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A day later by saying. The question is very much open where as everyone else is saying this was just corruption something that i know that youve been fighting for many years in lebanon its nothing to do it cannot be a an attack by some at verse 30 options are open for the investigators what is certain the basis is an absolute case of corrupt. Criminal neglect negligence is what has been the basis for anything that. It is unacceptable an unbelievable that so much so many tons of dangerous material could be stored for more than 6 years in the port of beirut without it being managed in one way or another now that is a crime on and by itself and lebanon now that is i think in the the immediate process somebody dead we need to care for our wounded and search for our disappeared but i think that the next step is looking for the people responsible for this mess but whether or not this explosion was caused by an accidental fire or by criminal fire or 11. 00 or another source makes us go into that 2nd phase which is now taking the country into a big political and legal basis fashion yet there is there is anything choir but if sorry to interrupt there i mean one professor of a an organic chemistry u. C. L. Said you need an ounce of explosive material to blow up a tonne and this is 2700 tons so its very much open as as President Trump says but youre talking about this is stemming problem that i mean major nation media appear to be saying the same things about your country that theyve heard about syria i dont know whether its right. For intervention i mean the ministry of defense here said armed forces are now working with the lebanese government all your work and all your time spent fighting corruption over the years do you think that western governments or the some governments may see this terrible calamity as a chance to recoup some validity after their attempts to overthrow assad in syria and send completely different political and. Consideration regime in the masses then do the whether the goal is this fact the lebanese political system is is is settable in on by itself lebanon is unfortunately has a Democratic Society with Democratic Institutions but reality is that we are all darkie at the systemic you are using religious divisions to maintain its control over the people that were turned into clients and this is semiconductor is is going through all of the political spectrum and would probably exclude abet a small minority of leaders that have not been engaged into that only god keep his funny earlier what is happening its funny you are saying all that a president after told his program told me exactly the same thing about lebanon i want to ask you about the big elephant in the room arguably because here were hearing that israel is offering aid trying its best to help lebanon and israel and always the implication try to help what did you make of the israeli politician more chief reglan claiming he felt cheerful looking at the scene of the explosion in beirut this joy was gifted to the israelis by god on the occasion of the jewish holiday of love no its totally preposterous and certainly unacceptable one need not to forget that law. And its at war with israel dan rather say that israel is a poor lebanon. For for as long as i can remember my being a child and to my adults who are now as i have gone through parliament theyre now out of parliament it hasnt changed lebanon has all what israel says israel says it is protecting its safety and lebanon may see itself as a stage of war against israel but israel says its protecting its citizens by what it does in lebanon well anyone that will follow or reality will with very good that is the very the other way around lebanon has 3 been the victim of more israeli attacks and it becomes many on the computer any history book or any newspaper that is not biased with the you that israel has always been the party that has attacked lebanon if you have knows that is not the way the media see it here the media see it here and many policymakers think tanks on board decisions that israel is the only democracy in the middle east youve just clearly said lebanons democracy doesnt exist it is israel protecting the values of human humanity or justice and so on its fighting for them even put a flag of lebanon in tel aviv we know all too well these arguments that israel is the only democracy in the world or on the beach in the middle east that is certainly nonsense because any any it person within israel itself will tell you that maybe israel is a democracy for the jews but for the arab citizens its an occupying by the out of territories and its been in violation of every single article new rights on the books but this is very good and very good at. The moment. The image of the wants of itself as being the victim either bill or. Consider that the article. We are David Fighting that blight in the region. The Strongest Army and the region poppy and one of the strongest armies in the world and now what they are truly fight he is fighting the only the only military force that defeated them which is hezbollah and hezbollah is the elephant in the room so the issue is that conflict within the region between iran saudi arabia the u. S. And russia and 1 really israel and hezbollah lebanon and lebanons people who are paying the cost of the of this fight but not never forget the that the that israel and going back to any book in any magazine any real. And in your space for reporting accurately facts israel as always been on their back and from not on the defensive when trump said so quickly afterwards that his experts and presumably that includes some of the biggest intelligence agencies on earth that it