt. You are. Welcome back to worlds apart a bit better on terrorists etta james b. N. A. In telling us up but i want to charge on another news bomb to get us on in september and im talking about be allowed to poison the ok at russian opposition politician alex a number we should not only triggered all the middle year and narratives in both russia and the west but i think it actually made us seriously. And in line out the war changed the post whole war relationship between russia and germany there is now a real prospect of a hole in the construction of the noise stream pipeline ad if that happens if that comes to pass i am absolutely sure that the e. U. Russian or russian german relationship will qualitatively change now that you are a longtime russian what chair when you know are presented to me is like that its so many ham complications and then and to ground currents how do you how do you go about making sense. Be any sense focus on the business the economics and its a nice frame of reference because you know its like the fun of the money thing if you say this or the north stream theres a lot of lets. Be perceptive piece if they the u. S. Is looking you know now theyre producing gas in excess and they want to export theyre on a g. Clearly the commercial aspects of this story play in this story and being the issue with no stream is. Basically that it cuts ukraine out of the transit routes from russia and western europe feel like russias been bullying ukraine but if you look at the economics i mean that talking about Energy Security however. In the seventys eightys russia was responsible for 70 or 0. 80 europes gas thats foreign in the meantime to about 3540 percent so europe is already diversified away from russian gas and that having this new i plan the most stream to that russia will to live in exactly the same amount of gas as its now so theres no increase in dependency on russia the problem is the and he Security Issues because when they went through the pipeline to ukraine because of the terrible relationships between russia and ukraine and because of ukraine being effectively bankrupt it couldnt pay its gas and gas from turned off in 2006 and people are taking this as a Political Action whereas it was actually an economic one and germany the reason why they key in on this pipeline its actually increases their Energy Security because it goes directly from what it is it is actually clear that they are so keen on these pipelines anymore because in market herself as that quote and all and if theres evidence that there is such at all sure going to get him to be. Allowed to poisoning or somebody like the bali and the set huge implications huge an economic terms. What does it tell you that was dramatic i mean medical suggested she didnt say explicitly shes jested. That no strain to pipeline may not be complete because of. His asking for the kremlin you know to be accountable of the self accounts its what actually happened which is news and i see said i mean this whole affair open about his poisoning good mom. Dramatic change in attitudes because madeleine who doesnt have a very good were working relationship i mean they both have to deal with the geopolitics but all such i mean as a major investor russia has literally 10 times more Companies Working in russia than any other european has more than all the others put together. And if that relationship changes if. Its like now were going to do it here as an e. U. Entity rather than german russian and say thats amazed change and thats a major blow to russia i think they not only wheezing stories a very particular kind of story because it falls into a very special category for me that characterized by 2 features why that is extreme visibility everybody has heard about it and the 2nd one is very little no ability there are very very few established facts and the most Critical Data this case now all these test results im being held by germany the test results and the formula of the allowed to poison that being held by germany even though one would think that one of the most revealing things would be to compare the test results that not only had in russia and windows test results and when that were produced when he was just not entirely true one of them i didnt want to possibly hold germany back i checked into this that the issue here is no its not is actually a military its nerve agent chemical when the responsible authority is the the international and as i said chemical weapons and that what happens is its not its not only becomes a by last way shoot everything has to go through the o. P. C. And that germany has submitted that information and lesser is a member of that organization and is entitle to access the data through the o. P. C. W. So as far as the protocol is consent germany and russia have nothing to do with this now but only c w as are very controversial are going to say sure because immediately you know what getting both here is the. Call squeeze anything and the old be a legend das stories of using chemical weapons in syria and you know better than i do that then number of western scientists who work mediocre c. W. And who are on record to die means on record complaining about the pressure put on them by western security agencies to provide the result favorable to that conclusion so you dont trust the data on the overriding you dont fret trust the russian process how inclined he tries the o. P. C. W. Protest and even be hes terrio that are going to say shit and then roll it has been playing these geopolitical games between russia and the west i grant you that if you see somebody is going to spot it history and has had problems in the past and that undermines its just missin is the 3rd. Nevertheless everyone signed up to this chemical weapons treaty its the one thats in force and is the one that has to be for that and its a good situation and then you can ask questions as to you know whether theyre playing again super scoopers. Im done and if im putting on its suit school that you know im aware of the reports that its actually full and that in the past and that raises a question i have now which it isnt at you literalistic a position for germany to take in duty if you are so concerned about human rights about the yeah you know you be use of chemical weapons out on the character of europe about their russias track record of dealing with opposition figures its ok about germany i mean germanys nothing but bureaucratic i mean theyre. Very elastic and theyre doing this by the book which is to release it says the o. P. C. 72 and then the protocol say that it has to be checked independently by 2 other people which was france and sweden. They present know each other thats me i would agree i say why not share the dates directly with russia because it would be just a right