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Being seen on the streets we debate the issue. The only thing that it does is give people of color. Broadcasting from moscow to the world this is our to International Pleasure to have your company my names you know. Our top story this hour british Prime Minister Boris Johnson claims a 2nd wave is not inevitable in the u. K. That could mean another National Lockdown on the way. Into Central London where they made their feelings any new restrictions. I was. In the demonstration took place the spine of bone and large social gatherings some clashes stroke skirmishes as you can see there with police happened to activists forming human boric aides to prevent officers from making arrests. In your house where in Europe Countries are witnessing record infection rates spain is currently the worst affected its reimposing in partial lockdown in madrid from monday the news was greeted with fury on friday with hundreds the mounding the resignation of the regional chief looks now at how european nations are trying to kill. The World Health Organizations latest Coronavirus Claims make for grim reading it reports that weekly cases of course europe are now higher than joining the pandemic speak this is the case numbers however should serve as a rake up call for all of us. These numbers reflect more competence if this thing it also shows a lot of ingrates of the information across the region fear of p. And center for disease prevention and control agrees that while more testing played a part in these high figures its not the only reason whiling creech testing contributes to better awareness of all ongoing transmission it is not the only reason for the increase of covert 1000. 00 cases which is also linked to the relaxation of physical distancing and other preventive measures while the United Nations mall the prospects of reintroducing tough new measures here in the u. K. Localised restrictions have been put in place in different regions of the country meaning more than 10000000 brits are now effectively in a new form of lockdown the north east of england is the latest to have restrictions. Residents should not socialise with other people outside their own households all support double. Hospitality for food and drink would be restricted to Table Service only and late night restrictions of operating hours will be introduced so leisure and tame venues must close between 10 pm and 5 how we can tell our system is it just the way its working to get tested every week the government spoke of doing so much but theyve been there so you know i think everyones under strain right now because of the crisis but there should be more support. Within the communities because a lot of people really are struggling i love the time able to come out of their houses to get test prep might be swayed into government you need to be well organized and you need to provide more Testing Centers would have done it was akin to the going out incident popping up on the wall of the u. K. Government has spent the last couple of months focusing on more localized measures reports of consistently been lurking that a nation wide lot could be reinforced once more Britains Health secretary hadnt done anything to back away those rumors the last line of defense is full National Action and i dont want to see that but we will do whatever. Necessary to keep people safe in a very difficult pandemic across the channel france has broken its own record for cases in one day with over 10 and a half 1000 rights up in a single 24 hour period and the countrys Prime Minister has been criticized in some quarters for suggesting that everyone would just have to learn to live with the virus hes also now being sued by kobe survivors and relatives of the victims for the way the government handled the crisis which is striking since his arrival is that there is no strategy whatsoever in fighting the pandemic this country is being managed not governed. Meanwhile in spain another european country devastated in the 1st wave lockdowns are on their way back in madrid the World Health Organization the said that different nations can have different approaches depending on their own unique circumstances but one thing must remain consistent and thats the quarantine period last in 14 days knowing the immense individual and so cycle impact even a slight reduction in the link of time and half and giving to figures i have just mentioned the concept of cut and dying must be protected initially adept at trying to fight and communicate that dont any ambiguity to the people a month ago the prospect of 2nd lockdown seemed only a remote possibility but today its looking like a question of when and not if countries bring them back shattering already suffering businesses and inflicting more social and economic pain on people already worn down by restrictions on their lives. Take from there were u. S. Democrats and republicans are currently battling over who look at the case of the white house come november the parties are also set to lock horns over the Supreme Court and it is a big decision that is after the death was announced that judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the age of 87. 00 Ruth Ginsburg being the oldest sitting judge on the Supreme Court having served there say its 993. 