was an attack that it was a bomb media here immediately started talking about his bowler bombing its own city of trying to draw connections with the un tribe you are all on the hariri assassination immediately we started hearing reports in western me here about russian ships from georgia containing Ammonium Nitrate what do we have to be wary off with in the immediate aftermath of this catastrophe distributors i mean not know one of the killed ones own people and been as many she says they were christians and so now that we can lie by the blood. The only thing that lebanese are considering right now objectivists see is that it comes on the basis of of a fault of the lebanese administration. Cat that many phones are they just a deal with it abort more than 6 years but how this was that the neighborhood whether by and by an act of these raised or by an act of of the say the rather than the law is something to be by the investigation this is why most people say that they dont trust the look of new station or its own investigation because they may want to whitewash there are only sponsibility of the administration. Let me let it get any of that yes this is coming in the backdrop of that be iran saudi arabia israel through his bala. Let me also tell you that as many lebanese would like the army to be the only military. Capable of leading weapons in lebanon and lebanon should up its own very strong army irrespective of whether hezbollah is capable of do we work against the israelis or not that doesnt mean that hezbollah in any anybodys mind with up on beirut just to consider that it was is you are just that and in reality nobody even has not claimed that israel at all. Theyre looking for that its within lebanon all both israel and hezbollah both want to go into a war and they have been evading all flee or direct conflict both the israelis and hezbollah for the past several months just folding their sums and sounds names but never get to the act of waging a war against each other not in all of these interest to what happens the real victims are the people of lebanon and thats what makes me extremely extremely sad look a were over this they were invited to hizbollah and the israeli ambassador to london on the show both hezbollah and israel deny any involvement in the explosions love to talk to you by the reconstruction of beirut because im a kara thank you after the break the star of the wire and spike lees vietnam epic death 5 blood clot features on the ongoing fight for Racial Justice from vietnam to some city support for all of the more coming up about the of going on the ground. But underneath no certainly no borders and is not to another tease. We dont. Need to. Commentary to sleep. We can do better we should know. Everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenge is grateful to response has been so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. When else so seems wrong. Why dont we all just dont call. Me ill get to see how it does the ethical and endangered because the trail. When something find themselves worlds apart. Just on the common ground. Is already usually truth is there any truth in the news also but this is a small creature known as Elliot Abrams say about trumps policy. Welcome back youre watching a log that addition of going on to go to pot when we heard from beirut and while theres some a Foreign Policy has been only agenda obviously black lives matter protests have been on the agenda too in a film of combines that racial capitalism issues and Foreign Policy issues out now spike lee has defied bloods joining me from london is one of the scots clock pitas clock thanks so whats your for coming on so weve had about Foreign Policy we had trumped the other day saying you didnt know john lewis still writes like born in the us for those who havent seen it a few people maybe ought to have seen it just tell me about the defy blood and whats a relevant right now but. Spike lees latest film. Deals with. A few issues actually. Its a vietnamese film or a film about vietnam. Its a from a black perspective which is something we never got during the during the during the war nor know the films that followed. Its kind of. The treasure of the sierra madre but also its its poses a lot of questions about. Or hits issues about posttraumatic. Shock syndrome. Post any conflict that men are involved in and the neglect that happens it also looks that trumps America Today it also looks at black lives matter. What is very interesting is that people thought that spike had put in the black lives matter moment in our film post shooting because of the recent rise in the protests around the world and i have to say that that was the 1st thing that we shot almost 18 months ago so. For me what this sort of shows is that the situation is the same and that you could have almost predicted that this was group if this would happen at some point in time and that this film would have been propitious for that moment in time but its unclear on this well worth seeing its a love story not only tree myself and someone else but also between 5 black men you know who have had a shared experience of trauma and war and politics and life and death something that you dont see and how they remain brothers and that bond and thats why its called defile blood. You have a personal connection to vietnam i want to get on to that in a moment its funny you mention judge of sierra madre because so did all of a stern who was on the show on wednesday he was continually talking about the importance of not glamorizing a war obviously that that killed would you know this place tens of millions of people very conscious when you were doing this film that this film is not going to glorify us intervention in