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A Critical Condition after being shot President Trump has already called for the shooter to face the Death Penalty if they dont survive. Hello and welcome thanks for joining us for the week he what we call star i pod those are the stories that made the headlines over the past. And thats had straight to balor rallies again took place throughout sunday calling for president lukashenko to resign in the capital that was some brutal clashes between activists and Security Forces at least 400 arrests were made crowds keeping up the pressure more than a month after the contested election which the opposition claims was raked our correspondent morag have reports from minutes. Well here they are despite the violence this morning from police attempts to detain and the rest hundreds of protesters they have gathered together in this antigovernment march marching down the streets of means ordinary as a demonstration against pres. And for 3 plotted to the north they recognized as the legitimate leader there are a few swallows the way to for example they have a number of the bugs the release of all Political Prisoners for example as well as less Police Brutality they demoed them to the euro and restrain dharm of the law. Theyre now trying to present literature to leave to leave the presidency for a 2nd round of elections they want to change these demonstrators and they have a lot of support a lot of public support all of them in school over belarus in all matter of fact there were also several counter protests and mends khan sunday with people voicing their support for president and calling for an end to the postelection on west literacy lined up along the citys highways displaying the official red and green. This week a high profile member of the opposition in paris was arrested on her porch with ukraine on monday kolesnikov it disappeared she couldnt be reached by fire and for a while the whereabouts were unknown on tuesday official said the activists had been detained for breaking the law while trying to cross into ukraine Alexander Lukashenko ok further details in an interview with russian journalists. Plus going to losers that are only could you give us more detail about Marie Kolesnikov and where is she. I probably cannot give you much detail due to the fact that i was only told that she and her 2 friends who were drivers or close ones or distant ones they fled to ukraine today and they had documents and everything prepared in advance they showed their passports and customs officers Border Guards let them through further on is the state border and the ukrainian post but between these posts there are 8 to 9 kilometers and their border is heavily guarded so we deployed more guards naturally they were stopped before the gas pedal she was even thrown out of the car on the move welcomed. So they themselves did it yes well there were 3 of them who could have thrown her out Border Guards of course detained her hands would have been expected i say this is an old border guard and she was sent to the Border Office and the car went across the Ukrainian Border through the ukrainian post and then as far as im now informed they were detained and we negotiating with them so that they return them to us. What for they left the relatively speaking of were released from ruth you know they could not be detained they travelled legally with documents but they violated the state border they checked in at the checkpoint the Border Guards and customs officers did their jobs and the border itself is another 8 or 10 kilometers away and they drove right through this reinforced post in here to ukraine allegedly this woman sister lives in ukraine allegedly i dont know for sure they told me this today i ask why is that ukrainian not lithuania not hungry as they usually go to someones relatives the said to live there i cannot claim so i dont know everything yet therefore she was detained and we asked the ukrainian Border Guards to return the others to our country we will investigate what happened but request because one has a different version of events she says she was abducted by officers and taken to the Ukraine Border to be kicked out of the country and told point that she tore up her passport the opposition figure is now being held in the e. U. Has condemned detention calling it a violation of domestic and International Law. Meanwhile lithuania has passed a bill in world powers to recognize the opposition candidate and last months belorussian election as the rightful president this way here is the 1st country to recognize her a lot of chicken oscar as need of paris as she fled to lithuania after the election and she sensed part posted several videos asking the International Community to help. Out and enable woo actions to pitch kuala strain of rough. Lithuania would not have taken such a step without the backing of the larger powers. Its a signal that is being shown to look i think go and it shall show that there are forces major forces Political Forces behind because little you know wouldnt take such a measure which is illegitimate according to International Law if there was no support by the European Union or who knows. And i see this as. Not too intelligent step. Too blunt because it shows clearly that the situation in. Belarus is not only divided one side is also in danger of being taken over by external interests therefore i see it in political terms and not in terms of elections in minsk. Germany has accepted moscows request for legal cooperation on a probe and be allowed to poisoning. However state prosecutors warn the some information will only be shared with the activists consent and job and he says it still expects russia to be held accountable for the incident. We accused him of the relations with russia or influenced by the fact that russia is 1st of all an important global actor and also by the fact that in the past and in present times we have had some problematic topics between each other and we should express ourselves carefully this time there was an attempted murder on mr novelli performed with a very specific and internationally banned nerve agent of the novacek group and our demand is that russia urgently explain what happened thats what were