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Ireland if the Prime Minister goes ahead with plans to tamper with last years brechts agreement that divorce talks 8 rounds now all eyes on. And londons Iconic Natural History Museum reviews its collection with items branded offensive in the wake of black lives matter protests. Good morning its 10 am here in moscow this wednesday the 9th of september my names kevin 0 in here at r t h q with a brand new round up for you starting with the news in from those belorussians continue to voice anger at the disputed president ial election now the president has warned he cannot quit because the whole system would collapse that was the claim from alexander looking in a big interview to Russian Media including r. T. The thing though we do someday i will leave may be but i will not allow the destruction of what we have created with people with generations i would not allow it to be destroyed this is how i live now and how this country has changed what keeps me very much in this situation and you probably know it too if look at schenkel collapses now the whole system would collapse and belarus would follow and everything would be put back years well maybe someone would have lent a hand but now it would be very hard and these guys from Police Special units and others those who are with me they would be blamed and they would be assaulted and torn apart plus a snapshot of where the sable mexico city correspondent would go as d. Of who is currently in minsk examines look ascension interview in more detail on the latest developments in belarus as well. They went to audit legs a number of Prominent Russian journalist including arties editor in chief Margarita Simonyan who were allowed to pitch the embattled russian president alex are the new shake up various questions and they went on ad megs about manner of topics including the internal politics in belarus you know the protests that have been going all the the rage and the you know what predictability surrounding the political crisis gripping bellaver said he also talked at length about foreign meddling talking a lot about how it is becoming glue belies internationalized how a protest could be organized and run via telegram for example from from an entirely different country talking about poulan that the United States which he says very clearly picked sides in this internal struggle that is better russian and yet all these protests telegraphed channels and groups are being won from from other countries he talked about the internet for example this is lucia talking about the internet a man who who forced the into that you to force that down. Into that shut down across belarus at the peak of protests trying to disorganize people trying to through the protesters off of their feet off their balance and he said ultimately it is all pointless and we know that he has certainly tried he says that if belarus fulls if it falls that russia is next he said the lad to be a putin who in dering you referred to as his elder brother should take note of what is happening because that is what is coming for russia he also talked about the protests of course you know better us isnt a huge country a population that isnt even 10000000 and yet it certainly. Points on the streets of belarus we saw more than 100000 people sunday a traditional day of protests yet. Insisting on the fact that the majority is still with you and yours. Of course for me it is very resentful and tragic if you like but this does not mean i gave up because i look at it philosophically well someday the lord will call me but i must protect whats been created by our hands protect those people who created it and those are the overwhelming majority the majority who voted for me although they watch me every day on every device you name it maybe they got poort but they supported me this is how i live now. He may have a poor better or worse is a country that is split divided and often you know add each others through to this is a situation where you have a brother marching against brother the Security Services the military much of the government are indeed in lucas schenkel side he doesnt do it a lot of support but the middle class for example the progressives the workers the Service Industry the young they certainly arent on those side again we see protests of almost 100000 people marching against. On sundays now a traditional day of protests and he talked about potentially leaving his post about potentially giving up you know hes nickname of europes last dictator but he said he was like poroshenko for example ukraines former president and he had billions stashed away in sweets Bank Accounts then he could have left but that he doesnt well its all very well listening to Alexander Lukashenko amuse about the protests and whos fired answering them but the fact is that it is better russians in their tens of 1000. Thousands who are out in the streets every week who approved testing risking you know their lives their livelihoods that their well being because there is a lot of violence the police arent restraining themselves they are holding back and the full strength of the law is being leveled against some of these protests some of these protests that there is there is bad blood a lot of bad blood now in in the streets a lot of anger a lot of rage yesterday we saw dozens of people detained at the protest over the alleged detention of the Opposition Leader Maria Kolesnikov as you mentioned earlier you see theres been a remarkable tendency a phenomenal urge among Opposition Leaders to out of the blue decide to leave the country often in the middle of the night now where this phenomenon is originating from is up to who you us because because if you ask the better our Security Services or the president well you know this is something that they have decided in themselves get in the middle of the night they decide to leave the country if you ask the opposition theyll give you an entirely different story theyll describe how Opposition Leaders are being pressured and bully all forced out of the country by the Security Services by the police Maria Kolesnik was saying that she her allies saying that she ripped up her passport on the border when she realized what was going on gets Alexander Lukashenko giving a very different version of events peaceful protests managed to centralise with no elitists applying tara to protest this is meaningless people