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Way. And with the United States deeply divided ahead of the president ial election in november thousands of americans are desperate for an alternative to the 2 main runners and the countrys 2 party system. Youre watching R T International coming to you live straight from the russian capital where its just turned 7 pm welcome to the program. We start with breaking news the German Government is claiming that russian opposition figure had i looked it not only was poisoned with a nerve agent from the know which group of army is currently in a coma in a berlin hospital after being airlifted from russia there 2 weeks ago the kremlin is saying it received no communication from berlin on the findings now for more on this lets us live to our tease peter oliver peter tell us more about this announcement and what weve been hearing from the German Government. Or german chancellor Angela Merkel has been speaking to the press she was. Not speaking very long but very clear in what a message was the fundamental points were that the poisoning of alexina volley as they claim it was a full it was a crime against the fundamental laws of society that his attempted poisoning was depressing in the words of the chancellor that he didnt try to in an attempt to silence him and that he was the victim of a crime Angela Merkel went on to say that the tests that had been carried out on the substances they found in the lexan of on the system of the double check theyve been checked by German Military laboratories that are sanctioned by the o. P. C. W. The organization for the against the proliferation of chemical weapons. She was also joined in her criticism and of of this in saying that the quest for answers by the German Foreign minister and defense minister as well. Since the stilton the informant soon it is over there is that one of the leading opposition figures in russia has been poisoned as specialized laborde 3 of the armed forces came to a clear conclusion and that aleksey never in the last poisoned with a substance from the north hes the victim for crime someone tried to shut him up the aisle for doing a put to sleep we demand an investigation into the poisoning of aleksey now while we condemn this boys name and in the near future will hold consultations and how europe can adequately respond to it it will also depend on russias response to the case. Alexina valley has been here in berlin for around 11 days since he was flown here from the city of square he was receiving initial treatment this was after he took seriously ill on a flight from siberia to moscow he was trying to initially his supporters chartered a specific medical played a specialized medical plane to fly him here its a bird where hes been receiving treatment in the shallots a hospital but when paramedics 1st arrived on the scene in russia after the plane was forced to make an Emergency Landing alexina valley was in severe distress. Well mr volley remains in a coma here in joost coma and. Medics have said theres no acute danger to his life but a keeping him in that coma in order to carry out the tests that have been done and also to keep on giving him treatment they have said that his condition has improved somewhat but this latest information of course these latest bombshells coming from the russian from the German Governments and german chancellor Angela Merkel saying alexina valley was poisoned by a nerve agent from the novacek family so weve heard that theyre just now from the german chancellor what has been the official reaction coming from russia been. So far the official word from the kremlin spokes person. Of is the berlin hasnt been in touch we would expect that to change of course when and so again lets try of the Russian Ambassador to relays the information that he was told when he was summoned to the German Foreign ministry here in the german capital on wednesday afternoon we know from heiko mass the German Foreign minister that he was told in no Uncertain Terms that investigation has to be carried out into what happened to alexa in the valley and that they were looking to moscow looking to russia for help with that investigation to find out what happened to alexa in a volley. Arties peter are bringing us that report from berlin thank you. A trial relating to the 2015 paris terrorist attack got underway on wednesday 14 people stand accused of involvement in the wave of terror that shook the french capital 5 years ago satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was one of the main targets of the attacks alongside a jewish supermarket or a report from paris. Well Charlie Hebdo is back in the spotlight here in france and thats because as that trial is underway that important trial its decided to take a Bold Decision according to some some of described it perhaps as being more idiotic and that is to republic some of its most controversial cartoons which depict the prophet mohammed the muslim prophet now it was those types of cartoons that were published by the magazine that initially put a target on its back and led to that attack back in 2015 in which 12 people were murdered now back then the world came out in support singhs use 3 sharlee saying they supported the right of the magazine its freedom of speech to publish cartoons like that but by republishing these cartoons again today a montage of them it has reignited the debate here in france over whether or not its ok to blast fim now there has been some polls done the news that Charlie Hebdo was reprinting some of those cartoons and its really interesting the results that have come out this is a poll thats been done by the French Institute of Public Opinion now it found when it asked the french people in general what they thought was this the right thing to do and that the majority of people supported the decision supported the freedom of speech of Charlie Hebdo but when you narrow that field down and only asked that question to french muslims there was a very different response was 69 percent responding that they didnt think it was right to publish those cartoons in the 1st place now everybody seems to be getting involved in this issue from the president