A universal concept i just found recently. British you can get it legally for free or you would you. Know escape any whatever for an hour. Or a famous cold war. Talk about a couple of pages. Dollar or where in a region where you cant be. Dr drew well here in the alternate reality what i want to say is that we are now i think in a similar situation contrary to my friends who claim listen now its your medical Health Care Safety problem forget about. It now precisely those in power and that are operating different knew well basically most are not overtly needs even if 1000 its not a bar the capitalist mercenary araby know we have to be mundane but i called got to tell you about it then we cant just go lets stick to the united the opposite to that which i find no less. Andrew cuomo and any could meet so recent weeks each. Promising to those who can afford isolation but tech bubble as they call it no dark future. You i didnt take in your actually about to mend their own brink you go medically examined you get them digitally and so well and so on so dont do the isolation but you know what these letters are for get. That london less somebody has to be out there to prepare a package of food and so on you mentioned nurses and or death and so on and i think my american matches friend David Crombie wrote a very good but they dont teach how we became aware of this new working class not their classic or. The other school work in factories but all those who take care of our daily lives even if we are isolate that cost because their School Functions that it very often come somebody gets them and they elected it hit you walk out all day care takers they are those with whom you are kept you have to come back and meet became aware of the important of the. Northeast and so on what i think lasts and although we are all celebrating them today until one and so on we nonetheless become aware of. How class struggle explode you know case you know what im trying to sleep really not in an m. R. I. Any daintily political moment. We are good at the last think we look at economic back old future i mean if you for real or be out the arabian you eat a new one we have to be inventive and this is despite of course elites telling us no were all coming together were all one society i should say Jeremy Corbyn the former British Labor party leader and a host of m. P. s of called what Boris Johnsons government is doing in the thinly veiled class war but on in the book you actually say that sometimes you catch yourself wishing to contract the virus what what is the nature of the barbarism in in your nightmares as you watch governments give their press conferences there will be one today here in london and of course donald trump perhaps at the white house no idea exactly right that of course i dont mean really catching the virus because im in an easterly military group im 7th you out of here or there youre beat this i thought something smaller but numberless proclaimed and it would be elevate their luck there forever so no what im just saying is that you know when the outbreak began. We were walking eat like a holy book a movie about contagion outbreak think think and then something will happen a global catastrophe or a miracle assume you whatever what is so frustrating come out now and talking not us of the loss of her but theres an everyday ordinary citizen very public d of my experience its how uncertain the situation even for a giant there is no because even in countries where i think. Or appear to be getting a little beat. Think basically just the rag on there is no clear so usually it really looks that we kept to lead him to leap weve got right it was how to reorganize our lives and im not talking only about heads and talking about do our best think 1st economy how well what about action and distribution function i have in the news each of these are not some kind of propaganda that chinese are living now you know offensive to buy in not being for american you know i dont know whether they were young about small. Food distribution 2nd think or. If the 1st expelled the 2nd piece. Every day life would be distribution possible congress the 3rd one is Mental Health dont under estimate the how many people now take the knocks or whatever approach dark and be the president we all know that. Dont worry we will use disappear and what we so far state think this must be better get out of my reach oh to that contract it may be that radical. We dont know what will happen you remember how we can grow we could be dreams 1st must oh we come out here it will disappear then there will be creepy of a keen whatever it really is up here or whatever but its just then a feeling it directly or it incorrectly but change we can affect or extension of course something if you take it. To school to almost a kind of philosophical reflect imagine each of us as you say some of the antidepressant companies of course are involved in the vaccine apparently if one believes what the media are telling us he said he is trying to get to that side of capital you completely read that United Kingdom and United States. Dont want want private property to play out over here because the only if you go think but to me it is some kind of a maybe look something reach the men so. If Something Real be discovered a bit really works the truth absolutely be broken the available to everyone it grew to thats actually been an issue in the World Health OrganizationVirtual Meeting im going to ask you though about this new liberal individual ism in a time of coronavirus because you say in the book that people are mistakenly emphasizing personal responsibility they blaming us in there really arent responsible but you know what somebody said very well when. When. Boys danced on replace the more puck they approach we dont all talk i was 6 daycare or whatever stand not stay alert the basic message of the each day alert so if you get ill its your fault you know no this is the big moment i think we need now as grown state of mind you should be interested for. Us thats right i am deeply skeptical of doug electric left or right mean clip or die young critics who see the fact that we bill be racist where we are weak through our phones and so on should we dont. Spread the illness your whole bit of water in your is ridiculous that somebody greets you back that and so on and because they. Know my ass from what i know i dont know how to keep not a country but about States Israel and United States let me know that n. S. A. Collaborated with google would be great book they are already doing kate all our emails are. Sort of aliens but are all our own because im a liberal