Is occupying the region will return to peace and harmony. Also stepping into the ring donald trump and joe biden face off for the 1st time in the u. S. President ial debates. With valeries still gripped in a political crisis the french president makes the countrys self exiled Opposition Leader and agrees to mediate in the face of. It watching Aussie International up next to its crosstalk. Hello and welcome to where all things are considered Peter Lavelle as election day approaches there are growing concerns whether the outcome will be contested whether the election will be legitimate we are told this election truly matters were always told this however this time around theres a different feel theres an existential. Quality to disallow action how many voters will say not my president after november 3rd. To discuss this and more im joined by my guest shot in reston she is a political advisor and commentator as well as the founder of republican women for i. D. And in las vegas we cross to rory he is a republican strategist right across the rules in effect that means he can jump in anytime you want and i was appreciate what he was going to rory in las vegas you know as you heard in my introduction a lot of people are considering this election is the next essential one meaning its you know black and white it is its a bloodsport to the end and give and they and the victor will vanquish the losers here ok thats not a lot of the media has been trained is that a really good idea to do that because the country is already so terribly divided we have these Health Conditions and then there is the questions about balloting here i mean how is it a lot of hyperbole or is there pretty much on the mark rory what do you think you know a few weeks ago i may have answered that question with that is a lot of hyperbole yesterday in minneapolis we saw that the brother of a City Council Member was driving around with 300 ballots in his car in express violation of minnesota law which allows for one person have up to 3 ballots on their person or to act as a custodian for up to 3 ballots so i mean you know american politics has become increasingly tribal and i do think there is valid concern by by certain parties we know the same question to you i mean ive heard a number of these stories here. Of custody issues with ballots and that should make us all very concerned but it doesnt merit the kind of rhetoric that were hearing as we get close to lection day ahead. This in plain rhetoric this really is hateful rhetoric against both sides as if it all wore its head because wed know that the Republican Party for example has been doing this i would stop North Carolina for yours and in other places in the south this is very branch of science point the finger at my mother because we know that our heart was practice and better we had Many Americans so we have to go our staff really and playing both sides of the for what i really believe that style that will lead us we will rightly walk about as well as i just want to put it very bluntly we dont have that voters and. We went last but the type of leadership we saw that can be that people dont want to go because they dont trust the sense that right and no leader has stepped forward that look both sides are wrong here and thats why i think people like trump sometimes because in fact. If i were very blunt we will be here these are our usual tiles and it seems that were already have a solution campbell but randi i think thats extremely well put because. I think oh you know all of this is interested in politics i mean we everyone knows that theres some fiddling on the margins ok but it usually doesnt determine the outcome here now or in a situation now where you know you know we may have very Strong Political differences but the need to for the 1st time in my life and example it would be out there will be legitimate get mean thats a pretty scary thought ok because as i said in my introduction how many millions of people will say not my president after the election thats it up as you know were scared not go ahead very well only one candidate in this election has said that they plan to this has said treat them to believe that they plan to contest the outcome of the election and thats joe biden you know donald trump has said that hes going to you you know make sure that the Republican National committee the Republican National were so sure. Plans to have lawyers in place to make sure there is a free and Fair Election joe biden is sure his surrogates have said plainly they plan to contest they plan to let me rephrase that contest the outcome lecture but not but not concede if they lose prior to contesting in enclosed states im sure they are preemptively theyre clearing a court battle were all the president trying to said is that he wants to ensure that it is a free and Fair Election and i think there is you know ballot how you know about read and write about harvesting about harvesting is a great point youre seeing ballot harvesting across the country either legally on video this week well and then only that but really dont go back to you and say you know we had these elections in new york state and it took weeks to find out the count coming weeks ok and thats and thats a blue state so im not im not really sure you know you can point to being read a party youre looking at a process year and considering how charged things things are i mean i guess hard for me to imagine how people are going to feel particularly those who feel strongly about the candidate so be willing to wait for days even weeks for an outcome that of course opens up the the possibility that somethings going on that we dont know whats going on and thats going to throw it out of the out come into doubt even more so this is its a process problem here that the party if i was only had passed out on the entire pot class right away from the average american now this is a possible contract because different parties are going to focus on what or whom in power for example the republicans are at this point im more worried if theyre going. To present trump here what more great who are wealthy what are. The matter what joe bidens doing hes not occur on or off with him so who whoevers in power who who are occupying office and what he wants or i mean its just thats an unusual statement was. What happened while back we worried but what president could be fine with a bomb with all our chemistry its you know