00 she was only the 2nd ever woman to be appointed to americas highest court and is regarded as a liberal feminist icon a Supreme Court judges consider for life for until they choose to retire it has many speculating President Trump will hurry through her replacement while hes still in power and nominate a more conservative minded count that. We would put in this position of power and importance to make decisions for the people who so proudly elected us the most important of which has long been considered to be the selection of United States. In Court Justices we have this obligation without delay present charms nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate Voters should pick a president and the president should pick that justice for the senate to consider 4 and a half years ago republicans invented the principle that the senate shouldnt feel an open seat on the Supreme Court before a new president was sworn in a basic principle of the law is that we apply rules with consistency and not based on whats convenient or advantages and the moment. When 26 named barack obama refused to hold a senate vote on appointing a new judge 9 months before the election back then it was justified by the fact he was the outgoing democratic president but perhaps more pertinently both houses of congress were held at the time by the Republican Party professor of media studies at Georgetown University Chris Chambers says even if donald trump loses novembers election hed still have time to make changes before the new president steps in. The problem is is that what we have seen is the manipulation in the United States senate by majority leader mcconnell who arguably probably has more power to do things arbitrarily than the president indeed it was sort of mcconnell who blocked president obamas choices and basically confirmed maybe 8 judges this many months where if hes confirming 8 judges almost a day for President Trump mr biden was right in a way that you there is a truncated or a short time period but theoretically you can get a lot done in that very short period even in january before the old Congress Call it goes out in an presumably if he wins a new president comes in but its only about 2 weeks so but a lot has been done in that in that period now what the problem is is that if you have a president who is as we call a lame duck its a President Trump loses in november you have a Lame Duck Congress and a lame duck president imposing a Supreme Court justice on someone its going to be a very difficult political period but it can be done. Moving the program all know ive said russia was forced to the fell advanced hypersonic weaponry because of washingtons tearing up of long standing arms pacs the president s comments come a day after his american counterpart accused moscow of stealing such technology directly from the u. S. Picks up the story for us. Washington abandoned the and to Missile Defense treaty with a moscow 18 years ago and thats what prompted the development of russias and us Hypersonic Missile system according to Vladimir Putin lets have a listen so youre listening to the u. S. Withdrawal from the n. T. Ballistic missile treaty in 2000 to make russia start its development of a hypersonic weapon we had to create this weapon to respond to the u. S. Move to deploy strategic anti Missile Systems which could neutralize a no fly on Nuclear Capability the a. B. M. Treaty was signed by the soviet union and the United States back in 1700 and back that it was designed in order for the 2 superpowers to have new clear parity but in 2002 watches and abandoned it now on friday donald trump boasted about a new weapons that had been developed by the United States saying there are no like it in the world and say he also accused russia of stealing u. S. Technologies during the Barack Obama Administration lets have a listen you know they have the missile the super duper hydrocyanic i call it the super duper goes 5 times faster than a normal missile or a we have one goes much faster than that but russia got that information from the Obama Administration russia stole that information you know that you know. Russia got the information and they built it but we have no one that much fish much faster than that thats like a slow missile thats like considered a slow motion over russian president said that the development of the countrys most advanced a Weapon System began long before Barack Obamas administration had let me putin said that on saturday while speaking with a developer of the oven guard that Hypersonic Missile system he said that for the 1st time in history russia possesses the most advanced weapons and there are no like them in the world just. Now for the 1st time in a bold in history russia possesses the most advanced weaponry which is many times stronger more powerful fine. Aster and more precise than all models that have ever existed no one in the world has this kind of weapon at least for now. So once again the us abandoned the a. B. M. Treaty back in 2000 through last year the i. N. F. Treaty was also abandoned by all washington of the i. M. F. Was of course intermediate range Nuclear Forces now this time the americans accused a russia off not following that i. N. F. Treaty and the kremlin denied all those allegations and accused the us of trying to dismantle security pact in order to gain dominance now the only weapons agreement thats alive between the 2 countries at the moment is the new start treaty which has only 6 months left on it and russia said that its willing to extend the new start treaty automatically without any preconditions by 5 years however the us has put forth conditions that china must now also join this korea so this will become a new trial after all arms control deal. The clock ticking on the hugely Popular Social Media Networks which are on tech talk theyre being told from us up stories from sunday night on washingtons orders the dramatic moves prompted beijing to lash out. China urges the us to abandon bullying cease its wrongful actions and earnestly maintain fair and Transparent International rules and order if the us insists on going its own way china will take mrs or images to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of chinese companies. Ticktock itself has filed a complaint to block the trumpet ministration from enforcing the ban the video showing up in the executive order is unjust and politically motivated under the ban no new users will be able to install the up but those who already have it will have access on till mid november now the latest spot comes as tech talks owner by dunce continues talks with tech giant oracle to sell its u. S. Operations walmarts also entered to go see a sions it all hinges on whether the Chinese Government will talk to sell its core algorithm to the american side President Trump has said he expects a resolution soon. I think if youre quickly we have Great Companies talking to us about it you know about oracle you know microsoft has been involved it will see whether or not theyre continuing to be involved walmart is truly a