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Are broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is r. T. International im sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us the u. N. Security council has rejected a u. S. Sponsored resolution to extend the arms trade embargo on iran only to members including the u. S. Supported the draft while russia and china voted against and the other members including the u. K. And france and germany abstained the embargo was imposed in 2010 and is to expire in october under the joint comprehensive plan of action the 2015 deal to impose controls on Irans Nuclear program parties reports. Well the resolution put forward by the United States would have extended the arms embargo against iran now france germany and other countries have been very vocal about the fact that they oppose the United States decision to unilaterally withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Agreement and furthermore they oppose putting new sanctions on iran now in the lead up to the vote at the u. N. Security council u. S. Diplomats were very adamant that they felt this arms embargo must be extended heres some of what we heard. I call upon all Security Council members to wake up to the real world implications of allowing this arms embargo to lapse the Security Council central purpose is to promote global peace and security failure to extend the arms embargo would make a mockery of that fakery to responsibility on which the United Nations was created now prior to the vote in which this resolution failed mike taylor said the United States feels that if this arms embargo is not extended as it was not that the United States will impose the snap back mechanism in the Iran Nuclear Deal and snap back the sanctions on iran this is Mike Papantonio the us secretary of state i want to as i said i want to be too cute how were deeply aware that snapback is an option thats available to them that it sticks and were going to do everything within americas power to ensure that that arms embargo is extended and im confident that we will be successful now the snap back mechanism in the Iran Nuclear Agreement was essentially put in place so that if iran were to violate the chase c. P. O. Ok they would then face the penalty of an immediate snap back of the sanctions however lets remember that it was not iran that violated the agreement and the agreement was not withdrawn from by iran it was the United States that pulled out of the agreement so u. N. Lawyers are going to have to look into the legality of the United States imposing the snapback mechanism when iran has not violated the agreement now currently mike pompei o is in vienna talking with officials from the International Atomic Energy Agency they say that iran has fully complied with the nuclear deal im not violating my camp they are says however it doesnt really seem to be a 1000 nuclear deal anymore this is mike pompei on iran must provide full transparent and immediate cooperation with the i. A. E. A. We cant allow the worlds biggest state sponsor terrorism to buy and sell. Weapons of mass just not us so it seems that the trumpet ministrations policy imposing maximum pressure on iran and ripping up the Iran Nuclear Deal was centrally put to a vote at that body that meets the United Nations and it seems that this policy of the Trump White House tension with iran was overwhelmingly rejected. Joshua landis a director of the center for middle east studies professor of middle Eastern Studies at the university of oklahoma as well believes u. S. Steps are part of a Wider Campaign to take control over oil supplies. The United States as you know has a maximum Pressure Campaign on iran they want the run government at least the way they put it to change its behavior radically in the region this is part of a much larger u. S. Policy to help its friends saudi arabia israel and to her next enemies and to keep america paramount in the persian gulf the source of so much of the worlds oil 50 percent of the worlds oil supplies this is about control of the International Energy supply the United States is leading the way in this maximum Pressure Campaign and it believes that it should be able to get its allies in europe to join it now of course that leaves russia and china. Who are looking at this very skeptically but even france is looking at it skeptically europeans are highly dependent on United States they need to stick together with the u. S. And i guess thats the major hope that the u. S. Will be able to rally its people at least show the world that there is a division and china and russia on one side does what the United States and europe are on the other side 1st. The easy use that top diplomats have agreed to slap sanctions on belarus over what they claim was the falsified election and the violence during the ensuing protests meanwhile those arrested in ments could during a week of antigovernment demonstrations have started to be released since the outbreak of the Unrest Police have faced allegations of excessive brutality president Alexander Lukashenko said he didnt have a problem with the conduct of the Security Forces although he urged them to take a softer line meanwhile protests continue with the countrys capital once again the main focus these are images from the square in front of the main government building some protesters rushed to hug and had flowers at the Security Forces after they lay down their shields in an extraordinary move that is after crowds of demonstrators converged on the area striking workers from one of the countrys biggest. Factories the mint tractor works were among them are here from our correspondent on the scene. Which is a serious one the square in minsk something absolutely unique and interesting for better or worse is happening here you can see the special police force no internal forces standing behind me there with the courage in arms thats the house of the government on the other side is where protesters have gathered everything is peaceful no provocations and says we can see offices put down machinery. Thats the situation knows minsk attractive factory