Sights on Space Exploration with a packed show today so lets dive right in. And President Trump has made his decision rejecting byt dances compromise of selling a portion of their widely popular social media app ticktock to u. S. Company oracle now the president has now announced that tick tock will be banned in the United States on app Stores Beginning sunday the Commerce Department said friday that as of sunday any moves to distribute or maintain we chat or tick tack on an app store will be prohibited this means that while users who are ready have downloaded the apps may be able to continue using the software the Restrictions Mean updated versions of the apps can not be downloaded joining us now to discuss our boom bust cohost bents want to christiane theyve been covering this story with us all week long so thank you so much for that theres another twist on a friday ben i want to start with you because even though we have heard a lot of talk about banning tick tack by the administration all that is really being banned are that at this point are really updates correct. Yes so this is kind of a ridiculous move here by the Commerce Department what theyre saying is look you will not be able to get an update on tick tock but if you already have it on your Android Device or you have it on your apple device you can still use it so it doesnt change anything now that the restrictions are we chatter a little more strict beginning on sunday its going to be illegal to host or transfer internet traffic associated with we chat so its more strict here now get this the german ministration says that beginning on november 12th november 12th of this year the same rules would apply to what does that mean that simply means this the german ministration doesnt have to do an outright ban on tick tock before the election which i think is awfully convenient at this point so you dont look bad before the election but at the same time it also its almost like youre baiting to talk to say were still going to consider your agreement to work with oracle and give a board seat to walmart equity stake to walmart youre essentially given the chance to maybe sweeten that deal before we all out ban you so without calling it an extension thats essentially what they got was an extension if its interesting because obviously when it comes to updates eventually those kind of run out and become make the apple unusable of venture now kristie it appears that one way by death is actually trying to get around the Trump Administration rules is to offer a u. S. I. P. O. But would that really appears the new chinese rules. Yet its hard to say because right now its not clear whether by dance could even present this deal to china as keeping majority ownership of the chinese official has said that they do not learn by chance to agree to a sports tail and a companys proposal to the white house this week called for it to retain majority ownership talk by dan said on thursday it would be chinas approval to the proposed deal so it may not even fly with china if it doesnt retain majority ownership but at the crux of it its all about the algal at this point so weve had reports even late last night from beijing that they would be come forward to talk. Content recommendation algorithm is in check. For to us so as ben has said this i. P. O. Is just icing on the cake to try to seal the deal and make it more better for the u. S. So take the global would be the i. P. L. In about a year or so and this would be one of the biggest tech market given that this apple when so many valued at more than 50000000000. 00 so this would be a huge win for the u. S. To have the action wristed in the new york market and by dance also offer to create 25000. 00 new u. S. Jobs with the tick tock in the u. S. Which is another bonus incentive so it would also further reduce by the state in the company to peace u. S. Officials who want to see the chinese linson its grip on the app but in all of this its done to try to appease the u. S. But it will be a very difficult sell to convince to china but so far as they are concerned as long as it retains control of the algal thats again a line in sand and its interesting on the i. P. O. Because you know how much President Trump likes to tout the stock market and that would certainly send things up at least for a couple of days now the administration theyre not stopping with tech talk Gaming Companies connected the Chinese Technology firm holdings are the latest targets caught in the crosshairs by the administrations crackdown on beijing and were talking about epic games and riaa epic has a portion owned by 10 cent but right is mostly outright own by 10 so what do we know about this yeah its kind of an interesting story so bloomberg broke this but essentially theyre saying that the Treasury Department is looking at citi letters to epic games which you said of course theyre the ones who create a fortnight which by the way you cant even access on an i phone right now because of a separate dispute that theyre having with apple and then you also have right games essentially what theyre doing is saying to them that they want to see the security protocols that are in place in terms of how the data is handled for americans who use it thats how they started out with tech talk the same thing so essentially is a Drug Administration actually going to make a move to say were going to ban certain Gaming Companies as well unless whats the unless unless you bring in an American Company unless you hand over a portion of your of your company and your control. The company to an American Company listen a lot of this really is going to come down to the election in just a few weeks and to determine whether or not we move forward in this way if the drum administrator could keep going this route that it looks like they would kind of have these. Maybe is the wrong term but almost a hostile takeover of multiple very Successful Companies just because they have a connection to china when it would be very strange especially in the right game situation because what youre supposedly saying is a company that already sold from the u. S. Base to china china now you say you have to sell it back after im sure there was a lot of Regulatory Approval that happened there kristie i want to talk about this election here just a little bit because what do we expect to see happen over the next 4 years with this battle with china if the president is reelected certainly has position himself as tough on china while