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Money back. A warm welcome youre watching R T International with mina caring about the Russian Council is once again become the focus of founding government protests thousands of people have converged on minsk laying flowers in tribute to a demonstrator killed in the arm rest that followed last sundays disputed president ial election this is the scene where he was killed earlier in the week this family have asked people to gather here instead of coming to his funeral her response to this report from the city. I heard reports to the extraordinary as you can see many people have come today to pushkin square metro station where a man from minsk alexander terrycloth ski was killed in the unrest its difficult to count how many people are here they stand on both sides here theyve completely filled the space near the entrance to the metro theyre queuing to lay flowers or cars or honking as you can see for yourself despite you know the start of the whats your sign. Also gathered outside the headquarters of the state board costa earlier stuff were invited to a meeting there with the speaker of the upper house of parliament along with the president s press secretary and made him as people were about to walk out on strike some of the employees left the meeting to cheers from the crowds right in my flat this become a symbol of protests was pinned to the entrance. When a central moscow people have been making a stand in solidarity with the protesters outside the by the Russian Embassy among tozer for pauls from the rally. Saturday saw the biggest turnout say here as peaceful rallies continue outside of the embassy of belarus say here in moscow the protesters have been gathering here for almost a week to express their solidarity with the people in bellary said it was a phone conversation between russian and the russian presence took place earlier on saturday and both leaders expressed confidence that all problems and belittle the settled have very soon they also added that the main goal is not to let external forces that take advantage of this a situation and of course put a wedge in the corporation its we know russia and belarus the European Union is now offering its own solution on the situation in the country the European Union will put forward to the better russian authorities a proposal for e. U. Support in establishing an facilitating a dialogue between the political authorities opposition and Broader Society in view of resolving the Current Crisis ministers also agreed on the need to sanction those responsible for violence repression and the force of occasion of Election Results sanctions are the end of politics the key question now is what kind of policy the e. U. Has towards bill or oops for us the European Union is one of our Top Priorities at a strategy meeting with the Defense Ministry Alexander Lukashenko noted that. The government in this country was formed in line with the constitution and he said that they dont need any quote unquote foreign governments or it mediators for that matter and of course so washington added their own 2 cents into the conflict and said this is what they had to say about it i was glad to see the release of some protestors but that certainly is not in the Common Objective is to support the bill of regime people to achieve their sovereignty their own freedom the peaceful radek insignias here outside of the bell Russian Embassy and of course we will be here to bring you any more developments now scientists how they think the boundaries protests will play out. There are very strong similarities he lays out but i tell you what happened in ukraine we had a very similar scenario not a color so i take it what it was successful Color Revolution in yugoslavia the United States aligned in the light of many western countries was whatever happens in the result but also between it will be illegitimate we had the same rhetoric coming out of the western capitals as were getting here that the government that was told it couldnt really respond to any protests against even if they turn violent and thats what were seeing so its kind of movie that weve seen many times before and it doesnt end well that movie to that the previous lot it didnt end well for the people of your great theres tremendous interest here for the west and. Its not about democracy or human rights its about power its about economics and its about geopolitics probably the better comparison is with ukraine in 2004 of the time of the socalled orange revolution by the Russian Society whatever its views on who should be president. Is anxious to avoid not only the kind of violent people we saw in ukraine in february 2014 but all the problems that ukraine has had ever since and i think for those of us who want to see a peaceful and if you like a legitimate democratic outcome for both of us its very important that the losing side in any political crisis has options of coming back from the powerful one see for clues that then do risk civil war and civil conflict which is all to what has percent parts of ukraine. And so. The best thing for people but worse is that this crisis is disputed so peacefully by some kind of constitution. But demonstrators have been very has been forced on the defensive off it was revealed around 900. 00 travelers returning to the region were not told that they had tested positive for the coronavirus peace all of the has more details. Theres been a huge blunder in the german states if the varia with 844000 corona test a backlog 900. 