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Criticism of its approach to the pandemic sweden registers a significant spike in deaths in the 1st half of 2020. This is our to international bring you your live news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program. Russian opposition figurehead unexplained im only has been admitted to a burglar in hospital for medical treatment he was airlifted earlier on saturday from the siberian city of hes been in a coma since falling ill during a flight to moscow on thursday are speed all over has the latest from berlin. Alexina volley arrived here at charlottes a in a Emergency Vehicle a intensive Care Transport vehicle that was flanked by Police Motorcycles as well as other Police Vehicles weve had a statement from the shallots a hospital asking for patience saying that they are going to be carrying out extensive diagnostic tests on him to try and determine what was the cause of the coma that he is being in it comes after a lot of wrangling between russian doctors in the city of almost. Any family he was transported here to germany on a medical plane that was paid for and charted by his supporters that plane containing. Specialists in dealing with coma patients however doctors in school werent sure that he was in a fit in of state they felt he was too weak in order to make the journey however they eventually relented at the request of the filename family but we are not in favor of him being taken anywhere from this hospital but considering the requests of his family we will help organize the transportation alexina valley took ill on a flight from on thursday from siberia to moscow hes been in a coma since then paramedics arriving on the sit when paramedics arrived on the scene of the plane which had to make an Emergency Landing in it was clear that no valley was in some extreme distress. There have been claims that election of and he was poisoned however the doctors who traced him in say they carried out a talk screening and that they that came back negative for any toxins in his system they say that they were treating him based on a different diagnosis the team of doctors concluded that since we did not find any toxic materials in his blood he had suffered a metabolic disruption. With the reduced glucose levels during the drop in russia while the plane was taking off last year lex in the valley was admitted to hospital from prison his team at the time suggested hed been poisoned however it later turned out hed had an extreme allergic reaction but we have seen though is conspiracy theories and allegations of bound to that end vonnie is not the 1st to fall victim to poisoning blame for which is often a laid at the door of the kremlin former spies and his daughter yulia suffered a nerve agent attack and russian defector Alexander Litvinenko died of radiation poisoning activist glad amir khan was poisoned twice and survived the torrijos for allegedly using radioactive nerve agents to target Double Agents defectors and others who fall afoul of the kremlin claims of any poisoning is being denied by the kremlin glad to meet putin the russian president s press spokesperson to meet the press corps saying that they wished missed in the valley all the best and a swift recovery saying that any delays in his transport taishan from russia to germany had been due to the concerns from the medical staff in fact the kremlin had rushed through documentation to allow him to make this trip what we are hearing is that the European Union wanting to see a full investigation into what happened so missed in the valley in a case that is becoming increasingly politicized medical staff in berlin say they are running extensive task to establish whats wrong with no bali or less martin summers says its too early to jump to conclusions. Well obviously if its a case of poisoning theres going to be an awful lot of press policing boy western politicians and others but of course its not clear who would have done the poisoning who has access to alexina boundary it will be zone entourage his own entourage maybe even working with intelligence agencies in the west to create such an incident as were now seeing now that sounds farfetched but it isnt really if you know the history of Nato Special Operations going back many decades that doesnt mean that they did it and it doesnt mean that the russian state did it and its not even clear that this is a poisoning so we think Everybody Needs to take a deep breath and think very carefully about the damage that can be done by wild allegations. Belorussian Opposition Leaders atlanta to one of square has said she will not run for president again if the government agrees to a rerun of the disputed election about has now led to almost 2 weeks of nationwide on rest during her 1st Media Conference since fleeing to lithuania to cannot serve her only goal now is to secure a new election to call on other countries to respect the sovereignty of belarus and to let its own people decide the future of their country meanwhile president Alexander Lukashenko has claimed that he helped her leave the country. Yeah it was i who transported the truth when i just dont want to go into details but she was the one who requested that she was begging to be allowed to go to her children she loves them but shes been thrown under the bus. And then Foreign Ministry and Intelligence Services reached out and now she started making statements. Look i go has just given a speech at a rally in the city of grove no he told supporters that the political turmoil gripping the country is being stirred up by the west. Was there for us and even managed to speak to the president what you see behind me is a few 1000 people who showed up at a progovernment rally and indeed this this meeting is very special compared to others that we have that we have covered in the past couple of days not because its exceptionally large because it isnt but because its the 1st one that weve seen Alexander Lukashenko the president of belarus make an appearance and he made a speech after. Short medium and over. Time over time 60 percent of people on the internet who showed