Its still even arguable but then there are strong examples where its totally not arguable but just a question of excessiveness but you know its a revolution its definitely a current a tendency and its the pendulum will swing back sooner than later because i can sort of get the feel for it from from the silent majority that nobody likes the way its going to feel safe and its going to swing back the other day sooner than later yeah i wish people wouldnt be the silent majority i wish theyd be more talking we can talk about that here whether because same question to you is this a cultural revolution because a lot of a lot of lives have been destroyed here i thought we came from a culture of redemption and forgiveness ok i mean some of the infractions are just absurd ok and then to see in the Mainstream Media 247 mine intelligence and sense of morality is insulted all the time by a lot of neo liberal propaganda but that is thats just never touched us because its part of the normans part of the. Colts my friend in washington right so i. Agree with david to the extent i dont think that this is a cultural revolution that i dare i say that if you were if we were to use that term cultural revolution then i think you know we have had moments in history both in the states and globally where we have seen so kind of these moments arising from the peoples of speak but i think the retaliates is that there is a bit of an oppression of revisionist history and thats a fine line between intimidation public shaming you know economic rowing to. 2 words that are being placed in the Public Square versus the cancer culture and that is currently what we have particularly i think almost both sides right so its not just liberal such as conservatives i think both sides are are contributing to this that where we are seeing it particularly from the Progressive Left is this rise of a question of revisionist history and so i think its calling really to the stage that issues and histories we have not faced up to our own up to you and the past where were also seeing this on the right even if we look at settling we know that we have conservative right wing conservative leaders that are below like that across across the world and so there is polarization on both sides said i think that we have to ethically how the conversation and bring that conversation to the Public Square and light. But you know nothing of authority is silence well where is the Public Square where is the marketplace of ideas because of the destruction of statues destroying memorials thats not a conversation is it no its not a conversation i think that we need to talk i am i was a trained historian and that is what i focused in on it but mostly it was history augury the philosophy of history exactly what were talking about right here but you dont go burn books and have people fired if you want to really understand or reinterpret history thats a healthy thing here david you know go ahead and jump in on that because i am it to my core fascinated to have conversations particularly with people that disagree with me because ive learned i mean i mean i think obviously totally true that i have a you tube channel where we touch on you know political stuff from the legal sense and i dont believe comments i dont deter discussion to the extent to remain civil and nonviolence that the tearing down statues is an interesting thing or lets call it the removal of statues to avoid planetary rhetoric. If you hear noise in the back of my dog. I got really dont worry about it there and. Its something i think its totally counterproductive to to remove the statues its sort of the orwellian memory hole in that age you dont learn anything from history because you tend to forget it but b. And this is my major point right sort of take flak from from the right to some extent is the statues were not directed to celebrate the flaws of the individual they were erected to celebrate the successes or at the very least the defining absolute of the individual and so bring that to the the George Floyd Protests where you have people the same people by and large tearing down statues because of the bad things the person did but directing murals because for george floyd because of the way he died and i say i agree with the murals because youre not arresting a mural to george floyd to celebrate his flaws or his wrongdoings in the past youre wrecking it to celebrate what he represents now and thats that holds true for the statue and so you take him down. 8 you have no longer a discussion about what they are the bad things that they may have committed and throughout history you lose that debate and you also lose the history of what they did in fact contribute to the very society lets yannick what it is i mean it again going to stay with the statues here i mean the most horrific period in American History was the civil war and i really want every generation to know that because that was the defining moment of what made the country we have now and the. After the war particularly the south that was imperfect and that and thats an understatement ok but that is a learning experience and you know and i am agreeing with david here i mean so many people think of history as something to celebrate actually its something to ponder and think about the mistakes that have been made in the problems that need to be a result of this day but because well peter let me ask you do you believe in ghosts because i do this we know are meant to disturb we know that ghosts are meant to disrupt a nerve and to hot relief and hayden said something i think thats particularly germane to this conversation he said the only thing we learned from history is that we were nothing for and so memory is a classic street in memory and history are not the same and so theres a and theres a National Memory at least in the states of the ghosts of yesteryear that have somehow it again emerged and 2022 write a memory of an america that was great memory of america that was not troubled by people who looked like me and had my hair style and so what were seeing really are the goals of the days of the women that are rearing their ugly head again and i dont necessarily agree with the removal of statues but i understand why people are calling for statues as if youre going to have a civil war talk about a civil war we dont need a monument to. So that that is why we have textbooks if you freaks but if you are going to carry out your remove these monuments then i do say you wrecked new monuments and statues to people who are who have