Abused his own baby daughter and shared videos of the crimes with a network of thousands of people. Are joining us this is r. T. International restart the sovereign bella roofs where another day of nationwide strikes is underway thousands of workers have downed tools with many of them taking to the streets across the country they have no financial debacle but they are calling for a rerun of the recent president ial election and the vowing to maintain their strike until the demand is met with a defiant president lukashenko said there would be no fresh elections political change may come under duress protests and rallies on state run t. V. Employees have also joined the strike others are refusing to go against the current governor. While the head of the opposition is with on the ticket home scott says that shes ready to assume power. On sunday minsk so a rally in support of a shank and it was the 1st public gathering of his back is since the disputed results of the president ial election were announced later in the day though opposition protesters held a huge moment for freedom through the capital and other russian cities they accused the bishop of clinging to power by rigging the election more details his aunties are one cautious. Well 1st of all of the rally in support of the protesters and has been taking place here outside of the countrys embassy for over a week already and for from the numbers in belarus was sold the largest certain out here just this past weekend as people voiced their anger at the results of the election in the builders and the in suing violence as well throughout the week here with salt both anti and roll the schenkel protesters as you can see right now its morning monday morning and a lot of people here are just the police and some reporters but we are expecting a rally here after Business Hours and meanwhile diesel demonstrations continue in minsk where on this sunday at least 65000 people came out in support of that xander lukashenko thats those numbers are boarding to the interior ministry look at schenkel spoke to his supporters at the length and thanked them for their dedication now for many a belorussians somewhat over father figure who took the country out of the abyss back in the ninetys there was some are a not very happy with his 26 year tenure there are no more. Her. Grandmother yes it is and i support Alexander Lukashenko i wasnt forced to come here this is my personal choice. Ive heard so many threats but they wont break me if i book the station with my own money no one paid me and it was really to try to get to my supposed disability whats happening now reminds me of ukraine in 2014 everything started in the exactly the same way the young people with flowers now just die understand what was happening here 990 s. Perhaps they want to return to 117 when people toppled the russian empire in a similar way and civil war but we want peace not just ours sell a chair and antilock a chicago rally began the building up in minsk as the citys Independence Square was filled to capacity as well as some other places in the russian capital of course a similar similar events unfolded elsewhere in bill a ruse as droll and to add to the schenkel a rally began spreading and now there were reports all 4 arrests however officials that dismissed all those claims salah saying that so all of the demonstrations were peaceful now our correspondent said is working in minsk and he sent us this report ok. Were. Going to talk about 45 this is how the protests unfolding now in Independence Square people have moved from the money went to him in the morning there was a progovernment rally here. But all the people have left now in the square it was Fried Chicken like the previous protest that happened here right place own guarding the house of the government there and he buried a statue of our people there even sitting on this committee one office that came out and as i understand people not to sit on the barriers because its dangerous and they could pull from the ceiling and thats about all of the mucho. People are chanting the familiar slogans singing the same songs i can say this is development to exchange. Lots of good this person has been in power for 26 years hes clung to it with his teeth and doesnt want to let it go and when were against violence were defending our vote were doing the best for the future of our country i want my children not to live in a country which has violence where there is no voice and no freedom of speech which now reaching history blood was spilled and the people will never forget that thats why i came here i have an obligation to be here its my duty thats what this is a celebration of freedom weve dumped this dictatorship because franco is no longer in charge power has been taken both those who deserve it the people of valor. Speak now live to your head the Prime Minister director of the Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations good afternoon to you welcome your hand in another nato allies are like belarus. Has accused workers striking of a danger in the countrys economy is there any truth to that or is this just a ploy to get them back to work well there was definitely some truth to that because of companies im not worried about certainly there is an economic problem upcoming i think its no longer relevant or the discussions that are taking place here and of course everyone it is now focused on one single issue and that is that all of that election should go at least those who are take an active part in those strikes and as we can see by developments in the last several days in particular today the number of those or ready to protest by taking part in strikes is growing and growing very rapidly. And they saw the countrys biggest ever and to government protest so theres a lot of a mentor behind this Opposition Movement right now can it maintain that energy those are the dangers of the run out of steam. Well i would say that nothing is all is yet to tarmon but it looks by every new hour