and im not saying it will be brought on right i just think its under his leadership and so what we. Were is a modern american presence in reluctance to either anything but couldnt fight fire and whats more i really well President Trump any hope you have with a republican like well who did it well were going to i think stand because what i need a strong decisive leadership already the pandemic of a bible the lives of women like me you know today for my children is getting in the middle of my work its changed our lives forever and so the way ballots are handled right now is almost to my point so what i want somebody who is strong to fight you know what well that or what happens or have a peaceful transition of power i will act with the outcome of this and well accept and im just not hearing back in parts at chop back i worry that there will be more violence you know i mean lets face it you brought up the issue of violence right i really wish some prominent democrats would condemn the violence that weve seen for the last few months in americas major cities here and you just wont do that and i find that to be so disheartening because you know you cant blame what happened to many out abolitionists did isnt transpo and that you can blame trump for a lot of things and not use the president ok but he didnt do that ok but i didnt see democrats pushing back on it and this goes back on the competence thing i mean you know this is this election supposed to be the worse the better it in a bats case its really the worse for the people is not the worst of the politicians go head right well it does it has a great point i mean you know who read it read a tax about it president trying tacitly being ok with who are the president trying to go ok with violence in the streets ive never heard anything like that from his kids from his campaign what i have seen. Again is is basement heightened by has not you know done anything to condemn the Democratic Leaders in minneapolis can osha wisconsin and these places where cities are literally on fire and you have democratic incumbents in the United States house of representatives calling these beautiful protests you have elected Democratic Leaders saying that calling 911 when someone when your house is being blurred burglarized is White Privilege where is joe biden saying these people dont represent the Democratic Party in freeness asking donald trump to disavow every you know ever everything said by every republican i would ask where is the titular leader of the Democratic Party in disavowing elected democrats who are advocating permissable violence. You want to reply to that meaning you know worry yet you bring up a good point about that lets look at the person at the top isnt a speck didnt always right everybody but when he was part of my party is wrong 1st they thought theyd get out of step with me right but this is a yes in words these are his action when he had his troops essentially a mix of federal and local Law Enforcement hell at the protesters was rubber bullets and tear gas and he wanted to opportunity dont want the church and got a look at where this rant was fundamentally wrong thats him using the Law Enforcement for what he wants to do for his day and im just judging him based on what hes doing i agree with you its unfair to ask a leader to disavow everything that everybody in their right hes doing and we should use that same standard for joe biden how can anything or everything will elect a democrat that is because theyre saying you know almost you know giving giving rise to a war by when we went by great ive been concerned about pat i dont like looters and arsonists play no and peaceful our peaceful protests that happen in this country i was a hallmark of democracy where one of the most beautiful things on strike the constitution is our right to go out in the streets and protest there are always going to be bad actors and i think that elected democrats have im not a democrat let me just be honest about that ive never voted for one its all this year and i just think that elected that white house had done enough to disavow thats all but also its unfair to judge them based on these bad actors and if they were in a moment where we just have to judge the leaders by what they say and im worried about the president s words but. I wonder what you would like i think the year because i am 3 of us in our viewers im sure believe in the institution of democracy because it should be same present you know and even one person one vote and then you know even then you accept the outcome here and what i find very very disappointing is that you dont have one prominent republicans and probably democrats coming together for this. The sake of the election itself the process ok because you know what again how many people would say not my president because of the missteps and miss spoken as of the our leaders ill even throw in donald trump better enough ok but a lot is at stake here and i dont think i dont see leadership coming from the Political Class as it were certainly the liberal media as being irresponsible the atrociously here this is a very fragile thing i dont think people understand how easy it is to reduce that rory so i think if the democratic controlled legislatures in minnesota colorado and nevada name 3 easy states were not insistent on mailing voters mailing to inactive voters who are uninsured ballot piles of ballots 200 ballots high collecting that apartment about a collecting at a at apartment complexes thousands of ballots going to dead voters if if the legislatures in those states controlled by democrats democratic governors in all of those states if they were putting in place strong Election Security measures and family members of all democratic elected officials were not flaunting you dont hundreds of the legal ballots and it was clear that the Democratic Party was concerned with ballot integrity and Election Integrity i think that would go a long way and the democrats would be able to claim some moral high ground here theyd be able to say we want to have a safe election because of coat it but we need to act but you know we want to make sure that it is it is recognized as a legitimate but in no state the Republican National committee has had to shoot in multiple states to keep ballots in mask from being made to inactive oftentimes to see not ok on that point and were going to get it were going to go show break were going to talk about litigating this election here im going to jump in you know were going to go to a short break and after a short break well continue our discussion on the upcoming president ial election stay with our team. World is driven by a dream shaped by. