Greetings and sally you take. Actions speak louder than words its an old expression but just as true today as it was over 280 years ago when it was 1st coined back in 1736 especially when observing the actions of our great political and military leaders here in washington d. C. You see while most elected officials and military leaders will tell you that the protection and defense of the American Public and the citizenry is their number one top top top to the top priority their actions show us otherwise especially. When it comes to the pentagon and our lustrous War Department the Washington Post and others are now reporting that the 1000000000. 00 fund the Congress Gave the pentagon in march to build up the countrys supplies of medical equipment has ansted been mostly funneled to defense contractors and used to make things such as jet engine parts body armor and dress uniforms yes my friends while the while most of the country was out of a job trying to make rent and just barely scraping by and trying not to get sick our good friends at the pentagon took our tax dollars our tax dollars given to them with the express intent to help us fight this pandemic and instead they splurged on themselves in their defense contractor buddies apparently the pentagons top brass are no longer men of honor but in truth theyre really just 16 year old girls on amazon with moms amex card but it wasnt just our good friends in the War Department splurging on taxpayer dollars want to be action hero but real Life Republican Party hack and trump yes mad in the acting Homeland Security director chad bull well hes under fire this week as n. B. C. News reports that the Consulting Firm or his wife works has been awarded more than 6000000. 00 in contracts from the department of Homeland Security since september of 2018 and then although the company has a long history of federal contracts her company did not do work for d h s until after will become the will became the t. S. A. Is cheap to step in 2017 now naturally chad deflected these accusations as chads often do with they did show a spokesperson saying quote at no time in any of his positions since joining the department of Homeland Security has acting secretary will been involved in any awarding of contracts sorry chad sorry pentagon but actions my. Friends will always speak louder than words especially when it comes to how tax dollars are used and that my friends is why were always watching my home. On a city street you want to. See the prices you always see. Graves see this sleaze systemic deception is so much. Welcome aboard are watching the i robot and im with you yes you are all right. Goodness gracious to me the pentagon took a 1000000000. 00 of character money money that was supposed to go to the defense and safety of everything that could be done to keep us from getting sick with cobra or help us through this pandemic and really just kind of. A lot of fun stuff there should be a lot of outreach i mean were still counting the numbers of those whove been impacted as well as those who have died from coal but 19 and looking towards this next phase of what it might look like in this country and to think that there were so many people deny people to think that there were so Many Organizations that had no place to turn and the money with their supplies were there and just see what it was used but i think that there should be a lot of outrage and a lot of upset people but also this goes to show trumps you know draining the swamp montra absolutely nothing because its just a swampy now is that there were a bit you know youre actually youre youre not alone in that thought dr emily porter a medical doctor who also is related to katie porter the senator you know the one who was always like. She actually tweeted out if you cant get a covert test or find a man 95 its because these contractors stole from the American People to make faster jets and fancy uniforms after all trying to say we are quote unquote at war it is bad when you look at like what these people did now wasnt it. Like 16 year old kids with the charge card you know its now its not just the president knew just how seriously 19 was we know that from you know that the woodward tapes now its that he was also complicit in the government taking money taking supplies that were much needed and to help mitigate some of this disaster and i think that you know the further we dig into this story the more depressing it actually gets it really is a release of this the care ok so the pentagon essentially spent this 1000000000. 18 the firms including rolls royce they needed to maintain Ship Building Industries you had tens of millions of dollars for satellite drone and space Surveillance Technology well that keeps us safe at 80000000. 00 towards Aircraft Assembly plants 2000000. 00 towards manufacturing of Army Uniforms so my question is is this like not earmarked towards anything they have to do a covert 19 because what is the justification were not actively at war with anybody. To utilize those funds when you know you have cash strapped states that are begging for assistance to battle but 19 this is just a moderate are you ready for the justification are you ready ok eleanor of the undersecretary for accu acquisition and sustainment defended the Pentagon Spending by telling journalists quote we need to always remember that Economic Security and National Security are very tightly in a related and our Industrial Base is really the nexus of the 2 basically saying let me know you know. Shes basically saying that look the military Industrial Complex is the fuel that runs this country if we let that die then everything dies so we need to give that money wherever it may need to go within the military Industrial Complex because they were dependent on that which would have only made sense if we were actively in combat and nothing about her statement i could see why she made it you got to say you got to Say Something and see what sticks nothing in that statement makes sense when it comes to why this was actually used again were not in active combat we have a president who continues to say. Hes drawing troops back so why are we still funding funneling this money through a war machine when theres nothing theres nothing happening right now and its said to because congress you know theyre the ones who put the care act together theyre the ones who could have put those rules and regulations in