All off men are leading the charge to eradicate womens reproductive rights. And turning to politics sexism is once again on the ballot democratic Vice President ial candidate and senator Camilla Harris was dealt the hand of being black am female meanwhile daring to run for high office no racist and talk radio giant Rush Limbaugh appeared in attack on harris in a recent essay from the right wing news outlet the American Spectator saying quote it is no secret but Public Knowledge that comma here is slept her way up into California Political life by being a very public escort and matches for California Democratic kingmaker willie brown. Amazon was even selling joe and the Hope Campaign t. Shirts. The Civil Rights Movement and activists of present arent immune from sexism either women even in Police Brutality instances black women are also victims but their murders dont get the attention that males to after all were still fighting for justice for Brianna Taylor equality womens rights and the fight against sexism seem never ending its time we start watching the hawks. She wanted whats going on a city street you want to. Undersell you like to see the prizes you always state and see. Mass graves see displaced systemic deception is complete show which is i would bring the job. And welcome everyone to watching the harvest tyrone. And i and joining us today to discuss women and equality we are joined by the cohost of the bus or among those to yoko are to you america sports producer Regina Hanley on the professor of africanamerican history at George Washington university Brittany Lewis thank you all 3 for coming on and joining us today for how things are. Going to were going to go ahead and get started britney i am going to do a wrap around here so everybody gets to answer this one can womens equality truly be achieved and why is it so hard to move the needle forward on gender equality. She said you know im im going to stay yes and im going to say that as long as we continue to fight for it can be achieved but the reality is he is still with us today and we see it and we continue to fight it expression with the times so im excited about the progress that were going to continue to me and sarah what do you feel about it do you think that womens equality is moving forward i think it is and i think it has changed but i think it we still have a long way to go unfortunately we still live like britney said in a very Patriarchal Society where you see the women doing majority of housework and that sort of. Things of course men are stepping up more but i hope that we are going toward about road at least thats what it seems like and i think to echo what everybody is saying i think its because we still have this traditional gender roles where men are typically the breadwinner and women are typically the homemaker isnt until we break that and make it where women get equal pay for the same job that a man can do and then the men can be less discouraged from doing housework because theres still a stigma about men that do housework for some strange reason were not going to be able to afford but i think were getting there its just sometimes we feel like were in a slog and we need we dont know how to get out of it i mean i think part of what plays into the slaughters is you look sexism has been on full display in the 2020 president ial election but we also saw back in 2016 in the president ial election we see a lot of local work she was especially. And you know we see it on a regular basis we see attacks on people like that and other women who hold high levels of positions in our government. You know if its happening at the highest levels of elected service in the United States is there hope for every day women you know and what can the government do to help curb the sexism is still running rampant in our society i think a lot of it needs to start with the fact that women in power should not be a threat and i think thats where the paycheck he feels threatened is that women are in a position of power we have the decision to be able to make a wide range of laws for men for so long and have the ability to decide what our reproductive rights are rights are what were allowed to do you look at title 9 things like that were decided by predominately male lawmakers and i think men are afraid of that power being taken away from and given to women what we might do which is a more is not equality you you want to have our response whatever we can do why cant you accept the same i think thats where part of the issue lies i think a lot of the problem much like regina said is that you know women are trying we are or more women are in positions of authority now but now everything is theyve oh shes too bossy or shes its. It must be hormonal you know we we tend to attack more women then they find it easier the people the audience you know society just finds it easier to attack women i whether its on looks than they are at work to attack a man and i think its time that you know women accept each other which i am seeing more of which i you know i think its great and its a step forward but i think men to need 2 more men because some are im not going to speak for everyone but more men need to be able to accept and come to terms with. The government of the people and for the people truly you know how can the. Government or state local governments hope help adjust and fix this issue as im. Sure i am i think the 1st things that we can start is that we need to strengthen our pay Discrimination Laws you know when i look at the paycheck fairness act which is the bill thats been around for nearly 20 years and theres really no good reason that it isnt a lot of you know women of color are over represented among the lowest paid workers and they deserve a raise and. The federal minimum wage which hasnt changed in nearly a decade you know legislation like the pregnant workers fairness act thats the only act that schedules the work act would address the discrimination women pregnant or to are giving and support those that need paid leave and i think that is so important as we go forward. And i have the pleasure of working with these 2 wonderful ladies at the table but i also want to bring this back to something that we have seen is that has been showcase for women of color particularly over pretty much generations in this country being silenced in many ways so Briana Taylor is among a long list of women black women who have not received the same type of responses to their deaths as mean even black men weve seen that you