contributed to all of humanity so given the statues. And your diverse you would need to have a consensus about that person and the act and that person committed in the past ok im all for that ok but you cant cant you shouldnt cancel out planes that make you feel uncomfortable history is not about feeling comfortable histories about learning something david every single culture creates myths about themselves ok because it brings together a society gives them common meaning and i think that will deeply the civil the the civil war the Civil Rights Movement those are those are defining moments in American History and if you take the physical culture and dispense with it i dont think books and receipt memory is enough i think its physical culture is very important that well very 1st of all its only a matter of time once you answer im not even calling it a slippery slope anymore it is affected we have free fall once you accept that you can willy nilly or even at large remove monuments it is only a matter of time before you censor books before you before you pull them from the book shelves like weve seen in hong kong its only a matter of time because thats invariably where it goes when i sort of i dont take issue with it i think its the wrong perspective to say that we have to tear down certain monuments in order to erect others at the edge of the city of who to whom we pay tribute doesnt require the removal of things which have been for hundreds of years which are part of someone elses history some person elses lore and the counterintuitive aspect about it is if the entire goal of this is unity and sort of. Bringing together society youre not going to do that by. Literally tearing down someone elses history regardless of whether or not you take offense with that history and soak it in dividing society more by taking down these monuments whats been up for hundreds of years sometimes as opposed to lets just lets you know lets change the money lets put another face on the money like weve done in canada lets erect them on with your lets lets lets be more inclusive not by eliminating but by adding im not and i think at the end at the end of the day its absolutely going to produce the exact opposite reaction to this action well because if you work at the George Washington university should it be renamed. Well i think in some ways you know a debate about asking it the reason im asking is because its the thats the the ultimate conclusion i mean if this is continued to be pursued then washington jefferson the whole lot of them have to go i mean where do you draw the line right you draw the line in telling the truth history memory again are not the same but they are related you need very good constitution shes written in this country and when it comes to history in the states for that matter we have to tell the truth and that i think its part of the problem here is that were not telling the truth about a lot of a lot of people who these monuments and these statues are ready to yes George Washington was a great man he was founder he was one of the Founding Fathers of america he was our 1st president under our current structure but he also was a slaveholder right that is often left out of the huge st George Washington so to your question so the University Changes say absolutely not i dont necessarily think that it should but we should do is tell the complete floor history whether the reasons why we still have the term Race Relations in the states is because we have not told the true history not to hide we like to have a revisionist history as sort of telling the floor and i think using a better way to truth about what happened to these individuals and what they stood again i think thats fair enough but i dont think its a secret that the they many of the Founding Fathers had were slave owners i mean i grew up i was brought up in the Public School system i knew that and it was it was the reason why it was pointed out because our current sensibility tells us its very very wrong but if we. Were going to break that 10 seconds i interrupt week we still have textbooks in the state of texas that are teaching students that a civil war was not an issue of slavery that was an issue of states rights on that simply on right gentlemen. In a jump if youre going to wish or break in after National Well continue our discussion. If you go to symphony orchestras warming up any musician is is tuning his or her instrument so you hear this. Sounds or noise. But its its a constant its disorganized and then the band the orchestra plays and you get up music so what the brain does and what the maker 2 mules do is organize all orchestrate these one collapses. Who put it all here they have so being you. Prefer. To just be you know pretty good. Oh yeah its. So. Good just they take you. For. These are the stories of men who come to magic life without fashion without a sense of style without things that might be seen as weakness in this masculine world but they still demonstrate incredible strength of spirit. As they choose. The home. Of use. For. Its seemed wrong. To me to get to shape out just to become educated and in detroit equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Welcome back to cross up where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing wrong think. Ok lets go back to david here we had last few days but very. Bad editor over at the new york times. And she left with a very strident Resignation Letter and shes getting some praise i dont praise her i think shes part of this problem of this cancel culture and this very strike partisan. Media environment that attacks basically your character is destroyed because you have a different political view and it seems to me that shes a sell the platform because the mob was coming out for her and she knew when to get out how do you feel about it is the revolution itself in very oblique and people tend and this is where i see the pendulum is going to swing when people say hey but i like that person or he but that person was actually nice i know that i was reading an article i will not remember the name of it but as the left wing the left wing right are saying about this individual that theyre now accusing of racism i dont personally its not racists and thats invariably when people start to realize its easy to pick on the chair or tries individuals like alex jones like miley not lists its easy to pick on them but then when it becomes i see more nuance for others then people start realizing where does this end and they realize its not going and ever and