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Interview to. The United States restrictions prevents us from even transferring money to buy a box so. Basically medical coverage of the u. S. Is thinking. This 26 of september my name is kevin 0 in here at the International World news center for the next 30 minutes with the latest update this sad news to start as you just heard the news in from ukraine the Ukrainian Military plane is crushed by a motorway in the eastern. The death toll is now 26 after one person died earlier today in hospital only one has survived the crash hes in a critical condition. Told me more. The plane was carrying 7 officers along with 20 Flight School cadets originally there was supposed to be 28 people on board but one cadet was not allowed on the plane now it was reported by officials that the pilot reported a failure and one of the and gins before the crash and investigation has been launched soon after the plane was and golf and fire and Emergency Services rushed to the scene along with officials and also the personnel of that military school and this is what we heard from them. When emergency units arrived the plane was on fire and everyone who was inside died 2 people were taken by ambulance to hark of now they are receiving treatment. First of all my deep condolences to their relatives and loved ones its an awful tragedy for all of ukraine for a university for crews we trained young people who would defend the motherland. Yes so many young lives going there again. Look at the pictures coming through in the stream very close to a busy road busy motorways a lot of people the fire engines of course but it was literally just a couple of feet all of a busy road. It could have been a heck of a lot worse if it come down just a few feet further on hit the road and well the 1st thing that comes up in your mind is the suggestion that the pilot could have tried to land on that motorway but that wasnt the case but still you can imagine all the cars trying to dodge the burning parts and the plane crashed only a few kilometers away from that military airport it was only a training flight so again just because there were cars on that highway there were plenty of witnesses they were talking about. A massive fire and again like i said burning parts being thrown around this exactly what we heard from one of the witnesses we were driving on the motorway by the city of to goof when we saw fire and heard several explosions one after the other at 1st it was not clear what was burning there but then cars had to change course as the plane was burning in pieces right on the road while the investigation is already in full swing obviously saturday has been declared a day of mourning for the victims the ukrainian president ford selenski has decided to visit the crash site himself a massive tragedy for ukraine that is. Russias rolled out a list of consistencies and discrepancies in germanys handling of the alexina valmy case meantime france says its in close contact with another allies as they drop an appropriate response to what they called a serious assault on International Standards room a concert of 1st more. Russian Foreign Ministry said that the vailable evidence surrounding the van this case is questionable not only from a legal point of view germanys actions were so swift and well organized that it began to raise questions as to whether were seeing its another staging of the mysterious use of chemical weapons but this time around not in syria old britain but in russia now there are probably several reasons as to why the russian Foreign Ministry is saying that and the vine they received an officials welcome when he was airlifted from siberia to burne then there were Security Officials there to meet him at the airport there were special transport and all other attributes that pointed to the fact that it was staged in order to rush out of chemical weapons violation with the o. P. C. W according to the russian Foreign Ministry now after german officials announced that nevada a was allegedly poisoned and demanded answers from the kremlin moscow made several requests to burn in to share their findings russian officials insist said they cannot launch a criminal investigation into this case without any evidence after all russian doctors have not found any traces of poisoning in his system the German Government is actively obstructing the preliminary probe conducted in russia over the in the valley incident thats preventing the truth from being established Foreign Ministry also questioned the evidence that was supposedly airlifted along with nevada in a german airplane along with its crew to berlin there are political motives germany withheld information on the bottle allegedly with highly toxic chemicals picked up by the volleys associates in breach of legal procedures just as juby as how unprofessional in the valleys associates and german medics handled this item without hazmat suits people around the vuln the at the airport and on the plane are all well apparently again thanks to some miraculous coincidence the case is rife with in expect will things bordering on fiction and. After he was allegedly poisons with a lethal neurotoxic agent novacek vida may has now been discharged from the german clinic and doctors are saying that he is on his way to a full recovery however there is still seem to be more questions than answers surrounding his case the things are pointing at russia however