are not afraid of the violence the government is using against them 1st of all the airfreight of living in a lawless state which will become a reality for them and their relatives its a situation does not change in this country and the rule of law and democracy is not restored. You may well be looking for a way out but he insisted that he simply wont allow what he has built over the decades of his rule in belarus to be destroyed the collapse of the protests that he says being too sponsored. From abroad by Foreign Countries from poland to from the United States yet weve got to look at this from the perspective of the hundreds of thousands of people who who go out to demonstrate who go out to protest every day for them there is only vote one viable option and that is for lucas to reside. More of a Senior Correspondent only or spoke to yet a slew of roman Church President of the Scientific Research mrs senter in minsk he says that contrary to Alexander Lukashenko as claims the nations already falling apart. It is claimed that she is the only guy who can keep the country going is just can be interpreted in the quite the opposite meaning the question should and must the realize that this system has been building is about to collapse and is collapsing look at the numbers are wager is her Exchange Rate Carol Browner nervousness or people who are trying to flee the country look at i. T. T. Sector there is a demand to leave the country for bush because hes in power but he does have his supporters to support his helping out on the streets would you say thats just 3 percent all of you witness more than independently. Even with the administered resort that here applied he couldnt get more than 50000 people in the downtown mens go in one of this and this is it so what here i visited some of the clips actually have people who are not there of their own accord you say were coerced into it some are exactly that was the way to call words and to show solidarity we have our groups of people but they are guarded by police because they are afraid to tell the truth and the police just the way that people are kidnapped in downtown is shows that the police are afraid to show their faces this is again lawlessness. In some other news not actually smalling a poll found that a majority of British State Health Service doctors a considering quitting over the governments handling of the pandemic the president of the u. K. s Doctors Association says issues have been building in fact for a long time. I think you have serum and our n. H. S. Colleagues have been feeling and how in broke in short many years now prior to them how. This is a profession who have suffered through some of the worst crisis crises in history within our troops including absolutely were in estonia to upset contracts changes to our training that mean doctors need every 6 months to leave here around hospitals around the way and indeed the pensions tax crisis which has forced many of our most senior inexperienced experience starts its interest high and all of this was prior to us going into a national crisis. More than 1700. 00 doctors took part in the survey 2 of the 3 say theyre now more likely to leave the national Health Service because of poor treatment from the government during the covert response most say they plan to get out within 3 years poor working conditions were high on the list of complaints and the main reasons cited were considering quitting were a lack of pay rises in protective equipment others note theyve been gagged from speaking publicly about their concerns and medics also warned theyve had promised benefits revoke to close working on the covert front line said a major impact on the mental health. Because he since weve had him a different demick and weve had these incredible times where people have been dying and struggling weve been separate for our families we just want some recognition for what we actually did and what we feel like we deserve over the last 1015 years let alone months it wasnt too long ago that we were talking about math if he were surviving on charitable donations and fair bearing in mind that have to stop just because curry good came and just pretty crap we deserve back a profession and a home and a tax to serve better and that was what today is about and that was really important for me well the government insists its 3 percent pay rise offer is good enough Prime Minister Boris Johnsons pledge more funding valse berlin for structure over the difficult winter period coming up. We know that the n. H. S. Was very much understaffed and underresourced going into this. I have no doubt that that impacted on our ability to see combat this fire s. We had 10000 vacancies for doctors across the frontlines 100000 vacancies for the frontline and its for stuff including nurses so we were we were already struggling with our workforce now if so many doctors need and we have to remember this was a survey of just 1700 doctors with 2 thirds of them saying actually they were making plans to lisa who knows how how big that number truly is but this this really is a worry and i think it is even more of a worry given that many doctors feel that a 2nd set. May be coming within the u. K. So what were asking is that the government considers the hard work of those troops within the n. H. S. They show them how much their needs and their greedy are carted them to retain them in the n. H. S. Especially if there is to be a 2nd strike in the u. K. Apart from the coronavirus pandemic follow the u. K. s course got another major issue on its hands coming up bracks it brussels has now issued a stern warning them to downing street not to renee go on last years withdrawal deal because that could jeopardize peace in Northern Ireland it followed reports that Boris Johnson is planning to override key parts of that agreement just get them going you need to. Expect the u. K. To move the commitments that negotiated and signed up to last year it will go to citizens droids and northern oil and any attempt by the u. K. To undermine the agreement would have serious consequences. Against the hostile backdrop and ate through and of e. U. Brics it talks with london next this morning Saskia Taylor asks how likely they are to get a deal this time round. How i long for the breck set days even stability that you know of a move was done part permanently outside number 10 braxtons president today after delay after delay was a passive