not to Say Something joint investigation and then you can have russian and german investigators on both sides. Yes and that would mean you must be kind of the red tape and increase the transparency of the time i see a 100 percent with you on that i think because we want to skate this like you said this i mean the consequences of this could be significant and if thanks very much chairman russian relations so you dont want that nobody wants that and by sticking to the parts of the book you know i see increased tensions and it is to my mind im not really clear why they are sharing it but nevertheless the protocols are very clear in the o. P. C. Germanys doing exactly what its supposed to ok lets move to the free syria have all be of the month that i want to ask you about that if the. They renewed who are between as ever john and i mean and i am absolutely am taken aback by the coverage of what is going on because. I think this whole conflict shows the degree task nature off in 4 wars because i dont know if youve seen the other day but that at least went on television accusing. The Prime Minister i mean you know being a puppet the sorest question you know that he was the leave all being a dictator assy any of that matter is he in the in the case of a territorial conflict that didnt show that. You know were all so taken aback by this narrative of you know democracy purses that talk receive sattar at that even when they have nothing to general parties immediately employ dance here or you know get somebody on their side and name calling between as it goes on and i mean i mean its been going on for decades the whole oh im not going to kind of back issue has been rankling since the fall of the soviet union and the propaganda. President s in both countries have been using it as a Political Tool to rally National Feelings and ensuring elections and what have you and its been festering we i was in i suppose on so insists the Russian Agency and they were complaining that in be any we have the news of armenia next as about john and could we not move it to a magazine that was saints or did. This is insane but it just highlights me you know how the embassy the scene thats so when this fighting begins its natural that they start pulling each other name its got very emotional very suddenly both calling each other when it means but using familiar themes to you or attract support today is sad and one of the one of the other things that struck me is how little coverage there is both in russia and europe about treaties role in all of that because undoubtedly both brussels and the girl in moscow extremely concerned about the role turkey is playing essentially adding i stand by john on that im not making any secret of that secretary who came up pretty quickly. And it was everybody because turkey here has the rhetoric has changed that so hes always been a supporter as a potion and. Has and so he supports it in principle but now and again has come out hes basically saying theyre going to put supports at mits wrist. And then that raises also support him so hes a member of nato of course. And i mean use member the lets get your organization with russia so theres a possible scenario with sex and the russians so just stop fighting and like 5 maids. I mean these things have been floated none of that is actually very like this will you sit it out its not likely but the valley de armenia officially accused turkey all far shooting down its plane over its own territory now nobody took it seriously and that everybody is sort of treating it as a fake without admitting to it that none of the sides has also released and that none of the radar data that they are in possession and. I dont really sure that that Something Like this is like a serious peeing often a guy gassed in russias last military alliances really all the cars because you need seems like all being all the parties and trying all the warring parties ill try to draw as much support in as they can i mean i think the end of this is definitely going to be to politico i mean the thing with the collective security unite so that its again its open sakes so if you from a tank of turkish territory not military. Soldiers are killed in the only or anywhere else outside then the fight doesnt get treated so you know thats why those consensus less likely but as you say everybody is reaching for that you have political power as opposed on sticky and i mean its a russia and i think the resolution of this is this going to be a nasty would its going to go on for maybe months as john in an already projects its. Almost as if its mediate because the fighting is too early on that people are now battling to see what territory they can get and i think when the fighting settles down and the lines are drawn and people realize that theyre not going to move forward or backwards then theyre going to send to the other players but he has serious interests in the region so does russia is actually friends with both as a john and i mean. They want to see a resolution to this but then theres a lot of. Political capital to be done in the negotiation that follows between russia and even the other while back its been a fascinating talking to you we have running out of time to have to put an end to it now but thank you very much for sharing a part of it and if mr president youll call what she has hope to hear again next week on a world apart. Is youll be via reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Aura made in the shallowness. Always be polite never engage with a negative aided or confrontational. Dont get into any conversation or start answering questions just ask for an attorney. To survive in the territories. Definitely dont want to be going to try to jump on cups. Youre more likely to walk free if youre rich and guilty or if youre poor and. Youve got 2 eyes and 2 ears and one mouth. So you should be seen in here and a whole lot more than youre saying if you dont take that advice easy going to dig your. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race in. This very Dramatic Development that only. Exists i dont see how it will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Or headline stories a week of hostilities between armenia and azerbaijan brings devastation to know. With relentless shelling the local capital reports from the area. To massive explosions in the very center of the city 250 millimeter. It is a massive rocket the fighting spills beyond the disputed region as a border city and. By artillery fire also in the stories that shaped this week. Im not here to call out those lies Everybody Knows hes a liar theres nothing smart about you joe what do you. Know your number. The 1st president ial debates before the u. S. Election descended into

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