Great Company theyre very much if they want to do something so we have some great options and if we can keep a lot of people happy but have the security that we need we have to have the total security from china there is no telling whats wrong with you in the force. The deal entirely in americans favor to the extent of acquiring Coal Technology which of course the beijing doesnt want to sell to the United States at the end of the day election the president s reelection is coming up and there are millions and millions of take paul uses the detail of the young people will be very very upset that they caught using all and also is the does that take off all social media thing but. The d problem is talking about banning we chat as well we chat its not just social media it is a means all all communication and also means of payment a lot of these Small Medium Sized Enterprises even Big Companies want to do business with china effect that theyve been through each at so again we chat and its going to be. Problematic not only for jane but also for d d a lot of american investors d and businesses. In all the american president has College Professors in his sights accusing them of radical izing left wing protesters who are not. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics Small Business im show business ill see if that. Is your media a reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being so. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or unmaidenly shallowness. Double trouble post claim the recent on our key scene in us streets is partly because students are being indoctrinated in hard left ideology Critical Race Theory. The 1619 project and the crusade against American History this toxic propaganda the left wing writing and many other direct result of decades of leftwing indoctrination into our schools the subjects mentioned by mr trump are rooted in radical socialist thinking big zalman societies primarily through the lens of race identity and power supporters say foremost among the ideas Critical Race Theory is a bug righting the wrongs of the past we put the issue up for debate to see if thats really the case. We do want people to be judged by the content of their character but this idea of colorblind list is inherently racist and im a black man and that is what people are going to see in this society 1st and foremost so i dont want to be judged just because i am black this whole idea of Critical Race Theory the only thing that it does is it gives people of color an excuse to try to not try hard and we have things like affirmative action and they talk about White Privilege when theres 15000000 white People Living in america right now below the poverty line thats almost double the 8000000 black people that are living below the poverty line so you go talk to the old white people about their White Privilege and treat this country was stolen from Indigenous People through brutal land theft and genocide from the lands of White Supremacy and it was built off of the backs of stolen people from africa including forced rape and to come to tea of African Women to create more property for a white man nothing that happened you know what anthony is referring to that happened hundreds of years ago is not applicable today we have a constitution that applies to a couple eyes to every man woman and child today it regardless of sex race creed religion jack everybody is protected with the same rights under the constitution in fact people of color get special deference because of programs like affirmative action listen youre going to pass and and im a hispanic american and i dont have these issues and i dont believe that im being that i need to fight for liberation and im a free man can you tell me which amendment gives black granite Indigenous People special treatment in the constitution if youre going to reference this document back it up with facts otherwise theres been a lot of things even trump has done it trump putting but im not for hannity zones so predominately black and hispanic neighborhoods get special tax breaks to the middle of the country doesnt get you know 2 we dont you dont know whats going on and youre misrepresenting history and you have to endure youre living in the past youre literally living in the past anthony. I have no problem with people who are actually trained and skilled in racism to train people in being racist because we know there is no such thing as not resist youre either racist or youre in she raises people who say that all lives matter are racist and try to pull one group above the other thats the definitive definition the opinion of what racism actually is. The feller us were antigovernment protests to continue defend their anger over august disputed election rallies have not been going on for 6 weeks on saturday protesters mostly female gathered in the capital minster nonbeing president lukashenko stepped on Police Arrested some of those rolling on the streets the exact number detained is not known but rights group claim it was more than 300. 00. Meanwhile opposition candidates to count of sky is expected to take part in a meeting with a u. Foreign ministers in brussels next week she has already addressed the European Parliament the news being condemned by both the bell russian and russian Government Rock as the of our Senior Correspondent sent this report from inside. On saturday and throughout this week there have been far fewer people attending again view a demonstration spontaneous protest that weve seen rocking belew us over the past month or so and police feeling emboldened by the lack of ads n. D. S. Have certainly made themselves seen and known they have been many arrests dozens upon dozens of protesters and activists arrested detained taken to a Police Station and Holding Cells but it is sunday that is the big day of protests here in belarus where we could expect to see thousands upon thousands of people gather together rallies and marched on the streets of minsk against the government it is the traditional day of protest we will see how the numbers out of what you have what sort of numbers turned out for that but while there have been there may have been a lull in a few