the how these departments spend money and they didnt over and over again and then i mean you know going back a little further now we have the scandal with our good buddy chad wolf. Who says look i didnt do anything to get my wifes company that she works for more money from the d. H. S. S. And contracts but its like she wouldnt have to Everybody Knows when when nudge nudge exactly that maybe alone in his position helps her to get those contract right he doesnt have to basically say it or call somebody else. Its just frustrating we know theres a lot of cronyism going on in the Trump White House than in many white houses prior to this but this is just so blatant kyle herring the founder and president of accountable us mr will join the d. H. S. S. Began pumping millions of dollars into his wifes firm which also happens to be is the largest financial asset the arrangement is highly problematic and warrants congressional scrutiny yes it is because it is one of the lists like federally list his Financial Disclosure form his wifes 1100000. 00 retirement account with Berkeley Research group the Company Resources that is his biggest asset so its kind of like buddy but at least try to pretend youre above board. Say her name Briana Taylor weve seen elected leaders activists athletes and entertainers take to the streets wear masks emblazoned with Brianna Taylors name take to twitter book allies in the need for Police Reforms and calling which are just meanwhile keeping Briana Taylors name alive theyve created means and videos to remind people that 6 months after the death of unarmed young black 1st responder who died at the hands of police her murderers had yet to face criminal penalty how in america under the backdrop of covert 19 could a 1st responder emergency medical technician awarded by the state of kentucky and her hometown die and nary a charge for her murderers. Well that all changed today. 3 counts of wanting in danger it were announced this afternoon these charges arguably fall below what was legally possible the charges dont even attempt to address the murder of Brianna Taylor at all there are no homicide charges and only one officer was charge leaving the other 2 completely free of recourse for their actions and just an f y i the maximum punishment for one ton and dangerman in kentucky its 5 years. A pretty ringback low bar for murder. In advance of the announcement Kentucky Attorney general Daniel Cameron spoke of the decision relating to the Louisville Metro Police officers responsible for Brianna Taylors death and the louisville mayor declared a state of emergency Mary Greg Fisher implemented a curfew cordoning off the downtown area and limiting the areas where protesters could gather through a series of executive orders it seems as though the city of louisville and the state kentucky care a lot more about calling protests they do about pursuing justice but we got a pale cool Justice Reform clearly has a long way to go Law Enforcement agencies protect their own and people are disappointed by the charges released from the grand jury today but theyre not surprised over the balancing message within kentucky and across America Black lives simply dont matter our murders are more fully prosecuting and there is no true justice to be found when the murders where a badge and everything that you just said to finish it up i couldnt agree more because that is the biggest problem is that if you are murdered by someone wearing a bad and youre black but now were finding out if youre a lot of other colors to. This states always going to side with the bad guys would have pretty much boils down to at the end of the day they might get a slap on the wrist they might. Kind of sort of maybe shouldnt weapon blah blah blah but at the end of the day run a taylor star you dont exist every time a think that the most shocking part and we were literally having a conversation about this earlier the most shocking part of this is the charges that were actually brought down and i think that there will be some people many people would have been we want to thought of it differently if there were no men might as well have been no charges at all because were talking want on abandonment were talking a charge that has absolutely nothing to do with the murder Briana Taylor but even in the listing of that charge and of itself her name is never mentioned and theyre actually more worried about the the areas that the bullets ricocheted off of while they were firing into her apartment and theyre worried about the murder of. In an armed innocent sleeping black one there were sort of this bullet went through you and put your neighbors and dangers kind of what its says and the fact that the officer who got charged with this wasnt even one of the true that they believe you know they didnt really say which officer had been killed or today but he wasnt even involved in the actual killing of her but he was shooting but because none of his bullets even came near her exactly and thats a very interesting point to make because the 2 guys who are more than likely responsible for her death contributed to it they didnt receive charges at all so today you know that that press conference was very confusing it was very frustrating and i think that rightfully so there are a lot of people in the streets protesting and a lot of folks on social media basically calling this out as a huge ringback importance of justice specifically because Brianna Taylor was the type of victim that white people and White America has been continue conditioned to believe what were seeing equitable justice shes somebody who didnt have a criminal background shes somebody who in other terms came from good stuff and shes the one who did everything right she was a 1st responder with the backdrop of kobe 19 she was a great student shes somebody who put all intents and purposes you would put forth all the effort you could to make sure that her. That there was some justice brought to her and her family and thats just not what we saw its interesting when you talk about the your perspective of this richard because you were in chicago when were on mcdonald very similar circumstance and again same kind of reaction from from the people that are supposed to mitigate justice them and basically said well we dont really want to give these People Justice absolutely that and these cases are quite similar so we know that in both the brown taylor