Korea. No. Like afghanistan still theyre still there still like a rock. Syria sticker it no no how about the war on drugs oh god no war on poverty homelessness hunger we would war on fiji spanners yes havent seen one of those 2 in a good long while because were tough america and tough Leadership Matters and it determines whether we thrive and grow or whether we live or die now we need leaders good as our people a leader who appeals to the best within us not the worst a leader who can unify not divide. A leader who can bring us up not to. I know that man ive worked with that man ive seen his talent ive seen the strains ive seen his pain and ive seen his heart police in new york for the Matrix Police any of the major acts i know that man ive worked with that man ive seen his talent ive seen a strange ive seen his pain and ive seen his heart that man is joe biden that old guy they keep in the closet that guy they wont let speak because he always says something nutty endora its just a guy who looks like an ad for the electric chair that takes grandpa up the stairs the guy who supported segregation and was alive during segregation thats the guy were relying on for leadership. Wears. Well has moved on to Bernie Sanders to help reform our broken criminal justice system. And private prisons and Detention Centers care and the school to prison pipeline. Joe created the school to prison pipeline he literally created the 994 crime bill that lot of people up for did decades for nonviolent crimes remember they started on t. V. The big green stuff the era of excuses is over and the law abiding citizens of our country have made their voices heard that smug sent home to lead the way on that crime against humanity and did bill clinton just say he represents the law abiding citizens of the country im impressed he found enough time when he wasnt on Jeffrey Epsteins plane to make that speech but so let me get this straight joe biden locked up millions of people destroyed millions of lives and families and household units and now hes running on all fix all that. Wow what a great idea im going to start setting fires on buildings i here in town and and then run for city council on the platform im going to put out those fires joe biden will end the hate and Division Trump has created he will stop the demonization of the immigrants the coddling of white nationalists the races spoiled whistling the religious bigotry and the ugly attacks on women well thats thats really going to hear joe biden will stop his ugly attacks on women at least thats something it will get that well lets move on to former 1st Lady Michelle obama here at home as george floyd Briana Taylor and a never ending list of innocent people of color continue to be murdered stating the simple fact that a black life matters is still met with derision from the Nations Highest Office god so true when obama was in office black people were. Not murdered by bullies. Oh oh wait the black eyed matter protests started during obamas tenure military weaponry was sent to Police Departments and the one thing he did to try and stop the 1033 program basically just stop billys department from receiving brain nets that was a real problem at the renaissance faires in pathy thats something ive been thinking a lot about lately the ability to walk in someone elses shoes. The recognition that someone elses experience has value to most of us practices without a 2nd thought he had as it is thank you michel amp of things like empathy for the children dying in yemen with our bombs dropped by saudi arabia. Always doubt was going on under obama too how about the empathy for the children and innocent people in cages at the border oh oh it was under obama too well what about the empathy for lives destroyed by Big Oil Companies and the pollution they spew oh yeah bamma did a lot for big oil but what about the empathy for the innocent civilians in afghanistan and their. Empathy for libby and struggling to breed. Never mind that one empathy for sweatshop labor is got no empathy for for those for those hurt by our economic sanctions on venice when you know obama hated them. Dora oh god no hey hate it now ill get the guy give up everything we shall why did you lead us down this path jesus pick another topic they watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages and pepper spray and rubber bullets are used on Peaceful Protesters for photo op thank you for this wink and agree on michel using pepper spray and rubber bullets on Peaceful Protesters is horrific and immoral and disgusting i dont know why you decided to bring up the occupy protests right now but i couldnt agree more im in the way your allies been supported and allowed occupiers get brutalized is truly a revolt thing im im sure it felt good to get that off your chest right now super sad that you and your husband didnt have that empathy at the time it was actually happening. Ok lets move on to our next multi multi multimillionaire who is for the people John Kerry Kerry for the 8 years of the obama biden ministration we lead by example we forged 195 nation agreement to attack Climate Change that agreement was endorsed by big oil and big banks it had no teeth it in fewer teeth than joe biden and it was basically an agreement to baby do something about Climate Change possibly down the road if we feel like it and if the big banks and big oil decide they feel like it maybe i have 19 seconds into this talking horse is speech and i am not impressed john kerry can you please move on to talking about Joe Biden Joe understands our values dont limit our power they magnify it he knows you cant spread democracy