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. The us economy was booming growing numbers of people made homeless. You can work 40 hours d in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the land of opportunity the reality of it is were not financially equality and im not comfortable housing or living minimum wage give many people no choice you know thats been a problem with the city knows turn to bitch and told me stay away i dont miss. The food that there is no answer because yes that requires resources the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become the invisible cops. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Welcome back to crossfire where all things are considered im here about a minute were talking about the possible problems with the upcoming president ial election. But lets go back to reno. A little gating the election design the 1st part of the program there lets talk about this in your mind you think this is going to end up in the Supreme Court i mean considering the hyperbole weve heard in the whole of the thread simply repaint no concession where is your army of lawyers your lawyers you know your blinders here i mean its in the making its happening as we speak ok and we have of course we have only 8 justices on the court there is theres a high possibility a great possibility that well have a 91. Before the election here you think were going to need that 9th i judge considering whats going on at the empty aims of the election well heres what weve been calling wind so our conventional when you go to when we step up with anything when we were to well you know i mean polling we were brought here by got false reasons very much i think back and i mean swing states where same dynamics change as well and so i think its anyones guess but we said be prepared to go to the highest court in the land yes we will need but i have jobs just as though i do believe president ial when he slides back by just a term and what we were going to happen because i was where we gon during question or in florida but i feel i was really kind of you know his we revisit it without a great home in charge and so. I mean as well as my like im fat and im feeling very nervous about the future because i want even to. Court my friends who are planning to go or president shopping again which i want to live im supporting job im 5 friends who were he deserves a reelection theyre worried you know so its over so you can point theres no telling where were going to cut spending. Ok ok ok well i mean i think theres one thing ok im willing to agree with you because the polls were off enough for is that is everyone says but they were often enough to really miss the election which is it thats it you know its not you cant win you know that women were president ok so we so we have that you throw in polling there is the shy trump voter out there thats a real phenomenon and its a very rainy day and then you have this liberal media that is invents things left right and center makes accusations claims and then theyre never held to account and people believe a lot of these Horror Stories and its to the detriment of the democratic process ok and then we throw in the Supreme Court here. I certainly believe theres nothing rory in my mind and im a conservative i dont have anything to do with the g. O. P. Im a conservative but you know i look at trump at face value and his tweets i wish he would stop tweeting ok its not to his benefit ok anyway but theres nothing and ive seen from him that youve got to have to get the military and remove him from the oval office i mean i thats just simply absurd ok i mean if he loses and he loses in the Supreme Court well hell start his own network and you know write a fox and hell be right back in the game ok so you come down everybody look at ari i dont i dont think the Supreme Court will have to get involved i dont think this will be election will be decided in litigation if you look at all the polls right now in all the suing states even states like nevada which i would call you know sort of 2nd tier swing states theyre within 2 points right so i think what has happened is in the in the final weeks and possibly in the debates you know there will be a clearly decisive momentum for either of the 2 candidates and which will give each either the true candidates a bump by 2 or 3 points enough to carry enough of the swing states where within the Electoral College it is not. Close it may be close in a lot of individual states but in the Electoral College it will not be close enough to make any sort of reasoned contention you know i mean one of the things i think we could draw up i mean because i do see that its going to be extremely problematic come november 3rd i mean theres going to be delays there sons some states he can count mail in ballots when you get them in other states you can only count them when the election is over and you know every single there are 50 states there are 50 different ways of doing it apparently here but isnt that something that we really should learn from you know the voter rolls and things like that i mean i used to live in california and every single election there was a scandal about voter rolls because you know theyre overly purged under purged you know it is this really a wake up call for we want to avoid this kind of rancor the country doesnt need is it this should be a concerted effort to really get the election machinery much more uniform without violating states rights im a conservative but we should have we should have comfort when we go in vote if we vote by mail or through proxy or in person then we dont have to worry about this because we already have shenanigans all over the place and we know that the mechanism itself is already and it needs a a 2nd look or 4th or 5th how many times it takes to make sure people have confidence which you agree with i am glad you bring that up here because when something that we call our problem talking till the wee morning hours. Oh my its a homicide that most americans dont want more of our i mean for our actions are lots of where we have been talking thats what im all for a while he im pointing out we did not