but theres something reassuring in not so comforting that in these Tumultuous Times one can turn to brick set and like the good friend that it is but still that in fact nothings changed round bump bump 8 of breaks a trade talks has begun and apparently this time and us enough we have now been talking for 6 months and can no longer afford to go over well trodden ground we need to see more realism from the e. U. About our status as an independent country the needs to be in agreement with our european friends by the time of the European Council and the 15 thats going to be in force by the end of the year but perhaps it wouldnt be bracks if it wasnt full of the satisfaction in fact promises by the u. K. Having 2nd thoughts about the Withdrawal Agreement signed back in january so it might override key parts of the last brussels basically says we are soon off to a free trade deal by mid october and the media thought of the u. K. Renee taking on its words elicited cries of moment youre from those bureaucrats in brussels do you. Really d. M. Grid. To work with the u. K. s red lines its time to do you good to great i trust the British Government to implement their withdrawal a criminal and obligation under International Law and prerequisite for any future Partnership Protocol in arleigh Northern Ireland is essential to protect peace and stability on the island and integrity of the Single Market the one room of the got people especially worried is that tucked away in voters pocket is something called the internal market belt and the contents could jeopardize peace and security along the irish border but downing street denied this same that its only proposing my own. Alterations which would provide clarity on certain big us parts of the deal but even at home not everyone is convinced about who the head of the u. K. s Legal Department quit over the whole thing and then there is this one minute minor detail proving to be just a little contentious. In a very specific and limited boy oh well it seems its just specific but is all this proves to be the straw that breaks the camels back and the u. K. And e. U. Dont shake hands the u. K. Will be left popping up out in the north sea with no deal and no tariff gaps classic bracks set everyone happy and looming deadline threat of no deal and now the Prime Minister losing trust something once never change. Seems so scare the emeritus professor of the London School of economics told us brussels is refusing to accept the britons actually left the block. Pulls through it like some kind of deal however. The e. U. Insists on treating britain like it can really get province that we can really be truly independent in the base. For true the u. And it believes the. Fisheries policy should still apply to british true true waters. Believes that when it comes to rules and regulations the british shouldnt be able to make their own should be forced to. Rely on any new regulations see you to get their approval 1st and of course. Impossible for the british to accept 56 seconds of world news in brief fires scorch the refugee camp on the greek island of lesbos leaving hundreds without shelter no casualties thankfully reported there but it has of course added to an already desperate hue the camp having been on quarantine for 35. 00 corona cases their own virus cases the countrys Prime Ministers called an urgent meeting to deal with a situation weve got more might come in the next hour if youre interested 7 people have been killed and scores of houses destroyed since wildfires started tearing through california almost 400 people trapped by the blazes have been airlifted to safety just this week millions of acres have been destroyed in record bad weather there 2 months of that fire season still to go to. 10000. 00 have come out in the pakistani city of push our against fresh cartoons of the prophet mohammed in the french satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo its republic the images that sparked the 2015 shooting in paris where 12 people lost their lives. British Natural History museum will review items now in its collection that have been dubbed offensive in the wake of the black lives Matter Movement. The executive board ordered the checks following staff claims that museum paces legacies of colonies slavery and empire one example is specimens collected on the Galapagos Islands by Charles Darwin the man behind the theory of Human Evolution the review could lead to the renaming or even removal of items but londoners have mixed views about it. If you added more information to the less biased information will be made more useful instead of raising and pretending didnt happen the past is the past you cant change it so. Just observe what youve done in the past and dont like it dont look considering the evolution of. Mankind in ideas around that we see you look at our our history differently history is history so at the end of the day you know i think its always good to educate everyone about history. So honestly i dont think richard thats my own opinion the director of the museum though calls the review a step in the right direction prompted by anti racism rallies across the world but influential paper on the issue claims that museums legitimize a racist ideology to put the whole thing up for debate. If you go through history and start examining every single thing that every historical figure sad then you start just trolling on a load of old rubbish thats largely irrelevant ive not got a problem with with you know the trashing of our past but youve got to kate am pulling down statues simply because weve things have moved all this nonsense and ill say the most important point of them all the nature of Human Development is that every child the rate should becomes more enlightened than the generation before and i think its crass offensive and frankly that childish to to start looking down on people in the past just because they were less likely the whole country to shake out their their past the day i mean we havent got every single iconic historical fact for britains existence to today some of them a discarded someone of another longer relevant some of them are you know the Wider Community has deemed to be offensive happens all the time you know the things that we hear from under it is completely hysterical i havent seen a record i can only read one book put the press are saying about it well i would have thought that its quite sensible for