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The territory it is occupying the region were trying to peace and harmony. Also stepping into the ring donald trump and joe biden face off for the 1st time in the u. S. President ial debate. And with Valerie Still gripping a political crisis the french president meets the countrys self exiled Opposition Leader and agrees to mediate in negotiations. A warm welcome to you this is our c. N. N. International with me. Our top story the u. N. Security council has called for an immediate end to clashes currently gripping the borders of asia and europe the nations of armenia and azerbaijan are into a 3rd day of conflict in most of the worst flare up of a longstanding territorial dispute since the signing of a truce in 1994 violence erupted on sunday with a bow. Still laying claim to the nagornokarabakh region well these are exclusive pictures filmed by an r. T. Crew in nagornokarabakh you can see parts of the drone that was shot down by Armenian Armed forces during the fighting our crew is so far the only media granted access to the area by the armenian author. Dollops that is a report from the site filmed with a night vision camera right now were between the positions of the Armenian Army which is over there and the as they are by joining forces which are stationed right over this hill and here is the debris of a massive unmanned drone that was shot down by the Armenian Defense this is the main piece but not the only one in fact theres still a distinctive stench of burning up in the air which means it was shot down literally hours before we arrived here in fact where the 1st International News crew allowed here by the Armenian Forces here is school and everybody has to walk over a huge like pieces of metal like this and well this marks yet another day of deadly clashes between. The disputed region of nagornokarabakh and as they are by john not by turkey in fact amenia accused by john of attacking its soil today which means that probably conflict spilled over the borders of this disputed region but were being told that we have to hurry we have to rush it is not safe here so we have to wrap up i will be bringing you more of this as we go more of this as a stay here im done of reporting from the disputed region of nagornokarabakh. As the by john meanwhile has strongly rejected claims that it bombed armenian territory this is 1st to the azerbaijani city tars are close to the no go or no care about region the Nations Defense ministry claims armenian shells hit civilian targets while a local Court Building along with some housing was left damaged to. Me while most International Journalists are still awaiting permission to enter and report from azerbaijan among them all Senior Correspondent mark. Another day and there is still be no response from the by chinese side to all the journalists and correspondents and Media Outlets that have. Followed requests for entry to as if i john to be allowed to work and to cover the conflict from the as if i tried inside so far they have been ignoring every request and nobodys been able to get anon so weve heard directly excuses about the wartime emergency said about john weve also heard directly to survive new flights going through is that about john but there are flights from here from istanbul for example to but to with regards to what is happening on the ground there has been unfortunately more escalation parable videos emerging from the conflicts are very difficult to verify for now but showing an countable number of vehicles tanks armored personnel carriers destroyed. Videos showing infantry being shot down corpses lining fields theres also beat unfortunately an escalation with the weapons that are being used now were hearing reports of. Multiple rocket launchers systems being deployed to the combat zone i mean ia coming out saying that about johns actions and leave them no option but to deploy long range much more powerful weapons. Casualties of course also unfortunately mounting is headed by john has just come out saying 10 civilians have died 30 have been killed in what they claim was meenie and shelling the side yesterday said that in the 1st 2 days of combat. 86 soldiers have been killed hundreds hundreds more wounded were also seeing an escalation on the diplomatic front there is growing outrage among the International Community on the global stage leader after leader nation after nation call in and both sides said deescalate but of course getting them to stop shooting is the most difficult part noticeably absent though from this chorus of International Leaders that are calling for calm calling for deescalation is turkey edouard has firmly backed the head by judging side laying the blame for the conflict entirely on the armenians. By john talked i once again condemn a media who attacked me soil on sunday turkey will continue to stand by his friend and brother in azerbaijan by all means and with all its heart it is time to bring an end to the regional crisis started with the occupation of new goanna karabakh when some media immediately leaves the territory it is occupying the region will return to peace and harmony russia also trying to mediate a cease fire station of hostilities off the Vladimir Putins telephone conversation with the leaders of both sides i mean and this is about john the u. N. Secretary general calling the by johnny president aliyev yesterday imploring him to cease hostilities if imploring him to return to negotiations and going to merkel among the latest leaders that to call both sides again asking them to do the same to stop shooting into the return to the goshi ations the Un Security Council session has also been set to discuss what the International Community can do to bring this violence to an