Live from moscow watching r. T. International with me Daniel Hawkins were shooting in from for day welcome to the program. They were high profile member of the opposition has been arrested on the border with ukraine over an incident where a patrol agents life was put in danger for his claims while his supporters that what are your greatest think of the oppositions coordination had been kidnapped by but are a security officers. On the conflicting versions. While this is a somewhat strange and confused the story on monday news came out that recollects the couple one of the horses opposition figures and a Campaign Partner of satellite who will remember was defeated at the recent president ial elections was abducted in minsk snatched from the street bundled into a van by ordinary man as many would say not in the evening the police filed a missing persons report and started an official such lots of people one article came out consigned to whereabouts and this includes people beyond about a russian borders germany and britain for example said they were worried they demanded answers meanwhile brussels threatened sanctions and to martin and to what it says is the arbitrary detention of those critical of others article shango it is clear that the. Continued to intimidate or low intimidation of its citizens in increasingly lawless way and crudely violate both their own domestic laws and international obligations. Well a few hours later and it doesnt seem quite as clear cut as many and because now the multitude of this story has now according to the head of the better russian authorities calexico and to others the southern border into ukraine around its. A video that about showing a car in which its claimed kolesnikov and 2 others were pulling up to the border i had to do that documents for inspection speaking to a border guard but that kind of rumor started that the 2 she was traveling with did manage to make it into great class because the didnt that she was arrested at the border something florentines denied they say instead the classical enough across the border instead that she was thrown out of the car shown up there to go to the 2 others carried on into ukraine without apparently at great speed and driving dangerously me marc klass ticket is confirmed now to be at the border in good health not in need of any medical assistance but the russian authorities also say that the 2 seemingly abandoned plastic up on the better russian side have been arrested in ukraine though that has not been confirmed by far exceeds people who are regular contact with the 3 say none of them responding to messages dont know i say they have no idea of their whereabouts but. Theyre also claiming that none of the 3 had any intention of leaving better us if they did so it is worth noting that they would be following in the footsteps of their candidate to cannot lead to lithuania month ago after the elections i when there are so many unconfirmed conflicting versions of the story its actually quite difficult to get the bottom of what actually happened perhaps time will provide some clarity. Alexei navalny could not have survived if he had been poisoned with shock that so called into russian doctors who 1st treated the higher profile kremlin critic when he fell severely ill 2 weeks ago were going to a bottom corresponding piece all over with the latest peter thanks for coming on the line again reactions coming in the valley out of a coma but little clarity still emerging whats the latest. Well the doctors that 1st provided medical attention to alexina valley in the russian city of been issuing a statement of army when about the plane the valley was on made an Emergency Landing on its way from siberia to moscow in the city of arms with alecks in the valley in clear distress they say that the diagnosis that he was poisoned with chalk nerve agent that was issued by doctors here in berlin is fictional they say had he been poisoned with novacek he would have been dead within hours they say that they carried out 60 plus tests on Alexei Navalny while he was in their care that theyve offered to share this information that that information has been made available to doctors and investigators here in berlin they call on the german site to do the same and make the tests that the accusations of poisoning and based on available to them. North earth move those but you know its not a diagnosis its not even a version but a sort of fiction of fantastical suggestion or conclusion with no proof documentation or Clinical Evidence he would have died within hours 6 to 10 pm he would have been because its a severe poisoning were going to full speed into execution is fatal. While alexei in the valleys condition has improved hes been taken out of a medically induced coma that hed been in for just over 2 weeks and we understand that he is starting to breathe on his own again a diplomatic row over the whole incident continues to rumble on and is gaining momentum and right in the crosshairs of that diplomatic row is the nord stream to gas pipeline the project that would see russian gas pump directly from russia into germany now this has been something this has had its critics for a long time the United States has threatened crippling sanctions against it some of germanys own European Partners have been quite vocal critics of the north stream to pipeline project however as far as germany has been concerned in the past this is something that is an economic project and its set aside from Everything Else that may be going on however what we are starting to see is perhaps that mood may be changing in fact Friedrich Metz who is a man who has a pretty good chance of being until a merkel success so when she steps down as german chancellor next year he said that. If he had the power now he would be placing an immediate 2 year moratorium on the Infrastructure Project while weve heard from senior cabinet figures here in berlin in the last week and also suggesting that the project may well be suspended or even cancelled Angela Merkel herself has limited what shes have to say to this wouldnt be a unilateral german decision to pause