know there are attacks and theres murders across various communities of color in state sanctioned by alliance and citizens arrest and the bad news that comes from those isnt that exactly new but the way that male story is a male tragedies are elevated is not done the same way for females in there has. And been a point near can history where women also havent suffered we can go back to lynchings most people know that black men were lynched but there isnt much showcased about the black women in the black children there were also lynch so it makes people think that you know there was a softening when it came to women which is absolutely not the case what it was how can we move into a society that actually elevates and pays more attention when women particularly women of color. Well i think its its already like i said i think theres a lot of work that were still doing but bringing attention i think to to women and women of color because you know theyre still were still struggling like you said taylor did not get the same type of attention that george floyd got of course protests brought light to what happened in awareness the officers got fired but still there was not enough done and what society does is they try to look at the background to tailor would it would achieve do she must have a criminal record actually know she was a stellar citizen an e. M. T. You know it just it really it really is triggering to to see that nothing has been done when you know Something Like this in such a tragedy happens a loss of life especially somebody comes into my house with normal clothes and not you know warning that theyre a Police Officer they have the right to defend themselves with a gun so it was such a tragedy and still that nothing has been done it is just mind blowing and the fact that its like sarah said we always investigate the background its always so well if you look at groups for example among women its always what she wearing what is she doing why does that matter a crime took place Brianna Taylor was murdered. What else can that why do we have to investigate her character and defame her character as trying to justify what happened its wrong and you know feminism as a whole you know a dirty word for the nobody likes has come a long way but if we look really in the past like you said in the black feminists were not entirely included in the seventys in that movement and hopefully we can bring it together as an inclusive black women women of color with minority women and trans women into that conversation as well hopefully one day in the future but when it comes to crimes especially the murders of black trans women as well they are not investigated enough and often they go unsolved its a shame for their families absolutely embracing im going to bring you into this as well because i know personally you lost your sister to Domestic Violence and when we talk about you know that situation particularly around the fact that her murder did not actually serve real time at all when we talk about things like that were still working to get the violence against women act reauthorized there are so many cases where we just see that people do not care when these violent acts happen against women what are some of your comments. Yes absolutely i think you touched on a number of excellent points and i think one of the major issues here even within the Africanamerican Community is understanding that there is layers of oppression we are a part of a matrix of domination where we suffer not only gender discrimination but regional discrimination and i think its a result oftentimes you know under the language of reality where in the reason why people are talking about her spoke saying well you know work were not trying to cheat why are you trying to divide the africanamerican or the black community and i think whats really important here is that we need to understand were not trying to compete lets say with george floyd story were trying to come meet the story right and i think that until we stop blaming until we start actually caring about the why of black women and weight of strong black woman were going to continue to be fighting against this issue i want to see. What do you do birdie what do you feel is the biggest thing that men get wrong when talking about equality for women and feminism and things of that nature in your experience what do you feel is the 1st thing that men get wrong when they when they comment on these issues. I think its a lack of education on the topic to be quite frank i dont know how many men are taking the time to pick up a book and genuinely read about semitism to understand that it has to do with women a womans ability to choose i also think theres quite a bit of victim blaming well you know if she wasnt wearing boots or if she didnt say that work shes not part of our i think the correct thing so again i truly believe that its a lack of education combined with going. Reginas so what do you feel is the 1st thing kind of men do wrong when you try to have these discussions about you know equal equal rights and gender rights i think it definitely comes down to you know the victim blaming is all but also they dont really they think its that women who want equal rights who are proponents of feminism hate men and thats not true its not were not hating men were hating that picture across society that has oppressed women and thats what a lot of women want men to understand is we dont hate you not all men are bad were trying to get you to understand what has been wrong for us and correct that justice i think weve all mentioned here occasion an understanding do they ever do men ever actually say if i were a woman what would that be like how different would my life be if i were a woman if i were you know if i were being discriminated against for my gender for my race if i were you know a minority woman what would that be like what kind of challenges what i face but now theres a lot of victim blaming like regina said men hate you know women hate men and thats not as useful and also probably add that the argument diminished are trying to be mean so the idea. Many people as bad for many males as that to taking something away from them now that youre pushing for equal rights and i dont know what in the mans mind makes them actually go there but the idea that you are somehow reducing them by wanting to have equality. But i gotta say i learned a lot and thank you for sharing all that with us in the audience today that truly means a walk once again Brittany Regina pleasure and didnt honor talk to thank you so much. All right everybody as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on demand this wonderful brand new portable t. V. Available on all platforms its on every platform so you have no excuse you can get it. Get it. Coming up the n. H. L. Has found itself in hot water and many more tragedy yes tragedy has struck the protests at the. State to watch. The leftist senseo lost in the november election and theyre trying to cause trouble theyre stirring the pot and theyre trying to get a little bit of a civil war going but they can blame trump for that and one way to do that is by saying its ok to live the Small Businesses and the bad is that sub furnish us and ugly common men to stir social unrest looting and violence so thats what the left is up to now. The world is driven by shaped by. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. Trade and investment of become magic spells to economic development. Most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the investment chapter of a trade agreement is about something very different but wont win investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys secret summits all ruins the environment. That means if local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits make a nice is no home. The nationals are taking on the whole nation Philip Morris is trying to use an i. D. S. D. S. To stop glorifying from implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a French Company sued egypt because egypt raise its minimum wage and democratic choice of the trump cool which will join us as we try to find one of the 2. All right welcome back everyone the n. H. L. Has been riding high this summer as the normally winter based professional Hockey League has been thriving in the summer heat thanks to the leagues brilliantly executed 2 month long 20 and 14 playoffs in a bubble effort to finish their pandemic we cut short 2020 season earlier this year so far everything had been wine roses and body checks against the glass until well until former n. H. L. Player and coach and now n. B. C. Studio analyst mike milbury couldnt well he couldnt as motivational speaker matt bowley would say shut his big yap or on a recent broadcast on n. B. C. s brian busch air broadcast partner suggested how well the bubble environment has kept n. H. L. Players focused on the game on the rink millbury chimed in saying quote theres not even any women here to disrupt your concentration yeah. Joining us once again is our to america sports producer jim to discuss the follow from millbury is curious comments regina. Lets get into the dirty details about mr millbury this isnt the 1st time hes actually made comments like this about women or scandalous comments about the game. Even during these playoffs hes done that he isnt the 1st broadcaster to have this opinion women in sports especially fall under this kind of criticism and who by men who think that they shouldnt be there and they should have any any job at all within sports is the subsequent reaction to mo burns quote surprising to you their reaction is not because it is probably a comment that many male analysts in sports feel they just they said the quiet part out loud and again all men in sports are not like this there are a lot of great allies for women in sports that happen to be male but back in 1700 if i can take you back for a quick 2nd melissa licky had a loss to her in timing filed a lawsuit against Major League Baseball to allow our in a locker room to cover a gay that was only 42 years ago thats not that long ago so women in sports have had this shiah mountainous climb up the hill were now allowed in locker rooms stuff like erin Andrews Laura open and people like that who are on the sideline who do great reporting tell Great Stories are these wonderful storytellers and yet theyre still reduced to a distraction and a lot of women angry on twitter it blew up and some of them are the n. H. L. Social media teams for the league that are in the bubbles going hello hi were here were not distracting were doing our job and thats the point is women in sports sometimes still arent taken seriously as analysts because we didnt play because the the problem with this quote is basically that. And i cant we have to spell this out for people but the problem with the quote is basically like you know a women are always a distraction and men arent strong enough. But they did nor the. Woman walked by and somehow they couldnt get as many goals as a son should leave the problem to grow it is and its a shame because as you know as women in sports as analysts as broadcasters as reporters we are constantly under a spotlight if shes too fat shes too thin she doesnt have enough makeup on she has too much makeup on you know i couldnt tell you just from my perspective i dont wear spanx because ive been called fat and i went you know i dont care anymore were constantly under scrutiny and theres nothing you can actually how well we do our job and its a shame because there are a lot of talented women out there who go were doing a great job were not just this body we are these wonderful brains and wonderful storytellers absolutely and to your point the point you just made about social media one of the reasons why this story got picked up so heavily is because sports analyst the male sports analyst because female sports anchors they call this out and they called it out loudly and even told their own stories of discrimination and sexism and i thought that that was pretty powerful just to watch happen the issue that women are facing right now being called a distraction is it a new world women in sports obviously its been happening for years 42 years since women legally won the right to be in the locker room do you think the culture is still the same or have things progressed in that for decades i would love to say its totally different and nothings going to be the same but you know in the same isnt we are making so much progress but unfortunately were still climbing up there were spam oliver who is in her fiftys is a wonderful analyst for fox tons of n. F. L. Games someone i looked up to as like a woman in sports and a woman of color in sports who has had such a big profile one day she did not seem to be on this island as much because they wanted a younger audience enter erin andrews who is the exact opposite and so youre seeing that yes weve come so far we are now being recognized but still how sex sells and unfortunately sports thats true and to kind of