around the world if you dont practice it at home. The d. N. C. Just finished rigging this primary against Bernie Sanders you cant have forgotten it just happened they closed polling places created intentional chaos rigged debates and they got every other candidate to drop out at once to give joe biden of fighting against Sanders John Kerry thinks joe biden supports democracy thats like saying a snake supports. Us he doesnt even know what they all are. Done with you john who are you who are gonna just never expected that my successor would embrace my vision or continue my policies oh dont worry i did continue your policies Largest Military Industrial Complex the worlds ever seen bombing in 7 or more countries wall street largely unfettered redistributing insane wealth from the workers to the already rich pollution and environmental destruction the crime against life that is factory farming never questioned mass surveillance. Of american citizens ravenous feral capitalism basically never talked about you and dow drop are 2 peas in a problem no public official including the president should use their office to enrich themselves or their supporters immediately after leaving office you gave a 400000. 00 peach to a wall Street Investment firm and unless that speech was 7 years wrong i dont think thats a fair pay check always maybe im thinking of the 1200000 dollars speeches you gave to wall street firms so basically your criticism of trump is that hes supposed to take his bribe from wall street a few days after leaving office. Well talk with his scheduler about that im sorry they understand that political opponents are unamerican just because they disagree with you. A free press isnt the enemy but the way we hold officials accountable. You have to imprison the most important journalist in the past 30 years truly in a songe Hillary Clinton while in your cabinet said drilling the sound should be drone bombed and one of the people who revealed the truth about our war crimes was Chelsea Manning and yes you commuted her sentence after allowing her to be tortured by your military for years and lets not even get into ad words snowden so did a free flow of information help keep you accountable mr obama. I dont think you were a big fan of a free flow of information that is how they went that is how they get to keep making decisions that affect your life and the lives of the people you love. Thats how the economy will keep getting skewed to the wealthy and well connected but but but but you oversaw the largest well the transformers transferred from the poor to the middle class the poor in the middle class to the richest americans one of the only meaningful protest against it to stand up and say this is not right was occupy wall street you oversaw our brutal arrest and destruction so that your wall street friends could keep operating like it was the last call innovative bunny ranch leaked emails reveal that citibank told you who your cabin it would be so who in the. Is there. You are there you are the. Well. I think its high time we had some comic relief look this cant be another what a could a shut up election if you vote by mail request your ballot now and send it back right away if you vote in person do it early become a poll worker most of all no matter what vote vote for honest elections you. Dont you were you oversaw one of the largest campaigns of Voter Suppression ever concocted do you not remember of the 2016 race against Bernie Sanders polling places closed everywhere the new york board of elections and minted in court that they purged 200000 likely bernie voters in brooklyn alone leaked emails showed that you had debate questions deported to put before the debates Voting Machines were rigged hillary yes trump is trying to rig the elections and you rigged the 2016 primary and am i the only one who has a memory longer than 2 minutes jesus it is people just rule over death and destruction and turn around and go watches happens. I dont recall what would happen to year and i cant do any more of her. One fortunately we had to prepare this episode before joe biden spoke but sure it was awesome but all kept this segment off by taking a look at the were fresh Vice President ial candidate. Weve got to do the work to still that promise of equal justice under law. Because heres the thing none of us are free until all of us are free. Youre coming to harris right the former selfproclaimed top cop of california oversaw some of the most overcrowded prisons in the world one of the largest prison states within the largest prison country in the world and was. Fought to keep the horrible practice of cash bail which just punishes poor people the person who helped to lock a lock up hundreds for small drug crimes and then when you were asked if you smoked weed you just laughed is that is that different couple hairs. The person who locked up mothers because their kids didnt short to school enough meaning if your mom with 2 jobs and 3 kids and one of those kids is an ass 16 year old whos skipping school you had no empathy no compassion you just wanted the mom behind bars that was you right because if i have the wrong come what heiress i will apologize but im pretty sure there cant be that many carmel or draco nian attorney generals of california years from now this moment will have passed and our children and our grandchildren will look in our eyes and theyre going to ask us where were you when the stakes were so high they will ask us what was it like and we will tell them. We will tell them not just how we felt we will tell them what we did yes. Yes our children well as goes where were you. And carla harris will answer honey. I was fighting for the neo liberal agenda in which the poor are locked in cages for tiny nonviolent crimes the Prison Inmates fight the fires raging in california while getting paid 1. 