workers arrived here with their banners. And well nothing else is going on. People are chanting slogans let them go. But all of this is going on thankfully without provocations for now are they for Law Enforcement officers or just openly standing that look at this its a unique picture i havent seen anything like this before. To get. Rid with more on friday as developments in bellerose hairs arties among kosovo. All this friday night will see a lot of family who will lets see there are a lot of loved ones after almost a week long absence and thats because the bill russian authorities began releasing all those of protesters who were detained in that mass rallies that on sunday right after they were right after the president ial election in bella ruse how many of the detainees are being released right now have been sharing their harrowing experience this take a look at it was just the right police asked us to show all passports but i didnt have one then they asked for my phone and saw what i had been feldmann they said i should go to the van and one by a Police Officer grabbed me i tried to resist and he invited 5 others i said how are you going to look into your mothers eyes they shouted shut the fuck and hit me in the head so while we were walking to the police man they called me a prostitute when we felt sick they said you can urinate on vomit we dont care. We should not show the feds use we spent 17 hours outside without water or food or anything on the cell we were given only bread and water there were 40 of us in there we slept on the floor the men were beaten so badly that they screamed 247 they beat them to within an inch of their lives imported water on them and beat them again. Forced sentiment was not normal or a person and he was detained as who he might ask also to the put into the police man conditions at the crescent Detention Center they have much to be desired there are 30 to 50 people who once how no food just have 14 and human treatment. Of interior Ministry Pledge that they will let all of the detainees go by the end all for this friday now so for around 2000 people have been freed and thats approximately a 3rd of all those who were detained during the week long almost a week long rally a lot. Among those people who were detained were medics as well lets take a listen to this firsthand account it was that the women were lying on the floor and the men were in the next hour they were constantly me so badly great just how long it was a terrible how will the bloody frozen highwaymans just through what we heard every night in the basement was terrible of group Prison Guards were saying whats wrong is your life thats bad decided to act out and we lose a war here because of some nonsense what kind of doctors are you youre not doctors i dont know what you are werewolves thats the sort of thing they shouted at and a lot of swear words that i dont want to repeat they were also saying this when you were 1st held in the street everyone driving by was shocked doctors and white ropes on their knees bonjean guns they had a machine that now protest in belarus have moved beyond the streets as factories bland send different markets began protesting expressing their solidarity with their bills at the mass rallies as well one of belaruss biggest tracks theres a tractor manufacturers well they suspended their operations partially after employees decided to walk out on strike now the Prime Minister off the roof decided to visit at this plant and cut off to the strikers however they were not satisfied with with the meeting and now theyre heading towards the russian capital often minsk now theyre calling for reforms 3rd calling to bring justice to those who were hurt during the mass rallies and theyre also calling for the departure of president look at shankar now the president himself will he reacted to the growing number of work your support testing and address the strikers by calling on them to get back to work and he also promised that all of the detention cases that took place over the last all almost a week will be investigated meanwhile in syria minister all bellew small he. He apologized to the people who were hurt during the protest in a statement earlier on friday as well now that the 1st official results of the vote which took place last sunday was an ounce on friday and gave president lukashenko a landslide victory his opponents managed to cut off scale she dismissed the result state and it has absolutely nothing to do with reality and she called she said that she will create a Coordination Council that will see to the peaceful transfer of power in belarus meanwhile this comes as the European Union is also mulling sanctions against a bill or is germany and the European Union have both expressed concern and support for science sanctions on the bill or russian officials calling mass arrests off the demonstrators also a spokesman for german chancellor Angela Merkel she said at that point in postelection president of bellews was on except of all and that the chancellor was shocked by what she had seen how these statements a came just ahead of a special video called off e. U. Foreign ministers on friday who can being to discuss the measures that they will take on the situation in belarus a professor at the French National institute of languages and eastern civilizations bernard where ski season european sanctions on belarus as a mostly symbolic move their discussion was in European Union because they are in a difficult situation because on one side. They would like of course some political changes changes in their law really but in the same time they dont want to. Serve their east most sir and western countries and especially i think germany once to have a negotiation with me hold a moment the sanctions they are talking about are mostly symbolic and not really profound we will see how the situation will will change. The massive explosion last week in beirut who destroyed much of the city and locals have been left trying to pick up the pieces not just of the shattered buildings but also their lives as well one Fashion Designer shared his story. Like i was always so