he says joe biden his opponent is weak on china but what will that relationship with china look like after the election. Well this is setting up a very dangerous precedent that basically anything and everything can somehow be stripped away under the guise of National Security without any proof at all that its actually a threat and so right now this is the 1st step in coupling platforms and apps so weve already seen it in Hard Technology like semiconductors its a coupling now from data and now finally seeing this decoupling now from so its possible that we see an aggressive u. S. Administration going after more Chinese Companies so right now than a car going to china but other countries should take note that no one is safe essentially and while on the surface its been argued as a National Security issue this actually is something greater than that its communication and social media as those are the platform being targeted which in turn means that this is a direct attack on speech and communication by blocking any most popular apps news to communicate and spread information and news so remember that we chat its not only the texting app its how people receive news feeds they get world updates on whats so and might be a very small step right now as i mentioned why. Talking up things and stuff but its a very small step on the path to censorship where communication lines are being threatened and ripple and we could have an entire 30 Minute Program just talking about this but alas we are out of time bus cohosts christiane and ben swan thank you for breaking this down for us today. Thank you thank you. Chad as we have been tracking the race for a covert 19 banks in the United States top Infectious Disease specialists to believes we could see a safe and effective vaccine before the end of 2020 no during a Congressional Hispanic Caucus panel on Global Pandemic so earlier this week dr anthony for you said quote i would still put my money on November December when it comes to vaccine now the director of the National Institute of allergy and Infectious Diseases also told the wall street journal getting past the pandemic will require a quote combination of a good vaccine along with Public Health measures as and much of the situation depends on how many people will actually use the vaccine but with all this in mind lets go ahead and take another look at the trend and spread of the good virus globally with r. T. Correspondent so i was right it said ran going into the weekend we are of course we have surpassed already 30000000 confirmed gate cases global that also very close to 1000000 in the u. S. Over 6900000 cases while deaths are over 200000 heres where we are in daily new cases and deaths in the u. S. There were 45434 new cases reported on wednesday thats a one percent decrease from last week so only a very small decrease and there were 849. 00 deaths also only a one percent decrease from last week and the main concern right now is that more young people are getting the virus that would lead to an increase in infection among the elderly and vulnerable which then of course more pressure on hospitals during the coming winter months when theyre also dealing with other things like the flu so this is what medical experts are afraid of right now which is why its so important for a vaccine to be available before we head into the winter brand now sir can you actually break down the different factors that are contributing to the various death rates in some countries well you know when looking at just how deadly cold it 19 is the good news. Is that its actually not as deadly as we 1st thought so and there were some early predictions that one in 4 in fact they would actually die but the bad news is that even though the virus is killing a small percentage of infected people it still leads to a large number of deaths so here are the look so there are numerous factors that go into play here right lets take a look here at the top 10 countries with the most deaths related to go over 1000. 00 that mortality rate that percentage that you see is calculated based on the number of deaths per 100. 00 confirmed cases so each profile of a country has been a major contributor to their mortality for example a quarter or 25 percent of italys population is over the age of 65. 00 or older compared to only 10 percent in india which is why italy has such a higher mortality rate then india so if youre they over the age of 65. 00 your risk will be much higher if youre under 20 its going to be very low and for those with preexisting conditions the virus is much more life threatening but then that wouldnt explain why the us were only 11 percent of the population is 65. 00 plus would have such a high total death count so this is what experts are actually predicting so this is been the 1st Global Health crisis to emerge when theres been instant access to information right the good the bad theres 24 hour news and internet reports so thats really influenced the response of the pandemic here in the u. S. Politics have also played an enormous role in communicating the risk of covert in the u. S. Where democrats and republicans alike are constantly citing come flick to information so obviously age has them in the only factor now outside of the us access to quality hospital care is playing at. Very big role in the virus is a fatality rate so if youre in a place that has advanced Clinical Care and doctors trained to use mechanical ventilators youre of course more likely to survive which explains the higher death rate in countries like iran in mexico india and brazil so since they dont have access to a lot of ventilators or Quality Health care also another way to look at this is another way to look at this mortality rate i should say is to compare overall coburn 1000. 00 thats 2 other leading leading causes of deaths now here in the u. S. Its on track to be the 3rd leading cause of death this year behind the Heart Disease cancer and ahead of accidents chronic lung disease and stroke so the more medical experts really look at this brand theres just no one size fits all approach to quote one theme or gee correspondents thank you for keeping us up to date. Were seeing more volatility as Global Markets are mixed for the week and lets see where things ended up start in russia where the mo x. Its up for the week on friday Russia Central Bank announced it would keep its Interest Rates at a record low of 4. 