in vietnam middle and the rest of indochina. It was that was never it was never any any doubt that you know. The only resume so i had about it were my own person. Feelings i did not go to vietnam. I protested against the war i would protest against any war you know and i wasnt sure of how i would respond in an arena or in an area with this it happened and i did and i have to say that i was had no it when i got it into a team and city this is dont go tramping back here and gentry when he got off that plane that he gives out to. His magazine but more devastating than anything else was to go to the museum of the american war which is what it used to be called there and seeing the artillery that was left behind and the army wounds that were in this in tanks and airplanes and i couldnt help but think of of the the bodies that were in these vehicles. It was all oh all wrong you know as wrong then as it is today around the world you were arrested for protesting the vietnam war it didnt even good taste in my mouth because i wasnt there to necessarily protest i was there as a 1st Aid Assistance and our brief was to follow the rules that were laid down by Law Enforcement and i only found that Law Enforcement had duped us into all being arrested at a Crucial Point in the in the in the demonstrations. But that is something that has followed me around even to even to today you know if i have never been arrested but that a arrest has followed me from that moment to today. And i just dont understand why particularly when we look at the outcome of that of that conflict why should i still be persecuted and have this this shadow over me i guess not only that arrest in a separate into separate issue why the f. B. I. Talk here its very different this cluster i mentioned i dont know between the characters in the spike lee film who are the kind of grunts i suppose on the ground who saw in the killing of so many vietnamese people. You know they were on the ground they were there at me love. Is men. They still traumatized today and i have to say that im so traumatized a bit from just talking with them one who is still there in vietnam who came to talk to us about his experience and when he was fairly light with his. With his explanation of what it was like to be in there talk about the weather talk about the girls talked about you know all of this but when we asked him had he seen anyone be killed. His whole demeanor changed and he took about a minute and we could feel the atmosphere in the room change from what this man had been carrying since the late sixtys early seventys and all he could do is say yes some of my best friends right alongside me and nom and thats all that im going to say about that and i have to say that the paul that it left over us. Must be the same thing that this man has been carrying and that vietnam vets have been carrying since then who have been neglected and those as well from all the arenas since vietnam who have been neglected you know and i dont speak of just america. The men and women from around the world who are carrying this same thing whether they are from australia canada israel russia merica Afghanistan War damages people on both sides and for them it does not and a question is proportionately as proportionate civilians were given he spent time in the United States and britain you know of course about veteran problems here in britain actually from fighting in the in the us was in afghanistan libya the list goes on and iraq of course that you meet in britain joining the kobe had locked down what have you thought about when you saw the pictures coming from portland demonstrations arguably more violent i mean its not can stay put more violent than many vietnam demonstrations for black lives matter in Portland Oregon 1st of all let me say i applaud their its a messy see that is still going on and that that as long as they dont you lose focus itll be fine in the end what i knew you know donald trump is calling them and a casts and and people who are engaged in violence or need to be curbed by federal forces yes yes i know this i know this to be true and i know it to be false here but. Its a sensitive area could be that secret me to be talking about with Russian Television concerning. Anything and why there is a serious theres a serious issue because in some people me thinking right now im going to leicester freema from the wire and you know there are some especially in a time when the call to defund the police in the United States is going out who say that they you and your role may have glorified that the policeman the called on the job well actually let the system all around the world is going to be changed you know if you so the authority that Police Offices around the world believe me around the world i think exceeds the situations that theyre it i find that the that is that they giving giving them allows that particular individual to vent whatever is happening in his life personally in a moment of criminality i think its like this and i promise you around the world in every country that i have been in and even those that have not been bashing on an island the United States disproportionately imprisoned people incarcerated people has capital punishment. You know. And the end of that proportion black men are leading are leading the way in that so im not being im not being kind to to just to to american it wouldnt say im saying that overall its that particularly in america when you look at the stats of of men who have been incarcerated but also let me say this that when i had to go with the police around baltimore in order to study for that role it was not something i wanted to do and i went into that situation with it with with a particular bias you know