So for even a little longer feel very secure. What would keep you from it which. You know was more of your. Classic lets. Send. It out that. Theres a good. You have a delightful. 3. Industries n. B. C. Which quite a long. Time. In their basements. You know the. Looks of. It was british to reserve the world. At the midst of all sorts of water to cool off. Put them to dr spira for refusing to be. Arguable that hes that its a studio chill of. September the 1st 2004915 am School Number one beslan north of 300 was attacked during a festive assembly marking the start of a new school year terrorists took 1127 hostages forcing them into the Main School Building the gem of the county they fired shots into the air and at the ground in front of their feet. As old were you waiting loved to fish talked on god only a boy laughs as the last nickel got a rush toward him new media. Boy yeah my mom on my special ways stoushes thrive yet i paid for out of my stuff a thundershower mom i think shes tough i knew. Yes. They chase its yes. See here we need. To smuggle. Or. Were supposed to. Use it. And then. We have to put. The subsequent certainly much. More. To. September the 1st. Using children as human shields in the windows the terrorists planted explosives throughout the gym. 15 improvised explosive devices were placed in the basketball hoops. And then. Then ranch back. Thanks and i live down i 5 tried to talk once but i thought oh my god can i find the courage which shows i was. So. Bad tempered that. One dish blow and dash ameriquest one time and said sure if theres plastic to. Cause. Cause sean shown it watch it one judge closed. So well. September the 1st before. There was an explosion in the gym while overseeing hostages a female suicide bomber detonated her device near the door the terrorists shot everyone whod been wounded by the grassed and a full 30 they picked out 20 men and made them carry the bodies to the 2nd floor and throw them from the windows they then executed the men. As someone else happened. To distrust them but though jiang blood was the last nickel here out us talk at all cause he had us number that got us on the. Check or they had to come in we did station your way while bob ball once just try he was bored out that have such a thing you think you want. To change bob it was a blind. In the eyes of the most such as so as interim notes and all of. The so war should be just article men of god being there were a lot of nice simple no cost something. Because you say sure i sing it but im still at the end. But i was about shots just on center. Yes those didnt stand me they could see in. The 1st century. Some of the born to put this to someone doesnt it starts at the. Point. That you cant see down there was. A little boy to do what you could put up a socially. But when i was there id just. Let my sister believe that i so thats the last question. Then yes it is of those kids that i was in the room which restored it a bit into it though she said it was. You know we all know its a must or should but there was a little. Push to get of education your old stuff especially if those records its place will change your bitchiness you wear this you wonder if they do anything night they might even still believe it is you today namely im going to the head. Of the dont screw. Holes on the t. V. School its just an issue let me see. This please do this for you its just you must go and you are going to choose which you are you still do that shit peacemakers for you we should really think you would be doing your spiritual the most of noodles. But to put a new at the 4th the 1st took a look at yourself wailuku what i lay on the chalice for spittle. To squeeze test article i read. This. And yes the net. Plus. Try. To show a little bit. Much. If you had to search out what could go with the 2 of our family we get a raft or francis not you but at it and your. It watch in china. Look you show some lovely would you. Like that. Yeah yeah yeah let me. Just watch and i do mean i stood. By him i want to restore service for you from your cash value tosha to showing up challenging your idea of what the your posts are to streets to excuse to yeah why anyone could talk about the must be protesting. Was that i still didnt know then meaning the lady i dont know the you dont know well it. Was an out of town and i said that it was he said that it was nothing but a fabulous that it was. So serious that i. Should you wish. To look at the piece used. No 20. 4. And. A number watching the steward or to bureau chief for you and the. Book for a few. Fully satisfied it was complete lets see you. Some of what led to the new diverse nobody will was supposed to look good the progress no place for due to the affordable. And theyre. There yet. Who it was and implied. That i. Didnt go to him thanking him for that yet national review. Everyone filmed for this documentary agreed to come to beslan and visit the school once again so that they could all tell their stories they agreed to relive the terrifying experience and meet each other at the end the former hostages are looking for meeting their savior. Show. I think a good 50. Of those will be available so. Weve used to still mark. This good will just go with them what. Would you do before you go to simulate freedom was it a slum trip look for good shippers or deal with a robot whom. The shortage is over. Which is good. So whats been your build up its been the way its raised is a good serious but the real. Hard for. Will barely notice. Some muscles but builds so that your worship is worth a. Service the 1st because youre supposed to whats interesting to. It is you. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy to confront ation let it be an arms race off and spearing Dramatic Development only personally im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. Shows seem wrong. When all really just dont hold. Any belief yet to shape out just they become educated and gain from it equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart when shes to look for common ground. Your thoughts here is this naval force if so we prefer to steer this minutia true story of the sort of the birds are for the. Most are almost sort through a. Recursive calls or 3 through security at. First its just the forces that you. Could look at this. Season what do you. Do with your to school. Bus lateness when all of us are not signal when theyre pleshette to catch the last stage of putting out the fluid state. When theres nothing to take it was all. A should i look on the court you. Know prison in your. View in your. Office a bit else. He was a bit in the chest did you buy. A piece to get you think you give up to. Get away no issue but i just got a. New friend out there. And i join you for make up for you now clawing of look at the. Militia. Boy is that what you do. Stuff. Me. What is it. With. The word. Lansana. Its one. That. Appears to be in the record youre sort of the polar bear in the are going to do that or if there were a producer of a bitch from any of those unable to work so. Its pretty amazing. Or. Not in the. Blood. Among 1. 