happy we were facing the putting seward is very artistic and inspiring because its industrially reaching details of how everything is great because the destruction the wreckage which time it would take to be rebuilt. There are no words to describe it my team and a feeling that we cant but thing going to the real life and well no one was hurt believe this building 10 minutes before the blast hit and thank god the most current thats the most important thing. Of the hard work of 20 years was destroyed amy seconds it was because of this tuesday explosion which went off just across the street. Smaller he says another challenge for us how we can get our hands on phones to rebuild they say there will be compensation but thats not certain and this isnt something we used to 11 and i hope we can get compensation to rebuild. Thinking of coming up with a new collection inspired by this very heartbreaking incident my team and i are really picking up the pieces i really want to come out with a collection inspired by bay roots the suffering the favorite. Friends is wrapping up its military presence in the Eastern Mediterranean and this is after turkey began oil and Gas Exploration in disputed waters there paris says its deployment is only a temporary measure but its relations with alcoa are already strained with more heres our. President matt corn has signalled that the along tensions continue to rise between greece and turkey the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean is worrying 2 keys unilateral decisions on Oil Exploration are causing tensions these must stop in order for a peaceful dialogue between neighboring and nato allies to take place but this seemingly didnt stop the french president from reinforcing frances military presence in the mediterranean its confirmed paris will send to referee and fighter jets and the naval frigate lafayette a move welcomed by the greek Prime Minister i thank president mccraw on for his cell a dirty Emmanuel Mccraw on is a true friend of greece but also a fervent defender of European Values and International Law the greek pm bill this as an act of solidarity but you only have to scratch the surface to see that there is more going on here in recent months process also found itself clashing with turkey in the mediterranean. These past few days we have seen turkish warships deliver syrian mercenaries to libyan soil this is a serious and explicit in french moment of what was agreed upon in berlin i must reiterate the prerequisite for any political solution in libya is the cancellation of this document but with that incident still rushing from his mind it appears to have been keen to show solidarity with a fellow member in this case greece last month macko an even cooler for sanctions against turkey over these purported violations in the Eastern Mediterranean now the arrival of turkeys new seismic civvy vessel this caught the attention of the e. U. The latest developments rick stream the worrying what is needed to be done is to engage in solving all the open issue. With principles of good neighborly Relations International and positive engagement with fronts now bolstering its military might to aid greeces plight greece is perhaps now feeling in bold and its place its military on high alert recalling naval and air force personnel from their holidays turkey for its part says it will protect its rights toys and interests in coastal areas and with fronts now wading into this part turkeys president is accused of provoking regional players into taking wrongful steps there is concern that this action by fronts rather than defeating the situation could in fact escalate it charlotte t. V. R. T. Paris. Students in germany have been funding the controversial activist Movement Without even knowing it and has been coming to light that part of the tuition fees paid to Cologne University have been going to the movement for years now which peter oliver reports. The anti fascist organization have received a lot of press in 2020 with even the president of the United States china in the United States of america will be designating and as a terrorist organization here in germany they havent received that type of criticism but there is a controversy surrounding the use of University Students fees from cologne to go towards a contribution to the group for the 2020 to 21. 00 winter semester each student at the university of cologne pays 280. 00 euro and 0. 95 from 205. 00 euro and 0. 95 goes to the Student Council and is meant to pay the transport discounting workers salary and for the departments work out of the 10000000 euro the council will take in around 8 and a half 1000 will be paid to the Student Branch and to take its delicate because while anti far on demonised here the way they are in the us a report by germanys internal Security Service the beer file has some pretty strong things to say about a cake and the groups its associated with conservative student groups in turn and not so happy that they have to contribute to a case without choice it shouldnt be that every student has to subsidise a group that has been classified as extremist by the office for the protection of the constitution we regularly demand that the funding of ante for a k. Be cut the majority of students who spoke to said they had absolutely no problem paying a contribution to our k. I dont know how much the payment is but im sure it is not enough and it should be higher i think its good because its important to them. Is dealing with many board and social issues and then let you know we ended in. Well being i think its a good age see it is so and. I think it does make sense and i think it is important and why political spectrum is represented here and i see no problem that it is fine and from the student piece a k. Has received funding from students at the university of cologne since it was set up 15 years ago neither the student body that doles out the funding know the students themselves see any reason why they should change any time soon but while the name continues to be mentioned in trembling tones by those in power the group may find themselves coming more scrutiny pacer