going to question to you that our authorities are investigating this incident we dont like it when other countries dictate to us when and at what point to start our process we cannot legally call this a criminal case based on the analysis of the german laborde 3 moreover the board to receive the b. R. D. Army just as in the beer deed it is probably impossible to initiate a criminal case on the basis of tests that were taken in our Military Hospital this is legally nonsense there are acts of furphy creation our investigative bodies are working they have questions new questions appear we hold that we will receive information from our german colleagues it will help to move forward to germany previously and outstay would be sharing of all these test results with the Global Chemical weapons watchdog although russia which is a member of the apes says nothing has been received at novell nia much from an inch east coast this week with job and doctors saying he is now responding to speech although of course the know will tell the facts are still unclear he was i lifted to be let in for treatment last month off to forming a lot of flight from siberia the russian doctors that initial treatment have found no evidence of poisoning meanwhile russias envoy to the un has responded to the allegations coming from western powers. The zulu this is a look at these questions well so hopefully being we hear what statements formal and what measures are being mentioned discussed. This lead us leads us to an unavoidable reply nicol question legions borst in such situations weve won you tresses the queen produced who is to benefit from this the one that won it if you demand the explanations will defer explain the table and well compare notes one should with the rest really geishas im going to believe that by evidence even this is as you see me your reasonable but well the German Parliament debated the poisoning out a special session on friday and several lawmakers demanded action against moscow as peat a lot of the now reports. It was a fiery session on friday afternoon until evening here in berlin in the german bund the stock the majority of those who spoke or pointing a finger of blame directly at russia and the russian government for what they say was the poisoning of alexei no folly there were some voices that questioned the official government line not many i have to say but there were some and. If the kremlin really regrets the assassination attempt on alex in the valley and really wants to clear things up why does novell need such a level of protection from Us Security Services political murder is part of the putin system. Im not so not only are the russian supposed to have tried to poison an opponent of the regime with a military nerve agent but the put it in his tea why would the russian government be so stupid them and even let an avanti fly out to germany instead of hiding him in russia its absurd north stream too was a big issue on the debate as well basically the german politicians splitting into 3 camps there are those that say it needs to be halted immediately and perhaps canceled altogether there are those that want to wait and see how russia reacts and how this story develops and there are those saying that its simply too important economically and it must remain purely an economic project no matter what else is going on we have though you see heated debate over north stream both on the streets here in germany and on friday night in the bundestag north stream has never been a purely private sector project as the German Government has repeatedly argued despite the war in syria despite the use of a chemical weapon in souls bury the federal government is sending a message to the kremlin no matter what you do economic goals are more important to us than climate Protection Security policy and human rights. Demanding the immediate termination of north stream 2 is in my view and hasty in misguided reaction but it pleases those who have always opposed the project especially the greens well as germany continues to push russia for an explanation for what happened to alexei in the valley the Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has said russia still waiting for information it requested from germany but its the use of your mind you do want of the german representative to the u. N. Said the data is no longer a matter for bilateral relations between germany and russia but a matter for multilateral proceedings what kind of proceedings the germans are talking about they were unable to say in the interests of our german colleagues we urged them to provide all necessary information which might in any way should lights when absolutely unfounded accusations investigators in russia are also being on the search for more Information Police in the city of thompson which is where alexina valley had been he was flying from tomsk to moscow before his plane had to make an Emergency Landing in the city of school with the lexan of only in extreme distress well placed in tom skipping putting together a timeline of where he was in the lead up to him getting on that plane theyve placed miss in the valley in a hotel in a restaurant in a flat and in a coffee shop what they have also been going about doing is trying to interview those that were in close contact with alecks in the valley during his time in the city of tomsk police there say theyve been able to interview 5 of the 6 people that spent a lot of time with mr novelli they say the 6th person a woman is believed to have come here to germany there are still lots of facts to come to light in the case of what happened to alexa in the funny but as we search for those facts the diplomatic route between germany and russia continues to heat up. Now as we just heard senior politicians in berlin helping piling pressure on the government to pull out of the north into project over the of on case well we spoke exclusively with the head of the German Parliaments Energy Committee precisely about that issue. Not stream 2 is not putins project it involves a large number of European Companies and is designed to ensure the security if europes gas supply to question this project now is to shoot ourselves in the foot it is certainly not in the interests of germany or