that we are actually nearing the end of this presidency again this is not to say that it will become a fact of history in the hours or days to come and analysts and all of us trying to still has a lot of options you can take and moreover he is in contact with his russian call again i would say that a lot now and hands on russian a lot is in the hands of law democrats and. As a matter of fact the floors of the room for maneuver for example of trying to use shrinking very very rapidly he made an appearance election day the factory some of the workers showed to go away the boots their leader. Of course when you had somebody been in power for so long you wouldnt expect him to go easily do you think he could ever just say you know what its not what you want im going to step down who is going to fight to live area and. Well unfortunately i think it is to late for that i mean he could technically have dumped out some time in the spring before the president ial campaign started and actually even before that lets say last year or 2 years ago he started talking about constitutional amendments and a lot of people thought that he would really try to leave his name in gold letters in the history of all the rules by being the 1st president and rescue like to rage rated not the last one well that after he decided to continue his role after last years parliamentary elections were essentially you know as everyone now understands roe rigged and no opposition members were allowed into the parliament as like the track was you know turned into a highway leading to this kind of. Tragedy. For him personally but i hope not for the nation but also since there is a lot of. Uncertainty ahead of was it can turn out in any way but as a side in the beginning i think there is no longer room for any dialogue and for him to step down its already too late the opposition needed to get all scott said that shes ready to become the leader of the country presumably though she called just do that that have to be another election how would that would. Well thats a big question ahead of us and technically there should be some decision by the central lock Election Commission because just a few days ago they basically native final announcement of the results saying that ellis interruption on with a landslide majority but now that the situation is developing in this direction and Election Commission has to decide whether. The redrawn should take place for another election or or Something Else so its still to be decided but i think its a 2nd or a matter so politically what is important right now is that this process is gaining momentum and unless something really unexpected happens this process will continue and then legal decisions will follow i dont think theyre particularly important the German Government has confirmed that its been in talks with to kind of ska another possible candidate to lead the country valere carla whos also would like to kind of score abroad at the moment said that he would meet with u. S. Senate is one of the sudden rush for people to still talking to outside countries about whats happening in the race. Well naturally because everyone sees that its. Gaining strength and the man and the force of external actors also understand that and they are considering old sorts of options and since more and more governments its in the e. U. Now saying they did not recognize the official Election Results i think it is in a way natural for them to talk to the alternative candidates we know that the russian president has spoken to the recent killings and all of a sham and i dont think any contact has taken place between the russian authorities and opposition candidates but i think if things continue to develop the way they are doing right now it is only a matter of time that the russian authorities were also step into some kind of discussions with the alternative candidates to visit and the candidates if theres going to be a revoked getting the backing of outside nations does not not open up the argument that those foreign interference. Well this is a situation where anyone can see anything but i think in the you know ultimately what we weakness in the last several days is that you cannot really go against this massive opinion by the majority of the population or even if there was no majority in place during the election i mean not know over whelming majority i still think that all in general it should come might have received quite an ob oats to at least go for a 2nd round but that after the nation a witness of that cruelty by the special Operation Forces by the police that took place in this trade but also behind the walls of the prisons where those people were thrown i think you know no one is ready to basically forgive and thats why what we are witnessing is in is in a way this grassroots democracy which has for the 1st time in recent history played in this way but then as i said its only natural for external actors to try to play in all of this and i think it isnt in the interest of this nation but also in the interest of original civility that all relevant actors and stakeholders find a way to make this process peaceful unlike what happened in ukraine in 2014 yanni thinks becoming on our hands and honestly honey Prime Minister i guess director of the military Dialogue Council on International Relations. The lebanese president michel aoun is other than that he will not resign calls for him to go been growing since the devastating chemical explosion that ripped through by road support in the month. Since. Recovery efforts are still underway in beirut the disaster put added strain on to a country already in the throes of a crippling economic crisis earlier the International Community pledge some 300000000. 