end. However both sides are brushing off any peace talks it comes as a media has claimed one of its jets was shot over it so no space you have on blame turkey for the down there which reportedly left the pilot dead on correct and azerbaijan both strongly deny involvement speaking exclusively to Russian Media the president s of armenia and azerbaijan put their points across early on tuesday. Turkey is actually involved in the process of Warfare Instructors and high ranking personnel. We have information that turkey is seeking a reason for a wider involvement in this conflict. Turkey is giving us moral support and were grateful to the turkish government and turkish people for solidarity in standing by there is no other role turkeys taking into the conflict. This is already an established fact turkish you have 16 jets have been taking any part in the fighting its easy to prove that its just another provocation. Turkey is recruiting mercenaries in syria and taking them to as a vision to fight in the war against nagornokarabakh. All the rumors of turkey participating in the conflict spread by the armenian side are a provocation as its common to say today this is fake news there is no evidence of turkeys involvement theyre going to care about is one of several border disputes remaining from the collapse of the soviet union the republic seceded from azerbaijan in 1988 and declared itself independent however the enclave predominantly populated by armenians is not widely recognized as an independent state with more background on the conflict is. A region nestled in the Caucasus Mountains caught between armenia and azerbaijan is now in the global spotlight how did nagornokarabakh get to this trouble point the disputed territory has a rich history having lived under many rulers and kingdoms before seeing out the final days of the russian empire 917. 00 came the empire collapsed 918. 00 came as a page on an armenia became independent historically armenian nagornokarabakh saltys were clear but azerbaijan tried again and again to take back control armenia and azerbaijan independence that was short lived in 1920 they were incorporated into the soviet union. In a corner carpark wanted a referendum to join our media but Joseph Stalin had other plans based on the need for National Peace between muslims and armenians and the economic ties of the upper and lower karabakh its permanent ties with as regime leave nagornokarabakh within the as was john soviet socialist republic giving it broad regional autonomy with the Administrative Center in the shushi which is part of the autonomous region for more than 6. Decades armenia tried to repeal the decision with no success then in the late eightys the people of nagornokarabakh started that own campaign to unite with armenia ofter a vote they declared their allegiance to in 1988 which was rejected by both moscow and but could do. Anything. Millions protested in both countries buildings were torched businesses were attacked military conflict started in the disputed area but nothing changed moscow had made its decision. Very or from points of view. As advisor on. Terror. Agreed. And. Soviet socialist. On the. Right and. From the army view point they regard your bones. Just on that then just needed to be right because most of the. Records are on the. 3 years later and 99 to one the u. S. S. R. Collapsed but still nothing changed. Then started the bloodiest clash the regions of a scene and total an estimated 30000. 00 were killed and 1000000. 00 what displaced finally in 1994 a fragile vosh could truce came into effect if you want to meet with the new. Well theres these enormous we who are many and i think. The. Military rules are russia was a very good. Riddance and a russians who need. Both sides. And i think it came at the right time. There was just more than no resources and there was more than the. One where you know. Its not a who hes. Just for us. To cease rather than hes since that minute she clashes have periodic leaf flattop and subside it International Players regularly mediate but with all media now considering recognizing the corner kyra back to independence and as a page on unwilling to even discuss it finding Common Ground is increasingly difficult historically when it comes to religion and ethnicity when 2 sides are so convinced of that rightness when generations have been involved in the fight the last in peace is allusive no doubt many are hoping nagornokarabakh proves to be the exception. The battle for the white house is well underway in america as donald trump and joe biden raise the cousin in the 1st a president ial debates the questions for the moderator focused on the Supreme Court Justice David 19 but perhaps as expected there have been plenty of insults and plenty of interjections to. Look at who might come out on top. In the year of covidien out with the old and in with the new when it comes to president ial debates there will be no handshake between the 2 candidates there will be no Live Audience there will just be 2 president ial contenders going head to head in front of t. V. Cameras but aside from the staging everything looks to be pretty normal donald trump is revving up his old insult comedy routine accusing joe biden of having Poor Mental Health and being doped up. Strongly demanding a drug test of Sleepy Joe Biden prior to off to the debate on tuesday night naturally only agreed to take one also his debate performances have been record setting and even to put it mildly only drugs could have cools this discrepancy now the biden camp is taking down old trump quite literally and demanding a drug test meanwhile biden is certainly not short of a bargain or 2 he has just compared donald trump to hitlers chief propagandist you know he says sort of like goebbels you