right the way across through social media everybody has an opinion and those opinions are polarized there isnt from a freedom to blast fim which is attached to freedom of conscience im here to protect all these freedoms and why would you allow a publication to wreck your kid. Trees harmony all i see these games this is not freedom of speech this is disrespect in the sentiments of all the muslims around the world still pined in behind freedom of speech it doesnt give people the right to say whatever they want to choose decency and their ticket so freedom of speech will again be used as an excuse to hurt muslim sentiments and our beliefs and while we condemn these actions openly vehemently no heed will be paid because who cares about muslim sentiments anyway now this trial is hugely important not just because its about the attacks but its also about the attacks that took place a few days later on a kosher supermarket here in paris where more people were killed and what the National Anti terror prosecutor here in france are said while this might not be about the men that carried out those attacks because they are dead this is about that why do web individuals who supported them who perhaps finance them or shielded them in the aftermath of those attacks and this also comes as font says interior minister warns that while this trial is about the historical event an event that is still something that is poignant in french memory there is also something that we must remember he talked about and that is the fact that there is still a huge threat of terror here in france it is the internal threat within our walls which has become the most significant and the strongest one which mobilizes the most attention of the Intelligence Services are now also talked about more than 8000. 00 individuals still being on a french database of suspected islam ists that could potentially pose a Security Threat here in france and he said that their full attention was needed on those individuals talking about the resilience of networks such as Islamic State and he also mentioned the number all. Of individuals in prison that are connected to islam is threats and talked about the verticalization in prisons he said that the majority of those individuals who were radicalized in prisons have then gone on to commit their own terror offenses when theyve been released now the trial is about those 2 messages that surely abdo and the kosher supermarket here in paris and they heralded in a new wave of terror that has and compass fronts now for more than 5 years. So while many people thought the focus would be on the trial starting in paris many people are now looking at what surely there was done with the republic ation of those controversial satirical cartoons of the muslim prophet mohammed with many people questioning whether this was the right decision was this about sort of standing up for freedom of speech was this about remembering those who was slain at its offices or is this something that could really radicalize islamists across the world and incite a new wave of terror earlier we spoke with french publisher and journalist american he believes that some of those defending the magazine have gone too far. This is horrible although. There was such a reaction of horror that theres some people have lost their heads which d unfortunately is a tribute to the politics of terror but thought for example there was a fashionable generous who said this at this moment those who are not shoddy must be punished but im sorry but just because i think i find these attacks horrible doesnt mean that i have to i dont if i myself with the newspapers whose political life i have never appreciated and we know where this hatred and contempt have led and the worst thing in france would be in the name of defending freedom of expression freedom of speech we allowed ourselves to be drawn into a war of civilization which would claim ever more victims can assure you. Donald trump has ignored calls to stay away from the violence stricken city of can osha are going on to say he praised the police is that it has aggravated tensions between Trump Supporters and black lives matter protesters and archer is the latest us hot spot for rallies against racism and Police Brutality as after a black man was shot several times in the back by officers last month 2 people have been killed in the protests that followed the shooting with the city suffering massive damage to personal property and businesses however when asked the u. S. President said Police Violence is not systemic. I think the police do an incredible job. And i think you do have some bad apples i think youd agree every once in a while you see something and you do have the other situation to. Under this tremendous pressure in the they dont hear little world trumps main rival in the election joe biden for his part has posted a video of him and his running mate calmly harris having a socially distanced chat where they discuss trumps alleged inability to deal with the covert crisis. You know you think of all the people today who because of the negative way in which this president is walked away with dealing with the covert crisis my god the way its been responded to meanwhile Many Americans are getting fed up with their 2 party system and are looking around for alternatives and burgeoning movement is the new Peoples Party and attracted thousands of americans to its Virtual Convention over the weekend artist reports. Deep divisions in america and dissatisfaction with centuries of 2 party rule have forced Many Americans so look for alternatives on the heels of the democratic and Republican Conventions 8 Peoples Convention was held gathering the hundreds of thousands of disappointed left wingers the people must have of this. President we dont need a. Ready to cry for a new major party going to be attendees of the Peoples Convention feel that neither candidate really represents a choice for the working class instead they want political leaders who will stand up to wall street and the political elites long. As you. Can tell the criteria of integrity wall street was certainly delighted when joe biden was nominated as the democratic candidate perhaps this is because joe biden has admitted that not much is really going to change when speaking to his wealthy donors i mean we may not want to demonize anybody has made money no 1. 