bruises 60 percent of that is stage footage time will pass we will come and show you everything i have received information that there are private enterprises all over the country that are pushing people to strike some have become insulting to the point that if an unfortunate policeman arrives to repay seat on car we have telephone conversations they say cross the copes but why why will you do if crime returns to the streets who you call do not attack policeman these are your own people if they made some mistakes forgive them but the postelection period has been quite rocky for Alexander Lukashenko for instance a couple of times when factory workers boycotted production and he showed up there to try and calm them down he was essentially had killed and booed off stage so they didnt give him any any any any time they didnt really. Any slack if i may say so well here it is a different mood here because here people are supporting him so thats what hes thanked them for and essentially his message has been. It doesnt matter whos in power it doesnt matter what the only thing that matters is that belarus should stay independent that it should let other nations meddle i had a chance to ask him a question it wasnt like it wasnt a Media Briefing or anything we literally caught him as he was leaving the stage yes no i knew this would happen i was afraid of skirmishes during that critical period they were preparing for that they were going to wait for i came out i was afraid that these people would have suffered that is why we took a break look at that there is a sea of people outside i did not expect to see that here on the western border where being are being pressured to attack russia they see as a springboard and we have to wipe it out it was really happy to see us journalists from russia as well hes already left but people while the crowd the numbers are dwindling the crowd is slowly dissipating and as they as they are leaving but still a few good few 100 people are still behind me theres a concert going on so i dont know think of a celebration this is sort of what the mood like is here like a public celebration with some classic songs and some local local hits so this is whats going on here. On friday hundreds of antigovernment protesters lined up along a major highway into mens carrying the red and white flags of the opposition human train started outside in Detention Center where protesters have been detained and led to the outskirts of the city we heard from some of those activists. Certainly when you see that you are not alone it helps to keep the spirit up and stops you becoming said it didnt used to use these 3 crosses we wanted to call vols or sponsible for the evil and humiliation the green over several last days to confess this was the show it would never greatly because yes took at the beginning now people are saying that the protests are common down people up the same istic but we have to remember that there are 26 years its impossible to overturn it in 10 days. While political scientists are toward them chuck told us how he things look like an end to the crisis. In such case its battle to im dissipate future demands of the opposition that dissipate crisis and to dry to. Set up some instruments for dialogue maybe like public dialogue roundtable discussion about the future of develop a recent biology cannot development about social and Political Development and some how to incorporate. Moderate opposition into political process try to maybe not sharing power but dry to allow them to participate in Decision Making at the local level of regional level and maybe at the National Level so that they can express the ideas and interests of those who are intending to make sure their present well he doesnt want to maybe to our direct negotiations with the council because they are selfappointed people so all the legally they do not represent the present population so its not clear who they are representing in this and this going and going to cause a lot i think that he is a very large container agreed to have dialogue with the labor unions with a local or local leaders lake city mayor. Local officials. The u. S. Then the European Union have refused to recognize lucas and goes election victory but despite the western pressure hes adamant hes not going anywhere but the situation thats reminded of another leader as artist on court explains many are noticing the ways in which the unrest and valorous is similar to the ukraine uprising or political upheavals in other acts soviet states the latest example though is halfway across the world one leading dissident is now citing the venezuelan scenario calling on the west to recognize the Opposition Leader as the legitimate president. We are trying to convince the Global Community that he can all sky has to be recognized for example in venezuela there are 2 centers of power of course in better use so just know it will be different but it can be done and there are clearly a few parallels like bella ruse the situation in venezuela started with massive protests following contested elections and a defeated opposition claiming the results were rigged. Western leaders didnt recognize the Election Results in either case and of course they decided to throw their support behind the protests the brutal repression of the venezuelan people must and must and soon you need to get used to these a dictatorship trying to survive for the coast from precedents in humanitarian distress fluorine ideological radicalization when the resources of the country remain considerable to those who continue to approach the good people of venezuela knows this. All options are on the table so what is moral support from foreign powers done for the opposition in both countries well in venezuela they were confident enough to form their own socalled interim government and theres still essentially a system of dual power 2 parliaments one promo doro the other program things are heading that way in belarus where an Opposition Coordination Council has been formed this is it called the Nation Council believes that the only way to overcome the political crisis is to meet the stark