Terror list if the african nation coughs up 330000000. 00. The morning thursday 27th of august life royalties will do you say here in moscow when i was kevin of course the very latest half hour round up for you from us 1st then protesters in the American City of continued to defy curfews and pour into the streets for a 4th night after police shot a black man multiple times. I. Also marched peacefully others resorted to violence riotous were filmed Looting Stores vandalizing a burning cars the citys businesses are now facing up into a grim new reality. So when you heard about it. Pretty quickly on monday afternoon we decided that it was time to start putting up the windows the amount years time and cost of where the public are going to and we get closer we that day so weve been closing really. Kind of this little protest so that were only open during the daytime unfortunately but because were just so for the rest of the city closing were staying boarded up until until its. Until theres some sort of result. But now the mother of jacob blake whos shooting by police on the sunday spot the rest is urging people to refrain from violence. If. He knew what was going on cars that all the violence in the described. Would be very common. The 29 year old family say the innocence left him paralyzed from the waist and now come up you may find the following footage disturbing to see that police show up blake from behind 7 times next caleb maupin looks at the people who become symbols of the black matter movement. I cant breathe 3 short words but they would go on to be a rallying cry against Racial Injustice and Police Brutality these were the words said by eric garner as he was dying in a police choke hold that was 6 years ago that history has a habit of repeating itself and now more recently there was the case of george floyd that sparked protests around the country a similar situation where a black man was callously choked to death. Ok thanks to. The book its going to be to go to time out now got my next month for that and then not throw out that brick im going to put her ordeal in a good man who lived after the killing of george floyd protest sooner upped it not just in the United States but across the world. I. Think. George floyds face has been tainted and put on display people even get baptized at the site where he was killed politicians have now joined the movement we all watch in horror and consternation whats going on in the United States it is a time to pull people together but it is a time for us as canadians to recognize that we too have our challenges that. Black canadians and racialized canadians face discrimination as a lived reality every single day you see how wrong it was. That that may. Cause black eyes my friend and i totally understand. That yeah good grief that is felt not just in america but around the world and i mean our country as well i totally understand that and i get that and i also support as i was i. He said the right to protest any point i would make to the ice is that protests should be carried i know for the a lot of the grandstanding from politicians has not really translated into real concrete actions less than a month later re shard brooks was shot and killed and once again the streets were filled with protests now politicians supporting the movement have been criticized for ignoring the looting the vandalism and the gun Violence Associated with the demonstrations. Donald trump has called the protesters anarchists and vandals and sent a special police force of federal officers in to crush them i whenever the result has been only making people angry or staying out doesnt seem to be a real option either videos have emerged showing a random citizens trying to enjoy a night out being harassed by a black lives matter activists. Are mad for now ah now another black man jacob blake was shot from behind by Police Officers into a no show wisconsin is now paralyzed in response to yet another horrendous incident violence has swept the city like sam lee has said they dont want further unrest they want real policy changes if. You knew what was going on as far as they know the violence and the destruction. Would be very hard. To. Take out. Chances. On this level examine you are. Protesters have been in the streets for months since the killing of george floor it demanded that things changed things seem to be pretty much the same except for the fact that the country is deeply polarized as soon as something happens doesnt really matter whos who did it right who dare wrong theres going to be an Immediate Reaction for a variety of Different Reasons people are out there trying to steal people are out there trying to rally it to put in different kinds of political ideologies that will surprise it is happening so quickly because its pretty much ends doubt to be this way in many states unfortunately at this particular point be alone protests to happen for political purposes and also for money is not really because black allows matter thats not even really to case if that was the case and no particular to those days of long guy. The u. K. Governments flip flopped on coronavirus guidelines for secondary schools just days before lessons start now facemask will have to be worn in school colorados across englands lockdown areas its all part of why did government disarray than over what to do next with educational facilities and covert partridge picks up the story. Just days before entering the 2nd to classrooms were set to reopen Boris Johnson made yet another u. Turn previously the official advice was that mosques were not necessary but from september the 1st moscow now be mandatory for peoples and adults in school communal areas and corridors in region subject to tighter coronavirus restrictions the u. K. Government to feed under pressure to review the surprise top to scotland cup at their kids faces of the World Health