that these are these are not my friends and yet when i got into the cause with them and when i was around the police stations and got to see them individually there were some who were really trying to do the right thing and there are a whole lot more who could give it my language they just go to care and those are the ones who are giving the whole institution a bad name but you know when it comes to injustice you played form a violent terrorist on the list in the United States Nelson Mandela im going to ask you because youve been talking about his use of justice why how you knew how you knew unlike help john lies a banally brian may of queen has been on this show im going to say that you should boycott sun city when when Nelson Mandela is being presented in the media or in nato nations as a terrorist how do you know that a cultural boycott could ever be useful against an apartheid state. Or just following my gut. Just following my gut we did not go because of nelson because no son was incarcerated. And i didnt realize either that since it wasnt really a part of south africa. It seemed to be in an independent state but the fact that that. Sometimes is not about money sometimes youve got to take a look at the world and see how best you can use the tools to right the wrongs and if my group not going there was something that would have helped that moment you know to get to wage underneath that boulder with some sort of lever to move it and thats fine with me to boycott the foods that were going on into the certain countries foods ever going on into south africa do that you know do what it takes to get the right thing done for all of us involved you know to make controversial idea these days cultural boycotts of of course im going to ask you given here in london having that that act as the arts are in such a crisis because a coronavirus what you made of the idea of the government here thinking poetry too complicated to teach in schools under kovac by Remote Learning when you think about poetry being the 1st to go in britains curriculum important. When you take when you take the arts out of the Elementary School systems you take away a platform of humanity and spirituality and love that you should be giving to a child at that point in time. Ive seen this in america where the 1st things that have been cut were music. Drama classes from that he went to art classes. So what does that leave you with that leaves you with very dry subjects that have nothing to do the feet youre so to feed that part of you that that carries your humanity it is necessary to keep the arts in the schools music. If you can get dance in there painting all of those things oh what the human being needs gardening gardening in there but when you just take those when you take that away from a human being you taking away a piece of their soul undermining who that human being is or who that human being as a chance to be absurd absolutely absurd im sorry thats how i feel about it. Well for the bars drugs government saying it is trying its best to educate people during this current virus crisis club because thank you we want you on fed up with here in season 2 in september thats it but its not that edition of going underground though june is on wednesday for our Season Finale with pleasure vehicle make a journalist join. The u. S. Economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. You can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still has the lead up to the reality of the not financially quality and the lack of Affordable Housing for a living minimum wage give many people no choice. Thats been a problem with the city can always turn their backs on the cold to stay way out almost. Concerted effort is no answer because yes that requires resources the most vulnerable were abandoned on the streets to become the invisible cops. Killers but exploited this time not just today but the style of speech that i. Eat. The 1st human which i am going to share slow. Down. Because of that. Did. You push democracy to thomas or some. And i say correspondent is released after being detained earlier in minsk while covering antigovernment protests the most demonstrations in belarus event of that 2nd day of the claims the weekends president ial election was rigged. Lebanons anti accountant resigned on mass following ever increasing pressure over last weeks devastating blast in beirut. And france reportedly tells the u. K. Its happy trying to help stop the increasing flow of migrants crossing the English Channel as long as london dump some 30000000 pounds. Very welcome youre watching R T International with me nicky aaron. Now an aussie correspondent has been released in minsk up to being detained along with thousands of others during our government protests this demonstrations erupted on sunday after a long time president Alexander Lukashenko claimed hed won a landslide victory in the election were joined now by our correspondent among the calls are of with the latest from on what are the latest developments. Well 1st of all its artsy correspondent who was it did say in minsk during a mass on sanctions a rally well indeed he has been released hes been in touch with us already he says that he was not hurt at all the police took him in the course of a few kilometers away from the epicenter of the problem. And then let him go so everythings all right with him but there are a few more russian journalists in mens crew had been detained and Russian Foreign Ministry Still has no word on the on the their whereabouts and Russian Foreign Ministry Says that we should learn more about their fate very soon and to speak in a protest of not only happening and minsk theyre also taking place in kiev and in other cities as