case and the mcdonalds case there were large settlements that were given to the family prehearing what the grand jury was actually going to charge an officer with in both cases the charges were very minimal and in the case d. Donald it came down to 3 years he was only going to serve a year and a half and i dont believe he served that sentence but in addition to that one. The things that both cities chicago and louisville have done is put such an emphasis on the city being protected from protesters and so what i noticed in chicago and it happened in the murder happened in my community was that the streets were cordoned off the curfews were put in place you had these Police Officers and tanks and everything because they were waiting for black people to be in the streets going hey i am because of a very low rate of charges over there being an under charge in that case the exact same thing is happening right now in louisville where you see there being such a crazy amount of restrictions placed on protesters in addition to a state of emergency being declared and a city basically being cordoned off and theres a lot more intuitiveness put in trying to protect people from protests and then there is from protecting people from Police Officers who just may take their line that shows you where the government whether state local or federal kind of views these things theyre more upset that people are out protesting than innocent people are getting killed by police. What angers them more is you standing up to them saying hey we dont we want to see justice we dont want to see injustice anymore the system is broken that upsets the government more dont protest were going to live on our streets with militarized cops trying to keep it from protesting then innocent people getting shot in their apartments it is sad we should be upset everybody should be upset in a country that was founded on protests this push against protesting right now is just extremely aggravate and there should be no more taylors that should be rule number one you want to stop protests dont let any more Briana Taylor happen symbolism. All right as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on demand for the brand new portable t. V. Which is available on all platforms coming up professor who sean body sits down with us to talk about the new round of sanctions the trouble of ministration as leverage here since i wrong this latest escalation focuses on arm sales among the Indian Officials but how effective have sanctions. Banham does truly pose a threat to the u. S. State to find out keep watch. Was a pandemic no certainly no borders and is blind to nationalities. As americans we dont observe the we dont look like seeing the whole world needs to be. Judged as commentary classes please dont think. We can do better we should be. Everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges create with the response has been so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. Were segregated in there by social class lower middle class people also in poverty by 1st place if youre born into a poor family ocular born into a minority family if youre born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life chances people die on average 15 years younger than if youre born into generational poverty. Its a fox its a fight every day to meet your needs and the needs of your family. Shots seem wrong all right old roles just dont hold. Any new world beliefs yet to shape out the disdain he comes to advocate and in the game children equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart when shes to look for common ground. This week United States president and our brand name and shiva donald j. Trump once again escalated tensions between the United States and iran by signing an executive order authorizing sanctions on iran its officials entities and those that buy and sell arms to and from them this stems from a move at the end of august by the trumpet ministration to reinstate all of the often brutal sanctions on iran that were lifted as part of the original Iranian Nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama Administration a. B. C. News reports that quote the move has been rejected by the United Nations and u. S. Allies like france germany and the United Kingdom and adversaries such as china and russia who all remain part of the Iran Nuclear Deal but that lack of support by the un and the Security Council does not faze the Trump Administration as kelly crap the Us Ambassador to the United States told the media quote we dont need a cheering section to validate our moral compass we do not find comfort based solely on numbers particularly when the majority has found themselves in an uncomfortable position of underwriting terrorism chaos and conflict refuse to be members of that club. Ok well joining us now to discuss these sanctions and the current tensions between the u. S. And iran is the president founder of the american Radio Council and distinguished Service Professor at Rutgers University who shot and amir a mahdi thank you very much sir its not our to have you. Thank you very much for having a professor i want to ask you how will these latest sanctions america by the trump of ministration play out how could they affect the iranian government and most importantly the iranian people. But obviously the sanctions do have an impact. That they have had that but i think most of it oncet konami problem is the mess tic its mismanagement and i also have to say that the sanctions that are supposed to be very imposed trudi its not back mechanism are they you will end sanctions on iran and these sanctions are very limited indeed in a scope they were put on iran gargi on individuals for the you know to and richmond and myside the value of the month and of what g. D. P. Harms and hurts iranian economy is american sanctions and many can. That you know the pride of the sanctions that sanctions that are imposed on iran and maybe can entities dealing with iran and these but also american 2nd that he sanctions sanctions on other countries that may. Do trade on investment and with iran i think what mr trump wouldnt do because he knows that the return of the u. N. Sanctions isnt that big a deal so thats why they are really using the u. N. Sanction that its not back as it as a pretext to impose more sanctions operates on thats emetic cant vote i believe the primary and then later on seconded he