began long before the release of any specific data. And a footnote to the story germanys representatives to the chemical weapons watchdog this weekend now confirming russias request for information will be arms and they say within 10 days that says the kremlin was sent from berlin to the o. P. C. W then back again in its attempts to get any evidence on the alleged poisoning well let you know that progress is that in the next 10 days. Previously activists are expressing concern over amazons new security drone for inside the home over thats going to work but the retail giant insists it is the next big thing. Well some potential consumers are worried though the less the convinced with online users doubling the product insane and even a nightmare there are question marks over who else could snoop on customers through this new amazon product seems new yorkers share those worries to. Its absolutely insane that that that thats being marketed and sold to a public a little and people would elect see if someone could hack it i mean you dont want this drone to go into your bathroom where youre kicking a shower is that Companies Like amazon and ray are collecting data they do it constantly and you know at 1st they say were not collecting you know were only using data for this and then it comes out 2 years later that theyve been listening to every word that you said so i concerned about it but youre paying with your data for convenience and thats. Thats the rub thats what happens now is. That fortunate but thats a people do it i was it has got quite a history of controversial problems theres unease that its wrist worn device promoted health care can scan your body in and large your voice then theres the companys alexa guard Virtual Assistant to potentially turn his speakers into listening devices as it insists no one can view your data without permission and that the company will not sell that information the launch of the indoor drone now is planned for next year but the product still needs to be authorized by authorities before it we spoke to Dave Lindorff investigative journalist and Founding Editor of the new online newspaper this cant be happening he says this latest offerings very much in fact in line with how tech giants today operate. Well look amazon is all about collecting data i mean thats thats what they do it same thing with facebook and google theyre collecting enormous amounts of data on every with every person they can get we know that the Major Internet Companies and Companies Like amazon are cooperating willingly with police state local and federal Police Agencies intelligence agencies all theyve got to do basically is ask and they get what they want the real question is why americans buy these things i mean if people know that they have been to stories about alexy monitoring whats going on in your house amazingly. American citizen seem to be ok with the idea of large corporations collecting every kind of data and you know they complain about the government collecting data but they dont seem to mind the idea that its completely. Autonomous unregulated corporations are getting their data. Medical terrorism is how irans foreign minister has branded u. S. Sanctions imposed last year and an interview to tease worlds apart show Mohammed Javid zarif also spoke of u. S. Pressure on his country that full interview is airing sunday. Certainly the sanctions and Economic Hardship that the United States imposed on iran has had a Significant Impact we have quite a bit of money stashed in countries abroad and those countries are prevented by the United States from even allowing us to buy medicine with our own money whatever the americans are saying about their sanctions not affecting a humanitarian items is just like the United States restrictions prevent us from even transferring money to to buy vaccines so its basically medical terrorism that the u. S. Is engaged. 13 members 13 of the 15 Security Council members quites wrote letters to the president of the Security Council once on the 20th of august when the United States issued its socalled notification and once on the 20th of september when the United States claimed that is supported the u. N. Sanctions have come back rejecting it and thats whats important and thats a major diplomatic defeat for the United States isolation of the United States. Verification by the International Community of the legitimacy of the iranian position really rich is an important achievement not just put it on but for the International Community and for the rule of law. North stream is is a very clear example that if europeans allow the United States to bully them when it comes to iran the United States can bully them when it comes to the lifeline and north stream is extremely important for europe as you know and the United States is even trying to intimidate clearly intimidate it germany from from engaging with russia in that so i think the lesson that has to be drawn from that is that if you allow a bully to operate in these new lives you know and i think the europeans need to realize that. We have said that with or without the United States iranian interest that or. Guaranteed in the j. C. We dont want anything outside the g. C. People we simply want what is ours what was bargained what was negotiated within the j. C. Pure and it cannot be renegotiated j. C. Puree is alive the Security Council proved that it is a lot. The United States tried to torpedo this resolution. The United States not only left the room but bombed the room try to destroy good will now it has to gain a seat back in the room and that is not automatic im not putting any preconditions i mean you do not want to have a situation in international. Environment where somebody can leave an agreement and come back to it this doesnt work. Around the world in 60 seconds firefighters are still battling that huge blaze that started on friday in a National Forest in arizona according to local media its covered some 450. 