well besides bill or as well here in moscow if i can ask you to move the camera with me we are just outside the embassy all fabella roots and a lot of people came here to support a russian journalist who were detained by biller russian authorities as well as the people who are supporting the opposition in their country you can see people standing with picket signs you can see people with flags there is a Police Presence here as well and i managed to talk to one of the picketers say here who came to support the russian journalists detained in minsk. And if theyre not. Detaining journalists while theyre working goes against all rules and norms i know soon on big of personally and im absolutely sure that he was not participating in the protests hes a journalist who is doing his job as well as all other journalists that were detained yesterday during the protests in belarus they were not supposed to be detained they should all be released immediately bring in our. Russian Investigative Committee says that they have launched at least 21 criminal inquiries into the case of 5 people at sending unsanctioned rally and theyre saying that at least 80 people have been detained so for. A. Standing president. Look at shankar says that these have been one of the best elections to date meanwhile his opposition are saying that the election was rigged it was not fair and the numbers have been inflated lets have a listen to the member of the opposition right now. Yes. Its clear that this has nothing to do with normal exit polls these are just numbers of the top of someones head the real results or exactly the opposite we support all citizens are doing because the votes have been stolen has started this campaign with a brutal violation of the constitution because its now seizing power by force he is the one who is carrying out a coup. The authorities in belarus continue to do everything to prevent mass protests from happening according to reports local reports for subway stations in the center of minsk have been closed off to the public the news from belarus keeps coming in and of course well be here to cover it for you and be back with any more developments. From on calls or of thank you for joining us on the line but also joining us now on the telephone you had a pretty a man director of Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations welcome to the program its great to have you with us can you hear me ok hello thanks for having me hello hello now be the Russian Union of journalists is calling on belarus to release all the reporters detained we just heard that are also a correspondent has been released do you think its likely that the rest will be released to. Well i think it is like way and i think journalists make up the category all those detainees that the bloggers authorities will be likely to meet in the 1st place and its not really about their nationality but more about the fact that of course whenever you have a journalist arrested its the media look provokes a Huge International scandal which is half of this drama again so i think they are likely to use them quite soon. Let us think oh have the kids poland britain the Czech Republic of trying to influence is i was is how likely is it that those countries trying to cause trouble for the election. Well i think the example of a trend that has to stand and see. Any individual and a National Also a foreign country and his or her if it is backed by the government because he himself has this philosophy that. The government should control everything and its influence should be overwhelming and believe this is what he tried to do in the country so its not really clear whether he directed those accusations directly at the governments i think its on a moral as if he were as he was saying that since some private individuals were doing some things than perhaps the our governments were aware of that and perhaps the recent government even signaled those facts to that and thats why he interpreted it this way but again i dont think it means a direct accusation against those specific governments. Look i think our calendar has already hinted at the opposition when he surprises tests for the long haul now weve already seen a lot of the violence on the streets do you think thats going to end you. Well unfortunately under our circumstances the only way for the products to endure and to sustain their potential is to become more violent if you will and of course i think this night will be very much indicative of whether. The potential is fair but overall the more active and violent the protesters are or is the more violent the built in recent stories will be responded with so this is a very horrible situation in fact and i can only hope that of course the level of violence will stay low and somehow the authorities and their opponents will find a way to. Turn over the following page and Start Talking to each other but it doesnt really seem likely this point is well. Thank you for joining us here in our own a prayer and then director of Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations thank you. Lebanons entire cabinet including the Prime Minister has resigned following last weeks devastating explosion in beirut mass protests have been held every day since people have been demanding accountability for the 150. 