and so on and im why you. Why it now only one particular moment we did yesterday to keep our movement where it least the immense sort of a list about i should read about our course if you were lets go for a book cos i worry much more all of my emails scone post and so on available and i dont see any beak he can eat or beat to act in the state loves where im moving and you indeed praise one of the people that facilitated our understanding of that julian a songes in jail here in our audience my other point yet where they state we need some kind of communism i must clarify i am not talking about all of the needs nor can we identify christ went yet contrary communism and change something randy. If i can think of people like maybe he can be very pretty certain these if the ruler to work thanks a lot for wrote and i quote him. Or another epidemic if thats addressed rehearsal for future crises im going to be there. Global warming. Im not sure i would be shocked until comments are on we should get at their end to dupe the duquesne or leave it to the market they hate our society has is some sense into being much more strong even if you divide us well keep a little beat were going to get big problems. And so on week. And the number of unemployed exploding and here we cannot leave it the market deep motif of Economic Development the basic moat got to be still need some. Cannot be. Capitalised wealthy that actually look i hope we all agree urgencies message 8 the president cant go out not just around abiders but other including many other problems including include breakdowns and so on beat to get healthy so. Keep. The good and the basics so should. Functions of our society to fly off walk out of electricity Garbage Disposal and of course internet Digital Space these cannot be left to the market theyre what i think even if all of these domains would have been more not polite by some combination of mega private companies and state security agencies. A big danger that i keep a new form of state monopoly. Where they built the delete controllers dish can grow or about and here i mention that if i bought some comic books and. I quote that he did it by communities and simply. By keith well known between even. In a communist society. Explosive according to. Need and coping strategies. And when you say im your top young i dont even know if you dont government. Its much more. Human than i am or. Do you and so go i was sort of every i was so get your take work look at what he got out of i dont know what hes going through theyre not sure i like him but i really and i and so one subject ill stop you then more from the legendary philosopher after this short break. You know we look at the solutions we know take a deep dive into the issues theyve been chatting about all year now today were going to be talking with the faneuil what are more also known as an l w breakdown sod cast and following him on twitter for a long time closer to his cock casting out the great thing about this whole new universe stacey is that people who might not get on media get on media and then they arise to the top and suddenly theyre like wow these people are awesome and i would put a nothing else in that. Welcome back im still here with one of the worlds most famous philosopher voices half of the people in this country and state paved here in britain do you think that i lead to understand some of what youre saying. Be just a nod to. That whole east oh ok we have to make this compromise or maybe here and there and then. Returned to. Normal when the u. N. Secretary general says there should be a coronavirus world cease fire that hasnt happened israel has been bombing syria and as you say not only do you not only do it all around the most depressed think the people could only let alone but you dont really think the United Nations come to veto anything i think they meaning the globe. But what kept me going to some starting. Point indeed even d. O. A feat. I want now they. May do. That now did he even water between. All the stops are going stragglers explode because their leader is or really think oh now everybody truck dont go on a ride which show not attract too much attention. But i didnt have a look in the book you talk about the markets panicking and the way the media reports this previously when weve had a big depression in capitalism obviously we had wars do you not think wars may be the solution rather than. Huge struggles i dont. Accept no look i make it very clear. What i hope for is some basic community backed out by these i mean you investor men the sum mount your mobilized program and i even included. That i think to mobilize people for example that its high that you dont care if you would read immigrants on whom your count grew to be accomplished inc i think that they cripple the right maybe to mobilize young people who are now unemployed and so on and so on but. These what you are saying if you want option. One looks nice the new digital age got people you can read at least the wealthy elite will eat in their own bubble in their own world with out site. Safe and so one and so on and eternal controlled by the state will explode another version and i keep up with you believe the of the. Countries in the United States and im going to let assume it is a kind of disintegrate of the shadow i believe space and part of the core got some Spiritual Force you opening in other states from the mental age group will take over and they will begin to blame thought interest in children and so on its quite possible that repeated they can ask for some kind of a new body from you remember you are probably go young mostly crap up with out of some 34 years ago like south boston or logan so im reading the elite living in that in a kind of a bubble. And blue people dying in that heat are out there isnt this local ready for example nuclear and our student got a plenty it appears they are really controlling the virus should be the create an australian new zealand and leave out now i cant help it down but nonetheless we need. Not to think in the very strong out there would be isolate ourselves its crucial moment they can be influenced close. And agricultural collaboration otherwise there will be chaos that it will be. Better will be global disturbances and it will be a night well the fight given for intellectual Property Rights of a vaccines is already beginning begun some are saying you also say in the book though that we should be weary of a spiritualist new age types who say that this lockdown should give us time to examine ourselves rather than thats what we should watch of the elite i claim you know if. The buddhist