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A surge in coronavirus cases at both france and spain seeing record numbers over the weekend. Welcome to the program and a happy monday to you all this is our 2 international bring you your live news update this hour. New Foreign Policy chief has said the 27 nation bloc is so far unable to agree on sanctions against fellow russian officials or last months disputed election just spoke after a Foreign Ministers meeting in brussels where he sink sions proposal was better vetoed by cyprus the polish an opposition leader. Was at the session and urged the e. U. To end Financial Support for president lukashenko government. I proceed to you my friends to us basic things to recognize mr illegitimate to release by the tickle prisoners to introduce individual sanctions against all individuals involved in their election possibly cations and political craig. During that speech to also condemn the Brutal Police crackdown in belarus after the august 9th elections and she held up pictures of injured protesters she also stressed that the Opposition Campaign in belarus is not aimed at drawing the country closer to the e. U. Or farther away from russia to her last meeting with european diplomats has already been condemned by both the belorussian and russian government. We consider such conduct if it takes place as more evidence of the European Unions departure from statements that they made in their regard in the absence of geopolitics in the situation with belarus. So its a step so i think no one needs any more proof that a policy is being implemented to undermine the silver unsee of better us. But im going to bring in live geo political analyst patrick having sent for more on this that what do you make a. Decision to go to brussels and push for sanctions do you think thats going to help her cause. It does thats a very good question i i really dont think i can see how it can help i think if if the e. U. Do play sanctions on bella ruse that will really strengthen the resolve of their current president lukashenko plus his base as well and its it just provides further proof that the the west is going to punish or engage in collective punishment against countries further east who you know they dont approve of their leadership for instance so you know it may be good in terms of her image in the west and shes being paraded around unfettered by western leaders by the u. N. Brussels and it may be good in western media but if it creates pain and suffering at home and valerie this could also have an adverse effect on her popularity and she becomes a marginal character at home but popular abroad much like alexina vonnie for instance so weve had all these statements coming out of the e. U. Condemning whats happening in the country just now cyprus vetoed a proposal for a new sanctions against 40 well russian officials including Alexander Lukashenko himself they say that they want the measures to be tied to turkey sanctions do you think that the e. U. Is actually likely to agree on any real action against valorous. If its a quid pro quo which is what cyprus is proposing regarding sanctions on turkey to have those 1st before the e. U. Would or before cyprus would break the break the tie on sanctions against belarus thats a really difficult sell i see a very hard time that happening with regards to turkey there not only is turkey a nato partner but also a very close relationship with the e. U. Specially a close relationship with turkey so and politically that could backfire badly on germany for instance and other countries where turkey does work very hard in the other lands as well with the turkish daya spore there there there are a political bloc there thats meaningful so i dont see this is difficult so in the broader picture here is the west is attempting to pull a while a one quite 0 with with bella roost basically to sort of acknowledge or a point that this is the right ruler of the country you know and completely ignore the will of the people at home even if she had 500000 people on the streets for 2 weeks straight and she didnt but even if she did have that many people continuously for 3 or 4 weeks that doesnt translate to a mandate in belo roost in a country the population of 9 and a half 1000000 so you know there might be a contested election but does she have a mandate a political mandate in her country thats the big question now russia and belarus unsurprisingly have slammed the meeting in brussels calling it interference what do you make of that. Well if you look at her and you follow for instance the work of the German Marshall Fund who were backing you know Vitaly Klitschko you know right up to the my dawn and after as the kind of you know heir apparent to take over for the west that didnt work out so they you know drew a name out of that had or Victoria Nuland of the United States department picked who they picked yatsenyuk in the short term so theres theres all sorts of meddling going on the German Marshall Fund are very very much focused on her and developing her image internationally and so this is whats happening again you look at this is a provocation this these cold war relics like this organization based in germany which is really an extension of u. S. Power in europe the German Marshall Fund there will work really hard to keep going trying to build a 5th column which they establish now so well see how far they can go with her as a viable opposition candidate or just generally to demonize. Delarue send the leadership there and really what it is is targeting russia thats the thats the main target here bell russas really the soft underbelly of russia as far as those hawks in the western concerned. Political analysts patrick headings and the very time and your comments. During the meeting in brussels. Defended an Online Campaign to leak the private data of belorussian officers accused of violence against protesters our Senior Correspondent juan garcia is in minsk with more on that story. As with any d. Add on to my zation operation the goal. Tara eva and the better russian opposition makes no secret of what it is doing join us they say or we will ruin your life. The main goals of this channel are to track down every criminal that has committed a crime against his own nation to collect as much information as possible about that individual and also to create a special database which anyone in free bellerose can use to check whether they potential worker partner or anyone they meet has committed a crime against