Organization updated its guidance the issue of whether or not to wear in some context you know well look at the changing medical evidence as we as we go on if we need to change the advice and of course we will get before wednesdays announcement the Prime Minister didnt believe children should cover up at school and followed his own no mosque at 5 visiting them. The. School is safe its exciting its the place to. Be used to and leaves open to question johnsons conviction that schools are safe while the department for education is leaving other schools to decide whether peoples and staff should moscow and this is creating more confusion amongst the public looking for certainty about safety parents and schools need of clarity and leadership but instead the government have just passed the buck back to them face coverings should be compulsory in kamina areas and schools instead of this have baked u. Turn the government should have given clear guidance and a plan to deliver it critics claim that since the start of the pandemic the government hasnt developed a real guide for safety reopening schools apart from numerous reassurances that theyre safe the National Education union accuses the government of letting down pupils teachers and parents by failing to have a plan b. If. Infections rise plan b. For schools it means thinking if the treats them well can we have more teaches and more teaching spaces so that class sizes can be smaller in schools the education secretary disagree isnt says ministers are giving their all for the big day back we are doing everything we can to help schools get ready not least with our back to School Safely campaign to reassure parents and students that schools and colleges are ready for their return they gathered williamsons expecting parents to have faith in the government following the qualification fiasco where students missed out on university places due to the faith of the government placed in a grade predicting algorithm about teachers 1st hand knowledge that was resolved by a u. Turn perhaps by making another one about must before the kids go back to school Boris Johnson is trying to get ahead of the curve with the coronavirus and his political future. The decision. To. Let peoples on stuff just as. Has been brought on by complete pressure the government still unclear as to how popular a decision is regarding also children reach schools next week how many are. Stools i hear it is not the government so even if the government didnt have this huge of. An issue geez you would be still sane man as teachers in schools should be allowed to have peace must always has if they so wish and are would have no problems with students also more. This is. Next this morning British State Health Workers have marched on the seat of government demanding more pay outside whitehall in Central London than noted theyve put their lives on the line throw the covert crisis is still far from over. Government is predicting that we have a natural way of knowing things if you think that were going to go back on the battlefield about protection im sorry its not really worth risking our lives to go and chase a patient when were actually in ourselves at risk too many of our colleagues in the way its been she that black nurses. You cannot expect to send us back on our field without action unfortunately a lot of us will not work that period last month the government announced a 3 point one percent pay rise for most 900000 Public Sector workers but and it shows workers are demanding a 15 percent hike even worse many not even on the pay rise list at all including n. H. S. Porters cleaners a nurse is on the front line of the fight against covert it comes as the u. K. s not were seeing falls in corona virus cases that many expected there are now more than 328000 cases confirmed nurse naomi bennetts again the point so the government is simply not providing the support thats necessary for the pressure of dealing with such an enormous toll. Oh boy so not been hurt ican see anything that any of the unions are doing to support was absolutely nothing im saying that unions at gathering evidence and research and hype and all souls but none of them attack you male action to simple us ness is. That we were working in a war zone because it was just completely unusual it was nothing that we could have prepared with paying out use to our unions but when not seeing any protection were not seeing any representation so no we are not thinking protected and our unions they are not protecting our us the latest headlines this morning is out International Good morning thanks for watching quarter past the hour ahead no end in sight the government rallies in the heart of the pallor russian capital over across that after the break. Join me every thursday on the alex simon sure and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Aura made in the shallows. Logan good morning with the u. S. President ial election and fast approaching the incumbent administrations busy trying to score political points to persuade swing voters builders are one of the jewels in President Trumps Foreign Policy crown is the normalization of ties between the United Arab Emirates and israel and now secretary of state my poem peo that is on a tour of the arab world anxious to try to replicate that success elsewhere as well as squeeze a buck other one of the most deprived nations on earth has done a quarter explains. A stork deal was struck earlier this month between the United Arab Emirates and israel it was brokered by washington and quickly became a media sensation that news of a historic middle east peace deal between israel and the United Arab Emirates for donald trump its a big Foreign Policy achievement this is a big big day for the middle east israel and United Arab Emirates have agreed to a Historic Deal to normalize diplomatic relations with confidence in astride secretary of state mike pompei it was set off on a p. R. Tour around the arab world one of his 1st stops was sudan though and its leaders seemed not very willing to normalize relations with israel the interim government has no mandate to normalize relations with israel to make matters more difficult for pompei all sudans Foreign Ministry spokesperson was just fired last week for suggesting the country was getting ready to sign an agreement with israel so pump a all came up with a Foolproof Plan to win sudan over also dans government needs to do is make a very small donation of 330000000. 