A Spring Chicken anymore i think charlie monger is a few years old or so theyve got him out think about preservation of capital they may have tons of mistakes now they decide to salvage what they can of course one thing you can point to this and say is that this is part of perhaps is dispute with the fed because remember he did want to bail out the airlines i in a way that would give him a good deal and a bigger percentage of the big 4 airlines in america but who outbid him that was the u. S. Federal reserve they gave no Strings Attached to their free money to the airlines which is basically never going to have to be paid back so course warren buffet then dumped his airline shares and then dumped his banking shares in the 2nd quarter and while he was buying gold im buying back at half a 1000000000. 00 with the barrick gold he and i want to point out that colombia the country you know they sold 2 thirds of their gold in june alone so you know they were getting out theres always down money and theres always smart money at the table so if you dont know that a sucker is at the table it could be you. If you were right well you know the fed is out buffeting buffet right if it were taught fraud how to commit fraud to the central bank you put a lot of money in and buy stocks that go up because youre buying stocks that go up right so he made that game possible and so but the fed figured out wait a minute why are we letting warren take all this fraud money we should get some of those fraud money so now the fed is pumping buffett so something well for buffett to do you know he is entering the game of Precious Metals and Precious Metals is a nonstop sort of manipulated market j. P. Morgan has been fined over the past 2 years for manipulating the prices gold and silver i think theyre still under criminal indictment actually theyre there theres a comment on that investigation from the department of justice but the biggest oldest 1000000000 bank in the world is scotiabank and theyve just been fined 127000000. 00 for manipulating gold prices 3 spoofing this is on top of a 100000000. 00 that they were already fine like one or 2 years ago and then they failed to disclose some information in that settlement so they see f. T. C. And the department of justice are fining them some more a 127000000 but again this is something that kaiser report has had right where the major you know Mainstream Media has wrong where they say its a total Conspiracy Theory to think that prices can be manipulated because for every buyer theres a seller right now thats clear i hope by now that these gold prices in markets all over the world are manipulated using in this case they highlight spoofing you know putting in fake orders to nudge the price up and down and but theres 20. 00 different ways you can manipulate prices and weve talked about it before you know the world is on a Gold Standard its been on the Gold Standard for a 1000 years Central Banks are on a Gold Standard when i saw trades with gold they dont use paper. This idea that we have a fear of money standard is a complete hoax in order for that to be perpetuate. Theyve had to suppress the price of gold manipulating the price of gold so many banks been fined for this now its sort of such a documented historical fact that theyve been playing the price of gold but like the gold pool of the 1960 s. You can only do it for so long and then the market ultimately wins out and now the markets saying you know what without them if you lay should the price of gold would be 3000. 00 right now and now we have to go to 3000. 00 and spank you we have to spank you hard really hard and buffett says the trend goes i dont want to be spanked i got to get into gold and of course you know that part of the resistance to say that this exists is because a lot of people dont want to say well you know that why would the u. S. Treasury or u. S. Government care the value about the value of the dollar obviously they do they care about the value of all. Currencies but nevertheless you know what theyve been doing is this manipulation by the way its been going on since from 2008 to 2016 this is what scotiabank was fined for even though kaiser reports been covering this nonstop so they were never afraid of being exposed even though we were talking about spoofing and you know what spoofing does is they pretend they put it in order for a massive buyer massive sell mostly usually a massive sell to to panic other investors in the market they think oh my god everybodys about to dump their gold and so they dump their gold fast and the and get a lower price than they what they would have i mean this is a smash and grab but in very sophisticated form because you know if any ordinary joe back it down a said this they would be doing you know 102030 years in prison but here they get a fine who knows how much their gains were by the way and well never know because they settled with with the authorities right let me lay it on a little secret right there is no such thing as money and there is no inflation and there is no deflation and the only thing there is to. About our Interest Rates and Interest Rate apartheid the value the feel moneys important relation to gold and that you can keep Interest Rates near 0 so that if youre a white guy like jamie diamond on wall street your cost of borrowing is 0 if youre a black guy living in the ghetto your cost of borrowing is 2000 percent its called Interest Rate apartheid and its practice right here in america and all over the world the ghetto of high Interest Rates if you dont borrowing money to 0 percent of the strength you live in the ghetto and thats the fact ok so if you cant deal with it then youre going to have to maybe go to a psychiatrist and adjust your thinking so you can perceive the truth in its fullest straight off speaking of perception and Market Participants is Something Interesting has been happening over the summer and that is tesla as rocketing continuing to rocket is up 5 and a half percent since march but the interesting thing is that really went off on a tear when it was it did a stock split which is you know just like the people who piled in on the bankrupt Companies Like hertz and Whiting Petroleum even though they were going to lose everything here is like splitting your stock doesnt add any value to the company but it makes people feel wealthier because they have instead of having 100. 