my concern is that the medical board move on to impose a secondary sanctions of. Nature. On the other countries that we did a good that you don and those other countries may not have that much of an option because many up this countrys have big trades and business relations with the United States and none of them wanted to be tarnished by america. Elected to bring up the compounding sanctions but they dont think that thats something thats talked about enough and its not something that a lot of individuals are going to fully understand but you know u. N. Secretary general antonio gets here as has declared the u. N. Will not support reimposing the sanctions against iran they were originally lifted by the nuclear deal how will the lack of u. N. Involvement affect trumps efforts with the sanctions is it going to matter or what do you think its going to happen out of that. Unfortunately the secretary. Of the United Nations havent been very explicit and transparent on this interview with the media has said there is a lot of courting coat and certainty about this matter he said i even dont know if. That is not back mechanism has been activated i am not even sure if that is a sanction going on or left that at this moment so im he said i have no advise at this moment for the National Security that im trying to get with the u. N. Security council so again does that have for the statement i believe i believe the button to garner so what the United Nation does i think that america will move forward with its own unilateral ok sanctions and these sanctions are the sanctions that are on iran as a set that the u. N. Sanctions are largely symbolic and they are largely political and military that is to say what the united this days want to do to the u. N. Is big. To trip but as much as it can eat anything at military and political powers as opposed to its Economic System because you dont stick anomic system can be easily triple triple dated next even by the us as you know sanction is both primary and secondary so again please understand that the degree you end is there that we are giving you symbolically and the purpose of the United States to involve you and is to cripple irans. Power and that is military and economic powers that then. Apply to military and political rather than economic i want to ask you this and thats a great point that you made the not look the United StatesForeign Policy regardless of present Political Party in charge for a long time was function on the belief that iran poses some kind of existential threat to the United States and its people i think thats ridiculous as is iran actually a threat to the United States and if so the sons want to see peace what can they do to help dispel these tensions are got about a minute and a half left. I dont think that them and that is. To add to anybody including israel out of all of the his city up the last 42 years shows that this she speaks too much has a big mouth and they did little action when it comes to hardening israel out of the United States but i believe that is a problem out there the american duty want it on back to get over it and that it can last 42 years ago and i have been told many many times by people from the very top of this administrations yet from the president of secretaries and others that the just want it on back and as long as the don is not in obvious saddam. Hogmanay be would not that he don to live a competent but a lot of i would love to get it is not and that. It is truly heartbreaking sitting up with us i want to thank you so much for coming on today and really educating my audience and our audience about the issues with these sanctions on iran and look forward to having you back or do in the future and keep up the great work sir my pleasure my pleasure. Im all greed and corruption are running rampant Homeland Security in the Border Patrol are running concentration camps more than 200000 u. S. President s have now died from covert 19 its still important to not lose hope because without hope we would never have gotten this good bit of news according to researchers from Newcastle University since 190348 mammal and bird species including the same atar horned oryx the california condor and black footed ferret have been saved from extinction by concert or concert conservation actions in fact between the years 93 and 2020 without conservation efforts extinction rates would have been 3 point one to 4. 2 higher for birds 2. 00 to 4. 00 times higher for mammals yes my friends conservation efforts to save our fellow inhabitants on the small blue planet do indeed actually work so. Come on and in the meantime lets try to can conserve 8 us and keep ourselves alive be nice theyre great notes and too many too many yes they do already are what about is our show for today remember in this world were not told but were loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am a rope and and im the chicago keep on watching all those hawks out there and im a great day and night. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics Small Business im show business ill see you then. Canas calendar is drawing alfonzo along his darned theres tracing page change dard servo or. His 1st words were added i will see youre a challenging post youve got 2 years to live. I have no doubt that what happened was scriven. Lets concentrate market is a 1000000000. 00 industry these companies have a huge financial motivation to sow these products there are numerous stocks showing that doctors were keen to test factory concentrates for insights of its own that Patients Want gives them doctors the wrong stoplight. Our Current System why they would keep me sick each of those whose day. People still die i dont know which question was so i tried being hard to leave when so many have. Been headlines this 24th of september germany is deliberately delaying a response to moscows request to handover data on the alleged poisoning of alexina valley in every possible way russias permanent representative to the Global Chemical weapons watchdog tells r. T. Deliberately delaying the process impeded the completion of the preliminary inquiry in russia that was held in order to ascertain whether there is an offense or not astonishment and french mayors condemn the Health Ministry for not consulting with them in reimposing coronavirus restrictions across the country as covert cases spiraled since the National Lockdown ended and