00 to the victims of al qaida and washington will wipe it from the state sponsors of terror list you could probably imagine that idea didnt go down very well with the countrys impoverished citizens. Of bordering is a cowardly that we pray you find in return for the removal of saddam from american terrorism list. To be honest we the sudanese people are the party most affected by the decisions and acts of the previous regime paying the compensation could bring us many economic benefits and remove sudan from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism. Frankly speaking this american proposal is a kind of blackmail and it is a pity nodes its reach is safe to will have to pay the price for the actions of the previous regime as is often the case there was something more behind the deal that just goodwill highly sought after american after 35 fighter jets the u. A. E. Has been trying to go. Their hands on them for years and apparently now they cant though they have the money in the us or they would like to order quite a few f. 35. 00 since the greatest fighter jet in the world as you know by former stealth but it seems washington got a bit carried away trying to seal the deal with aboud dobby so much so it neglected the interests of its best friend in the region we opposed the sale of even one screw one plane of the stealth fighters to any country in the middle east if we have peace with them or not and so this supposedly Historic Deal could be on its way to the dustbin the f. 35. 00 dramas reportedly led the u. A. E. To cancel its upcoming meeting with israel saudi arabia has publicly rejected any normalization of relations with tel of eve and of course palestine decried what it considered to be a betrayal by the u. A. E. Posed nude to ship rejects will be United Arab Emirates is done and considers to be true of jerusalem the mosque and the post codes and the queer recognition of jerusalem as the capital of his rule pump alles got one last chance to make his p. R. Campaign worthwhile bahrain who knows how thatll play out but if its anything like his past attempts it might not go so well well ramsey added to the palestinian chronicle dot com site told us that washingtons arm twisting wont go down well with the sudanese people. The u. S. Is being aggressive in pushing for more money as asian between the sudan bihari and the so does the ratties. And others at this particular their it because president is desperate for any kind of leverage that he could use during the election season is officially that the numbers are trading behind joe biden in the polls and so forth so he wants to go and say listen i have and she agreed to this breakthrough in one of the worlds most complicated. Looted struggles and that is the middle east this is the great this brick through since can david in 1999 and i have done it so the offer to remove sudan exchange for a massive amount of money i think was made to send 2 messages number one we are willing to make a deal you know in exchange for normalization we will remove you from the list the 2nd message i think compel you was trying to send is that we hold all the keys and that if you do not play ball basically this is what you have to do you have we will ask you that it will make these impossible demands from your and you really your trust you have no other option but to follow the lead of the United Arab Emirates and normalize with this where recently it will not be so simple so that the society will not accept the normalization with israel living down day especially sudan they historically theyve had very strong ties with the palestinian struggle and they are in many ways that one of the clues this arab couldnt surely top palestinian aspirations and in fact the Prime Minister of the country said a few days ago he said can you please dealing both issues do not meet the only option for sudan its either we remain on the list or we normalize with israel because its not within our right as a Transitional Government to do so we have to wait until the elections in 2022 and then the people themselves can and thats a government that will make that decision for them. Another day another Anti Government rally embarrassed to talk about protesters packed into the center minsk over what they claim was a rigged president ial election this month his English Channel has more from the capital. The protesters behind me they have decided to light the flashes on their phones to make themselves visible so you can you can see the scale of this protest about a few 100 people have decided to come out here in the Central Square of the better russian capital and so well some of them have taken their dogs with them sort of walking their pets here and theyre making their voices heard to the right of me theres an improvised podium and does a special person who is kind of staring the protest with a chance with the slogans you know all of them of course are calling on the resignation of the incumbent president of belarus Alexander Lukashenko and well but i wont go as far as saying that this that this country that belarus is torn by the protests by the opposing protests but right now almost this the Anti Government action has has been a daily routine here people have been showing up in numbers daily there was a huge a massive protest on sunday