they will invariably find themselves in the proverbial guillotine because of something that they tweeted a while back or because they no longer has the right police or they dont assault the right least part of. It yet its all a system and i think people even on the left are realizing that anything i dont like category. As in less than the right on this and i do tend to equivocate it but people say well its much less than on the right and that is true only because the media by and large is massively leftist compared to what is what is there right its on both sides its just massively more on the left and now the left is targeting their own deal listen allow knows the leftist some twitter they and theyre able to do something that gets them into trouble and then people realize this is going to you know that wind its go back to washington i mean well i i he see no value in the spirity tech attests whatsoever because who is actually pure and who differ who determines what is purity i mean it is this is a fools errand and its very very destructive and unfortunately unfortunately i actually pride myself on not mentioning the president s name in this a my program because everything is about trump which i think its not and i think thats the problem here the problem is always invoking the bad orangemen which distorts everything and you know again going to this party weist me she just needs her everything from said the administrations that he shes against ok thats not very nuance and not very intelligent is not very great i go ahead peter i think you said something thats really important here is not very nuanced right people in our society unfortunately whether its the right or left they dont like complexity they dont like the great area they dont like new arts and just this gets to an issue with that and the human condition generally speaking and that is human frailty we dont understand human frailty right comp short and so we have to be very careful whether it is the right or the left about our past and how they sort of emerged and how their helmets to those standards to speak out in the wrong way is violence and not to speak out its violence but we have to be very clear on what that definition of science is and what that means the reality is a lot of the lives that we live particularly in the Public Square and in the political that are a myth. Its great its you us its complex its messy and we have to get down in that messiness we have to delve in that new us to really understand the complexity of individuals as are we should not beat kathleen out unless of course the words are surely inflammatory or truly violent but thats not the case then we need to let people be human and that is you mate. Ok look you know you david but again who determines the rules this is what really bothers me all of the time because you know you said you dont like these labels and i dont either i consider myself a conservative but it doesnt mean im against universal healthcare for example ok because my conservatism comes from looking at the interests and needs working people and families thats where my conservatism is all about i dont worship capitalism thats is the ideology ok l. A. And always this invoking that socialism with the right always does right doesnt really know what socialism is all about and they invoke it in a way they try hard on people. This is again going back to these purity test here is that if you have to be in a certain category and if you deviate and this happens also on the right but primarily i see it on the left they didnt then youre not challenged and sometimes camps. Well that the purity test its a symptom of social media were talking about nuance and ive always made this joke that twitter is the only place where you get further by being short on character and literature because if it isnt a place for nuance nobody wants you know that i will steal thats all i want if copyright because i said it publicly i think its no joke its like you succeed on twitter by being short on character by being inflammatory by being like i follow james woods on twitter i dont like to see it all the time but i follow it so you know it is the stuff that gets popular on twitter is the black and white cut and dry evil versus hero mentality in social media is contributing to the problem theres no room for nuance theres no room for compromise theres no room for genuine understanding because you dont literally have the room for it and nobodys really interested in it doesnt sell and so i think social medias contributing to the problem but what if one of the definitions one of the rules there ever changing because it is specifically designed to be weaponized for whatever the object is whoever the target is of the day and that is the very. Problem is you dont know because there are no there are no objective rules are the objective criteria you dont know if youre going to be the one with your head in the guillotine tomorrow. And i think you know i sort of hedge my bets if only in terms of being courteous in discussion i think thats the only way you can guarantee or at least interest to make up that but thats considered weakness compromise to consider weakness of k. And then when you compromise they move the goalposts again ok i day ive come to that conclusion over the last few years that cavanagh saga. Hit me im out moving the goalposts constantly moving it ok and destroying a mans character humiliating him in front of this family that has a stop here could because theres something you know Everybody Knows i live in moscow and im im a historian of Eastern Europe you know russian history and during the soviet era you know it was kind of it was a joke that you know the future is certain but not the past ok because the you can wake up one morning in the mix and so ideological tenet has changed ok and you better get in line or all you be called a deviation this is happening in america. Jsbeil and understood that history is always present with us we have to understand that history is always present with us the people dont understand history so billers and history they dont understand you want they dont as they complexity day to day despite really like beings black and white and simplistic when it comes to compromise in the body of politics. Politicians lawmakers policy makers have to compromise that is the crux of what politics is the pulse of the city state so you can deposit the city state or social media does not contribute well to the humanity of our culture when it comes to lawmakers have to compromise as well