00 standard of living will change nothing would fundamentally change another theme at the Peoples Convention was the constant expansion of us wars and the expanding presence of u. S. Military forces overseas as soon as i take office i will ask congress to fully eliminate the defense sequester and will submit a new budget to rebuild our military it is so depleted we will prevail. Were going to have the Strongest Military weve ever had by far were increasing arsenals of virtually every weapon were making our military stronger and more powerful than ever before attendees of the Peoples Convention called for free college for all a Green New Deal and an end to mass incarceration they slammed joe biden for not supporting medicare for all even during the pandemic. With all due respect to medicare for all you have a single payer system in italy it doesnt work there and has nothing to do with medicare for all that would not solve the problem at all protests against systemic racism and Police Brutality that have in gulf the country now have both candidates throwing gasoline on the fire this president long ago forfeited a moral leadership in this country he cant stop the violence because for years hes fought management here supporters here supporters and they are your supporters and did shut a young gentleman ho and killed him now with paint over the bullet. And i think its disgraceful Peoples Convention attendees voted at the end of their convention to form a Peoples Party that would sweep the us elections in 2021 and hopefully take control of the white house and the us congress by 2024 3rd parties have always existed in america but they generally get marginalized and pushed aside while the 2 major parties dominate the political stage however the Peoples Party is hoping to reverse that trend and become a new force in american politics seizing the spotlight it will mop and artsy new york comedian Ron Paul Cohen says neither of the 2 main parties truly reflect the views of the majority of americans. Its been a very very very long time since there was a new viable Political Party in the United States but if you kind of look at whats going on right now contemporarily i now seems like the time for history to repeat itself and the bigger issue at hand here is just how far the doowop really is the pandemic has shown that we have a corporate coup for a government we have a Banana Republic we have a government that not only doesnt give a hoot about Public Opinion but works actively against it and this is by design republicans are only able to be as horrific as they are because of how ineffective democrats are similarly democrats are only able to be as ineffective as they are because of how horrific republicans are. Just not reflect the people who live here the largest voting bloc in the United States are people who dont vote and people who dont associate with either Political Party or global news update continues after this short break. Banks are survival of stacy just want to start saying that all these are. You sure its not there are you going to get a bad. Back to. Repatriations you want to get the rest in 7 years. Billable several hours kaiser or. No one else should seem wrong. But i will just dont hold. Any knowledge yet to ship out just didnt come after. And in detroit equals betrayal. When something you find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Again were breaking news here on our t. V. The German Government is claiming that russian opposition figure had looked in the money was poisoned with a nerve agent from the nobody took group of all that is currently and i coma and i berlin hospital after being airlifted from russia almost 2 weeks ago the kremlin is saying its received no communication from berlin on the findings as of yet now to break this down further lets now cross live tomorrow marine a professor of Eastern European politics at the university of genoa chancellor Angela Merkel has already met her cabinet ministers to discuss the next steps following the announcement of now on these alleged poisoning what do you think those steps might be well as the spokesman of the German Government said it will be any teen or it cold. Im going to let go of the chancellor we the outer ministries and the under prime ministers in the e. U. And also in the next just to understand which kind of sanctions it is you economics of course they will decide to implement against russia. You touched on sanctions there even before this announcement i think it was a few days ago actually the German Foreign minister had said think sions would be introduced against russia if it was found to a point and now vali how much of an appetite do you think there is in europe right now for a new sanctions war. Where do you think that the sanction is the right age of the season i mean because the sanctions economic sanctions in the last years a have shown to russia can. Have no problems i mean to to face and especially negative consequence is never negative effects of these sanctions so probably the question is how to solve this question this issue is used in political issues of course. Some days ago said today that its necessary to negotiate or to or to have an open dialogue with russia so we are there opposite of such a statement of some days ago but i get in there. Now germany has also said its going to consult its nato partners on that joint response considering the nature of this case a russian citizen allegedly poisoned on russian territory with no indication of who the culprit is at this point why bring in nato as well. Well does think to detonate do a little act immediately because its an issue very in dramatic obviously taking consideration about. Has that but at the same time nobody can know exactly what happened even if the we have no more affects about to the question of poisoning we dont know exactly if there were a foreigner agent or something in the domestic. Sphere of the russian politics which can be involved in such issues so i dont think that nato