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Medical aid to lebanon hospitals are already under immense strain. Broadcasting live director our studios in moscow this is the R G International im sean thomas certainly going to have you with us lets get right to our breaking news right here on r. T. International a devastating explosion has ripped through lebanons capital beirut government Officials Say at least 73. 00 people are dead and around 3700. 00 injured the blast went off in the citys port area destroying nearby buildings and causing chaos in the city. Thats it thats. What. We heard from 2 reporters in beirut all tough and all when hauled away they told us more about the fallout from the devastating explosion. The devastation here in the lebanese capital is very massive it is being estimated by tens of millions of dollars as we said earlier the blouse had was felt 10 kilometers away from the port where it took place i believe this is going to be a sleepless night for the lebanese and a very sad night on social media a lot of lebanese are faring through the incident unfortunately there are firing through it as lebanons here shima course theres no comparison between a nuclear bomb and whats happened today but its only shows how deeply impacted and how saddened they are and how devastating this explosion has been on the up and on and on the lebanese what are already grappling with very bad Economic Situation kovac 19 proreform demonstrations or demonstrations asking to lemonade corruption from the power sharing system for failing in the country at the list goes on so this just adds further hurt and injury and tragedy to the lebanese people. In the bomb blast system that i think they take right down time they know its not supposed to be everything he does. From the right side and then theyve got the right state thats a good amount of people been injured. Down since if you happen to our like the buildings in construction however devastated. Homes around here been completely destroyed you see behind me you know that in terms of the problems of left in the spaces prior to the infrastructure i. Think it was very very much a strength and im going and epidemic or pandemic that to this country yet read on and think taking a lot of the interest is. Not the right sees because its easy to very very nice and then steven every state right and countries around the world have offered assistance to lebanon including its neighbors turkey and israel the world healthy. Zation has also said medication and surgical kits with further details here is archies balls where. Well its not hours after the blast happened and still there are ambulances on the scene they are fearing wounded people to hospitals although the hospital solves. That they can no longer handle the volume of people who are being brought to them you mentioned the figures were receiving figures of 73 people who are confirmed dead and at least 3700 people who have been injured but it is life you that those figures will climb some of the people are still trapped in the rubble Emergency Services struggling to reach them and the blast has flattened much of the citys port area i witness reports seeing a huge plume a mushroom over the city as well as fires that broke out everywhere and Army Helicopters are also still on the scene helping to put out those fires now the lebanese president has taken to twitter and he has said that the blast was caused by 2700 tons of Ammonium Nitrate that he said was stored in a beirut port warehouse for 6 years with Safety Measures he said and im quoting that this is unacceptable and that those responsible will receive the harshest punishment now there is an emergency Cabinet Meeting thats due to be held in a few hours in beirut a decision is likely to be made that there will be a 2 week state of emergency today has also been declared a national day of mourning for the victims of the explosion we understand that a uni full United Nations interim force in lebanon ship was destroyed and unifil also reporting that a number of its peacekeepers were injured in this explosion at the same time we hear that the Rafah International airport has been damaged and the beirut governess saying and im quoting again here that the city is a disaster that theres an enormous scale of damage as i say there is chaos at the hospitals theyre turning people away. We heard this earlier from an eyewitness i saw something flash and i put it here anymore i looked at a taxi driver i wanted to make sure that he was having the same experience 6 years in the same thing as me so i knew something theres something wrong with me he stopped the car if you look back at me and then suddenly we heard very loud explosion the glass shattered all over the car the cars around us the buildings all the glass just went down it was raining glass all over the city of beirut now the Lebanese Interior Ministry has said that they needs to be. A waiting for the official results of the investigation that has been a wanted and has urged people to stop speculating meanwhile the lebanese Prime Minister has said that a probe will be undertaken and that those responsible will pay a price with. A continental to take on this and we will review everything regarding this dangerous warehouse which has been there since 2014 and those responsible for the explosion in beirut will play in fool. Now a host of countries have come forward to assist lebanon amongst them are canada the United States jordan the United Kingdom turkey cyprus iran qatar and france israel is another country thats come forward