say is a lie long enough keep repeating repeating repeating it becomes Common Knowledge that when it comes to trading blows in the debates biden hopes they will be verbal rather than physical at least this time now the 1st debate is going to cover just a few major issues youve got coded the u. S. Supreme court racism violence and Election Integrity but can anyone really tell the difference between the 2 major candidates. Probably think truth is very. Young but really. Id say 5. Im going to say trump but it could be biden. It seems to me to be. No no. No no no. Its not the. Job or you just crushing reading polls show biden has a pretty solid lead over donald trump however theres still over a month laughs before the final vote however some Media Outlets have already called and said theres really no point in even having debates he and his henchmen are a danger with their comments im a danger to our democracy so i dont want to give him you know why bother. You know he doesnt tell the truth he isnt committed to our constitution president ial debates are a kind of american tradition now at this point its pretty unlikely that the millions of viewers will learn anything new other than some nasty nicknames or a one liner jabs but that wont stop millions from tuning in. Art see new york. Host of politicking on the lets see larry king believes the debates will do little to change peoples political beliefs its impossible to pick a winner and debate i do not think that joe biden and biden will fare poorly i think trump is making a mistake by thinking that all he has to do is just go into the arena and he wins the debate thats not the way it works biden will surely press him the members of the day today about his income tax is the aggressor lets see how aggressive he is this is not a real debate in that each side i go 3 minutes you go 2 minutes i get one minute you get one minute nobody fact checks as to whos telling the truth and whos not. But it is what it is i remember the Kennedy Nixon 1st kennedy mixer debate in 1960 the 1st televised debate and i heard that the debate on the radio and i thought nixon won the debate but if youre sore on television everybody was so on meanwhile that you see about nixon look gray kennedy looks strong so a lot of this depends on how you look i dont think the public watches this open mind you if youre for biden youre for biden tonight you are and if youre for trump youre for trump how many people are undecided thats a question political pundits have asked for years i know of no one undecided in this race sure i think theyll be a tremendous audience for this debate now how much will it count theyll be polling the next couple days as a Vice President ial debate coming in the end i dont think they matter very much i think theyre a wash so well see what we shall see. But the International Pressure on the bell of russian leader with the u. K. And canada hitting president Alexander Lukashenko his son and 6 officials with sanctions the measures include the freezing of assets and a travel ban london has said the restrictions have been introduced to uphold Democratic Values and put pressure on those responsible for quote repression following last months disputed belorussian election the french president has also weighed in on the situation as he promised to help the belorussian Opposition Leader among your mccrackens pledge came as he met with svetlana taken on skype for the 1st time on tuesday arties solid events in paris picks up the story. Well its understood during that meeting which took place in the lithuanian capital that svetlana taken off sky asked for support for fresh president ial elections in belarus and she asked for united european support for change in the country now following the meeting she said that frances president had agreed to help. With the fish and serbia of the just for. You know football for this political crisis in our country he will do everything just to her to release all the blood from brazil well this of course follows a disputed president ial elections in belarus which have seemed widespread protests in the weeks following that some say that she was the spark behind some of those protests there will be a question if perhaps president macron is the right person to mediate in this situation given that he has made his views about belarusian president alexander. Very well known and on the one hand president machen has talked about the fact he doesnt want to see foreign interference in belarus on the other hand he says he has supported or does support the idea of sanctions on the country. Opposition is very clear we do not recognize the election of president lukashenko and therefore we dont recognize his status as president elect. As soon as possible i hope we can take the necessary sanctions but also reengage in indispensable mediation there are diverging opinions on whats happening in belarus for example russia has given its backing to the new term of. President putin saying that the changes that have been put forward to the constitution reforms in the future have been outright rejected by Opposition Leaders the e. U. Meanwhile has says it doesnt support whats happening in belarus it in fact called the integration of president lukashenko being something that was lacking any democratic legitimacy its also described the protesters out on the streets as being brave didnt it to have suggested that it wants fresh elections now present my call has said president lukashenko must go hes been pretty clear about that but presently has hit back saying if that is president mcconnells logic then perhaps he too should have stepped down during the yellow vests protests based on the principles of mr himself following his own logic he should have resigned 2 years ago when the