especially net rather than the economic sanctions today e. U. Will implement something or will immediately and directly act against russia and specially take in consideration his territory you talk about there being no way of knowing exactly who was behind this and yet we already have merkel thing that somebody was trying to find one not only we have germany demanding an explanation from russia so that theyve already seen like that conclusion has been met. Well you know i dont think a debt to. The president and the russian government have any kind of benefits and such kind of situation its not only a question of popularity or emerge in the International Section and back to the valley we know dr hes in opposition he represents part of the russian oppositional bet if you want to be. The next president ial candidate to do to the new men and maybe men so so its not a problem i think for the russian government he can mobilize people he already shown that it is able to do to and he keep indeed so i think that probably there are other issues concerning maybe he is the activity is and maybe knows his role in the International Setting and maybe some questions or issues related also to the cases i think there is no such there is no evidence so far that there are public issues or rather than private issues which can be involved in such kind of the number in this case so we have the German Government thank that it is a 100 percent certain that its not a choke but we have findings coming out also earlier from russian doctors and on thing that not only was not poisoned that they ran tests that came back negative why do you think there is that discrepancy and is it just going to be brushed aside as politics. I think that the main discrepancy is if we take into consideration now how urgent to and how immediately russian doctors tried to see from the. From of these kind of illness and so if i have already understood a use now to put after the now in any case and medicine that that saved his life as sold is a showed that to ration from the russians and there was no need and no will special no will to kill not on him but just to save his life and especially then if you let him going abroad where other doctors as chairs the german one can the Say Something opposite as has happened in these last hours or so that i think that this is the main discrepancy the russian dog talks act very well so probably there is a dark sick. I mean. We dont know exactly but i think that russian doctors were very keen and smart in immediately act and introduce such kind of in the now danny is. More marina a professor of Eastern European politics at the university of genoa thank you so much for finding time to join us on the program today. Doesnt the palestinians have clashed with Israeli Soldiers in the west bank as television steps up its drive to build a new Industrial Zone there d. Several people were reportedly injured during the confrontation Israeli Forces have been tasked with protecting heavy equipment including bulldozers there they will be used to clear the way for that new Industrial Zone which will be located in the city of talk. Meanwhile this year the israeli authorities have intensified the demolition of homes in East Jerusalem thats despite the codependent and the ongoing economic crisis in the area in many cases its the residents who have to destroy their own houses due to the high cost of demolishing work theres really municipality in jerusalem insists palestinian homes are only torn down if built illegally without a special permit however human Rights Groups say theres little real chance of obtaining such a permit for palestinians locals told us they walk about the fight. As you can see i was forced to demolish my own home because of the farm i worked to build this house for my family and then these really authority surprised us by calling of the 2nd day of telling us that the house had to come down they didnt even care about the holiday or the coronavirus situation the actions of the Israeli Government tried to make us leave this land but no matter what we wont go. We saw what happened with them and weve seen this happen time and time again. Destroyed my shop income i needed to feed my family the municipality wont allow us to build houses which forces the Palestinian People to do it without a permit or. More news is coming your way after this short break. Throughout its history the hardest with the selfproclaimed Islamic State terrorist group the group set up 230000 following us from all over the world to fight for. In more. Sounds of russian citizens left their country to join the terrorists often bringing wives and children with them. And you could move. On you to the moon hundreds of children and widows were held captive disappeared. Last. Night. Russia childrens families wait. This is r. T. International welcome back to the program were going to return to our top story germany has said its beyond doubt that russian opposition figurehead i mix in of all me was poisoned with the nerve agent known as never check a German Government spokesperson said the conclusion it was based on test results from a military lab he described the attack on the ball me as an astounding act and demanded an explanation from moscow that the current kremlin says its not received any communication from berlin on the findings or despair all over as more. German chancellor Angela Merkel has been speaking to the press she was not speaking very long but very clear it was her message was the fundamental points. Word that the poisoning of alexina valmy as they claim was a for it was a crime against the fundamental laws of society that his attempted poisoning was depressing in the words of the chancellor that he had been trying to been an attempt to silence him and that he was the victim of a crime Angela Merkel went on to say that the tests that had been carried out on the substances they found in a lex in the van the system had been double checked theyve been checked by German Military laboratories that are sanctioned by the o. P. C. W. The organization for the against the proliferation of chemical weapons. She was also

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