25 percent expectations of inflation remain high as the ruble slid following this announcement lets move to asian markets the shanghai composite is also up on the week rising just over 2 percent on friday alone brokerage and Tourism Companies led those gains on friday Chinas Central Bank continued to pump cash into the Banking System lifting Market Sentiment in hong kong is our 1st red arrow the housing song took a dip on thursday following wall streets tech sell off by 1. 5 percent financial and Health Care Stocks saw some games on friday while 10 cent was just slammed as the us announced we chat would be banned as of sunday here in the United States while the white house is also looking into their holdings in the u. S. Based Gaming Companies riot and epic in japan the nikkei its also in the red japans ministry of finance released data showing japans exports fell by 14. 8 percent in august compared to a year ago newly elected Prime Minister you should heed a. Providing some optimism by ensuring political stability and policy continuity in the country in india the sensex its also doubt on the way the country is on track to surpass the u. S. In coronavirus cases the banking and metals sectors they were the biggest losers this week in india in australia the a. S. X. It is slightly down for the week and vester sentiment grew earlier in the week following the news that Oxford University would continue its covert 1000 vaccine trial but the index reacted later in the week to that sell off that were seeing on wall street in south africa all share it is also in the red with the index seeing a 4 day losing streak thats the longest since june banking led those losses dropping one. Point 6 percent move and were going to move over to europe here and to the americas for our next set here in london the footsie is just down on the week britain is experiencing a surge in new coke in 1000. 00 cases banking stocks slid on friday as the bank of england floated the possibility of negative Interest Rates fears of another lockdown are weighing on Investor Sentiment here now the french cac in the german dax theyre also in the red falling on the u. S. Federal reserve signaling that it will keep Interest Rates near 0 over the next few years european travel stocks are also weighing markets down as investors worry of a worsening 2nd wave in the region lets move across the atlantic to brazil where the best but it is up for the week on tuesday brazils Economy Ministry predicted a 4. 7 percent fall in g. D. P. This year this would speed up the countrys recovery which many think is already underway the Ministry Expects 3rd quarter growth led by industry agriculture and trade to help drive up that g. D. P. In mexico the b. M. V. Its in the red this week as well the b. M. V. Closed on wednesday to observe mexican Independence Day the index losses on thursday and friday dragged down by Telecommunications Consumer spending and materials now the peso did gain 2 percent this week and here in the u. S. The all 3 major indices in the dow the s. And p. And the nasdaq theyre all down a tech selloff this week continue to push the nasdaq to its worst day in 5 sessions the dow also snapped a 5 day winning streak again many of the same factors were seeing worldwide are affecting u. S. Equities and finally finish things off in toronto the ts x. It is just slightly down for the week the index conditionally approved montreal based tech company knew of a making history as the most valuable tech i. P. O. Ever on the ts x. Rays to 700000000. 00 on thursday alone energy and gold were down this week dragging down the index just a bit. Adding into next week were going to have to keep an eye on the latest in this tech talk saga and whether u. S. China tensions ramp up any further and that is your global market. And time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return space x. Has hit turbulence launching starling satellites as the private sector has set its sights on Space Exploration and as we go to break here are the numbers that the quote. Was a pandemic not certain you know blood is just flying to nationalities. So much because we dont actually. Teach sick. People. Judging. Comedy classes so what is the sentence. We can do better we should. Everyone is contributing each of our own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges created the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud of the were in it together. A new gold rush is underway in ghana thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich here is a good. Day over the children are torn between gold and education from me was very poor i thought i was doing my best to get back to school which side will have the strongest appeal. You will be a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation because you dont see. You going the right way. So. What is true. Is. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the debt. Or inmate in the shadows. And welcome back elon musks space x. Is prepping for its next move in development for its mars colonizing starship spacecraft now according to a tweet from mosques sent out on the 12th of september to essen a starship should be ready for High Altitude tests next week now according to space x. The launch vehicle being developed by the company at its boca chica Test Facility will attempt a flight 12 miles into the sky before returning for a controlled landing space x. Has previously launched short range test flights with 2 earlier prototypes the s n 5 in essence 6 but those were short range now meanwhile on thursday the company was forced to call off the launch of its latest fleet of Starlink Internet satellites a space x. Falcon 9 was scheduled to launch 60 new satellites that afternoon but canceled due to a quote recovery issue with the rocket now they were unable to reschedule a friday due to concerns over whether the company has launched more than 700 satellites into orbit to build what they call a constant lay. Designed to offer high Speed Internet throughout the world space x. Is hoping to build a constellation of 400 starling satellites but musk says 502800 are needed for initial service so for more on this virtualization of the space sector lets go ahead and bring in aaron paygo executive director at the center for space commerce and finance and Rick Tomlinson the founder and chairman of the space fun as well as cofounder of the Space Frontier Foundation thank you both for joining us ric i actually want to start with you here and i want to talk about the s. N. A. Test every time we talk about space and