00 of those still waiting for their results and known to have tested positive the man in charge of germanys largest state says hes sorry for the delay is to the example starts to get a light entire State Government is sorry that these mistakes happened both the minister and also me personally that many people are now unsure as to what happened to their test results. The reason given is the sheer number of people coming into germany from holidays elsewhere and taking covert tests by the roadside and train stations in both areas this move was brought in very quickly by the state and the information had not been recorded digitally mistakes happen in such extraordinary times the official say the Bavarian Health minister though had offered her resignation over the blunder. Offered to resign twice and then asked whether she had the courage to continue to carry out these tasks with as she wanted to and could improve cases she said yes markets has made a bit of a reputation for himself during the corona pandemic as a mr fixit that internecine his name touted as a potential successor to chancellor merkel when she steps down ahead of next years election opposition leaders have been quick to use the testing delays to twist the knife on claims hes all talk and no final product if a state premier is always presenting himself as a crisis manager and constantly patting himself on the back he also has to take responsibility of point suring that things were when announcing new coronavirus measures he doesnt miss a press conference but when something goes wrong he sends out the Health Minister i would have expected him to have the backbone to step up himself the advice for. Anyone whos still waiting for test results is Pretty Simple just get the test done as germany and the rest of europe brace for a 2nd wave of covert 90 peter all of rotty early. Spikes of covert infections are being seen in parts of europe france is recording around 3000. 00 daily infections 10 fold on last month when i was prompted to the u. K. To add it to its quarantine list with the french government so that unfortunately the virus been going the wrong way theres been a 66 percent increase in the number of positive tests in the last week alone so unfortunately france is having to be added to the quarantine list. Of people and so for again this morning to return to the u. K. If they wanted to avoid quarantine france is hugely popular with british tourists and many flocks there when lock down was lifted the last minute announcements or thousands rushing back to beat the deadline but anyone who missed the deadline will now have to self isolate for 2 weeks when they return there will also no applies to those coming from the netherlands british holidaymakers were given only 24 hours notice that some travelers who claim the areas they had been staying in had a lower infection makes them at home france is the 2nd most popular travel destination for brits some 160000 were there when the country was put on the currency list and not all of those who wanted to return home have been able to we caught up with some of them. Travel was how. When where was allowed before it was safe to go where no one knows or lights so maybe they always thought so i think i made the wrong decision in the 1st oh yes we wouldnt get one on the way we pay everything all the facilities completely in the boat and close as soon as the government. Way there was no way we could get any money back but we were. Very difficult so they put anything in place really thats going to stop the spread so i would very general blanket travel i mean i see it it says that weve got a quarantine or. I think testing is a better option weve already been knocked out for a very very long time. Russia says it started the mass production of its controversial new coated vaccine mosco announced this week it was 1st in the wild to approve a coronavirus jab but its been much concern around the globe the court hasnt been cut among those worried is donald trump i dont know much about it. We hope it works we do we hope it works theyve cut off certain try. And we just feel its important to go through the process we have numerous different vaccines that we think are going to work but we want to go through a system of. The vaccine was created by russias gammel a institute it took the money around 5 months of work critics say cons of past all the necessary trials to ensure its safe the head of the gamma Law Institute Alexander Ginzburg told us how they achieved such quick results. Proper but this vaccine was created strictly in accordance with russian law and this allows a vaccine to be developed more rapidly during an emergency and the coronavirus pandemic is definitely an emergency we havent reduced the number of tests required to prove that the vaccine is safe rather we are running tests in parallel but when the pandemic started we were working on a vaccine against mers which is also a type of corona virus and is more lethal than covert 19 this research had almost completed the 2nd phase of tests so we had all the methodology in place. Floors and over 3500 people have tried this vaccine without suffering any serious side effects just some minor ones that one gets with any type of vaccine for example a slight temperature which can be relieved with a dose of paracetamol and this will be made clear in the instructions for use. Of. Vaccine research is conducted in many countries across the world but the russian and soviet school of vaccine creation is a very serious one institute for example we have 4 generations of scientists working together so the knowledge we transmit is not just via papers and Electronic Devices but directly from one person to another when the young researcher comes to me i always know which of our scientists can give them appropriate advice someone thats worked in the field for many many years. Absolutely you know both of course absolutely not the only feeling was to defend myself