segue into the Washington Football Team where sex normally sells for their calendar unfortunately theyre not a scandal i want to bring that up. Because you know as you say speaking a damaging culture the Washington Football Team the professional team the n. F. L. Team is again in the hot seat after this leaked report that a private video from the cheerleaders from the Washington Football Teams cheerleaders like you know they do like a calendar shoot every year which has its own problems anyway but apparently dan snyder the owner of the Washington Football Team asked for all the highlight videos basically or the extra thing basically the shots were like at the girls on the beach and shes normally covered up its the shots in between them going to get into the you know and basically showing them half naked and things like that is this the final nail in the coffin for dan snyder at this point you would hope so because the article came out last month about how these women were sexually harassed touched in appropriate taxes resent that were reporters or if or executive with it not officials who work in the front offices of the law of the team and youre shocked that now this is having to these jurors who may not have been aware this even happened until recently like oh my gosh this spans back to 2810 years 12 years now why cant dan snyder get it through his head that you are having one p. R. Nightmare after another. How do you you dont surface or this i am glad to see it come out at the end of the day because we all kind of have so our suspicions about snyder is about use because he fought so what are you to keep that raises its name for so long regina thank you so much for coming on always a pleasure having you on and giving us the sports of the week thank you. The fallout from the shooting of jacob blake by police in connection with concent as protests there continued this week and now even more sadness and violence has come to this already tragic and volatile situation just after midnight in the early minutes of wednesday after a long night of tear gas and protests shots rang out shots that left 2 people dead and another one wounded r. T. America is trying to shove is the story. Today 2 people are dead and one injured after another chaotic night in can no show us Constant Police say at least one gunman opened fire on protesters during the 3rd night of demonstrations late tuesday evening civilians seen walking through the streets bearing handguns a ar 15 style rifles and military flak jackets. Other video shows a man nursing a serious arm injury following the incident while another man crouch is next to him with a firearm dont want me to say i dont know several rioters seem vandalizing cars and smashing windows. Others seen looting businesses including this Mattress Store right before burning it down riot Police Responding with tear gas and rubber bullets at curfew violators as demonstrators shot fireworks and threw rocks at police some reports suggest protesters are traveling from neighboring cities to take part in the destruction the governor now calling for 1500 National Guard members with Police Powers for assistance the 3rd night of protests comes after jacob blake was shot multiple times by police after resisting arrest now confirmed paralyzed from the waist down his familys Attorney Ben Crump said earlier today that it would take a. A miracle for him to walk again but the man at the back no 3 right now is that he is paralyzed. And because those were the silver here is playing a core. And shout it from his vertebrae that attorneys sound the word get 2 or more details. It is going to take a miracle. It is going to take a miracle. For jacob lake julia to enable walk again and back here in new york black lives matter protests continued throughout the city and wildlife family is asking for the officer who fired the shots to be arrested and the others involved in the incident to lose their jobs legs mother is asking the rioters to end the violence and the looting reporting in to your trinity shop as r. T. All right everybody that is our show for you today remember in this world we are definitely not told that we are loved and so i tell you all i love you i am irrelevant her and im lisa cross keep on watching all those hawks out there and have a great day and night everybody. She stressed to make sure that the british present at the middle of the turnout that in. South asia was so here she didnt taste the fish it is shes a c. E. O. Which quite a shock. To which she never happened and now look what youve seen in a response to get your girly man for sure. Want to talk to you sort of your remarks you should be. Good to mr hazlewood supporters are still with them to the spirit of the book there is this interview are you going to use that its a studio actually a person to be vocal or should stop them spilling. Expressed she. Chose seemed wrong. But old rules just dont hold. Any new world beliefs yet to shape out does they become agitated and in gains from an equal betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart when shes to look for common ground. During the vietnam war u. S. Forces also bomb to neighboring laos it was a secret war. And for years the American People did not know. How much it is officially mouth can rebound country per capita all Human History millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this Small Agricultural country Jordyn Wieber thing going to happen i think even today kids in laos full victims of bombs dropped decades ago is the us making amends for that tragedy and what help to the people need in that little land of mines. By the demick no certainly no borders and is blind to nationalities. Has emerged we caught up with the we do a back seat the whole world needs to be the chief. Judge of this commentary crisis what is this sentence times we can do better we should. Everyone is contributing each or own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges created with the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. Says that it has not received any concrete evidence of poisoning after germany confirmed traces of chemical nerve agent were found in russian opposition figures alexina valley. Also on the way the United States says that it will not take part in an International Cooperative effort to develop a vaccine because it says it is led by the world health organization. By their very good morning to you and thanks for joining us here on r. T. International

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