negotiations and one count mechanisms to restore the rule of no and hold new elections its not exactly clear what the function of these institutions are though in venezuela its hard to tell what quite though has even gained from washington steer leading so apart from a little chain rattling and protest organizing what is quite those political maneuvering actually achieved as well people never supported in any numbers whatsoever you had rallies were very few people showed up you could leave military going as well and it was totally loyal to Nicolas Maduro had no interest in following this guy was a pretender and the whole thing was just of course you ask of the United States to back someone who had no support really to begin with and then to try to calm this off to the rest of the world that he was rude to them and president have him travel to washington to be said were going with donald trump his speech was there in the Public Gallery of the u. S. Capitol i mean it just didnt fly because there was no support for him so as far as belize goes we dont know what the real support is for the opposition because the Election Results were probably tainted dont really know how much support he has but we know the guy did never got that kind of support because he was in the country and trying to make speeches and have around him and they found. A laughable figure there no doubt some key differences between the 2 countries after all venezuela has been suffering from hyper inflation widespread crime and a tanking economy all intensified by u. S. Sanctions thats not the case and valorous though lets hope it stays that way foreign support for the belarus opposition has come from numerous quarters including from a prominent french intellectual or under a levy is no stranger to backing rebels. The United Nations was set up. For me its the war that comes a is too late. The elmo small default defense of operations targets a defense for parishioners to protect the civilian population at the request of the interim governing council i have the impression france could have envisaged that and it would have submitted it as part of a political plan the you will discover in the next few days. How can we put rice who failed to act with regard to syria well by trying to imagine and perhaps to provoke a configuration such as that which has prevailed in libya. But not so many europeans who are the best of the europeans. Today in vilnius with the planets economics going to the face of the blue Russian Revolution and the opposition to the tyrant actual think that you know it was a definite mistake on the part of the. Team because given that it does have this reputation of someone behind sayings way probably even taken also wants to avoid involving the nation the guy. Given the fact that it became known to the media and it was right at least in some media it is sort of counterproductive for the image chichi to produce quite honestly most people who are now protesting at resort. To peaceful brought us there do that city seeing horrible pictures of police smile and say and the same on the governments side now more and more people are protesting just because they want to say that we are hard against any change and you know we want to preserve beans so those people are casting out of their own concerns in our hour out of their own agenda and meeting at this meeting but you can also go with anyone who is no one in the in the war as you know lots of pro promoting some revolutionary ideas i dont think that may makes any any difference. Still have the councils in the u. K. Or in that a fear of offending obese people could bankrupt the countrys Health Service a story and more after this break. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person with those great. Thinks. We dare to ask. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy on sunday shouldnt let it be an arms race is also a scary Dramatic Development only really. I dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Welcome back sweden has seen a surge and deaths in the 1st half of 2020 government start suggests 15 percent more people died compared with the same period in the Previous Year revelation has reignited criticism of stockholms approach the pandemic a like most of European Countries sweden did not go into lockdown the majority of Public Places remained open throughout and there was no official recommendation to wear masks. It is very dangerous to belief face masks would change the game when it comes to covert 19 face masks can be complement to other things when other things are safely in place but to start with having face masks and then thing you can crowd your buses or your shopping malls thats definitely a mistake we talk to human rights expert martella fratta denali he says economic considerations were behind the governments decision. Goal was to keep. The Health Services. At the certain levels i mean not fully obeidi in order to take care of all of them or their children but of course they were are being. Geared units not completely depleted because they were were quickly not at the meeting in those Health Care Units on the edge a lead that were having. To live for and that they had the need of intensive care and then you could join us then we have their lists. By bates now were doing it so where we are means that we are. We are doing better damn it but behind this is study you know data used in this then its big dictionary again that they seem to put on the game there was a what they asked about day makes a good movie of the countries will be some i see the year so were going to be you know better position to compete exceptionally but the fact that the economy of stood in this suffering as much as the economy. On the right amount of countries so were. Not only lives you know sort of the economy you see totally failure is a complete failure. You cocounsel leaders are calling on doctors to be more upfront with patients about obesity they say concerns about offending people will bankrupt the Health Service the local Government Association says those living with severe obesity cost council funded social care twice as much as