00 acres so far crews drop water from helicopters in an effort to try to contain it residents of nearby areas have been taken out of there for their own safety next hour foods greece. Where police at stages had to use buttons and purple spray against protesters in syntagma square in the greek capital demonstrators were marching in solidarity with hunger strikers who include folk musicians linked to an outlawed militant organization classified internationally as terrorists 2 of the hunger strikers have already died. The 1st fridays for future climate strike and rallies since the covert lockdowns taking place in berlin protesters including schoolchildren took the day off together at the Brandenburg Gate demanding politicians tackle Global Warming police say 8000. 00 attended organizers though say it was 3 times that amount. What in the afternoon moscow time whatever time it is with you thank you for taking the time to watch us this is ahead 80000 troops brand new international weaponry on show well tell you all about russias massive military drills that have been happening this last week after the break. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true what is fake. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallows. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Again so facebooks announced a new Oversight Board dubbed it Supreme Court amid complaints of hate speech and other issues on its platform but some suspect its a political move ahead of the u. S. President ial election and doesnt solve the social media giants longstanding issues a saskin taylor explains. With more than 2 and a half 1000000000 users 700000000 calls a day on its own currency facebook is like a world unto itself unlike any walled it needs laws and people to regulate them introducing the Oversight Board are currently testing the newly deployed technical systems that will allow users to appeal and the board to view cases we expect top and users to peels in me to late october building a process that is through all principled and global effective takes time this Supremes Court of sorts will have judges from across the political spectrum that job will be to review complaints from users and facebook itself on hate speech and other problematic content was one of the most divisive elections in American History on the horizon many say its Perfect Timing so its unlikely theyll actually manage to review any cases before the big day either way is up about is probably hoping this will save him from post 2016 start graylings on his brainchild not doing enough to fight dissent from asian but its not just biden bashing or trump trolling thats going to keep the board busy that there is International Recognition that palestinians right to free speech online is under attack through restrictions and limitations they have not been actions taken to lessen these complaints of pro israel buyers have long plagued the social media platform like one mortal bad deed posted a photo of her fathers pos board in which palestine is listed as his birthplace deleted pages of palestinian activists and journalists deleted references to illegal substances deleted its unlikely these grievances wont find our way to the desk of the Oversight Board it will also have to confront head on how its content has sometimes had truly tragic consequences when the un found that facebook played a determining role in inciting violence against me and most were muslims. Or how just on friday it finally handed over 10000. 00 harrowing pages of material which the parents of 14 year old Molly Russell claim pushed her to take her own life among the usual School Friends pop groups and celebrities followed by 14 year olds we found bleak depressive material graphic self harm content and suicide encouraging memes i have no doubt that social media helped to kill my daughter nevan the thought is just one day the biden passes and trump trolls will come and go but all to us sometimes fatal issues have gone on tech fizzy is Little Wonder then that doubt his osting is setting up a board just a way to get a few likes or way to bring about real change this is a leftist leaning board. 