00 in aid to lebanon the blast killed 178 people injured thousands more made 300000 homeless. You more the United States says its own pledge of Financial Support to lebanon following the port blast will depend on the countrys reforms to tackle corruption and as an artist of culture explains u. S. Offers of help arent always what they say. Massive explosions in beirut during hassan rest in its wake and it got to. Lebanon the chaotic capital in ruins and leaders across the world have no doubt opened up the foreign aid relief valve as a result countries like germany the u. K. And even the u. S. Have stepped in to help out but when you accept money from washington you need to read the fine print when we see lebanese leaders committed to real change change in word and deed america and its International Partners will respond to systemic reforms a sustained Financial Support of course mr hale forgot to mention that u. S. Sanctions are what many to believe the key cause of lebanons economic woes but there is always someone who remembers. You have seen some countries hypocritically trying to portray themselves as defenders of the lebanese people and expressing sympathy for the lebanese people if they are honest they should remove those sanctions that they recently passed against the lebanese government nation and people and stop this hypocrisy and iran definitely knows how that feels at 1st donald trump said hed be willing to give coronavirus aid to iran if it asked for it then when the country needed a 5 1000000000. 00 loan from the i. M. F. To deal with the pandemic washington protested for some reason even the United Nations called on the u. S. To lift its sanctions against the country only to get a big fat no from pompei oh ive heard people talking about sanctions there know that the world should know there are no sanctions that prevent humanitarian assistance medical supplies pharmaceuticals from going to iran and war torn syria its a similar story washington announced a nearly 1000000000. 00 increase in 2022 minutes carrying assistance at the very same time that it was creating a brand new sanctions regime against the country we are maintaining our maximum political and economic pressure to suspend the imposition of the sanctions the government of syria must meet similar conditions to go. For a country in crisis its not really difficult to get humanitarian aid from washington what they usually have to give in return however might not be that worth it. The child sex abuse trial gets underway in germany in a case that is lifted the lid on a large paedophile ring the main suspect is accused of abusing his own baby daughter filming his crimes and sharing the videos with a network of tens of thousands to all of us will. Last or someplace will call to investigate allegations of sexual abuse against a child at a home near to cologne that resulted in a discovery of terabytes of images and videos of sexual abuse a 43 year old man is on trial for. The main suspect named only as a new york worked in the Hotel Industry lived in a typical street in a typical suburb near to cologne hes accused of making and sharing images of abuse online in a network of pay to files that could spawn tens of thousands neighbors of the accused have been left stunned by the claims. His house is right on my daughters way to school and shes so afraid to go outside we said she should no longer go on supervised when shes outside i often call for hot check that everythings ok that i get this is crazy especially when its your own father when he abuses and sells his children i only hope that they will be punished though judging by our german legislation in recent years the perpetrators will go unpunished while the one who was harmed will be punished thats how it is with us now its all a mess but they should publish the names of these people because that will scare them off. The investigation has also had an impact on the police who have to watch and continue to troll through thousands of images in videos of child abuse 3 of the officers involved had to be placed on sick leave due to the impact of the content. I think images and videos like these are always going to leave their mark on those who would use them even experienced investigators the trial in cologne is just the 1st of what may be many related to the home search last october investigators have established as many as 30000. 00 potential identities and pseudonyms of perpetrators later this month a 38 year old man will appear in court and these barton charged with 291. 00 offenses including serious Sexual Assault and distribution of child pornography all linked to this case in cologne peter all over r. T. Berlin. A scandal over exam results in the u. K. After examinations were scratched due to the pandemic we hear from one student who said that her life had been ruined for a short break. Financial Survival Guide i dont fly im on a futures. Im on the flight. As of last summer buying from the future trucker was kaiser. When almost seemed wrong wrong just dont call. Me. Yet to shape out just being active. And engaged equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy you confront a shouldnt let it be an arms race in this spirit Dramatic Development only closely im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. Welcome back peoples hopes of life returning to normal are being dashed across europe as fresh restrictions and quarantine measures theyre introduced in response to local spikes in covert 19 infections correspondent lisa ali has more. Seeing across a number of countries not least the United Kingdom that fears of a 2nd wave a 2nd rise in the number of corona virus cases but also deaths but that says the u. K. Government has revised down its own figures removing 1300000 tests made available from official date citing apparent double counting that comes as just a few days ago the government here in the u. K. Downgraded the total deaths figure by around 5000 leaving some to question whether there is actually a real fear of a 2nd wave or whether its just an irrational fear however others of course questioning and say that we should be taking little measures to ensure that there isnt a 2nd wave and those include the recent imposition of the wearing of mosques indoors and shot