00 and they have 400. 00 shares right now theres a couple of stories there 1st of all tesla is i mean thats worth close to 400000000000. 00 in the main economy and ive been saying that for years now and you dont cant find an auto company its not a Technological Company its a mamal that is embraced by the robin traders and other means traders around the world and as a 400000000000. 00 me thats what its worth thats how you value it 2nd of all its funny people are saying oh tussles up on the stock split it is and they dont mention that all that Apple Computers up on stock split news Apple Computer splits its stock for for one and its up by 30 or 40 a 1000000000. 00 much more in dollar terms than tussle was purely on a stock what is this is an old wall street saw stocks go. Up on stock splits thats been going on for 100 years white house was being pointed out versus apple i dont know but tesla is more importantly a mima it exists as a name thats pretty much its value so i also here did mention test lever other than apple because tesla you know grab the headlines and its it does drive people crazy because you know apple sells a lot of products and tesla doesnt necessarily sell so many products so the fact that they just keep going up despite being like such a target unlike my twitter stream i dont see a single mention of apple up on split i see thousands of mentions of tussle up on splitsville just like a my twitter as a as a analysis of what the perception is out there for some reason people dont say that the theres on the Something Else going. So there was also big news while we were away in the Bitcoin Space and that was this guy dave portnoy from barstool sports bought some bitcoin after the winkle vi went out there to talk him into it and dumped it 2 or 3 days later and that was the end of the story he did say interestingly he did tweet that he is perhaps going to enter back into the Bitcoin Space with half a 1000000. 00 because simply because he likes the means right hes the typical trader of all coins a 3rd call and he got sucked in. Into a garbage going and won the pretense of being after the bitcoin and he was suckered into that coin through the window why who have an exchange that trade a lot of junk as does coin based these are on regulated casinos in america should be regulated ask to see those to comply with the law but theyre not for some reason and just like if you can go into a casino and get a free drink and then they take all your money theyve put in a he went into the casino saying oh this is big going and within less. Than 3 days he was losing money on the casino of terrible all coy now because hes being the poster child of getting richt hes like oh wait i need to redeem myself as a mean and im going to go back in a wrecked again this wrecking the wrecking cycle is about to chew up this guy pretty badly i might add that Something Like 97 percent of all investors and decline have made money at whatever price you bought so theyve so hes done a good job losing money and finally like while were away we also started a new podcast called orange pill podcast its a long deep dive into all sorts of stories that are really important to its like a mix of Summer Solutions and kaiser report and our old podcast truth about markets and like its a whole assemblage succumb era its a kind there of a fun and shenanigans arent spells there its orange tells us the next thing you take after the red pill and you know if were in entering a new renaissance as we had said in the 1st of our Summer Solutions that this is the place to go to understand what the rebirth will look like and what options we have coming forward unfortunately we dont have it in spanish dubbed in spanish because we know we have a huge audience out there for kaiser report in the Spanish Language it is the biggest best audience in the world i have to say this is the number one reason we do kaiser report is for the Spanish Speaking audience hey we got to take a break when we come back much more coming your way. Chronic pain has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. Based drugs the people who are chronic pain is and believe that their opioid prescription is working for them and the remedy be certain to do no price at the. Worse or dependency and addiction to opiates is the long term use that really isnt scientifically justified and our study actually suggested that the long term effects may not just be absence of benefit but actually a very very maybe cause a long term. Welcome back to the kaiser report im max keyser time now to go to craig happy over there t. F. Our report dot com welcome back krag imax you know this episode airs of kaiser report virtual jackson hole has just ended now were going to talk about your own pow do you expect hell have actually said anything consequential in any way or it ultimately just be about the idea of central bankers have again and again money part to go bird and what do you think about these guys over there jackson hole and virtual jackson hole starting up a new punk band called virtual jackson hole in the wannabes. As pretty i mean theyve missed out of their big trip this year they go out there every year you know now have a little hoedown have their fun they can do that this year and will it be consequential i guess it depends on how we define consequential but i i think the tea leaves have been out there to be read trial balloons have been floated least for the last month gold and silver really took off on july 17th they want chart look at that and also on july 17th in the wee hours the morning an article magically appeared on bloomberg sitting that a major policy change was going to be coming from the fed and soon and that policy change was going to be too full when it was going to be a reassessment of how hot the inlet inflation go before they start hiking rates and because they cant rates go up there on the long term theyre also going to combine some form of yield curve control with it that institutionalizes really sharply negative real Interest Rates and