00 plus deaths and the utter destruction caused by the blast we can go live to beirut now as well correspondent paula slater whos there paula whats the latest where you are. Well i can tell you that the situation here is becoming more and more unruly behind you you see the Lebanese Police theyve managed to push protesters all the way back from the Parliament Building were now in one of the side streets but there is tear gas and were going to move forward a little bit because rocks are being thrown in our direction by the protesters now the protesters are still out on the streets despite the fact that earlier the lebanese Prime Minister resigned he resigned along with his cabinet but what the protesters here are telling me is that theyre not going to stop taking to the streets until the whole parliament its soft resigned so its possible that scenes like this will continue weve witnessed people being wounded again weve witnessed ambulances fearing them to and from the scene so a lot of the same scenes unfolding as weve witnessed over the past 2 days this is violence that started on saturday night more than 700 people have been injured one policeman so far has been killed are no we getting tear gas ok. Ill break for a moment while i put on my mask and well show you what the last few days of violence have looked like. Now people here are calling this a revolution ive been talking to protesters and they say that this revolution is not going to be over as i mentioned until the parliament itself resigns beirut really hasnt witnessed scenes like this in many many years weve had lots of tear gas on the streets or back the camera man was injured at the same time the police are being accused of using Excessive Force and they have admitted to using both tear gas and live bullets we going to move forward again because the tear gas is coming in this direction and the protests are moving towards us but as i say the situation in beirut a lot of and go a lot of frustration not only about b explosion at the port but also the whole mismanagement of the government and its failure to take accountability and responsibility. Paula thank you so much for that update both paula slayer from the streets of beirut where violence is escalating for another night thank you paula stay safe. Let me explosion in beirut has changed many lives in the city forever for one family is only added to their hearts ache they were in hospital dealing with their daughters cancer when the blast struck the father was killed. Forgive me if i did anything made you carry or if i hurt you forgive me i love you i know of you i love you i love you for 2 hours i used to tell him i love you oh you know you are you know i love you i love you these summer months have always been synonymous with joy and celebration for sue his family the birthdays of the children and husband the anniversary of their wedding all of which falls during the sonny season but this year trouble started to loom on the horizon early when her daughter was diagnosed with cancer they called me in the morning they confirmed that its classical heart i knew that it wasnt informed by that time gemmas immune system had been shot to pieces but Hodgkin Lymphoma is not a sentence for children its curable and doctors have been reassuring sue her husband jihad was called by the news abroad in nigeria but couldnt stay away in a crisis like this so several dozen covert tests later he came to lebanon to be with his family we slept in the hospital the same bed the same everything me her and her gemmas hospital room was where the port explosion called the 3 of them the windows of the buildings in front of me crashing and then one by the like this. Like this i didnt see if fair i didnt see my daughter either then and anything but i wanted to put his head like this i felt that it all smashed all also i was not sure that he was alive i saw his soul leaving his body i saw it but i didnt. I wanted to move into another hospital jihad died right before his daughters eyes at only 6 gemma faces 2 battles most adults would struggle to win cancer and coping with her fathers death she drew for me and around. Its circle she she color that was red i knew its her bed. And it was full of blood sue his heart breaks when she blames herself for letting her daughter witness all that and letting down her son by promising that his father would be at his birthday which is this week i promised my son that are me and his theyre going to be on his birthday and i broke this promise and everyones going with happy birthday for my son its his birthday on the 30th of august. So. My love. I ask sue her if she wants to take a break from the interview she refuses adamantly theres just so much she feels she didnt tell her husband enough suhas biggest concern now is her daughter processing their loss gemma seems to be protecting her mother by not sharing her feelings she told them here was listening i heard her and i prefer can i not im not im not able to give details because they are killing me from inside me so can you imagine. Herself. Can you imagine the images in her brave passing whenever she closes her eyes. Suah finds redemption and relief in family pictures now as she relives the fondest of memories this is how we used to sleep playing our head on each other because you know whenever i put my head on his saw that i feel secured even when hes at around i dont gossip or markets i dont do anything for the house to fix care of Everything Everything yes i think a lot of clothes from my shoulder. This is the last photo of their family together she shows it to me as im sitting on the very couch where it was taken this story has been gaining traction across me jean the arabic world and we were the 1st she so kindly let in as she struggles to deal with the pain of the loss in the home she herself can face yet how am i able to come back to this house. Of. Her. Oh my supposed to put my ribs on those who know and and i know it is for ever is about. Oh its right in front of him does the put to hug me to put his arms to feel secure how. What im going to. Give when theyre in 3rd when those men lose grows theres some mean for not