00 an hour in the American Military killing machine breaks the backs of countless other countries so that we can keep dominating the world i was there to do that for you sweetie now put on this gas mask so you can play outside and dont forget your a r 15 to defend yourself against the foreigners who want all their resources back oh and put on your ass p. F. 9000 sun block to battle the fire devils because the Paris Climate Accord was a joke fine. To clarify everything ive said over the past few minutes donald trump is a Dumpster Fire within a larger landfill fire he is a symptom of a morally bankrupt system and you should vote however your conscience tells you to vote but just do me a favor dont believe the bull coming out of either of our 2 corporate parties. Coming from washington d. C. The belly the beast is redacted tonight and well be right back a lot more. By the pandemic no certainly no borders just blind to nationalities. Consumers. We dont actually. Need to. Judge a. Commentary prices. We can do better we should. Everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges create the response has been must so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. It has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. Based drugs to people who are chronic pain patients believe that their prescription is working for them and the remedy be said to. Price that they pay closer dependency and addiction to opiates to long term use that really isnt scientifically just now study actually suggests that. The long term effects may not just be the absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing long term. Welcome back im still the camp uber when they 1st started telling us how they mail you d. N. A. The ancestry dot com and well tell you about your ancestors its phone and well never do anything with millions of people d. N. A. Its totally safe well never sell all that data to a private equity firm no way you can trust us now get your d. N. A. Yeah. Well about that. For more on this topic we go to our troops bomber dead correspondent now let me guilt. When i found out a Company Called blackstone was buying ancestry dot com for 4700000000. 00 i found out blackstone is actually the largest private equity firm in the world and since private equity firms are known for buying struggling businesses only to lay off their workers liquidate them and sell off their asses for profit theyre kind of like the hungry hungry hippos of wall street while the marbles are Payless Shoes deadspin and toys r us which is the closest bull get the seeing a hippo eating a giraffe so ancestry dot com looked particularly attractive when they laid off 6 percent of its workforce in february because of a slowdown in the consumer d. N. A. Testing market its unfortunate ancestry dot com laid off workers before the coronavirus since there are now millions of americans who secretly hope a d. N. A. Test will prove theyre not related to family members theyve been trapped inside with since march but given private equity less than stellar reputation a blackstone spokesperson the fended there multibillion dollar acquisition devices motherboard by stating to be Crystal Clear the next 2 will not have access to user data and we are deeply committed to ensuring strong Consumer Privacy protections at the company however theres another black swan acquisition that makes some people think twice about their claim that they wont share your personal data given that almost 2000 guests of blackstones bowtell 6 are about to get cash settlements from the hotel chain for sharing their names with federal. Immigration agents thats not what these guest meant when they asked where the ice machine was and by partnering with ice the comb through guest logs for latino or hispanic sounding names votel 6 might as well change their slogan to the light on for the ice agents to spy on you though at least with settlements of largest 200000. 00 the victims can stay somewhere nicer than a motel 6 and if your next thought was a lucky at the end then youre a racist. But keep in mind there were already ethical concerns about the use of your genetic data before this acquisition your d. N. A. Could be used by Law Enforcement without your knowledge or it could be used against you to deny you would sure its coverage and it could be used to create a hotter version of yourself in order to trick a woman who hates the real you into dating you. And if you thought hey isnt that your 3rd urkel reference in 2 years then youre wrong because technically that is stefan or cal there is a clearer and much sexier difference thats right baby but its safe to assume the broader issue of ethics and morals relating to d. N. A. Are of no concern to Blackstone Group founder Stephen Schwarzman who accounts for the vast majority of the contributions toward president Donald Trumps reelection effort over the past 18 months from People Associated with the 31. 00 banks and investment firms that dominate the u. S. Financial industry jordan has contributed 3700000000. 00 of trump 4800000. 