i know you and i have talked about this the past help bullish that is for the Precious Metals and that happens and thats why we rallied so sharply late in july and in early august so well see other reports have indicated. This speech is coming and thats what hes going to be talking about and then weve got the next step away see meeting in. Guess 3 weeks from now 2 and a half weeks from now so i think all this stuff is pending for september which is if you kick start it lets focus on something here so you might have a it institutionalizes negative Interest Rates ok so lets unpack them a bit because for people to think that they might be confused because the standard objection is to raise rates or to raise inflation to 2 percent or higher right thats the stated objection and in so doing theyre going to create more negative Interest Rates right so explain how that works well negative real or inflation adjusted Interest Rate sets the key the key metric here you know the whole nominal rate so i mean a 10 year treasury note is yielded under one percent now since april and it almost looks like someone or somebody has already put any on her control because any time it falls below but 60 basis points are to magically goes back up and if it gets above 75 it goes back down just go through the mathematics here in other words if in fact rates or if in fact inflation is stated a 2 percent breda gets a real rate as you take that numbering subtracted from the nominal rate right and you turn it in turn that bond into a guaranteed loser from purchasing power standpoint and you might think that one but let me just walk through this for a 2nd so they say ok want to increase inflation. And they have a target of inflation thats higher than where it is now that will guarantee absolutely guarantee that theyre going to go down the rabbit hole of more negative rates which is in fact inflation so they are stating a categorical why that theyre trying to create inflation by increasing the rates of inflation that will cause real rates to be absolutely negative so by yield curve of management right thats an attempt to say well we know actually what were saying is false that were going to create inflation by raising rates because it actually creates an in negative Interest Rates so were going to therefore. Expand the remit of the fed from the short term discount window the discount rate were now going to say we control everything we control the 10 year to 20 year 30 year we control it all and you out there in the world no matter what you see a its false because now we own it all the fed and we control the horizontal and the vertical we control everything right so they then other words are signaling at the tate or ship right now thank you good night thats it yeah more or less we could be in a more centrally planned Global Economy than wed have at that point i mean there are new Market Forces left and i think you nailed it then i dont see any other way out max i mean they dont want to call it modern monetary theory at this point but in all sense thats what it is i mean we are printing dollars in every single nation and every single nations are not dollars but currency and every single Nation Central Bank is monetizing it and here in the u. S. Summits there monetizing basically every single new issuance of debt and so is that modern monetary theory not maybe not name but i mean i think were there so the. The emperors of the past whether its caesar or emperors of the Roman Emperor or emperors in the east the right byzantine emperor they all of the eventually started to clip coins right they debase the currency as a way to exert dictatorship over the economy by giving people less alas for their work until such time as the empire collapses so america now is in without doubt we can state categorically they have entered into a fatal state of the empire by clipping their coins so horribly by giving the fed it dictatorship power that we can expect very quickly now a total collapse of the American Economy and its influence around the world thanks to the fed full stop craig your thoughts well those mathematical certainty at some point im not sure if are on the verge of total collapse yet but were headed that direction you know you and i joke in the past actually dont go around predict any of the world shown to be right once so it may not be a total collapse in the next couple of months were certainly had that direction and every every single fiacha hern see regime thats been tried the past has been as you suggest completely wiped out over time because you get you know go by our style you know eventually just printing so much of it all just trends to be worthless were headed that direction again you know its initiating think about this inflation fight max and it kind of ties back to the stuff you and i talked on off about our off and on about the last 10 years is this overt now manipulation that we saw Precious Metals prices really going all the way back to 1975 when the futures contracts were started trading so you could clearly see it we now have. She finds being paid and rico statutes being invoked in India Department of justice investigations all this kind of stuff and there is always an effort made to kind of suppress the prices so as to insult instill confidence in the dollar in. Of the our currency but i wonder if now were seeing kind of a regime change if you will in that mindset because the central bankers have bigger fish to fry and the biggest fish is trying to spark this inflation that we talked about so that you can manage that debt of yesterday in kind of a cheaper currency of tomorrow and how if theyre not successful in doing it just by printing cash because as you said i mean you kind of get this loop that keeps it from being successful maybe one of the final tools the tool box will be just to simply revalue gold and silver hire you know yeah us yellow to get the gold and silver crappy this is the 1st of oz you point out they keep talking about inflation its the same way jim jones suggested everyone crank the koolaid to stick their bottom right i mean hes a cult leader hes a death cult the fed is a death cult lets be lets be clear one guy hes not fooled is Warren Buffett who