humanity next to pullen based and public ganda outlet recently dumped the names and personal details of belorussian policeman into the Public Domain police are not without fault suppression of protests arrests and physical violence towards demonstrators unorganized were brutal and the public was outraged but the opposition feeds on that outrage stoking anger with fake news and hysterical nonsense Armed Russian special forces and dragon our fellow citizens by the hair is this normal are you willing to tolerate this nectar apologized for that saying it is impossible to verify every message that they get such as the actual guilt of the policeman whose names and addresses and telephone numbers and even relatives they published next year and other opposition doubtless dont bother proving their guilt as was the case with nikita marching co he was falsely accused of being an agent of the state after someone saw a photo of him in military uniform it turned out he was a construct in his service had ended last year but they arent acting without support from foreign donations to the blessings of st lotty who not scare a former candidate for president during the election in august to this since fled to lithuania she says anyone in uniform who supports her rival current president you can do is fair game Law Enforcement officers should remember the people of belarus who revealed the identity of those who carry out criminal orders you will have to look you people in the eyes. The same people you are supposed to protect and she doesnt seem to mind that these vigilantes are often wrong going after innocent people she doesnt seem to mind that not just them but also their families become the victims of Cyber Bullying and harassment and abuse and even attacks and it doesnt seem to concern her that it isnt just police or Law Enforcement that are targeted but also rescuers teachers and even journalists. In the midst of this it is a shame i have been forced to record this video because of harassment threats and insults towards me and my family as a result of false information on the internet please help me share this so that lies dont spread further and dont harm me and my family. Of. Journalists to one of our road constantine but if the by law for example who has faced a tsunami of Death Threats at the behest of all position media mistrust that of course it is frightening i dont know whats going through their heads someone from the opposition texted me in telegram saying look after yourself or a brick will find your head but at least hes just texting there could be someone else who will actually pick up a brick if they want me to go away then yes i will leave someday but not because of them not because of a text or a phone call another journalist had his car torched off the activists posted the picture of the vehicle on telegram with government insignia lose behind the pictures the veiled threats the Fear Campaign dave that anyone who disagrees with the aim to tens of thousands of better russians dont suffer from sleepless nights doesnt both of them know they laugh it off the coast or the legit behind this is that they are afraid of revealing who they really are that is what would hurt them the most of these like 21st century bullets yes information bullets these blacklists and terror cab pains all doing in the open. Shouldnt any favors lose thousands already in the least only more determined to prevent these vigilantes and bullies from coming to power if they do things like these such horrific things now and laugh about it what will they do when they come to power and ordinary belorussians too they didnt sign up for this they dont want the nation divided into leasts and costs the unclean and the blessid opposition that it shows the more radical and hateful the oppositions message the fewer turn up to their protests. Europe is bracing for new restrictions amid a surge in coronavirus cases both france and spain set daily records and infections over the weekend and top british scientists has warned that the country is at a critical point in the pandemic r. T. Charlotte devinsky reports. More than half of the departments here in france are now considered to be red zones which means that there is an active circulation of the 19 virus the country also recorded its highest daily record for the number of covert positive test cases around 13 and a half 1000 people in 24 hours those were the figures released on saturday now there is a huge rate of testing going on in france more than a 1000000 tests a week and overall the rate of positivity is around 5. 7 percent whats a really concerning are the number of hospital admissions which are now going up quite rapidly we saw 227. 00 additional admissions on saturday meaning that there are around 3800 people currently in hospital now all of those almost 600 are in intensive care now in parts of the country already intensive care units are at capacity so that is what is worrying officials in those parts of france in paris in the region which is the area around paris it is only at about 20 percent capacity but there are warnings that there will be a high tension particularly in the next 2 to 3 weeks for the past 10 days weve seen a significant daily increase in cases the 2nd wave is here and its time to deal with it its not the tidal wave that we experienced march in the intensive care units overall not overloaded but we feel that were at a Tipping Point where there has been a huge demand for those covert 900 tests so much so that in either fronts 20 new Testing Centers are opening or monday and they will give results within 24 hours for priority cases so people whove got symptoms of 1000. 