all of it. Within the growth of the black lives Matter Movement following of the killing of george floyd some of the Biggest Companies on the planet were quick to publicly denounce racism but a recent poll shows few people actually think that these statements were sincere the survey in the us found 7 out of 10 people believe corporate americas antiracism stance is just down to public pressure rather than actual concern and also found people split over whether such messaging is necessary at all. This while black americans sit out to make their own. Political commentator Anthony Bryan logan believes companies are only looking out for their own profits. These companies are just trying to be virtuous in the eyes of their consumers and they dont want to have any kind of cancel culture or to cancel my Company Direction they dont want to get your stories they dont want to have a negative reputation so dont go out there and say thing as i always support black labs black cloud matter is all about just p. R. Company relation is just trying to appear virtuous and good in the eyes of those that are out there protesting and also and of those that are out there sympathetic towards the protesters if a company had a reputation of being pro social justice and pro you know black labs and antipolice for loans then it would make sense for them to have this stance now but if youre not that kind of company if theres a company that sells hamburgers ought dogs i mean theres no reason for you to go out there and talk about anything political at all no reason whatsoever there is no reason to pick. Facebook is being accused of illegally harvesting the facial recognition data of its instagram users a class action against of the social media giant could cost the company up to half a trillion dollars once facebook captures instagram users protected by metrics it eases them to both areas facial recognition abilities across all of its products including the facebook application and shares this information among various entities facebook does all of this without providing any of their quite notices or disclosures required by illinois law it is claimed facebook violated the privacy rights of 100000000. 00 of its users under the current Law Companies can be fined up to 5000. 00 for each individual reckless or intentional violation therefore means the total fine could potentially reach 500000000000. Last month facebook offered to pay 650000000 to settle a similar case when the company was accused of illegally collecting biometric data through a photo tagging tool however it maintains its facial Recognition Software is not used on instagram the citys baseless instagram doesnt use Face Recognition Technology if we introduce Face Recognition Technology to your Instagram Experience we will let you know 1st and you will have control over whether we use this technology for you. Privacy act list and Technology Expert bill mewe believes if facebook really is quoting biometric data there could be huge repercussions. This is to a large extent a claim that is being brought on a speculative basis because we dont know whether instagram used facial Recognition Software for a show and we dont know the extent to which it used to now many users to a large extent the you know being used here is the one in illinois which is the strictest biometrics of security or privacy law anywhere in the world and has been brought on balls of us users which are a significant proportion of the banks facebook is telling beisel Recognition Software without any form of consent then this is of real abuse and i could be ripping take only damaging because it then loses the all files to protect it as it has started out for instance its then all of the people its collective pleasure information from could be vulnerable to Identity Theft to the rest of the lips it doesnt for me because ill be back in about 33 minutes with another full look at your news this is r t international. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to get off of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. The sudden false and illegal takeover of a government by a small group. So rather than revolutionaries or soldiers conduct small group the corporations when you have a tiny group of people who have all the power you have to have some means to make sure the rest of us dont get together and take it back. These are sacrificing. Places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty environmental devastation and so you see things like Voter Suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices for wealth use of that world for well focused world and theres no question that the court has. An entire village in alaska has had to move if another country threaten the wife of an american. We do everything i. Want to the escaping Climate Change is the same threat right now alaska has seen some of the fuss just coastal erosion in the world we lost about 35 feet. 35 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. Is bad and that means. River is the 1st. Year of the war and we were part of the 1st for. The boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss im sorry montecito in washington coming up the Federal Reserve has bet its working on the next pair of mental Digital Currency and now theyre partnering with a Big University to test it we have a boom bust panel coming up and michigan built its plan for the future of the auto sector but how long before we actually see the plant come to fruition you have a car folks standing by several lots to get to so lets get started. With the news of Central Banks around the world creating their own Digital Currency as well many have wondered if and when the u. S. Might follow suit well now we have a better idea as the u. S. Federal reserve has now partnered with mit to develop a hypothetical Digital Currency over a 2 to 3 year period in other words this is a digital equivalent to cash Federal Reserve board governor lowell brain ard said given the dollars Important Role it is essential that the Federal Reserve remain on the frontier of research

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