europe if there is a decision to end the project companies will be able to sue those who made the decision in this case the German Government and of course it will affect gas prices it must be clearly understood that this is not a game the pressure coming from the us is already enough in my view so we are strongly resisting the american sanctions that have been imposed on companies and individuals involved in the pipeline construction this is against International Law and we dont accept it i can see that many people who might not have fully understood the story thinking now will show them but i think its completely wrong 1st of all we need to establish what really happened because i dont think germany knows i think we should respond appropriately to the russians request for Legal Assistance we obviously received such a request but according to the russians it is so far gone unanswered for. Any u. S. To Law Enforcement officers are in Critical Condition in Los Angeles County after being shot by an unknown suspect also a President Trump has called for the shooter to face the Death Penalty. If the 1st trial Death Penalty for the killer only way to stop this any most good must be at heart and this Surveillance Video a gunman can be seen walking up to a patrol car and opening fire to county sheriffs deputies one male one female were inside the vehicle both suffered multiple gunshot wounds and have since undergone and much. Of the suspect remains at large on sunday night a crowd showed up outside the hospital where theyre being treated. Oh. But. According to the l. A. County Sheriffs Office protesters blocked emergency exits they were laid to discussed by police but 2 people were detained including a female reporter who was accused of interfering in iraq while the boxer of course this incident follows months of on rast over Police Brutality across the u. S. On some of the watts riots and being in Portland Oregon well the new poll suggests that most people in this state want the chaos to stop conservative talk radio host dave says the vicious attacks against police on like anything the country has seen before. Its a clearest evidence of a complete foundational moral inversion that ive ever seen in all the history of mankind and i never thought i would see it while i was still alive i want you to hear it the level of believe me and joy in the voices of the people shouting that they hope those Police Officers die this is the sense that they are morally right that what they are doing has the element of righteousness and proper punishment almost a law of sorts applying to them in which they are right and we are wrong and because of that theyre very happy to be doing what theyre doing especially when they get away with it and nobody stops them for any reason theyre getting away with a right now what were seeing i think on a grand scale is an inversion of more reality whats right is wrong and whats wrong is right. Whole in the u. K. Has found that more than a 1000 doctors are ready to quit the National Health service over the governments handling of the cobra pandemic the president of the countrys Doctors Association says the issues have been building for a long time. I think you have serum and its that are and it has clearly been feeding and how in broken short many years now cry into them home demick this is a profession who have suffered through some crisis crises in history was intellectual us including absolutely ruinous junior to us in contracts changes to our training that mean doctors need every 6 months so we hear around hospitals around was the a and indeed the pensions tax crisis which has forced many of all my senior in experience that experience to these interest high and all of this was prior to us going into a national crisis. Well more than 1700 members responded to the Doctors Association survey and round 2 out of 3 of them said theyre now more likely to leave the n. H. S. Because of poor treatment from the government during the covert response most of those plan to quit within 3 he is now some want to move abroad while others will take a career break for private hospitals so the main reason cited for considering quitting was a lack of pay rises and protective equipment others say theyve been gagged from speaking publicly about their concerns medics also warn theyve had promised benefits revoked and walking on the covert front line has also had a major impact on mental health. Since weve had a major weve had these incredible time with the movie dying struggling weve been separate from our families we just want some recognition we actually did and what we feel like we deserve over the last 1015 years. It wasnt too long ago that we were talking about nash if he were surviving on charitable donations and i have to stop just because kerry came in just pretty crap we deserve a profession in the home and. That was what. Was really me the government insists its 3 percent pay rise office is good enough and Prime Minister Boris Johnson has pledged more funding for hospital infrastructure over the difficult upcoming winter period the head of the Doctors Association again says its workers must feel valued. We know that the n. H. S. Was very much understaffed and under resourced going into this pandemic and i have no doubt that that impacted on our ability to combat this fire its we had 10000 vacancies for doctors across the frontlines 100000 vacancies for a front line and its our stuff including nurses so we were we were already struggling with our workforce now if so many doctors leave and we have to remember this was a survey of just 1700 doctors with 2 thirds of them saying actually they were making plans of these so who knows how how big that number truly is but this this really is a worry and i think it is even more of a worry given that many doctors feel that a 2nd set. May be coming within the u. K. So what were asking is that the government considers the hard work of those true key kids within the n. H. S. That they show them how much theyre valued and they really are carted them to retain them in the n. H. S. Especially if there is to be a 2nd strike in the u. K. The french president is being accused of hypocrisy for removing his face mask during a meeting with students despite