00 or perhaps have been referred there by a doctor now in other parts of france there are new restrictions coming into force particularly nice where groups of no more than 10. It will be allowed in areas such as parks beaches or in gardens and those are restrictions that are similar to other cities such as mar say and bordeaux lets take stock now of whats happening across the English Channel in the u. K. Where the chief medical officer there is warning that the country is at a critical point and is heading in the wrong direction this comes as the u. K. Government is now considering apparently a shoot week locked down in in glue and the u. K. s Health Secretary has said that nothing is being ruled out it will be increasingly stringent on the people who are not following the rules if everybody follows the rules then we can avoid. National lockdowns well theyre already fines of up to 10000 pounds for people who defied kovac 1000 regulations such as the requirement to self isolate if they have symptoms and of course the government is encouraging people to snoop on others including on their neighbors if they breach the rules of no more than 6 now matt hancock not only defended that idea of people snooping on their neighbors but said that he would call the police himself if he saw more than 6 adults conjugating to gether so much so that some people have described him now as being a tinpot dictator now some areas of the u. K. Are of course already on the mini lockdowns parts of the north of england and also parts of wales but despite that protests against the big 19 restrictions continue over the weekend in london more than a 1000 demonstrators headed out to the street to show that they were unhappy with those restrictions there were dozens of arrests her i. Am her who. Care all the cults and there are also news directions coming into force in parts of spain in madrid around the region around the spanish capital some 850000 people now facing Restrictive Movement as the country is trying to what it says stem the idea of a 2nd wave of kopechne 1000 from monday people will not be able to leave their neighborhoods in those regions for all but essential reasons this comes as the World Health Organization is also concerned about what it describes as a worryingly high rate of transmission of 1000. 00 and saying that the situation here in europe it considered still be very serious on a daily basis now as those transmission rates are going up and up governments across europe are having to make some very difficult decisions. A massive leak of internal banking documents has triggered a global scandal of ill show in detail how some of the Worlds Largest Financial Institutions moved more than 2 trillion dollars linked to Money Laundering schemes and possible criminal activity now for details on this were joined in the studio by artist ask it to take us more tell us what happened behind this unprecedented leak while financial scandals are nothing new we all remember how the banking giants that were considered too big to fail did in fact fail back in 2008 crushed many say by their own greed and over a decade on and it seems these banks havent learnt their lesson theres been a staggering leak of the socalled finn son files now finn said is an acronym for the financial crimes in force meant networking essentially. An arm of the u. S. U. S. Treasury basically what happens any time anywhere in the world any transaction in u. S. Dollars happens and a bank looks at it and thinks you know what somethings not quite right about this it sends a report to fence and its basically the bank doing its to tillage and unflagging something potentially criminal while the leak reveals that around 2 trillion dollars of suspicious money was essentially washed through the Global Financial system between 2002017 how well the banks despite filing of course these reports about their suspicions continue to just blindly move really astonishing sums of cash with some of them coming from drug cartels human traffickers crime rings corrupt politicians even the taliban i mean were talking about the darkest underbelly of society the sounds quite serious can you give us some examples of whats been uncovered exactly well take j. P. Morgan for example it allowed 1000000000. 00 in twin account despite not knowing whom it belonged to and then it later transpired that the account holder was actually a mafia boss on the f. B. I. s most wanted list. Also really stood out here turns out that overhaul of 2 trillion was actually moved through its accounts and it wasnt like these banks one aware of what was going on entirely h. S. B. C. For example was actually warned that essentially it was enabling a ponzi scheme but still it didnt shut any accounts it didnt cut anyone off now unfortunately this week has been politicized by some media in the u. K. Especially there has been a particular emphasis on those russians involved for example how a Russian Politicians sanctioned by the u. S. Government sent around 8000000. 00 to a compound in london with some of that money ultimately being donated to the conservative party or how an oligarch. Allegedly laundered millions of dollars through barclays now. Given the very fraught Political Climate at the moment its probably on surprising that there is such a focus on these socalled russians but really it does such a huge disservice to the scope of this scandal i mean 3000 u. K. Companies alone on named in those files now thats more than any other country on top of that any bank you can think of really has implicated you know bank of america 6 American Express j. P. Morgan citibank barclays the list goes on and then clients and more than 170. 00 countries and there are 293. 00 in the world were named and flagged so focusing on a couple of russians in the u. K. It seems a bit disproportionate and whats been the reaction in the financial world since this all broke well the German Ministry of finance has said that all of these transactions in the past they were dated up until 2017 so theyve been investigated the match is closed but lets hear what some of the other big hitters had to say. This is not new information to us or our regulators will learn from our mistakes systematically tackled the issue and made changes to our old business perimeter our controls and our personnel consistent with our commitment to protect the integrity of the Financial System citi is diligent in filing suspicious activity reports with the u. S. Department of the treasury when appropriate given the confidential nature of these reports we do not comment on or confirm any particular report transaction now some argue that these words are not convince and given that the u. S. Government especially has been pushing banks to reform for years now theyve been fining them millions of dollars theyve been threatening them with criminal charges so the fence and files show how these banks just transaction off to transactions have been violating all of those promises of Good Behavior and really given this leak is also thought to be just the tip of the iceberg and account for a point 2 percent of the total reports filed you know we all remember how painful how damaging the 2008 crash was we all hoped that that would somehow trigger change but really this latest leak you know the internationality of it the number of banks involved the astonishing sums the source of some of that cash really unfortunately is testament to how when it comes to money no matter how dirty it is more ality and often the law is just left at the wayside some things never change are 2 source cotillard thank you for joining us in the studio with that report. Now were going to bring in financial journalist Charlie Boyle for more analysis on this as we were just hearing so many banks are implicated in this scandal h. S. B. C. J. P. Morgan bank just to name a few how bad does it look for them. Mark think it looks pretty bad indeed. For monks are for you know a lot of unforced mentioned are ever going to happen. Nothings really being formed its just i mean what there were say 1520 years ago but its really just papering over the cracks in our on trying to count them from our you know. And so when our. Receipts are nearing uros 6000000. 