100. 45. 1000 us why do you have to. Try to look at it to see you. Fail to notice. It would. Be there to. Just make sure you dont want. To push when you know. That youre. Not. Morning morning. It goodbye i was does i could go watch a sister on the good news because our thoughts to speak. I dont know. If they had used the. Got us to avoid. The need in the. Point. That they wanted. To climb one to lower than in the us. On september the 2nd at about 4 oclock in the often when the former president to be. Of interest to school hes shown corpses at the foot of the building in the gym tries to talk the gunman into at least releasing the captive infants. That up to show all of the buildings that are 18 to g. M. While into the stable what the bush. Now was the small way the cars door to door one which was about i mean yeah im up there might be on under which was destroyed. And yeah theres one thing as priests you can do pretty as priests see. More of the fortune. Of on what are. You most of mustard and i just wanted to push that in there when your wife when she you know you put it to my man. This hour on the sky. You know. But slow when you want to get does not wish to garden and all that sheena. First feature. But the one now watching dog on the very good whats let me see do as. You. And i got news because though i knew many a bunch of appealable of that if you know of we all was goofy kid no way most nova boards at the peace i wouldnt beat september the 1st explosion of the day is heard of of 3 closely followed at 1505 by a terrorist opened fire on a budget see response as attempting to collect the dead around the schools killings at 1520 the decision is made to storm the building but zeus. The mo d. Knew most of the wouldnt just those nobody would read were the goats up to destroy his deal with. One 3rd which. Was a forward or the story of his cougar or they were which are a bit of a sport that is their careers and after all those are what i want to do but the cover of the producer would be cute theres little venue there for you theres more than the models and when you were rich. As i say if theyd go to. Camp just less at the top would all have to eat out stolid i think. It will be to last all day still advantage those men yet he still was calculable votes of idiots. It is just a deal that you would know know what that. One can. Your own wish and you evoke awkward which are you know i would go to the border on the me i would talk to us a boy faced with the decoy danger why should he ask you what is now an outpost of july even if you do a same show in new. Clothes. And for a Nuclear Weapon at the corner bar you. Are still going to bring in. The gift is this they are that your position will produce good legal stuff. But you know what i was going to talk to you about yesterday such a thing thats needed because youre coming up i should which is pissed because its just a. Dispute with the feet of medical bills would be the more you get we will book because it would be a little bit for the beach beauty or maybe butch but he was out there as the old would you go to work to be rich character issue to do i mean. I mean im a little boy he would look good that is just what i want to consult on the way across the mr little but no one of the little fish with someone who could possibly be rich there was an ideal. Amount. But it could be added to that in a. Moment of levity to all just of it all. Was that we were. In law. When you will believe you. Will that i need. Some. Want but im just trying. To 000 fault. Or not to believe you. And your other problem where do i get to feel that we are just some of the school users here with the 30s think what if you. Are from says they are going to look so to me but this is crucial reason but about. Your new modest i cannot you wish list some law what was updated with just shit is it that it. He. Or she. Just what. Do we but our each applies to quit at the supplier was. Just really good you guys on the. Lets play a clip of a school and i will have separate you has them as the psni as on the press jonathan the again that the sum of the. Knots and soon the moon would still be in the moon this. Is now at least a 5. 1000. Dollars or if you know those who have yet to stay yalit your son nicholas to you on your mobile pregnant just ask them all into my plea give everything you say you to the news its not as if its got tory a kook you come near. The book but now is to defy pretty good though i think the ammonia at the in our little alters to get the 3 of them will begin. To steal. Just. Because 2. Days of their shit will prosper but. Dont we should you doubt them not just shout sheesh tittle tattle. On destiny which want to travel yes but. It isnt for us to. Get the court to see if it doesnt if youre still with me right yet theres not enough guy species. But all. The guys hes new white. But its not even go to what should be done but our critics and our good hes not what you. I wish to know what you did but. First to revoke for sure. Skill and speed. Expressed shock. Absorber. This hours headlines stories Russias Foreign Ministry called on germany to undo over whatever information that house on the alleged poisoning of alexina me after berlins claim of the russian opposition figure was attacked with a chemical nerve agent. If there was any data we would work with that there is no data there are only statements amounting to megaphone diplomacy the u. S. Sais it will not join an International Effort to develop a covert 19 vaccine because it doesnt want to be constrained by the world health organization. Washington imposes sanctions on senior officials out the International Criminal court