do the right i was right up against him for good or what we need for running towards our actions more secure we want to hear your answer for was. What some of that. However we know who the impact because its possible to measure electronic voting is so new in this country if you dont look at how are we going to know if john boy bob in my home state of West Virginia had been municipality where we talk where being the clerk up how is he going to know if he was in or if its machines were temper whether you know whether whatever we want to use the phrase for people without where you might go above all. Elections were interfered with and thats whats worrying me is that weve taken no steps in this country and it should come from the federal government i believe and look im a lifelong concern where they say the federal government releases on the how the other approach this was one area where we thought it out as far as money im secure her actions we might not be in such a hard contract when we just what about this will happen because people are scared of the whole process so again were being done to secure the process no more information or education how the process can be more of a bill and it got worse i got of americans voting. I know i just did just a tiny bit there im much more greeted by people really not its theyd split the states in counties that you know that ok is that proving people in charge that you people are going to prison for it ok so but you are your point yes i agree with you 100 percent and i think its something they do is actually not that difficult to understand it is not brought up very much ok you know i mean every ounce to vote so you know you know we used to believe it was dispassionate you know now theres growing suspicions you know in the end with good reason and we need always always need more and more transparency thats the solution to this more transparency really got mad very the fact that rita found a way to attack them and not the majority leader here though is quite skillful enough now youre going to you get. Every single vote in the Republican Senate and as much federal funding as anyone wanted voter id if you required an id to vote as part of that bill every single republican in the senate would be on board but they fact democrats do not want to shape them Fair Elections they dont i mean there are laws in many states that that you know theyre its technically not fraud because its legal but it van but it vantage questionable voting states where states where you can vote by bringing a lease that was signed yesterday in the state of wisconsin you know there are so again if the true concern was an Election Integrity show when id get to vote and every single republican vote the senate would be on board but and im to be right i call that legal fraud ok is it its legal fraud here you know i mean i guess very well its partly by the way if youre a conservative like myself here i mean you know if you need i. D. To get on an airplane if you need i. D. Keep it. Open up a bank account i dont understand why you dont need id to go vote if youre sending that you know i mean and im not trying to be discriminatory here that i know in my lifetime ive known countless number of people that have immigrated to the United States who are very proud americans and theyre very proud that they can vote because the country they came from they didnt have a fair vote and so having that id be saying i am an american citizen i can vote you know how prideful people feel that way i know a lot of people the left dont ok but i know a lot of people that feel that prime that that is such an important right for them that so Many Americans actually take for granted go ahead were well im im one of the government im going to grow you know why who i want my core i want to hear who platform i want to general cuomo appointments i thought. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa my wife your parents and friends were all they were all right. So. Here i want well what i think great about what people are going to hear on for our country is ad hoc where dollars but what were were operating for coping with what will go on as well because you have to me because the popular in politics and all i want democrats are really perpetual d. And what we can west papuan and thats sort of a 4 well i mean but there is of course a walk ons for everything i read all the other a lot of what i do agree with ethos and. A lot i think of jobs all well as a part of our party about why it will go to. Someone who want to. Do lots of for about who you know a lot of people who dont think until i think aunt is power thats what they want ok its not because oh well he works hard to be you know he pays taxes he shouldnt write a book well thats a thats the courts should decide that ok we are on the fact of the matter the fact of the matter is is its a decision she it gives you certain rights if you do not have citizenship you do not have those rights ok its one of the very few rights you dont have any living in america here so you know for me the way the democrats lately in liberals say its for democracy you know its for their own power again thats what they want and they want to change the electorate thats what they want to do and thats why we need to have these clean elections because theres going to be half the countries are going to say and i mark my words i feel very strongly about this theyre going to say we got cheated ok we got cheated ok ask Bernie Sanders a supporter what it feels like and they did it to him twice ok all right last 20 seconds go to rory there in las vegas. I mean i agree with your point that without Fair Elections without clean elections there is going to be a plenty of people who say that we got cheated and i am hopeful that. You know whichever Campaign Wins you know provided it is election free of fraud free you know free of tampering that i believe there will be if you know a peaceful transition of power that is the will of the voters. In this country for you already and weena fingers crossed thats the key to what had begun i guess the rest in a las vegas one of our viewers who are watching us here are d. C. Next time remember us. Is youll be via reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation and community. Are you going the right way or are you being that. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us on the depth. All remain in the shallowness