my relatives and our population and just to complete the task we had been given namely to find a vaccine and it was also this feeling that many in our profession have many microbe hunters the need to catch and liquidated. Africas biggest hydroelectric dam could spell disaster for sudan as the warning from experts here say large parts of the country could be swallowed by sand. That side of the most important things is leading to does it have occasion incidents or cultural and Development Policy has been from a 940 s. And fiftys Agricultural Policy sought to expand agricultural areas for cure screws such as cornered sesame at the expense of natural forests consequently large areas of natural forest were removed for this purpose and were not recovered again s. S. P. Says one of the main reasons leading to does it acacia says it is at the cost. Of a bed that in 20 years have passed since he got married and started living in this house my difficulties in life come from the encroachments of sand our lands heard. The walls of our houses have fallen and every year i use all the money that i see i need to move sand or build walls everything learned we used to do that we make the walls of the buildings higher but the sand continues creeping towards us. So its a condo chungs like lawyer Michael Cohen promises to spill the beans on the president in his new tell all book which the white house has already dismissed as fiction all of the towels off the brake. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business im sure business ill see you there. Welcome back the e. U. Has written to the u. S. Saying its a highly concerned about washington sanctioning Companies Working on the norm stream to pipeline project with russia. The European Union considers the dixons who eternal application of sanctions is illegal under International Law at the same time European Union continues to highly valued just in time to unity the common foreign and security goals which increases the impact of sanctions we welcome the concini and look on these issues department of state as updating the public guidance for cats authorities to include north stream to the 2nd line of turks stream to this action puts investments or other activities that are related to these Russian Energy export pipelines at risk of u. S. Sanctions its a clear warning to companies aiding and abetting russias malign influence projects will not be tolerated get out now or risk the consequences nor strain to runs through the baltic sea and will deliver natural gas to germany bypassing traditional transit countries like ukraine you are paying companies are also part of the costly project which aims to double down so imports from russia to germany the head of the Bundestag Energy Committee klaus owns feels washingtons behavior is unacceptable. It is unacceptable that any country like the United States tells another sovereign nation like germany or an independent European Union how to deal with the question of its own Energy Supply its out of sync with normal relations in the area of globalization things cannot be achieved by blackmail the americans say if you dont do as we want we want to protect you and if we protect you then you have to pay for that and we should pay with the import of liquefied guess and if you dont do that well get rid of everyone here this is the current american policy but this is unacceptable and we should fight it there are 2 aspects the stakes one is a professional one and the 2nd one is more important independence of germany. Washington has repeatedly claimed it was a threat to European Energy security the u. S. Plans to sanction companies that dont pull out of the projects clouseau unstick and believes germany should retaliate if that happens. We should let the americans understand that if they continue this kind of behavior it will cause economic damage that is why i advise imposing punitive tariffs on american liquefied guess under certain conditions going to even an embargo on american. The americans the same way they want to hit us d if they then notice that we are not the ones to concede easily if we are an opponent who can react to them we should negotiate how the 2 countries can lift the sanctions as soon as possible because this is the real game we dont want to impose more sanctions we want to prevent american sanctions by means of our own sanctions and i think we need to show the americans a particular economic response from our side. The. Creator of the Popular Online game for tonight is suing apple and google after the game was scrapped from that app store was epic accuses the tech giants of seeking to control lockets and anticompetitive practices to make its point it really spits the already nvidia. Apple has blocked fortnight from the app store removing everyones ability to install and update the game on either of us devices keeping prices high so they can collect 30 percent of your payments and this blocking fortnights in order to prevent epic from passing on the savings apple has become what it once railed against a behemoth seeking to control markets block competition and stifle innovation. In the latest update fortnight developers allowed in game purchases to be made to directly from epic games that are lower cost basis violated the terms of service of both apple and google who were receiving 30 percent for each transaction the update led both tech giants to ban the game from their platforms. The fact that their business interests now lead them to push for a special arrangement does not change the fact that these guidelines create a level Playing Field for all developers and make the store c. For all users for Game Developers who choose to use the play store we have consistent policies that are fair to