90 percent of the Board Members have ties to were going to say shows that have been funded by george soros as open Society Foundations all of them lean to the left some of them are explicitly pro biden and anti trump were on the heels of the 2020 president ial election and they want to make sure of the correct fuse are being aired on facebook basically its going to be certain content that they dont like because theres often leftist extremism that they have no problem with and as we know leftist totalitarianism has been as responsible for far more murders. Hundreds of millions of murders more than any socalled right wing extremism and yet that certainly wont be with because a good deal of these members are socialists straight up. In berlin the citys administrations new guide to language sensitivity then this left many Parent League quite literally lost. Thanks. A. Lot of finally taking care of problems in berlin the red ridge green and it prefers to destroy the german language anyone who still dreams of a left the lawyers in the face of such a policy cannot really be held. Problem in berlin unlawful places clan crime too little new residential buildings etc etc reg Reno Alliance 1st of all draft a new guideline for employees of the Berlin Administration and use of diversity sensitive language. Colored like b. B. Names. Berlin is home to people from many different backgrounds berliners should understand that ministration is their own if the diversity of berlin is reflected in the administration and that is a benefit for the entire city. Ali for now russias conducted a massive military exercise caucuses 2020 in its Southern Military district the drills focused on cruise missiles an unmanned aerial craft and featured troops from countries we go. I. Well some 80000 took part in the weeklong exercises with 250 tanks and hundreds of infantry vehicles around 200 odd temporary systems were also used the event involved forces from armenia better china pakistan and. International observers of those whove been invited to witness the drills and. We spoke to russias chief of general stuff larry gerasim off who oversaw the whole operation. Russias Defense Ministry has a very open and inclusive policy in general as i already mentioned these exercises were announced by the defense board back in december 29th teen 10 days prior to the launch date Deputy Defense minister alexander foemen held a briefing for a test shays to inform them of all the objectives goals teams and the schedule we provided the details to the o s c e the United States and other nato Member States today all attaches were invite. To observe the exercises and attend a briefing how much more open can it get we do not see reciprocal actions by the United States and their nato allies however for example we have never been invited to attend their scheduled exercises they usually post a very brief announcement with a date and location and nothing else in contrast to how we do it here we provide all the details openly while they dont we can draw our own conclusions and we are wary of these frequent u. S. Nato air missions close to our borders. Says so far this weekend course for the us what were talking about at r. T. Dot com are a social media for now a 26 minutes past one of the afternoon moscow time reporting from here for our kevin now in signing off take care and enjoy the rest of the week. It was a very nice are far from president. And i could have said no thank you or i could have said thank you and i said ill take it and now its time to introduce my basal mr donald trump thank you says very much was the. Name whatever you want to name i mean i dont know how i come there news thats dishonest tell what i can do that a recorder or network thats totally dishonest c. N. N. Is you know 100 percent negative i clearly this. Fast changes so fast sometimes ill say thats going to be a great story be a pretty good report and others good as you. Will see what happens. Who knows what well see on the field will be a success. Were all in my social class. People also in poverty by 1st. If youre born into a poor family if youre born into a minority family if youre born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life chances people. 15 years old a warning to generational poverty. Fight every day see new you eat your needs and the needs of your family. This is going on the ground as donald trump promotes his deal of the century this is part one of a 2 part special looking into what trump so called abraham accord signed between the leaders of the United States israel the United Arab Emirates and bahrain mean for the future of the middle east the accords normalize relations between israel and the tube arab oil talk receives the 3rd and 4th arab countries to open diplomatic relations with israel to egypt and jordan the agreement to see by u. S. President trump is the dawn of the new middle east and the beginning of a new era of peace with all the see it is the building of a strong front against iran in a potential and. So any chance of a future for the Palestinian People and wins his show ill be speaking to the Palestinian Ambassador to the u. K. To some zone lot and later in this program well be hearing from the editor in chief of the Jerusalem Post jack of cats but 1st joining me now from tel aviv is the 10th Prime Minister of israel ehud barak who also served as defense minister from 27 to 2030 and former president s to think so much for coming on before we talk about anything i suppose we must talk about the lockdown in israel perhaps the 1st 2nd lockdown in the world to your Prime Minister netanyahu saying that your country is on the edge of an abyss what do you make of the situation every major critic of of the Prime Minister of police is on this issue we have went through the 1st 2 a very effectively but then. We gave both posed for half a year and nothing had been done to improve the capacity of the capacity of those. And to deploy damages the plan of. Which is there for all for 13 years now emergency plan for a wall may draw earthquake or a pandemic and instead of implementing these. Emergency plan the primaries showed thaw moves in all the way to now we are paying the price for

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