as the 10s of thousands of people showed up this is like a demo version of it now its like about a 1000 times smaller but i mean of course it is it is a day so people have their daily business to attend to also progovernment protesters have been coming out in the streets as well but now we have a person here one of the protesters who is has agreed to talk to us who is going to tell me why hes here and so on and so forth so hi thank you so much for agreeing to tonight to me could you please shortly introduce yourself and tell me why youre here my name is ron im 26 years old i work in the tech sector here in belarus in a private company and i have been coming here for the past turned a half weeks a little bit exhausted but to all the people here are hopeful that this persistent protest this peaceful protest percival will help us make some change in the country if you following a channel like nec to for instance a couple of days ago it published a post essentially giving out personal. Details and linking to social media of some of the young people who showed up at the opposition protest and excuse me of the probably progovernment protests i took to one of the girls and do she essentially showed me thousands of messages with obscene language and so on and so forth do you think it was such a good idea for a reliable source of information as you put it to in fact to essentially docks a young girl like 21 years shes for 21 years old in fact had to leave her home she shes scared do you think this is something a reliable source of information should do well im opposed to that i dont do that personally. I dont approve of that basically but we should understand that a telegram channel is not a professional media so to say and they are entitled to some mistakes at the at this beginning phases but the good theyre doing for our country is right now a little bit bigger than the negative impact they might have occasionally they have more than 2000000 followers do you think that they should be held accountable for the mistakes they make i think will give a fair evaluation of their actions after everything is finished but right now its a little bit of a chaotic time and people shouldnt be judged on minor mistakes when theyre good theyre doing is greater excuse me for a personal question are you married yes i am what you would how would you feel if your wife got more than 4000 messages calling her all sorts of words and wishing death upon her and her family and so on i wouldnt have about that obviously but i would be more scared if my wife was put into prison and beaten and harassed and or possibly even raped which is our government doing right now its much worse than any words that might arrive to her in messages. Republicans in the United States a crying foul after News Networks dropped coverage of a major antiwar speech at the Partys National convention sen rand paul took to the stage but channels turned off. Im. Supporting President Trump because he believes as i do that a Strong America cannot fight endless wars i fear biden will choose war again if you hate war like i hate war if you want to quit sending 50000000000 dollars 7 every year to afghanistan to build their roads and bridges instead of building them here at home you need to support President Trump top is c. Span c. N. N. Bottom left m. S. N. B c middle left fox right out of the gate c. N. N. Cuts rand paul speech entirely out c. N. N. Saw rand paul and they were like hell no. Rand paul talking about stopping war and how donald trump is not initiated any new wars fox news cuts it all out for an interview with john jr we had moved. Well sort of well in human and labor rights lawyer coverly believes the war is so deeply ingrained in the existence of the u. S. You simply cant even talk about peace on the News Networks it did it because there is so much of a consensus in this country about the rightness of of us warfare or the media is very much. In lockstep with both parties and supporting American Intervention abroad i think its very much of the d. N. A. Of this country and its very very hard thing to fight against the media might embrace other social justice issues. But the idea of speaking out against u. S. War evil and prosecuted by unpopular president like trauma is just not acceptable in the United States it is the one saying were saying. Institution the warfare institution the military Industrial Complex which president eisenhower warned about the 19 fifties and he didnt even see that of it as it existed. Leave without full for now if you want to see more of what were talking about this thursday get back stories and insight into so many of the headlines right now check it out tito comber across the 24 sevenths for you but meantime at 29 minutes past 9 in the morning mosco time reporting from 0 th q 70 in on the rest of the team wishing you a great. Snowy look at the solutions we look take a deep dive into the issues theyve been chatting about all year now today were going to be talking with a meal with him or also known as n l w of the breakdown hot cast been following him on twitter for a long time plus into his private gas you know the great thing about this whole new universe of media stacey is that people who might not get on media get on media and then they rise to the top and suddenly theyre like wow these people are awesome and i would put and i say in that 10. Has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. Based drugs talk to people who are chronic pain patients and believe that their opioid prescription is working for them in the remedy be certain to. Price at the. Grocery dependency in addiction to opiates the long term use that really isnt scientifically justified and ill study actually suggest that. The long term effects might not just be the absence of benefit but actually the very it might be

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