or counseling or stream to pipeline that would have to be a decision taken at the pan european level at an e. U. Level what we are seeing is previously what had been unthinkable now being talked about as potentially possible. Is this i left my internet tough to this is 1st and foremost an economic project we consider it to be the right thing to do i think that we should couple these issues and in our opinion not 3 to should be completed not just the folks i think would be wrong through from the beginning but what is happening know it could have an impact on the projects that the federal chancellor also sees it as wrong to rule that out. The german side have said the future of north stream 2 depends on how russia responds to accusations of poisoning against alexei novelli now from the russian side weve heard quite a lot on tuesday coming out of the Foreign Ministry we heard on monday that requests for information from moscow to berlin would be met that heiko mass the German Foreign minister had greenlit the process that would see information transferred over to russia however what were hearing from the russian side is nothing is being forthcoming just yet we understand the german ambassador to moscow has been invited to the Foreign Ministry to discuss this matter further as the heart of the russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson says theyve received no information so far from germany and the starting to really want some answers to their requests. We expect burden to provide all the data they have to the bundeswehr about the results and the evidence in possession of the german Foreign Ministry its time for them to show their cards because its obvious to everyone the burden is bluffing in the interest and due to political record. Well Alexei Navalny was taken out of a medically induced coma on mondays understood to be breathing by himself now he remains here in berlin receiving treatment at the shot at a hospital his condition were told isnt life threatening anymore. Peter thanks for that update peter all over there live from berlin with the latest on the developing poison. Well i just mentioned there the north stream to pipeline now hangs in the balance over these poisoning allegations Donald Trumps pointed the finger squarely at the kremlin and told germany to quit the major gas project with russia. But i was supportive of that i was the 1st one to wherever you know heard of north stream towards our drug able when i came along us eliminated were projecting germany from russia. In while russias Foreign Ministrys weighed in on the route claiming europe should stand up for its own interests and not become washingtons puppet but a commentator i could harm or believes germany would take a hit if it pulled the plug on north stream. Its a catastrophe if this pipeline is being abolished because energy is the main cost for everything you do so if you increase the cost for your most vital product you need then you have disadvantaged in the Rural Economy so German Economy will have no chance on competing in the World Economy and thats exactly what ones you want america 1st he wants American Business to go in germany and europe will be dependent on white mainly possibilities from poland because d if the gas. Is not coming we are dependent on other routes and all the other routes are dependent on 3rd parties so we will always be able to be blackmailed by the other people and i think that is exactly what the americans with their polish partner once. A saudi courts overturn the death sentences of 5 people convicted of killing journalist. Instead they were given 20 years in jail with 3 others receiving sentences of 7 to 10 years the move by a top u. N. Official. Saudi pursue curator prefer md one more act today in this parody of justice but this verdicts carry no legal or moral legitimacy they came at the end of a process which was neither fair nor just or transparent. Well there make a shortage of relatives so they had forgiven his mother is which under islamic war cleared more cleared the way for the revised sentences but the late journalist fiance denounced it as a mockery of justice and shows he was killed inside the saudi consulate in turkey 2 years ago when hed gone there to get papers for his upcoming marriage his body was reportedly dismembered with his remains never found the sentence the believed to have been part of a hit squad sent to turkey from riyadh political analyst and sundry bruno claims the world has allowed justice not to be served. The fact that no official was tried. Actually it raises many more suspicions for the World Community the opinion wont change the idea that the saudi government was behind it remains in fact if anything the only proves it or at least goes further into that direction countries that deal with saudi arabia diplomatic and business levels wont have any technical formal reasons to hold relations so whether while Public Opinion will certainly be negative at a technical level there will be no sanctions or other penalties that will impede saudi arabia from working with other countries. Socalled spirits and cough attacks against the police in the u. K. Are on the rise suspects are said to be taking advantage of the current fear of covert contamination with some officers claiming they can no longer properly carry out their duties. Accordingly interview yeah they are. The rise in assaults has huge impacts on staff both physically and mentally and it has a huge impact on communities thousands and thousands of days of policing lost because of these assaults. Or the number of such attacks doubled during lockdown there have been hundreds of cases in the county of less the sure alone thats up from barely 100. 00 incidents in the whole of last year now its not just spit and cough attacks assaults on or of more cement are shooting up across the board theres been a 21 percent jump in attacks on the British Police during lockdown almost 8000. 