think we should think about when we are that basic not even marxist but i left it. For some of us to be a real people safe isolate that in a lockdown situation plus think about all those who have remained out there are working so that we can be isolated dont forget. If anything only in the south of italy or even after the guy left in america. Now to show that you know we all the core of the value. Dead out of context of millions of people. Who are more afraid of other thing than the virus you go. Viral and so on and so on well perhaps one of the most complicated parts of the book arguably is about a cat going off the precipice of a cliff do you think that there are powers that be that are beginning to understand their lack of power amidst this coronavirus getting out you are very important its very important what youre set now because people just have to describe the cat describe it have you know a classical scene from the tombs rather i get a protester back to peace and then i cant go on walking and although there is only air beneath it but we need to look down and notice that there is nothing beneath its feet only then it falls now or i believe that many of our states are still in this phrase of denial being continue to function because they didnt really look at that im not yet aware of or big full extent of the crisis because by we have now. In western European Countries in accession we think to return to normal yet they will return to normal but its not clear what kind of norm and so on and so on and i should link the metaphor to another one which i think now. We can clearly see that the keeper and mark justified and i use you know russia today publish this my take on corona virus is that kill bill. You know that its especially. Strike with 5 fingers around your heart where if you continue to feed him ugly like nothing you can talk go on you can start walking your clubs where we are now well i think. We can shatter this 5 fingers as long as we can lock it down we can go on but at some point we have to stop moving and thats the difficult moment of brother castro the old cut world capitalist system will not be able to eat even many in like new capitalists and meat but they think usually more in cane as young as you know him and steak investment and so on and so on until one i think its a little bit more i think that really market no longer allowed to be the dominating principle of our social life. We need other not just strong state but also i dont know how it is in our shouting england but my friend probably it does spain but i still out there link me the external url of a local community. We organize its almost like they have the. Committee for proof and of course its not the same but the idea people dead or in a certain local community and say ok lets organize ourselves there or need they need they need company and so on and so on so we dont need just strong efficient state we can violate market principles we need to take collaborating with the local community and we need state collaborating gloom click coordinate its a big big other state and there are a likeness is given in the book you say china in some aspects is our future i dont i d. L. s kind of that much youre one of us no indeed yes but can i just can i just finish please dont like to hear these but remember that dont touch of try not. Also an excellent Success Story cone kong and taiwan ok so its more important some kind of a. Collective spirit where people trust the state and so on we dont have to become like tried now you dont only attack china you attacked not to be uprooted and russia severely in this book i just want to finish though since the World Health Organization i dont know what the stepanek that i just want that is why the sudden late that explosion you know i know its not the same logic as in kink up war. First there is also a Success Story in containing about interest and then but and then it exploded i dont understand the situation in that i shot. My main target east. Romp was for an hour and so on the start of the day war criminals they are constantly undermining their own people or didnt someone from i mean the administrators even your snow but really i dont know how in the water we try that one but we invite the ambassadors from those countries on the program to try and refute that of course the Brazilian Foreign Ministry immediately slammed your work on coronavirus im going to just finally and if you briefly tell me about what you mean about the World Health Organization being a kind of template that may be useful in the future to be able to. Fend off i look im tired of it trying to hustle that whole user not just repeating somebody who loves company to leave who is bill gates no. You cannot approach coronavirus. Within the cordon age or of frames of the of a nation state but acts. Probably as work only for a set of period of time so what is absolutely necessary is god the need in. Order to explain going down. Controlling the spread and. The global lebed but understand whats more universally know we need at least some and a man and a man who are global some kind of a bait heap or the nation without deeds i fear that we will effectively enter a new. Thank you and im sure that you gave me thanks very much thats it for want to your favorite shows of the last season will be back for you see is going to come in the 5th try to show you if you dont miss an interview and join the other guy by pulling up a Twitter Facebook instagram and say say. Small seemed wrong wrong just dont call. Me. Yet to shape out this day comes to an answer. And in detroit because of the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. If you go to the symphony orchestras warming up and each musician is his tuning his or her instrument so you hear this. Sounds or noise but it but its a constant its disorganized and then the band the orchestra plays and you get music so what the brain does and what the maker do is organize or orchestrate these one collapses. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Theory Dramatic Development only personally. I dont see how it will be ready. To sit down and talk. Protests and violence is demonstrated. In the us as he. Comes off to the Police Shooting of a black man that reports that this reporter. The british Prime Minister joins those calling for an investigation into the poisoning of the russian opposition activist and the kremlin does say no one should be jumping to conclusions when the substance found in his system hasnt been identified and this Facebook Group from thailand criticizing the king we look at how the social media giant does pick and choose