realizes that when the fed outbid him for Airline Stocks the game was up for Berkshire Hathaway and their modus operandi of the past 40 years to essentially game the system but when the fed starts the gaming part of buffett more than Warren Buffett can game the system its game over so he dumped in bank stocks and they start buying gold stocks something that he said he would never do or ever his career did a complete about face and he cannot of gods right he thinks that the system is about to blow up and hes preparing for it correct i suppose and obviously that will grease balls i mean hes no dummy he just wants to make money and what other sector besides the Precious Metals Mining Sector is now steadily increasing earnings and increasing dividends you know in a postcode world nobody no other sector is the gold sector is so case we put some money there its i dunno i dont know how much i want to read into the fact that he bought some barrack other than for anybody wanting to trade and make their own little fiacha you know they always say just follow what war does kind of like you know dont fight the fed. Well look hes going to lead a lot of institutional money to take another look if not make some additional investments in the sector and you and i have talked about this before i mean as the global Asset Allocation shifts even just a little bit from maybe one percent of all assets in gold and silver in the shares to 2 percent oh my gosh thats a lot of additional money chasing a finite amount of companies and so i you know what his all to me what you can read into ultimately what he may be doing or trying to say it same time now if you just want to play along i think thats a signal that theres a lot of institutional i mean big time is situational hedge Fund Pension Fund money thats probably going to be coming into gold silver in the us but i put this in a context where he brought this gold stock barack and it down financials down to a background where its clear that he had hes going to be facing the head whens a falling fee out money falling dollar and hes trying to position himself ahead of this in a way that is Wealth Preservation at this point and in terms of being in context of what of what hes doing overall i think it speaks volumes about his complete lack of confidence in the American Economy yeah and i mean again guys no dummy and anybody we began this conversation talking about negative real Interest Rates negative inflation adjusted Interest Rates where the nominal rate just one inflation rate is 3 and so youre losing 2 percent here and that historically those negative real rates have been the key driver of gold prices i mean the link is almost a one to one correlation going back decades and if theyre going to get more negative real rates going to more negative in the months and years to come than gold prices are just going to keep going up even just simply by that metric i moved buffetts gotta understand that and hes got to understand that these negative real rates are coming in so therefore certainly see why hed want to start. It in the sector ok lets talk about scotiabank because you cover the sector quite you know theyve been 527000000 on top of the 800000000 they already paid for manipulating Precious Metals markets whos going to back what they have a story to tell you correct yeah max i mean scotia banks one of the largest bullion banks and to see them now not only being fined but actually moving out of the business is part of the trend you know that i think youre seeing the profitability of being a bully and bank is falling off and now youve got your Compliance Department breathing down your neck as well you know what are you doing here you know in your cost us money and hurt our reputation so the big news is that this is driving scotia out of the business of may drive more oil and banks other business and it backs we may finally get that sea change you would have been open for for the last decade finally get this Pricing System to change so its good news is the scotiabank. Get slapped like that all right Greg Hampikian battle for part thanks for being on the kaiser report hey thanks max always a pleasure and thats going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser Stacy Herbert like to thank our guests craig of t f metals report if you want to catch us on twitter at kaiser report until next time by you all. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalists attacks protecting only catholic population and tens of foes and support forced to flee their homes a mobile story can put these attacks was a p. R. You see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of presenting they were active participants in the burning of coal streets in belfast nothing more than a 100 innocent civilians were. As the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and integrates which the inclusion. 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The Nuclear Industry encompasses more than 300 Industrial Enterprises in this to chance and organizations more than 2000000 people work there you could say the Nuclear Industry is the 86 subject of the russian federation. And in my last. Realizing that the main value with the city is its people ross sansom is actively investing in creating a favorable environment in each city for the development of Human Capital Creative Potential to local entrepreneurship affective City Management and the quality of life in general. But in a short period of time almost 3000 problems when worked out by a Monitoring Center the work was carried out by either local authorities or contractors before the pandemic of the platform at 25000 visits per month these are very big numbers for such a small city. Republicans report physical harassment by black. Leaving the Partys National convention yet those very same politicians will stop says they were harassed by. Police say they begin breaking up near 20000 strong crowd of protesters but the activist who complained of double standards after black lives matter demonstrations. Take place on hindered and publicly the pentagon develops an Artificial Intelligence project to replace generals in life or death

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