a law requiring them to be want to public and to make matters worse Emanuel Mccall then began to call. The president coughs outside of his moms constrictors out his hand to take and return a glass of water straight after no jail no head washing what can we hope for cant stand the fabric masks which is sparingly distributed to teaches however he only spoke for 5 minutes with his what it teaches have to say youre forced to speak with one sometimes for 8 hours per day that the president is laughing at the world what are we expecting that the video to be broadcasted schools will be saying that should not be done but just as from town the wall to brace for a 2nd wave of the pandemic mosque skeptics are running a solid 2 penske reports. Masks are just a look around on the streets of paris everywhere people are following the rules but what if youre one of those people who has questioned the whole idea of wearing a mask all day effective do they prevent the transmission of 19 and what if youre one of those people who doesnt just question this in private but has actually gone to a protest about that attack on germanys democracy protesters from a demo against the countrys coronavirus restrictions try to storm the German Parliament. This is how the Mainstream Media these she and she locked down protesters has spent the afternoon terrorizing police it will be made of people. People who think the coronavirus does not exist hundreds of vaccine activists and conspiracy theorists put their faith in science instead of conspiracy theories if they want to avoid getting covert one team thats not being backed up it seems by a study conducted via facebook carried out by those who enjoy his foundation it found that the typical anti mascot here in france is a woman in her fifties shes educated and supports the yellow vests shed refused to have a corona virus vaccine if it was available and she believes in conspiracy theories probably has been the most politicized topic in the may control and i think for many years because it has a different meaning and between the politicians and the scientific eye we learn d a lot of confusion among the general public but when it comes to mosques dig a bit deeper and you find that 3 of the 4 main reasons that respondents gave to objecting to wearing them were not black. Ups and totally unreasonable. They were mosques was breathing difficulties well while of course you can breathe while wearing a mask some people have complained that when its hot out all theyve stepped up the pace wearing a mask isnt the most comfortable or experiences to they are a hive of bacteria well yes there is bacteria all around us and thats why its recommended to wash masks regularly or change them free they are useless in preventing 19 contamination the jury is perhaps still on this one i say that as there is still no consensus that a governmental level here in europe as to whether or not face masks are an essential to in combat ing the spread of 19 so while in france and germany for example why do usage of face masks has been recommended or made obligatory in the netherlands there was a short trial of mask wearing in busy cities was carried out that seems ended while the dutch study their effect if this sweden of course went totally against the grain of the countrys top epidemiologist threw his weight behind the new mask policy saying this is very dangerous to believe face masks would change the game when it comes to. Even the w h which made a u. Turn and is now recommending face masks says this we still dont know how much protective value fabric must have for the wearer thats why when you wear a mask youre protecting others and when others where the mass theyre protecting you were still in the midst of the pandemic in the past several months the medical the scientific advice has been a constant merry go round so is it so unreasonable. Some People Choose to question more i think because of the conflict conflicting statements from politician and from the one Health Organization as well as from the Scientific Community had to do quite a bit of confusion and uncertainty is in the journal public and that led to some not only distrust but also a bit of clearing up in the journal. And that has i think probably primarily contributed into a more aggressive d to work by aggressive behavior toward the Face Covering about some drop from coming away now that while the product delves into the rates lack of facts in the wild way or. Thanks. Thats geysers financial to buy a little place a little girl hard to. Get close to these if this is the central perk support dying a good move i dont call them right now so stop the bad. Part. Of. The welcome to worlds apart of the global race to develop a vaccine against the Novel Coronavirus has already very few its final mile of large scale human trials with hopes for the speaker tackling finish arriving early as these here would be so Many Developers running in pretty much the same direction that is focusing on this single wire approach and how high is the risk of an eventual pete well to discuss that im now joined by Professor Emeritus of science and Technology Status at the university are faster dogs and also of immunization how back scenes became controversial for someone with such an honor such a pleasure talking to you thank you very much for your time. Many thanks for the invitation now you recently wrote an article for the New York Times and ricci stated that old world agrees that we need a vaccine and im glad if its really so subtle not a moan to governments who while hes under pressure to produce some sort of a solution some sort of a panacea but among scientists have they really arrived at a consensus that a vaccine is the ultimate weapon against cobbett 19. Its an essential weapon so sure. I dont believe it was old problems there are many problems about producing the sufficient Scale Distribution of a sense that we need to turn over come to terms the people may think once of invention natured that all of the problems are going away and thats not true either at the societal level or at the individual level because its unlikely that a fuss about actually will be on the percentage of factors that speeding

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