although the 2 countries are technically still israel offering humanitarian assistance through into monday when we know that the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has instructed his National Security chief to discuss possible. With the United Nations coordinator for the Peace Process of the middle east now the israeli president has also offered his condolences both israel and his have denied any kind of responsibility for what has happened. Furthermore this im joined by anti terror expert jennifer to master Jennifer Jennifer jennifer. Its unfortunate that you and i have to have a conversation under these circumstances but. Lets get to it lebanons interior minister has said that the blast seems to have been caused by 2750 tons of Ammonium Nitrate stored at the port. I just i have to ask how can that be allowed. So how can it be allowed that somebody is already allowed to provide a city thats to get her house going to be allowed at such an amount of explosive material and started to do that a lot and i was in an area. I mean both of the questions are good questions in their responses and one the lebanese Prime Minister and others within lebanon stated that they want to launch a full scale investigation of what happened i dont want to let me interject sure you have i believe what mr that you clearly are there you know he was in love but i mean and i think that even if you as a national least lebanon but statements from other officials that say no it absolutely has this so i just want to wait and see what the investigation will be make sure that there is transparency about that especially christians are also acted how can it have been on such a large amount of people just close and it really holds are not all are contained at the or which is one player anyways i mean if youre going to school or ill be military well its going to be any alterio overweight from civilian or away from urban areas but they are on a commercial right there and a very populated city and so i think that theres a lot to look into this i find it very hard to believe i mean i know that lebanese. At this festival that was there if they stated that that means they would have had her knowledge of the exterior grade explosives location so that 100 now certainly thats a good its noteworthy that both israel and hezbollah have come out as well as had are enabled and i think your government. Did an ion and he called them in advance which you know i believe theyre already there will be obvious. To get off this job for were going to have to interrupt for just a 2nd because we have some video coming in from the hospitals in beirut so lets go to the video right now the number of deaths is rising by our own the devastating explosion that weve been talking about in the lebanese capital there in beirut you can see images right there. Bill coming in people who i have spoken to who have relations in beirut say that the entire city is devastated especially that port area one friend of mine brother has sustained some minor injuries and that friend is a colleague here at r. T. Arabic as well but youre looking at video right now coming in from the lebanese capital of people pouring into the hospitals a medical system which is already strained. And doesnt have the support that it needs as weve been reporting there have been countries that have been offering to provide medical aid israel is one of those countries as well but you can see here people. Obviously not necessarily some good images coming in you know we heard from 2 reports in beirut not and oh in hall the way they told us more about the fallout from the devastating explosion they can back that up. The devastation here in the lebanese capital is very massive it is being estimated by tens of millions of dollars as we said earlier the blouse had was felt 10 kilometers away from the port where it took place i believe this is going to be a sleepless night for the lebanese and a very sad night on social media a lot of lebanese are faring through the incident unfortunately there are pouring through it as levanon severe shima course theres no comparison between a nuclear bomb and whats happened today but its only shows how deeply impacted and how saddened they are and how devastating this explosion has been on the up and on and on the lebanese what are already grappling with very bad Economic Situation kovac 19 proreform demonstrations or demonstrations asking to lemonade corruption from the power sharing system for failing in the country at the list goes on so this just adds further hurt and injury and tragedy to the lebanese people. In the pump last system that i think they take right down time they know its not supposed to be everything we can see things from the right side and then theyve got the right state and thats a good amount of people in egypt. Down suited me she happened to our likeability in construction however devastated. Shops around here been completely destroyed you see behind me you know that in terms of diffidence of left in the space in front of the infrastructure i. Think it was very very much for the strength of im going and academic and im going to take this country yes read on and take taking a lot of the interest. Of the right so its been easy very very nice and positive of every state right and. You are watching our to international we will be back with more coverage of the tragic explosion in beirut in just a few moments stay with us. One else seems wrong why dont we all just dont all. Get to shape our disdain comes to advocate and indeed from an equal betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. A short time ago an american airplane up one by hiroshima. State not claiming any thing and. Go. How until you do you. Can its. Like most americans growing up after the war the bombs were a great thing the end of the war they say hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides and thats what my grandfather always said was his reason for the decision. Truman was hoping for a dual strategy one was to drop the bombs and hope that japan would surrender to number 2 the americans were trying to send a message to the soviet union there was american poor planning in october 145 who had chosen 20 targets and russia. All across the board trump is down in the polls and not just by the interview traditionally incumbency alone is enough to win the election but this time it is a race track and lets be clear this is little to do with joe biden. And welcome back this is our t. International now the number of deaths in the lebanese capital is rising by me hour after a devastating explosion rocked beirut on tuesday the explosion happened in the port area of the city it is a densely populated district with residential buildings nearby the blast has flattened buildings in the surrounding area as well and of the shock waves were reportedly felt as far afield as sein pris the exact cause of the explosion is still unclear but lebanons interior minister has said it happened in a warehouse storing Ammonium Nitrate a volatile chemical compound used in both fertilizers and explosives and we got reaction from joe a resident of beirut who was just outside the city when the disaster happened to take it was. Assume i was told for. At the beginning i heard late i felt like a small earthquake which shook the earth and then most ive heard a small band which later follow through the ringback huge one huge explosion which was heard very loudly for an instant i thought it was somewhere around it was near me which apparently it was wasnt it was or was in beirut while i was outside beirut. Destruction of the moment well you can say like. A word there which has been. Known at the moment you see the images at the moment. Which is a really sad sight to see. Risk people are struggling or own. For fools driving around for money. Because of the coronavirus on the financial situation so. Theyre trying to get up on their feet that same time and then. Also suddenly got this explosion in the capital which is really really sad and you know most. Of them are in this im joined live by mooseheart which on an analyst and investigative author with the me stock think tank in turkey thank you very much for being with us here on our to international to help us kind of work our way through this weird and intense situation so this happens. It appears to have been a tragic accident how could explosives have been left in that warehouse at that port for at least 6 years i mean word to the risks obvious. Yeah thank you for having me its my pleasure to analyze the situation to your. Do explosion looks like a result of imprudence story fireworks you know there are holes in such a climate which doesnt seem to be proper place to store explosive is risky in holland so yes it was smart small spark. Could have triggered an explosion like. I have seen some social media force so. I says claimed responsibility or he wants it while the i. D. F. Has will target actually we dont have enough evidence as to define what it was but you know thats middle east and. Bears all of the beach chosin never for almost 10 months. For the moment seems to be an accident at least for the moment but of course its very interesting that both the president michel only the Prime Minister on the line and that there has always been something wrong with that brand holes and there are so i understand the disaster might have been predicted and precautions hooped book but unfortunately not more attention so both turkey and israel have offered to send medical aid to lebanon. Its a country that has seen a lot of turmoil a lot of stress a crisis after crisis. Could that help actually matter in the country. Oh well the Prime Minister did all friendly states. After the explosion solidarity in such charities to strengthen its bones between state nations kosher. Ration and call it mention the agency has been very active in lebanon since the beginning of the pattern of i believe medical aid will be yes useful for the cast. Yet these dates cannot help. The problem. Worse and thereby the report probably wont be available for a moment and discharge the poor. Important problem of the most important source of income for all no one called bothering bread. Which is already just as you just stated suffering from a deepening to come christmas such a big impact isnt really something you get for i cant say that that one and dad floored to reject region has found difficult. The situation on the ground is quite dire we already see the military on the streets expectedly so in a situation like this of course but that lebanon has now also declared a state of emergency do you expect some kind of tougher Security Response given that soldiers are already there on the streets. To the homeless no i dont expect the Security Forces and the army one beholders 3 see is her research that mention them they are very cautions against nature and being trying to be friendly to the people what i believe the state of emergency is a technical decision at least i believe so. We do know that there has been severe unrest in the country it is on the brink economically it has a devalued currency