removing his clothes from the house im not going to remove them but sue her realizes that her life is not over she tells me its whole life mission now to eliminate the shortage of cancer medicine for lebanese children even with her mask on i can see her smiling when she talks about her children those she ordered them frozen as our. Unicorn because she lied about this one is very special i told her you see this is my hair because mom when youre going to take this medication your hair is going to fall down youre going to lose your hair so what i can do or this is my hair im going to give it to you so you would wear to cater on im going to make her happy i would do whatever she wants the smiling her and her brother it is done of reporting from lebanon r. T. 30000000 pounds thats the prize france is reportedly demanding to up its efforts to stop migrants trying to reach the u. K. The news has not gone down well in downing street which is said to be drawing up plans to deploy the navy to help Shola Dubinsky reports from paris. Well the clash over migrants between the u. K. And france seems to be escalating and that comes as there has been in recent arrivals from from the u. K. Which has put the 2 countries that owns the number of illegal smuggled crossings is appalling and unacceptably high the figures are shameful france and other e. U. States are safe countries genuine refugees should claim asylum theyre not reach their lifes and break the law by coming to the u. K. France is apparently demanding some. Pounds from the u. K. Government before it says it will do you with the issue of these illegal crossings properly on the aids now thats left apparently westminster pretty scathing about this shutdown those proposals saying it wont hand any will cash and less it has a hand in how the money is spent now there are also accusations that paris is trying to milk the u. K. All while these number of illegal crossings are increasing day by day lets have a look at some of the figures now so just a few days ago on august 6th 235 people made it across from france to the shoes of england now in 2020 so far more than 4000 people have succeeded in making that crossing thats double the number in 2019 saw real increase that weve seen now french patrols are trying to stop some of those migrants leaving french Coastal Shores and we know that the French Interior minister has sort of back saying you since january its operations have stopped 5 times as many people as they did in 2019 in the same period but with the u. K. Its just north and nothing so much so you can home secretary pretty picture. Has announced a new appointment this is the appointment of contest dining channels right command of this somebody who is going to be monitoring all the agencies that watch the English Channel for things like illegal migration somebody who should be able to sort the problem out and the u. K. Government is even suggested that it may have to use its own maritime assets to deal with this we determined to stop this illegal reach into britain for humanitarian reasons as much as anything else we are talking to our french counterparts and we in order to find a solution using maritime assets as they call it to try and return votes to france trying to prevent people from leaving france in the 1st place while talks between the 2 countries are due to continue this week but the core is taking up the moment the u. K. Has the right and of the doctor whos to said that the Asylum Seekers back to france but that will end at the end of the break that transition period which will finish in december 2020 so only a few months away thats of course unless the 2 countries reach a new deal something at the moment that seems highly unlikely given that the 2 countries are not seeing eye to eye on this issue. Pandemic lockdowns a vary from country to country with some of the worlds poorest facing the toughest restrictions documentary makers redfish have been following migrants in west africa heres some of what they found. But ive been there for months on. Monday to fill. In for now that im to see this woman. In a cup of sugar you love me enough you dont know people but a feel of the whole of africa today will. Look for the most. First them this. Might want to add. To this is if you offer any to any arm up im going to then after seeing. Them after i mean you have to contract in our care act ok. After sitting through you have to contrast the im going to get the contract. For me sounds crazy to me and everyone said oh no yeah you get. Me anything so grandma got opened up on. The north end. From down at the mall or another. I miss where i want to and. Its making me crazy. Fatal shootings in new york are up by nearly 2 thirds compared to a year ago despite that the citys Police Budget is being slashed under pressure from black lines months of protests but surveys suggest even black americans dont think is a good idea kaleb often has the details. Across the country many cities have cut the number of Police Officers and reduce the funding for Police Departments in response to the explosive Mass Movement of protests against police brutality. You know. All. Things. Oddly polls show that this is not exactly what the public wants 81 percent of black americans say they want the police to spend the same amount of time that they already do in their communities or more this may be influenced by the overall breakdown in law and order gun violence in new york city has risen by a 177 percent this to wine and at the same time as a rise in crime is taking place homelessness is also on the rise making many locals very disturbed its not the city that they used to be before march you have to take certain precautions judge me i have to be in fear of