up some places. Will have people in close spaces similar up to measures being taken in. Wearing a Face Covering not just indoors but in all Public Places is now well mandatory having been at decided upon over night night clubs also in the city being forced to close their doors for fear of another spike of course its the was the country one of the countries in europe as well and that was the 1st to really experience a really high death toll and theyll be wondering whether they will be once more tasting that fate and also in spain im a little cup being classified a little bit later islands being classified by germany as a coded risk zone of course spade relying heavily on tourism from countries like the u. K. Like germany and thats led to quite a strong divide division of opinion from spaniards as to germanys decision to reach that city that had been built on those. It seems to me that the measures theyre taking are a bit drastic we have by now but we will you never know where youre going to be safe where youre going to get caught by the virus in spain they take serious precautions i think many more than in germany now elsewhere in spain dritte a number of demonstrators gathered against the governments handling of the corona virus demonstrators claiming that the pandemic is either an invention or all is being used by governments not just in spain but around the world to pass a number of. As they would see it ceramic alost taking away peoples human rights and Civil Liberties those protests refusing to comply with rules that states that public spaces mean mosques must be born elsewhere on the continent it is strong post lockdown peek of over 3000. 00 new coded cases in 24 hours again leading to measures being taken by french rules for its ease with powers and more states being moved into a socalled red zone when it comes to the number of cases and so all of these countries are bringing in these measures many of them revolving around the wearing face masks which a number of people have questioned for months after the main rights the 1st devastating rise because of 90 but finally these countries agreement which is. The future of thousands of british students is up in the air and that a scandal over how their exam grades were determined they results are critical for entry in Team Diversity and many received lower grades than expected have to exams were scrapped because of the coronavirus pandemic and to add insult to injury there been mixed messages over the appeals process whereby students can have their grades reconsidered their level examinations canceled across the country grades were based on teachers predictions they were then adjusted on the basis of a schools overall cracked. Record another load to 39 percent of a level results being downgraded from predictions state schools especially from poorer regions would disproportionately affected by the downgrade with private schools enjoying a boom in high marks whole fiasco has sparked student protests across england hundreds of students hold a demo in Central London demanding the resignation of the Education Sector governance and they accuse the system of being classist exams regulator said that there was no evidence though of bias in the system while Prime Minister Boris Johnson defended the results calling them robust we spoke with nina bunting mitchum whos grades were follower than shed expected. When i open my results and saw 3 ds i went into complete. Shock i went to complete meltdown and i thought my life was just completely over i think to me its a very clear case of discrimination and theyre denying now i really feel for students like me that go to a further Education College are 6 phone call it just a normal college really affected by this whereas they should have just based on the college that they go to that they have chosen to go to im trying to stay really positive really hopeful and i want everyone to be aware as im trying to get my voice had that you know its not just me thats then affected its other students and i think eventually something will come of that and students will eventually hopefully get the grace that they worked for. And finally with the u. S. Elections looming even cartoon characters being dragged into the political sparring corrina after Donald Trumps attorney likened joe bidens 2020 running mate a calmer horace to an animated hero. As a lying area suburban housewife who says the fall of the species. I teach my children to copy cat. From complaint has been destroyed by mark seems. To march to some gentle callous just down name calling is lunatics and ministration is good for. The old days when this show was. Just a chance for yourself before you completely ruin your legacy of the carriage which was literally a parody enacting in disappointing middle aged women come on the simpsons is live. On the things you brought up today thanks thing without International Political coming your way into. L. A. Look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. I robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the 1st law show your identification for should be very careful about official intelligence at the point obesity is too great a transfer. Take on areas johnson with Artificial Intelligence will summon the demon. The robot must protect its own existence as a nexus for the. I know no crowd. No shots. Actually felt. Well its. No small. Point sure your thirst for action. Ive actually found senior watching going underground the team and i will be back with a brand new season starting september the 5th but until then well be showing you some of your favorite shows of this past star studded season stay safe coming up in this episode its always had a strange connection with animals i connect with people with were with animals that small mind to mind one of the worlds most famous conservationists jane goodall tells going underground that finger wagging at china from elites wont stop the Global Industrial for

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