there is soaring food prices in the country. This tragedy couldnt have come at a worse time could it be a tipping point. Lebanon is very dependent to import goods there are generally import of almost everything almost all kind of fruit. Sparks. These are important why not pork there will have to find some alternative routes or which will increase the expenses even more so yes its going to boom the food prices and i do believe that the catalyst notice that is believed to be the main reason off this disastrous explosion well prologue to trigger a fresh wave of rage among young generation who has been protesting the government for 10 months why because we have a level of his generation sat the politicians the state these young people are really sick and tired of newport assuming corruption of politicians and Political Parties and exactly all the governments there will be all of them all is how i look will probably be regarded as a result of this corruption its. Already been tested. This explosion is very relentless with the reasons why young people are protesting who havent spent saw its probably really intense we can survive these protests thats why they are fortunate because well you brought up a good point earlier that its still way too early to really know exactly what happened an investigation is underway but both israel and hezbollah have both denied involvement in this tragedy but surely given relations in the country it cant help things it cannot help the situation between those 2 organizations or israel and hezbollah. Yes netanyahu today stated that he wants this patch or. He continued he sat there will do what our necessary to defend themselves against the enemy of the including. Actual they have only and then. Youll throw him out. All the iran backed primary targets or result in a box explosion should be part of this trial and all of you over this. Day have several other reasons to keep trying to each other. Explosion is not going to be one of them thats why. I have to bring it up because the timing just seems a little bit odd Rafique Hariri the former Prime Minister this is just days before the verdict is due to be announced in the murder trial of the former Prime Minister what do you think of the timing is it just a coincidence or might there be something there. This time coming off this explosion which raised eyebrows when our it could happen because. As i just mentioned the middle east every day can be relentless through an incident happened in the past. The s. S. Nations best deals are often carried into the more serious problem of living and. Everybody has been great for this moment for a long. Process. To assess nations talking says our revolution and the year 2005 of the models only level of history for sure and this assassination as well because how do you really. You know his. Son. Hardy himself as they choose a south course this nation of his father bought them we have seen him is shaking and. His will accuse the. United states while. Their allies hezbollah and iran holds as this nation. I can honestly well i believe nicole may postpone the announcement of 2 gordie using the state of emergency as an excuse because i believe he wouldnt be the best time to. Answer to her now and it will be the quote precaution level of. Interest in her thoughts thank you very much for being with us here not international my pleasure. All right will be back with more at the top the hour. Summer is still the. Episode. Oh its going to be exciting very exciting im excited i know youre excited i know stacey is excited. A short time ago an american airplane run by hiroshima. State not claiming any. Such want to go. On to me and you know you. Can its. Like most americans growing up after the war the bombs were a great thing they ended the war they say hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides and thats what my grandfather always said was his reason for the decision. Truman was hoping for a dual strategy one was to drop the bombs and hope that japan would surrender and number 2 the americans were trying to send a message to the soviet union there was an American Power plant in october 145 chosen 20 targets in russia. Welcome noncontact today we discussed resistance with Roger Holland the cofounder of Extinction Rebellion and the author of common sense for the 21st century but when you have a crisis people have to im what they they they do you put aside those identities in favor of what you might call a cultural neutral universalist right and what i mean by gotz is we dont want to die you know the prospect of Human Extinction by legs every human value of every Cultural Group you know apart from psychic pos that site but its everyone and we know this happened like in 2nd world war you know in French Resistance shihad conservative catholics who you know are fighting on. You know rates with radical socialist you know the us people that traditionally hated each other came together and thats what needs to happen now and it starts in topping of course because theres enormous frustration with radical politics up in the moment. The science is unequivocal if we do not radically reconfigure our relationship to the planet we and most other species will become extinct this extinction is not in the distant future it is happening now there is an average decline of 60 percent of the population size of thousands of vertebrate species around the world since 1970 coral reefs are suffering massive die offs from heat stress there is over 70 percent decline in flying in

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