00 cases have been registered in just 3 months a former u. K. Police officer peter kirk and says the coronavirus has given suspects a new weapon against your thirtys. Has provided its. Another way of people who would Assault Police by whatever method is available another wife d for them to get in into into offices. You know why i feel will be more impact if just at the moment. Its just provided them with another weapon really the issue is wider than just the spitting spitting coughing offices that were seeing with the covert epidemic the problem in the decades 10 years of an anti Police Narrative by the government gleefully repeated by the media has resulted in respect and confidence in the police being severely undermined and not just before. The place of being criticised to every turn a symptom of a problem this country has had developing for some time which is the sack someplace on growing rapidly in both. Severity. Making profits out of the pandemic but now brussels wants them to pay more tax that and more off the brake. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond short and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics or business im sure business ill see you there. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being. What is true what is. In the world corrupted you need to do and. So join us in the. Forum made in the shallows. Welcome back to the program the covert catastrophe has been a boon for some with home video streaming Companies Reporting a massive surge in subscribers and profit the head of netflix even admits the pandemics put a lucky break for the company in fact every major tech player has vastly increased earnings in lockdown revenue in the 2nd quarter is up 40 percent making almost 90000000000. 00 for marlise shopping apples revenue increased the level of percent to almost 60000000000. 00 meanwhile streaming services such as netflix have doubled subscribers in just 3 months now though their face a backlash from authorities from next year is looking to introduce a digital tax european lawmakers warn tech firms should subsidize economies damaged by months of lockdown. It is not possible to accept the idea that those digital giants the winners of the crisis are not paying a fair amount of taxes in europe and we cant manage this problem with single digital taxation we need at least at the European Union level a general measure it comics professor Richard Wolfe believes that taxing tech giants is just the 1st step to raising rates for big corporations i think you seen it already we have a history here in the United States of taxing monopolies an oligopoly these are huge businesses but it always takes pressure from below it takes a movement of working people labor unions and others to be able to get the politicians to act and my suspicion is it wont be different thats what a little take the tax that tech giants now and once they go then the question will inevitably follow why are we not doing that for other our highly monopolized and overly wealthy corporations. A majority of British State doctors are considering quitting over the governments handling of the pandemic a shock new polis found where the president of the Doctors Association believes the issue has been long coming. I think what you have 0 remember is that our and it has colleagues has been feeling burned how in broken short many years now prior to them have demick this is a profession who have suffered through some of the worst crisis crises in history within our workforce including absolutely ruinous Junior Doctor contracts changes to our training that mean doctors move every 6 months or a year around hospitals around the way and indeed the pensions tax crisis which has forced many of our most senior an experienced experienced oxes interest tyrant all of this was prior to us going into and national crisis. Now almost 2000 doctors took part in the 2 in 3 say theyre now more likely to quit the n. H. S. Treatment from the government during the covert response the most planned to get out of the n. H. S. 3 years among some of the reasons poor working conditions are very high on the list of complaints or the main reason though given to want him to resign is the lack of real time pay rises and protective equipment such as moss and gloves others know theyve been gagged from speaking publicly about concerns with medics also warning there had promised benefits revoked working on the front lines of the pandemic is having a serious effect on Mental Health as well. Since we had in may depend demick and weve had these incredible time with People Living dying struggling weve been separate from our families we just want some recognition for what we actually did and what we feel we deserve over the last 1015 years. It wasnt too long ago that we were talking about. Surviving on charitable donations and. How to stop just because kind of it came in just pretty crap we deserve that. Professionally at home and deserve better and that was what. Was really me the u. K. Government insists its 3 percent pay rise office is good enough and Prime Minister borrows johnson has pledged more funding for hospital infrastructure over the difficult winter period. We know that the n. H. S. Was very much under start and under resourced going into this pandemic and i have no doubt that that impacted on our ability and see combat this fire s. We had 10000 vacancies forward doctors across the frontlines 100000 vacancies for the front line and its just stuff including nurses so we were we were already struggling with our workforce now if so many docs is leave and we have to remember this was a survey of just 1700 doxes with 2 thirds of them saying actually they were making plans to lisa who knows how how big that number truly is that this this really is a worry and i think it is even more who worry given that many doctors feel that a 2nd sads may be coming within the u. K. So what were asking is that government consent is the hard work if those troops he kids within the n. H. S. They show them how much their family and they really are carted them to retain them in the n. H. S. Especially if there is to be a 2nd strike in the u. K. Authorities ive ordered the evacuation of the entire area of all brick california amid record wildfires. And sweden struggles with growing gun