developers and keep the store safe for users or for remains a variable on android we can no longer waits available on play because it violates our policy is. Political analyst a coastal a say as the Case Highlights the monopoly enjoyed by tech giants. Because apple and google to a lesser extent have such a pervasive. And monopolistic hold on the market even something as huge as foreign aid is having to wage this battle one can only imagine how hard it is for Smaller Developers to innovate and to then get a hold in this market the chairman of the United States Congress Says antitrust Committee David cillian has actually called the 30 percent highway robbery and saying that apple is using this in order to bully Smaller Developers into falling in line but they say that they try to keep a legit level Playing Field for Small Developers and large helpers alike but apple given preferential treatment to Certain Companies such as amazon one of the most well has companies in the entire world which is now expected theyd have to pay the full half of that 30. 00 they only paid 15 percent and this also isnt the 1st time that people have tried to call attention to apple share of the market but this is the 1st time thats been publicized since the 1st time that its really being. Shown as a genuine sarette to the way that things have been carried out. Transform a lawyer has released the foreword from a new book about his old both a year ago Michael Cohen was found guilty of for all its own perjury and was sentenced to 3 years in jail he was released early and is currently under house arrest but hes still promising to dish the dirt on trump and his new book something the white house has already dismissed as fiction. I am the ultimate member of the book of the month club 1st i have lowlife dummy john bolton a war mongering fooled violating the law or next up as mary trump the seldom seen nice who knows little about me says untruthful things about my wonderful parents who couldnt stand and me and violated her and. Donald trump is a walking. Of now and its become this this day and this psychodrama s. This absolutely in see should but what new things came news say about him he is responsible for everything for colvin for racism or sexism for dandruff the common cold venereal dillies hate bad movies boiled forward everything is attributable to donald trump. Thanks for joining us here on r. T. International were back with the latest headlines in fashion and. Financial Survival Guide i dont buy any i put on a few. Things on the friday as a some of my ex in the future dont track our watch guys or. Im after a time when youre watching going underground the team and i will be back with a brand new season starting september the 5th but until then well be showing you some of your favorite shows of this past stuff stuff this season stay safe. Later in the show well find out why the n. H. S. Here in britain has to import lifesaving equipment for its Health Workers from communist china but now world renowned environmentalist an ecologist dr london a she should need no introduction she is one of the leaders of the International Forum on globalization and as one countless prizes for her work a classic staying alive women they call the g. M. Development a shuttle for republication in september she joins me now from delhi vonder thanks so much for coming on to you at least please that the Global Pandemic has not made politicians and policy makers talk about a war on nature the war is just on the coronavirus its a problem to say you have a wall against a little wireless because all the laws in the past have caused a lot of hot. Coming from india and the war against the barbarians were all supposed to be barbarians and you know well the civilizing mission it exterminated so many people and cultures my work in the last 35 years has been based on how declaring war on humans in it less concentration camps those same chemicals in the same ig. Father and the same boys are gone 10 then turn these chemicals into ever took since every chemicals which are still killing but theyre not solving the problem of control of best theyre creating new kits and i was also supposed to live in factories as it was ringback your own 3 you get the mad cow disease you get by degrees a sense again the bacteria are winning when you talk about a war against microbes the war against microbes you know god isnt the root of the entire crony disease epidemic and theres all the Scientific Data showing the mortality with the corona infection is much higher when you have diabetes obesity cancer 10000000 people die of cancer because of the poison the 10 millions are dying of diabetes because our entire Health System is being destroyed you dont fight life you create harmony with life and its in the bill it seemed to me harmony to create immunity to create resilience that is basically at the root of the militaristic mind losing every war against life well obviously big agriculture Big Pharmaceutical Companies and big oil they all deny that they have anything to do with her creating disease but we do hear from press briefing say from downing street here in london or from the white house the fact that Big Multinational Companies will be involved in our defense against coronavirus the. Tell me about what you talk about in one this is your investigation of the origins of intellectual property and are you optimistic that there will be no peyton to on the any future a vaccine against corona virus the 1st you know to work on patents is what led me to create nothing and since even and fighting against the illusion that corporations like monsanto are inventors of life and see just the employment of billions of years

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