mars we get really really excited because its crazy to think but what do you make of this next round of tests and does it really put us any closer to the red planet. Well absolutely you know not just the red planet but the idea of sort of opening up the railway to space its the next says if i understand correctly theyre going to be having 3 engines their clients about 12 miles and thats a pretty serious demonstration. Rather than the little cylinder you can see in flying up and down now theyre going to have the nose kind of the. You know it. Should be very exciting and again you know it alone is doing this a many it is being just pushed test flood blow some stuff a lot better go and so its really exciting well its interesting because when we talk about recovery and we have the recovery issues we saw with starlink which were going to actually get to hear in a 2nd but when we talk about the recovery chute thats the most fascinating thing ive ever seen as these rockets they fly up and then they come in land straight up and its beautiful now airplane and im sorry i have a get back to us when it comes to the business of space do you see the ice in a all about mars or are there other business implications at hand here. Well its certainly being developed for mars like thats the end goal but theres going to be a number of near term applications that will probably see 1st you know rick said theyre opening up the railway to space thats pretty accurate metaphor so a cargo version of the starship will actually allow for heavier payloads with larger design specifications to be sent into orbit and so this could be things like larger satellite arrays that would act as orbital switchboards for increased satellite activity or even modules for habitat in orbit or on the moon so just as a reminder the s i s s was largely built with the assistance of the Shuttle Program and without that Cargo Capacity weve not been able to just been limited so. So for example bigelows expendable module that was added 216. 00 was a it really in a divine design but it was done because we. Just had capacity constraints now additionally theyll be some other markets musk has signaled that it could be used for travel on earth im not sure how economically feasible that when it be but especially with like hypersonic airplanes that are being developed but at the very least it could be a different type of Space Tourism vehicle that would be a competitor blueridge and Virgin Galactic and space perspective now on the air and i want to move to the startling constellation while we talk about access to high Speed Internet this could be a real game changer is that correct. It is definitely a game changer for underserved Rural Communities countries in the developing world and hard to reach areas like oceanic shipping lanes those markets have limited wired access so they are usually relying on existing satellite internet which has a dismal upload speed of our band with speed like 25. 00 megabytes per 2nd or cellular infrastructure so having access to high bandwidth and low latency connections which space x. Is town to tout ing to be a warm gigabyte percent thats a pretty massive improvement but i wanted to jack just a little bit skepticism because im obviously identifying a couple specific markets this is probably not going to be a substitute for wired connections in the developed in developed markets with existing wired infrastructure building out this constellation is going to take a number of years which starling has been pretty upfront about but thats the service those identified markets also i think they might be presenting some inflated demand figures at the moment theyre citing that they have 700000 people who signed up for the beta testing and thats very impressive but i think that figure probably includes a sizeable portion of people who are in urban centers which is not likely going to be service i dont doubt theres a sizable market here there really is but at the moment we probably havent seen what rep what that is represented and rick i want to get one last thing before we go after the Crew Dragon Mission a few months ago there was a lot of buzz about spaceflight from the u. S. And the international into the International Space station now u. S. But u. S. Based Production Company called Space Hero Inc so this is acquired a seat 182023 mission to the i. F. s and that seat will go to the winner of a reality show titled space hero what are your thoughts on this situation about 45 seconds left. So i wanted to people in space hear of their great guns signed up the 1st we were going to fly into the mir put him on the us and said so im really excited about this. Look this is going to go beyond tourism were looking at an era where were going to be able to actually settle into the whole space if you like goes to mars great but if we could just get 1020300000 people either in orbit everything opens up Rick Tumlinson aaron peggle thank you both for your expertise today. Thank you thank you and thats it for today you can always catch us on portable t. V. At portable t. V. Well see you next time. And. Time after time called parisian to repeat the same mantra sustainability very important its accelerating transitions to sustainable transport sustainability stay number manage a more equitable and sustainable world. They claim their production is completely harmless. Lovely. Because. It. Companies want us to feel good about products while the damage is being done far away and this is something ill just want any minute i need much. Emphasis on the news limited and on human im stunned seemed to be the best understood superman in. The world is driven by a dream shaped by one person that there is. No day or thinks. We dare to ask. With a post. From the. Last time we chased. Each one of them carrying 20 kilos d of drugs. First offense. They just stepped. Into the mean. This is for me. Even if. I dont know. Me. Right. Now well. Join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics. Im show business ill see you then. Headlines this weekend europe scrambles to deal with a rough coronavirus cases with spain now becoming the latest nation to reimpose much as well governments elsewhere also mild new restrictions ahead of the flu season. Stories german regions involved in the north st gas pipeline project rejects mounting calls to scrap it as locals in one poll threatened with u. S. Sanctions over the Russian Energy link strike if the

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