crime in a Pandemic Police want to expand wiretapping to everyone even non suspects that attack the potential gang members. Right now we have at least 40 family based criminal networks in sweden so called clans they have come soley for the purpose of organized crime we need a change in legislation they give theres greater opportunities to listen to encrypted phone people who are not yet involved in any criminal investigation without people who can be clearly linked to gang crime we know hope that all this telephone traffic leads to us clearing up more crimes than we would have done otherwise. At the moment swedish law only allows tapping the phones of suspects facing at least 2 years in prison for post changes would let Law Enforcement eavesdrop on people who are yet to be suspected of any specific crime horrific crimes have shocked Swedish Society leaving a 12 Year Old Girl dying in a mafia crossfire citizens there were divided over whether wiretapping everyone is the solution. I think it is good that the police have increased opportunities to catch these criminal gangs that are arranging freely in sweden today they must find new ways to try can take them to court but i think a law that says the police can why its a private interview is too big a step to take there should be special reasons to eavesdrop on someone they dont see the risk for ordinary private interviewed salzberg intercepted in their private lives i do not think it affects our privacy we are already so monitored in any way with phones and other things that if this helps the police its great not good not my style i do not like it it creates a great deal of uncertainty as to water ploys because you do not know when they can listen where when and how so i do not like that more power a state within the state integrity is most important because you never know whats going to happen in the future. I think it is quite good that the police have greater opportunities to incept i personally do not mind it i think it can be a great tool for the police to access a large part of the population and be able to stop some crime its nothing that bothers me. Well a human rights lawyer we spoke to told us however serious the rise in gang crime whats happening innocent citizens is not the answer. Its. Reasonable concern i mean the 1st time for this year we have in sweden about the same number of killings. Communities to create. Those we had entirely. Also in the year previous to that so the problems here however were not pretty moderate even maybe you know the minister to see the leader the sort of the relation. Relation which comprises device maturity of the rinse and sweden. And that has nothing to do we agreed giving them behaviors on and on theyre going to strain to deny these you or. Community. Even 3 times the chance for a leader to present public stylistics where it needs to be of their perpetrator so we know vitamin d. Could be. So soon for boom bust coming up in just a few of the team and ill back off and i want to bring you the latest global News Headlines well see about that. The world is driven by. Thanks. We hear him to ask. Were entering into this strange space you know i think about in the ninetys in the beginning of perpetual copyright and so are copyright essentially laws become perpetual and intellectual creativity is dead and to a large degree now after petrol live at home so the dynamism that would be coming with new household creation is dead and to a large degree. Propecia wall money printing money the money go burrow so we have this deadening of Economic Growth because the printing money keeps the Zombie Companies and the zombie banks alive so were basically burying ourselves in perpetuity. Drugs has come from unscrupulous dealers from pharmacies to in every state in the United States weve seen very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids. Invited to america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she did. After dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer whos to blame. Manufacturers. Welcome back there are few industries in the world harder hit by the quota virus than the travel and Tourism Sector without question 2020 will go down as one of the worst years ever for the industry but in. Ality were only in august and still have a wong way to go already the effects are being felt in fact the Hotel Industry is warning that as a whole they are facing an absolute Economic Disaster in a desperate plea to congress submitted this week the industry claims that nearly 25 percent of all hotels in the United States are at risk of foreclosure simply put those hotels have loans that are at least 30 days delinquent or longer at the end of 2019 the same number was 1. 9 percent of hotels and this is just the beginning so joining us now to discuss this boom bust cohost and investigative journalist ben swan and travel expert from money we have dot com barry choi thank you both for joining us today ben i want to start with you can you give us a rundown quick of some of the other aspects of the travel industry struggling right now you know its kind of like a pick your poison kind of situation right now it doesnt matter what part of the travel industry youre in right now things are going very very poorly you have the Airline Industry Quantas Airlines out of australia saying that for this last year of this last fiscal year that is theyve actually lost 4000000000. 00 in australian dollars in terms of revenue thats about 2900000000. 00 u. S. Dollars and they Say International travel for them will not resume until the middle of 2021 the middle of next year you talk about the cruise industry you know the Cayman Islands saying that theyre not going to allow International Cruises to come in to the Cayman Islands until at least after december 31st of this year so it doesnt really matter what sector youre in everybodys taking it on the chin right now barry there are destinations like bali that plan to reopen the tourism by september but overall are people actually traveling right now and will tourism pick up again this year

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