00 from big banks and without him the total would represent as 69 percent decline from 2016 i dont know whether to be amazed that schwartz and loyalty were the fact that a majority of rich white conservatives who would only benefit from a Trump Presidency will have patience to hitch their wagon to a man who pronounces yosemite as semites yosemite of course he had a 2nd chance to fix it and still get up to exactly what happened was that hes reelected. But when it comes to giving your d. N. A. Away really in a capitalist society dying to mine it for profit you wont get a 2nd chance to get it back private equity firms will continue to dismantle companies out of greed but that cant stop us from calling out the companies who can exploit our data plus we can make it more difficult to explore info to begin with by making fun of people for sending their spit the strangers i mean seriously who who would send their spit the strangers during a time like this video of a womans interaction with a clerk and 4 worth went by role when she got upset she couldnt check out without a mask on and then allegedly spit on the counter a nightmare ride for a lift driver he was punched by a passenger who then apparently tried to spit on him the attack happened when she refused to wear a face mask inside of his car goddammit her mind. Porter from wall street this is Natalie Mcgill for redacted tonight now its time to get to some of the stories we didnt have time to get to here with me is redacted correspondent andrew louis and there is under so youre good to see you as well what do you got well weve been hearing this past week about all the Amazing Things that the Biden Harris Administration is going to do in office yes i have i am excited out of my you right weve got roosevelt 3. 0 coming up the next f. D. R. A lot of public spending promises. The ones theyre promising are still inadequate but sort of exciting to hear a little you know reversal to austerity in the works probably just seemed rather vague to me yeah and theyre getting theyre going to only going to get more vague as a Campaign Goes on it is possibly wins which is a big its not to say whether its because they havent nailed down policies or whether biden just doesnt really know whats happening its right its an impromptu sort of improvised reality yeah not on like the president but. One of bidens advisors. Let it slip in an interview that these promises that theyre making probably arent going to hold up when they get in office because as he said the cabinets going to be bare in other words were not going to have the money for a lot of this stuff which is not what you want to hear in a recession in a possible the Great Depression that the government isnt willing to spend money funny how they had you know trillions of dollars to give to wall street to keep this whole machine running yet the cabinet is bayer when it comes time to help people right they dont have the right nutrients for everyday people i guess just just bankers make very little and you can digest the stuff and in our cabinet. Because like like in a recession you know if unemployment is high you want to spend you want to do the opposite of what do you think should jobs guaranteed to build infrastructure to fill jobs to build it like the hoover dam writes right exactly what hes worried about is inflation i guess which is a problem when there is low unemployment which is not a profit in that were going to face any time soon so this is not the time to worry about deficits from an Economic Perspective well im glad theyre already walking that back i was nervous he was going to be. Well one way he could maybe have his feet held to the fire a little bit is with the new congress which is looking like it will be marginally be marginally more progressive with some primary challenges. I mean theres no other choice like a newborn baby theres no other choice pick your delusion and mine is you know there might be some more progressive is in congress including one from massachusetts alex morse who is the mayor of holyoke whos challenging richie neal who is the number one recipient it crossed party lines in corporate donations could have a winner democrats or republicans hes number one thank you so much anderson. And thats our show but you can go watch my free standup comedy special at least camp american dot com and you can get every episode redact and full episodes at the free site portable dot tv until next time goodnight and keep fighting. It was. Join me every thursday on the alex im unsure when ill be speaking to a guest of the world of politics sports im sure. Ill see that. Crazy. He just said. But harry and. I have been waiting for the moment of complete and total societal collapse i never knew it would happen this. New york alone has become a place of dozens and dozens of demonstrations were driving through brownsville one of new yorks neighborhoods that has the worst homicide and shooting rate in the city. Going. Oh my god this is the most of the seems to. Be going to the 2nd grade so were not even done with the 1st were. Going to let you know that its a mass was going on behind those walls the richest country most powerful and yet it has the worst response there while countries i dont. Live here doing nothing about it the level of deaths are going to be so great. That. I were going to have to bury them maybe and. Maybe in potters. This truly has become a symbol of the current new york. Times. Headline stories this hour. In hospital after being early lifted from. The kremlin opponent in a coma since falling critically ill on thursday. Also ahead opponents a russian leader form a human chain through minsk. Rest of. A large rally in support of Alexander Lukashenko has also taken place and. Our team members to speak with the president. I knew this would happen i was afraid of skirmishes during the critical period they were preparing for that they were going to came out and i was afraid that these people

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