these men doesnt mean it all these men know predatory but a lot of them theyll start shelf pleasure i see them show up shell pass out on the street from k. To smoking crack shooting her way i havent seen anything to old but there have been some burgers in the neighborhood that i that doesnt make me feel that a woman was attacked in my building at that day and it was only 10 oclock at night so i havent seen anything but if i did it would certainly bother me but it may be just because these people should be taken care of and obviously the rest of us should not be unity and the concern for somebody whos not in control of himself. Causing trouble if you have men with drug problems why would you put them into. A place where there is no she curity whatsoever to make sure that they dont keep feeding the abbot the rise in crime and homelessness has got many new yorkers fearing this could be a return to the old new york of the seventys and eightys many wealthy folks are packing up and leaving Governor Andrew Cuomo is urging them to change their minds begging wealthy folks to stay even offering to cook the dinner you have come back when you come back well go to dinner buy a drink. Come over ill call but despite his pleading minutes new york city is getting while. Were trying to get them to come back. Under control were going to make progress helping the homeless were going to clean up the graffiti were going to fix crime because problems of rising crime homelessness and violence on the streets of new york are something that most average new yorkers cant afford to just pack up and run away from Governor Andrew Cuomo is given attention to these problems the fact lower income new yorkers then perhaps these same problems that are now driving the wealthy folks away wouldnt have risen so dramatically. Artsy new york. Were turning now to our breaking news story lebanons entire cabinet including the Prime Minister has resigned following last weeks devastating explosion in beirut month protests have been held every day since people have been demanding accountability for the one 150. 00 plus deaths and utter destruction caused by the blast well lets discuss this with our guests now mr caf director of the knossos the british thing talking with focuses on crises in the middle east welcome to the program its great to have you with us now after the resignation of the entire cabinet whats the future for the lebanese government do you think. Well the lebanese government probably shouldnt have resigned at the last stance we heard on saturday of the lebanese Prime Minister was that he was given the Political Class a 2 months ultimatum in order to fix and early election however this morning became apparent that after the resignations of 2 ministers and a 3rd one. Threatening to resign and others as well threatening to resign had 7 of them 7 cabinet ministers resigned the government would have been declared null and void and this would have entered lebanon into some sort of a constitutional vacuum so. Ordered for lebanon not to go into such a state the entire government had to resign so that it would take over as a caretaker government. For a few weeks months whatever necessary to form a new government and probably then of all on an election if a lot of protesters have got what they wanted they wanted the government to step down what out that might the protesters be looking for. Where the protesters didnt per say wanted the government itself to step down and they. Wanted the whole Political Class to step down so in fact there are fears now on the street that with this government gone nothing really has changed and in my opinion our opinion there isnt much that has actually changed the same political factions who have come through the electoral process the last elections in 2018 are going to run the country until the next Elections Come so what most probably will happen is that the president is going to be the parliamentary blocs in order to get a nomination for a new Prime Minister who murders that side that harry reid the previous Prime Minister the saudi affiliated want and one that probably of the likes of paris want to see him in seat might have some reservations forward slash stipulations and that might not suit the ruling sort of faction which is general on the president of the republic of lebanon and hezbollah a strong faction so were not so sure that he would come back now that early election is an option but early election with no guarantee that those factions are going to win is probably not going to take place as well so well see how it how it goes pressure on the street will most probably continue but there is very little chance that people would budge those factions would budge various International Pressure as well. Calling for an International Like weve heard the u. N. Secretary general called for today you know an international or an honest transparent investigation necessarily Quality International france is going to continue to participate in that sort of investigation there is some aid coming not directly to the lebanese government but to Civil Society and Charity Groups so there is a huge play that is taking place but it is unlikely that the ruling faction having won the last election are going to budge easy and have a new election that they can be sure that they cannot win on a summer camp out so we have time for im afraid im a calf again director of the no south british thing time the focus is on crisis in the middle east thank you. And thank you for joining us here on r. T. International were back in 30 minutes well see you then. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business im showbusiness ill see you

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