a person with a healthy weight they are also far more likely to require Long Term Care over a 2 year period according to the governments own figures obesity is costing society billions of pounds annual spending on obesity and diabetes is greater than on police the fire service and the judiciary combined local Government Association says things that need to change. Unless we tackle the stigma and serious challenge of obesity the costly and debilitating Major Health Conditions it causes could bankrupt Adult Social Care and n. H. S. Services Health Professionals need to start having frank conversations about peoples weight if it could be an underlying cause of their condition and routinely record it individuals need to take responsibility for their own decisions and the government needs to support them to do so nearly a quarter of adult and britain are classified as obese with that rate expected to rise to a 3rd by 2024 since the mid 1990 s. The number of obese man has increased 74 while its tripled for women we spoke to human rights computer Peter Tatchell and calmness under walker about the right approach to the issue. Obesity is a human rights issue because people are overweight often get dealt with a lot of stigma prejudice and discrimination that shany will not work we need to have a partnership between Health Authorities and people who wait so together they tackle this problem i dont think that we should be forcing people to do anything thought i do believe that these arguments that we hear all the time which is so People College of thoughts freak out like you know what if you want to lose weight thats a very small base trix you obvious i mean do its biggest gains in overweight people seem to be in economic a deprived area there are not many you know any fresh fruit and vegetable shops and if there are theyre very expensive so we need a whole whole whole approach to this issue the idea that stress produces expense this a total mess you know 82 percent so it is cheap at the back of chips now and i walk around university kept assessed and every girl i see is because of course you know weve got the train start by saying look im sorry i q e 2 hot and we need to stop doing it we also have to separate different people that there are some people are overweight because of both and a product rule. That is in their constitution its not that they can help it its not that theyre overeating its that their body metabolism and ended crimes are not working correctly in a normal healthy person so we need to understand that some people genuinely cannot help but be overweight on a serious note space is an incredibly dangerous situation and every time i say pictures of people in the n. H. S. Its died suppose he died see a doctor out of our wrists you know very often its our white people and so i think it creates a real danger and i just think that we should be honest with people it states that a lot you know if you caught a white that is turns out that its a cow the fact. The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company is under fire after a leaked photo and audio from diversity training in topeka kansas hit the internet recording contains comments on blue and all lives matter and make America Great again caps. Where we. Were. Despite that good year is fine with staff supporting black lives matter and gay pride is among those who have been left upset by that dont buy good year tires they announce to ban a mag at get better tires for far less this is what the radical left democrats to 2 can play the same game and we have to Start Playing it now given the markets the ties to federal state and local Police Departments across the nation i find their newfound distaste for Law Enforcement to be insulting at best is certainly no continue to count on any sizable revenue from the very profitable police and military divisions in the future after the backlash to your disown the policy saying that its always been politically impartial and also stressed that employees are free to express their support for the police a Major Customer for the Firm Political commentator Chadwick Moore says companies should steer clear of politics. Whats interesting here is this might be the 1st time im aware of that a. Left wing company got smacked very very hard by by their actions against conservatives and conservatives by and large the ones that i talked to dont like this boycott culture they dont like this cancel culture but the left is going to keep doing this and try to cancel well the right can do it just as well pride month through the rainbow flag black eyes matters of the black lives matter tweet whatever companies should care about these political issues i mean lots of people would rather live in a world where our companies and our celebrities stay out of the political game you know we dont want mcdonalds tweeting about black lives matter we dont want to you know chase bank tweeting about the rights just be a bank just be a tire company thats been our roundup of the days top stories for now for further details and absent reports throughout follow us on facebook or twitter. Thank. You. Has changed american lives the pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. Based drugs to people who are chronic pain and believe that their opiate prescription is working for them on the remedy be sent to the price at the. Grocery dependency and addiction to opiates to long term use that really isnt scientifically justified and ill study actually suggest that. The long term effects may not just be the absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing long term. Seemed wrong. Rowles just dont call. Me that is yet to shape out does they become educated and engaged in equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. This is boom bust the one business show you care to for the myth or in washington coming up the race for a covert 19 vaccine continues to heat up as some major american pharma giants are headed into promising late stage trials blood spurting is back in the spotlight as it looks the rebranded following at 737 max saga

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