any museum. To look back at their collections and see to what extent those collections remain relevant given theres not internet space to keep everything i mean what do we do we just eradicate history and claim it doesnt exist you know the thing that always amazes me about this black lives matzoh think the people who propagate states are always complaining about american cultural imperialism that the truth a mockery that we do not have the same history of racial tensions as in the United States of america were all descended from slaves but some of the roots all are also descended from the 1st culture that tempted to eradicate across the globe and it was thought up process has been instigated plotlines Matter Movement with the death of george flowing and Many Organizations and yet. Today you can keep everything and therefore this question all museums must what do we keep what are we not cheap and given a lot the andres point is we must keep absolutely everything forever because its just a new logical place of me then there cons of choice about what you do keep and what you dont. Donald trumps lashed out at military top brass for making weapons manufacturers quote happy its a spy ahem approving the largest ever pentagon budget and brokering 1000000000. 00 arms sales his president ial rival joe biden meantime promising to bring change then on the issue but if look at his record it shows hes unlikely to take a radically different approach as caleb maupin reports in the new election saga it seems that all narratives are very much alive im proud to have the support of the war fighting generals active duty military and top experts who know both how to win and how to avoid the endless wars that were caught up in we are ending the era. Of endless wars. In this place is a renewed clear eyed focus on defending americas vital interests 4 years have passed and not much has changed donald trump has withdrawn some of the u. S. Forces from syria and afghanistan but a significant u. S. Military presence remains in those countries and many others of course not surprisingly Donald Trump Blames someone else im not saying the military is in love with me the soldiers are the top people in the pentagon probably arent because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those Wonderful Companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make Everything Else stay happy but despite Donald Trumps apparent aversion to conflict he certainly loves the toys that go with it we have to call it the super duper missile and i heard the other night 17 times faster than what they have right now then you take the fastest missile we have right there donald trump has repeatedly bragged about multibillion dollar weapons sales agreements to saudi arabia and other allies saying they bring money into the country and provide jobs but now Donald Trumps rival joe biden wants to portray himself as the candidate that will finally end forever wars its long past time we in the forever war. Which of cost to us untold blood and treasure but joe biden is just a bit more hypocritical on this issue than donald trump the objective is to compel arac to destroy its illegal weapons of mass destruction and its program to develop airport induce missiles and more of those with saddam it is dangerous the world would be a better place without him but he did you know get hurt more so you know you dont you know you think you know youve got your guns on are going to do what you think youre hearing youre going to hit your target. Trump was very successful in his 2016 run by running on the platform of stopping of ending ridiculous endless wars of ending stupid wars and not going to stupid wars thats a big problem with president s often times the rhetoric is very good but the follow up is not equate Albany Oakmont youve already signed on to Joe Biden Campaign all of them screaming in squealing about how trump hates the military and he wants us to be defenseless we spend well over a trillion dollars when you put everything military related together including the interest on the debt into the budget thats wasted on bombs and weapons that we dont need thats wasted pushing other countries around that we dont need to be doing we dont need to be making enemies if trump only wanted to put his words into action he would actually reduce the military budget and increase the Defense Budget which is that money that spent to actually defend this country because the same song and dance every 4 years American People are tired of us military interventions around the world according to poll after poll no matter how did they vote us military establishment and its highly influential lobby always seems to wind. Up and artsy new york and check up more about what were talking about today on a main site hot seat or column for that for me kevin though in the rest the morning team by for now more in just over half an hour. Problem drugs dont always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the United States we see a very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids. Invited america under the banner of medicine he persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she did those after dose after dose after dose. Really became his drug dealer so who is to blame patients doctors manufacturers all the governments. Seem wrong. But old rules just dont hold. The world to get to shape out just to become educated and in detroit equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. A new gold rush is underway. Flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich. As. Children are torn between gold. From me was very poor i thought i was dream i best get back to school and will have the strongest appeal. Quote this is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss im sorry montecito going to washington coming up tech stocks continue to hold down markets that the selloff continued for a 3rd straight day and going to war manufacturing flaws in the dreamliner just sparking another f. A. A. Investigation we have a lot to get to thought about to get started. U. S. And European Drug makers are now pledging to prioritize safety as the main focus in the coronavirus Eckstein Development or mine a leading Vaccine Developers made a historic pledge to uphold the integrity of the scientific process as they work toward potential global Regulatory Filings and approvals

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