as reflect the constituencies to which they represent and that i think of what were really seeing and that is the breakdown that is the abdication of leadership in this country and the states and particularly around the world so when it comes to who determines the rules i think who deserves the rules is the lawmakers which of course i dont let in the by the people that they that they represent ok well you know i mean thats kind of opening up another can a can of beans here i mean like i 2 things popped into my head the the body politic if you look at poll after poll theyre against these foreign wars and interventions and changes you look at poll after poll most people want someone with some kind of universal health care but nothing changed say fail they voted for and then suddenly now of these obvious holders it never happens again because theyre not willing to overlook all no return but youve got other. No know that because both then theres no that there are no parties once he gets up to that level ok this special interests they were ok david im going to stay with this you know look i didnt really disgusting ok what do you need elections for that the politicians will do what they were elected to do ok david where is this going i mean what is the slippery slope that were on a slippery slope here are we get our can we have a moment were likely. Joe mccarthy was told to finally stand down ok and things started to calm down are we anywhere close that calling out the mccarthy moment when what might my fear is that or my fear my concern or thought is that too many people are making too much money by driving this and so can we have that moment not until legacy media Mainstream Media decides that if that moments or are replaced by something that decides that its that moment and that sort of from a personal level thats sort of what im trying to contribute to is you know bringing the discussion together and not continually dividing and like ive said this many times on my channel and videos the problem is to court because point about compromise is same thing with apologies compromising apologies now have been themselves weaponize as elements of weakness and not elements of progress and i think politicians are driving that but i think above all else Mainstream Media is driving that if they are they are it is continually good versus evil and evil compromises its not a question its not an indication of their of their benevolence its an indication that theyve been defeated by good good has been harder and harder and theyve theyve pitted one side versus the other good versus evil quite literally in terms of jargon and they dont seem ready to give up yet they might be turning but they i think theyre making way too much money off of the division theyve been profiting way too much off of the crisis for the last 6 months and i dont see them giving up anytime soon until they are placed by something more responsible but because im well you know we. We started talking about statues and we can maybe tell me black lives matter and and the the the assault on a traditional of values and history and traditions here how is all of this benefiting people of color in the United States well this is particularly probably. I dont favorable opinion i dont really believe the removing of these confederate mind your merits or symbols of hate really do anything to advance the cause of justice it doesnt do anything from a policy or Economic Perspective and i view it does again nothing to move the needle just as particularly when the wealth gap between the lights is and after you get to my south americans its 10 times that im out we know that 100 71000. 00 net worth of its a white family versus 17000. 00 of its black family in the gaps in the wealth between blacks and whites also reveal of course the economic inequality that has long existed and discrimination so if youre going to talk about removing statues the same private public funds better that is being used to remove these monuments are just saying private or public funds that can be used to its Public Education that can be huge concerns out there on that note i completely agree with you lets move the needle about inequality and not wait wait thats all the time we have gentlemen i want to thank my guests not rio and much want to be our viewers watching us here are you see you next and remember. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks protecting on the catholic population of belfast tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes come up with strike and put these attacks was a p. R. You see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants in the burning of the whole streets in belfast at the time more than a 100 innocent civilians were. As the review continue and we found out more i will support. About the extent undertaker in which the pollution was unfolding some of those traces the killers would later be named into then and were getting i think it went to the very very top i think it the phone. The water where all the take you on and give the go ahead. If you go to the symphony orchestras warming up any musician is is tuning his or her instrument so you hear this year all these sounds are noise but it but its its a constant a its disorganized and then the the band the orchestra plays and you get music so what the brain does and what the maker tubules you is organized orchestrated these one collapses. Has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. Based drugs the people who are chronic pain believe that their prescription is working for them and the remedy be said to to the price that they pay closer dependency and addiction to opiates the long term use that really isnt scientifically justified and ill study actually suggested that the long term effects might not just be the absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing long term. In your backpack in. Fact. I say very modestly that i have done more for the Africanamerican Community than any president since abraham lincoln. In black lives matter protests in golf to the city of kenosha wisconsin and we look at how politicians are using young arrest in this years election. Chancellor merkel says russias nordstrom to gas pipeline to germany must go ahead despite tensions over the alleged poisoning of prominent opposition figure election evolving. And a survey of british media finds muslims get disproportionate coverage in terrorist stories despite other groups being far more likely to commit a time

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