a few people coming out for. Protests soufan this week there has been an uptick on the geopolitical fraud on the diplomatic front with the with an escalation in the relations between the European Union and better us. Have been invited to attend a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of european states which is which is you know certainly certainly shows how high a stock has risen in the ranks of in the minds of european politicians or indeed depending on who you ask how high they have elevated stud better is this come out here and said that you know the mosque all mosques are off the European Union has shown its true colors that they have meddling that this is an attack on the sovereignty of belarus on the independence of belarus and russia has come out and said that the this meeting represents a u. Turn europes previously stated goals of staying out of it and respecting the independence and the will of the better russian people. We consider such contact if it takes place as more evidence of the European Unions departure from statements that they made and their regard in the absence of geopolitics in the situation with. With regards to this diplomatic escalation that i mentioned the European Parliament came out and voted on a nonbinding resolution to see more of a recommendation but a very harsh one calling on the heads of states of the European Union the leaders of the European Union not to recognize president. As the legitimate leader of belarus once his official term is up moreover they are calling for sanctions for pressure on bellerose and russia for example has come out and said that this is counterproductive that this flies in the face of what the European Union has called for that called on previously which is deescalation which is dialogue and which is to to leave belarus to decide for itself on what path and what course to proceed and russia said says that if these if these harsh sanctions are put in place. That there will be consequences. Our position in relation to sanction instruments used by the European Union is well known it is illegitimate from the point of view of International Law and is an unacceptable interference internal affairs and the context of the situation and valorous it contradicts the call of restore instability establishing dialogue launching their constitutional process and these intentions of which represented have spoke so much about the rocklahoma attempts to rock the boat and brussels should not be surprised that retaliated to remeasure will follow previously the president of the European Council had come out and openly said that the process of belarus not about geopolitics and that the European Union firmly stands behind the better russian people who have the right to decide their own future but since then opinions have apparently changed in the chambers of the European Union and the European Union has taken a much more active role in deciding who has leads belarus and making sure that the European Union gets a 3rd say in how things are done here on out. To similar scenes in thailand where thousands of people are protesting in bangkok demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister on reform of the monarchy rallies have been steadily increasing in size since mid july the biggest the day through more than 10000 people organizers are expecting an even larger turnout this weekend the calls for royal reform are particularly sensitive post criticism of the time monarchy can result in geo politics professor park knowing wall sees the protesters will need to tread carefully. We have to pay particular attention to 1. 00 very special subtle differences from previous protests in 2014 when the previous. Democratic elected government was to the films this time to put a start demanding. Up front and change to the system because of the nature of the monarchy led by the new king he is quite different from the previous came and because he obviously he has already sent arise a lot of policy in this on hand and i would say the protesters should also be fairly mindful and careful with dealing with this new king because hes new and the way he often hes doing things for the entire meal and sold to produce the need to test the water and see what is the skin off doing things. Earlier this month zimbabwe surprised the world when there were none stared would be compensating white farmers whove lost their livelihoods and controversial land reform policies in the early 2000 years many had their farms simply seized and handed to the black population the move played a significant role in the countrys ruinous collapse or hopes that problems were now in the past have been dealt a fresh blow. From the year 2000 it was living on the knife age all the time. We were actually told. That their their land. Reform is finished and we will congratulate took that we started on the land. And i really didnt feel secure. I was just about to go into town to do some im sure our farm shopping. Actually i was still 8 otherwise my wife would have been day by itself. And suddenly just trip to Florida Police arrived. What just happened just multiple awfully does have subsequently been adequate to do same property this is a total surprise to us it was sharply. From what everything that he promised and. The way forward was jane greece encouraged commercial farmers to come back but really in reality work just changed nothing has changed ive just gone through what 4000 other farmers sick on tree curing the mccarthy regime. Well that wraps up this news bulletin live from moscow if youd like to delve a little deeper into any of those stories our web site has you covered see you again in 30. New gold rushes under way in. Thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich. As. Children are torn between gold. Was very poor i thought i was doing my best to get back to see which side will have the strongest appeal. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this period Dramatic Development that only mostly im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Well comb through already acted tonight this is joe were americans in america covering

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