00 for. The accident so about a month for them to even notice and then after that they are suspicious theres a couple different sciences theres the fact that. You know theyre just not really motivated youre necessary because theres too much money to loose but also there are these banks just quantity that completely lost control this. Systems are extremely outdated now and how to get it saxon staples basically and only just dont have the manpower to look into these things properly even when they do find money to upgrade and you know one of your reporters talked about mentioning russia that this is an International Problem laundering money and just lack of controls and all of the patents its been going on for years so theyre not going to the thing that worries me most is that this latest leak goes as theres recently as 2017. You know that my suspicions are borne out and i say that this is still going on and nothing seems to change and every time theres a massive case you get the odd and every citizen none are cheap actually country stuff now they get some of the c. Or the mainstream u. K. Certainly or us theres a massive fire which is much less than the revenue thats being known generated from the crew all whenever you want to call it and then its just go back to normal as a nothings happened this is a continuous cycle its a great headline when it comes up and i was on our case 6 years ago signing pretty much the same thing people forget about it there are problems in our lives parenting is quite boring topic getting married and we get right back to beginning again and this is whats happened to her. As our correspondent was explaining the u. S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network had all this information but allowed the transactions to go ahead for almost 2 decades why did they put a stop to it or is that just coming down to the lack of manpower that youre pointing out. I think its probably a bit but its. Much i doubt with the regulators specially the last few years of. Our because the foundations are in seams and one thing i have noticed is that certain problems with the regulators theres a lack of competency and thats a market manpower. And thats only getting worse because im only saying something about how great whats the 1st thing because its you know its financial regulators and how its not important or Something Else is more important but theres also the political side if you remember what happened to her once the whole idea was to secure the Financial System so it doesnt break down and completely and a lot of the barracks and not being owned by these governments. And any sort of fraud or you know a lot of controls or what a financial thats negative against these banks is a direct criticism of the government and ultimately its the taxpayer is picking up the bill and i dont know you know were all paying for internet lead but you know this is this is this is just a cycle of one of the banks in the u. K. That im not going to name for legal reasons and 1000000000 pounds on lawyers last year what one of us to me spend much more and more is for honest real problem and this is not just one Financial Year these things are just going on and on the us are trying to question its a lack of manpower and its a loss clucking not who will i think theres also been several other leaks of suspicious banking activities in recent years many people remember the names the Paradise Papers the pentagon papers how does this leak compare with those in terms of scale. Well in terms of scale. Weve just been speaking with financial journalist Charlie Boyle we lost the connection with him but we want to thank him for joining us on the program today and thats all for this hour news wise but if youre looking for more ahead on over to our website r. T. Dot com for countless articles and all of our shows thanks for tuning in. Im after a time say were going underground as World Leaders including putin she and trump plead for global unity as the u. N. Celebrates its 75th anniversary amid a divisive and economically discriminatory coronavirus pandemic coming on the show as the socalled western world faces its biggest economic depression since the 1930 s. Professor David Blanchflower former bank of england montreal the Committee Member tells us that our politicians are fit to mend an arguably broken system and 26 years to the month democrat president bill clinton signed the violence against women act cosponsored by joe biden his clinton guilty of the crimes he signed into law we talked to one woman who claims to have been raped about why she is voting for trump and the. Only thing more coming up in todays going underground but 1st a virus transmitted at least in part because of environmental destruction is being credited for ripping up the economic plans of finance ministers all over the world ahead of a possible 2nd wave and here in britain brics at negotiations in crisis what can save capitalism now joining me now from hanover New Hampshire is Dartmouth College is labor market economist and former bank of england Monetary Policy Committee Member professor David Blanchflower danny thanks so much for coming on so your recommendations for slashing Interest Rates arguably did way more than austerity for saving britain after the Bank Bailouts and the austerity how can britain recover from covert given per capita its death rate is the highest in the g 20. Well youve got to keep spending money youve got to. Resist entirely any idiot who says we should be going to austerity lets just think about the u. K. So we have not over 9000000 people who are on furloughed schemes

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