yellow vests started to appear on the streets of paris as an experienced politician to an immature one i want to advise mr micron to look around less and instead finally deal with the internal affairs of france well that meeting comes just ahead of e. U. Leaders who are also due to meet where the topic of belarus is expected to be high up on the agenda with leaders discussing possible sanctions against the country. After the meeting said lorna taken off skier said she had accepted an invitation to address the French Parliament and dependent journalist lucrative a questions however if france is in a good position to arbitrate. But you michael cannot play this role of mediator there should be somebody to mediate if any respect by all parties including mr the question sorry to say so mediating is something that you cannot do from the position where he stands now having after having taken a strong position in support of the opposition. Caught mediate anymore so i dont see anything happening on the side of europe in brussels already in paris so probably the situation will remain the same and europe will reduce its complaints and support this is to come off full and her friends and be for a new trial for the coming years as a government in exile its. Place in the streets of new york is getting more and more risky the n. Y. P. D. Says more than 7500 officers have been injured in the line of duty this year alone last up almost 50 percent compared to last year many of the injuries were sustained during recent Anti Police Brutality of protests and union say its politicians has had sold some of the blame. The chaos that politicians are encouraging on the streets is putting cops in hospitals every new york and he starts their elected officials how cops can protect them when we can barely protect ourselves and one of the more bloody incidents a number of Police Officers were attacked by protesters on Brooklyn Bridge in july 1 required emergency ice surgery after suffering blows to the head and another case in june an officer in the bronx was the victim of a hit and run and in the same month a molotov cocktail was thrown as an n. Y. P. D. Vehicle nationwide protests gripped the us back in may following the death of george floyd over the summer there were frequent violent clashes between black lives matter protesters and Officers National Police Association member steve hayes elected officials should have to answer for the spike in Police Injuries incurred in the line of duty. Obviously the increase in the riots that many occurring across america have definitely increase the odds of a Police Officer getting injured and then the black of consequences for people attacking Police Officers there essentially many of them are getting away with it part of the problem is that we have you know governors mayors city leaders county leaders who are essentially ordering officers not to enforce the law or theyre implicitly setting the situation where officers dont enforce the law or because no charges are going to be brought against you know the people they arrest you know youre just going to have that cycle of violence because the officers are not the theyre not equipped to be able to stop the violence they dont have the authority to do it was the leadership gives it to them and so when you have Something Like this though its it gives somebody you know a jumping off point to go and decide that every Police Department in america is you know needs to be reform i dont know of another occupation where somebody makes a mistake or does something outwardly youre wrong and they dont want to change the entire institution i remember the last time you know a teacher did something wrong they wanted to you know reform teaching in america and seeing that. Theres a headline here an Aussie International web back at the top of the app with all the right things to say about. Its sort of amazing country with so many friends in russia and im very excited to be here. I love that idea i think i can do that. Every night to make a lot of money with them but they make millions and hundreds of me. Heres a nice well theres a nice job a great wall and nobody feels a lot better than me believe me and ill build a very inexpensive like a great great wall. d and just in case youre worried about whos going to pay for it mexico will pay for. It well see what happens who knows i always say who knows what well see on the field it will be success. As the u. S. Economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. You can work 40 hours d in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the land of opportunity the reality of it is that were not financially equality and the lack of Affordable Housing or living minimum wage gave many people no choice. Thats been a problem with the city knows turn limits on and told me stay away almost all twosomes efforts were that there is no answer because yes that requires resources the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become the invisible cliques. It. Seems that the mothers who. Seem to use these. As you know. Nothing about. The size of the circus it has its embassies this marriage. And i would go to the drugstore and hear the wall behind the studio wouldnt know the. The you already seeing them. But i guess. The marchioness with the themis the theme i think if you want to hear. One of them. So d has. Shown in this. Return of the goofy well tell you we believe you should fume. And. Medical been moved. To whom the marshal for medical or one mother could just if you. Couldnt a machine with. The tightest do more with him to whom he in this mission goes. To meet the needs this in the history of the world we. Live in sydney would think it would. Make a meanie

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